1 | PRO read_feedback, Files, DepRange=DepRange, VarName=VarNames, NumData=NumData, $ |
2 | OutLats=OutLats, OutLons=OutLons, $ |
3 | OutInstruments=OutInst, OutPlatform=OutPlatform, $ |
4 | OutDeps=OutDeps, $ |
5 | OutObs1=OutObs1, OutObs2=OutObs2, $ |
6 | OutMod1=OutMod1, OutMod2=OutMod2, $ |
7 | OutQC1=OutQC1, OutQC2=OutQC2, $ |
8 | MDT=MDT, OutDates=OutDates, $ |
9 | rmdi=rmdi, quiet=quiet, $ |
10 | OutProfileNum=OutProfileNum |
11 | |
12 | ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
13 | ;Program to read in data from a feedback format file |
14 | ; |
15 | ; Inputs: |
16 | ; File => File name to be read in |
17 | ; DepRange => (optional) Range of depths for which the data is to be extracted. |
18 | ; |
19 | ; Outputs: |
20 | |
21 | ; |
22 | ;Author: Matt Martin. 29/09/09 |
23 | ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
24 | rmdi = 99999. |
25 | if NOT keyword_set(DepRange) then DepRange=[0.,1.e1] ;Default to top 10 metres. |
26 | NumFiles=n_elements(Files) |
27 | |
28 | ifile2=0 |
29 | numdata=0 |
30 | for ifile = 0, NumFiles-1 do begin |
31 | File = Files(ifile) |
32 | |
33 | ;1. Open the netcdf file |
34 | ncid = ncdf_open(File, /nowrite) |
35 | if ncid lt 0 and not keyword_set(quiet) then print, 'Error opening file '+File |
36 | if ncid ge 0 then begin |
37 | if not keyword_set(quiet) then print, 'Opened file '+File+' successfully' |
38 | |
39 | ;2. Get info about file |
40 | ncinfo = ncdf_inquire(ncid) |
41 | |
42 | ;3. Read in the relevant dimensions |
43 | NumExtra = 0 |
44 | for idim = 0, ncinfo.ndims-1 do begin |
45 | ncdf_diminq, ncid, idim, name, dimlen |
46 | if name eq 'N_OBS' then NumObs = dimlen $ |
47 | else if name eq 'N_LEVELS' then NumLevels = dimlen $ |
48 | else if name eq 'N_VARS' then NumVars = dimlen $ |
49 | else if name eq 'N_QCF' then NumFlags = dimlen $ |
50 | else if name eq 'N_ENTRIES' then NumEntries = dimlen $ |
51 | else if name eq 'N_EXTRA' then NumExtra = dimlen $ |
52 | else if name eq 'STRINGNAM' then strnam = dimlen $ |
53 | else if name eq 'STRINGGRID' then strgrid = dimlen $ |
54 | else if name eq 'STRINGWMO' then strwmo = dimlen $ |
55 | else if name eq 'STRINGTYP' then strtyp = dimlen $ |
56 | else if name eq 'STRINGJULD' then strjuld = dimlen |
57 | endfor |
58 | |
59 | ;4. Set up arrays |
60 | |
61 | if (NumObs gt 0) then begin |
62 | ByteNam = intarr(strnam, NumVars) |
63 | if (n_elements(NumEntries) eq 1) then ByteEntries = intarr(strnam, NumEntries) |
64 | ByteId = intarr(strwmo, NumObs) |
65 | ByteType = intarr(strtyp, NumObs) |
66 | ByteJulDRef = intarr(strjuld) |
67 | VarNames = strarr(NumVars) |
68 | if (n_elements(NumEntries) eq 1) then Entries = strarr(NumEntries) |
69 | Id = strarr(NumObs) |
70 | Type = strarr(NumObs) |
71 | if NumExtra gt 0 then begin |
72 | ByteExtra = intarr(strnam, NumExtra) |
73 | Extra = strarr(NumExtra) |
74 | endif |
75 | Longitude = fltarr(NumObs) |
76 | Latitude = fltarr(NumObs) |
77 | Depth = fltarr(NumLevels, NumObs) |
78 | DepQC = intarr(NumLevels, NumObs) |
79 | JulD = dblarr(NumObs) |
80 | ObsQC = intarr(NumObs) |
81 | PosQC = intarr(NumObs) |
82 | JulDQC = intarr(NumObs) |
83 | Obs = fltarr(NumLevels, NumObs, NumVars) |
84 | Hx = fltarr(NumLevels, NumObs, NumVars) |
85 | VarQC = intarr(NumObs, NumVars) |
86 | LevelQC = intarr(NumLevels, NumObs, NumVars) |
87 | |
88 | ;5. Read in the data |
89 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'VARIABLES') |
90 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, ByteNam |
91 | ; info, VarNames |
92 | ; info, ByteNam |
93 | for ivar= 0, NumVars-1 do begin |
