1 | MODULE dia25h |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE diaharm *** |
4 | !! Harmonic analysis of tidal constituents |
5 | !!====================================================================== |
6 | !! History : 3.6 ! 2014 (E O'Dea) Original code |
7 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
8 | USE oce ! ocean dynamics and tracers variables |
9 | USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain |
10 | USE diainsitutem, ONLY: rinsitu_t, theta2t |
11 | USE in_out_manager ! I/O units |
12 | USE iom ! I/0 library |
13 | USE wrk_nemo ! working arrays |
14 | #if defined key_zdftke |
15 | USE zdftke, ONLY: en |
16 | #endif |
17 | USE zdf_oce, ONLY: avt, avm |
18 | #if defined key_zdfgls |
19 | USE zdfgls, ONLY: mxln |
20 | USE zdf_oce, ONLY: en |
21 | #endif |
22 | USE diatmb |
23 | |
25 | PRIVATE |
26 | |
27 | LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_dia25h !: 25h mean output |
28 | PUBLIC dia_25h_init ! routine called by nemogcm.F90 |
29 | PUBLIC dia_25h ! routine called by diawri.F90 |
30 | |
31 | !! * variables for calculating 25-hourly means |
32 | REAL(wp),SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: tn_25h , sn_25h, rinsitu_t_25h |
33 | REAL(wp),SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sshn_25h, insitu_bot_25h, temp_bot_25h |
34 | REAL(wp),SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: un_25h , vn_25h , wn_25h |
35 | REAL(wp),SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: avt_25h , avm_25h |
36 | #if defined key_zdfgls || key_zdftke |
37 | REAL(wp),SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: en_25h |
38 | #endif |
39 | #if defined key_zdfgls |
40 | REAL(wp),SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: rmxln_25h |
41 | #endif |
42 | INTEGER, SAVE :: cnt_25h ! Counter for 25 hour means |
43 | |
44 | |
45 | |
46 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
47 | !! NEMO/OPA 3.6 , NEMO Consortium (2014) |
48 | !! $Id$ |
49 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) |
50 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
52 | |
53 | SUBROUTINE dia_25h_init |
54 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
55 | !! *** ROUTINE dia_25h_init *** |
56 | !! |
57 | !! ** Purpose: Initialization of 25h mean namelist |
58 | !! |
59 | !! ** Method : Read namelist |
60 | !! History |
61 | !! 3.6 ! 08-14 (E. O'Dea) Routine to initialize dia_25h |
62 | !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
63 | !! |
64 | INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read |
65 | INTEGER :: ierror ! Local integer for memory allocation |
66 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,3) :: zwtmb ! temporary workspace |
67 | ! |
68 | NAMELIST/nam_dia25h/ ln_dia25h |
69 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
70 | ! |
71 | REWIND ( numnam_ref ) ! Read Namelist nam_dia25h in reference namelist : 25hour mean diagnostics |
72 | READ ( numnam_ref, nam_dia25h, IOSTAT=ios, ERR= 901 ) |
73 | 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nam_dia25h in reference namelist', lwp ) |
74 | |
75 | REWIND( numnam_cfg ) ! Namelist nam_dia25h in configuration namelist 25hour diagnostics |
76 | READ ( numnam_cfg, nam_dia25h, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) |
77 | 902 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'nam_dia25h in configuration namelist', lwp ) |
78 | IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, nam_dia25h ) |
79 | |
80 | IF(lwp) THEN ! Control print |
81 | WRITE(numout,*) |
82 | WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_25h_init : Output 25 hour mean diagnostics' |
83 | WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
84 | WRITE(numout,*) 'Namelist nam_dia25h : set 25h outputs ' |
85 | WRITE(numout,*) 'Switch for 25h diagnostics (T) or not (F) ln_dia25h = ', ln_dia25h |
86 | ENDIF |
87 | IF( .NOT. ln_dia25h ) RETURN |
88 | ! ------------------- ! |
89 | ! 1 - Allocate memory ! |
90 | ! ------------------- ! |
91 | ALLOCATE( tn_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
92 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
93 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate tn_25h' ) ; RETURN |
94 | ENDIF |
95 | ALLOCATE( sn_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
96 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
