Name | Size | Rev | Age | Author | Last Change |
../ | |||||
dev_r5518_FOAM_local | 7688 | 8 years | anaguiar | Reverting earlier changes that were a mistake. The interpolation to the … | |
dev_r5518_sshiau_off | 7697 | 8 years | anaguiar | Clear svn keywords | |
2017_dev_r7573_oasis | 7801 | 8 years | andmirek | ticket #1868 | |
dev_5518_xios_definitions | 7650 | 8 years | andmirek | #1840 : if(PRESENT) for eanch OPTIONAL variable in iom.F90 | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_netcdf4 | 7898 | 8 years | andmirek | key_netcdf4 when openning existing file for writing | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_XIOS_read | 8038 | 8 years | andmirek | No need to define restart file and fields in restart file in iodef.xml. … | |
dev_r7573_xios_write | 8044 | 8 years | andmirek | #1882 wite restart with xios | |
lateral_friction_edit | 5874 | 9 years | antsia | move branch from a wrong place | |
multi_age_6550 | 6921 | 8 years | antsia | from v3_6_extra_CMIP6_diagnostics@6550 | |
dev_3841_sbc | 4827 | 10 years | charris | Some demonstration code changes. | |
dev_r5518_Surge_Modelling | 6760 | 9 years | clne | #1342 Bug fix to namelist - pressure fields should be hourly, not 3 hourly | |
SINGV_NEMO_5518 | 8034 | 8 years | csanchez | Added terms to compute dT/dt | |
dev_r5107_restart_date | 5497 | 10 years | dancopsey | Moved location of where ln_rstdate is initialised to avoid conflict. | |
dev_r5107_restart_func_and_date | 6310 | 9 years | dancopsey | Making use of ANINT to round the date of the dumps to the nearest whole … | |
dev_r5377_UKMO1_CICE_coupling_GSI7 | 5522 | 10 years | dancopsey | Move the location where sstfrz is populated to after it is allocated … | |
dev_r5518_CICE_coupling_GSI7 | 5618 | 10 years | dancopsey | Stripped out SVN keywords. | |
dev_r5518_CICE_coupling_GSI7_GSI8 | 5738 | 9 years | dancopsey | Applied bug fix to sublimation of sea ice. | |
dev_r5518_clean_shutdown | 5675 | 10 years | dancopsey | Applied clean shutdown code imported from Met Office internal branch … | |
dev_r5518_coupling_GSI7_GSI8_landice_bitcomp | 6675 | 9 years | dancopsey | Reversed changeset 6458 as I don't want to use revision 6436 of … | |
dev_r5518_GC3p0_package | 6457 | 9 years | dancopsey | Merged in changeset 6238 of dev_r5021_nn_etau_revision | |
antarctic_partial_slip | 5961 | 9 years | davestorkey | UKMO/antarctic_partial_slip branch: commit code change. | |
dev_3.6_FVPS | 7980 | 8 years | davestorkey | Create branch of nemo_v3_6_STABLE branch for testing finite-volume partial … | |
dev_r5021_nn_etau_revision | 6238 | 9 years | davestorkey | Cosmetic changes to UKMO/dev_r5021_nn_etau_revision branch to make … | |
DEV_r5107_dynvor_updates | 5709 | 9 years | davestorkey | Updating UKMO/DEV_r5107_dynvor_updates branch to be relative to revision … | |
dev_r5107_eorca025_closea | 6390 | 9 years | davestorkey | UKMO/dev_r5107_eorca025_closea branch: update closea definitions for … | |
dev_r5107_iceshelf_fw_input_coupled_model | 5511 | 10 years | davestorkey | UKMO/dev_r5107_iceshelf_fw_input_coupled_model branch: clear SVN keywords | |
dev_r5107_test_branch | 5274 | 10 years | davestorkey | UKMO test branch: Remove keyword updating. | |
dev_r5518_coupling_GSI7_GSI8_landice | 6023 | 9 years | davestorkey | Bug fix for UKMO/dev_r5518_coupling_GSI7_GSI8_landice branch: protect a … | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package | 8046 | 8 years | davestorkey | UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package branch: Add extra option for freshwater input … | |
