1 | MODULE obc_oce |
2 | !!============================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE obc_oce *** |
4 | !! Open Boundary Cond. : define related variables |
5 | !!============================================================================== |
6 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
7 | !! 'key_obc' : Open Boundary Condition |
8 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
9 | !! history : |
10 | !! 8.0 01/91 (CLIPPER) Original code |
11 | !! 8.5 06/02 (C. Talandier) modules |
12 | !! 06/04 (F. Durand) ORCA2_ZIND config |
13 | !! |
14 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15 | !! * Modules used |
16 | USE par_oce ! ocean parameters |
17 | USE obc_par ! open boundary condition parameters |
18 | |
19 | #if defined key_obc |
20 | |
22 | PUBLIC |
23 | |
24 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
25 | !! open boundary variables |
26 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
27 | ! |
28 | ! !!* Namelist namobc: open boundary condition * |
29 | INTEGER :: nn_obcdta = 0 !: = 0 use the initial state as obc data |
30 | ! ! = 1 read obc data in obcxxx.dta files |
31 | CHARACTER(len=20) :: cn_obcdta = 'annual' !: set to annual if obc datafile hold 1 year of data |
32 | ! ! set to monthly if obc datafile hold 1 month of data |
33 | LOGICAL :: ln_obc_clim = .true. !: obc data files are climatological |
34 | LOGICAL :: ln_obc_fla = .false. !: Flather open boundary condition not used |
35 | LOGICAL :: ln_vol_cst = .true. !: Conservation of the whole volume |
36 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpein = 1. !: damping time scale for inflow at East open boundary |
37 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpwin = 1. !: " " at West open boundary |
38 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpsin = 1. !: " " at South open boundary |
39 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpnin = 1. !: " " at North open boundary |
40 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpeob = 15. !: damping time scale for the climatology at East open boundary |
41 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpwob = 15. !: " " at West open boundary |
42 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpsob = 15. !: " " at South open boundary |
43 | REAL(wp) :: rn_dpnob = 15. !: " " at North open boundary |
44 | REAL(wp) :: rn_volemp = 1. !: = 0 the total volume will have the variability of the |
45 | ! ! surface Flux E-P else (volemp = 1) the volume will be constant |
46 | ! ! = 1 the volume will be constant during all the integration. |
47 | |
48 | ! !!! OLD non-DOCTOR name of namelist variables |
49 | INTEGER :: nbobc !: number of open boundaries ( 1=< nbobc =< 4 ) |
50 | INTEGER :: nobc_dta !: = 0 use the initial state as obc data |
51 | REAL(wp) :: rdpein !: damping time scale for inflow at East open boundary |
52 | REAL(wp) :: rdpwin !: " " at West open boundary |
53 | REAL(wp) :: rdpsin !: " " at South open boundary |
54 | REAL(wp) :: rdpnin !: " " at North open boundary |
55 | REAL(wp) :: rdpeob !: damping time scale for the climatology at East open boundary |
56 | REAL(wp) :: rdpwob !: " " at West open boundary |
57 | REAL(wp) :: rdpsob !: " " at South open boundary |
58 | REAL(wp) :: rdpnob !: " " at North open boundary |
59 | REAL(wp) :: volemp !: = 0 the total volume will have the variability of the |
60 | CHARACTER(len=20) :: cffile |
61 | |
62 | |
63 | !!General variables for open boundaries: |
64 | !!-------------------------------------- |
65 | LOGICAL :: & !: |
66 | lfbceast, lfbcwest, & !: logical flag for a fixed East and West open boundaries |
67 | lfbcnorth, lfbcsouth !: logical flag for a fixed North and South open boundaries |
68 | ! ! These logical flags are set to 'true' if damping time |
69 | ! ! scale are set to 0 in the namelist, for both inflow and outflow). |
70 | |
71 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: obcsurftot !: Total lateral surface of open boundaries |
72 | |
73 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: & !: |
74 | obctmsk, & !: mask array identical to tmask, execpt along OBC where it is set to 0 |
75 | ! ! it used to calculate the cumulate flux E-P in the obcvol.F90 routine |
76 | obcumask, obcvmask !: u-, v- Force filtering mask for the open |
77 | ! ! boundary condition on grad D |
78 | |
79 | !!-------------------- |
80 | !! East open boundary: |
81 | !!-------------------- |
82 | INTEGER :: nie0 , nie1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpieob |
83 | INTEGER :: nie0p1, nie1p1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpieob+1 |
84 | INTEGER :: nie0m1, nie1m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpieob-1 |
85 | INTEGER :: nje0 , nje1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpjed, jpjef |
86 | INTEGER :: nje0p1, nje1m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpjedp1,jpjefm1 |
