Changeset 10397
- Timestamp:
- 2018-12-14T17:27:24+01:00 (6 years ago)
- Location:
- NEMO/branches/2018/dev_r10164_HPC09_ESIWACE_PREP_MERGE/src
- Files:
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r10386 r10397 73 73 INTEGER :: ipl ! third dimention of tracer array 74 74 75 REAL(wp) :: zcfl(2), zusnit, zdt ! - - 75 REAL(wp) :: zusnit, zdt 76 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1) :: zcflprv, zcflnow ! send zcflnow and receive zcflprv 76 77 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zudy, zvdx, zcu_box, zcv_box 77 78 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: zpato … … 86 87 ! When needed, the advection split is applied at the next time-step in order to avoid blocking global comm. 87 88 ! ...this should not affect too much the stability... Was ok on the tests we did... 88 zcfl (1) =MAXVAL( ABS( pu_ice(:,:) ) * rdt_ice * r1_e1u(:,:) )89 zcfl (1) = MAX( zcfl(1), MAXVAL( ABS( pv_ice(:,:) ) * rdt_ice * r1_e2v(:,:) ) )89 zcflnow(1) = MAXVAL( ABS( pu_ice(:,:) ) * rdt_ice * r1_e1u(:,:) ) 90 zcflnow(1) = MAX( zcflnow(1), MAXVAL( ABS( pv_ice(:,:) ) * rdt_ice * r1_e2v(:,:) ) ) 90 91 91 ! non-blocking global communication send zcfl (1) and receive zcfl(2)92 IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_delay_max( 'icedyn_adv_umx', 'advumx_delay', zcfl, kt == nitend - nn_fsbc + 1 )93 94 IF( zcfl (2) > .5 ) THEN ; initad = 2 ; zusnit = 0.5_wp ! zcfl(2) corresponding to zcfl(1) of the previous time-step95 ELSE ; initad = 1 ; zusnit = 1.0_wp92 ! non-blocking global communication send zcflnow and receive zcflprv 93 CALL mpp_delay_max( 'icedyn_adv_umx', 'cflice', zcflnow(:), zcflprv(:), kt == nitend - nn_fsbc + 1 ) 94 95 IF( zcflprv(1) > .5 ) THEN ; initad = 2 ; zusnit = 0.5_wp 96 ELSE ; initad = 1 ; zusnit = 1.0_wp 96 97 ENDIF 97 98 -
r10380 r10397 95 95 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! number of iteration 96 96 !! 97 INTEGER :: j i, jk ,jl! dummy loop indices97 INTEGER :: jk ! dummy loop indices 98 98 INTEGER :: iter 99 99 CHARACTER(len=25) :: znam … … 115 115 CALL iom_rstput( iter, nitrst, numriw, 'nn_fsbc', REAL( nn_fsbc, wp ) ) ! time-step 116 116 CALL iom_rstput( iter, nitrst, numriw, 'kt_ice' , REAL( iter , wp ) ) ! date 117 DO ji = 1, nbdelay 118 CALL iom_rstput( iter, nitrst, numriw, c_delaylist(ji), todelay(ji) ) 119 END DO 117 CALL iom_delay_rst( 'WRITE', 'ICE', numriw ) ! save only ice delayed global communication variables 120 118 121 119 ! Prognostic variables … … 169 167 !! ** purpose : read restart file 170 168 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 171 INTEGER :: j i, jk, jl169 INTEGER :: jk 172 170 LOGICAL :: llok 173 171 INTEGER :: id1 ! local integer 174 172 CHARACTER(len=25) :: znam 175 173 CHARACTER(len=2) :: zchar, zchar1 176 REAL(wp) :: zfice, ziter , zcfl174 REAL(wp) :: zfice, ziter 177 175 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpl) :: z3d ! 3D workspace 178 176 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 236 234 CALL iom_get( numrir, jpdom_autoglo, 'v_ice', v_ice ) 237 235 238 ! fields needed for ice_dyn_adv_umx 239 zcfl = MAXVAL( ABS( u_ice(:,:) ) * rdt_ice * r1_e1u(:,:) ) 240 zcfl = MAX( zcfl, MAXVAL( ABS( v_ice(:,:) ) * rdt_ice * r1_e2v(:,:) ) ) 241 242 DO ji = 1, nbdelay 243 IF( iom_varid( numrir, c_delaylist(ji), ldstop = .FALSE. ) > 0 ) THEN 244 CALL iom_get( numrir, c_delaylist(ji), todelay(ji) ) 245 ndelayid(ji) = 0 ! set to 0 to speficy that the value was read in the restart 246 ENDIF 247 END DO 236 CALL iom_delay_rst( 'READ', 'ICE', numrir ) ! read only ice delayed global communication variables 248 237 249 238 ! fields needed for Met Office (Jules) coupling -
r10380 r10397 58 58 #endif 59 59 PUBLIC iom_init, iom_swap, iom_open, iom_close, iom_setkt, iom_varid, iom_get 60 PUBLIC iom_ getatt, iom_putatt, iom_gettime, iom_rstput, iom_put60 PUBLIC iom_chkatt, iom_getatt, iom_putatt, iom_gettime, iom_rstput, iom_delay_rst, iom_put 61 61 PUBLIC iom_use, iom_context_finalize 62 62 … … 1401 1401 END SUBROUTINE iom_gettime 1402 1402 1403 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1404 !! INTERFACE iom_chkatt 1405 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1406 SUBROUTINE iom_chkatt( kiomid, cdatt, llok, ksize, cdvar ) 1407 INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file 1408 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdatt ! Name of the attribute 1409 LOGICAL , INTENT( out) :: llok ! Error code 1410 INTEGER , INTENT( out), OPTIONAL :: ksize ! Size of the attribute array 1411 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: cdvar ! Name of the variable 1412 ! 