Changeset 11042
- Timestamp:
- 2019-05-23T15:46:11+02:00 (6 years ago)
- Location:
- NEMO/branches/2019/dev_r10984_HPC-13_IRRMANN_BDY_optimization
- Files:
- 26 deleted
- 80 edited
- 9 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r10896 r11042 31 31 32 32 \captionsetup{margin=10pt, font={small}, labelsep=colon, labelfont={bf}} 33 \graphicspath{{../../../figures/}}34 33 \hypersetup{ 35 34 pdftitle={NEMO ocean engine}, pdfauthor={Gurvan Madec, and NEMO System Team}, … … 45 44 46 45 \pagestyle{fancy} 47 \bibliographystyle{../ main/ametsoc}46 \bibliographystyle{../../NEMO/main/ametsoc} 48 47 49 48 %% Additionnal fonts … … 128 127 129 128 %% Index entries (italic font for files, preformat for code) 130 \newcommand{\hf}[1]{\textit{#1.h90} \index{h90 file !#1}}129 \newcommand{\hf}[1]{\textit{#1.h90} \index{h90 files!#1}} 131 130 \newcommand{\ifile}[1]{\textit{} \index{Input NetCDF files!}} 132 131 \newcommand{\jp}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Model parameters!#1}} 133 132 \newcommand{\key}[1]{\texttt{\textbf{key\_#1}} \index{CPP keys!key\_#1}} 134 133 \newcommand{\mdl}[1]{\textit{#1.F90} \index{Modules!#1}} 135 \newcommand{\ngn}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Namelist Group Name !#1}}136 \newcommand{\np}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Namelist variables!#1}}134 \newcommand{\ngn}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Namelist Group Names!#1}} 135 \newcommand{\np}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Namelist parameters!#1}} 137 136 \newcommand{\rou}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Routines!#1}} 138 137 -
r10614 r11042 2 2 %% NEMO Reference Manual 3 3 %% ============================================================================== 4 5 6 %% Run ./ to generate the manual with latexmk7 4 8 5 … … 33 30 %% ============================================================================== 34 31 32 \graphicspath{{../../figures/logos/}} 33 35 34 %% Frontpage 36 35 \title{ … … 41 40 \includegraphics[height=0.05\textheight]{NERC} \\ 42 41 \includegraphics[ width=0.8\textwidth ]{NEMO_grey} \\ 43 {\Huge NEMO ocean engine} \\42 {\Huge NEMO ocean engine} \\ 44 43 } 45 44 \author{ 46 45 \Large Gurvan Madec and NEMO System Team 47 \thanks{ 48 Yevgeny Aksenov, Mirek Andrejczuk, Mike Bell, Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Cl\'{e}ment Bricaud, 49 J\'{e}r\^{o}me Chanut, Stefania Ciliberti, Emanuela Clementi, Andrew Coward, Damiano Delrosso, 50 Massimiliano Drudi, Christian Eth\'{e}, Simona Flavoni, Doroteaciro Iovino, Claire L\'{e}vy, Tomas Lovato, 51 Nicolas Martin, S\'{e}bastien Masson, Pierre Mathiot, Gelsomina Mattia, Francesca Mele, Silvia Mocavero, 52 Simon M\"{u}ller, George Nurser, Enda O'Dea, Julien Paul, Cl\'{e}ment Rousset, Dave Storkey, 53 Martin Vancoppenolle 54 } \\ 55 \\ 46 % \thanks{ 47 % 48 % } \\ 49 % \\ 56 50 \textit{Issue 27, Notes du P\^{o}le de mod\'{e}lisation} \\ 57 51 \textit{Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL)} \\ 58 52 \textit{ISSN 1288-1619} 59 53 } 60 \date{Version 4.0 -- January 2019} 61 %\date{\today} 54 \date{\today} 62 55 63 56 \maketitle … … 74 67 75 68 \mainmatter 69 70 \graphicspath{{../../figures/NEMO/}} 76 71 77 72 %% Foreword -
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r10530 r11042 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 ln_bdy = .false. ! Use unstructured open boundaries 5 nb_bdy = 2! number of open boundary sets6 ln_coords_file = .true. , .false.! =T : read bdy coordinates from file5 nb_bdy = 0 ! number of open boundary sets 6 ln_coords_file = .true. ! =T : read bdy coordinates from file 7 7 cn_coords_file = '' ! bdy coordinates files 8 8 ln_mask_file = .false. ! =T : read mask from file 9 cn_mask_file = '' ! name of mask file (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.)10 cn_dyn2d = ' flather', 'none' !11 nn_dyn2d_dta = 3 , 0! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state9 cn_mask_file = '' ! name of mask file (if ln_mask_file=.TRUE.) 10 cn_dyn2d = 'none' ! 