97 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate sn_25h' ) ; RETURN |
98 | ENDIF |
99 | ALLOCATE( rinsitu_t_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
100 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
101 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate rinsitu_t_25h' ) ; RETURN |
102 | ENDIF |
103 | ALLOCATE( insitu_bot_25h(jpi,jpj), STAT=ierror ) |
104 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
105 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate insitu_bot_25h' ) ; RETURN |
106 | ENDIF |
107 | ALLOCATE( temp_bot_25h(jpi,jpj), STAT=ierror ) |
108 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
109 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate temp_bot_25h' ) ; RETURN |
110 | ENDIF |
111 | ALLOCATE( un_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
112 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
113 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate un_25h' ) ; RETURN |
114 | ENDIF |
115 | ALLOCATE( vn_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
116 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
117 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate vn_25h' ) ; RETURN |
118 | ENDIF |
119 | ALLOCATE( wn_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
120 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
121 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate wn_25h' ) ; RETURN |
122 | ENDIF |
123 | ALLOCATE( avt_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
124 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
125 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate avt_25h' ) ; RETURN |
126 | ENDIF |
127 | ALLOCATE( avm_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
128 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
129 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate avm_25h' ) ; RETURN |
130 | ENDIF |
131 | # if defined key_zdfgls || defined key_zdftke |
132 | ALLOCATE( en_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
133 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
134 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate en_25h' ) ; RETURN |
135 | ENDIF |
136 | #endif |
137 | # if defined key_zdfgls |
138 | ALLOCATE( rmxln_25h(jpi,jpj,jpk), STAT=ierror ) |
139 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
140 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate rmxln_25h' ) ; RETURN |
141 | ENDIF |
142 | #endif |
143 | ALLOCATE( sshn_25h(jpi,jpj), STAT=ierror ) |
144 | IF( ierror > 0 ) THEN |
145 | CALL ctl_stop( 'dia_25h: unable to allocate sshn_25h' ) ; RETURN |
146 | ENDIF |
147 | ! ------------------------- ! |
148 | ! 2 - Assign Initial Values ! |
149 | ! ------------------------- ! |
150 | cnt_25h = 1 ! sets the first value of sum at timestep 1 (note - should strictly be at timestep zero so before values used where possible) |
151 | tn_25h(:,:,:) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_tem) |
152 | sn_25h(:,:,:) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_sal) |
153 | CALL theta2t |
154 | rinsitu_t_25h(:,:,:) = rinsitu_t(:,:,:) |
155 | CALL dia_calctmb( rinsitu_t(:,:,:),zwtmb ) |
156 | insitu_bot_25h(:,:) = zwtmb(:,:,3) |
157 | CALL dia_calctmb( tn_25h(:,:,:),zwtmb ) |
158 | temp_bot_25h(:,:) = zwtmb(:,:,3) |
159 | sshn_25h(:,:) = sshb(:,:) |
160 | un_25h(:,:,:) = ub(:,:,:) |
161 | vn_25h(:,:,:) = vb(:,:,:) |
162 | wn_25h(:,:,:) = wn(:,:,:) |
163 | avt_25h(:,:,:) = avt(:,:,:) |
164 | avm_25h(:,:,:) = avm(:,:,:) |
165 | # if defined key_zdfgls || defined key_zdftke |
166 | en_25h(:,:,:) = en(:,:,:) |
167 | #endif |
168 | # if defined key_zdfgls |
169 | rmxln_25h(:,:,:) = mxln(:,:,:) |
170 | #endif |
171 | #if defined key_lim3 || defined key_lim2 |
172 | CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'dia_25h not setup yet to do tidemean ice') |
173 | #endif |
174 | |
175 | ! -------------------------- ! |
176 | ! 3 - Return to dia_wri ! |
177 | ! -------------------------- ! |
178 | |
179 | |
180 | END SUBROUTINE dia_25h_init |
181 | |
182 | |
183 | SUBROUTINE dia_25h( kt ) |
184 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
185 | !! *** ROUTINE dia_25h *** |
186 | !! |
187 | !! |
188 | !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
189 | !! |
190 | !! ** Purpose : Write diagnostics with M2/S2 tide removed |
191 | !! |
192 | !! ** Method : |
193 | !! 25hr mean outputs for shelf seas |
