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Changeset 10468 – NEMO

Changeset 10468

2019-01-08T12:34:39+01:00 (6 years ago)

update ISF documentation (DYN and SBC)

3 edited


  • NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/main/NEMO_manual.bib

    r10373 r10468  
    10621062   S. Alonso, D. Gomis, A. Viudez, M. Astraldi, D. Bacciola, M. Borghini, 
    10631063   F. Dell'amico, C. Galli, E. Lazzoni, G. P. Gasparini, S. Sparnocchia, 
    1064    and A. Harzallah, 1995 : Progress from 1989 to 1992 in understanding 
    1065    the circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Oceanologica Acta, 
    1066    18, 2, 255-271.}, 
    1067   title = {EUROMODEL Group (P.M. Lehucher, L. Beautier, M. Chartier, F. Martel, 
    1068    L. Mortier, P. Brehmer, C. Millot, C. Alberola, M. Benzhora, I. Taupier-Letage, 
    1069    G. Chabert d'Hieres, H. Didelle, P. Gleizon, D. Obaton, M. Cr\'{e}pon, 
    1070    C. Herbaut, G. Madec, S. Speich, J. Nihoul, J. M. Beckers, P. Brasseur, 
    1071    E. Deleersnijder, S. Djenidi, J. Font, A. Castellon, E. Garcia-Ladona, 
    1072    M. J. Lopez-Garcia, M. Manriquez, M. Maso, J. Salat, J. Tintore, 
    1073    S. Alonso, D. Gomis, A. Viudez, M. Astraldi, D. Bacciola, M. Borghini, 
    1074    F. Dell'amico, C. Galli, E. Lazzoni, G. P. Gasparini, S. Sparnocchia, 
    1075    and A. Harzallah, 1995 : Progress from 1989 to 1992 in understanding 
    1076    the circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea.}, 
     1064   and A. Harzallah)}, 
     1065  title = {Progress from 1989 to 1992 in understanding the circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea.}, 
    10771066  journal = {Oceanologica Acta}, 
    10781067  year = {1995}, 
    24342423  pages = {L07703}, 
    24352424  doi = {10.1029/2004GL021980}, 
     2428AUTHOR = {Mathiot, P. and Jenkins, A. and Harris, C. and Madec, G.}, 
     2429TITLE = {Explicit representation and parametrised impacts of under ice shelf seas in the ${z}^{\ast}$ coordinate ocean model NEMO 3.6}, 
     2430JOURNAL = {Geoscientific Model Development}, 
     2431VOLUME = {10}, 
     2432YEAR = {2017}, 
     2433NUMBER = {7}, 
     2434PAGES = {2849--2874}, 
     2435URL = {}, 
     2436DOI = {10.5194/gmd-10-2849-2017} 
  • NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_DYN.tex

    r10442 r10468  
    698698Beneath an ice shelf, the total pressure gradient is the sum of the pressure gradient due to the ice shelf load and 
    699 the pressure gradient due to the ocean load. 
    700 If cavity opened (\np{ln\_isfcav}\forcode{ = .true.}) these 2 terms can be calculated by 
    701 setting \np{ln\_dynhpg\_isf}\forcode{ = .true.}. 
    702 No other scheme are working with the ice shelf.\\ 
    704 $\bullet$ The main hypothesis to compute the ice shelf load is that the ice shelf is in an isostatic equilibrium. 
     699the pressure gradient due to the ocean load (\np{ln\_dynhpg\_isf}\forcode{ = .true.}).\\ 
     701The main hypothesis to compute the ice shelf load is that the ice shelf is in an isostatic equilibrium. 
    705702The top pressure is computed integrating from surface to the base of the ice shelf a reference density profile 
    706703(prescribed as density of a water at 34.4 PSU and -1.9\deg{C}) and 
    709706A detailed description of this method is described in \citet{Losch2008}.\\ 
    711 $\bullet$ The ocean load is computed using the expression \autoref{eq:dynhpg_sco} described in 
     708The pressure gradient due to ocean load is computed using the expression \autoref{eq:dynhpg_sco} described in 
  • NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/NEMO/subfiles/chap_SBC.tex