94 | VarNames(ivar) = string(ByteNam(*,ivar)) |
95 | endfor |
96 | |
97 | if ifile2 eq 0 then VarName = VarNames(0) |
98 | if VarName ne VarNames(0) then message, 'Can only read in from files containing the same variables' |
99 | |
100 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'JULD_REFERENCE') |
101 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, ByteJulDRef |
102 | JulDRef = string(ByteJulDRef) |
103 | RefDate = JULDAY(fix(strmid(JulDRef,4,2)), fix(strmid(JulDRef,6,2)), fix(strmid(JulDRef,0,4)), $ |
104 | fix(strmid(JulDRef,8,2)), fix(strmid(JulDRef,10,2)), fix(strmid(JulDRef,12,2))) |
105 | print, 'RefDate: ',RefDate |
106 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'JULD') |
107 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, JulD |
108 | ; print, JulD |
109 | Dates = dblarr(NumLevels, NumObs) |
110 | for iob = 0L, long(NumObs)-1L do begin |
111 | dt = RefDate + JulD(iob) |
112 | ; print,dt, JulD(iob) |
113 | Dates(0:NumLevels-1, iob) = replicate(dt, NumLevels) |
114 | endfor |
115 | |
116 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'STATION_IDENTIFIER') |
117 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, ByteId |
118 | Identifier = string(ByteId) |
119 | |
120 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'STATION_TYPE') |
121 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, ByteType |
122 | Type = string(ByteType) |
123 | |
124 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'LONGITUDE') |
125 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, Longitude |
126 | |
127 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'LATITUDE') |
128 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, Latitude |
129 | |
130 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'DEPTH') |
131 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, Depth |
132 | ncdf_attget, ncid, varid, '_Fillvalue', FillVal |
133 | pts = where(Depth eq FillVal, count) |
134 | if count gt 0 then Depth(pts) = rmdi |
135 | |
136 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'OBSERVATION_QC') |
137 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, ObsQC |
138 | ncdf_attget, ncid, varid, '_Fillvalue', FillVal |
139 | pts = where(ObsQC eq FillVal, count) |
140 | if count gt 0 then ObsQC(pts) = rmdi |
141 | |
142 | for ivar = 0, NumVars-1 do begin |
143 | |
144 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, strtrim(VarNames(ivar))+'_OBS') |
145 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, tmp |
146 | Obs(*,*,ivar) = tmp |
147 | ncdf_attget, ncid, varid, '_Fillvalue', FillValObs |
148 | |
149 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, strtrim(VarNames(ivar))+'_Hx') |
150 | if (varid gt -1) then begin |
151 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, tmp |
152 | Hx(*,*,ivar) = tmp |
153 | ncdf_attget, ncid, varid, '_Fillvalue', FillValHx |
154 | endif else begin |
155 | FillValHx=0 |
156 | endelse |
157 | |
158 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, strtrim(VarNames(ivar))+'_QC') |
159 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, tmp |
160 | VarQC(*,ivar) = tmp |
161 | ncdf_attget, ncid, varid, '_Fillvalue', FillValQC |
162 | |
163 | |
164 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, strtrim(VarNames(ivar))+'_LEVEL_QC') |
165 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, tmp |
166 | LevelQC(*,*,ivar) = tmp |
167 | ncdf_attget, ncid, varid, '_Fillvalue', FillValLevQC |
168 | |
169 | endfor |
170 | |
171 | ; print,' DJL levelqc(*,218,0) ',levelqc(*,218,0) |
172 | ; print,' DJL levelqc(*,218,1) ',levelqc(*,218,1) |
173 | |
