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r11060 r11075 1 2 @Article{ **key*,3 author = {Masson, S. and Foujols, M. -A. and Klein, P. and Madec, G.4 and Hua, L. and Levy, M. and Sasaki, H. and Takahashi, K.5 and Svensson, F.},6 title = {OPA9 — French Experiments on the Earth Simulator and7 Teraflop Workbench Tunings},8 pages = {25–34},9 doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-74384-2_3},10 url = {},11 isbn = 9783540743835,12 journal = {High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2007},13 publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}14 }15 16 ###Article{ **key*,17 author = {S.R. Jayne and L.C. {St. Laurent}},18 title = {Parameterizing tidal disspiation over rough topography},19 journal = grl,20 pages = {811--814}21 }22 23 @Book{ **key**1,24 title = {MITgcm's User Manual},25 editor = {MIT Department of EAPS},26 author = {Alistair Adcroft, Jean-Michel Campin, Ed Doddridge,27 Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Constantinos Evangelinos, David28 Ferreira, Mick Follows, Gael Forget, Baylor Fox-Kemper,29 Patrick Heimbach, Chris Hill, Ed Hill, Helen Hill, Oliver30 Jahn, Jody Klymak, Martin Losch, John Marshall, Guillaume31 Maze, Matt Mazloff, Dimitris Menemenlis, Andrea Molod, and32 Jeff Scott},33 url = {}34 }35 36 ###Article{ **key**1,37 author = {L.C. {St. Laurent} and C. Garrett},38 title = {The role of internal tides in mixing the deep ocean},39 journal = jpo,40 pages = {2882--2899}41 }42 43 @Article{ **key**2,44 author = {Stokes, George Gabriel},45 title = {On the Theory of Oscillatory Waves},46 pages = {197–229},47 doi = {10.1017/cbo9780511702242.013},48 url = {},49 isbn = 9780511702242,50 journal = {Mathematical and Physical Papers vol.1},51 publisher = {Cambridge University Press}52 }53 1 54 2 @Article{ adcroft_campin_04, … … 68 16 } 69 17 70 ###Article{ adcroft_campin_04,71 author = {A. Adcroft and J.-M. Campin},72 title = {Re-scaled height coordinates for accurate representation73 of free-surface flows in ocean circulation models},74 journal = om,75 year = 2004,76 volume = 7,77 pages = {269--284},78 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2003.09.003}79 }80 81 18 @Article{ arakawa_66, 82 author = {A. Arakawa}, 83 title = {Computational design for long term numerical integration 84 of the equations of fluid motion, two-dimensional 85 incompressible flow, Part. I.}, 86 journal = jcp, 87 year = 1966, 88 volume = {I}, 89 pages = {119--149} 90 } 91 92 @Article{ arakawa_97, 93 author = {Arakawa, Akio}, 94 title = {Computational Design for Long-Term Numerical Integration 95 of the Equations of Fluid Motion: Two-Dimensional 96 Incompressible Flow. Part I}, 97 year = 1997, 98 volume = 135, 99 number = 2, 100 month = {Aug}, 101 pages = {103–114}, 102 issn = {0021-9991}, 103 doi = {10.1006/jcph.1997.5697}, 104 url = {}, 105 journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 106 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 19 author = {Arakawa, Akio}, 20 title = {Computational design for long-term numerical 21 integration of the equations of fluid motion: 22 Two-dimensional incompressible flow. Part I}, 23 year = 1966, 24 volume = 1, 25 number = 1, 26 month = {Aug}, 27 pages = {119–143}, 28 issn = {0021-9991}, 29 doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(66)90015-5}, 30 url = {}, 31 journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 32 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 107 33 } 108 34 … … 123 49 } 124 50 125 ###Article{ arakawa_hsu_90,126 author = {A. Arakawa and Y.-J. G. Hsu},127 title = {Energy Conserving and Potential-Enstrophy Dissipating128 Schemes for the Shallow Water Equations},129 journal = mwr,130 year = 1990,131 volume = 118,132 number = 10,133 pages = {1960--1969}134 }135 136 51 @Article{ arakawa_lamb_81, 137 52 author = {Arakawa, Akio and Lamb, Vivian R.}, … … 148 63 journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 149 64 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 150 }151 152 ###Article{ arakawa_lamb_81,153 author = {Arakawa, Akio and Lamb, Vivian R.},154 title = {A Potential Enstrophy and Energy Conserving Scheme for the155 Shallow Water Equations},156 journal = mwr,157 year = 1981,158 volume = 109,159 number = 1,160 pages = {18--36}161 }162 163 @Article{ arbic_10,164 author = {Arbic, Wallcraft, Metzger},165 title = {Concurrent simulation of the eddying general circulation166 and tides in a global ocean model},167 journal = om,168 year = 2010,169 volume = 32,170 number = {3-4},171 pages = {175-187}172 65 } 173 66 … … 190 83 } 191 84 192 ###Article{ arbic_garner_ea_04,193 author = {B. Arbic and S. Garner and R. Hallberg and H. Simmons},194 title = {The accuracy of surface elevations in forward global195 barotropic and baroclinic tide models},196 journal = dsr,197 year = 2004,198 volume = 51,199 pages = {3069-3101}200 }201 202 85 @Article{ arbic_wallcraft_ea_10, 203 86 author = {Arbic, Brian K. and Wallcraft, Alan J. and Metzger, E. … … 234 117 } 235 118 236 ###Article{ arhan_treguier_ea_06,237 author = {M. Arhan and A.M. Treguier and B. Bourles and S. Michel},238 title = {Diagnosing the annual cycle of the Equatorial Undercurrent239 in the Atlantic Ocean from a general circulation model},240 journal = jpo,241 year = 2006,242 volume = 36,243 pages = {1502--1522}244 }245 246 119 @Article{ artale_02, 247 author = {Artale, Vincenzo}, 248 title = {Role of surface fluxes in ocean general circulation models 249 using satellite sea surface temperature: Validation of and 250 sensitivity to the forcing frequency of the Mediterranean 251 thermohaline circulation}, 252 year = 2002, 253 volume = 107, 254 number = {C8}, 120 author = {Artale, Vincenzo and Iudicone, Daniele and Santoleri, Rosalia and Rupolo, Volfango and Marullo, Salvatore and D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio}, 121 title = {Role of surface fluxes in ocean general circulation models using satellite sea surface temperature: Validation of and sensitivity to the forcing frequency of the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation}, 122 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans}, 123 volume = {107}, 124 number = {C8}, 125 pages = {29-1-29-24}, 126 doi = {10.1029/2000JC000452}, 127 url = {}, 128 year = {2002}, 255 129 issn = {0148-0227}, 256 doi = {10.1029/2000jc000452}, 257 url = {}, 258 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 259 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 260 } 261 262 @Article{ artale_iudicone_ea_02, 263 author = {V. Artale and D. Iudicone and R. Santoleri and V. Rupolo 264 and S. Marullo and F. {D'O}rtenzio}, 265 title = {Role of surface fluxes in ocean general circulation models 266 using satellite sea surface temperature: Validation of and 267 sensitivity to the forcing frequency of the Mediterranean 268 thermohaline circulation}, 269 journal = jgr, 270 year = 2002, 271 volume = 107, 272 pages = {1978-2012}, 273 doi = {10.1029/2000JC000452} 130 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 274 131 } 275 132 276 133 @Article{ asselin_72, 277 author = {A SSELIN, RICHARD},134 author = {Asselin, Richard}, 278 135 title = {Frequency Filter for Time Integrations}, 279 136 year = 1972, … … 287 144 journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 288 145 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 289 }290 291 ###Article{ asselin_72,292 author = {R. Asselin},293 title = {Frequency Filter for Time Integrations},294 journal = mwr,295 year = 1972,296 volume = 100,297 number = 6,298 pages = {487--490}299 146 } 300 147 … … 315 162 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers}, 316 163 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 317 }318 319 ###Article{ atmadipoera_molcard_ea_09,320 author = {A. Atmadipoera and R. Molcard and G. Madec and S.Wijffels321 and J. Sprintall and A. Koch-Larrouy and I. Jaya and A.322 Supangat},323 title = {Characteristics and Variability of the Indonesian324 Throughflow Water at the Outflow Straits},325 journal = dsr,326 year = 2009,327 volume = 56,328 number = 11,329 pages = {1942--1954},330 doi = {10.1016/j.dsr.2009.06.004}331 }332 333 @Article{ aumont_monfray_ea_99,334 author = {O. Aumont and P. Monfray and J. C. Orr and G. Madec and E.335 Maier-Reimer},336 title = {Nutrient trapping in the equatorial Pacific: The ocean337 circulation solution},338 journal = gbc,339 year = 1999,340 volume = 13,341 pages = {351--369}342 164 } 343 165 … … 360 182 } 361 183 362 ###Article{ aumont_orr_ea_98,363 author = {O. Aumont and J.C. Orr and D. Jamous and P. Monfray and O.364 Marti and G. Madec},365 title = {A degradation approach to accelerate simulations to steady366 state in a 3-D tracer transport model of the global ocean},367 journal = cd,368 year = 1998,369 volume = 14,370 pages = {101--116}371 }372 373 184 @Article{ aumont_orr_ea_99, 374 185 author = {Aumont, O. and Orr, J. C. and Monfray, P. and Madec, G. … … 402 213 } 403 214 404 ###Article{ axell_02,405 author = {L. B. Axell},406 title = {Wind-driven internal waves and Langmuir circulations in a407 numerical ocean model of the southern Baltic Sea},408 journal = jgr,409 year = 2002,410 volume = 107,411 doi = {10.1029/2001JC000922}412 }413 414 215 @Article{ axell_liungman_01, 415 216 author = {Axell, L.B. and Liungman, O.}, 217 title = {A one-equation turbulence model for geophysical 218 applications: Comparison with data and the k-$\epsilon$ 219 model}, 416 220 year = 2001, 417 221 volume = 1, … … 423 227 journal = {Environmental Fluid Mechanics}, 424 228 publisher = {Springer Nature} 425 }426 427 ###Article{ axell_liungman_01,428 author = {L. B. Axell and O. Liungman},429 title = {A one-equation turbulence model for geophysical430 applications: Comparison with data and the k-$\epsilon$431 model},432 journal = efm,433 year = 2001,434 volume = 1,435 pages = {71--106}436 229 } 437 230 … … 453 246 } 454 247 455 ###Article{ ayina_bentamy_ea_06,456 author = {L.-H. Ayina and A. Bentamy and A. Munes-Mestaz and G.457 Madec},458 title = {The Impact of Satellite Winds and Latent Heat Fluxes in a459 Numerical Simulation of the Tropical Pacific Ocean},460 journal = jc,461 year = 2006,462 volume = 19,463 pages = {5889--5902}464 }465 466 248 @Article{ barnier_madec_ea_06, 467 author = {B. Barnier and G. Madec and T. Penduff and J.-M. Molines 468 and A.-M. Treguier and J. Le Sommer and A. Beckmann and A. 469 Biastoch and C. Boning and J. Dengg and C. Derval and E. 470 Durand and S. Gulev and E. Remy and C. Talandier and S. 471 Theetten and M. Maltrud and J. McClean and B. De Cuevas}, 472 title = {Impact of partial steps and momentum advection schemes in 473 a global ocean circulation model at eddy-permitting 474 resolution.}, 475 journal = od, 476 year = 2006, 477 volume = 56, 478 pages = {543--567}, 479 doi = {10.1007/s10236-006-0082-1} 480 } 481 482 @Article{ barnier_marchesiello_ea_96, 483 author = {Barnier, B. and Marchesiello, P. and de Miranda, A. P.}, 484 title = {Modelling the Ocean Circulation in the South Atlantic: A 485 Strategy for Dealing with Open Boundaries}, 486 year = 1996, 487 pages = {289–304}, 488 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-80353-6_16}, 489 url = {}, 490 isbn = 9783642803536, 491 journal = {The South Atlantic}, 492 publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg} 493 } 494 495 ###InCollection{ barnier_marchesiello_ea_96, 496 author = {B. Barnier and P. Marchesiello and A.P. de Miranda}, 497 title = {Modeling the ocean circulation in the South Atlantic: A 498 strategy for dealing with open boundaries}, 499 booktitle = {The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation}, 500 publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, 501 year = 1996, 502 editor = {G.Wefer and W.H. Berger and G Siedler and D. Webb}, 503 pages = {289-304} 504 } 505 506 @Article{ barnier_marchesiello_ea_98, 507 author = {Barnier, Bernard and Marchesiello, Patrick and De Miranda, 508 Anne Pimenta and Molines, Jean-Marc and Coulibaly, Macky}, 509 title = {A sigma-coordinate primitive equation model for studying 510 the circulation in the South Atlantic. Part I: Model 511 configuration with error estimates}, 512 year = 1998, 513 volume = 45, 514 number = {4-5}, 515 month = {Apr}, 516 pages = {543–572}, 517 issn = {0967-0637}, 518 doi = {10.1016/s0967-0637(97)00086-1}, 519 url = {}, 520 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers}, 521 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 522 } 523 524 ###Article{ barnier_marchesiello_ea_98, 525 author = {B. Barnier and P. Marchesiello and A. P. de Miranda and 526 J.M. Molines and M. Coulibaly}, 527 title = {A sigma-coordinate primitive equation model for studying 528 the circulation in the South Atlantic I, Model 529 configuration with error estimates}, 530 journal = dsr, 531 year = 1998, 532 volume = 45, 533 pages = {543--572} 534 } 535 536 @Article{ barthelet_bony_ea_98, 537 author = {Barthelet, P and Bony, Sandrine and Braconnot, P and 538 Braun, A and Cariolle, D and Cohen-Solal, E and Dufresne, 539 Jean-Louis and Delecluse, P and Deque, M and Fairhead, 540 Laurent and A. Filiberti, M and Forichon, M and Y. 541 Grandpeix, J and Guilyardi, Eric and Houssais, Marie-Noelle 542 and Imbard, M and Le Treut, H and Lévy, Claire and X. Li, 543 Z and Valcke, Sophie}, 544 year = {1998}, 545 month = {01}, 546 pages = {677-684}, 547 title = {Global coupled simulations of climate change due to 548 increased atmospheric CO}, 549 volume = {326}, 550 journal = {Comptes Rendus De l'Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii 551 Fascicule a-Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes}, 552 url = {} 553 } 554 555 ###Article{ barthelet_bony_ea_98, 556 author = {P. Barthelet and S. Bony and P. Braconnot and A. Braum and 557 D. Cariolle and E. Cohen-Solal and J.-L. Dufresne and P. 558 Delecluse and M. D\'{e}qu\'{e} and L. Fairhead and M.-A. 559 Filiberti and M. Forichon and J.-Y. Grandpeix and E. 560 Guilyardi and M.-N. Houssais and M. Imbard and H. Le Treut 561 and C. Lévy and Z.X. Li and G. Madec and P. Marquet and O. 562 Marti and S. Planton and L. Terray and O. Thual and S. 563 Valcke}, 564 title = {Global coupled simulations of climate change due to 565 increased atmospheric CO2 concentration}, 566 journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci Paris}, 567 year = 1998, 568 volume = 326, 569 pages = {677--684} 570 } 571 572 @Article{ beckmann_98, 573 author = {Beckmann, Aike}, 574 title = {The Representation of Bottom Boundary Layer Processes in 575 Numerical Ocean Circulation Models}, 576 year = 1998, 577 pages = {135–154}, 578 doi = {10.1007/978-94-011-5096-5_5}, 579 url = {}, 580 isbn = 9789401150965, 581 journal = {Ocean Modeling and Parameterization}, 582 publisher = {Springer Netherlands} 583 } 584 585 ###Article{ beckmann_98, 586 author = {A. Beckmann}, 587 title = {The representation of bottom boundary layer processes in 588 numerical ocean circulation models.}, 589 journal = {Ocean modelling and parameterization, E. P. Chassignet and 590 J. Verron (eds.), NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic 591 Publishers}, 592 year = 1998 593 } 594 595 @Article{ beckmann_doscher_97, 596 author = {A. Beckmann and R. D\"{o}scher}, 597 title = {A method for improved representation of dense water 598 spreading over topography in geopotential-coordinate 599 models}, 600 journal = jpo, 601 year = 1997, 602 volume = 27, 603 pages = {581--591} 604 } 605 606 @Article{ beckmann_döscher_97, 607 author = {Beckmann, A. and Döscher, R.