1413 IF( kiomid > 0 ) THEN 1414 IF( iom_file(kiomid)%nfid > 0 ) CALL iom_nf90_chkatt( kiomid, cdatt, llok, ksize=ksize, cdvar=cdvar ) 1415 ENDIF 1416 ! 1417 END SUBROUTINE iom_chkatt 1403 1418 1404 1419 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1643 1658 END SUBROUTINE iom_rp3d 1644 1659 1660 1661 SUBROUTINE iom_delay_rst( cdaction, cdcpnt, kncid ) 1662 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1663 !! Routine iom_delay_rst: used read/write restart related to mpp_delay 1664 !! 1665 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1666 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdaction ! 1667 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdcpnt 1668 INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kncid 1669 ! 1670 INTEGER :: ji 1671 INTEGER :: indim 1672 LOGICAL :: llattexist 1673 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: zreal1d 1674 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1675 ! 1676 ! =================================== 1677 IF( TRIM(cdaction) == 'READ' ) THEN ! read restart related to mpp_delay ! 1678 ! =================================== 1679 DO ji = 1, nbdelay 1680 IF ( c_delaycpnt(ji) == cdcpnt ) THEN 1681 CALL iom_chkatt( kncid, 'DELAY_'//c_delaylist(ji), llattexist, indim ) 1682 IF( llattexist ) THEN 1683 ALLOCATE( todelay(ji)%z1d(indim) ) 1684 CALL iom_getatt( kncid, 'DELAY_'//c_delaylist(ji), todelay(ji)%z1d(:) ) 1685 ndelayid(ji) = 0 ! set to 0 to specify that the value was read in the restart 1686 ENDIF 1687 ENDIF 1688 END DO 1689 ! ==================================== 1690 ELSE ! write restart related to mpp_delay ! 1691 ! ==================================== 1692 DO ji = 1, nbdelay ! save only ocean delayed global communication variables 1693 IF ( c_delaycpnt(ji) == cdcpnt ) THEN 1694 IF( ASSOCIATED(todelay(ji)%z1d) ) THEN 1695 CALL mpp_delay_rcv(ji) ! make sure %z1d is received 1696 CALL iom_putatt( kncid, 'DELAY_'//c_delaylist(ji), todelay(ji)%z1d(:) ) 1697 ENDIF 1698 ENDIF 1699 END DO 1700 ! 1701 ENDIF 1702 1703 END SUBROUTINE iom_delay_rst 1704 1705 1645 1706 1646 1707 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r10380 r10397 30 30 31 31 PUBLIC iom_nf90_open , iom_nf90_close, iom_nf90_varid, iom_nf90_get, iom_nf90_gettime, iom_nf90_rstput 32 PUBLIC iom_nf90_ getatt, iom_nf90_putatt32 PUBLIC iom_nf90_chkatt, iom_nf90_getatt, iom_nf90_putatt 33 33 34 34 INTERFACE iom_nf90_get … … 321 321 322 322 323 SUBROUTINE iom_nf90_chkatt( kiomid, cdatt, llok, ksize, cdvar ) 324 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 325 !! *** ROUTINE iom_nf90_chkatt *** 326 !! 327 !! ** Purpose : check existence of attribute with NF90 328 !! (either a global attribute (default) or a variable 329 !! attribute if optional variable name is supplied (cdvar)) 330 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 331 INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kiomid ! Identifier of the file 332 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdatt ! attribute name 333 LOGICAL , INTENT( out) :: llok ! error code 334 INTEGER , INTENT( out), OPTIONAL & 335 & :: ksize ! attribute size 336 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL & 337 & :: cdvar ! name of the variable 338 ! 339 INTEGER :: if90id ! temporary integer 340 INTEGER :: isize ! temporary integer 341 INTEGER :: ivarid ! NetCDF variable Id 342 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- 343 ! 344 if90id = iom_file(kiomid)%nfid 345 IF( PRESENT(cdvar) ) THEN 346 ! check the variable exists in the file 347 llok = NF90_INQ_VARID( if90id, TRIM(cdvar), ivarid ) == nf90_noerr 348 IF( llok ) & 349 ! check the variable has the attribute required 350 llok = NF90_Inquire_attribute(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, len=isize ) == nf90_noerr 351 ELSE 352 llok = NF90_Inquire_attribute(if90id, NF90_GLOBAL, cdatt, len=isize ) == nf90_noerr 353 ENDIF 354 ! 355 IF( PRESENT(ksize) ) ksize = isize 356 ! 357 IF( .not. llok) & 358 CALL ctl_warn('iom_nf90_chkatt: no attribute '//cdatt//' found') 359 ! 