1 | MODULE limthd_ent |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE limthd_ent *** |
4 | !! Redistribution of Enthalpy in the ice |
5 | !! on the new vertical grid |
6 | !! after vertical growth/decay |
7 | !!====================================================================== |
8 | !! History : LIM ! 2003-05 (M. Vancoppenolle) Original code in 1D |
9 | !! ! 2005-07 (M. Vancoppenolle) 3D version |
10 | !! ! 2006-11 (X. Fettweis) Vectorized |
11 | !! 3.0 ! 2008-03 (M. Vancoppenolle) Energy conservation and clean code |
12 | !! 3.4 ! 2011-02 (G. Madec) dynamical allocation |
13 | !! - ! 2014-05 (C. Rousset) complete rewriting |
14 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15 | #if defined key_lim3 |
16 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
17 | !! 'key_lim3' LIM3 sea-ice model |
18 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
19 | !! lim_thd_ent : ice redistribution of enthalpy |
20 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
21 | USE par_oce ! ocean parameters |
22 | USE dom_oce ! domain variables |
23 | USE domain ! |
24 | USE phycst ! physical constants |
25 | USE ice ! LIM variables |
26 | USE thd_ice ! LIM thermodynamics |
27 | USE limvar ! LIM variables |
28 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager |
29 | USE lib_mpp ! MPP library |
30 | USE wrk_nemo ! work arrays |
31 | USE lib_fortran ! Fortran utilities (allows no signed zero when 'key_nosignedzero' defined) |
32 | |
34 | PRIVATE |
35 | |
36 | PUBLIC lim_thd_ent ! called by limthd and limthd_lac |
37 | |
38 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
39 | !! NEMO/LIM3 4.0 , UCL - NEMO Consortium (2011) |
40 | !! $Id$ |
41 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) |
42 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
44 | |
45 | SUBROUTINE lim_thd_ent( qnew ) |
46 | !!------------------------------------------------------------------- |
47 | !! *** ROUTINE lim_thd_ent *** |
48 | !! |
49 | !! ** Purpose : |
50 | !! This routine computes new vertical grids in the ice, |
51 | !! and consistently redistributes temperatures. |
52 | !! Redistribution is made so as to ensure to energy conservation |
53 | !! |
54 | !! |
55 | !! ** Method : linear conservative remapping |
56 | !! |
57 | !! ** Steps : 1) cumulative integrals of old enthalpies/thicknesses |
58 | !! 2) linear remapping on the new layers |
59 | !! |
60 | !! ------------ cum0(0) ------------- cum1(0) |
61 | !! NEW ------------- |
62 | !! ------------ cum0(1) ==> ------------- |
63 | !! ... ------------- |
64 | !! ------------ ------------- |
65 | !! ------------ cum0(nlay_i+2) ------------- cum1(nlay_i) |
66 | !! |
67 | !! |
68 | !! References : Bitz & Lipscomb, JGR 99; Vancoppenolle et al., GRL, 2005 |
69 | !!------------------------------------------------------------------- |
70 | REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(:,:) :: qnew ! new enthlapies (J.m-3, remapped) |
71 | |
72 | INTEGER :: ji ! dummy loop indices |
73 | INTEGER :: jk0, jk1 ! old/new layer indices |
74 | ! |
75 | REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zeh_cum0, zh_cum0 ! old cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces |
76 | REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zeh_cum1, zh_cum1 ! new cumulative enthlapies and layers interfaces |
77 | REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: zhnew ! new layers thicknesses |
78 | !!------------------------------------------------------------------- |