    r10442 r10468  
    922922The mass/volume addition due to the river runoff is, at each relevant depth level, added to 
    923 the horizontal divergence (\textit{hdivn}) in the subroutine \rou{sbc\_rnf\_div} (called from \mdl{divcur}). 
     923the horizontal divergence (\textit{hdivn}) in the subroutine \rou{sbc\_rnf\_div} (called from \mdl{divhor}). 
    924924This increases the diffusion term in the vicinity of the river, thereby simulating a momentum flux. 
    925925The sea surface height is calculated using the sum of the horizontal divergence terms, 
    992 Namelist variable in \ngn{namsbc}, \np{nn\_isf}, controls the ice shelf representation used.  
     992The namelist variable in \ngn{namsbc}, \np{nn\_isf}, controls the ice shelf representation. 
     993Description and result of sensitivity test to \np{nn\_isf} are presented in \citet{Mathiot2017}.  
     994The different options are illustrated in \autoref{fig:SBC_isf}. 
    994 \item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 1}] 
     997\item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 1}]: 
    995998  The ice shelf cavity is represented (\np{ln\_isfcav}\forcode{ = .true.} needed). 
    996   The fwf and heat flux are computed. 
    997   Two different bulk formula are available: 
     999  The fwf and heat flux are depending of the local water properties. 
     1000  Two different bulk formulae are available: 
    9981002   \begin{description} 
    999    \item[\np{nn\_isfblk}\forcode{ = 1}] 
    1000      The bulk formula used to compute the melt is based the one described in \citet{Hunter2006}. 
    1001      This formulation is based on a balance between the upward ocean heat flux and 
    1002      the latent heat flux at the ice shelf base. 
    1003    \item[\np{nn\_isfblk}\forcode{ = 2}] 
    1004      The bulk formula used to compute the melt is based the one described in \citet{Jenkins1991}. 
    1005      This formulation is based on a 3 equations formulation 
    1006      (a heat flux budget, a salt flux budget and a linearised freezing point temperature equation). 
     1003   \item[\np{nn\_isfblk}\forcode{ = 1}]: 
     1004     The melt rate is based on a balance between the upward ocean heat flux and 
     1005     the latent heat flux at the ice shelf base. A complete description is available in \citet{Hunter2006}. 
     1006   \item[\np{nn\_isfblk}\forcode{ = 2}]: 
     1007     The melt rate and the heat flux are based on a 3 equations formulation 
     1008     (a heat flux budget at the ice base, a salt flux budget at the ice base and a linearised freezing point temperature equation).  
     1009     A complete description is available in \citet{Jenkins1991}. 
    10071010   \end{description} 
    1008    For this 2 bulk formulations, there are 3 different ways to compute the exchange coeficient: 
     1012     Temperature and salinity used to compute the melt are the average temperature in the top boundary layer \citet{Losch2008}.  
     1013     Its thickness is defined by \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl}. 
     1014     The fluxes and friction velocity are computed using the mean temperature, salinity and velocity in the the first \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} m. 
     1015     Then, the fluxes are spread over the same thickness (ie over one or several cells). 
     1016     If \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} larger than top $e_{3}t$, there is no more feedback between the freezing point at the interface and the the top cell temperature. 
     1017     This can lead to super-cool temperature in the top cell under melting condition. 
     1018     If \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} smaller than top $e_{3}t$, the top boundary layer thickness is set to the top cell thickness.\\ 
     1020     Each melt bulk formula depends on a exchange coeficient ($\Gamma^{T,S}$) between the ocean and the ice.  
     1021     There are 3 different ways to compute the exchange coeficient: 
    10091022   \begin{description} 
    1010    \item[\np{nn\_gammablk}\forcode{ = 0}] 
    1011      The salt and heat exchange coefficients are constant and defined by \np{rn\_gammas0} and \np{rn\_gammat0} 
    1012    \item[\np{nn\_gammablk}\forcode{ = 1}] 
     1023        \item[\np{nn\_gammablk}\forcode{ = 0}]: 
     1024     The salt and heat exchange coefficients are constant and defined by \np{rn\_gammas0} and \np{rn\_gammat0}.  
     1026  % \label{eq:sbc_isf_gamma_iso} 
     1027\gamma^{T} = \np{rn\_gammat0} 
     1030\gamma^{S} = \np{rn\_gammas0} 
     1032     This is the recommended formulation for ISOMIP. 
     1033   \item[\np{nn\_gammablk}\forcode{ = 1}]: 
    10131034     The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity dependent and defined as 
    1014      \np{rn\_gammas0}$ \times u_{*}$ and \np{rn\_gammat0}$ \times u_{*}$ where 
    1015      $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} meters). 
    1016      See \citet{Jenkins2010} for all the details on this formulation. 
    1017    \item[\np{nn\_gammablk}\forcode{ = 2}] 
    1018      The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity and stability dependent and defined as 