icebergs_latent_heat | 5821 | 9 years | davestorkey | UKMO/icebergs_latent_heat branch: 1. Include latent heat term. 2. New … | |
icebergs_restart_single_file_corrected | 6480 | 9 years | davestorkey | Bug fixes for icbrst.F90 in UKMO/icebergs_restart_single_file_corrected … | |
product_diagnostics | 6875 | 8 years | davestorkey | UKMO/product_diagnostics branch: add thickness-weighted quadratic … | |
smagorinsky_diagnostics | 5702 | 9 years | davestorkey | Add in new diagnostics. | |
2015_CO6_CO5_shelfdiagnostic | 6549 | 9 years | deazer | bug fix index for bottom | |
2015_CO6_CO5_zenv_wr_direct_dwl_temp | 5428 | 10 years | deazer | Added incode changes to allow compoarisoin with CO5 after svn keywords … | |
2015_V36_STABLE_CO6_CO5_zenv_pomsdwl | 5793 | 9 years | deazer | Bug Fix allocation in sbcflx | |
CO5_package_branch | 7367 | 8 years | deazer | Contains merged code for CO5 reference. | |
CO6_KD490 | 7453 | 8 years | deazer | Old Bug of k index still in this branch removed. | |
CO6_Restartable_Tidal_Analysis | 7333 | 8 years | deazer | Correct Precision issue with I/O | |
dev_5518_tide_analysis_restart | 6686 | 9 years | deazer | Added extra option to compute final harmonic analysis or not | |
dev_r5518_bdy_sponge_temp | 5878 | 9 years | deazer | Adds simple ramp of diffusion coefficient in BDY rim using TANH weighting | |
dev_r6393_CO6_package_trunk | 7023 | 8 years | deazer | Include update for restart date labelling for rose cycling. | |
CO6_KD490_amm7_oper_fabm | 8050 | 8 years | dford | Re-clear svn keywords following merge. | |
CO6_shelfclimate_fabm | 7835 | 8 years | dford | Initial attempt to add FABM. In theory this should give equivalent results … | |
dev_r4650_general_vert_coord_obsoper | 7713 | 8 years | dford | Add observation operator code for surface log10(chlorophyll), SPM, pCO2 … | |
dev_r4650_general_vert_coord_obsoper_pfts | 8053 | 8 years | dford | Clear svn keywords. | |
dev_r5518_nemo_fabm_ukmo | 7829 | 8 years | dford | Add a version of the NEMO-FABM coupling code. In theory, this should give … | |
dev_r5518_v3.6_asm_nemovar_community | 7803 | 8 years | dford | Merge in changes to allow a maximum chlorophyll assimilation increment to … | |
dev_r5518_ciceiau | 6902 | 8 years | drew | UKMO CICE Ticket#68. Fix bug in delivery of sea ice increments to CICE … | |
dev_r5518_eliminate_stop_on_trend_diag_check | 6475 | 9 years | drew | UKMO NEMO Ticket#609. Change ctl_stop to ctl_warn on check for trend … | |
dev_r5518_seaiceobs | 6284 | 9 years | drew | References to frld not needed in not key_lim2 or key_lim3 cases. | |
dev_r5518_sshinc_with_VVL | 6660 | 9 years | drew | Commit changes to trasbc for proper conservation with ssh incrementing … | |
dev_r5518_couple_chlorophyll | 8024 | 8 years | frrh | Add all missing coupling fields to reference namelist, delete redundant … | |
dev_r5518_GC3_couple_pkg | 7985 | 8 years | frrh | Met Office GMED ticket 322 refers. Apply updates the Met Office GC3 … | |
dev_r5518_GO6_missing_STABLE_revs | 7966 | 8 years | frrh | Include missing revision 6482 from nemo_v3_6_STABLE Command: svn merge … | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_fixes | 7725 | 8 years | frrh | Fix array dimensioning to avoid OOB crash on compilation with -Rb! | |
dev_r5518_MEDUSA_merge | 8007 | 8 years | frrh | Development copy of MEDUSA branch for merging and testing revisions of … | |