79 | |
80 | CALL wrk_alloc( jpij, nlay_i+3, zeh_cum0, zh_cum0, kjstart = 0 ) |
81 | CALL wrk_alloc( jpij, nlay_i+1, zeh_cum1, zh_cum1, kjstart = 0 ) |
82 | CALL wrk_alloc( jpij, zhnew ) |
83 | |
84 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
85 | ! 1) Cumulative integral of old enthalpy * thickness and layers interfaces |
86 | !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
87 | zeh_cum0(:,0:nlay_i+2) = 0._wp |
88 | zh_cum0 (:,0:nlay_i+2) = 0._wp |
89 | DO jk0 = 1, nlay_i+2 |
90 | DO ji = 1, nidx |
91 | zeh_cum0(ji,jk0) = zeh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) + eh_i_old(ji,jk0-1) |
92 | zh_cum0 (ji,jk0) = zh_cum0 (ji,jk0-1) + h_i_old (ji,jk0-1) |
93 | ENDDO |
94 | ENDDO |
95 | |
96 | !------------------------------------ |
97 | ! 2) Interpolation on the new layers |
98 | !------------------------------------ |
99 | ! new layer thickesses |
100 | DO ji = 1, nidx |
101 | zhnew(ji) = SUM( h_i_old(ji,0:nlay_i+1) ) * r1_nlay_i |
102 | ENDDO |
103 | |
104 | ! new layers interfaces |
105 | zh_cum1(:,0:nlay_i) = 0._wp |
106 | DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i |
107 | DO ji = 1, nidx |
108 | zh_cum1(ji,jk1) = zh_cum1(ji,jk1-1) + zhnew(ji) |
109 | ENDDO |
110 | ENDDO |
111 | |
112 | zeh_cum1(:,0:nlay_i) = 0._wp |
113 | ! new cumulative q*h => linear interpolation |
114 | DO jk0 = 1, nlay_i+1 |
115 | DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i-1 |
116 | DO ji = 1, nidx |
117 | IF( zh_cum1(ji,jk1) <= zh_cum0(ji,jk0) .AND. zh_cum1(ji,jk1) > zh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) ) THEN |
118 | zeh_cum1(ji,jk1) = ( zeh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) * ( zh_cum0(ji,jk0) - zh_cum1(ji,jk1 ) ) + & |
119 | & zeh_cum0(ji,jk0 ) * ( zh_cum1(ji,jk1) - zh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) ) ) & |
120 | & / ( zh_cum0(ji,jk0) - zh_cum0(ji,jk0-1) ) |
121 | ENDIF |
122 | ENDDO |
123 | ENDDO |
124 | ENDDO |
125 | ! to ensure that total heat content is strictly conserved, set: |
126 | zeh_cum1(:,nlay_i) = zeh_cum0(:,nlay_i+2) |
127 | |
128 | ! new enthalpies |
129 | DO jk1 = 1, nlay_i |
130 | DO ji = 1, nidx |
131 | rswitch = MAX( 0._wp , SIGN( 1._wp , zhnew(ji) - epsi20 ) ) |
132 | qnew(ji,jk1) = rswitch * ( zeh_cum1(ji,jk1) - zeh_cum1(ji,jk1-1) ) / MAX( zhnew(ji), epsi20 ) |
133 | ENDDO |
134 | ENDDO |
135 | |
136 | ! --- diag error on heat remapping --- ! |
137 | ! comment: if input h_i_old and eh_i_old are already multiplied by a_i (as in limthd_lac), |
138 | ! then we should not (* a_i) again but not important since this is just to check that remap error is ~0 |
139 | DO ji = 1, nidx |
140 | hfx_err_rem_1d(ji) = hfx_err_rem_1d(ji) + a_i_1d(ji) * r1_rdtice * & |
141 | & ( SUM( qnew(ji,1:nlay_i) ) * zhnew(ji) - SUM( eh_i_old(ji,0:nlay_i+1) ) ) |
142 | END DO |
143 | |
144 | ! |
145 | CALL wrk_dealloc( jpij, nlay_i+3, zeh_cum0, zh_cum0, kjstart = 0 ) |
146 | CALL wrk_dealloc( jpij, nlay_i+1, zeh_cum1, zh_cum1, kjstart = 0 ) |
147 | CALL wrk_dealloc( jpij, zhnew ) |
148 | ! |
149 | END SUBROUTINE lim_thd_ent |
150 | |
151 | #else |
152 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
153 | !! Default option NO LIM3 sea-ice model |
154 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
155 | CONTAINS |
156 | SUBROUTINE lim_thd_ent ! Empty routine |
157 | END SUBROUTINE lim_thd_ent |
158 | #endif |
159 | |
160 | !!====================================================================== |
161 | END MODULE limthd_ent |