    1019      $\gamma_{T,S} = \frac{u_{*}}{\Gamma_{Turb} + \Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}}$ where 
    1020      $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} meters), 
     1036\gamma^{T} = \np{rn\_gammat0} \times u_{*}  
     1039\gamma^{S} = \np{rn\_gammas0} \times u_{*} 
     1041     where $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} meters). 
     1042     See \citet{Jenkins2010} for all the details on this formulation. It is the recommended formulation for realistic application. 
     1043   \item[\np{nn\_gammablk}\forcode{ = 2}]: 
     1044     The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity and stability dependent and defined as: 
     1046\gamma^{T,S} = \frac{u_{*}}{\Gamma_{Turb} + \Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}}  
     1048     where $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} meters), 
    10211049     $\Gamma_{Turb}$ the contribution of the ocean stability and 
    10221050     $\Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}$ the contribution of the molecular diffusion. 
    1023      See \citet{Holland1999} for all the details on this formulation. 
     1051     See \citet{Holland1999} for all the details on this formulation.  
     1052     This formulation has not been extensively tested in NEMO (not recommended). 
    10241053   \end{description} 
    1025  \item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 2}] 
    1026    A parameterisation of isf is used. The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 
    1027    The fwf is distributed along the ice shelf edge between the depth of the average grounding line (GL) 
     1054 \item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 2}]: 
     1055   The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 
     1056   The fwf and heat flux are computed using the \citet{Beckmann2003} parameterisation of isf melting. 
     1057   The fluxes are distributed along the ice shelf edge between the depth of the average grounding line (GL) 
    10281058   (\np{sn\_depmax\_isf}) and the base of the ice shelf along the calving front 
    10291059   (\np{sn\_depmin\_isf}) as in (\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 3}). 
    1030    Furthermore the fwf and heat flux are computed using the \citet{Beckmann2003} parameterisation of isf melting. 
    10311060   The effective melting length (\np{sn\_Leff\_isf}) is read from a file. 
    1032  \item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 3}] 
    1033    A simple parameterisation of isf is used. The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 
     1061 \item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 3}]: 
     1062   The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 
    10341063   The fwf (\np{sn\_rnfisf}) is prescribed and distributed along the ice shelf edge between 
    10351064   the depth of the average grounding line (GL) (\np{sn\_depmax\_isf}) and 
    10361065   the base of the ice shelf along the calving front (\np{sn\_depmin\_isf}). 
    10371066   The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$. 
    1038  \item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 4}] 
     1067 \item[\np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 4}]: 
    10391068   The ice shelf cavity is opened (\np{ln\_isfcav}\forcode{ = .true.} needed). 
    10401069   However, the fwf is not computed but specified from file \np{sn\_fwfisf}). 
    1041    The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$.\\ 
     1070   The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$. 
     1071   As in \np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 1}, the fluxes are spread over the top boundary layer thickness (\np{rn\_hisf\_tbl})\\ 
    10531083for studies where you need to control your heat and fw input.\\  
    1055 A namelist parameters control over how many meters the heat and fw fluxes are spread. 
    1056 \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl}] is the top boundary layer thickness as defined in \citet{Losch2008}. 
    1057 This parameter is only used if \np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 1} or \np{nn\_isf}\forcode{ = 4}. 
    1059 If \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl}\forcode{ = 0}., the fluxes are put in the top level whatever is its tickness.  
    1061 If \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} $>$ 0., the fluxes are spread over the first \np{rn\_hisf\_tbl} m 
    1062 (ie over one or several cells).\\ 
    1064 The ice shelf melt is implemented as a volume flux with in the same way as for the runoff. 
     1085The ice shelf melt is implemented as a volume flux as for the runoff. 
    10651086The fw addition due to the ice shelf melting is, at each relevant depth level, added to 
    1066 the horizontal divergence (\textit{hdivn}) in the subroutine \rou{sbc\_isf\_div}, called from \mdl{divcur}. 
    1067 See the runoff section \autoref{sec:SBC_rnf} for all the details about the divergence correction. 
     1087the horizontal divergence (\textit{hdivn}) in the subroutine \rou{sbc\_isf\_div}, called from \mdl{divhor}. 
     1088See the runoff section \autoref{sec:SBC_rnf} for all the details about the divergence correction.\\ 
     1092  \begin{center} 
