1 | MODULE thd_ice |
2 | !!====================================================================== |
3 | !! *** MODULE thd_ice *** |
4 | !! LIM sea-ice : Ice thermodynamics in 1D |
5 | !!===================================================================== |
6 | !! History : |
7 | !! 2.0 ! 02-11 (C. Ethe) F90: Free form and module |
8 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
9 | !! LIM 2.0, UCL-LODYC-IPSL (2002) |
10 | !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
11 | !! * Modules used |
12 | USE par_ice |
13 | |
15 | PRIVATE |
16 | |
17 | !! * Share Module variables |
18 | REAL(wp) , PUBLIC :: & !!! ** ice-thermo namelist (namicethd) ** |
19 | hmelt = -0.15 , & !: maximum melting at the bottom |
20 | hicmin = 0.2 , & !: ice th. corr. to max. ener. in brine pocket |
21 | hiclim = 0.05 , & !: minimum ice thickness |
22 | amax = 0.999 , & !: maximum lead fraction |
23 | swiqst = 1.0 , & !: energy stored in brine pocket (1) or not (0) |
24 | sbeta = 1.0 , & !: numerical scheme for diffusion in ice |
25 | parlat = 0.0 , & !: percent. of energy used for lateral ablation |
26 | hakspl = 0.5 , & !: slope of distr. for Hakkinen-Mellro's lat. melt |
27 | hibspl = 0.5 , & !: slope of distribution for Hibler's lat. melt |
28 | exld = 2.0 , & !: exponent for leads-closure rate |
29 | hakdif = 1.0 , & !: coefficient for diffusions of ice and snow |
30 | thth = 0.2 , & !: thick. for comp. of eq. thermal conduct |
31 | hnzst = 0.1 , & !: thick. of the surf. layer in temp. comp. |
32 | parsub = 1.0 , & !: switch for snow sublimation or not |
33 | alphs = 1.0 !: coef. for snow density when snow-ice formation |
34 | |
35 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(2) :: & !: |
36 | hiccrit = (/0.3,0.3/) !: ice th. for lateral accretion in the NH (SH) (m) |
37 | |
38 | REAL(wp) , PUBLIC :: & !: |
39 | uscomi, & !: inverse of minimum lead fraction |
40 | cnscg !: ratio rcpsn/rcpic |
41 | |
42 | INTEGER , PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpij) :: & !: |
43 | npb , & !: number of points where computations has to be done |
44 | npac !: correspondance between the points |
45 | |
46 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpij) :: & !: |
47 | qldif_1d , & !: corresponding to the 2D var qldif |
48 | qcmif_1d , & !: corresponding to the 2D var qcmif |
49 | thcm_1d , & !: " " thcm |
50 | fstbif_1d , & !: " " fstric |
51 | fltbif_1d , & !: " " ffltbif |
52 | fscbq_1d , & !: " " fscmcbq |
53 | qsr_ice_1d , & !: " " qsr_ice |
54 | fr1_i0_1d , & !: " " fr1_i0 |
55 | fr2_i0_1d , & !: " " fr2_i0 |
56 | qnsr_ice_1d , & !: " " qns_ice |
57 | qfvbq_1d , & !: " " qfvbq |
58 | sist_1d , & !: " " sist |
59 | tfu_1d , & !: " " tfu |
60 | sprecip_1d , & !: " " sprecip |
61 | h_snow_1d , & !: " " h_snow |
62 | h_ice_1d , & !: " " h_ice |
63 | frld_1d , & !: " " frld |
64 | qstbif_1d , & !: " " qstoif |
65 | fbif_1d , & !: " " fbif |
66 | rdmicif_1d , & !: " " rdmicif |
67 | rdmsnif_1d , & !: " " rdmsnif |
68 | qlbbq_1d , & !: " " qlbsbq |
69 | dmgwi_1d , & !: " " dmgwi |
70 | dvsbq_1d , & !: " " rdvosif |
71 | dvbbq_1d , & !: " " rdvobif |
72 | dvlbq_1d , & !: " " rdvolif |
73 | dvnbq_1d , & !: " " rdvolif |
74 | dqns_ice_1d , & !: " " dqns_ice |
75 | qla_ice_1d , & !: " " qla_ice |
76 | dqla_ice_1d !: " " dqla_ice |
77 | |
78 | REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpij,nlayersp1) :: & !: |
79 | tbif_1d !: corresponding to the 2D var tbif |
80 | |
81 | !!====================================================================== |
82 | END MODULE thd_ice |