}, 608 title = {A Method for Improved Representation of Dense Water 609 Spreading over Topography in Geopotential-Coordinate 610 Models}, 611 year = 1997, 612 volume = 27, 613 number = 4, 614 month = {Apr}, 615 pages = {581–591}, 616 issn = {1520-0485}, 617 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1997)027<0581:amfiro>;2}, 618 url = {<0581:amfiro>;2}, 619 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 620 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 621 } 622 623 @Article{ beckmann_goosse_03, 624 author = {Beckmann, A and Goosse, H}, 625 title = {A parameterization of ice shelf–ocean interaction for 626 climate models}, 627 year = 2003, 628 volume = 5, 629 number = 2, 630 month = {Jan}, 631 pages = {157–170}, 632 issn = {1463-5003}, 633 doi = {10.1016/s1463-5003(02)00019-7}, 634 url = {}, 635 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 636 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 637 } 638 639 ###Article{ beckmann_goosse_03, 640 author = {A. Beckmann and H. Goosse}, 641 title = {A parameterization of ice shelf-ocean interaction for 642 climate models}, 643 journal = om, 644 year = 2003, 645 volume = 5, 646 pages = {157--170} 647 } 648 649 @Article{ beckmann_haidvogel_93, 650 author = {Beckmann, Aike and Haidvogel, Dale B.}, 651 title = {Numerical Simulation of Flow around a Tall Isolated 652 Seamount. Part I: Problem Formulation and Model Accuracy}, 653 year = 1993, 654 volume = 23, 655 number = 8, 656 month = {Aug}, 657 pages = {1736–1753}, 658 issn = {1520-0485}, 659 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1993)023<1736:nsofaa>;2}, 660 url = {<1736:nsofaa>;2}, 661 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 662 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 663 } 664 665 ###Article{ beckmann_haidvogel_93, 666 author = {A. Beckmann and D. B. Haidvogel}, 667 title = {Numerical Simulation of Flow around a Tall Isolated 668 Seamount. Part I - Problem Formulation and Model Accuracy}, 669 journal = jpo, 670 year = 1993, 671 volume = 23, 672 number = 8, 673 pages = {1736--1753} 674 } 675 676 @Article{ bernard_madec_ea_06, 677 author = {Bernard, Barnier and Madec, Gurvan and Penduff, Thierry 249 author = {Barnier, Bernard and Madec, Gurvan and Penduff, Thierry 678 250 and Molines, Jean-Marc and Treguier, Anne-Marie and Le 679 251 Sommer, Julien and Beckmann, Aike and Biastoch, Arne and … … 694 266 } 695 267 268 @InCollection{ barnier_marchesiello_ea_96, 269 author = {Barnier, B. and Marchesiello, P. and de Miranda, A. P.}, 270 title = {Modelling the Ocean Circulation in the South Atlantic: A 271 Strategy for Dealing with Open Boundaries}, 272 year = 1996, 273 pages = {289–304}, 274 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-80353-6_16}, 275 url = {}, 276 isbn = 9783642803536, 277 booktitle = {The South Atlantic: Present and Past Circulation}, 278 editor = {G.Wefer and W.H. Berger and G Siedler and D. Webb}, 279 publisher = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin}, 280 } 281 282 @Article{ barnier_marchesiello_ea_98, 283 author = {Barnier, Bernard and Marchesiello, Patrick and De Miranda, 284 Anne Pimenta and Molines, Jean-Marc and Coulibaly, Macky}, 285 title = {A sigma-coordinate primitive equation model for studying 286 the circulation in the South Atlantic. Part I: Model 287 configuration with error estimates}, 288 year = 1998, 289 volume = 45, 290 number = {4-5}, 291 month = {Apr}, 292 pages = {543–572}, 293 issn = {0967-0637}, 294 doi = {10.1016/s0967-0637(97)00086-1}, 295 url = {}, 296 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers}, 297 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 298 } 299 300 @Article{ barthelet_bony_ea_98, 301 author = {P. Barthelet and S. Bony and P. Braconnot and A. Braum and 302 D. Cariolle and E. Cohen-Solal and J.-L. Dufresne and P. 303 Delecluse and M. D\'{e}qu\'{e} and L. Fairhead and M.-A. 304 Filiberti and M. Forichon and J.-Y. Grandpeix and E. 305 Guilyardi and M.-N. Houssais and M. Imbard and H. Le Treut 306 and C. Lévy and Z.X. Li and G. Madec and P. Marquet and O. 307 Marti and S. Planton and L. Terray and O. Thual and S. 308 Valcke}, 309 year = {1998}, 310 month = {01}, 311 pages = {677-684}, 312 title = {Global coupled simulations of climate change due to 313 increased atmospheric CO2 concentration}, 314 volume = {326}, 315 journal = {Comptes Rendus De l'Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii 316 Fascicule a-Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes}, 317 url = {} 318 } 319 320 @InCollection{ beckmann_98, 321 author = {Beckmann, Aike}, 322 title = {The Representation of Bottom Boundary Layer Processes in 323 Numerical Ocean Circulation Models}, 324 year = 1998, 325 pages = {135–154}, 326 doi = {10.1007/978-94-011-5096-5_5}, 327 url = {}, 328 isbn = 9789401150965, 329 booktitle = {Ocean Modeling and Parameterization}, 330 editor = "Chassignet, Eric P. and Verron, Jacques", 331 publisher = {Springer Netherlands} 332 } 333 334 @Article{ beckmann_doscher_97, 335 author = {Beckmann, A. and D\"{o}scher, R.}, 336 title = {A Method for Improved Representation of Dense Water 337 Spreading over Topography in Geopotential-Coordinate 338 Models}, 339 year = 1997, 340 volume = 27, 341 number = 4, 342 month = {Apr}, 343 pages = {581–591}, 344 issn = {1520-0485}, 345 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1997)027<0581:amfiro>;2}, 346 url = {<0581:amfiro>;2}, 347 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 348 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 349 } 350 351 @Article{ beckmann_goosse_03, 352 author = {Beckmann, A and Goosse, H}, 353 title = {A parameterization of ice shelf–ocean interaction for 354 climate models}, 355 year = 2003, 356 volume = 5, 357 number = 2, 358 month = {Jan}, 359 pages = {157–170}, 360 issn = {1463-5003}, 361 doi = {10.1016/s1463-5003(02)00019-7}, 362 url = {}, 363 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 364 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 365 } 366 367 @Article{ beckmann_haidvogel_93, 368 author = {Beckmann, Aike and Haidvogel, Dale B.}, 369 title = {Numerical Simulation of Flow around a Tall Isolated 370 Seamount. Part I: Problem Formulation and Model Accuracy}, 371 year = 1993, 372 volume = 23, 373 number = 8, 374 month = {Aug}, 375 pages = {1736–1753}, 376 issn = {1520-0485}, 377 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1993)023<1736:nsofaa>;2}, 378 url = {<1736:nsofaa>;2}, 379 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 380 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 381 } 382 696 383 @Article{ bernie_guilyardi_ea_07, 697 384 author = {Bernie, D. J. and Guilyardi, E. and Madec, G. and Slingo, … … 711 398 } 712 399 713 ###Article{ bernie_guilyardi_ea_07,714 author = {D. Bernie and E. Guilyardi and G. Madec and J. M. Slingo715 and S. J. Woolnough},716 title = {Impact of resolving the diurnal cycle in an717 ocean--atmosphere GCM. Part 1: a diurnally forced OGCM},718 journal = cd,719 year = 2007,720 volume = 29,721 number = 6,722 pages = {575--590}723 }724 725 400 @Article{ bernie_guilyardi_ea_08, 726 401 author = {Bernie, D. J. and Guilyardi, E. and Madec, G. and Slingo, … … 740 415 } 741 416 742 ###Article{ bernie_guilyardi_ea_08,743 author = {D. Bernie and E. Guilyardi and G. Madec and J. M. Slingo744 and S. J. Woolnough},745 title = {Impact of resolving the diurnal cycle in an746 ocean--atmosphere GCM. Part 2: A diurnally coupled CGCM},747 journal = cd,748 year = 2008,749 volume = 31,750 number = 7,751 pages = {909--925},752 doi = {10.1007/s00382-008-0429-z}753 }754 755 417 @Article{ bernie_woolnough_ea_05, 756 418 author = {Bernie, D. J. and Woolnough, S. J. and Slingo, J. M. and … … 770 432 } 771 433 772 ###Article{ bernie_woolnough_ea_05,773 author = {D. J. Bernie and S. J. Woolnough and J. M. Slingo and E.774 Guilyardi},775 title = {Modelling diurnal and intraseasonal variability of the776 ocean mixed layer},777 journal = jc,778 year = 2005,779 volume = 18,780 number = 8,781 pages = {1190--1200}782 }783 784 434 @Article{ bessieres_madec_ea_08, 785 author = {L. Bessi\'{e}res and G. Madec and F. Lyard}, 786 title = {Global Tidal Residual Mean Circulation: Does it Affect a 787 Climate OGCM?}, 788 journal = grl, 789 year = 2008, 790 volume = 35, 791 pages = {L03609}, 792 doi = {10.1029/2007GL032644} 793 } 794 795 @Article{ bessières_madec_ea_08, 796 author = {Bessières, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan and Lyard, Florent}, 435 author = {Bessi\'{e}res, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan and Lyard, Florent}, 797 436 title = {Global tidal residual mean circulation: Does it affect a 798 437 climate OGCM?}, … … 800 439 volume = 35, 801 440 number = 3, 441 pages = {L03609}, 802 442 month = {Feb}, 803 443 issn = {0094-8276}, … … 826 466 } 827 467 828 ###Article{ biastoch_böning_ea_08,829 author = {A. Biastoch and C. W. Böning and J. Getzlaff and J.-M.830 Molines and G. Madec},831 title = {Causes of interannual – decadal variability in the832 meridional overturning circulation of the mid-latitude833 North Atlantic Ocean},834 journal = jc,835 year = 2008,836 volume = 21,837 number = 24,838 pages = {6599-6615},839 doi = {10.1175/2008JCLI2404.1}840 }841 842 468 @Article{ bignami_marullo_ea_95, 843 469 author = {Bignami, F. and Marullo, S. and Santoleri, R. and Schiano, … … 847 473 volume = 100, 848 474 number = {C2}, 849 pages = 2501,475 pages = {2501--2514}, 850 476 issn = {0148-0227}, 851 477 doi = {10.1029/94jc02496}, … … 853 479 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 854 480 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 855 }856 857 ###Article{ bignami_marullo_ea_95,858 author = {F. Bignami and S. Marullo and R. Santoleri and M. E.859 Schiano},860 title = {Longwave radiation budget in the Mediterranean Sea},861 journal = jgr,862 year = 1995,863 volume = 100,864 number = {C2},865 pages = {2501--2514},866 doi = {10.1029/94JC02496}867 481 } 868 482 … … 884 498 } 885 499 886 ###Article{ blanke_arhan_ea_99,887 author = {B. Blanke and M. Arhan and G. Madec and S. Roche},888 title = {Warm Water Paths in the Equatorial Atlantic as Diagnosed889 with a General Circulation Model},890 journal = jpo,891 year = 1999,892 volume = 29,893 number = 11,894 pages = {2753-2768}895 }896 897 500 @Article{ blanke_delecluse_93, 898 501 author = {Blanke, Bruno and Delecluse, Pascale}, … … 910 513 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 911 514 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 912 }913 914 ###Article{ blanke_delecluse_93,915 author = {B. Blanke and P. Delecluse},916 title = {Low frequency variability of the tropical Atlantic ocean917 simulated by a general circulation model with mixed layer918 physics},919 journal = jpo,920 year = 1993,921 volume = 23,922 pages = {1363--1388}923 515 } 924 516 … … 939 531 } 940 532 941 ###Article{ blanke_neelin_ea_97,942 author = {B. Blanke and J. D. Neelin and D. Gutzler},943 title = {Estimating the effect of stochastic wind forcing on ENSO944 irregularity},945 journal = jc,946 year = 1997,947 volume = 10,948 pages = {1473--1486}949 }950 951 533 @Article{ blanke_raynaud_97, 952 534 author = {Blanke, Bruno and Raynaud, Stéphane}, … … 965 547 } 966 548 967 ###Article{ blanke_raynaud_97,968 author = {B. Blanke and S. Raynaud},969 title = {Kinematics of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent: An970 Eulerian and Lagrangian Approach from GCM Results},971 journal = jpo,972 year = 1997,973 volume = 27,974 number = 6,975 pages = {1038--1053}976 }977 978 549 @Article{ blanke_speich_ea_01, 979 author = {Blanke, B. and Speich, S. and Madec, G. and D öös, K.},550 author = {Blanke, B. and Speich, S. and Madec, G. and D\"{o}\"{o}s, K.}, 980 551 title = {A Global Diagnostic of Interocean Mass Transfers}, 981 552 year = 2001, … … 991 562 } 992 563 993 ###Article{ blanke_speich_ea_01,994 author = {B. Blanke and S. Speich and G. Madec and K. Döös},995 title = {A global Diagnostic of interocean mass transfers},996 journal = jpo,997 year = 2001,998 volume = 31,999 number = 6,1000 pages = {1623--1632}1001 }1002 1003 564 @Article{ blanke_speich_ea_02, 1004 565 author = {Blanke, Bruno and Speich, Sabrina and Madec, Gurvan and 1005 Maug é, Rudy},566 Maug\'{e}, Rudy}, 1006 567 title = {A global diagnostic of interior ocean ventilation}, 1007 568 year = 2002, … … 1009 570 number = 8, 1010 571 month = {Apr}, 1011 pages = {108 –1–108–4},572 pages = {1081--1084}, 1012 573 issn = {0094-8276}, 1013 574 doi = {10.1029/2001gl013727}, … … 1015 576 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 1016 577 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 1017 }1018 1019 ###Article{ blanke_speich_ea_02,1020 author = {B. Blanke and S. Speich and G. Madec and R. Maug\'{e}},1021 title = {A global diagnostic of interior ocean ventilation},1022 journal = grl,1023 year = 2002,1024 volume = 29,1025 number = 8,1026 pages = {1081--1084}1027 578 } 1028 579 … … 1043 594 } 1044 595 1045 ###Article{ blayo_debreu_05,1046 author = {E. Blayo and L. Debreu},1047 title = {Revisiting open boundary conditions from the point of view1048 of characteristic variables},1049 journal = om,1050 year = 2005,1051 volume = 9,1052 pages = {231--252}1053 }1054 1055 596 @Article{ bloom_takacs_ea_96, 1056 597 author = {Bloom, S. C. and Takacs, L. L. and da Silva, A. M. and … … 1067 608 journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 1068 609 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 1069 }1070 1071 ###Article{ bloom_takacs_ea_96,1072 author = {S. C. Bloom and L. L. Takacs and A. M. Da Silva and D.1073 Ledvina},1074 title = {Data assimilation using incremental analysis updates},1075 journal = mwr,1076 year = 1996,1077 volume = 124,1078 pages = {1256--1271}1079 610 } 1080 611 … … 1097 628 } 1098 629 1099 ###Article{ bopp_monfray_ea_01,1100 author = {L. Bopp and P. Monfray and O. Aumont and J.-L. Dufresne1101 and H. Le Treut and G. Madec and L. Terray and J.C. Orr},1102 title = {Potential impact of climate change on marine export1103 production},1104 journal = gbc,1105 year = 2001,1106 volume = 15,1107 number = 1,1108 pages = {81--101}1109 }1110 1111 630 @Article{ bouffard_boegman_13, 1112 631 author = {Bouffard, Damien and Boegman, Leon}, … … 1122 641 journal = {Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans}, 1123 642 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 1124 }1125 1126 ###Article{ bouffard_boegman_13,1127 author = {D. Bouffard and L. Boegman},1128 title = {A diapycnal diffusivity model for stratified environmental1129 flows},1130 volume = {61-62},1131 issn = 03770265,1132 doi = {10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2013.02.002},1133 journal = dao,1134 year = 2013,1135 pages = {14--34}1136 643 } 1137 644 … … 1150 657 journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 1151 658 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 1152 }1153 1154 ###Article{ bougeault_lacarrere_89,1155 author = {P. Bougeault and P. Lacarrere},1156 title = {Parameterization of Orography-Induced Turbulence in a1157 Mesobeta--Scale Model},1158 journal = mwr,1159 year = 1989,1160 volume = 117,1161 number = 8,1162 pages = {1872--1890}1163 }1164 1165 @Article{ bouillon_maqueda_ea_09,1166 author = {S. Bouillon and M.A. Morales Maqueda and V. Legat and T.1167 Fichefet},1168 title = {An Elastic-Viscous-Plastic Sea Ice Model formulated on1169 Arakawa B and C Grids},1170 journal = om,1171 year = 2009,1172 volume = 27,1173 pages = {174--184},1174 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.01.004}1175 659 } 1176 660 … … 1211 695 } 1212 696 1213 ###Article{ boulanger_durand_ea_01,1214 author = {J.-P. Boulanger and E. Durand and J.