11 nn_dyn2d_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 12 12 ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 13 13 ! ! = 2, use tidal harmonic forcing data from files 14 14 ! ! = 3, use external data AND tidal harmonic forcing 15 cn_dyn3d = 'none' , 'none'16 nn_dyn3d_dta = 0 , 0! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state15 cn_dyn3d = 'none' ! 16 nn_dyn3d_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 17 17 ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 18 cn_tra = ' frs' , 'frs'19 nn_tra_dta = 1 , 0! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state18 cn_tra = 'none' ! 19 nn_tra_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 20 20 ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 21 cn_ice = 'none' , 'none'22 nn_ice_dta = 0 , 0! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state21 cn_ice = 'none' ! 22 nn_ice_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 23 23 ! ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 24 rn_ice_tem = 270. , 270.! si3 only: arbitrary temperature of incoming sea ice25 rn_ice_sal = 10. , 10.! si3 only: -- salinity --26 rn_ice_age = 30. , 30.! si3 only: -- age --24 rn_ice_tem = 270. ! si3 only: arbitrary temperature of incoming sea ice 25 rn_ice_sal = 10. ! si3 only: -- salinity -- 26 rn_ice_age = 30. ! si3 only: -- age -- 27 27 ! 28 ln_tra_dmp =.false. , .false.! open boudaries conditions for tracers29 ln_dyn3d_dmp =.false. , .false.! open boundary condition for baroclinic velocities30 rn_time_dmp = 1. , 1.! Damping time scale in days31 rn_time_dmp_out = 1. , 1.! Outflow damping time scale32 nn_rimwidth = 10 , 5! width of the relaxation zone28 ln_tra_dmp =.false. ! open boudaries conditions for tracers 29 ln_dyn3d_dmp =.false. ! open boundary condition for baroclinic velocities 30 rn_time_dmp = 1. ! Damping time scale in days 31 rn_time_dmp_out = 1. ! Outflow damping time scale 32 nn_rimwidth = 10 ! width of the relaxation zone 33 33 ln_vol = .false. ! total volume correction (see nn_volctl parameter) 34 34 nn_volctl = 1 ! = 0, the total water flux across open boundaries is zero 35 35 nb_jpk_bdy = -1 ! number of levels in the bdy data (set < 0 if consistent with planned run) 36 36 / 37 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------38 &nambdy_index ! index definition of bdy39 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------40 ctypebdy = 'S'41 nbdyind = 242 nbdybeg = 243 nbdyend = 27344 / -
r10075 r11042 5 5 ! 6 6 ! ! diagnostics: 7 ln_bergdia = .true. ! Calculate budgets8 nn_verbose_level = 1! Turn on more verbose output if level > 09 nn_verbose_write = 15 ! Timesteps between verbose messages10 nn_sample_rate = 1 ! Timesteps between sampling for trajectory storage7 ln_bergdia = .true. ! Calculate budgets 8 nn_verbose_level = 0 ! Turn on more verbose output if level > 0 9 nn_verbose_write = 15 ! Timesteps between verbose messages 10 nn_sample_rate = 1 ! Timesteps between sampling for trajectory storage 11 11 ! 12 12 ! ! iceberg setting: 13 ! ! Initial mass required for an iceberg of each class13 ! ! Initial mass required for an iceberg of each class 14 14 rn_initial_mass = 8.8e7, 4.1e8, 3.3e9, 1.8e10, 3.8e10, 7.5e10, 1.2e11, 2.2e11, 3.9e11, 7.4e11 15 ! ! Proportion of calving mass to apportion to each class15 ! ! Proportion of calving mass to apportion to each class 16 16 rn_distribution = 0.24, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.12, 0.07, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.02 17 ! ! Ratio between effective and real iceberg mass (non-dim)18 ! ! i.e. number of icebergs represented at a point19 rn_mass_scaling = 2000 , 200, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, 120 ! thickness of newly calved bergs (m)17 ! ! Ratio between effective and real iceberg mass (non-dim) 18 ! ! i.e. number of icebergs represented at a point 19 rn_mass_scaling = 2000., 200., 50., 20., 10., 5., 2., 1., 1., 1. 20 ! thickness of newly calved bergs (m) 21 21 rn_initial_thickness = 40., 67., 133., 175., 250., 250., 250., 250., 250., 250. 22 22 ! 