dev_r5518_MEDUSA_optim_MG_MS_RH | 7571 | 8 years | frrh | Commit first phase of changes - these work OK in a UKESM vn0.5 suite … | |
dev_r5518_MEDUSA_optim_RH | 7711 | 8 years | frrh | Various minor corrections resulting from array bounds checking. Note: … | |
dev_r5518_MEDUSA_stable_fixes | 7708 | 8 years | frrh | #1851 Debugging GO6-GSI8-MEDUSA | |
dev_r5518_MEDUSA_stable_fixes_part2 | 7735 | 8 years | frrh | Correct test condition. It's a toss up between checking for numstr /= -1 … | |
dev_r5518_optim_GO6_alloc | 7680 | 8 years | frrh | Update all modified (and some existing) ALLOCATE statements to use … | |
dev_r5518_restart_fix | 6539 | 9 years | frrh | Add critical lbc_lnk call for tsb array on all timesteps. | |
dev_r5518_rnf_fix | 7802 | 8 years | frrh | Apply identical fixes for rnf field as per Tim's … | |
dev_r5518_test_GO6_package_update | 7879 | 8 years | frrh | Apply another missing change from the vn 3.6 STABLE branch. Command … | |
MEDUSA_optim_MG_MS_RH | 7548 | 8 years | frrh | Apply ALLOCATE/POINTER optimisation to trcbio_medusa.F90 from scratch … | |
dev_r7506_v36stable_Plymouth | 7868 | 8 years | fwobus | Create branch for Plymouth Uni NEMO code | |
GO6_dyn_vrt_diag | 7900 | 8 years | glong | Comment changes to dynhpg.F90, moved halo exchange to 2d method from 3d … | |
CO6_shelfclimate | 7626 | 8 years | hadjt | Added CO5 code to catch water below freezing, and reset to freezing point … | |
dev_r5518_sst_landsea_cpl | 6709 | 9 years | huwlewis | Update UKMO keywords within branch for local build | |
dev_r5518_pcbias | 7679 | 8 years | isabella | added changes to be consistent with go6 | |
dev_r5518_pcbias_ipc | 7667 | 8 years | isabella | added more explanation | |
dev_r5518_rm_um_cpl | 5884 | 9 years | jcastill | Fix coupling without atmosphere and without diurnal cycle of solar forcing | |
dev_r5518_ukv_mslp | 5826 | 9 years | jcastill | Allocate mslp variables independently in case the albedo is not coupled | |
dev_r5518_ww3_coupling | 6733 | 9 years | jcastill | Send only ssh when coupling with water levels (no bathymetry) | |
r5518_amm15_test | 7145 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in branch UKMO/dev_r5518_amm15_test@6662 | |
r5518_bdy_sponge_temp | 7123 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in UKMO/dev_r5518_bdy_sponge_temp@5878 | |
r5518_INGV1_WAVE-coupling | 7155 | 8 years | jcastill | Fix small bug (forgot to declare one variable) and some cosmetic changes | |
r5518_rm_um_cpl | 7142 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in branch UKMO/dev_r5518_rm_um_cpl@5884 | |
r5518_sst_landsea_cpl | 7151 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in branch UKMO/dev_r5518_sst_landsea_cpl@6709 | |
r5936_CO6_CO5_shelfdiagnostic | 7113 | 8 years | jcastill | Remove again the svn keywords, as it did not work before | |
r5936_CO6_CO5_zenv_pomsdwl | 7120 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in branch UKMO/2015_V36_STABLE_CO6_CO5_zenv_pomsdwl@5793 | |
r5936_hadgem3_cplfld | 7150 | 8 years | jcastill | Move one line of code to allow merging with another branch | |
r5936_hadgem3_cplseq | 7253 | 8 years | jcastill | Bug fix for the UKEP project, where we couple 3 different models and use … | |
r5936_hadgem3_mct | 7129 | 8 years | jcastill | As in UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_mct@5631 | |