-P. Duvel and C.1215 Menkes and P. Delecluse and M. Imbard and M. Lengaigne and1216 G. Madec and S. Masson},1217 title = {Role of non-linear oceanic processes in the response to1218 westerly wind events: new implications for the 1997 El1219 Niño onset},1220 journal = grl,1221 year = 2001,1222 volume = 28,1223 number = 8,1224 pages = {1603--1606}1225 }1226 1227 @Article{ boyer-montegut_madec_ea_04,1228 author = {C. de Boyer Mont\'{e}gut and G. Madec and A.S. Fischer and1229 A. Lazar and D. Iudicone},1230 title = {Mixed layer depth over the global ocean: An examination of1231 profile data and a profile-based climatology},1232 journal = jgr,1233 year = 2004,1234 volume = 109,1235 pages = {C12003},1236 doi = {10.1029/2004JC002378}1237 }1238 1239 697 @Article{ boyer-montegut_vialard_ea_07, 1240 author = { C. de Boyer Mont\'{e}gut and J. Vialard and F. Durandand1241 G. Madec},1242 title = {Simulated seasonal and interannual variability of mixed1243 layer heat budget in the northern Indian Ocean},1244 journal = jc,698 author = {De Boyer Mont\'{e}gut, Cl\'{e}ment and Vialard, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and 699 Shenoi, S. S. C. and Shankar, D. and Durand, Fabien and 700 Eth\'{e}, Christian and Madec, Gurvan}, 701 title = {Simulated Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the 702 Mixed Layer Heat Budget in the Northern Indian Ocean}, 1245 703 year = 2007, 1246 704 volume = 20, 1247 705 number = 13, 1248 pages = {3249--3268} 706 month = {Jul}, 707 pages = {3249–3268}, 708 issn = {1520-0442}, 709 doi = {10.1175/jcli4148.1}, 710 url = {}, 711 journal = {Journal of Climate}, 712 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 1249 713 } 1250 714 1251 715 @Article{ boyer-montégut_04, 1252 author = { de Boyer Montégut, Clément},716 author = {De Boyer Mont\'{e}gut, Clément}, 1253 717 title = {Mixed layer depth over the global ocean: An examination of 1254 718 profile data and a profile-based climatology}, … … 1256 720 volume = 109, 1257 721 number = {C12}, 722 pages = {C12003}, 1258 723 issn = {0148-0227}, 1259 724 doi = {10.1029/2004jc002378}, … … 1276 741 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 1277 742 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 1278 }1279 1280 ###Article{ brankart_13,1281 author = {J.-M. Brankart},1282 title = {Impact of uncertainties in the horizontal density gradient1283 upon low resolution global ocean modelling },1284 journal = om,1285 year = 2013,1286 volume = 66,1287 pages = {64--76},1288 issn = {1463-5003},1289 doi = {}1290 743 } 1291 744 … … 1308 761 } 1309 762 1310 ###Article{ brankart_candille_ea_15,1311 author = {Brankart, J.-M. and Candille, G. and Garnier, F. and1312 Calone, C. and Melet, A. and Bouttier, P.-A. and Brasseur,1313 P. and Verron, J.},1314 title = {A generic approach to explicit simulation of uncertainty1315 in the NEMO ocean model},1316 journal = {Geoscientific Model Development},1317 volume = 8,1318 year = 2015,1319 number = 5,1320 pages = {1285--1297},1321 doi = {10.5194/gmd-8-1285-2015}1322 }1323 1324 763 @Article{ breivik_bidlot_ea_16, 1325 author = {Breivik, Øyvind and Bidlot, Jean-Raymond and Janssen,764 author = {Breivik, {\O}yvind and Bidlot, Jean-Raymond and Janssen, 1326 765 Peter A.E.M.}, 1327 766 title = {A Stokes drift approximation based on the Phillips … … 1330 769 volume = 100, 1331 770 month = {Apr}, 1332 pages = {49 –56},771 pages = {49--56, arXiv:1601.08092}, 1333 772 issn = {1463-5003}, 1334 773 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.01.005}, … … 1338 777 } 1339 778 1340 ###Article{ breivik_bidlot_ea_16,1341 author = {{\O}yvind Breivik and Jean-Raymond Bidlot and Peter A.E.M.1342 Janssen},1343 year = 2016,1344 title = {{A Stokes drift approximation based on the Phillips1345 spectrum}},1346 journal = {OM},1347 volume = 100,1348 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.01.005},1349 pages = {49--56, arXiv:1601.08092}1350 }1351 1352 779 @Article{ breivik_janssen_ea_14, 1353 author = {Breivik, Øyvind and Janssen, Peter A. E. M. and Bidlot,780 author = {Breivik, {\O}yvind and Janssen, Peter A. E. M. and Bidlot, 1354 781 Jean-Raymond}, 1355 782 title = {Approximate Stokes Drift Profiles in Deep Water}, … … 1358 785 number = 9, 1359 786 month = {Sep}, 1360 pages = {2433 –2445},787 pages = {2433--2445, arXiv:1406.5039}, 1361 788 issn = {1520-0485}, 1362 789 doi = {10.1175/jpo-d-14-0020.1}, … … 1366 793 } 1367 794 1368 ###Article{ breivik_janssen_ea_14,1369 author = {{\O}yvind Breivik and Peter A.E.M. Janssen and1370 Jean-Raymond Bidlot},1371 year = 2014,1372 title = {{Approximate Stokes Drift Profiles in Deep Water}},1373 journal = {JPO},1374 volume = 44,1375 number = 9,1376 doi = {10.1175/JPO-D-14-0020.1.},1377 pages = {2433--2445, arXiv:1406.5039}1378 }1379 1380 @Article{ brodeau_barnier_ea_09,1381 author = {L. Brodeau and B. Barnier and A.-M. Tr\'{e}guier and T.1382 Penduff and S. Gulev},1383 title = {An ERA40-based atmospheric forcing for global ocean1384 circulation models},1385 journal = om,1386 year = 2009,1387 volume = 31,1388 number = {3-4},1389 pages = {88--104}1390 }1391 1392 795 @Article{ brodeau_barnier_ea_10, 1393 author = {Brodeau, Laurent and Barnier, Bernard and Tr eguier,796 author = {Brodeau, Laurent and Barnier, Bernard and Tr\'{e}guier, 1394 797 Anne-Marie and Penduff, Thierry and Gulev, Sergei}, 1395 798 title = {An ERA40-based atmospheric forcing for global ocean … … 1423 826 } 1424 827 1425 ###Article{ brown_campana_78,1426 author = {J. A. Brown and K. A. 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Bryden},1507 title = {New polynomials for thermal expansion, adiabatic1508 temperature gradient and potential temperature of sea1509 water},1510 journal = dsr,1511 year = 1973,1512 volume = 20,1513 pages = {401--408}1514 }1515 1516 877 @Article{ burchard_02, 1517 878 author = {Burchard, Hans}, … … 1530 891 } 1531 892 1532 ###Article{ burchard_02, 1533 author = {Hans Burchard}, 1534 title = {Energy-conserving discretisation of turbulent shear and 1535 buoyancy production}, 1536 journal = om, 1537 year = 2002, 1538 volume = 4, 1539 number = {3-4}, 1540 pages = {347--361}, 1541 doi = {10.1016/S1463-5003(02)00009-4} 1542 } 1543 1544 @Article{ c-hunke_lipscomb_10, 893 @TechReport{ cice_manual, 1545 894 author = {C. Hunke, Elizabeth and Lipscomb, W}, 1546 year = {2010},1547 month = {01},1548 895 title = {CICE: The Los Alamos sea ice model documentation and 1549 software user's manual version 4.0 LA-CC-06-012}, 1550 journal = {Tech. Rep. 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PartI: One-point closure model-momentum1656 and heat vertical diffusivities},1657 journal = jpo,1658 year = 2001,1659 volume = 24,1660 number = 12,1661 pages = {2546--2559}1662 }1663 1664 @Article{ carrere_lyard_03,1665 author = {L. Carr\`{e}re and F. Lyard},1666 title = {Modelling the barotropic response of the global ocean to1667 atmospheric wind and pressure forcing - comparisons with1668 observations},1669 journal = grl,1670 year = 2003,1671 volume = 30,1672 number = 6,1673 doi = {10.1029/2002GL016473}1674 }1675 1676 969 @Article{ carrère_lyard_03, 1677 author = {Carr ère, Loren and Lyard, Florent},970 author = {Carr\`{e}re, Loren and Lyard, Florent}, 1678 971 title = {Modeling the barotropic response of the global ocean to 1679 972 atmospheric wind and pressure forcing - comparisons with … … 1706 999 } 1707 1000 1708 ###Article{ castellari_pinardi_ea_98,1709 author = {S> Castellari and N. Pinardi and K. Leaman },1710 title = {A model study of air-sea interactions in the Mediterranean1711 Sea.},1712 journal = jms,1713 year = 1998,1714 volume = 18,1715 pages = {89--114}1716 }1717 1718 1001 @TechReport{ chanut_05, 1719 1002 author = {J. Chanut}, … … 1741 1024 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 1742 1025 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 1743 }1744 1745 ###Article{ chassignet_smith_ea_03,1746 author = {Eric P. Chassignet and Linda T. Smith and George R.1747 Halliwell},1748 title = {North Atlantic Simulations with the Hybrid Coordinate1749 Ocean Model (HYCOM): Impact of the Vertical Coordinate1750 Choice, Reference Pressure, and Thermobaricity},1751 journal = jpo,1752 year = 2003,1753 volume = 33,1754 pages = {2504-2526}1755 1026 } 1756 1027 … … 1773 1044 } 1774 1045 1775 ###Article{ covey_abe-ouchi_ea_00,1776 author = {C. Covey and A. Abe-Ouchi and G.J. Boer and B.A. Boville1777 and U. Cubasch and L. Fairhead and G.M. Flato and H. Gordon1778 and E. Guilyardi and X. 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Banner},1818 title = {Modeling wave-enhanced turbulence in the ocean surface1819 layer},1820 journal = jpo,1821 year = 1994,1822 volume = 24,1823 number = 12,1824 pages = {2546--2559}1825 1071 } 1826 1072 … … 1838 1084 journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, 1839 1085 publisher = {Cambridge University Press (CUP)} 1840 }1841 1842 ###Article{ craik_leibovich_76,1843 author = {A. D. D. Craik and S. Leibovich},1844 title = {A rational model for Langmuir circulations},1845 journal = jfm,1846 year = 1976,1847 volume = 73,1848 pages = {401--426}1849 1086 } 1850 1087 … … 1866 1103 } 1867 1104 1868 ###Article{ cravatte_madec_ea_07,1869 author = {Cravatte, S. and G. Madec and T. Izumo and C. Menkes and1870 A. Bozec},1871 title = {Progress in the 3-D circulation of the eastern equatorial1872 Pacific in a climate ocean model},1873 journal = om,1874 year = 2007,1875 volume = 17,1876 number = 1,1877 pages = {28--48}1878 }1879 1880 @Article{ d-cox_87,1881 author = {D. Cox, M},1882 year = {1987},1883 month = {01},1884 title = {Isopycnal diffusion in a z-coordinate ocean model},1885 volume = {74},1886 journal = {Ocean Modelling}1887 }1888 1889 1105 @Article{ dalessio_abdella_ea_98, 1890 author = { S. J. D. D'Alessio and K. Abdella and N. A. McFarlane},1891 title = {A new second-order turbulence closure scheme for modeling1892 the oceanic mixed layer},1893 journal = jpo,1106 author = {D’Alessio, S. J. D. and Abdella, K. and McFarlane, N. 1107 A.}, 1108 title = {A New Second-Order Turbulence Closure Scheme for Modeling 1109 the Oceanic Mixed Layer}, 1894 1110 year = 1998, 1895 1111 volume = 28, 1896 pages = {1624--1641} 1897 } 1898 1899 @Article{ daley_barker_00, 1112 number = 8, 1113 month = {Aug}, 1114 pages = {1624–1641}, 1115 issn = {1520-0485}, 1116 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1998)028<1624:ansotc>;2}, 1117 url = {<1624:ansotc>;2}, 1118 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 1119 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 1120 } 1121 1122 @Book{ navdas_book, 1900 1123 author = {Daley, Roger and Barker, Edward}, 1901 1124 title = {NAVDAS Source Book 2000: NRL Atmospheric Variational Data … … 1906 1129 url = {}, 1907 1130 publisher = {Defense Technical Information Center} 1908 }1909 1910 @Book{ daley_barker_01,1911 author = {R. Daley and E. Barker},1912 title = {NAVDAS Source Book 2001},1913 publisher = {NRL/PU/7530-01-441, Available from the Naval Research1914 Laboratory, Monterey, CA., 93943-5502},1915 year = 2001,1916 pages = {163pp}1917 1131 } 1918 1132 … … 1934 1148 } 1935 1149 1936 ###Article{ danabasoglu_ferrari_ea_08,1937 author = {G. Danabasoglu and R. Ferrari and J. C. McWilliams},1938 title = {Sensitivity of an ocean general circulation model to a1939 parameterization of near-surface eddy fluxes},1940 volume = 21,1941 year = 2008,1942 doi = {10.1175/2007JCLI1508.1},1943 journal = {J. Climate},1944 pages = {1192--1208}1945 }1946 1947 1150 @Article{ dandonneau_04, 1948 author = {Dandonneau, Y.}, 1949 title = {Response to Comment on “Oceanic Rossby Waves Acting As a 1950 `Hay Rake’ for Ecosystem Floating By-Products”}, 1151 author = {Dandonneau, Yves and Menkes, Christophe and Gorgues, Thomas and Madec, Gurvan}, 1152 title = {Response to Comment on "Oceanic Rossby Waves Acting As a {\textquoteleft}Hay Rake{\textquoteright} for Ecosystem Floating By-Products"}, 1951 1153 year = 2004, 1952 1154 volume = 304, … … 1960 1162 publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science 1961 1163 (AAAS)} 1962 }1963 1964 @Article{ dandonneau_menkes_ea_04,1965 author = {Y. Dandonneau and C. Menkes and T. Gorgues and G. 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Demange},2053 title = {Sch\'{e}mas num\'{e}riques d'advection et de propagation2054 d’ondes de gravit\'{e} dans les mod\`{e}les de2055 circulation oc\'{e}anique.},2056 school = {Doctorat es Applied Mathematiques, Grenoble University,2057 France},2058 year = 2014,2059 pages = {138pp}2060 1223 } 2061 1224 … … 2077 1240 } 2078 1241 2079 ###Article{ dobricic_pinardi_ea_07,2080 author = {S. Dobricic and N. Pinardi and M. Adani and M. Tonani and2081 C. Fratianni and A. Bonazzi and V. Fernandez},2082 title = {Daily oceanographic analysis by the Mediterranean basin2083 scale assimilation system},2084 journal = os,2085 year = 2007,2086 volume = 3,2087 pages = {149-157}2088 }2089 2090 1242 @Article{ doney_lindsay_ea_04, 2091 1243 author = {Doney, S. C. and Lindsay, K. and Caldeira, K. and Campin, … … 2098 1250 number = 3, 2099 1251 month = {Sep}, 2100 pages = { n/a–n/a},1252 pages = {GB3017}, 2101 1253 issn = {0886-6236}, 2102 1254 doi = {10.1029/2003gb002150}, … … 2106 1258 } 2107 1259 2108 ###Article{ doney_lindsay_ea_04,2109 author = {S.C. Doney and K. Lindsay and K. Caldeira and J.−M.2110 Campin and H. Drange and J.−C. Dutay and M. Follows and2111 Y. Gao and A. Gnanadesikan and N. Gruber and A. Ishida and2112 F. Joos and G. Madec and E. Maier−Reimer and J.C.2113 Marshall and R.J. Matear and P. Monfray and A. Mouchet and2114 R. Najjar and J.C. Orr and G.−K. Plattner and J.2115 Sarmiento and R. Schlitzer and R. Slater and I.J.2116 Totterdell and M.−F. Weirig and Y. Yamanaka and A. Yoo},2117 title = {Evaluating global ocean carbon models: the importance of2118 realistic physics},2119 journal = gbc,2120 year = 2004,2121 volume = 18,2122 pages = {GB3017},2123 doi = {10.1029/2003GB002150}2124 }2125 2126 1260 @Article{ dortenzio_iudicone_ea_05, 2127 author = {F. D\'Ortenzio and D. Iudicone and C. de Boyer 2128 Mont\'{e}gut and P. Testor and D. Antoine and S. Marullo 2129 and R. Santoleri and G. Madec}, 1261 author = {D\’Ortenzio, Fabrizio and Iudicone, Daniele and De Boyer 1262 Mont\'{e}gut, Cl\'{e}ment and Testor, Pierre and Antoine, David and 1263 Marullo, Salvatore and Santoleri, Rosalia and Madec, 1264 Gurvan}, 2130 1265 title = {Seasonal variability of the mixed layer depth in the 2131 Mediterranean Sea : a new climatology based on analysis of 2132 individual profiles}, 2133 journal = grl, 1266 Mediterranean Sea as derived from in situ profiles}, 2134 1267 year = 2005, 2135 1268 volume = 32, 1269 number = 12, 1270 month = {Jun}, 2136 1271 pages = {L12605}, 2137 doi = {10.1029/2005GL022463} 1272 issn = {0094-8276}, 1273 doi = {10.1029/2005gl022463}, 1274 url = {}, 1275 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 1276 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 2138 1277 } 2139 1278 2140 1279 @Article{ doscher_beckmann_00, 2141 author = { R. D\"{o}scher and A. 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Drijfhout},2168 title = {Heat transport by Mesoscale Eddies in an Ocean Circulation2169 Model},2170 journal = jpo,2171 year = 1994,2172 volume = 24,2173 pages = {353--369}2174 }2175 2176 1311 @Article{ dukowicz_smith_94, 2177 1312 author = {Dukowicz, John K. and Smith, Richard D.}, … … 2181 1316 volume = 99, 2182 1317 number = {C4}, 2183 pages = 7991,1318 pages = {7991--8014}, 2184 1319 issn = {0148-0227}, 2185 1320 doi = {10.1029/93jc03455}, … … 2189 1324 } 2190 1325 2191 ###Article{ dukowicz_smith_94, 2192 author = {J. K. Dukowicz and R. D. Smith}, 2193 title = {Implicit free-surface method for the Bryan-Cox-Semtner 2194 ocean model}, 2195 journal = jgr, 2196 year = 1994, 2197 volume = 99, 2198 pages = {7991--8014} 2199 } 2200 2201 @Article{ durand_04, 2202 author = {Durand, F.}, 1326 @Article{ durand_shetye_ea_04, 1327 author = {F. Durand and S. R. Shetye and J. Vialard and D. Shankar 1328 and S.S.C. Shenoi and C. Eth\'{e} and G. 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Madec}, 2236 title = {Modeling the barrier-layer formation in the South-Eastern 2237 Arabian Sea}, 2238 journal = jc, 2239 year = 2007, 2240 volume = 20, 2241 number = 10, 2242 pages = {2109--2120} 2243 } 2244 2245 @Article{ durand_shetye_ea_04, 2246 author = {F. Durand and S. R. Shetye and J. Vialard and D. Shankar 2247 and S.S.C. Shenoi and C. Eth\'{e} and G. Madec}, 2248 title = {Impact of temperature inversions on SST evolution in the 2249 South−Eastern Arabian Sea during the pre−summer monsoon 2250 season}, 2251 journal = grl, 2252 year = 2004, 2253 volume = 31, 2254 pages = {L01305}, 2255 doi = {10.1029/2003GL018906} 2256 } 2257 2258 @Article{ durran_01, 1360 @InCollection{ durran_01, 2259 1361 author = {Durran, Dale R.