1 | pro ts_mean_T, sEXP1, sEXP2, year1, year2, s_iodir_data, POSTSCRIPT = postscript, _extra = ex |
2 | |
3 | compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs |
4 | |
5 | @common |
6 | |
7 | @initorca2 |
8 | |
9 | std_iodir_climato = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/CLIMATOLOGIES/' |
10 | ; std_iodir_interan = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/INTERAN/' |
11 | std_iodir_data = '/Users/sflod/idl_PLOTS/INTERAN/mercure/' |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin |
15 | openps, sEXP1+'_Temperature_mean.ps', portrait = 1 |
16 | endif |
17 | |
18 | filename = std_iodir_climato+'data_1y_potential_temperature_nomask.nc' |
19 | Lev = read_ncdf('votemper', filename = filename, /nostruct ) |
20 | Lev_xyz = moyenne(Lev, 'xyz') |
21 | Lev_z = moyenne(Lev, 'xy',/KEEPBOTTOM) |
22 | |
23 | ts_Temp = 0. |
24 | ts_Temp_2 = 0. |
25 | ts_Temp_Lev = 0. |
26 | ts_Temp_Lev_2 = 0. |
27 | ts_Time = 0. |
28 | ts_z = fltarr(jpk) |
29 | ts_z_2 = fltarr(jpk) |
30 | |
31 | for year=year1,year2 do begin |
32 | |
33 | date1 = year * 10000L + 101L |
34 | date2 = year * 10000L + 1231L |
35 | |
36 | print,s_iodir_data |
37 | |
38 | filename = getname(s_iodir_data,sEXP1,'1Y','grid_T',date1) |
39 | filename2 = getname(s_iodir_data,sEXP2,'1Y','grid_T',date1) |
40 | |
41 | if filename eq '' then stop |
42 | Temp = read_ncdf('thetao',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename, /nostruct) |
43 | Temp_2 = read_ncdf('thetao',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename2, /nostruct) |
44 | SSH = read_ncdf('zos',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename, /nostruct) |
45 | SSH_2 = read_ncdf('zos',date1 ,date2 , filename = filename2, /nostruct) |
46 | |
47 | ts_Temp = [ ts_Temp, moyenne(Temp, 'xyz',ssh = SSH) ] |
48 | ts_Temp_2 = [ ts_Temp_2, moyenne(Temp_2, 'xyz',ssh = SSH_2) ] |
49 | ts_Temp_Lev = [ ts_Temp_Lev, moyenne(Temp, 'xyz',ssh = SSH) - Lev_xyz ] |
50 | ts_Temp_Lev_2 = [ ts_Temp_Lev_2, moyenne(Temp_2, 'xyz',ssh = SSH_2) - Lev_xyz ] |
51 | ts_Time = [ ts_Time, Time] ; Time = date |
52 | |
53 | ts_z = [ [ts_z], [moyenne(Temp, 'xy',/KEEPBOTTOM, ssh = SSH)- Lev_z] ] |
54 | ts_z_2 = [ [ts_z_2], [moyenne(Temp_2, 'xy',/KEEPBOTTOM, ssh = SSH_2)- Lev_z] ] |
55 | |
56 | endfor |
57 | |
58 | ts_Temp = ts_Temp[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 |
59 | ts_Temp_2 = ts_Temp_2[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 |
60 | ts_Temp_Lev = ts_Temp_Lev[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 |
61 | ts_Temp_Lev_2 = ts_Temp_Lev_2[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 |
62 | ts_z = ts_z[*,1:*] ; remove first record of 0 |
63 | ts_z_2 = ts_z_2[*,1:*] ; remove first record of 0 |
64 | |
65 | Time = ts_Time[1:*] ; remove first record of 0 |
66 | jpt = n_elements(Time) |
67 | |
68 | title = sEXP1+' Global Annual Mean Temperature --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) |
69 | pltt, ts_Temp, 't', 1., 4.5, INTER = .5, year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231 , /REMPLI $ |
70 | , small = [1,2,1], YTITLE='Deg C', TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I3)', /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex |
71 | |
72 | title = sEXP1+' Global Annual Mean Temperature - Levitus --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) |
73 | pltt,ts_Temp_Lev, 't', -1., 1., INTER = .25, year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231 , /REMPLI $ |
74 | , small = [1,2,2], YTITLE='Deg C', TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I3)', /NOERASE, _extra = ex |
75 | |
76 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; new page ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
77 | |
78 | ERASE |
79 | |
80 | title = sEXP1+' ZT-plot Temperature Mean (0-1500m) - Levitus --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) |
81 | pltt,ts_z ,'zt', -2., 2., year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231 , /REMPLI $ |
82 | , small = [1,2,1], YTITLE='Deg C', TITLE = title, boxzoom = 1500., /NOERASE, _extra = ex |
83 | |
84 | title = sEXP1+' ZT-plot Temperature Mean (0-6000m) - Levitus --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) |
85 | pltt,ts_z ,'zt', -2., 2., year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231 , /REMPLI $ |
86 | , small = [1,2,2], YTITLE='Deg C', TITLE = title, boxzoom = 6000., /NOERASE, _extra = ex |
87 | |
88 | if sEXP2 ne sEXP1 then begin |
89 | |
90 | ERASE |
91 | |
92 | title = sEXP1+' - '+sEXP2+' Global Annual Mean Temperature --- year '+strtrim(year1,1)+' - '+strtrim(year2,1) |
93 | pltt, ts_Temp - ts_Temp_2, 't', -1., 1., year1 * 10000L + 101, year2 * 10000L + 1231 , /REMPLI $ |
94 | , COLOR = 250, small = [1,2,1], YTITLE='Deg C', TITLE = title, FORMAT = '(I3)', /PORTRAIT, _extra = ex |
95 | |
96 | endif |
97 | |
98 | |
99 | if KEYWORD_SET(POSTSCRIPT) then begin |
100 | closeps |
101 | endif |
102 | |
103 | |
104 | return |
105 | end |