r5936_INGV1_WAVE-coupling | 7360 | 8 years | jcastill | Final changes as they are going to the trunk after Nov-2016 merge party | |
r5936_restart_datestamp | 7114 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in UKMO/restart_datestamp@6336 | |
r6232_CO6_CO5_zenv_pomsdwl | 7454 | 8 years | jcastill | Small modifications to allow merging with another branch, fix added files | |
r6232_hadgem3_cplseq | 7460 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in branches/UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_cplseq | |
r6232_hadgem3_mct | 7457 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in /branches/UKMO/dev_r5107_hadgem3_mct | |
r6232_HZG_WAVE | 7808 | 8 years | jcastill | Remove svn keyword, which I forgot before making the science changes - at … | |
r6232_HZG_WAVE-coupling | 7916 | 8 years | jcastill | Bug fix the Stokes-Coriolis term, and the calculation of the surface … | |
r6232_INGV1_WAVE-coupling | 7863 | 8 years | jcastill | Fix bug in the Stokes drift calculation | |
r6232_sst_landsea_cpl | 7466 | 8 years | jcastill | Changes as in branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_sst_landsea_cpl | |
dev_r5518_add_var_to_assim_bkg | 6407 | 9 years | jenniewaters | Replace removed white space to avoid conflicts with other branches. | |
dev_r5518_landsuppression_fix | 7119 | 8 years | jenniewaters | Bug fix for land-suppression. See … | |
AMM15_v3_6_STABLE | 7976 | 8 years | jgraham | Changes to available diagnostics: Kara MLD diagnostics: … | |
AMM15_v3_6_STABLE_package | 8059 | 8 years | jgraham | Merged branches required for AMM15 simulations, see ticket #1904. Merged … | |
dev_r5518_amm15_test | 6662 | 9 years | jgraham | AMM15 is not running with CICE, so need to prevent unrealistically low … | |
dev_r5518_coupling_GSI7_GSI8_landice_bitcomp-NIWA-N96-ORCA1 | 6818 | 9 years | jonnywilliams | NIWA merge conflicts fix | |
nemo_v3_6_STABLE_copy-NIWA-N96-ORCA1 | 6817 | 9 years | jonnywilliams | fixing conflicts | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_inc_asm | 8043 | 8 years | jwhile | Further merge of r5518_sshiau_off | |
dev_r5518_obs_oper_update | 8035 | 8 years | jwhile | ||
obs_oper_do_not_assim_update | 7932 | 8 years | jwhile | Bug fixes | |
CO6_KD490_amm7_oper | 7592 | 8 years | kingr | Adding new files missed in previous commit. | |
dev_r5518_25hr_mean_assim_bkg | 7476 | 8 years | kingr | Minor change from code reiew. | |
dev_r5518_CICE_with_key_asminc | 6169 | 9 years | kingr | Trying to resolve merge conflicts | |
dev_r5518_coupling_GSI7_GSI8_landice_with_key_asminc | 6176 | 9 years | kingr | Commented out CICE to NEMO variable which break fcm build | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_w_keyasminc | 7749 | 8 years | kingr | Adding code changes from … | |
dev_r5518_min_temp_wo_ice | 7614 | 8 years | kingr | Code changes to prevent water temperature falling below pressure-dependent … | |
dev_r5783_nemo3.6_fix_date_in_ref_namelist | 6465 | 9 years | kingr | Reverted removal of dobsini and dobsend from namelist_ref; resolved … | |
dev_r5518_fa_am_dt_deltadelta_toa | 7169 | 8 years | kuniko | Corrected to only apply delta_toa & delta_delta_toa to heat flux adjusted … | |
dev_r5518_flux_adjust | 7053 | 8 years | kuniko | Removed $Id | |
dev_r5518_haney_arctic_mask | 7044 | 8 years | kuniko | Initial commit | |
dev_r5518_haney_arctic_mask_for_tests | 7031 | 8 years | kuniko | test mode | |