360 END SUBROUTINE iom_nf90_chkatt 361 362 363 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 364 !! INTERFACE iom_nf90_getatt 365 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 366 323 367 SUBROUTINE iom_nf90_getatt( kiomid, cdatt, katt0d, katt1d, patt0d, patt1d, cdatt0d, cdvar) 324 368 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 397 441 INTEGER :: if90id ! temporary integer 398 442 INTEGER :: ivarid ! NetCDF variable Id 443 INTEGER :: isize ! Attribute size 444 INTEGER :: itype ! Attribute type 399 445 LOGICAL :: llok ! temporary logical 400 LOGICAL :: lenddef ! temporary logical 446 LOGICAL :: llatt ! temporary logical 447 LOGICAL :: lldata ! temporary logical 401 448 CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: clinfo ! info character 402 449 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- 403 450 ! 404 451 if90id = iom_file(kiomid)%nfid 405 lenddef = .false.406 452 IF( PRESENT(cdvar) ) THEN 407 ! check the variable exists in the file 408 llok = NF90_INQ_VARID( if90id, TRIM(cdvar), ivarid ) == nf90_noerr 453 llok = NF90_INQ_VARID( if90id, TRIM(cdvar), ivarid ) == nf90_noerr ! is the variable in the file? 409 454 IF( .NOT. llok ) THEN 410 CALL ctl_warn('iom_nf90_putatt: no variable '//TRIM(cdvar)//' found') 455 CALL ctl_warn('iom_nf90_putatt: no variable '//TRIM(cdvar)//' found' & 456 & , ' no attribute '//cdatt//' written' ) 457 RETURN 411 458 ENDIF 412 459 ELSE 413 llok = .true.414 460 ivarid = NF90_GLOBAL 415 461 ENDIF 416 ! 417 IF( llok) THEN 418 clinfo = 'iom_nf90_putatt, file: '//TRIM(iom_file(kiomid)%name)//', att: '//TRIM(cdatt) 419 IF( iom_file(kiomid)%irec /= -1 ) THEN 420 ! trick: irec used to know if the file is in define mode or not 421 ! if it is not then temporarily put it into define mode 422 CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_REDEF( if90id ), clinfo) 423 lenddef = .true. 424 ENDIF 462 llatt = NF90_Inquire_attribute(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, len = isize, xtype = itype ) == nf90_noerr 463 ! 464 ! trick: irec used to know if the file is in define mode or not 465 lldata = iom_file(kiomid)%irec /= -1 ! default: go back in define mode if in data mode 466 IF( lldata .AND. llatt ) THEN ! attribute already there. Do we really need to go back in define mode? 467 ! do we have the appropriate type? 468 IF(PRESENT( katt0d) .OR. PRESENT( katt1d)) llok = itype == NF90_INT 469 IF(PRESENT( patt0d) .OR. PRESENT( patt1d)) llok = itype == NF90_DOUBLE 470 IF(PRESENT(cdatt0d) ) llok = itype == NF90_CHAR 471 ! and do we have the appropriate size? 472 IF(PRESENT( katt0d)) llok = llok .AND. isize == 1 473 IF(PRESENT( katt1d)) llok = llok .AND. isize == SIZE(katt1d) 474 IF(PRESENT( patt0d)) llok = llok .AND. isize == 1 475 IF(PRESENT( patt1d)) llok = llok .AND. isize == SIZE(patt1d) 476 IF(PRESENT(cdatt0d)) llok = llok .AND. isize == LEN_TRIM(cdatt0d) 425 477 ! 426 IF(PRESENT( katt0d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = katt0d), clinfo) 427 IF(PRESENT( katt1d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = katt1d), clinfo) 428 IF(PRESENT( patt0d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = patt0d), clinfo) 429 IF(PRESENT( patt1d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = patt1d), clinfo) 430 IF(PRESENT(cdatt0d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = cdatt0d), clinfo) 431 ! 432 IF( lenddef ) THEN ! file was in data mode on entry; put it back in that mode 433 CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_ENDDEF( if90id ), clinfo) 434 ENDIF 435 ELSE 436 CALL ctl_warn('iom_nf90_putatt: no attribute '//TRIM(cdatt)//' written') 437 ENDIF 478 lldata = .NOT. llok 479 ENDIF 480 ! 481 clinfo = 'iom_nf90_putatt, file: '//TRIM(iom_file(kiomid)%name)//', att: '//TRIM(cdatt) 482 IF(lldata) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_REDEF( if90id ), clinfo) ! leave data mode to define mode 483 ! 484 IF(PRESENT( katt0d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = katt0d) , clinfo) 485 IF(PRESENT( katt1d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = katt1d) , clinfo) 486 IF(PRESENT( patt0d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = patt0d) , clinfo) 487 IF(PRESENT( patt1d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = patt1d) , clinfo) 488 IF(PRESENT(cdatt0d)) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_PUT_ATT(if90id, ivarid, cdatt, values = trim(cdatt0d)), clinfo) 489 ! 490 IF(lldata) CALL iom_nf90_check(NF90_ENDDEF( if90id ), clinfo) ! leave define mode to data mode 438 491 ! 439 492 END SUBROUTINE iom_nf90_putatt -