87 | INTEGER :: nje1m2, nje0m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpjefm1-1,jpjed |
88 | |
89 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpjed:jpjef) :: & !: |
90 | sshfoe, & !: now climatology of the east boundary sea surface height |
91 | ubtfoe,vbtfoe !: now climatology of the east boundary barotropic transport |
92 | |
93 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk) :: & !: |
94 | ufoe, vfoe, & !: now climatology of the east boundary velocities |
95 | tfoe, sfoe, & !: now climatology of the east boundary temperature and salinity |
96 | uclie !: baroclinic componant of the zonal velocity after radiation |
97 | ! ! in the obcdyn.F90 routine |
98 | |
99 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpjed:jpjef,jpj) :: sshfoe_b !: east boundary ssh correction averaged over the barotropic loop |
100 | ! ! (if Flather's algoritm applied at open boundary) |
101 | |
102 | !!------------------------------- |
103 | !! Arrays for radiative East OBC: |
104 | !!------------------------------- |
105 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk,3,3) :: uebnd, vebnd !: baroclinic u & v component of the velocity over 3 rows |
106 | ! ! and 3 time step (now, before, and before before) |
107 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk,2,2) :: tebnd, sebnd !: East boundary temperature and salinity over 2 rows |
108 | ! ! and 2 time step (now and before) |
109 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk) :: u_cxebnd, v_cxebnd !: Zonal component of the phase speed ratio computed with |
110 | ! ! radiation of u and v velocity (respectively) at the |
111 | ! ! east open boundary (u_cxebnd = cx rdt ) |
112 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk) :: uemsk, vemsk, temsk !: 2D mask for the East OB |
113 | |
114 | ! Note that those arrays are optimized for mpp case |
115 | ! (hence the dimension jpj is the size of one processor subdomain) |
116 | |
117 | !!-------------------- |
118 | !! West open boundary |
119 | !!-------------------- |
120 | INTEGER :: niw0 , niw1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpiwob |
121 | INTEGER :: niw0p1, niw1p1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpiwob+1 |
122 | INTEGER :: njw0 , njw1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpjwd, jpjwf |
123 | INTEGER :: njw0p1, njw1m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpjwdp1,jpjwfm1 |
124 | INTEGER :: njw1m2, njw0m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpjwfm2,jpjwd |
125 | |
126 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpjwd:jpjwf) :: & !: |
127 | sshfow, & !: now climatology of the west boundary sea surface height |
128 | ubtfow,vbtfow !: now climatology of the west boundary barotropic transport |
129 | |
130 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk) :: & !: |
131 | ufow, vfow, & !: now climatology of the west velocities |
132 | tfow, sfow, & !: now climatology of the west temperature and salinity |
133 | ucliw !: baroclinic componant of the zonal velocity after the radiation |
134 | ! ! in the obcdyn.F90 routine |
135 | |
136 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpjwd:jpjwf,jpj) :: sshfow_b !: west boundary ssh correction averaged over the barotropic loop |
137 | ! ! (if Flather's algoritm applied at open boundary) |
138 | |
139 | !!------------------------------- |
140 | !! Arrays for radiative West OBC |
141 | !!------------------------------- |
142 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk,3,3) :: uwbnd, vwbnd !: baroclinic u & v components of the velocity over 3 rows |
143 | ! ! and 3 time step (now, before, and before before) |
144 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk,2,2) :: twbnd, swbnd !: west boundary temperature and salinity over 2 rows and |
145 | ! ! 2 time step (now and before) |
146 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk) :: u_cxwbnd, v_cxwbnd !: Zonal component of the phase speed ratio computed with |
147 | ! ! radiation of zonal and meridional velocity (respectively) |
148 | ! ! at the west open boundary (u_cxwbnd = cx rdt ) |
149 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpj,jpk) :: uwmsk, vwmsk, twmsk !: 2D mask for the West OB |
150 | |
151 | ! Note that those arrays are optimized for mpp case |
152 | ! (hence the dimension jpj is the size of one processor subdomain) |
153 | |
154 | !!--------------------- |
155 | !! North open boundary |
156 | !!--------------------- |
157 | INTEGER :: nin0 , nin1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpind, jpinf |
158 | INTEGER :: nin0p1, nin1m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpindp1, jpinfm1 |
159 | INTEGER :: nin1m2, nin0m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpinfm1-1,jpind |
160 | INTEGER :: njn0 , njn1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpnob |
161 | INTEGER :: njn0p1, njn1p1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpnob+1 |
162 | INTEGER :: njn0m1, njn1m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpnob-1 |
163 | |
164 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpind:jpinf) :: & !: |
165 | sshfon, & !: now climatology of the north boundary sea surface height |
166 | ubtfon,vbtfon !: now climatology of the north boundary barotropic transport |
167 | |
168 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk) :: & !: |
169 | ufon, vfon, & !: now climatology of the north boundary velocities |
170 | tfon, sfon, & !: now climatology of the north boundary temperature and salinity |
171 | vclin !: baroclinic componant of the meridian velocity after the radiation |
172 | ! ! in yhe obcdyn.F90 routine |
173 | |
174 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpind:jpinf,jpj) :: sshfon_b !: north boundary ssh correction averaged over the barotropic loop |
175 | ! ! (if Flather's algoritm applied at open boundary) |
176 | |
177 | !!-------------------------------- |
178 | !! Arrays for radiative North OBC |
179 | !!-------------------------------- |
180 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk,3,3) :: unbnd, vnbnd !: baroclinic u & v components of the velocity over 3 |
181 | ! ! rows and 3 time step (now, before, and before before) |
182 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk,2,2) :: tnbnd, snbnd !: north boundary temperature and salinity over |
183 | ! ! 2 rows and 2 time step (now and before) |
184 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk) :: u_cynbnd, v_cynbnd !: Meridional component of the phase speed ratio compu- |
185 | ! ! ted with radiation of zonal and meridional velocity |
186 | ! ! (respectively) at the north OB (u_cynbnd = cx rdt ) |
187 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk) :: unmsk, vnmsk, tnmsk !: 2D mask for the North OB |
188 | |
189 | ! Note that those arrays are optimized for mpp case |
190 | ! (hence the dimension jpj is the size of one processor subdomain) |
191 | |
192 | !!--------------------- |
193 | !! South open boundary |
194 | !!--------------------- |
195 | INTEGER :: nis0 , nis1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpisd, jpisf |
196 | INTEGER :: nis0p1, nis1m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpisdp1, jpisfm1 |
197 | INTEGER :: nis1m2, nis0m1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpisfm1-1,jpisd |
198 | INTEGER :: njs0 , njs1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpsob |
199 | INTEGER :: njs0p1, njs1p1 !: do loop index in mpp case for jpsob+1 |
200 | |
201 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpisd:jpisf) :: & !: |
202 | sshfos, & !: now climatology of the south boundary sea surface height |
203 | ubtfos,vbtfos !: now climatology of the south boundary barotropic transport |
204 | |
205 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk) :: & !: |
206 | ufos, vfos, & !: now climatology of the south boundary velocities |
207 | tfos, sfos, & !: now climatology of the south boundary temperature and salinity |
208 | vclis !: baroclinic componant of the meridian velocity after the radiation |
209 | ! ! in the obcdyn.F90 routine |
210 | |
211 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpisd:jpisf,jpj) :: sshfos_b !: south boundary ssh correction averaged over the barotropic loop |
212 | ! ! (if Flather's algoritm applied at open boundary) |
213 | |
214 | !!-------------------------------- |
215 | !! Arrays for radiative South OBC (computed by the forward time step in dynspg) |
216 | !!-------------------------------- |
217 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk,3,3) :: usbnd, vsbnd !: baroclinic u & v components of the velocity over 3 |
218 | ! ! rows and 3 time step (now, before, and before before) |
219 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk,2,2) :: tsbnd, ssbnd !: south boundary temperature and salinity over |
220 | ! ! 2 rows and 2 time step (now and before) |
221 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk) :: u_cysbnd, v_cysbnd !: Meridional component of the phase speed ratio |
222 | ! ! computed with radiation of zonal and meridional velocity |
223 | ! ! (repsectively) at the south OB (u_cynbnd = cx rdt ) |
224 | REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpk) :: usmsk, vsmsk, tsmsk !: 2D mask for the South OB |
225 | |
226 | #else |
227 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
228 | !! Default option : Empty module |
229 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
230 | #endif |
231 | |
232 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
233 | !! NEMO/OPA 3.2 , LOCEAN-IPSL (2009) |
234 | !! $Id$ |
235 | !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) |
236 | !!====================================================================== |
237 | END MODULE obc_oce |