}, 2260 1362 title = {Open Boundary Conditions: Fact and Fiction}, 1363 booktitle = {Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean 1364 Dynamics}, 1365 editor = {P.F. Hodnett}, 2261 1366 year = 2001, 2262 1367 pages = {1–18}, … … 2269 1374 } 2270 1375 2271 ###InCollection{ durran_01, 2272 author = {D.R. Durran }, 2273 title = {Open boundary conditions: fact and fiction}, 2274 booktitle = {Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean 2275 Dynamics}, 2276 publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, 2277 year = 2001, 2278 editor = {P.F. Hodnett} 2279 } 2280 2281 @Article{ dutay_-baptiste_ea_04, 2282 author = {J. -C. Dutay and P. J. -Baptiste and J. -M. Campin and A. 2283 Ishida and E. M. -Reimer and R. J. Matear and A. Mouchet 2284 and I. J. Totterdell and Y. Yamanaka and K. Rodgers and G. 2285 Madec and J.C. Orr}, 2286 title = {Evaluation of OCMIP-2 ocean models deep circulation with 2287 mantle helium-3}, 2288 journal = jms, 1376 @Article{ dutay_jean-baptiste_ea_04, 1377 author = {Dutay, J.-C and Jean-Baptiste, P and Campin, J.-M and 1378 Ishida, A and Maier-Reimer, E and Matear, R.J and Mouchet, 1379 A and Totterdell, I.J and Yamanaka, Y and Rodgers, K and et 1380 al.}, 1381 title = {Evaluation of OCMIP-2 ocean models deep circulation 1382 with mantle helium-3}, 2289 1383 year = 2004, 2290 pages = {1--22} 1384 volume = 48, 1385 number = {1-4}, 1386 month = {Jul}, 1387 pages = {15–36}, 1388 issn = {0924-7963}, 1389 doi = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2003.05.010}, 1390 url = {}, 1391 journal = {Journal of Marine Systems}, 1392 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 2291 1393 } 2292 1394 … … 2307 1409 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 2308 1410 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 2309 }2310 2311 ###Article{ dutay_bullister_ea_02,2312 author = {J.-C. Dutay and J.L. Bullister and S.C. Doney and J.C. Orr2313 and R. Najjar and K. Caldeira and J.-M. Campin and H.2314 Drange and M. Follows and Y. Gao and N. Gruber and M. W.2315 Hecht and A. Ishida and F. Joos and K. Lindsay and G. Madec2316 and E. Maier-Reimer and J.C. Mashall and R. J. Matear and2317 P. Monfray and G.-K. Plattner and J. Sarmiento and R.2318 Schlitzer and R. Slater and I.J. Totterdell and M.-F.2319 Weirig and Y. Yamanaka and A. Tool},2320 title = {Evaluation of ocean model ventilation with CFC-11:2321 comparison of 13 global ocean models},2322 journal = om,2323 year = 2002,2324 volume = 4,2325 pages = {89--120}2326 1411 } 2327 1412 … … 2344 1429 } 2345 1430 2346 ###Article{ dutay_emile-geay_ea_09,2347 author = {J.-C. Dutay and J. Emile-Geay and D. Iudicone and P.2348 Jean-Baptiste and G. Madec and C. 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Egbert and R.D Ray},2474 title = {Significant dissipation of tidal energy in the deep ocean2475 inferred from satellite altimeter data},2476 journal = {Nature},2477 year = 2000,2478 volume = 405,2479 pages = {775--778}2480 }2481 2482 1463 @Article{ egbert_ray_01, 2483 1464 author = {Egbert, Gary D. and Ray, Richard D.}, 2484 title = {Estimates of M2 tidal energy dissipation from1465 title = {Estimates of M2 tidal energy dissipation from 2485 1466 TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter data}, 2486 1467 year = 2001, … … 2496 1477 } 2497 1478 2498 ###Article{ egbert_ray_01,2499 author = {G.B. Egbert and R.D. Ray},2500 title = {Estimates of M2 tidal energy dissipation from2501 TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data},2502 journal = jgr,2503 year = 2001,2504 volume = 106,2505 pages = {22475--22502}2506 }2507 2508 1479 @Article{ eiseman_stone_80, 2509 1480 author = {Eiseman, P. R. and Stone, A. 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Engerdahl}, 2576 year = 1995, 2577 title = {Use of the flow relaxation scheme in a three-dimensional 2578 baroclinic ocean model with realistic topography}, 2579 journal = {Tellus}, 2580 volume = {47A}, 2581 pages = {365--382} 2582 } 2583 2584 @Article{ euromodel-group-p-m-lehucher_harzallah_95, 1526 @Article{ euromodel-group_95, 2585 1527 author = {EUROMODEL Group (P.M. Lehucher, L. Beautier, M. Chartier, 2586 1528 F. Martel, L. Mortier, P. Brehmer, C. Millot, C. Alberola, … … 2594 1536 Galli, E. Lazzoni, G. P. Gasparini, S. Sparnocchia, and A. 2595 1537 Harzallah)}, 1538 year = {1995}, 1539 month = {01}, 1540 number = 2, 1541 pages = {255-271}, 2596 1542 title = {Progress from 1989 to 1992 in understanding the 2597 circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea.}, 1543 circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea}, 1544 volume = {18}, 2598 1545 journal = {Oceanologica Acta}, 2599 year = 1995, 2600 volume = 18, 2601 number = 2, 2602 pages = {255--271} 1546 url = {}, 2603 1547 } 2604 1548 … … 2606 1550 url = {}, 2607 1551 title = {Dynamique non-lineaire des ondes et des tourbillons dans 2608 les equations de saint-venant}, 2609 author = {FARGE COULOMBIER, MARIE}, 1552 les equations de Saint-Venant}, 1553 author = {Farge Coulombier, Marie}, 1554 school = {Doctorat es Mathematiques, Paris VI University, France}, 2610 1555 year = {1987}, 2611 1556 pages = {353 P.}, 2612 1557 note = {1987PA066365} 2613 }2614 2615 @PhDThesis{ farge_87,2616 author = {M. Farge},2617 title = {Dynamique non lineaire des ondes et des tourbillons dans2618 les equations de Saint Venant},2619 school = {Doctorat es Mathematiques, Paris VI University, France},2620 year = 1987,2621 pages = {401pp}2622 1558 } 2623 1559 … … 2636 1572 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 2637 1573 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 2638 }2639 2640 ###Article{ farrow_stevens_95,2641 author = {D. E. Farrow and D. P. Stevens},2642 title = {A new tracer advection scheme for Bryan--Cox type ocean2643 general circulation models},2644 journal = jpo,2645 year = 1995,2646 volume = 25,2647 pages = {1731--1741.}2648 1574 } 2649 1575 … … 2674 1600 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 2675 1601 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 2676 }2677 2678 ###Article{ flather_94,2679 author = {R.A. Flather},2680 year = 1994,2681 title = {A storm surge prediction model for the northern Bay of2682 Bengal with application to the cyclone disaster in April2683 1991},2684 journal = jpo,2685 volume = 24,2686 pages = {172--190}2687 1602 } 2688 1603 … … 2701 1616 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans}, 2702 1617 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 2703 }2704 2705 ###Article{ fujio_imasato_91,2706 author = {S. Fujio and N. Imasato},2707 title = {Diagnostic calculation for circulation and water mass2708 movement in the deep Pacific},2709 journal = jgr,2710 year = 1991,2711 volume = 96,2712 pages = {759--774}2713 1618 } 2714 1619 … … 2730 1635 } 2731 1636 2732 ###Article{ galperin_kantha_ea_88,2733 author = {B. Galperin and L. H. Kantha and S. Hassid and A. Rosati},2734 title = {A quasi-equilibrium turbulent energy model for geophysical2735 flows},2736 journal = jas,2737 year = 1988,2738 volume = 45,2739 pages = {55--62}2740 }2741 2742 1637 @Article{ gargett_84, 2743 1638 author = {Gargett, A. E.}, … … 2755 1650 } 2756 1651 2757 ###Article{ gargett_84,2758 author = {A. E. Gargett},2759 title = {Vertical eddy diffusivity in the ocean interior},2760 journal = jmr,2761 year = 1984,2762 volume = 422763 }2764 2765 1652 @Article{ gaspar_gregoris_ea_90, 2766 author = {P. Gaspar and Y. Gr{\'e}goris and J.-M. Lefevre}, 2767 title = {A simple eddy kinetic energy model for simulations of the 2768 oceanic vertical mixing\: Tests at Station Papa and 2769 long-term upper ocean study site}, 2770 journal = jgr, 2771 year = 1990, 2772 volume = 95, 2773 number = {C9} 2774 } 2775 2776 @Article{ gaspar_grégoris_ea_90, 2777 author = {Gaspar, Philippe and Grégoris, Yves and Lefevre, 1653 author = {Gaspar, Philippe and Gr\'{e}goris, Yves and Lefevre, 2778 1654 Jean-Michel}, 2779 1655 title = {A simple eddy kinetic energy model for simulations of the … … 2806 1682 } 2807 1683 2808 ###Article{ gent_mcwilliams_90,2809 author = {P. R. Gent and J. C. Mcwilliams},2810 title = {Isopycnal Mixing in Ocean Circulation Models},2811 journal = jpo,2812 year = 1990,2813 volume = 20,2814 number = 1,2815 pages = {150--155}2816 }2817 2818 1684 @Article{ gentemann_minnett_ea_09, 2819 1685 author = {Gentemann, Chelle L. and Minnett, Peter J. and Ward, 2820 1686 Brian}, 2821 title = {Profiles of ocean surface heating (POSH): A new model of1687 title = {Profiles of Ocean Surface Heating (POSH): A new model of 2822 1688 upper ocean diurnal warming}, 2823 1689 year = 2009, … … 2825 1691 number = {C7}, 2826 1692 month = {Jul}, 1693 pages = {C07017}, 2827 1694 issn = {0148-0227}, 2828 1695 doi = {10.1029/2008jc004825}, … … 2830 1697 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 2831 1698 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 2832 }2833 2834 ###Article{ gentemann_minnett_ea_09,2835 author = {C. L. Gentemann and P. J. Minnett and B. Ward},2836 title = {Profiles of Ocean Surface heating ({POSH}): A new model of2837 upper ocean diurnal warming},2838 journal = jgr,2839 year = 2009,2840 volume = 114,2841 pages = {C07017},2842 doi = {10.1029/2008JC004825}2843 1699 } 2844 1700 … … 2859 1715 } 2860 1716 2861 ###Article{ gerdes_93,2862 author = {R. Gerdes},2863 title = {A primitive equation ocean circulation model using a2864 general vertical coordinate transformation 1. Description2865 and testing of the model},2866 journal = jgr,2867 year = 1993,2868 volume = 982869 }2870 2871 1717 @Article{ gerdes_93*1, 2872 1718 author = {Gerdes, Rüdiger}, … … 2877 1723 volume = 98, 2878 1724 number = {C8}, 2879 pages = 14703,1725 pages = {14703--14726}, 2880 1726 issn = {0148-0227}, 2881 1727 doi = {10.1029/93jc00788}, … … 2885 1731 } 2886 1732 2887 ###Article{ gerdes_93*1,2888 author = {R. Gerdes},2889 title = {A primitive equation ocean circulation model using a2890 general vertical coordinate transformation 2. Application2891 to an overflow problem},2892 journal = jgr,2893 year = 1993,2894 volume = 98,2895 pages = {14703--14726}2896 }2897 2898 @Article{ gerdes_koberle_ea_91,2899 author = {Gerdes, R{\"u}diger and K{\"o}berle, Cornelia and2900 Willebrand, J{\"u}rgen},2901 doi = {10.1007/BF00210006},2902 journal = {Clim. 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Gill} 1768 publisher = {Elsevier} 2960 1769 } 2961 1770 … … 2968 1777 number = {B12}, 2969 1778 month = {Dec}, 1779 pages = {B12104}, 2970 1780 issn = {0148-0227}, 2971 1781 doi = {10.1029/2010jb007867}, … … 2973 1783 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 2974 1784 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 2975 }2976 2977 ###Article{ goff_10,2978 author = {J. A. Goff},2979 title = {Global prediction of abyssal hill root-mean-square heights2980 from small-scale altimetric gravity variability},2981 issn = {2156-2202},2982 doi = {10.1029/2010JB007867},2983 volume = 115,2984 number = {B12},2985 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth},2986 year = 2010,2987 pages = {B12104}2988 1785 } 2989 1786 … … 3005 1802 } 3006 1803 3007 ###Article{ goosse_deleersnijder_ea_99,3008 author = {H. Goosse and E. Deleersnijder and T. 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Dandonneau},3037 title = {Indonesian Throughflow control of the eastern equatorial3038 Pacific biogeochemistry},3039 journal = grl,3040 year = 2007,3041 volume = 34,3042 pages = {L05609},3043 doi = {10.1029/2006GL028210}3044 1819 } 3045 1820 … … 3060 1835 } 3061 1836 3062 ###Article{ graham_mcdougall_13,3063 author = {F.S. Graham and T.J. McDougall},3064 title = {Quantifying the nonconservative production of conservative3065 temperature, potential temperature, and entropy},3066 journal = jpo,3067 year = 2013,3068 volume = 43,3069 pages = {838--862},3070 doi = {10.1175/JPO-D-11-0188.1}3071 }3072 3073 1837 @Article{ greatbatch_94, 3074 1838 author = {Greatbatch, Richard J.}, … … 3078 1842 volume = 99, 3079 1843 number = {C6}, 3080 pages = 12767,1844 pages = {12,767--12,771} 3081 1845 issn = {0148-0227}, 3082 1846 doi = {10.1029/94jc00847}, … … 3086 1850 } 3087 1851 3088 ###Article{ greatbatch_94, 3089 author = {R. J. Greatbatch}, 3090 title = {A note on the representation of steric sea level in models 3091 that conserve volume rather than mass}, 3092 journal = jgr, 3093 year = 1994, 3094 volume = 99, 3095 number = {C6}, 3096 pages = {12,767--12,771} 3097 } 3098 3099 @Book{ griffies_04, 3100 title = {Fundamentals of ocean climate models}, 3101 publisher = {Princeton University Press, 434pp}, 3102 year = 2004, 3103 author = {S.M. Griffies} 3104 } 3105 3106 @Article{ griffies_05, 1852 @Book{ griffies_05, 3107 1853 author = {Griffies, Stephen}, 3108 1854 title = {Fundamentals of Ocean Climate Models}, 3109 1855 year = 2005, 3110 1856 month = {Dec}, 1857 pages = {434pp}, 3111 1858 doi = {10.1515/9780691187129}, 3112 1859 url = {}, … … 3130 1877 } 3131 1878 3132 ###Article{ griffies_98,3133 author = {S.M. Griffies},3134 title = {The Gent-McWilliams skew-flux},3135 journal = jpo,3136 year = 1998,3137 volume = 28,3138 pages = {831--841}3139 }3140 3141 1879 @Article{ griffies_biastoch_ea_09, 3142 author = {Griffies, Stephen M. and Biastoch, Arne and Böning, Claus 3143 and Bryan, Frank and Danabasoglu, Gokhan and Chassignet, 3144 Eric P. and England, Matthew H. and Gerdes, Rüdiger and 3145 Haak, Helmuth and Hallberg, Robert W. and et al.}, 1880 author = {S.M. Griffies and A. Biastoch and C. Boning and F. Bryan 1881 and G. Danabasoglu and E. P. Chassignet and M. H. England 1882 and R. Gerdes and H. Haak and R. W. Hallberg and W. 1883 Hazeleger and J. Jungclaus and W. G. Large and G. Madec and 1884 A. Pirani and B. L. Samuels and M. Scheinert and A. Sen 1885 Gupta and C. A. Severijns and H. L. Simmons and A.-M. 1886 Treguier and M. Winton and S. Yeager and J. Yin}, 3146 1887 title = {Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs)}, 3147 1888 year = 2009, … … 3155 1896 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 3156 1897 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 3157 }3158 3159 ###Article{ griffies_biastoch_ea_09,3160 author = {S.M. Griffies and A. Biastoch and C. Boning and F. Bryan3161 and G. Danabasoglu and E. P. Chassignet and M. H. England3162 and R. Gerdes and H. Haak and R. W. Hallberg and W.3163 Hazeleger and J. Jungclaus and W. G. Large and G. Madec and3164 A. Pirani and B. L. Samuels and M. Scheinert and A. Sen3165 Gupta and C. A. Severijns and H. L. Simmons and A.-M.3166 Treguier and M. Winton and S. Yeager and J. Yin},3167 title = {Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs)},3168 journal = om,3169 year = 2009,3170 volume = 26,3171 number = {1-2},3172 pages = {1--46},3173 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.08.007}3174 1898 } 3175 1899 … … 3193 1917 } 3194 1918 3195 ###Article{ griffies_gnanadesikan_ea_05,3196 author = {S.M. Griffies and A. Gnanadesikan and K.W. Dixon and J.P.3197 Dunne and R. Gerdes and M.J. Harrison and A. Rosati and3198 J.L. Russell and B.L. Samuels and M.J. Spelman and M.3199 Winton and R. Zhang},3200 title = {Formulation of an ocean model for global climate3201 simulations},3202 journal = os,3203 year = 2005,3204 volume = 1,3205 pages = {45--79}3206 }3207 3208 1919 @Article{ griffies_gnanadesikan_ea_98, 3209 1920 author = {Griffies, Stephen M. and Gnanadesikan, Anand and … … 3221 1932 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 3222 1933 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 3223 }3224 3225 ###Article{ griffies_gnanadesikan_ea_98,3226 author = {S.M. Griffies and A. Gnanadesikan and R.C. Pacanowski and3227 V.D. Larichev and J.K. Dukowicz and R.D. 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Griffies and R.C. Pacanowski and M. Schmidt and V.3282 Balaji},3283 title = {Tracer Conservation with an Explicit Free Surface Method3284 for z-Coordinate Ocean Models},3285 journal = mwr,3286 year = 2001,3287 volume = 129,3288 number = 5,3289 pages = {1081--1098}3290 }3291 3292 1969 @Article{ guilyardi_gualdi_ea_04, 3293 1970 author = {Guilyardi, E. and Gualdi, S. and Slingo, J. and Navarra, 3294 1971 A. and Delecluse, P. and Cole, J. and Madec, G. and 3295 1972 Roberts, M. and Latif, M. and Terray, L.