r10380 r10397 28 28 USE iom ! I/O module 29 29 USE diurnal_bulk 30 USE lib_mpp ! distribued memory computing library 30 31 31 32 IMPLICIT NONE … … 140 141 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 142 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step 142 INTEGER :: ji143 143 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 144 IF(lwxios) CALL iom_swap( cwxios_context ) 145 145 CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'rdt' , rdt , ldxios = lwxios) ! dynamics time step 146 DO ji = 1, nbdelay 147 CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, c_delaylist(ji), todelay(ji), ldxios = lwxios) 148 END DO 146 CALL iom_delay_rst( 'WRITE', 'OCE', numrow ) ! save only ocean delayed global communication variables 149 147 150 148 IF ( .NOT. ln_diurnal_only ) THEN … … 249 247 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 248 REAL(wp) :: zrdt 251 INTEGER :: j i, jk249 INTEGER :: jk 252 250 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi, jpj, jpk) :: w3d 253 251 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 261 259 ENDIF 262 260 263 DO ji = 1, nbdelay 264 IF( iom_varid( numror, c_delaylist(ji), ldstop = .FALSE. ) > 0 ) THEN 265 CALL iom_get( numror, c_delaylist(ji), todelay(ji), ldxios = lrxios ) 266 ndelayid(ji) = 0 ! set to 0 to speficy that the value was read in the restart 267 ENDIF 268 END DO 261 CALL iom_delay_rst( 'READ', 'OCE', numror ) ! read only ocean delayed global communication variables 269 262 270 263 ! Diurnal DSST -
r10386 r10397 83 83 PUBLIC mpp_lbc_north_icb 84 84 PUBLIC mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_sum, mpp_minloc, mpp_maxloc 85 PUBLIC mpp_delay_max 85 PUBLIC mpp_delay_max, mpp_delay_sum, mpp_delay_rcv 86 86 PUBLIC mppscatter, mppgather 87 87 PUBLIC mpp_ini_znl … … 164 164 INTEGER, PUBLIC :: numcom = -1 !: logical unit for communicaton report 165 165 LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_full_nf_update = .TRUE. !: logical for a full (2lines) update of bc at North fold report 166 INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: nbdelay = 1 !: number of delayed operations 167 !$AGRIF_DO_NOT_TREAT 168 CHARACTER(len=32), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: c_delaylist !: name (used as id) of allreduce-delayed operations 169 DATA c_delaylist(1) / 'advumx_delay' / 170 !$AGRIF_END_DO_NOT_TREAT 171 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: todelay !: current value of the delayed operations 172 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: ndelayid = -1 !: mpi request id of the delayed operations 166 INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: nbdelay = 2 !: number of delayed operations 167 !: name (used as id) of allreduce-delayed operations 168 CHARACTER(len=32), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: c_delaylist = (/ 'cflice', 'fwb' /) 169 !: component name where the allreduce-delayed operation is performed 170 CHARACTER(len=3), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: c_delaycpnt = (/ 'ICE' , 'OCE' /) 171 TYPE, PUBLIC :: DELAYARR 172 REAL( wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: z1d => NULL() 173 COMPLEX(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: y1d => NULL() 174 END TYPE DELAYARR 175 TYPE( DELAYARR ), DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: todelay 176 INTEGER, DIMENSION(nbdelay), PUBLIC :: ndelayid = -1 !: mpi request id of the delayed operations 173 177 174 178 ! timing summary report … … 573 577 END SUBROUTINE mppscatter 574 578 575 576 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_ max( cdname, cdelay, pinout, ldlast, kcom )577 578 !! *** routine mpp_delay_ max***579 !! 580 !! ** Purpose : performed delayed mpp_ max, the result is received on next call579 580 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum( cdname, cdelay, y_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) 581 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 582 !! *** routine mpp_delay_sum *** 583 !! 584 !! ** Purpose : performed delayed mpp_sum, the result is received on next call 581 585 !! 582 586 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 583 587 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine 584 588 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation 585 REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(2) :: pinout ! pinout(1): in data, pinout(2): out data 589 COMPLEX(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: y_in 590 REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout 586 591 LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine 587 592 INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom 588 593 !! 