23 rn_rho_bergs = 850. ! Density of icebergs24 rn_LoW_ratio = 1.5 ! Initial ratio L/W for newly calved icebergs25 ln_operator_splitting = .true. ! Use first order operator splitting for thermodynamics26 rn_bits_erosion_fraction = 0. ! Fraction of erosion melt flux to divert to bergy bits27 rn_sicn_shift = 0. ! Shift of sea-ice concn in erosion flux (0<sicn_shift<1)28 ln_passive_mode = .false. ! iceberg - ocean decoupling29 nn_test_icebergs = 10 ! Create test icebergs of this class (-1 = no)30 ! ! Put a test iceberg at each gridpoint in box (lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2)23 rn_rho_bergs = 850. ! Density of icebergs 24 rn_LoW_ratio = 1.5 ! Initial ratio L/W for newly calved icebergs 25 ln_operator_splitting = .true. ! Use first order operator splitting for thermodynamics 26 rn_bits_erosion_fraction = 0. ! Fraction of erosion melt flux to divert to bergy bits 27 rn_sicn_shift = 0. ! Shift of sea-ice concn in erosion flux (0<sicn_shift<1) 28 ln_passive_mode = .false. ! iceberg - ocean decoupling 29 nn_test_icebergs = 10 ! Create test icebergs of this class (-1 = no) 30 ! ! Put a test iceberg at each gridpoint in box (lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2) 31 31 rn_test_box = 108.0, 116.0, -66.0, -58.0 32 ln_use_calving = .false. ! Use calving data even when nn_test_icebergs > 033 rn_speed_limit = 0. ! CFL speed limit for a berg32 ln_use_calving = .false. ! Use calving data even when nn_test_icebergs > 0 33 rn_speed_limit = 0. ! CFL speed limit for a berg 34 34 35 35 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the calving data location -
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r10075 r11042 5 5 rn_isfhmin = 1.00 ! treshold [m] to discriminate grounding ice from floating ice 6 6 ! 7 rn_rdt = 5 760. ! time step for the dynamics and tracer7 rn_rdt = 5400. ! time step for the dynamics and tracer 8 8 rn_atfp = 0.1 ! asselin time filter parameter 9 9 ! -
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r10445 r11042 17 17 ! recommended range: ?? L16=15 - home=10 18 18 rn_lfrelax = 1.e-5 ! relaxation time scale to reach static friction [s-1] 19 rn_tensile = 0.2 ! isotropic tensile strength19 rn_tensile = 0.2 ! ln_landfast_L16: isotropic tensile strength 20 20 / -
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r10201 r11042 3 3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 4 ln_rhg_EVP = .true. ! EVP rheology 5 ln_aEVP = . true.! adaptive rheology (Kimmritz et al. 2016 & 2017)5 ln_aEVP = .false. ! adaptive rheology (Kimmritz et al. 2016 & 2017) 6 6 rn_creepl = 2.0e-9 ! creep limit [1/s] 7 7 rn_ecc = 2.0 ! eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve -
r10075 r11042 8 8 ln_dynvor_eeT = .false. ! energy conserving scheme (een using e3t) 9 9 ln_dynvor_een = .false. ! energy & enstrophy scheme 10 nn_een_e3f = 1! =0 e3f = mi(mj(e3t))/410 nn_een_e3f = 0 ! =0 e3f = mi(mj(e3t))/4 11 11 ! ! =1 e3f = mi(mj(e3t))/mi(mj( tmask)) 12 12 ln_dynvor_msk = .false. ! vorticity multiplied by fmask (=T) ==>>> PLEASE DO NOT ACTIVATE -
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r10445 r11042 19 19 ln_s_at_t = .false. ! Logical switch for computing model S at T obs if not there 20 20 ln_sstnight = .false. ! Logical switch for calculating night-time average for SST obs 21 ln_bound_reject = .false. ! Logical to remove obs near boundaries in LAMs. 21 22 ln_sla_fp_indegs = .true. ! Logical for SLA: T=> averaging footprint is in degrees, F=> in metres 22 23 ln_sst_fp_indegs = .true. ! Logical for SST: T=> averaging footprint is in degrees, F=> in metres -
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r10201 r11042 5 5 nlay_i = 2 ! number of ice layers 6 6 nlay_s = 1 ! number of snow layers (only 1 is working) 7 nn_virtual_itd = 0 ! virtual ITD mono-category parameterizations (1-3 => jpl = 1 only) or not (0) 8 ! 2: activate enhanced thermal conductivity only --- temporary option 9 ! 3: activate virtual thin ice melting only --- temporary option 7 ln_virtual_itd = .false. ! virtual ITD mono-category parameterization (jpl=1 only) 8 ! i.e. enhanced thermal conductivity & virtual thin ice melting 10 9 ln_icedyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or not (F) 11 10 ln_icethd = .true. ! ice thermo (T) or not (F) -
