1 | # |
2 | # |
3 | # TODO |
4 | # ==== |
5 | # |
6 | # option debug |
7 | # |
8 | # |
10 | # ========== |
11 | # |
12 | # $Id: sette.sh 2158 2010-10-28 12:30:03Z sflod $ |
13 | # |
14 | # * creation |
15 | #- |
16 | # |
17 | # This is the principal script of SETTE |
18 | # here are described some examples to run nemo |
19 | # this script creates MY_CONFIG directory and in this one there is VALIDATION directory |
20 | # in which are stored output files |
21 | # at this point of developpement there is no automatic diff of solver.stat files |
22 | # user have to set duration of the run with set_namelist function |
23 | # and if he wants to do a restart (again with set_namelist function) |
24 | # and then he has to compare by hand output solver.stat |
25 | # |
27 | # in sette.sh script : |
28 | # SETTE_DIR : base directory for SETTE |
29 | # makenemo -m : machine (compilator); see ./makenemo -m help |
30 | # -n : config name (in examples config_name_nproci_nprocj), see ./makenemo -n help |
31 | # -r : reference configuration (if you don't give it you have to choise directories to install) |
32 | # add_key : to add list of keys (for example to test reproductibility: add_key mpp_rep) |
33 | # del_key : to del list of keys |
34 | # and for more details and options of makenemo see ./makenemo -h |
35 | # fcm_job.sh needs input: input_CONFIG_NAME and TOTAL NUMBER OF PROCS used |
36 | # in param.cfg : |
37 | # EXE_DIR : directory in which execute jobs (by default CONFIG_DIR) |
38 | # FORCING_DIR : directory where to get input tar file |
39 | # INPUT_DIR : directory in which store input files |
40 | # TMPDIR : temporary directory NEEDED ONLY FOR IBM machines (put EXP00 directory) |
41 | # OUTPUT_DIR : directory in which store output files |
42 | # in fcm_job.sh : |
43 | # IMPORTANT : control that name of tar file in FORCING directory |
44 | # is the same of that in input_REF_CONFIG.cfg, if not change one. |
45 | # change in "RUN OPA" part the command line (some examples are already written) |
46 | |
48 | |
49 | echo "starting first test" |
50 | sleep 3 |
51 | |
52 | cd ${SETTE_DIR} |
53 | . ../CONFIG/makenemo -m ifort_linux -n GYRE_1_1 -r GYRE |
54 | cd ${SETTE_DIR} |
55 | . param.cfg |
56 | . all_functions.sh |
57 | set_namelist namelist nn_it000 1 |
58 | set_namelist namelist nn_itend 75 |
59 | cd ${SETTE_DIR} |
60 | . ./fcm_job.sh input_GYRE.cfg 1 |
61 | echo "finished first test" |
62 | echo "###################" |
63 | sleep 3 |
64 | |
65 | echo "starting second test" |
66 | sleep 3 |
67 | cd ${SETTE_DIR} |
68 | . ../CONFIG/makenemo -n ORCA2_LIM_1_2 add_key "key_mpp_mpi key_nproci=1 key_nprocj=2" |
69 | cd ${SETTE_DIR} |
70 | . param.cfg |
71 | . all_functions.sh |
72 | set_namelist namelist nn_it000 1 |
73 | set_namelist namelist nn_itend 75 |
74 | cd ${SETTE_DIR} |
75 | . ./fcm_job.sh input_ORCA2_LIM.cfg 2 |
76 | echo "finished second test" |
77 | sleep 3 |
78 | |