Changeset 10808 for NEMO/trunk/cfgs/SHARED/namelist_ref
- Timestamp:
- 2019-03-27T21:36:05+01:00 (6 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
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r10570 r10808 37 37 cn_exp = "ORCA2" ! experience name 38 38 nn_it000 = 1 ! first time step 39 nn_itend = 5 475 ! last time step (std 5475)39 nn_itend = 5840 ! last time step (std 5840) 40 40 nn_date0 = 010101 ! date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) 41 41 nn_time0 = 0 ! initial time of day in hhmm … … 54 54 nn_istate = 0 ! output the initial state (1) or not (0) 55 55 ln_rst_list = .false. ! output restarts at list of times using nn_stocklist (T) or at set frequency with nn_stock (F) 56 nn_stock = 5 475! frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1)56 nn_stock = 5840 ! frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 57 57 nn_stocklist = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! List of timesteps when a restart file is to be written 58 nn_write = 5 475! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000)58 nn_write = 5840 ! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 59 59 ln_mskland = .false. ! mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) 60 60 ln_cfmeta = .false. ! output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard … … 70 70 rn_isfhmin = 1.00 ! treshold [m] to discriminate grounding ice from floating ice 71 71 ! 72 rn_rdt = 5 760. ! time step for the dynamics and tracer72 rn_rdt = 5400. ! time step for the dynamics and tracer 73 73 rn_atfp = 0.1 ! asselin time filter parameter 74 74 ! … … 113 113 &namwad ! Wetting and Drying (WaD) (default: OFF) 114 114 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 ln_wd_il = .false 115 ln_wd_il = .false. ! T/F activation of iterative limiter 116 116 ln_wd_dl = .false. ! T/F activation of directional limiter 117 117 ln_wd_dl_bc = .false. ! T/F Directional limiteer Baroclinic option … … 189 189 &namsbc ! Surface Boundary Condition manager (default: NO selection) 190 190 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 191 nn_fsbc = 5! frequency of SBC module call191 nn_fsbc = 2 ! frequency of SBC module call 192 192 ! ! (control sea-ice & iceberg model call) 193 193 ! Type of air-sea fluxes … … 500 500 ! 501 501 ! ! diagnostics: 502 ln_bergdia = .true. ! Calculate budgets503 nn_verbose_level = 0 ! Turn on more verbose output if level > 0504 nn_verbose_write = 15 ! Timesteps between verbose messages505 nn_sample_rate = 1 ! Timesteps between sampling for trajectory storage502 ln_bergdia = .true. ! Calculate budgets 503 nn_verbose_level = 0 ! Turn on more verbose output if level > 0 504 nn_verbose_write = 15 ! Timesteps between verbose messages 505 nn_sample_rate = 1 ! Timesteps between sampling for trajectory storage 506 506 ! 507 507 ! ! iceberg setting: 508 ! ! Initial mass required for an iceberg of each class508 ! ! Initial mass required for an iceberg of each class 509 509 rn_initial_mass = 8.8e7, 4.1e8, 3.3e9, 1.8e10, 3.8e10, 7.5e10, 1.2e11, 2.2e11, 3.9e11, 7.4e11 510 ! ! Proportion of calving mass to apportion to each class510 ! ! Proportion of calving mass to apportion to each class 511 511 rn_distribution = 0.24, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.12, 0.07, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.02 512 ! ! Ratio between effective and real iceberg mass (non-dim)513 ! ! i.e. number of icebergs represented at a point514 rn_mass_scaling = 2000 , 200, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1515 ! thickness of newly calved bergs (m)512 ! ! Ratio between effective and real iceberg mass (non-dim) 513 ! ! i.e. number of icebergs represented at a point 514 rn_mass_scaling = 2000., 200., 50., 20., 10., 5., 2., 1., 1., 1. 515 ! thickness of newly calved bergs (m) 516 516 rn_initial_thickness = 40., 67., 133., 175., 250., 250., 250., 250., 250., 250. 517 517 ! 518 rn_rho_bergs = 850. ! Density of icebergs519 rn_LoW_ratio = 1.5 ! Initial ratio L/W for newly calved icebergs520 ln_operator_splitting = .true. ! Use first order operator splitting for thermodynamics521 rn_bits_erosion_fraction = 0. ! Fraction of erosion melt flux to divert to bergy bits522 rn_sicn_shift = 0. ! Shift of sea-ice concn in erosion flux (0<sicn_shift<1)523 ln_passive_mode = .false. ! iceberg - ocean decoupling524 nn_test_icebergs = 10 ! Create test icebergs of this class (-1 = no)525 ! ! Put a test iceberg at each gridpoint in box (lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2)518 rn_rho_bergs = 850. ! Density of icebergs 519 rn_LoW_ratio = 1.5 ! Initial ratio L/W for newly calved icebergs 520 ln_operator_splitting = .true. ! Use first order operator splitting for thermodynamics 521 rn_bits_erosion_fraction = 0. ! Fraction of erosion melt flux to divert to bergy bits 522 rn_sicn_shift = 0. ! Shift of sea-ice concn in erosion flux (0<sicn_shift<1) 523 ln_passive_mode = .false. ! iceberg - ocean decoupling 524 nn_test_icebergs = 10 ! Create test icebergs of this class (-1 = no) 525 ! ! Put a test iceberg at each gridpoint in box (lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2) 526 526 rn_test_box = 108.0, 116.0, -66.0, -58.0 527 ln_use_calving = .false. ! Use calving data even when nn_test_icebergs > 0528 rn_speed_limit = 0. ! CFL speed limit for a berg527 ln_use_calving = .false. ! Use calving data even when nn_test_icebergs > 0 528 rn_speed_limit = 0. ! CFL speed limit for a berg 529 529 530 530 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the calving data location … … 871 871 ln_dynvor_eeT = .false. ! energy conserving scheme (een using e3t) 872 872 ln_dynvor_een = .false. ! energy & enstrophy scheme 873 nn_een_e3f = 1! =0 e3f = mi(mj(e3t))/4873 nn_een_e3f = 0 ! =0 e3f = mi(mj(e3t))/4 874 874 ! ! =1 e3f = mi(mj(e3t))/mi(mj( tmask)) 875 875 ln_dynvor_msk = .false. ! vorticity multiplied by fmask (=T) ==>>> PLEASE DO NOT ACTIVATE … … 1228 1228 ln_s_at_t = .false. ! Logical switch for computing model S at T obs if not there 1229 1229 ln_sstnight = .false. ! Logical switch for calculating night-time average for SST obs 1230 ln_bound_reject = .false. ! Logical to remove obs near boundaries in LAMs. 1230 1231 ln_sla_fp_indegs = .true. ! Logical for SLA: T=> averaging footprint is in degrees, F=> in metres 1231 1232 ln_sst_fp_indegs = .true. ! Logical for SST: T=> averaging footprint is in degrees, F=> in metres
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