}, 3296 title = {Representing El Ni ño in Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere GCMs:1973 title = {Representing El Ni\~{n}o in Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere GCMs: 3297 1974 The Dominant Role of the Atmospheric Component}, 3298 1975 year = 2004, … … 3308 1985 } 3309 1986 3310 ###Article{ guilyardi_gualdi_ea_04,3311 author = {E. Guilyardi and S. Gualdi and J. M. Slingo and A. Navarra3312 and P. Delecluse and J. Cole and G. Madec and M. Roberts3313 and M. Latif and L. Terray},3314 title = {Representing El Ni\~{n}o in coupled ocean-atmosphere GCMs:3315 the dominant role of the atmospheric component},3316 journal = jc,3317 year = 2004,3318 volume = 17,3319 pages = {4623--4629}3320 }3321 3322 1987 @Article{ guilyardi_madec_97, 3323 1988 author = {Guilyardi, E. and Madec, G.}, 3324 title = {Performance of the OPA /ARPEGE-T21 global ocean-atmosphere1989 title = {Performance of the OPA-ARPEGE-T21 global ocean-atmosphere 3325 1990 coupled model}, 3326 1991 year = 1997, … … 3334 1999 journal = {Climate Dynamics}, 3335 2000 publisher = {Springer Nature} 3336 }3337 3338 ###Article{ guilyardi_madec_97,3339 author = {E. Guilyardi and G. Madec},3340 title = {Performance of the OPA-ARPEGE-T21 global ocean-atmosphere3341 coupled model},3342 journal = cd,3343 year = 1997,3344 volume = 13,3345 pages = {149--165}3346 2001 } 3347 2002 … … 3362 2017 } 3363 2018 3364 ###Article{ guilyardi_madec_ea_01,3365 author = {E. Guilyardi and G. Madec and L. Terray},3366 title = {The role of lateral ocean physics in the upper ocean3367 thermal balance of a coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM},3368 journal = cd,3369 year = 2001,3370 volume = 17,3371 pages = {589--599},3372 number = 83373 }3374 3375 2019 @Article{ guilyardi_madec_ea_95, 3376 2020 author = {Guilyardi, Eric and Madec, Gurvan and Terray, Laurent and 3377 D équé, M and Pontaud, M and Imbard, Maurice and B.3378 Stephenson, D and Filiberti, Marie-Ang èle and Cariolle, D3379 and Del écluse, Pascale and Thual, Olivier},2021 D\'{e}qu\'{e}, M and Pontaud, M and Imbard, Maurice and B. 2022 Stephenson, D and Filiberti, Marie-Ang\`{e}le and Cariolle, D 2023 and Del\'{e}cluse, Pascale and Thual, Olivier}, 3380 2024 year = {1995}, 3381 2025 month = {01}, … … 3383 2027 du climat}, 3384 2028 url = {} 3385 }3386 3387 ###Article{ guilyardi_madec_ea_95,3388 author = {E. Guilyardi and G. Madec and L. Terray and M.3389 D\'{e}qu\'{e} and M. Pontaud and M. Imbard and D.3390 Stephenson and M.-A. Filiberti and D. Cariolle and P.3391 Delecluse and O. Thual},3392 title = {Simulation couplée océan-atmosphère de la variabilité3393 du climat},3394 2029 journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci Paris}, 3395 year = 1995,3396 2030 volume = 320, 3397 2031 number = {s\'{e}rie IIa}, … … 3404 2038 title = {A Parallel Ocean Model for High Resolution Studies}, 3405 2039 year = 1999, 2040 volume = {Euro-Par'99}, 3406 2041 pages = {603–607}, 3407 2042 issn = {0302-9743}, … … 3411 2046 journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, 3412 2047 publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg} 3413 }3414 3415 ###Article{ guyon_madec_ea_99,3416 author = {M. Guyon and G. Madec and F.-X. Roux and M. Imbard},3417 title = {A Parallel ocean model for high resolution studies},3418 journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},3419 year = 1999,3420 volume = {Euro-Par'99},3421 pages = {603--607}3422 2048 } 3423 2049 … … 3437 2063 } 3438 2064 3439 ###Article{ guyon_madec_ea_99*1,3440 author = {M. Guyon and G. Madec and F.-X. 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Drijfhout},3519 title = {A model study on internally generated variability in3520 subtropical mode water formation},3521 journal = jgr,3522 year = 2000,3523 volume = 105,3524 pages = {13,965--13,979}3525 }3526 3527 2108 @Article{ hazeleger_drijfhout_00*1, 3528 2109 author = {Hazeleger, W. and Drijfhout, S. S.}, … … 3538 2119 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 3539 2120 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 3540 }3541 3542 ###Article{ hazeleger_drijfhout_00*1,3543 author = {W. Hazeleger and S. S. Drijfhout},3544 title = {Eddy subduction in a model of the subtropical gyre},3545 journal = jpo,3546 year = 2000,3547 volume = 30,3548 pages = {677--695}3549 2121 } 3550 2122 … … 3565 2137 } 3566 2138 3567 ###Article{ hazeleger_drijfhout_98,3568 author = {W. Hazeleger and S. S. Drijfhout},3569 title = {Mode water variability in a model of the subtropical gyre:3570 response to anomalous forcing},3571 journal = jpo,3572 year = 1998,3573 volume = 28,3574 pages = {266--288}3575 }3576 3577 2139 @Article{ hazeleger_drijfhout_99, 3578 2140 author = {Hazeleger, W. and Drijfhout, S. S.}, … … 3590 2152 } 3591 2153 3592 ###Article{ hazeleger_drijfhout_99,3593 author = {W. Hazeleger and S. S. Drijfhout},3594 title = {Stochastically forced mode water variability},3595 journal = jpo,3596 year = 1999,3597 volume = 29,3598 pages = {1772--1786}3599 }3600 3601 2154 @Article{ he_ding_01, 3602 2155 author = {He, Yun and Ding, Chris H. Q.}, 2156 title = {Using Accurate Arithmetics to Improve Numerical 2157 Reproducibility and Stability in Parallel Applications}, 3603 2158 year = 2001, 3604 2159 volume = 18, … … 3612 2167 } 3613 2168 3614 ###Article{ he_ding_01,3615 author = {Y. He and C. H. Q. 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Cook},3668 title = {An Arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian Computing Method for All3669 Flow Speeds},3670 journal = jcp,3671 year = 1974,3672 volume = 14,3673 pages = {227--253}3674 }3675 3676 @Article{ hofmeister_burchard_ea_09,3677 author = {R. Hofmeister and H. Burchard and J.-M. Beckers},3678 title = {Non-uniform adaptive vertical grids for 3D numerical ocean3679 models},3680 journal = om,3681 year = 2009,3682 volume = 33,3683 pages = {70--86},3684 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.12.003},3685 issn = {1463-5003}3686 2199 } 3687 2200 … … 3719 2232 } 3720 2233 3721 ###Article{ holland_jenkins_99,3722 author = {D. Holland and A. Jenkins},3723 title = {Modeling Thermodynamic Ice-Ocean Interactions at the Base3724 of an Ice Shelf},3725 journal = jpo,3726 year = 1999,3727 volume = 29,3728 pages = {1787--1800}3729 }3730 3731 2234 @Article{ holloway_86, 3732 2235 author = {Greg Holloway}, … … 3752 2255 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 3753 2256 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 3754 }3755 3756 ###Article{ holloway_92,3757 author = {Greg Holloway},3758 title = {Representing Topographic Stress for Large-Scale Ocean3759 Models},3760 journal = jpo,3761 year = 1992,3762 volume = 22,3763 pages = {1033--1046}3764 2257 } 3765 2258 … … 3776 2269 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 3777 2270 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 3778 }3779 3780 ###Article{ holloway_wang_09,3781 author = {Greg Holloway and Zeliang Wang},3782 title = {Representing eddy stress in an Arctic Ocean model},3783 journal = jgr,3784 year = 2009,3785 doi = {10.1029/2008JC005169}3786 2271 } 3787 2272 … … 3804 2289 } 3805 2290 3806 ###Article{ hordoir_polcher_ea_08,3807 author = {R. 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Huang},3866 title = {Real freshwater flux as a natural boundary condition for3867 the salinity balance and thermohaline circulation forced by3868 evaporation and precipitation},3869 journal = jpo,3870 year = 1993,3871 volume = 23,3872 pages = {2428--2446}3873 }3874 3875 @TechReport{ hunke_lipscomb_08,3876 author = {E.C. Hunke and W.H. Lipscomb},3877 title = {CICE: the Los Alamos sea ice model documentation and3878 software user's manual, Version 4.0},3879 institution = { Los Alamos National Laboratory, N.M.},3880 publisher = {LA-CC-06-012, Los Alamos National Laboratory, N.M.},3881 year = 20083882 }3883 3884 2324 @TechReport{ hunter_06, 2325 author = {R Hunter, J}, 2326 month = {05}, 3885 2327 title = {Specification for Test Models of Ice Shelf Cavities}, 3886 author = {J. R. Hunter},2328 url = {} 3887 2329 institution = {Antarctic Climate \& Ecosystems Cooperative Research 3888 2330 Centre Private Bag 80, Hobart, Tasmania 7001}, … … 3890 2332 } 3891 2333 3892 @Article{ i_richtmyer_ea_68, 3893 author = {I., E. and Richtmyer, R. D. and Morton, K. W.}, 3894 title = {Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems}, 3895 year = 1968, 3896 volume = 22, 3897 number = 102, 3898 month = {Apr}, 3899 pages = 465, 3900 issn = {0025-5718}, 3901 doi = {10.2307/2004698}, 3902 url = {}, 3903 journal = {Mathematics of Computation}, 3904 publisher = {JSTOR} 3905 } 3906 3907 @Book{ ioc_10, 2334 @Book{ richtmyer_morton_67, 2335 title = {Difference methods for initial-value problems, Second Edition}, 2336 author = {Richtmyer, R.D. and Morton, K.W.}, 2337 lccn = {lc67013959}, 2338 series = {Interscience tracts in pure and applied mathematics}, 2339 url = {}, 2340 year = {1967}, 2341 publisher = {Interscience Publishers}, 2342 pages = {405pp} 2343 } 2344 2345 @Book{ teos_10, 3908 2346 title = {{The international thermodynamic equation of seawater - 3909 2347 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties}}, 3910 publisher = {UNESCO (English)},2348 publisher = {UNESCO}, 3911 2349 year = {2010}, 2350 pages = {196pp}, 3912 2351 author = {{IOC, SCOR and IAPSO}}, 3913 2352 series = {Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and 3914 2353 Guides No. 56}, 3915 url = {}3916 }3917 3918 @TechReport{ ioc_scor_ea_10,3919 author = {IOC and SCOR and IAPSO},3920 title = {The international thermodynamic equation of seawater -3921 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties},3922 institution = {Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission},3923 publisher = {Manuals and Guides No. 56, UNESCO (English)},3924 year = 2010,3925 pages = {196pp},3926 2354 url = {} 3927 2355 } … … 3944 2372 } 3945 2373 3946 ###Article{ iudicone_madec_ea_08,3947 author = {D. Iudicone and G. Madec and B. Blanke and S. Speich},3948 title = {The role of Southern Ocean surface forcings and mixing in3949 the global conveyor},3950 journal = jpo,3951 year = 2008,3952 volume = 38,3953 pages = {1377--1400}3954 }3955 3956 2374 @Article{ iudicone_madec_ea_08*1, 3957 2375 author = {Iudicone, Daniele and Madec, Gurvan and Blanke, Bruno and … … 3971 2389 } 3972 2390 3973 ###Article{ iudicone_madec_ea_08*1,3974 author = {D. Iudicone and G. Madec and T. J. McDougall},3975 title = {Diagnosing water transformations and the key role of light3976 penetration},3977 journal = jpo,3978 year = 2008,3979 volume = 38,3980 pages = {1357--1376}3981 }3982 3983 2391 @Article{ iudicone_rodgers_ea_07, 3984 2392 author = {Iudicone, Daniele and Rodgers, Keith B. and Schopp, … … 3998 2406 } 3999 2407 4000 ###Article{ iudicone_rodgers_ea_07,4001 author = {D. Iudicone and K. Rodgers and R. Schopp and G. Madec},4002 title = {An Exchange window for the Antarctic Intermediate Water4003 Injection into the South Pacific},4004 journal = jpo,4005 year = 2007,4006 volume = 37,4007 pages = {31--49}4008 }4009 4010 2408 @Article{ iudicone_speich_ea_08, 4011 2409 author = {Iudicone, Daniele and Speich, Sabrina and Madec, Gurvan … … 4023 2421 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 4024 2422 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 4025 }4026 4027 ###Article{ iudicone_speich_ea_08,4028 author = {D. Iudicone and S. Speich and G. Madec and B. Blanke},4029 title = {The global Conveyor Belt in a Southern Ocean perspective},4030 journal = jpo,4031 year = 2008,4032 volume = 38,4033 pages = {1401--1425}4034 2423 } 4035 2424 … … 4052 2441 } 4053 2442 4054 @Article{ izumo_masson_ea_10,4055 author = {T. Izumo and S.Masson and J. Vialard and C. de Boyer4056 Montegut and S. K. Behera and G. Madec and K. Takahashi and4057 T. Yamagata},4058 title = {Interannual variations of low-frequency Madden-Julian4059 Oscillation in autral summer: Observations},4060 journal = cd,4061 year = 2010,4062 volume = 35,4063 number = 4,4064 pages = {669--683},4065 doi = {10.1007/s00382-009-0655-z}4066 }4067 4068 2443 @Article{ jackett_mcdougall_95, 4069 2444 author = {Jackett, David R. and Mcdougall, Trevor J.}, … … 4082 2457 } 4083 2458 4084 ###Article{ jackett_mcdougall_95,4085 author = {D. R. Jackett and T. J. McDougall},4086 title = {Minimal adjustment of hydrographic data to achieve static4087 stability},4088 journal = jaot,4089 year = 1995,4090 volume = 12,4091 pages = {381--389}4092 }4093 4094 2459 @Article{ jackson_rehmann_14, 4095 2460 author = {Jackson, P. Ryan and Rehmann, Chris R.}, … … 4108 2473 } 4109 2474 4110 ###Article{ jackson_rehmann_14, 4111 author = {P. R. Jackson and C. R. Rehmann}, 4112 title = {Experiments on differential scalar mixing in turbulence in 4113 a sheared, stratified flow}, 4114 journal = jpo, 4115 volume = 44, 4116 issn = {0022-3670}, 4117 doi = {10.1175/JPO-D-14-0027.1}, 4118 number = 10, 4119 year = 2014, 4120 pages = {2661--2680} 4121 } 4122 4123 @Article{ janssen_breivik_ea_13, 4124 author = {Janssen, Peter and Breivik, Ø. and Mogensen, Kristian and 4125 Vitart, Frédéric and Alonso-Balmaseda, Magdalena and 2475 @TechReport{ janssen_breivik_ea_13, 2476 author = {Janssen, Peter and Breivik, {\O}. and Mogensen, Kristian and 2477 Vitart, Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric and Alonso-Balmaseda, Magdalena and 4126 2478 Bidlot, Jean-Raymond and Keeley, Sarah and Leutbecher, 4127 2479 Martin and Magnusson, L. and Molteni, Franco}, … … 4130 2482 doi = {10.21957/0kg73joh}, 4131 2483 url = {}, 4132 publisher = {ECMWF}4133 }4134 4135 ###TechReport{ janssen_breivik_ea_13,4136 author = {P.A.E.M. Janssen and {\O}. Breivik and K. Mogensen and F.4137 Vitart and M. Balmaseda and J.B. Bidlot and S. Keeley and4138 M. Leut-becher and L. Magnusson and F. Molteni},4139 title = {Air-Sea Interaction and Surface Waves},4140 year = 2013,4141 2484 volume = 712, 4142 2485 institution = {ECMWF} … … 4158 2501 } 4159 2502 4160 @Article{ jenkins_01, 4161 author = {A. Jenkins}, 2503 @Article{ jenkins_hellmer_ea_01, 2504 author = {Jenkins, Adrian and Hellmer, Hartmut H. and Holland, David 2505 M.}, 4162 2506 title = {The Role of Meltwater Advection in the Formulation of 4163 Conservative Boundary Conditions at an Ice -Ocean2507 Conservative Boundary Conditions at an Ice–Ocean 4164 2508 Interface}, 4165 journal = jpo,4166 2509 year = 2001, 4167 2510 volume = 31, 4168 pages = {285--296} 4169 } 4170 4171 @Article{ jenkins_10, 4172 author = {A. Jenkins}, 4173 title = {observation and parameterization of ablation at the base 2511 number = 1, 2512 month = {Jan}, 2513 pages = {285–296}, 2514 issn = {1520-0485}, 2515 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(2001)031<0285:tromai>;2}, 2516 url = {<0285:tromai>;2}, 2517 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 2518 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 2519 } 2520 2521 @Article{ jenkins_nicholls_ea_10, 2522 author = {Jenkins, Adrian and Nicholls, Keith W. and Corr, Hugh F. 2523 J.}, 2524 title = {Observation and Parameterization of Ablation at the Base 4174 2525 of Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica}, 4175 journal = jpo,4176 2526 year = 2010, 4177 2527 volume = 40, 4178 2528 number = 10, 4179 pages = {2298--2312} 2529 month = {Oct}, 2530 pages = {2298–2312}, 2531 issn = {1520-0485}, 2532 doi = {10.1175/2010jpo4317.1}, 2533 url = {}, 2534 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 2535 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 4180 2536 } 4181 2537 … … 4194 2550 } 4195 2551 4196 ###Article{ jenkins_91,4197 author = {A. Jenkins},4198 title = {A one-dimensional model of ice shelf-ocean interaction},4199 journal = jgr,4200 year = 1991,4201 volume = 96,4202 number = {C11},4203 pages = {2298--2312}4204 }4205 4206 @Article{ jenkins_hellmer_ea_01,4207 author = {Jenkins, Adrian and Hellmer, Hartmut H. and Holland, David4208 M.},4209 title = {The Role of Meltwater Advection in the Formulation of4210 Conservative Boundary Conditions at an Ice–Ocean4211 Interface},4212 year = 2001,4213 volume = 31,4214 number = 1,4215 month = {Jan},4216 pages = {285–296},4217 issn = {1520-0485},4218 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(2001)031<0285:tromai>;2},4219 url = {<0285:tromai>;2},4220 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography},4221 publisher = {American Meteorological Society}4222 }4223 4224 @Article{ jenkins_nicholls_ea_10,4225 author = {Jenkins, Adrian and Nicholls, Keith W. and Corr, Hugh F.4226 J.