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Changeset 10462 for NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_misc.tex – NEMO

2019-01-07T16:39:04+01:00 (6 years ago)

Fill in section on closea module in NEMO book. Ticket #2000.

1 edited


  • NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_misc.tex

    r10442 r10462  
     85  \begin{center} 
     86    \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_closea_mask_example} 
     87    \caption{ 
     88      \protect\label{fig:closea_mask_example} 
     89      Example of mask fields for the closea module. \textit{Left}: a 
     90      closea\_mask field; \textit{Right}: a closea\_mask\_rnf 
     91      field. In this example, if ln\_closea is set to .true., the mean 
     92      freshwater flux over each of the American Great Lakes will be 
     93      set to zero, and the total residual for all the lakes, if 
     94      negative, will be put into the St Laurence Seaway in the area 
     95      shown.  
     96    } 
     97  \end{center} 
    84101% ================================================================ 
    90 \colorbox{yellow}{Add here a short description of the way closed seas are managed} 
     107Some configurations include inland seas and lakes as ocean 
     108points. This is particularly the case for configurations that are 
     109coupled to an atmosphere model where one might want to include inland 
     110seas and lakes as ocean model points in order to provide a better 
     111bottom boundary condition for the atmosphere. However there is no 
     112route for freshwater to run off from the lakes to the ocean and this 
     113can lead to large drifts in the sea surface height over the lakes. The 
     114closea module provides options to either fill in closed seas and lakes 
     115at run time, or to set the net surface freshwater flux for each lake 
     116to zero and put the residual flux into the ocean. 
     118Prior to NEMO 4 the locations of inland seas and lakes was set via 
     119hardcoded indices for various ORCA configurations. From NEMO 4 onwards 
     120the inland seas and lakes are defined using mask fields in the 
     121domain configuration file. The options are as follows. 
     124\item{{\bf No ``closea\_mask'' field is included in domain configuration 
     125  file.} In this case the closea module does nothing.} 
     127\item{{\bf A field called closea\_mask is included in the domain 
     128configuration file and ln\_closea=.false. in namelist namcfg.} In this 
     129case the inland seas defined by the closea\_mask field are filled in 
     130(turned to land points) at run time. That is every point in 
     131closea\_mask that is nonzero is set to be a land point.} 
     133\item{{\bf A field called closea\_mask is included in the domain 
     134configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in namelist namcfg.} Each 
     135inland sea or group of inland seas is set to a positive integer value 
     136in the closea\_mask field (see Figure \ref{fig:closea_mask_example} 
     137for an example). The net surface flux over each inland sea or group of 
     138inland seas is set to zero each timestep and the residual flux is 
     139distributed over the global ocean (ie. all ocean points where 
     140closea\_mask is zero).} 
     142\item{{\bf Fields called closea\_mask and closea\_mask\_rnf are 
     143included in the domain configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in 
     144namelist namcfg.} This option works as for option 3, except that if 
     145the net surface flux over an inland sea is negative (net 
     146precipitation) it is put into the ocean at specified runoff points. A 
     147net positive surface flux (net evaporation) is still spread over the 
     148global ocean. The mapping from inland seas to runoff points is defined 
     149by the closea\_mask\_rnf field. Each mapping is defined by a positive 
     150integer value for the inland sea(s) and the corresponding runoff 
     151points. An example is given in Figure 
     152\ref{fig:closea_mask_example}. If no mapping is provided for a 
     153particular inland sea then the residual is spread over the global 
     156\item{{\bf Fields called closea\_mask and closea\_mask\_emp are 
     157included in the domain configuration file and ln\_closea=.true. in 
     158namelist namcfg.} This option works the same as option 4 except that 
     159the nonzero net surface flux is sent to the ocean at the specified 
     160runoff points regardless of whether it is positive or negative. The 
     161mapping from inland seas to runoff points in this case is defined by 
     162the closea\_mask\_emp field.} 
     165There is a python routine to create the closea\_mask fields and append 
     166them to the domain configuration file in the utils/tools/DOMAINcfg directory.  
    93168% ================================================================ 
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