194 | !! |
195 | !! History : |
196 | !! ?.0 ! 07-04 (A. Hines) New routine, developed from dia_wri_foam |
197 | !! 3.4 ! 02-13 (J. Siddorn) Routine taken from old dia_wri_foam |
198 | !! 3.6 ! 08-14 (E. O'Dea) adapted for VN3.6 |
199 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
200 | !! * Modules used |
201 | |
203 | |
204 | !! * Arguments |
205 | INTEGER, INTENT( in ) :: kt ! ocean time-step index |
206 | |
207 | |
208 | !! * Local declarations |
209 | INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk |
210 | |
211 | LOGICAL :: ll_print = .FALSE. ! =T print and flush numout |
212 | REAL(wp) :: zsto, zout, zmax, zjulian, zdt, zmdi ! temporary reals |
213 | INTEGER :: i_steps ! no of timesteps per hour |
214 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj ) :: zw2d, un_dm, vn_dm ! temporary workspace |
215 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: zw3d ! temporary workspace |
216 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,3) :: zwtmb ! temporary workspace |
217 | INTEGER :: iyear0, nimonth0,iday0 ! start year,imonth,day |
218 | |
219 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
220 | |
221 | ! 0. Initialisation |
222 | ! ----------------- |
223 | ! Define frequency of summing to create 25 h mean |
224 | zdt = rdt |
225 | IF( nacc == 1 ) zdt = rdtmin |
226 | |
227 | IF( MOD( 3600,INT(zdt) ) == 0 ) THEN |
228 | i_steps = 3600/INT(zdt) |
229 | ELSE |
230 | CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'dia_wri_tide: timestep must give MOD(3600,rdt) = 0 otherwise no hourly values are possible') |
231 | ENDIF |
232 | |
233 | #if defined key_lim3 || defined key_lim2 |
234 | CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'dia_wri_tide not setup yet to do tidemean ice') |
235 | #endif |
236 | |
237 | ! local variable for debugging |
238 | ll_print = ll_print .AND. lwp |
239 | |
240 | ! Sum of 25 hourly instantaneous values to give a 25h mean from 24hours |
241 | ! every day |
242 | IF( MOD( kt, i_steps ) == 0 .and. kt .ne. nn_it000 ) THEN |
243 | |
244 | IF (lwp) THEN |
245 | WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_wri_tide : Summing instantaneous hourly diagnostics at timestep ',kt |
246 | WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' |
247 | ENDIF |
248 | |
249 | tn_25h(:,:,:) = tn_25h(:,:,:) + tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) |
250 | sn_25h(:,:,:) = sn_25h(:,:,:) + tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) |
251 | CALL theta2t |
252 | rinsitu_t_25h(:,:,:) = rinsitu_t_25h(:,:,:) + rinsitu_t(:,:,:) |
253 | CALL dia_calctmb( rinsitu_t(:,:,:),zwtmb ) |
254 | insitu_bot_25h(:,:) = insitu_bot_25h(:,:) + zwtmb(:,:,3) |
255 | zw3d(:,:,:) = tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) |
256 | CALL dia_calctmb( zw3d,zwtmb ) |
257 | temp_bot_25h(:,:) = temp_bot_25h(:,:) + zwtmb(:,:,3) |
258 | sshn_25h(:,:) = sshn_25h(:,:) + sshn (:,:) |
259 | un_25h(:,:,:) = un_25h(:,:,:) + un(:,:,:) |
260 | vn_25h(:,:,:) = vn_25h(:,:,:) + vn(:,:,:) |
261 | wn_25h(:,:,:) = wn_25h(:,:,:) + wn(:,:,:) |
262 | avt_25h(:,:,:) = avt_25h(:,:,:) + avt(:,:,:) |
263 | avm_25h(:,:,:) = avm_25h(:,:,:) + avm(:,:,:) |
264 | # if defined key_zdfgls || defined key_zdftke |
265 | en_25h(:,:,:) = en_25h(:,:,:) + en(:,:,:) |
266 | #endif |
267 | # if defined key_zdfgls |
268 | rmxln_25h(:,:,:) = rmxln_25h(:,:,:) + mxln(:,:,:) |
269 | #endif |
270 | cnt_25h = cnt_25h + 1 |
271 | |
272 | IF (lwp) THEN |
273 | WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_tide : Summed the following number of hourly values so far',cnt_25h |
274 | ENDIF |
275 | |
276 | ENDIF ! MOD( kt, i_steps ) == 0 |
277 | |
278 | ! Write data for 25 hour mean output streams |
279 | IF( cnt_25h .EQ. 25 .AND. MOD( kt, i_steps*24) == 0 .AND. kt .NE. nn_it000 ) THEN |
280 | |
281 | IF(lwp) THEN |
282 | WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_wri_tide : Writing 25 hour mean tide diagnostics at timestep', kt |
283 | WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' |
284 | ENDIF |
285 | |
286 | tn_25h(:,:,:) = tn_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
287 | sn_25h(:,:,:) = sn_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
288 | rinsitu_t_25h(:,:,:) = rinsitu_t_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
289 | insitu_bot_25h(:,:) = insitu_bot_25h(:,:) / 25.0_wp |
290 | temp_bot_25h(:,:) = temp_bot_25h(:,:) /25.0_wp |