},4227 title = {Observation and Parameterization of Ablation at the Base4228 of Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica},4229 year = 2010,4230 volume = 40,4231 number = 10,4232 month = {Oct},4233 pages = {2298–2312},4234 issn = {1520-0485},4235 doi = {10.1175/2010jpo4317.1},4236 url = {},4237 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography},4238 publisher = {American Meteorological Society}4239 }4240 4241 @Book{ jerlov_14,4242 title = {Optical Oceanography},4243 author = {Jerlov, N.G.},4244 isbn = {9780080870410},4245 series = {Elsevier Oceanography Series},4246 url = {},4247 year = {2014},4248 publisher = {Elsevier Science}4249 }4250 4251 2552 @Book{ jerlov_68, 4252 title = {Optical Oceanography}, 4253 publisher = {Elsevier}, 4254 year = 1968, 4255 author = {N. G. Jerlov}, 4256 pages = {194pp} 4257 } 4258 4259 @Book{ jones_01, 2553 title = {Optical Oceanography}, 2554 author = {N. G. Jerlov}, 2555 pages = {194pp} 2556 year = 1968, 2557 issn = {0422-9894}, 2558 doi = {10.1016/s0422-9894(08)x7043-6}, 2559 url = {}, 2560 isbn = 9780444403209, 2561 journal = {Elsevier Oceanography Series}, 2562 publisher = {Elsevier} 2563 } 2564 2565 @TechReport{ jones_98, 2566 year = 1998, 4260 2567 title = {A User's Guide for SCRIP: A Spherical Coordinate Remapping 4261 2568 and Interpolation Package. Version 1.4}, 4262 2569 publisher = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, 4263 year = 2001,4264 2570 author = {P. W. Jones}, 4265 pages = {27pp}, 4266 url = {} 4267 } 4268 4269 @TechReport{ jones_98, 4270 title = {A User's Guide for SCRIP: A Spherical Coordinate Remapping 4271 and Interpolation Package. Version 1.4}, 4272 institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, 4273 year = 1998, 4274 author = {P. W. Jones}, 2571 pages = {29pp}, 4275 2572 url = {} 4276 }4277 4278 ###TechReport{ jones_98,4279 title = {A User's Guide for SCRIP: A Spherical Coordinate Remapping4280 and Interpolation Package. Version 1.4},4281 institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory},4282 year = 1998,4283 author = {P. W. Jones},4284 url = {}4285 2573 } 4286 2574 … … 4299 2587 journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 4300 2588 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 4301 }4302 4303 ###Article{ jones_99,4304 author = {P. W. Jones},4305 title = {First- and second-order conservative remapping schemes for4306 grids in spherical coordinates},4307 journal = mwr,4308 year = 1999,4309 volume = 127,4310 pages = {2204--2210}4311 2589 } 4312 2590 … … 4328 2606 } 4329 2607 4330 @Article{ kantha_carniel_05,4331 author = {L. Kantha and S. Carniel},4332 title = {Comment on ''Generic length-scale equation for geophysical4333 turbulence models'' by L. Umlauf and H. Burchard},4334 journal = jms,4335 year = 2005,4336 volume = 61,4337 pages = {693--702}4338 }4339 4340 2608 @Article{ kantha_clayson_94, 4341 2609 author = {Kantha, Lakshmi H. and Clayson, Carol Anne}, … … 4345 2613 volume = 99, 4346 2614 number = {C12}, 4347 pages = 25235,2615 pages = {25,235--25,266} 4348 2616 issn = {0148-0227}, 4349 2617 doi = {10.1029/94jc02257}, … … 4351 2619 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 4352 2620 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 4353 }4354 4355 ###Article{ kantha_clayson_94,4356 author = {L. H. Kantha and C. A. Clayson},4357 title = {An improved mixed layer model for geophysical4358 applications},4359 journal = jgr,4360 year = 1994,4361 volume = 99,4362 pages = {25,235--25,266}4363 2621 } 4364 2622 … … 4379 2637 } 4380 2638 4381 ###Article{ kasahara_74,4382 author = {A. Kasahara},4383 title = {Various vertical coordinate systems used for numerical4384 weather prediction},4385 journal = mwr,4386 year = 1974,4387 volume = 102,4388 pages = {509--522}4389 }4390 4391 2639 @InProceedings{ killworth_89, 4392 2640 title = {On the parameterization of deep convection in ocean … … 4397 2645 pages = {59--74}, 4398 2646 year = {1989}, 2647 month = {January 17-20}, 4399 2648 url = {} 4400 }4401 4402 ###InProceedings{ killworth_89,4403 author = {P. D. Killworth},4404 title = {On the parameterization of deep convection in ocean4405 models},4406 booktitle = {Parameterization of small-scale processes},4407 year = 1989,4408 editor = {Hawaiian winter workshop},4409 month = {January 17-20},4410 2649 organization = {University of Hawaii at Manoa} 4411 2650 } … … 4425 2664 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 4426 2665 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 4427 }4428 4429 ###Article{ killworth_92,4430 author = {P. D. Killworth},4431 title = {An equivalent-barotropic mode in the fine resolution4432 Antarctic model},4433 journal = jpo,4434 year = 1992,4435 volume = 22,4436 pages = {1379--1387}4437 }4438 4439 @Article{ killworth_stainforth_ea_91,4440 author = {P.D. Killworth and D. Stainforth and D.J. Webb and S.M.4441 Paterson},4442 title = {The Development of a Free-Surface Bryan-Cox-Semtner Ocean4443 Model},4444 journal = jpo,4445 year = 1991,4446 volume = 21,4447 number = 9,4448 pages = {1333--1348}4449 2666 } 4450 2667 … … 4483 2700 } 4484 2701 4485 @Article{ koch-larrouy_lengaigne_ea_10,4486 author = {A. Koch-Larrouy and M. Lengaigne and P. Terray and G.4487 Madec and S. Masson},4488 title = {Tidal mixing in the Indonesian Seas and its effect on the4489 tropical climate system},4490 journal = cd,4491 year = 2010,4492 volume = 34,4493 number = 6,4494 pages = {891--904},4495 doi = {10.1007/s00382-009-0642-4}4496 }4497 4498 2702 @Article{ koch-larrouy_madec_ea_07, 4499 2703 author = {Koch-Larrouy, Ariane and Madec, Gurvan and … … 4506 2710 number = 4, 4507 2711 month = {Feb}, 2712 pages = {L04604}, 4508 2713 issn = {0094-8276}, 4509 2714 doi = {10.1029/2006gl028405}, … … 4511 2716 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 4512 2717 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 4513 }4514 4515 ###Article{ koch-larrouy_madec_ea_07,4516 author = {A. Koch-Larrouy and G. Madec and P. Bouruet-Aubertot and4517 T. Gerkema and L. Bessieres and R. Molcard},4518 title = {Tidal mixing in the Indonesian Seas and its effect on the4519 tropical climate system},4520 journal = grl,4521 year = 2007,4522 volume = 34,4523 pages = {L04604},4524 doi = {10.1029/2006GL028405}4525 2718 } 4526 2719 … … 4542 2735 } 4543 2736 4544 ###Article{ koch-larrouy_madec_ea_08,4545 author = {A. Koch-Larrouy and G. Madec and B. Blanke and R.4546 Molcard},4547 title = {Water mass transformation along the Indonesian throughflow4548 in an OGCM},4549 journal = od,4550 year = 2008,4551 volume = 58,4552 number = {3-4},4553 pages = {289--309},4554 doi = {10.1007/s10236-008-0155-4}4555 }4556 4557 2737 @Article{ koch-larrouy_madec_ea_08*1, 4558 2738 author = {Koch-Larrouy, Ariane and Madec, Gurvan and Iudicone, … … 4572 2752 } 4573 2753 4574 ###Article{ koch-larrouy_madec_ea_08*1,4575 author = {A. Koch-Larrouy and G. Madec and D. Iudicone and A.4576 Atmadipoera and R. Molcard},4577 title = {Physical processes contributing to the water mass4578 transformation of the Indonesian Throughflow},4579 journal = od,4580 year = 2008,4581 volume = 58,4582 number = {3-4},4583 pages = {275--288},4584 doi = {10.1007/s10236-008-0154-5}4585 }4586 4587 @Article{ kolmogorov_04,4588 author = {Kolmogorov, A N},4589 title = {Mathematical models of turbulent motion of an4590 incompressible viscous fluid},4591 year = 2004,4592 volume = 59,4593 number = 1,4594 month = {Feb},4595 pages = {3–9},4596 issn = {1468-4829},4597 doi = {10.1070/rm2004v059n01abeh000697},4598 url = {},4599 journal = {Russian Mathematical Surveys},4600 publisher = {IOP Publishing}4601 }4602 4603 2754 @Article{ kolmogorov_42, 4604 2755 author = {A. N. Kolmogorov}, … … 4627 2778 } 4628 2779 4629 ###Article{ kondo_75,4630 author = {J. Kondo},4631 title = {Air-sea bulk transfer coefficients in diabatic4632 conditions},4633 journal = {Boundary-Layer Meteorol},4634 year = 1975,4635 volume = 9,4636 pages = {91--112}4637 }4638 4639 2780 @Article{ large_mcwilliams_ea_94, 4640 2781 author = {Large, W. G. and McWilliams, J. C. and Doney, S. C.}, … … 4644 2785 volume = 32, 4645 2786 number = 4, 4646 pages = 363,2787 pages = {363--404}, 4647 2788 issn = {8755-1209}, 4648 2789 doi = {10.1029/94rg01872}, … … 4652 2793 } 4653 2794 4654 ###Article{ large_mcwilliams_ea_94, 4655 author = {W. G. Large and J. C. McWilliams and S. C. Doney}, 4656 title = {Oceanic vertical mixing - a review and a model with a 4657 nonlocal boundary layer parameterization}, 4658 journal = {Reviews of Geophysics}, 4659 year = 1994, 4660 volume = 32, 4661 pages = {363--404}, 4662 doi = {10.1029/94RG01872} 4663 } 4664 4665 @Article{ large_yeager_04, 2795 @Book{ large_yeager_04, 4666 2796 author = {Large, William and Yeager, Stephen}, 4667 2797 title = {Diurnal to decadal global forcing for ocean and sea-ice … … 4673 2803 keywords = {Ocean General Circulation Model, Sea-Ice Model}, 4674 2804 publisher = {UCAR/NCAR} 4675 }4676 4677 ###Book{ large_yeager_04,4678 title = {Diurnal to decadal global forcing for ocean and sea-ice4679 models: the data sets and flux climatologies},4680 publisher = {NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN-460+STR, CGD Division of the4681 National Center for Atmospheric Research},4682 year = 2004,4683 author = {W. G. Large and S. Yeager}4684 2805 } 4685 2806 … … 4701 2822 } 4702 2823 4703 ###Article{ latif_böning_ea_06,4704 author = {M. Latif and C. Böning and J. Willebrand and A. Biastoch4705 and J. Dengg and N. Keenlyside and U. Schweckendiek and G.4706 Madec},4707 title = {Is the Thermohaline Circulation Changing?},4708 journal = jc,4709 year = 2006,4710 volume = 19,4711 pages = {4631--4637}4712 }4713 4714 2824 @Article{ lavergne_madec_ea_16, 4715 author = { de Lavergne, Casimir and Madec, Gurvan and Le Sommer,2825 author = {De Lavergne, Casimir and Madec, Gurvan and Le Sommer, 4716 2826 Julien and Nurser, A. J. George and Naveira Garabato, 4717 2827 Alberto C.}, … … 4730 2840 } 4731 2841 4732 ###Article{ lavergne_madec_ea_16,4733 author = {C. de Lavergne and G. Madec and J. Le Sommer and A. J. G.4734 Nurser and A. C. Naveira Garabato },4735 title = {On Antarctic Bottom Water consumption in the abyssal4736 ocean},4737 issn = {0022-3670},4738 doi = {10.1175/JPO-D-14-0201.1},4739 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography},4740 year = 2016,4741 volume = 46,4742 pages = {635-–661}4743 }4744 4745 2842 @Article{ lavergne_madec_ea_16*1, 4746 author = { de Lavergne, Casimir and Madec, Gurvan and Le Sommer,2843 author = {De Lavergne, Casimir and Madec, Gurvan and Le Sommer, 4747 2844 Julien and Nurser, A. J. George and Naveira Garabato, 4748 2845 Alberto C.}, … … 4761 2858 } 4762 2859 4763 ###Article{ lavergne_madec_ea_16*1,4764 author = {C. de Lavergne and G. Madec and J. Le Sommer and A. J. G.4765 Nurser and A. C. Naveira Garabato },4766 title = {The impact of a variable mixing efficiency on the abyssal4767 overturning},4768 issn = {0022-3670},4769 doi = {10.1175/JPO-D-14-0259.1},4770 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography},4771 year = 2016,4772 volume = 46,4773 pages = {663-–681}4774 }4775 4776 2860 @PhDThesis{ lazar_97, 4777 2861 url = {}, 4778 title = {La branche froide de la circulation thermohaline :4779 sensibilit e a la diffusion turbulente dans un modele de4780 circulation generale idealisee},2862 title = {La branche froide de la circulation thermohaline - 2863 sensibilit\'{e} \`{a} la diffusion turbulente dans un 2864 mod\`{e}le de circulation g\'{e}n\'{e}rale id\'{e}alis\'{e}e}, 4781 2865 author = {Lazar, Alban}, 2866 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France}, 4782 2867 year = {1997}, 4783 2868 pages = {269 P.}, 4784 2869 note = {1997PA066680} 4785 }4786 4787 ###PhDThesis{ lazar_97,4788 author = {A. Lazar},4789 title = {La branche froide de la circulation thermohaline -4790 sensibilit\'{e} \`{a} la diffusion turbulente dans un4791 mod\`{e}le de circulation g\'{e}n\'{e}rale id\'{e}alis\'{e}e},4792 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France,4793 200pp},4794 year = 19974795 2870 } 4796 2871 … … 4811 2886 } 4812 2887 4813 ###Article{ lazar_madec_ea_99, 4814 author = {A. Lazar and G. Madec and P. Delecluse}, 4815 title = {The Deep Interior Downwelling, the Veronis Effect, and 4816 Mesoscale Tracer Transport Parameterizations in an OGCM}, 4817 journal = jpo, 4818 year = 1999, 4819 volume = 29, 4820 number = 11, 4821 pages = {2945--2961} 4822 } 4823 4824 @Article{ le-quéré_orr_ea_00, 4825 author = {Le Quéré, Corinne and Orr, James C. and Monfray, Patrick 2888 @Article{ le-quere_orr_ea_00, 2889 author = {Le Qu\'{e}r\'{e}, Corinne and Orr, James C. and Monfray, Patrick 4826 2890 and Aumont, Oliver and Madec, Gurvan}, 4827 title = {Interannual variability of the oceanic sink of CO2from 4828 1979 through 1997}, 4829 year = 2000, 4830 volume = 14, 4831 number = 4, 4832 month = {Dec}, 4833 pages = {1247–1265}, 4834 issn = {0886-6236}, 4835 doi = {10.1029/1999gb900049}, 4836 url = {}, 4837 journal = {Global Biogeochemical Cycles}, 4838 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 4839 } 4840 4841 @Article{ le-quéré_orr_ea_00*1, 4842 author = {Le Quéré, Corinne and Orr, James C. and Monfray, Patrick 4843 and Aumont, Oliver and Madec, Gurvan}, 4844 title = {Interannual variability of the oceanic sink of CO2from 2891 title = {Interannual variability of the oceanic sink of CO2 from 4845 2892 1979 through 1997}, 4846 2893 year = 2000, … … 4874 2921 } 4875 2922 4876 ###Article{ le-sommer_penduff_ea_09,4877 author = {J. {Le Sommer} and T. Penduff and S. Theetten and G. Madec4878 and B. Barnier},4879 title = {How momentum advection schemes influence4880 current-topography interactions at eddy permitting4881 resolution},4882 journal = om,4883 year = 2009,4884 volume = 29,4885 number = 1,4886 pages = {1--14},4887 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.11.007}4888 }4889 4890 2923 @PhDThesis{ leclair_10, 4891 2924 url = {}, 4892 title = {Introduction d'une coordonnée verticale Arbitrairement 4893 Lagrangienne Eulérienne dans le code d'océan NEMO}, 2925 title = {introduction d'une coordonn\'{e}e verticale arbitrairement 2926 Lagrangienne Eul\'{e}rienne dans le code NEMO, 180pp.}, 2927 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre and Marie Curie}, 4894 2928 author = {Leclair, Matthieu}, 4895 2929 year = {2010}, 4896 2930 pages = {1 vol. (II-163 p.)}, 4897 2931 note = {2010PA066728} 4898 }4899 4900 ###PhDThesis{ leclair_10,4901 author = {M. Leclair},4902 title = {introduction d'une coordonn\'{e}e verticale arbitrairement4903 Lagrangienne Eul\'{e}rienne dans le code NEMO, 180pp.},4904 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre and Marie Curie},4905 year = 20104906 2932 } 4907 2933 … … 4921 2947 } 4922 2948 4923 ###Article{ leclair_madec_09,4924 author = {M. Leclair and G. Madec},4925 title = {A conservative leap-frog time stepping method},4926 journal = om,4927 year = 2009,4928 volume = 30,4929 number = {2-3},4930 pages = {88-94},4931 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.06.006}4932 }4933 4934 2949 @Article{ leclair_madec_11, 4935 2950 author = {Leclair, Matthieu and Madec, Gurvan}, … … 4945 2960 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 4946 2961 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 4947 }4948 4949 ###Article{ leclair_madec_11,4950 author = {M. Leclair and G. Madec},4951 title = {$\tilde{z}$-coordinate, an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian4952 coordinate separating high and low frequency},4953 journal = om,4954 year = 2011,4955 volume = 37,4956 pages = {139--152},4957 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.02.001}4958 2962 } 4959 2963 … … 4974 2978 } 4975 2979 4976 ###Article{ lele_92,4977 author = {S.K. Lele},4978 title = {Compact finite difference schemes with spectral-like4979 resolution},4980 journal = jcp,4981 year = 1992,4982 volume = 103,4983 pages = {16--42}4984 }4985 4986 2980 @Article{ lemarie_debreu_ea_12, 4987 author = {F. Lemari\'{e} and L. Debreu and A.F. Shchepetkin and J.C. 4988 McWilliams}, 4989 title = {On the stability and accuracy of the harmonic and 4990 biharmonic isoneutral mixing operators in ocean models }, 4991 journal = om, 4992 year = 2012, 4993 volume = {52–53}, 4994 pages = {9--35}, 4995 issn = {1463-5003}, 4996 doi = {} 4997 } 4998 4999 @Article{ lemarie_debreu_ea_15, 5000 author = {F. Lemari\'{e} and L. Debreu and J. Demange and G. Madec 5001 and J.M. Molines and M. Honnorat}, 5002 title = {Stability Constraints for Oceanic Numerical Models: 5003 Implications for the Formulation of time and space 5004 Discretizations}, 5005 journal = om, 5006 year = 2015, 5007 volume = 92, 5008 pages = {124--148}, 5009 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.06.006} 5010 } 5011 5012 @Article{ lemarié_debreu_ea_12, 5013 author = {Lemarié, F. and Debreu, L. and Shchepetkin, A.F. and 2981 author = {Lemari\'{e}, F. and Debreu, L. and Shchepetkin, A.F. and 5014 2982 McWilliams, J.C.