1 | MODULE in_out_manager |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE in_out_manager *** |
4 | !! I/O manager utilities : Defines run parameters together with logical units |
5 | !!===================================================================== |
6 | !! History : 1.0 ! 2002-06 (G. Madec) original code |
7 | !! 2.0 ! 2006-07 (S. Masson) iom, add ctl_stop, ctl_warn |
8 | !! 3.0 ! 2008-06 (G. Madec) add ctmp4 to ctmp10 |
9 | !! 3.2 ! 2009-08 (S. MAsson) add new ctl_opn |
10 | !! 3.3 ! 2010-10 (A. Coward) add NetCDF4 usage |
11 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
12 | |
13 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
14 | USE par_oce ! ocean parameter |
15 | USE lib_print ! formated print library |
16 | USE nc4interface ! NetCDF4 interface |
17 | |
19 | PUBLIC |
20 | |
21 | |
22 | ! |
23 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
24 | !! namrun namelist parameters |
25 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
26 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_exp !: experiment name used for output filename |
27 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_ocerst_in !: suffix of ocean restart name (input) |
28 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_ocerst_indir !: restart input directory |
29 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_ocerst_out !: suffix of ocean restart name (output) |
30 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cn_ocerst_outdir !: restart output directory |
31 | LOGICAL :: ln_rstart !: start from (F) rest or (T) a restart file |
32 | LOGICAL :: ln_rstdate !: datestamping of restarts |
33 | LOGICAL :: ln_rst_list !: output restarts at list of times (T) or by frequency (F) |
34 | INTEGER :: nn_no !: job number |
35 | INTEGER :: nn_rstctl !: control of the time step (0, 1 or 2) |
36 | INTEGER :: nn_rstssh = 0 !: hand made initilization of ssh or not (1/0) |
37 | INTEGER :: nn_it000 !: index of the first time step |
38 | INTEGER :: nn_itend !: index of the last time step |
39 | INTEGER :: nn_date0 !: initial calendar date aammjj |
40 | INTEGER :: nn_leapy !: Leap year calendar flag (0/1 or 30) |
41 | INTEGER :: nn_istate !: initial state output flag (0/1) |
42 | INTEGER :: nn_write !: model standard output frequency |
43 | INTEGER :: nn_stock !: restart file frequency |
44 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(10) :: nn_stocklist !: restart dump times |
45 | LOGICAL :: ln_dimgnnn !: type of dimgout. (F): 1 file for all proc |
46 | !: (T): 1 file per proc |
47 | LOGICAL :: ln_mskland !: mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) |
48 | LOGICAL :: ln_cfmeta !: output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard |
49 | LOGICAL :: ln_clobber !: clobber (overwrite) an existing file |
50 | INTEGER :: nn_chunksz !: chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (works only with iom_nf90 routines) |
51 | #if defined key_netcdf4 |
52 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
53 | !! namnc4 namelist parameters (key_netcdf4) |
54 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
55 | ! The following four values determine the partitioning of the output fields |
56 | ! into netcdf4 chunks. They are unrelated to the nn_chunk_sz setting which is |
57 | ! for runtime optimisation. The individual netcdf4 chunks can be optionally |
58 | ! gzipped (recommended) leading to significant reductions in I/O volumes |
59 | ! !!!** variables only used with iom_nf90 routines and key_netcdf4 ** |
60 | INTEGER :: nn_nchunks_i !: number of chunks required in the i-dimension |
61 | INTEGER :: nn_nchunks_j !: number of chunks required in the j-dimension |
62 | INTEGER :: nn_nchunks_k !: number of chunks required in the k-dimension |
63 | INTEGER :: nn_nchunks_t !: number of chunks required in the t-dimension |
64 | LOGICAL :: ln_nc4zip !: netcdf4 usage: (T) chunk and compress output using the HDF5 sublayers of netcdf4 |
65 | ! ! (F) ignore chunking request and use the netcdf4 library |
66 | ! ! to produce netcdf3-compatible files |
67 | #endif |
69 | TYPE(snc4_ctl) :: snc4set !: netcdf4 chunking control structure (always needed for decision making) |
71 | |
72 | |
73 | !! conversion of DOCTOR norm namelist name into model name |
74 | !! (this should disappear in a near futur) |
75 | |
76 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cexper !: experiment name used for output filename |
77 | INTEGER :: no !: job number |
78 | INTEGER :: nrstdt !: control of the time step (0, 1 or 2) |
79 | INTEGER :: nit000 !: index of the first time step |
80 | INTEGER :: nitend !: index of the last time step |
81 | INTEGER :: ndate0 !: initial calendar date aammjj |
82 | INTEGER :: nleapy !: Leap year calendar flag (0/1 or 30) |
83 | INTEGER :: ninist !: initial state output flag (0/1) |