589 INTEGER :: ji 594 INTEGER :: ji, isz 590 595 INTEGER :: idvar 591 INTEGER :: ierror, ilocalcomm 596 INTEGER :: ierr, ilocalcomm 597 COMPLEX(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: ytmp 592 598 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 593 599 ilocalcomm = mpi_comm_oce 594 600 IF( PRESENT(kcom) ) ilocalcomm = kcom 595 601 602 isz = SIZE(y_in) 603 596 604 IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ld_glb = .TRUE. ) 597 605 598 606 idvar = -1 599 607 DO ji = 1, nbdelay 600 IF( TRIM(cdelay) == trim(c_delaylist(ji)) ) idvar = ji 608 IF( TRIM(cdelay) == TRIM(c_delaylist(ji)) ) idvar = ji 609 END DO 610 IF ( idvar == -1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',' mpp_delay_sum : please add a new delayed exchange for '//TRIM(cdname) ) 611 612 IF ( ndelayid(idvar) == 0 ) THEN ! first call with restart: %z1d defined in iom_delay_rst 613 ! -------------------------- 614 IF ( SIZE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) /= isz ) THEN ! Check dimension coherence 615 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' WARNING: the nb of delayed variables in restart file is not the model one' 616 DEALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) 617 ndelayid(idvar) = -1 ! do as if we had no restart 618 ELSE 619 ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%y1d(isz)) 620 todelay(idvar)%y1d(:) = CMPLX(todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), 0., wp) ! create %y1d, complex variable needed by mpi_sumdd 621 END IF 622 ENDIF 623 624 IF( ndelayid(idvar) == -1 ) THEN ! first call without restart: define %y1d and %z1d from y_in with blocking allreduce 625 ! -------------------------- 626 ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d(isz), todelay(idvar)%y1d(isz)) ! allocate also %z1d as used for the restart 627 CALL mpi_allreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ierr ) ! get %y1d 628 todelay(idvar)%z1d(:) = REAL(todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), wp) ! define %z1d from %y1d 629 ENDIF 630 631 IF( ndelayid(idvar) > 0 ) CALL mpp_delay_rcv( idvar ) ! make sure %z1d is received 632 633 ! send back pout from todelay(idvar)%z1d defined at previous call 634 pout(:) = todelay(idvar)%z1d(:) 635 636 ! send y_in into todelay(idvar)%y1d with a non-blocking communication 637 CALL mpi_iallreduce( y_in(:), todelay(idvar)%y1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, mpi_sumdd, ilocalcomm, ndelayid(idvar), ierr ) 638 639 END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum 640 641 642 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max( cdname, cdelay, p_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) 643 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 644 !! *** routine mpp_delay_max *** 645 !! 646 !! ** Purpose : performed delayed mpp_max, the result is received on next call 647 !! 648 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 649 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine 650 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation 651 REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: p_in ! 652 REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout ! 653 LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine 654 INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom 655 !! 656 INTEGER :: ji, isz 657 INTEGER :: idvar 658 INTEGER :: ierr, ilocalcomm 659 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 660 ilocalcomm = mpi_comm_oce 661 IF( PRESENT(kcom) ) ilocalcomm = kcom 662 663 isz = SIZE(p_in) 664 665 IF( narea == 1 .AND. numcom == -1 ) CALL mpp_report( cdname, ld_glb = .TRUE. ) 666 667 idvar = -1 668 DO ji = 1, nbdelay 669 IF( TRIM(cdelay) == TRIM(c_delaylist(ji)) ) idvar = ji 601 670 END DO 602 671 IF ( idvar == -1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP',' mpp_delay_max : please add a new delayed exchange for '//TRIM(cdname) ) 603 672 604 IF( ndelayid(idvar) == -1 ) THEN ! first call without restart: get pinout(2) from pinout(1) with a blocking allreduce 605 CALL mpi_allreduce( pinout(1), pinout(2), 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ierror ) 606 ELSE IF ( ndelayid(idvar) == 0 ) THEN ! first call with restart: get pinout(2) from todelay with a blocking allreduce 607 CALL mpi_allreduce( todelay(idvar), pinout(2), 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ierror ) 608 ELSE ! from the second call, get value from previous time step 673 IF ( ndelayid(idvar) == 0 ) THEN ! first call with restart: %z1d defined in iom_delay_rst 674 ! -------------------------- 675 IF ( SIZE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) /= isz ) THEN ! Check dimension coherence 676 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' WARNING: the nb of delayed variables in restart file is not the model one' 677 DEALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d) 678 ndelayid(idvar) = -1 ! do as if we had no restart 679 END IF 680 ENDIF 681 682 IF( ndelayid(idvar) == -1 ) THEN ! first call without restart: define %z1d from p_in with a blocking allreduce 683 ! -------------------------- 684 ALLOCATE(todelay(idvar)%z1d(isz)) 685 CALL mpi_allreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ierr ) ! get %z1d 686 ENDIF 687 688 IF( ndelayid(idvar) > 0 ) CALL mpp_delay_rcv( idvar ) ! make sure %z1d is received 689 690 ! send back pout from todelay(idvar)%z1d defined at previous call 691 pout(:) = todelay(idvar)%z1d(:) 692 693 ! send p_in into todelay(idvar)%z1d with a non-blocking communication 694 CALL mpi_iallreduce( p_in(:), todelay(idvar)%z1d(:), isz, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ndelayid(idvar), ierr ) 695 696 END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max 697 698 699 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv( kid ) 700 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 701 !! *** routine mpp_delay_rcv *** 702 !! 703 !! ** Purpose : force barrier for delayed mpp (needed for restart) 704 !! 705 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 706 INTEGER,INTENT(in ) :: kid 707 INTEGER :: ierr 708 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 709 IF( ndelayid(kid) /= -2 ) THEN 609 710 IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac( .TRUE., ld_global = .TRUE.) 610 CALL mpi_wait( ndelayid(idvar), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierror ) ! make sure todelay(idvar) is received711 CALL mpi_wait( ndelayid(kid), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr ) ! make sure todelay(kid) is received 611 712 IF( ln_timing ) CALL tic_tac(.FALSE., ld_global = .TRUE.) 612 pinout(2) = todelay(idvar) ! send back pinout(2) from todelay(idvar) defined at previous call 613 ENDIF 614 615 IF( ldlast ) THEN ! last call: put pinout(1) in todelay that will be stored in the restart files 616 todelay(idvar) = pinout(1) 617 ELSE ! send pinout(1) to todelay(idvar), to be received at next call 618 CALL mpi_iallreduce( pinout(1), todelay(idvar), 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, mpi_max, ilocalcomm, ndelayid(idvar), ierror ) 619 ENDIF 620 621 END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max 713 IF( ASSOCIATED(todelay(kid)%y1d) ) todelay(kid)%z1d(:) = REAL(todelay(kid)%y1d(:), wp) ! define %z1d from %y1d 714 ndelayid(kid) = -2 ! add flag to know that mpi_wait was already called on kid 715 ENDIF 716 END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv 717 622 718 623 719 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1376 1472 ! 1377 1473 ! find the smallest common frequency: default = frequency product, if multiple, choose the larger of the 2 frequency 1378 ncom_freq = ncom_fsbc * ncom_dttrc1379 IF( MOD( MAX(ncom_fsbc,ncom_dttrc), MIN(ncom_fsbc,ncom_dttrc) ) == 0 ) ncom_freq = MAX(ncom_fsbc,ncom_dttrc)1474 IF( ncom_dttrc /= 1 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'mpp_report, ncom_dttrc /= 1 not coded...' ) 1475 ncom_freq = ncom_fsbc 1380 1476 ! 