174 | pts = where(Obs eq FillValObs, count) |
175 | if count gt 0 then Obs(pts) = rmdi |
176 | pts = where(Hx eq FillValHx, count) |
177 | if count gt 0 then Hx(pts) = rmdi |
178 | pts = where(VarQC eq FillValQC, count) |
179 | if count gt 0 then VarQC(pts) = rmdi |
180 | pts = where(LevelQC eq FillValLevQC, count) |
181 | if count gt 0 then LevelQC(pts) = rmdi |
182 | |
183 | Obs1 = Obs(*,*,0) |
184 | Hx1 = Hx(*,*,0) |
185 | VarQC1=LevelQC(*,*,0) |
186 | if NumVars gt 1 then begin |
187 | Obs2 = Obs(*,*,1) |
188 | Hx2 = Hx(*,*,1) |
189 | VarQC2=LevelQC(*,*,1) |
190 | endif |
191 | |
192 | if strtrim(VarName,2) eq 'SLA' then begin |
193 | MDT = fltarr(NumLevels, NumObs) |
194 | print, NumLevels, NumObs |
195 | varid = ncdf_varid(ncid, 'MDT') |
196 | ncdf_varget, ncid, varid, MDT |
197 | ncdf_attget, ncid, varid, '_Fillvalue', FillVal |
198 | pts = where(MDT eq FillVal, count) |
199 | if count gt 0 then MDT(pts) = rmdi |
200 | Obs2 = MDT |
201 | endif |
202 | |
203 | ;6. Put the data into the correct form to be output from this routine |
204 | Platformsa = strarr(NumLevels, NumObs) |
205 | Instrumentsa = strarr(NumLevels, NumObs) |
206 | Lons = fltarr(NumLevels,NumObs) |
207 | Lats = fltarr(NumLevels,NumObs) |
208 | ProfileNum = lonarr(NumLevels,NumObs) |
209 | |
210 | for i=0,NumLevels-1 do begin |
211 | Platformsa(i,*)=Type |
212 | Instrumentsa(i,*)=Identifier |
213 | endfor |
214 | |
215 | for i=0L,long(NumObs)-1L do begin |
216 | Lats(*,i)=Latitude(i) |
217 | Lons(*,i)=Longitude(i) |
218 | ProfileNum(*,i) = i+1 |
219 | endfor |
220 | ; |
221 | pts = where(Depth ge DepRange(0) and Depth le DepRange(1), NumDataInc) |
222 | NumData=NumData+NumDataInc |
223 | ; |
224 | if ifile2 eq 0 then begin |
225 | OutObs1 = [Obs1(pts)] |
226 | OutMod1 = [Hx1(pts)] |
227 | OutQC1 = [VarQC1(pts)] |
228 | OutDeps = [Depth(pts)] |
229 | OutLats = [Lats(pts)] |
230 | OutLons = [Lons(pts)] |
231 | OutDates= [Dates(pts)] |
232 | OutInst= [Instrumentsa(pts)] |
233 | OutPlatform= [Platformsa(pts)] |
234 | OutProfileNum = [ProfileNum(pts)] |
235 | if NumVars eq 2 then begin |
236 | OutObs2 = [Obs2(pts)] |
237 | OutMod2 = [Hx2(pts)] |
238 | OutQC2 = [VarQC2(pts)] |
239 | endif |
240 | endif else begin |
241 | OutObs1 = [OutObs1, Obs1(pts)] |
242 | OutMod1 = [OutMod1, Hx1(pts)] |
243 | OutQC1 = [OutQC1, VarQC1(pts)] |
244 | OutDeps = [OutDeps, Depth(pts)] |
245 | OutLats = [OutLats, Lats(pts)] |
246 | OutLons = [OutLons, Lons(pts)] |
247 | OutDates= [OutDates, Dates(pts)] |
248 | OutInst= [OutInst, Instrumentsa(pts)] |
249 | OutPlatform= [OutPlatform, Platformsa(pts)] |
250 | OutProfileNum = [OutProfileNum, ProfileNum(pts)] |
251 | if NumVars eq 2 then begin |
252 | OutObs2 = [OutObs2, Obs2(pts)] |
253 | OutMod2 = [OutMod2, Hx2(pts)] |
254 | OutQC2 = [OutQC2, VarQC2(pts)] |
255 | endif |
256 | endelse |
257 | |
258 | if NumVars eq 1 then begin |
259 | if VarName ne 'SLA' then OutObs2 = fltarr(n_elements(OutObs1)) + rmdi |
260 | OutMod2 = fltarr(n_elements(OutMod1)) + rmdi |
261 | OutQC2 = fltarr(n_elements(OutQC1)) + rmdi |
262 | endif |
263 | ; |
264 | ifile2=ifile2+1 |
265 | endif |
266 | ncdf_close, ncid |
267 | |
268 | endif |
269 | |
270 | endfor ;ifile |
271 | |
272 | pts1 = where(OutQC1 eq 1, count1) |
273 | pts2 = where(OutQC1 ne 1, count2) |
274 | if count1 gt 0 then OutQc1(pts1) = 0 |
275 | if count2 gt 0 then OutQc1(pts2) = 1 |
276 | if NumVars gt 1 then begin |
277 | pts1 = where(OutQC2 eq 1, count1) |
278 | pts2 = where(OutQC2 ne 1, count2) |
279 | if count1 gt 0 then OutQc2(pts1) = 0 |
280 | if count2 gt 0 then OutQc2(pts2) = 1 |
281 | endif |
282 | |
283 | END |