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r10445 r11042 2 2 &nampisfer ! parameters for iron chemistry 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_ligvar = . true. ! variable ligand concentration4 ln_ligvar = .false. ! variable ligand concentration 5 5 xlam1 = 0.005 ! scavenging rate of Iron 6 6 xlamdust = 150.0 ! Scavenging rate of dust -
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r10445 r11042 5 5 cn_exp = "ORCA2" ! experience name 6 6 nn_it000 = 1 ! first time step 7 nn_itend = 5 475 ! last time step (std 5475)7 nn_itend = 5840 ! last time step (std 5840) 8 8 nn_date0 = 010101 ! date at nit_0000 (format yyyymmdd) used if ln_rstart=F or (ln_rstart=T and nn_rstctl=0 or 1) 9 9 nn_time0 = 0 ! initial time of day in hhmm … … 22 22 nn_istate = 0 ! output the initial state (1) or not (0) 23 23 ln_rst_list = .false. ! output restarts at list of times using nn_stocklist (T) or at set frequency with nn_stock (F) 24 nn_stock = 5 475! frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1)24 nn_stock = 5840 ! frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 25 25 nn_stocklist = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! List of timesteps when a restart file is to be written 26 nn_write = 5 475! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000)26 nn_write = 5840 ! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 27 27 ln_mskland = .false. ! mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) 28 28 ln_cfmeta = .false. ! output additional data to netCDF files required for compliance with the CF metadata standard -
r10075 r11042 2 2 &namsbc ! Surface Boundary Condition manager (default: NO selection) 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 nn_fsbc = 5! frequency of SBC module call4 nn_fsbc = 2 ! frequency of SBC module call 5 5 ! ! (control sea-ice & iceberg model call) 6 6 ! Type of air-sea fluxes -
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r10201 r11042 2 2 &namthd_do ! Ice growth in open water 3 3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 rn_hinew = 0.1 ! thickness for new ice formation in open water (m), must be larger than rn_h newice4 rn_hinew = 0.1 ! thickness for new ice formation in open water (m), must be larger than rn_himin 5 5 ln_frazil = .false. ! Frazil ice parameterization (ice collection as a function of wind) 6 6 rn_maxfraz = 1.0 ! maximum fraction of frazil ice collecting at the ice base -
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r10201 r11042 3 3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 4 ln_pnd_H12 = .false. ! activate evolutive melt ponds (from Holland et al 2012) 5 ln_pnd_fwb = .false. ! melt ponds store freshwater or not 6 ln_pnd_CST = .false. ! activate constant melt ponds 7 rn_apnd = 0.2 ! prescribed pond fraction, at Tsu=0 8 rn_hpnd = 0.05 ! prescribed pond depth, at Tsu=0 5 ln_pnd_CST = .false. ! activate constant melt ponds 6 rn_apnd = 0.2 ! prescribed pond fraction, at Tsu=0 degC 7 rn_hpnd = 0.05 ! prescribed pond depth, at Tsu=0 degC 9 8 ln_pnd_alb = .false. ! melt ponds affect albedo or not 10 9 / -
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r10201 r11042 5 5 ! 1: constant ice salinity (S=rn_icesal) 6 6 ! 2: varying salinity parameterization S(z,t) 7 ! 3: prescribed salinity profile S(z) , Schwarzacher, 19598 rn_icesal = 4. ! (nn_icesal=1) ice salinity (g/kg)9 rn_sal_gd = 5. ! restoring ice salinity, gravity drainage (g/kg)10 rn_time_gd = 1.73e+6 ! restoring time scale,gravity drainage (s)11 rn_sal_fl = 2. ! restoring ice salinity, flushing (g/kg)12 rn_time_fl = 8.64e+5 ! restoring time scale,flushing (s)7 ! 3: prescribed salinity profile S(z) (Schwarzacher 1959) 8 rn_icesal = 4. ! (nn_icesal=1) ice salinity (g/kg) 9 rn_sal_gd = 5. ! (nn_icesal=2) restoring ice salinity, gravity drainage (g/kg) 10 rn_time_gd = 1.73e+6 ! (nn_icesal=2) restoring time scale, gravity drainage (s) 11 rn_sal_fl = 2. ! (nn_icesal=2) restoring ice salinity, flushing (g/kg) 12 rn_time_fl = 8.64e+5 ! (nn_icesal=2) restoring time scale, flushing (s) 13 13 rn_simax = 20. ! maximum tolerated ice salinity (g/kg) 14 14 rn_simin = 0.1 ! minimum tolerated ice salinity (g/kg) -