1381 1477 IF ( ncom_stp == nit000+ncom_freq ) THEN ! avoid to count extra communications in potential initializations at nit000 … … 1384 1480 IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED( crname_lbc) ) ALLOCATE( crname_lbc(ncom_rec_max ) ) 1385 1481 n_sequence_lbc = n_sequence_lbc + 1 1386 IF( n_sequence_lbc > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'l nk_generic, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock1482 IF( n_sequence_lbc > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock 1387 1483 crname_lbc(n_sequence_lbc) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine 1388 1484 ncomm_sequence(n_sequence_lbc,1) = kpk*kpl ! size of 3rd and 4th dimensions … … 1392 1488 IF( .NOT. ALLOCATED(crname_glb) ) ALLOCATE( crname_glb(ncom_rec_max) ) 1393 1489 n_sequence_glb = n_sequence_glb + 1 1394 IF( n_sequence_glb > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'l nk_generic, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock1490 IF( n_sequence_glb > ncom_rec_max ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'lib_mpp, increase ncom_rec_max' ) ! deadlock 1395 1491 crname_glb(n_sequence_glb) = cdname ! keep the name of the calling routine 1396 1492 ENDIF … … 1504 1600 INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: nbdelay = 0 ! make sure we don't enter loops: DO ji = 1, nbdelay 1505 1601 CHARACTER(len=32), DIMENSION(1), PUBLIC :: c_delaylist = 'empty' 1506 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(1) :: todelay 1602 CHARACTER(len=32), DIMENSION(1), PUBLIC :: c_delaycpnt = 'empty' 1603 TYPE :: DELAYARR 1604 REAL( wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: z1d => NULL() 1605 COMPLEX(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: y1d => NULL() 1606 END TYPE DELAYARR 1607 TYPE( DELAYARR ), DIMENSION(1), PUBLIC :: todelay 1507 1608 INTEGER, PUBLIC, DIMENSION(1) :: ndelayid = -1 1508 1609 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 1673 1774 # undef OPERATION_MAXLOC 1674 1775 1675 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_ max( cdname, cdelay, pinout, ldlast, kcom )1776 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum( cdname, cdelay, y_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) 1676 1777 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine 1677 1778 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation 1678 REAL(wp), INTENT(inout), DIMENSION(2) :: pinout ! pinout(1): in data, pinout(2): out data 1779 COMPLEX(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: y_in 1780 REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout 1679 1781 LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine 1680 1782 INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom 1681 WRITE(*,*) 'mpp_delay_max: You should not have seen this print! error?', cdname 1783 ! 1784 pout(:) = REAL(y_in(:), wp) 1785 END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_sum 1786 1787 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max( cdname, cdelay, p_in, pout, ldlast, kcom ) 1788 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdname ! name of the calling subroutine 1789 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in ) :: cdelay ! name (used as id) of the delayed operation 1790 REAL(wp), INTENT(in ), DIMENSION(:) :: p_in 1791 REAL(wp), INTENT( out), DIMENSION(:) :: pout 1792 LOGICAL, INTENT(in ) :: ldlast ! true if this is the last time we call this routine 1793 INTEGER, INTENT(in ), OPTIONAL :: kcom 1794 ! 1795 pout(:) = p_in(:) 1682 1796 END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_max 1683 1797 1798 SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv( kid ) 1799 INTEGER,INTENT(in ) :: kid 1800 WRITE(*,*) 'mpp_delay_rcv: You should not have seen this print! error?', kid 1801 END SUBROUTINE mpp_delay_rcv 1802 1684 1803 SUBROUTINE mppstop( ldfinal, ld_force_abort ) 1685 1804 LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: ldfinal ! source process number -
r10357 r10397 182 182 ! then we calculate them here now that we have our communicator size 183 183 IF( jpni < 1 .OR. jpnj < 1 ) CALL mpp_init_bestpartition( mppsize, jpni, jpnj ) 184 !!$ IF( jpni < 1 .OR. jpnj < 1 ) THEN 185 !!$ CALL mpp_init_bestpartition( mppsize, jpni, jpnj ) 186 !!$ ELSE 187 !!$ CALL mpp_init_bestpartition( mppsize, inbi, inbj ) 188 !!$ CALL mpp_basic_decomposition( jpni, jpnj, jpimax, jpjmax ) 189 !!$ CALL mpp_basic_decomposition( inbi, inbj, iimax, ijmax ) 190 !!$ IF( iimax*ijmax < jpimax*jpjmax ) THEN 191 !!$ WRITE(ctmp1,*) ' The chossen domain decomposition ', jpni, jpnj 192 !!$ WRITE(ctmp2,*) ' exceeds the maximum number of ocean subdomains = ', inijmin 193 !!$ WRITE(ctmp3,*) ' we suppressed ', jpni*jpnj - mppsize, ' land subdomains ' 194 !!$ WRITE(ctmp4,*) ' BUT we had to keep ', mppsize - inijmin, ' land subdomains that are useless...' 195 !!$ CALL ctl_warn( 'mpp_init:', '~~~~~~~~ ', ctmp1, ctmp2, ctmp3, ctmp4 ) 196 !!$ ENDIF 197 !!$ ENDIF 184 198 185 199 ! look for land mpi subdomains... -