}, 5015 2983 title = {On the stability and accuracy of the harmonic and … … 5026 2994 } 5027 2995 5028 @Article{ lemari é_debreu_ea_15,5029 author = {Lemari é, F. and Debreu, L. and Madec, G. and Demange, J.2996 @Article{ lemarie_debreu_ea_15, 2997 author = {Lemari\'{e}, F. and Debreu, L. and Madec, G. and Demange, J. 5030 2998 and Molines, J.M. and Honnorat, M.}, 5031 2999 title = {Stability constraints for oceanic numerical models: … … 5043 3011 } 5044 3012 5045 @Article{ lengaigne_ 03,5046 author = { Lengaigne, M.},3013 @Article{ lengaigne_madec_ea_03, 3014 author = {M. Lengaigne and G. Madec and G. Alory and C. Menkes}, 5047 3015 title = {Impact of isopycnal mixing on the tropical ocean 5048 3016 circulation}, … … 5050 3018 volume = 108, 5051 3019 number = {C11}, 3020 pages = 3345, 5052 3021 issn = {0148-0227}, 5053 3022 doi = {10.1029/2002jc001704}, … … 5072 3041 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans}, 5073 3042 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 5074 }5075 5076 ###Article{ lengaigne_boulanger_ea_02,5077 author = {M. Lengaigne and J.-P. Boulanger and C. Menkes and S.5078 Masson and G. Madec and P. Delecluse},5079 title = {Ocean response to the March 1997 Westerly Wind Event},5080 journal = jgr,5081 year = 2002,5082 doi = {10.1029/2001JC000841}5083 3043 } 5084 3044 … … 5102 3062 } 5103 3063 5104 ###Article{ lengaigne_boulanger_ea_03,5105 author = {M. Lengaigne and J.-P. Boulanger and C. Menkes and G.5106 Madec and P. Delecluse and E. Guilyardi, and J. Slingo},5107 title = {The March 1997 Westerly Wind Event and the onset of the5108 1997/98 El Niño: Understanding the role of the5109 atmospheric},5110 journal = jc,5111 year = 2003,5112 volume = 16,5113 number = 20,5114 pages = {3330--3343}5115 }5116 5117 @Article{ lengaigne_madec_ea_03,5118 author = {M. Lengaigne and G. Madec and G. Alory and C. Menkes},5119 title = {Sensitivity of the tropical Pacific Ocean to isopycnal5120 diffusion on tracer and dynamics},5121 journal = jgr,5122 year = 2003,5123 volume = 108,5124 number = {C11},5125 pages = 3345,5126 doi = {10.1029/2002JC001704}5127 }5128 5129 3064 @Article{ lengaigne_madec_ea_09, 5130 3065 author = {Lengaigne, Matthieu and Madec, Gurvan and Bopp, Laurent … … 5137 3072 number = 21, 5138 3073 month = {Nov}, 3074 pages = {L21602}, 5139 3075 issn = {0094-8276}, 5140 3076 doi = {10.1029/2009gl040145}, … … 5144 3080 } 5145 3081 5146 ###Article{ lengaigne_madec_ea_09,5147 author = {M. Lengaigne and G. Madec and L. Bopp and C. Menkes and O.5148 Aumont and P. Cadule},5149 title = {Bio-physical feedbacks in the Arctic Ocean using an Earth5150 System model},5151 journal = grl,5152 year = 2009,5153 volume = 36,5154 pages = {L21602},5155 doi = {10.1029/2009GL040145}5156 }5157 5158 3082 @Article{ lengaigne_menkes_ea_06, 5159 3083 author = {Lengaigne, Matthieu and Menkes, Christophe and Aumont, 5160 Olivier and Gorgues, Thomas and Bopp, Laurent and Andr é,3084 Olivier and Gorgues, Thomas and Bopp, Laurent and Andr\'{e}, 5161 3085 Jean-Michel and Madec, Gurvan}, 5162 3086 title = {Influence of the oceanic biology on the tropical Pacific … … 5174 3098 } 5175 3099 5176 @Article{ lengaigne_menkes_ea_07,5177 author = {M. Lengaigne and C. Menkes and O. Aumont and T. Gorgues5178 and L. Bopp and J.-M. Andr\'{e} G. Madec},5179 title = {Bio-physical feedbacks on the tropical Pacific climate in5180 a Coupled General Circulation Model},5181 journal = cd,5182 year = 2007,5183 volume = 28,5184 pages = {503--516}5185 }5186 5187 3100 @Article{ leonard_79, 5188 3101 author = {Leonard, B.P.}, … … 5201 3114 } 5202 3115 5203 ###Article{ leonard_79, 5204 author = {B. P. Leonard}, 5205 title = {A stable and accurate convective modelling procedure based 5206 on quadratic upstream interpolation}, 5207 journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, 5208 year = 1979, 5209 volume = 19, 5210 pages = {59--98} 5211 } 5212 5213 @Article{ leonard_88, 3116 @TechReport{ leonard_88, 5214 3117 author = {Leonard, Brian}, 5215 3118 year = {1988}, … … 5219 3122 conservative difference scheme}, 5220 3123 journal = {NASA Technical Memorandum 100916 ICOMP-88-11} 5221 }5222 5223 ###TechReport{ leonard_88,5224 author = {B. P. Leonard},5225 title = {Universal limiter for transient interpolation modelling of5226 the advective transport equations},5227 institution = {Technical Memorandum TM-100916 ICOMP-88-11, NASA},5228 year = 19885229 3124 } 5230 3125 … … 5245 3140 } 5246 3141 5247 ###Article{ leonard_91,5248 author = {B. P. Leonard},5249 title = {The ULTIMATE conservative difference scheme applied to5250 unsteady one--dimensional advection},5251 journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},5252 year = 1991,5253 pages = {17--74}5254 }5255 5256 3142 @Article{ lermusiaux_01, 5257 3143 author = {Lermusiaux, P.F.J.}, … … 5270 3156 } 5271 3157 5272 ###Article{ lermusiaux_01,5273 author = {P. F. J. Lermusiaux},5274 title = {Evolving the subspace of three-dimensional miltiscale5275 ocean variability: Massachusetts Bay},5276 journal = jms,5277 year = 2001,5278 volume = 29,5279 pages = {385--422}5280 }5281 5282 3158 @TechReport{ levier_treguier_ea_07, 5283 3159 author = {B. Levier and A.-M. Tr\'{e}guier and G. Madec and V. … … 5293 3169 publisher = {NOAA professional paper No. 13, 174pp}, 5294 3170 year = 1982, 5295 author = {S Levitus 3171 author = {S Levitus}, 5296 3172 pages = {173 pp} 5297 } 5298 5299 @Article{ levitus_83, 5300 author = {Levitus, Sydney}, 5301 title = {Climatological Atlas of the World Ocean}, 5302 year = 1983, 5303 volume = 64, 5304 number = 49, 5305 pages = 962, 5306 issn = {0096-3941}, 5307 doi = {10.1029/eo064i049p00962-02}, 5308 url = {}, 5309 journal = {Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union}, 5310 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 3173 url = {} 5311 3174 } 5312 3175 5313 3176 @PhDThesis{ levy_96, 5314 author = {M. L\'{e}vy},3177 url = {}, 5315 3178 title = {Mod\'{e}lisation des processus biog\'{e}ochimiques en 5316 3179 M\'{e}diterran\'{e}e nord-occidentale. Cycle saisonnier et 5317 3180 variabilit\'{e} m\'{e}so\'{e}chelle}, 5318 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 5319 207pp}, 5320 year = 1996 5321 } 5322 5323 @Article{ levy_estubier_ea_01, 5324 author = {M. L\'{e}vy and A. Estubier and G Madec}, 3181 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France}, 3182 author = {L\'{e}vy, Marina}, 3183 year = {1996}, 3184 pages = {300 P.}, 3185 note = {1996PA066605} 3186 } 3187 3188 @Article{ levy_estublier_ea_01, 3189 author = {L\'{e}vy, Marina and Estublier, Audrey and Madec, Gurvan}, 5325 3190 title = {Choice of an advection scheme for biogeochemical models}, 5326 journal = grl,5327 3191 year = 2001, 5328 volume = 28 3192 volume = 28, 3193 number = 19, 3194 month = {Oct}, 3195 pages = {3725–3728}, 3196 issn = {0094-8276}, 3197 doi = {10.1029/2001gl012947}, 3198 url = {}, 3199 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, 3200 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 5329 3201 } 5330 3202 5331 3203 @Article{ levy_klein_ea_10, 5332 author = { M. L\'{e}vy and P. Klein and A.-M. Tr\'{e}guier and D.5333 Iovino and G. Madec and S. Masson and T. Takahashi},5334 title = { Impacts of sub-mesoscale physics on idealized gyres},5335 journal = om,3204 author = {L\'{e}vy, M. and Klein, P. and Tr\'{e}guier, A.-M. and Iovino, 3205 D. and Madec, G. and Masson, S. and Takahashi, K.}, 3206 title = {Modifications of gyre circulation by sub-mesoscale 3207 physics}, 5336 3208 year = 2010, 5337 3209 volume = 34, 5338 3210 number = {1-2}, 5339 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.04.001} 3211 month = {Jan}, 3212 pages = {1–15}, 3213 issn = {1463-5003}, 3214 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.04.001}, 3215 url = {}, 3216 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 3217 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 5340 3218 } 5341 3219 5342 3220 @Article{ levy_memery_ea_00, 5343 author = { M. L\'{e}vy and L. M\'{e}mery and G. Madec},3221 author = {L\'{e}vy, Marina and M\'{e}mery, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan}, 5344 3222 title = {Combined effects of mesoscale processes and atmospheric 5345 3223 high-frequency variability on the spring bloom in the MEDOC 5346 3224 area}, 5347 journal = dsr,5348 3225 year = 2000, 5349 3226 volume = 47, 5350 pages = {527--531} 3227 number = 1, 3228 month = {Jan}, 3229 pages = {27–53}, 3230 issn = {0967-0637}, 3231 doi = {10.1016/s0967-0637(99)00051-5}, 3232 url = {}, 3233 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers}, 3234 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 3235 } 3236 3237 @Article{ levy_memery_ea_99, 3238 author = {Lévy, Marina and Mémery, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan}, 3239 title = {The onset of the Spring Bloom in the MEDOC area: mesoscale 3240 spatial variability}, 3241 year = 1999, 3242 volume = 46, 3243 number = 7, 3244 month = {Jul}, 3245 pages = {1137–1160}, 3246 issn = {0967-0637}, 3247 doi = {10.1016/s0967-0637(98)00105-8}, 3248 url = {}, 3249 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers}, 3250 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 5351 3251 } 5352 3252 5353 3253 @Article{ levy_memery_ea_98, 5354 author = { M. L\'{e}vy and L. M\'{e}mery and G. Madec},5355 title = {The onset of the spring bloom in the MEDOC area: mesoscale5356 spatial variability},5357 journal = dsr,3254 author = {L\'{e}vy, Marina and M\'{e}mery, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan}, 3255 title = {The onset of a bloom after deep winter convection in the 3256 northwestern Mediterranean sea: mesoscale process study 3257 with a primitive equation model}, 5358 3258 year = 1998, 5359 volume = {I},5360 number = 46,5361 pages = {1137--1160}5362 }5363 5364 @Article{ levy_memery_ea_99,5365 author = {M. L\'{e}vy and L. M\'{e}mery and G. Madec},5366 title = {The onset of a bloom after deep winter convection in the5367 Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: mesoscale process study5368 with a primitive equation model},5369 journal = jms,5370 year = 1999,5371 3259 volume = 16, 5372 3260 number = {1-2}, 5373 pages = {7--21} 3261 month = {Sep}, 3262 pages = {7–21}, 3263 issn = {0924-7963}, 3264 doi = {10.1016/s0924-7963(97)00097-3}, 3265 url = {}, 3266 journal = {Journal of Marine Systems}, 3267 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 5374 3268 } 5375 3269 5376 3270 @Article{ li_fox-kemper_ea_17, 5377 author = {Li, Qing and Fox-Kemper, Baylor and Breivik, Øyvind and3271 author = {Li, Qing and Fox-Kemper, Baylor and Breivik, {\O}yvind and 5378 3272 Webb, Adrean}, 5379 3273 title = {Statistical models of global Langmuir mixing}, … … 5387 3281 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 5388 3282 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 5389 }5390 5391 ###Article{ li_fox-kemper_ea_17,5392 author = {Q Li and B Fox-Kemper and {\O} Breivik and A Webb},5393 year = {2017},5394 title = {Statistical Models of Global Langmuir Mixing},5395 journal = {OM},5396 volume = {113},5397 issue = {May},5398 pages = {95--114},5399 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.03.016}5400 3283 } 5401 3284 … … 5416 3299 } 5417 3300 5418 ###Article{ li_garrett_93,5419 author = {M. Li and C. Garrett},5420 title = {Cell merging and the jet/downwelling ratio in Langmuir5421 circulation},5422 journal = jmr,5423 year = 1993,5424 volume = 51,5425 pages = {737--769}5426 }5427 5428 3301 @Article{ losch_08, 5429 3302 author = {Losch, M.}, 5430 title = {Modeling ice shelf cavities in a zcoordinate ocean general3303 title = {Modeling ice shelf cavities in a z-coordinate ocean general 5431 3304 circulation model}, 5432 3305 year = 2008, … … 5439 3312 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 5440 3313 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 5441 }5442 5443 ###Article{ losch_08,5444 author = {M. Losch},5445 title = {Modeling ice shelf cavities in a z coordinate ocean5446 general circulation model},5447 journal = jgr,5448 year = 2008,5449 volume = 113,5450 number = {C13}5451 3314 } 5452 3315 … … 5488 3351 } 5489 3352 5490 ###Article{ luo_masson_ea_05,5491 author = {J.-J. Luo and S. Masson and E. Roeckner and G. Madec and5492 T. Yamagata},5493 title = {Reducing climatology bias in an ocean-atmosphere CGCM with5494 improved coupling physics},5495 journal = jc,5496 year = 2005,5497 volume = 18,5498 number = 13,5499 pages = {2344--2360}5500 }5501 5502 @PhDThesis{ lévy_96,5503 url = {},5504 title = {Modelisation des processus biogeochimiques en mediterranee5505 nord-occidentale. Cycle saisonnier et variabilite5506 mesoechelle},5507 author = {Lévy, Marina},5508 year = {1996},5509 pages = {300 P.},5510 note = {1996PA066605}5511 }5512 5513 @Article{ lévy_estublier_ea_01,5514 author = {Lévy, Marina and Estublier, Audrey and Madec, Gurvan},5515 title = {Choice of an advection scheme for biogeochemical models},5516 year = 2001,5517 volume = 28,5518 number = 19,5519 month = {Oct},5520 pages = {3725–3728},5521 issn = {0094-8276},5522 doi = {10.1029/2001gl012947},5523 url = {},5524 journal = {Geophysical Research Letters},5525 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)}5526 }5527 5528 @Article{ lévy_klein_ea_10,5529 author = {Lévy, M. and Klein, P. and Tréguier, A.-M. and Iovino,5530 D. and Madec, G. and Masson, S. and Takahashi, K.},5531 title = {Modifications of gyre circulation by sub-mesoscale5532 physics},5533 year = 2010,5534 volume = 34,5535 number = {1-2},5536 month = {Jan},5537 pages = {1–15},5538 issn = {1463-5003},5539 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.04.001},5540 url = {},5541 journal = {Ocean Modelling},5542 publisher = {Elsevier BV}5543 }5544 5545 @Article{ lévy_mémery_ea_00,5546 author = {Lévy, Marina and Mémery, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan},5547 title = {Combined effects of mesoscale processes and atmospheric5548 high-frequency variability on the spring bloom in the MEDOC5549 area},5550 year = 2000,5551 volume = 47,5552 number = 1,5553 month = {Jan},5554 pages = {27–53},5555 issn = {0967-0637},5556 doi = {10.1016/s0967-0637(99)00051-5},5557 url = {},5558 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers},5559 publisher = {Elsevier BV}5560 }5561 5562 @Article{ lévy_mémery_ea_98,5563 author = {Lévy, Marina and Mémery, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan},5564 title = {The onset of a bloom after deep winter convection in the5565 northwestern Mediterranean sea: mesoscale process study5566 with a primitive equation model},5567 year = 1998,5568 volume = 16,5569 number = {1-2},5570 month = {Sep},5571 pages = {7–21},5572 issn = {0924-7963},5573 doi = {10.1016/s0924-7963(97)00097-3},5574 url = {},5575 journal = {Journal of Marine Systems},5576 publisher = {Elsevier BV}5577 }5578 5579 @Article{ lévy_mémery_ea_99,5580 author = {Lévy, Marina and Mémery, Laurent and Madec, Gurvan},5581 title = {The onset of the Spring Bloom in the MEDOC area: mesoscale5582 spatial variability},5583 year = 1999,5584 volume = 46,5585 number = 7,5586 month = {Jul},5587 pages = {1137–1160},5588 issn = {0967-0637},5589 doi = {10.1016/s0967-0637(98)00105-8},5590 url = {},5591 journal = {Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers},5592 publisher = {Elsevier BV}5593 }5594 5595 @Article{ m-lehucher_beautier_ea_95,5596 author = {M. Lehucher, P and Beautier, L and Chartier, M and Martel,5597 F and Mortier, Laurent and Brehmer, P and Millot, C and5598 Alberola, C and Benzhora, M and Taupierletage, I and5599 Dhieres, G and , H.Didelle and Gleizon, Philippe and5600 Obaton, Dominique and Crépon, Michel and Herbaut,5601 Christophe and Madec, Gurvan and Sabrina, Speich and5602 Nihoul, Jacques and Harzallah, Ali},5603 year = {1995},5604 month = {01},5605 pages = {255-271},5606 title = {Progress from 1989 to 1992 in understanding the5607 circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea},5608 volume = {18},5609 journal = {Oceanologica Acta}5610 }5611 5612 3353 @Book{ madec_01, 5613 3354 title = {Le Cycle des Masses d'Eau Oc\'{e}aniqueset sa 5614 variabilit\'{e} dans le Syst\ '{e}me Climatique},3355 variabilit\'{e} dans le Syst\`{e}me Climatique}, 5615 3356 year = 2001, 5616 3357 author = {G. Madec}, 5617 3358 pages = {63pp.