291 | sshn_25h(:,:) = sshn_25h(:,:) / 25.0_wp |
292 | un_25h(:,:,:) = un_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
293 | vn_25h(:,:,:) = vn_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
294 | wn_25h(:,:,:) = wn_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
295 | avt_25h(:,:,:) = avt_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
296 | avm_25h(:,:,:) = avm_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
297 | # if defined key_zdfgls || defined key_zdftke |
298 | en_25h(:,:,:) = en_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
299 | #endif |
300 | # if defined key_zdfgls |
301 | rmxln_25h(:,:,:) = rmxln_25h(:,:,:) / 25.0_wp |
302 | #endif |
303 | |
304 | IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_wri_tide : Mean calculated by dividing 25 hour sums and writing output' |
305 | zmdi=1.e+20 !missing data indicator for masking |
306 | ! write tracers (instantaneous) |
307 | zw3d(:,:,:) = tn_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
308 | CALL iom_put("temper25h", zw3d) ! potential temperature |
309 | CALL theta2t ! calculate insitu temp |
310 | zw3d(:,:,:) = rinsitu_t_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
311 | CALL iom_put("tempis25h", zw3d) ! in-situ temperature |
312 | zw2d(:,:) = insitu_bot_25h(:,:)*tmask(:,:,1) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,1)) |
313 | CALL iom_put("tempisbot25h", zw2d) ! bottom in-situ temperature |
314 | zw2d(:,:) = temp_bot_25h(:,:)*tmask(:,:,1) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,1)) |
315 | CALL iom_put("temperbot25h",zw2d) ! bottom potential temperature |
316 | zw3d(:,:,:) = sn_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
317 | CALL iom_put( "salin25h", zw3d ) ! salinity |
318 | zw2d(:,:) = sshn_25h(:,:)*tmask(:,:,1) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,1)) |
319 | CALL iom_put( "ssh25h", zw2d ) ! sea surface |
320 | |
321 | |
322 | ! Write velocities (instantaneous) |
323 | zw3d(:,:,:) = un_25h(:,:,:)*umask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-umask(:,:,:)) |
324 | CALL iom_put("vozocrtx25h", zw3d) ! i-current |
325 | zw3d(:,:,:) = vn_25h(:,:,:)*vmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-vmask(:,:,:)) |
326 | CALL iom_put("vomecrty25h", zw3d ) ! j-current |
327 | |
328 | zw3d(:,:,:) = wn_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
329 | CALL iom_put("vomecrtz25h", zw3d ) ! k-current |
330 | zw3d(:,:,:) = avt_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
331 | CALL iom_put("avt25h", zw3d ) ! diffusivity |
332 | zw3d(:,:,:) = avm_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
333 | CALL iom_put("avm25h", zw3d) ! viscosity |
334 | #if defined key_zdftke || defined key_zdfgls |
335 | ! zw3d(:,:,:) = en_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
336 | ! CALL iom_put("tke25h", zw3d) ! tke |
337 | #endif |
338 | #if defined key_zdfgls |
339 | ! zw3d(:,:,:) = rmxln_25h(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) + zmdi*(1.0-tmask(:,:,:)) |
340 | ! CALL iom_put( "mxln25h",zw3d) |
341 | #endif |
342 | |
343 | ! After the write reset the values to cnt=1 and sum values equal current value |
344 | tn_25h(:,:,:) = tsn(:,:,:,jp_tem) |
345 | sn_25h(:,:,:) = tsn(:,:,:,jp_sal) |
346 | CALL theta2t |
347 | rinsitu_t_25h(:,:,:) = rinsitu_t(:,:,:) |
348 | CALL dia_calctmb( rinsitu_t(:,:,:),zwtmb ) |
349 | insitu_bot_25h(:,:) = zwtmb(:,:,3) |
350 | CALL dia_calctmb( tn_25h(:,:,:),zwtmb) |
351 | temp_bot_25h(:,:) = zwtmb(:,:,3) |
352 | sshn_25h(:,:) = sshn (:,:) |
353 | un_25h(:,:,:) = un(:,:,:) |
354 | vn_25h(:,:,:) = vn(:,:,:) |
355 | wn_25h(:,:,:) = wn(:,:,:) |
356 | avt_25h(:,:,:) = avt(:,:,:) |
357 | avm_25h(:,:,:) = avm(:,:,:) |
358 | # if defined key_zdfgls || defined key_zdftke |
359 | en_25h(:,:,:) = en(:,:,:) |
360 | #endif |
361 | # if defined key_zdfgls |
362 | rmxln_25h(:,:,:) = mxln(:,:,:) |
363 | #endif |
364 | cnt_25h = 1 |
365 | IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dia_wri_tide : After 25hr mean write, reset sum to current value and cnt_25h to one for overlapping average',cnt_25h |
366 | |
367 | ENDIF ! cnt_25h .EQ. 25 .AND. MOD( kt, i_steps * 24) == 0 .AND. kt .NE. nn_it000 |
368 | |
369 | |
370 | END SUBROUTINE dia_25h |
371 | |
372 | !!====================================================================== |
373 | END MODULE dia25h |