1 | MODULE asmbal |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE asmbal *** |
4 | !! Assimilation balancing interface: Write to file the balancing increments |
5 | !! calculated for biogeochemistry |
6 | !!====================================================================== |
7 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
8 | !! 'key_asminc' : Switch on the assimilation increment interface |
9 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
10 | !! asm_bal_wri : Write out the background state |
11 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
12 | !! * Modules used |
13 | USE par_kind, ONLY: & ! Precision variables |
14 | & wp |
15 | USE iom ! I/O module |
16 | USE asminc ! Main assimilation increments module |
17 | USE asmpar ! Parameters for the assimilation interface |
18 | #if defined key_medusa && defined key_foam_medusa |
19 | USE par_medusa |
20 | #elif defined key_hadocc |
21 | USE par_hadocc |
22 | #endif |
23 | |
25 | |
26 | !! * Routine accessibility |
27 | PRIVATE |
28 | PUBLIC asm_bal_wri !: Write out the background state |
29 | |
31 | |
32 | SUBROUTINE asm_bal_wri( kt ) |
33 | !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
34 | !! |
35 | !! *** ROUTINE asm_bal_wri *** |
36 | !! |
37 | !! ** Purpose : Write to file the balancing increments |
38 | !! calculated for biogeochemistry |
39 | !! |
40 | !! ** Method : Write to file the balancing increments |
41 | !! calculated for biogeochemistry |
42 | !! |
43 | !! ** Action : |
44 | !! |
45 | !! References : |
46 | !! |
47 | !! History : |
48 | !! ! 2014-08 (D. Ford) Initial version, based on asm_bkg_wri |
49 | !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
50 | !! * Arguments |
51 | INTEGER, INTENT( IN ) :: kt ! Current time-step |
52 | !! * Local declarations |
53 | CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: cl_asmbal ! Filename (with extension) |
54 | LOGICAL :: llok ! Check if file exists |
55 | INTEGER :: inum ! File unit number |
56 | REAL(wp) :: zdate ! Date |
57 | !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
58 | |
59 | ! Set things up |
60 | zdate = REAL( ndastp ) |
61 | WRITE(cl_asmbal, FMT='(A,".nc")' ) TRIM( c_asmbal ) |
62 | |
63 | ! Check if file exists |
64 | INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( cl_asmbal ), EXIST = llok ) |
65 | IF( .NOT. llok ) THEN |
66 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Setting up assimilation balancing increments file '// & |
67 | & TRIM( c_asmbal ) // ' at timestep = ', kt |
68 | |
69 | ! Define the output file |
70 | CALL iom_open( c_asmbal, inum, ldwrt = .TRUE., kiolib = jprstlib) |
71 | |
72 | ! Write the information |
73 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'rdastp' , zdate ) |
74 | |
75 | IF ( ln_logchlinc ) THEN |
76 | #if defined key_medusa |
77 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_chn', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpchn) ) |
78 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_chd', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpchd) ) |
79 | IF ( ln_logchlbal ) THEN |
80 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_phn', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpphn) ) |
81 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_phd', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpphd) ) |
82 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_pds', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jppds) ) |
83 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_zmi', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpzmi) ) |
84 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_zme', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpzme) ) |
85 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_din', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpdin) ) |
86 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_sil', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpsil) ) |
87 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_fer', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpfer) ) |
88 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_det', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpdet) ) |
89 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_dtc', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpdtc) ) |
90 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_dic', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpdic) ) |
91 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_alk', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpalk) ) |
92 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_oxy', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jpoxy) ) |
93 | ENDIF |
94 | #elif defined key_hadocc |
95 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_phy', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_phy) ) |
96 | IF ( ln_logchlbal ) THEN |
97 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_nut', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_nut) ) |
98 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_zoo', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_zoo) ) |
99 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_det', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_pdn) ) |
100 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_dic', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_dic) ) |
101 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'logchl_balinc_alk', logchl_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_alk) ) |
102 | ENDIF |
103 | #endif |
104 | ENDIF |
105 | |
106 | IF ( ln_pco2inc ) THEN |
107 | #if defined key_medusa |
108 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'pco2_balinc_dic', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jpdic) ) |
109 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'pco2_balinc_alk', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jpalk) ) |
110 | #elif defined key_hadocc |
111 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'pco2_balinc_dic', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_dic) ) |
112 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'pco2_balinc_alk', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_alk) ) |
113 | #endif |
114 | ELSE IF ( ln_fco2inc ) THEN |
115 | #if defined key_medusa |
116 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'fco2_balinc_dic', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jpdic) ) |
117 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'fco2_balinc_alk', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jpalk) ) |
118 | #elif defined key_hadocc |
119 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'fco2_balinc_dic', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_dic) ) |
120 | CALL iom_rstput( kt, kt, inum, 'fco2_balinc_alk', pco2_balinc(:,:,:,jp_had_alk) ) |
121 | #endif |
122 | ENDIF |
123 | |
124 | CALL iom_close( inum ) |
125 | ELSE |
126 | CALL ctl_warn( TRIM( cl_asmbal ) // ' already exists ', & |
127 | & ' Therefore not writing out balancing increments at this timestep', & |
128 | & ' Something has probably gone wrong somewhere' ) |
129 | IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Failed to set up assimilation balancing increments file '// & |
130 | & TRIM( c_asmbal ) // ' at timestep = ', kt |
131 | ENDIF |
132 | |
133 | END SUBROUTINE asm_bal_wri |
134 | END MODULE asmbal |