84 | INTEGER :: nwrite !: model standard output frequency |
85 | INTEGER :: nstock !: restart file frequency |
86 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(10) :: nstocklist !: restart dump times |
87 | |
88 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
89 | !! was in restart but moved here because of the OFF line... better solution should be found... |
90 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
91 | INTEGER :: nitrst !: time step at which restart file should be written |
92 | LOGICAL :: lrst_oce !: logical to control the oce restart write |
93 | INTEGER :: numror = 0 !: logical unit for ocean restart (read). Init to 0 is needed for SAS (in daymod.F90) |
94 | INTEGER :: numrow !: logical unit for ocean restart (write) |
95 | INTEGER :: nrst_lst !: number of restart to output next |
96 | |
97 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
98 | !! output monitoring |
99 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
100 | LOGICAL :: ln_ctl !: run control for debugging |
101 | INTEGER :: nn_timing !: run control for timing |
102 | INTEGER :: nn_print !: level of print (0 no print) |
103 | INTEGER :: nn_ictls !: Start i indice for the SUM control |
104 | INTEGER :: nn_ictle !: End i indice for the SUM control |
105 | INTEGER :: nn_jctls !: Start j indice for the SUM control |
106 | INTEGER :: nn_jctle !: End j indice for the SUM control |
107 | INTEGER :: nn_isplt !: number of processors following i |
108 | INTEGER :: nn_jsplt !: number of processors following j |
109 | INTEGER :: nn_bench !: benchmark parameter (0/1) |
110 | INTEGER :: nn_bit_cmp = 0 !: bit reproducibility (0/1) |
111 | |
112 | ! |
113 | INTEGER :: nprint, nictls, nictle, njctls, njctle, isplt, jsplt, nbench !: OLD namelist names |
114 | |
115 | INTEGER :: ijsplt = 1 !: nb of local domain = nb of processors |
116 | |
117 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
118 | !! logical units |
119 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
120 | INTEGER :: numstp = -1 !: logical unit for time step |
121 | INTEGER :: numtime = -1 !: logical unit for timing |
122 | INTEGER :: numout = 6 !: logical unit for output print; Set to stdout to ensure any early |
123 | ! output can be collected; do not change |
124 | INTEGER :: numnam_ref = -1 !: logical unit for reference namelist |
125 | INTEGER :: numnam_cfg = -1 !: logical unit for configuration specific namelist |
126 | INTEGER :: numond = -1 !: logical unit for Output Namelist Dynamics |
127 | INTEGER :: numnam_ice_ref = -1 !: logical unit for ice reference namelist |
128 | INTEGER :: numnam_ice_cfg = -1 !: logical unit for ice reference namelist |
129 | INTEGER :: numoni = -1 !: logical unit for Output Namelist Ice |
130 | INTEGER :: numevo_ice = -1 !: logical unit for ice variables (temp. evolution) |
131 | INTEGER :: numsol = -1 !: logical unit for solver statistics |
132 | INTEGER :: numdct_in = -1 !: logical unit for transports computing |
133 | INTEGER :: numdct_vol = -1 !: logical unit for voulume transports output |
134 | INTEGER :: numdct_heat = -1 !: logical unit for heat transports output |
135 | INTEGER :: numdct_salt = -1 !: logical unit for salt transports output |
136 | INTEGER :: numfl = -1 !: logical unit for floats ascii output |
137 | INTEGER :: numflo = -1 !: logical unit for floats ascii output |
138 | |
139 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
140 | !! Run control |
141 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
142 | INTEGER :: nstop = 0 !: error flag (=number of reason for a premature stop run) |
143 | INTEGER :: nwarn = 0 !: warning flag (=number of warning found during the run) |
144 | CHARACTER(lc) :: ctmp1, ctmp2, ctmp3 !: temporary characters 1 to 3 |
145 | CHARACTER(lc) :: ctmp4, ctmp5, ctmp6 !: temporary characters 4 to 6 |
146 | CHARACTER(lc) :: ctmp7, ctmp8, ctmp9 !: temporary characters 7 to 9 |
147 | CHARACTER(lc) :: ctmp10 !: temporary character 10 |
148 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cform_err = "(/,' ===>>> : E R R O R', /,' ===========',/)" !: |
149 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cform_war = "(/,' ===>>> : W A R N I N G', /,' ===============',/)" !: |
150 | LOGICAL :: lwm = .FALSE. !: boolean : true on the 1st processor only (always) |
151 | LOGICAL :: lwp = .FALSE. !: boolean : true on the 1st processor only .OR. ln_ctl |
152 | LOGICAL :: lsp_area = .TRUE. !: to make a control print over a specific area |
153 | CHARACTER(lc) :: cxios_context !: context name used in xios |
154 | |
155 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
156 | !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) |
157 | !! $Id$ |
158 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) |
159 | !!===================================================================== |
160 | END MODULE in_out_manager |