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r10499 r11042 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 &namwad ! Wetting and drying2 &namwad ! Wetting and Drying (WaD) (default: OFF) 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_wd_il = .false ! T/F activation of iterative limiter for wetting and drying scheme5 ln_wd_dl = .true. ! T/F activation of directional llimiter for wetting drying scheme6 ln_wd_dl_bc = .true. !T/F Directional limiteer Baroclinic option7 ln_wd_dl_rmp = .true. !T/F Turn on directional limiter ramp8 rn_wdmin0 = 0.30 ! dpoth at which wetting/dryingstarts9 rn_wdmin1 = 0.2 !Minimum wet depth on dried cells10 rn_wdmin2 = 0.0001 !Tolerance of min wet depth on dried cells11 rn_wdld = 2.5 ! Land elevation below which wetting/dryingis allowed12 nn_wdit = 20 ! Max iterations for W/D limiter13 rn_wd_sbcdep = 5.0 !Depth at which to taper sbc fluxes14 rn_wd_sbcfra = 0.999 !Fraction of SBC fluxes at taper depth (Must be <1)4 ln_wd_il = .false. ! T/F activation of iterative limiter 5 ln_wd_dl = .false. ! T/F activation of directional limiter 6 ln_wd_dl_bc = .false. ! T/F Directional limiteer Baroclinic option 7 ln_wd_dl_rmp = .false. ! T/F Turn on directional limiter ramp 8 rn_wdmin0 = 0.30 ! depth at which WaD starts 9 rn_wdmin1 = 0.2 ! Minimum wet depth on dried cells 10 rn_wdmin2 = 0.0001 ! Tolerance of min wet depth on dried cells 11 rn_wdld = 2.5 ! Land elevation below which WaD is allowed 12 nn_wdit = 20 ! Max iterations for WaD limiter 13 rn_wd_sbcdep = 5.0 ! Depth at which to taper sbc fluxes 14 rn_wd_sbcfra = 0.999 ! Fraction of SBC fluxes at taper depth (Must be <1) 15 15 / -
r10909 r11042 57 57 INTEGER :: jbdy ! BDY set index 58 58 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 ! 60 IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('bdy_ice_thd') 59 ! controls 60 IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_start('bdy_ice_thd') ! timing 61 IF( ln_icediachk ) CALL ice_cons_hsm(0,'bdy_ice_thd', rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft) ! conservation 61 62 ! 62 63 CALL ice_var_glo2eqv … … 78 79 CALL ice_var_agg(1) 79 80 ! 80 IF( ln_icectl ) CALL ice_prt( kt, iiceprt, jiceprt, 1, ' - ice thermo bdy - ' ) 81 IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop('bdy_ice_thd') 81 ! controls 82 IF( ln_icediachk ) CALL ice_cons_hsm(1,'bdy_ice_thd', rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft) ! conservation 83 IF( ln_icectl ) CALL ice_prt ( kt, iiceprt, jiceprt, 1, ' - ice thermo bdy - ' ) ! prints 84 IF( ln_timing ) CALL timing_stop ('bdy_ice_thd') ! timing 82 85 ! 83 86 END SUBROUTINE bdy_ice … … 148 151 jpbound = 0 ; ib = ji ; jb = jj 149 152 ! 150 IF( u_ice(ji +1,jj ) < 0. .AND. umask(ji-1,jj ,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; ib = ji+1 ; jb = jj151 IF( u_ice(ji-1,jj ) > 0. .AND. umask(ji +1,jj ,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; ib = ji-1 ; jb = jj152 IF( v_ice(ji ,jj +1) < 0. .AND. vmask(ji ,jj-1,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; ib = ji; jb = jj+1153 IF( v_ice(ji ,jj-1) > 0. .AND. vmask(ji ,jj +1,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; ib = ji; jb = jj-1153 IF( u_ice(ji ,jj ) < 0. .AND. umask(ji-1,jj ,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; ib = ji+1 154 IF( u_ice(ji-1,jj ) > 0. .AND. umask(ji ,jj ,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; ib = ji-1 155 IF( v_ice(ji ,jj ) < 0. .AND. vmask(ji ,jj-1,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; jb = jj+1 156 IF( v_ice(ji ,jj-1) > 0. .AND. vmask(ji ,jj ,1) == 0. ) jpbound = 1 ; jb = jj-1 154 157 ! 155 158 IF( nn_ice_dta(jbdy) == 0 ) jpbound = 0 ; ib = ji ; jb = jj ! case ice boundaries = initial conditions
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