dev_r5518_haney_fa_delta_toa | 6915 | 8 years | kuniko | Branch that incorporates delta TOA to flux_adjust branch | |
dev_r5518_GC3p0_package_v2 | 6679 | 9 years | malcolmroberts | Merged in changes from v3_6_extra_CMIP6_diagnostics up to revision 6674 | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_MEDUSA_extra_CMIP6_diags | 7086 | 8 years | malcolmroberts | Added input variables needed for file reading | |
dev_r5518_medusa_chg_trc_bio_medusa | 8051 | 8 years | marc | Tidying up a few bits | |
dev_r5518_medusa_fix_restart | 7870 | 8 years | marc | Remove debugging comment | |
dev_5518_shlat2d | 6568 | 9 years | mathiot | UKMO/dev_5518_shlat2d: add variable slip condition | |
dev_diaptr_ref_lat_used_in_plot | 7676 | 8 years | mathiot | move test point from (180.,90.) to (-168.7, 65.6 ie a point across Bering … | |
dev_r7651_GO6pck_shlat2d | 7678 | 8 years | mathiot | add option to read shlat2d | |
dev_renaming_icb_traj_output | 7674 | 8 years | mathiot | set the iceberg trajectory output to trajectory_icebergs_<date_ini … | |
restart_datestamp | 6336 | 9 years | mathiot | correction of truncation error for rst date stamp | |
dev_r4650_general_vert_coord_obsoper_removetides | 7375 | 8 years | mattmartin | Added code to branch to allow sla model counterpart to be a time-average. | |
dev_r5785_SSS_obsoper | 7862 | 8 years | mattmartin | Change standard output writing. | |
dev_r7837_avg_obsoper | 7838 | 8 years | mattmartin | Create a branch of the dev_r5785_SSS_obsoper branch, in order to add in … | |
DEV_r6501_FVPS | 6867 | 8 years | mikebell | finite volume partial cells with sloping bathymetry | |
DEV_r6721_FVPC | 6940 | 8 years | mikebell | Finite volume partial cells code | |
2014_Surge_Modelling | 5915 | 9 years | rfurner | bug fix to previous commit! | |
dev_r6237_moci_GC3 | 6883 | 8 years | stephenhaddad | Commented out script code to remove oasis link arguments and corrected … | |
dev_r6436_linkOasisNoKeys | 6880 | 8 years | stephenhaddad | crum #160fixing compatibility between xios-1.0 and NEMO v3.6 STABLE … | |
dev_r6820_moci_GC3_xios2 | 7267 | 8 years | stephenhaddad | Met Office CRUM #103: Turning off bench mode. | |
r5643_buildWithOasisNoKeys | 5651 | 10 years | stephenhaddad | Move to correct location | |
dev_r5518_nn_etau_revision | 7295 | 8 years | till | reverting the changes made before (zmax_scale and zpdlr, in zdftke.F90) … | |
dev_r5107_mld_zint | 6803 | 9 years | timgraham | Correction to namelist_ref to avoid an error with some compilers. Namelist … | |
dev_r5518_convadj | 6849 | 9 years | timgraham | Added missing timing_stop call | |
dev_r5518_convadj_clean | 6872 | 8 years | timgraham | Add forgotten PUBLIC declaration | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_fix_rnf | 7782 | 8 years | timgraham | Remove extra ENDIF | |
dev_r5518_GO6_package_for_static_diagnostics | 7605 | 8 years | timgraham | Added field for dynldf_c3d case | |
dev_r6501_GO6_package_trunk | 6825 | 9 years | timgraham | As used for GO6 from trunk test | |
dev_r7681_rebuild_nemo | 7687 | 8 years | timgraham | Reduce chunksize so that ORCA12 restart files can be rebuilt without … | |
icebergs_restart_single_file | 6020 | 9 years | timgraham | Merged with head of trunk | |
nemo_v3_6_STABLE_copy | 6436 | 9 years | timgraham | Updated to r6424 of nemo_v3_6_STABLE | |
v3_6_extra_CMIP6_diagnostics | 7492 | 8 years | timgraham | Final merge of head of v3.6 STABLE branch into this branch |
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