     1093    \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{Fig_SBC_isf} 
     1094    \caption{ 
     1095      \protect\label{fig:SBC_isf} 
     1096      Illustration the location where the fwf is injected and whether or not the fwf is interactif or not depending of \np{nn\_isf}. 
     1097    } 
     1098  \end{center} 
    10701102\section{Ice sheet coupling} 
    10761108Ice sheet/ocean coupling is done through file exchange at the restart step. 
    1077 NEMO, at each restart step, read the bathymetry and ice shelf draft variable in a netcdf file. 
     1109At each restart step: 
     1111\item[Step 1]: the ice sheet model send a new bathymetry and ice shelf draft netcdf file. 
     1112\item[Step 2]: a new file is built using the DOMAINcfg tools. 
     1113\item[Step 3]: NEMO run for a specific period and output the average melt rate over the period. 
     1114\item[Step 4]: the ice sheet model run using the melt rate outputed in step 4. 
     1115\item[Step 5]: go back to 1. 
    10781118If \np{ln\_iscpl}\forcode{ = .true.}, the isf draft is assume to be different at each restart step with 
    10791119potentially some new wet/dry cells due to the ice sheet dynamics/thermodynamics. 
    1080 The wetting and drying scheme applied on the restart is very simple and described below for the 6 different cases: 
     1120The wetting and drying scheme applied on the restart is very simple and described below for the 6 different possible cases: 
    1082 \item[Thin a cell down:] 
     1122\item[Thin a cell down]: 
    10831123  T/S/ssh are unchanged and U/V in the top cell are corrected to keep the barotropic transport (bt) constant 
    10841124  ($bt_b=bt_n$). 
    1085 \item[Enlarge  a cell:] 
     1125\item[Enlarge  a cell]: 
    10861126  See case "Thin a cell down" 
    1087 \item[Dry a cell:] 
     1127\item[Dry a cell]: 
    10881128  mask, T/S, U/V and ssh are set to 0. 
    10891129  Furthermore, U/V into the water column are modified to satisfy ($bt_b=bt_n$). 
    1090 \item[Wet a cell:]  
     1130\item[Wet a cell]:  
    10911131  mask is set to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, $ssh_n = ssh_b$ and U/V set to 0. 
    1092   If no neighbours along i,j and k, T/S/U/V and mask are set to 0. 
    1093 \item[Dry a column:] 
     1132  If no neighbours, T/S is extrapolated from old top cell value.  
     1133  If no neighbours along i,j and k (both previous test failed), T/S/U/V/ssh and mask are set to 0. 
     1134\item[Dry a column]: 
    10941135   mask, T/S, U/V are set to 0 everywhere in the column and ssh set to 0. 
    1095 \item[Wet a column:] 
     1136\item[Wet a column]: 
    10961137  set mask to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, ssh is extrapolated from neighbours and U/V set to 0. 
    10971138  If no neighbour, T/S/U/V and mask set to 0. 
    1099 The extrapolation is call \np{nn\_drown} times. 
     1141Furthermore, as the before and now fields are not compatible (modification of the geometry), 
     1142the restart time step is prescribed to be an euler time step instead of a leap frog and $fields_b = fields_n$.\\ 
     1144The horizontal extrapolation to fill new cell with realistic value is called \np{nn\_drown} times. 
    11001145It means that if the grounding line retreat by more than \np{nn\_drown} cells between 2 coupling steps, 
    11011146the code will be unable to fill all the new wet cells properly. 
    1102 The default number is set up for the MISOMIP idealised experiments.\\ 
     1147The default number is set up for the MISOMIP idealised experiments. 
    11031148This coupling procedure is able to take into account grounding line and calving front migration. 
    11041149However, it is a non-conservative processe.  
    1105 This could lead to a trend in heat/salt content and volume. 
     1150This could lead to a trend in heat/salt content and volume.\\ 
    11061152In order to remove the trend and keep the conservation level as close to 0 as possible, 
    11071153a simple conservation scheme is available with \np{ln\_hsb}\forcode{ = .true.}. 
    1108 The heat/salt/vol. gain/loss is diagnose, as well as the location. 
    1109 Based on what is done on sbcrnf to prescribed a source of heat/salt/vol., 
    1110 the heat/salt/vol. gain/loss is removed/added, over a period of \np{rn\_fiscpl} time step, into the system.  
    1111 So after \np{rn\_fiscpl} time step, all the heat/salt/vol. gain/loss due to extrapolation process is canceled.\\ 
    1113 As the before and now fields are not compatible (modification of the geometry), 
    1114 the restart time step is prescribed to be an euler time step instead of a leap frog and $fields_b = fields_n$. 
     1154The heat/salt/vol. gain/loss is diagnosed, as well as the location. 
     1155A correction increment is computed and apply each time step during the next \np{rn\_fiscpl} time steps.  
     1156For safety, it is advised to set \np{rn\_fiscpl} equal to the coupling period (smallest increment possible). 
     1157The corrective increment is apply into the cell itself (if it is a wet cell), the neigbouring cells or the closest wet cell (if the cell is now dry). 
    11161160% ================================================================ 
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