r10365 r10397 71 71 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ztmsk_neg, ztmsk_pos, z_wgt ! 2D workspaces 72 72 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ztmsk_tospread, zerp_cor ! - - 73 REAL(wp) ,DIMENSION(1) :: z_fwfprv 74 COMPLEX(wp),DIMENSION(1) :: y_fwfnow 73 75 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 76 ! … … 102 104 ! 103 105 IF( MOD( kt-1, kn_fsbc ) == 0 ) THEN 104 z_fwf = glob_sum( 'sbcfwb', e1e2t(:,:) * ( emp(:,:) - rnf(:,:) + fwfisf(:,:) - snwice_fmass(:,:) ) ) / area ! sum over the global domain 105 zcoef = z_fwf * rcp 106 emp(:,:) = emp(:,:) - z_fwf * tmask(:,:,1) 106 y_fwfnow(1) = local_sum( e1e2t(:,:) * ( emp(:,:) - rnf(:,:) + fwfisf(:,:) - snwice_fmass(:,:) ) ) 107 CALL mpp_delay_sum( 'sbcfwb', 'fwb', y_fwfnow(:), z_fwfprv(:), kt == nitend - nn_fsbc + 1 ) 108 z_fwfprv(1) = z_fwfprv(1) / area 109 zcoef = z_fwfprv(1) * rcp 110 emp(:,:) = emp(:,:) - z_fwfprv(1) * tmask(:,:,1) 107 111 qns(:,:) = qns(:,:) + zcoef * sst_m(:,:) * tmask(:,:,1) ! account for change to the heat budget due to fw correction 108 112 ENDIF -
r10314 r10397 27 27 PUBLIC glob_sum ! used in many places (masked with tmask_i) 28 28 PUBLIC glob_sum_full ! used in many places (masked with tmask_h, ie only over the halos) 29 PUBLIC local_sum ! used in trcrad, local operation before glob_sum_delay 29 30 PUBLIC DDPDD ! also used in closea module 30 31 PUBLIC glob_min, glob_max … … 39 40 MODULE PROCEDURE glob_sum_full_2d, glob_sum_full_3d 40 41 END INTERFACE 42 INTERFACE local_sum 43 MODULE PROCEDURE local_sum_2d, local_sum_3d 44 END INTERFACE 41 45 INTERFACE glob_min 42 46 MODULE PROCEDURE glob_min_2d, glob_min_3d … … 126 130 # undef DIM_3d 127 131 # undef GLOBMINMAX_CODE 132 133 ! ! FUNCTION local_sum ! 134 135 FUNCTION local_sum_2d( ptab ) 136 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 137 REAL(wp), INTENT(in ) :: ptab(:,:) ! array on which operation is applied 138 COMPLEX(wp) :: local_sum_2d 139 ! 140 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 ! 142 COMPLEX(wp):: ctmp 143 REAL(wp) :: ztmp 144 INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices 145 INTEGER :: ipi, ipj ! dimensions 146 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 147 ! 148 ipi = SIZE(ptab,1) ! 1st dimension 149 ipj = SIZE(ptab,2) ! 2nd dimension 150 ! 151 ctmp = CMPLX( 0.e0, 0.e0, wp ) ! warning ctmp is cumulated 152 153 DO jj = 1, ipj 154 DO ji = 1, ipi 155 ztmp = ptab(ji,jj) * tmask_i(ji,jj) 156 CALL DDPDD( CMPLX( ztmp, 0.e0, wp ), ctmp ) 157 END DO 158 END DO 159 ! 160 local_sum_2d = ctmp 161 162 END FUNCTION local_sum_2d 163 164 FUNCTION local_sum_3d( ptab ) 165 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 166 REAL(wp), INTENT(in ) :: ptab(:,:,:) ! array on which operation is applied 167 COMPLEX(wp) :: local_sum_3d 168 ! 169 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 170 ! 171 COMPLEX(wp):: ctmp 172 REAL(wp) :: ztmp 173 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices 174 INTEGER :: ipi, ipj, ipk ! dimensions 175 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 176 ! 177 ipi = SIZE(ptab,1) ! 1st dimension 178 ipj = SIZE(ptab,2) ! 2nd dimension 179 ipk = SIZE(ptab,3) ! 3rd dimension 180 ! 181 ctmp = CMPLX( 0.e0, 0.e0, wp ) ! warning ctmp is cumulated 182 183 DO jk = 1, ipk 184 DO jj = 1, ipj 185 DO ji = 1, ipi 186 ztmp = ptab(ji,jj,jk) * tmask_i(ji,jj) 187 CALL DDPDD( CMPLX( ztmp, 0.e0, wp ), ctmp ) 188 END DO 189 END DO 190 END DO 191 ! 192 local_sum_3d = ctmp 193 194 END FUNCTION local_sum_3d 128 195 129 196 -
r10314 r10397 50 50 ipk = K_SIZE(ptab) ! 3rd dimension 51 51 ! 52 ztmp = 0.e0 53 ctmp = CMPLX( 0.e0, 0.e0, wp ) 52 ctmp = CMPLX( 0.e0, 0.e0, wp ) ! warning ctmp is cumulated 54 53 55 54 DO jk = 1, ipk -
r10380 r10397 23 23 USE iom 24 24 USE daymod 25 USE lib_mpp 25 26 26 27 IMPLICIT NONE … … 116 117 END DO 117 118 ! 119 CALL iom_delay_rst( 'READ', 'TOP', numrtr ) ! read only TOP delayed global communication variables 120 118 121 END SUBROUTINE trc_rst_read 119 122 … … 127 130 !! 128 131 INTEGER :: jn 129 REAL(wp) :: zarak0130 132 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 131 133 ! … … 141 143 END DO 142 144 ! 145 CALL iom_delay_rst( 'WRITE', 'TOP', numrtw ) ! save only TOP delayed global communication variables 146 143 147 IF( kt == nitrst ) THEN 144 148 CALL trc_rst_stat ! statistics
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