}, 5618 series = {Habilitation \ '{a} Diriger des Recherches, Universit\'{e}3359 series = {Habilitation \`{a} Diriger des Recherches, Universit\'{e} 5619 3360 Pierre et Marie Curie} 5620 }5621 5622 @Book{ madec_08,5623 title = {NEMO ocean engine},5624 publisher = {Note du P\^ole de mod\'{e}lisation, Institut Pierre-Simon5625 Laplace (IPSL), France, No 27, ISSN No 1288-1619},5626 year = 2008,5627 author = {G. Madec}5628 3361 } 5629 3362 … … 5631 3364 url = {}, 5632 3365 title = {La formation d'eau profonde et son impact sur la 5633 circulation regionale en mediterranee occidentale : une 5634 approche numerique}, 3366 circulation r\'{e}gionale en M\'{e}diterran\'{e}e 3367 Occidentale - une approche num\'{e}rique}, 3368 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France}, 3369 pages = {194pp.}, 5635 3370 author = {Madec, Gurvan}, 5636 3371 year = {1990}, … … 5638 3373 } 5639 3374 5640 ###PhDThesis{ madec_90,5641 author = {G. Madec},5642 title = {La formation d'eau profonde et son impact sur la5643 circulation r\'{e}gionale en M\'{e}diterran\'{e}e5644 Occidentale - une approche num\'{e}rique},5645 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France,5646 194pp.},5647 year = 1990,5648 month = {2 mai}5649 }5650 5651 3375 @Article{ madec_chartier_ea_91, 5652 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Chartier, Michel and Cr épon, Michel},3376 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Chartier, Michel and Cr\'{e}pon, Michel}, 5653 3377 title = {The effect of thermohaline forcing variability on deep 5654 3378 water formation in the western Mediterranean Sea: a … … 5666 3390 } 5667 3391 5668 ###Article{ madec_chartier_ea_91, 5669 author = {G. Madec and M. Chartier and M. Cr\'{e}pon}, 5670 title = {Effect of thermohaline forcing variability on deep water 5671 formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea - a high 5672 resulution three-dimensional study}, 5673 journal = dao, 5674 year = 1991, 5675 volume = 15, 5676 pages = {301--332} 5677 } 5678 5679 @Article{ madec_chartier_ea_91*1, 5680 author = {G. Madec and M. Chartier and P. Delecluse and M. 5681 Cr\'{e}pon}, 5682 title = {A three-dimensional numerical study of deep water 5683 formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea .}, 5684 journal = jpo, 3392 @Article{ madec_delecluse_ea_91, 3393 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Delecluse, Pascale and Cr\'{e}pon, Michel 3394 and Chartier, Michel}, 3395 title = {A Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Deep-Water 3396 Formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea}, 5685 3397 year = 1991, 5686 3398 volume = 21, 5687 pages = {1349--1371} 5688 } 5689 5690 @Article{ madec_crepon_91, 5691 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Crepon, Michel}, 5692 title = {Thermohaline-Driven Deep Water Formation in the 3399 number = 9, 3400 month = {Sep}, 3401 pages = {1349–1371}, 3402 issn = {1520-0485}, 3403 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1991)021<1349:atdnso>;2}, 3404 url = {<1349:atdnso>;2}, 3405 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 3406 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 3407 } 3408 3409 @InBook{ madec_crepon_91, 3410 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Cr\'{e}pon, Michel}, 3411 chapter = {Thermohaline-Driven Deep Water Formation in the 5693 3412 Northwestern Mediterranean Sea}, 5694 3413 year = 1991, … … 5698 3417 url = {}, 5699 3418 isbn = 9780444887641, 5700 journal= {Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation in the Oceans,3419 booktitle = {Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation in the Oceans, 5701 3420 Proceedings of the International Monterey Colloquium on 5702 3421 Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation in the Oceans}, 5703 publisher = {Elsevier} 5704 } 5705 5706 ###InBook{ madec_crepon_91, 5707 chapter = {Thermohaline-driven deep water formation in the 5708 Northwestern Mediterranean Sea}, 5709 pages = {241--265}, 5710 title = {Deep convection and deep water formation in the oceans}, 5711 publisher = {Elsevier Oceanographic Series, P.C. Chu and J.C. Gascard 5712 (Eds.)}, 5713 year = 1991, 5714 author = {G. Madec and M. Cr\'{e}pon} 3422 editor = {P.C. Chu and J.C. Gascard}, 3423 publisher = {Elsevier Oceanographic Series} 5715 3424 } 5716 3425 … … 5726 3435 } 5727 3436 5728 ###Article{ madec_delecluse_97,5729 author = {G. Madec and P. Delecluse},5730 title = {The OPA/ARPEGE and OPA/LMD Global Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled5731 Model},5732 journal = {Int. WOCE Newsletter},5733 year = 1997,5734 volume = 26,5735 pages = {12--15}5736 }5737 5738 @Article{ madec_delecluse_ea_91,5739 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Delecluse, Pascale and Crepon, Michel5740 and Chartier, Michel},5741 title = {A Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Deep-Water5742 Formation in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea},5743 year = 1991,5744 volume = 21,5745 number = 9,5746 month = {Sep},5747 pages = {1349–1371},5748 issn = {1520-0485},5749 doi = {10.1175/1520-0485(1991)021<1349:atdnso>;2},5750 url = {<1349:atdnso>;2},5751 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography},5752 publisher = {American Meteorological Society}5753 }5754 5755 3437 @Article{ madec_delecluse_ea_96, 5756 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Delecluse, Pascale and Cr épon, Michel3438 author = {Madec, Gurvan and Delecluse, Pascale and Cr\'{e}pon, Michel 5757 3439 and Lott, François}, 5758 3440 title = {Large-Scale Preconditioning of Deep-Water Formation in the … … 5770 3452 } 5771 3453 5772 @ Article{madec_delecluse_ea_98,3454 @Manual{ madec_delecluse_ea_98, 5773 3455 title = {{OPA 8.1 Ocean General Circulation Model reference 5774 3456 manual}}, … … 5784 3466 hal_id = {hal-00154217}, 5785 3467 hal_version = {v1} 5786 }5787 5788 ###TechReport{ madec_delecluse_ea_98,5789 author = {G. Madec and P. Delecluse and M. Imbard and C. Levy},5790 title = {OPA 8 Ocean General Circulation Model - Reference Manual},5791 institution = {LODYC/IPSL Note 11},5792 year = 19985793 3468 } 5794 3469 … … 5809 3484 } 5810 3485 5811 ###Article{ madec_imbard_96,5812 author = {G Madec and M Imbard},5813 title = {A global ocean mesh to overcome the north pole5814 singularity},5815 journal = cd,5816 year = 1996,5817 volume = 12,5818 pages = {381--388}5819 }5820 5821 @Article{ madec_lott_ea_96,5822 author = {G. Madec and F. Lott and P. Delecluse and M. Cr\'{e}pon},5823 title = {Large-Scale Preconditioning of Deep-Water Formation in the5824 Northwestern Mediterranean Sea},5825 journal = jpo,5826 year = 1996,5827 volume = 26,5828 number = 8,5829 pages = {1393--1408}5830 }5831 5832 3486 @Article{ madec_rahier_ea_88, 5833 3487 title = {A comparison of two-dimensional elliptic solvers for the … … 5838 3492 pages = {1--6}, 5839 3493 year = {1988} 5840 }5841 5842 ###Article{ madec_rahier_ea_88,5843 author = {G. Madec and C. Rahier and M. Chartier},5844 title = {A comparison of two-dimensional elliptic solvers for the5845 streamfunction in a multilevel OGCM},5846 journal = om,5847 year = 1988,5848 volume = 78,5849 pages = {1-6}5850 3494 } 5851 3495 … … 5866 3510 } 5867 3511 5868 @Article{ maes_delecluse_ea_98,5869 author = {C. Maes and P. Delecluse and G. Madec},5870 title = {Impact of westerly wind bursts on the warm pool of the5871 TOGA-COARE domain in an OGCM},5872 journal = cd,5873 year = 1998,5874 volume = 14,5875 pages = {55--70}5876 }5877 5878 3512 @Article{ maes_madec_ea_97, 5879 3513 author = {Maes, C. and Madec, G. and Delecluse, P.}, … … 5890 3524 journal = {Monthly Weather Review}, 5891 3525 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 5892 }5893 5894 ###Article{ maes_madec_ea_97,5895 author = {C. Maes and G. Madec and P. Delecluse},5896 title = {Sensitivity of an Equatorial Pacific OGCM to the lateral5897 diffusion},5898 journal = mwr,5899 year = 1997,5900 volume = 125,5901 number = 5,5902 pages = {958--971}5903 3526 } 5904 3527 … … 5920 3543 } 5921 3544 5922 ###Article{ maggiore_zavatarelli_ea_98,5923 author = {A. Maggiore and M. Zavatarelli and M. G. Angelucci and N.5924 Pinardi},5925 title = {Surface heat and water fluxes in the Adriatic Sea:5926 seasonal and interannual variability},5927 journal = {Phys Chem Earth},5928 year = 1998,5929 volume = 23,5930 pages = {561--567}5931 }5932 5933 3545 @Article{ maltrud_holloway_08, 5934 3546 author = {Maltrud, Mathew and Holloway, Greg}, … … 5945 3557 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 5946 3558 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 5947 }5948 5949 ###Article{ maltrud_holloway_08,5950 author = {Mathew Maltrud and Greg Holloway},5951 title = {Implementing biharmonic neptune in a global eddying ocean5952 model},5953 journal = om,5954 year = 2008,5955 volume = 21,5956 pages = {22--34}5957 3559 } 5958 3560 … … 5974 3576 } 5975 3577 5976 ###Article{ maltrud_smith_ea_98,5977 author = {M. E. Maltrud and R. D. Smith and A. J. Semtner and R. C.5978 Malone},5979 title = {Global eddy-resolving ocean simulations driven by5980 1985-1995 atmospheric winds},5981 journal = jgr,5982 year = 1998,5983 volume = 103,5984 number = {C13},5985 pages = {30,825--30,854}5986 }5987 5988 3578 @Article{ marchesiello_mcwilliams_ea_01, 5989 3579 author = {Marchesiello, Patrick and McWilliams, James C. and … … 6001 3591 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 6002 3592 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 6003 }6004 6005 @Article{ marchesiello_williams_ea_01,6006 author = { P. Marchesiello and J. Mc Williams and A. Shchepetkin },6007 title = {Open boundary conditions for long-term integrations of6008 Regional Oceanic Models},6009 journal = om,6010 year = 2001,6011 volume = 3,6012 pages = {1--20}6013 3593 } 6014 3594 … … 6029 3609 journal = {Ocean Modelling}, 6030 3610 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 6031 }6032 6033 ###Article{ marsaleix_auclair_ea_08,6034 author = {P. Marsaleix and F. Auclair and J. W. Floor and M. J.6035 Herrmann and C. Estournel and I. Pairaud and C. Ulses},6036 title = {Energy conservation issues in sigma-coordinate6037 free-surface ocean models},6038 journal = om,6039 year = 2008,6040 volume = 20,6041 number = 1,6042 pages = {61--89},6043 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2007.07.005}6044 3611 } 6045 3612 … … 6063 3630 } 6064 3631 6065 ###Article{ marsh_ivchenko_ea_15, 6066 author = {R. Marsh and V. O. Ivchenko and N. Skliris and S. Alderson 6067 and G. R. Bigg and G. Madec and A. T. Blaker and Y. Aksenov 6068 and B. Sinha and A. C. Coward and J. Le Sommer and N. 6069 Merino and V. B. Zalesny}, 6070 title = {NEMO-ICB (v1.0): interactive icebergs in the NEMO ocean 6071 model globally configured at eddy-permitting resolution}, 6072 journal = {Geoscientific Model Development}, 6073 volume = 8, 6074 year = 2015, 6075 number = 5, 6076 pages = {1547--1562}, 6077 doi = {10.5194/gmd-8-1547-2015} 6078 } 6079 6080 @Book{ marshall_adcroft_ea_04, 6081 title = {MIT-gcm User Manual}, 6082 year = 2004, 3632 @Manual{ mitgcm_manual, 3633 title = {MITgcm's User Manual}, 6083 3634 editor = {MIT Department of EAPS}, 6084 author = {J. Marshall and A. Adcroft and J.-M. Campin and P. 6085 Heimbach and A. Molod and S. Dutkiewicz and H. Hill and M. 6086 Losch and B. Fox-Kemper and D. Menemenlis and D. Ferreira 6087 and E. Hill and M. Follows and C. Hill and C. Evangelinos 6088 and G. Forget} 3635 author = {Alistair Adcroft, Jean-Michel Campin, Ed Doddridge, 3636 Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Constantinos Evangelinos, David 3637 Ferreira, Mick Follows, Gael Forget, Baylor Fox-Kemper, 3638 Patrick Heimbach, Chris Hill, Ed Hill, Helen Hill, Oliver 3639 Jahn, Jody Klymak, Martin Losch, John Marshall, Guillaume 3640 Maze, Matt Mazloff, Dimitris Menemenlis, Andrea Molod, and 3641 Jeff Scott}, 3642 url = {} 6089 3643 } 6090 3644 6091 3645 @PhDThesis{ marti_92, 6092 3646 url = {}, 6093 title = {Etude de l'ocean mondial : modelisation de la circulation 6094 et du transport des traceurs anthropogeniques}, 3647 title = {Etude de l'oc\'{e}an mondial : mod\'{e}lisation de la 3648 circulation et du transport de traceurs anthropog\'{e}niques}, 3649 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France}, 6095 3650 author = {Marti, Olivier}, 6096 3651 year = {1992}, 6097 3652 pages = {203 P.}, 6098 3653 note = {1992PA066673} 6099 }6100 6101 ###PhDThesis{ marti_92,6102 author = {O. Marti},6103 title = {Etude de l'oc\'{e}an mondial : mod\'{e}lisation de la6104 circulation et du transport de traceurs anthropog\'{e}niques},6105 school = {Universit\'{e} Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France,6106 201pp},6107 year = 19926108 3654 } 6109 3655 … … 6126 3672 } 6127 3673 6128 @Article{ marti_braconnot_ea_10,6129 author = {O. Marti and P. Braconnot and J.-L. Dufresne and J.6130 Bellier and R. Benshila and S. Bony and P. Brockmann and P.6131 Cadule and A. Caubel and F Codron and S. Denvil and L.6132 Fairhead and T. Fichefet and M.-A. Filiberti and M.-A.6133 Foujols and P. Friedlingstein and H. Goosse and J.-Y.6134 Grandpeix and E. Guilyardi and F. Hourdin and G. Krinner6135 and C. L\'{e}vy and G. Madec and J. Mignot and I. Musat and6136 D. Swingedouw and C. Talandier},6137 title = {Key features of the IPSL ocean atmosphere model and its6138 sensitivity to atmospheric resolution},6139 journal = cd,6140 year = 2010,6141 volume = 34,6142 number = 1,6143 pages = {1--26},6144 doi = {10.1007/s00382-009-0640-6}6145 }6146 6147 3674 @Article{ marti_madec_ea_92, 6148 3675 author = {Marti, Olivier and Madec, Gurvan and Delecluse, Pascale}, … … 6153 3680 volume = 97, 6154 3681 number = {C8}, 6155 pages = 12763,3682 pages = {12,763--12,766} 6156 3683 issn = {0148-0227}, 6157 3684 doi = {10.1029/92jc00306}, … … 6159 3686 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 6160 3687 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 6161 }6162 6163 ###Article{ marti_madec_ea_92,6164 author = {O. Marti and G. Madec and P. Delecluse},6165 title = {Comment on "Net diffusivity in ocean general circulation6166 models with nonuniform grids" by F. L. Yin and I. Y. Fung},6167 journal = jgr,6168 year = 1992,6169 volume = 97,6170 pages = {12,763--12,766}6171 3688 } 6172 3689 … … 6187 3704 } 6188 3705 6189 ###Article{ martin_adcroft_10,6190 author = {T. Martin and A. Adcroft},6191 title = {Parameterizing the fresh-water flux from land ice to ocean6192 with interactive icebergs in a coupled climate model},6193 journal = om,6194 year = 2010,6195 volume = 34,6196 number = {3--4},6197 pages = {111--124},6198 issn = {1463-5003},6199 doi = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.05.001}6200 }6201 6202 3706 @InBook{ masson_foujols_ea_08, 6203 chapter = {OPA9 - French experiments on the Earth Simulator and 6204 Teraflop Workbench tunings}, 6205 pages = {25-34}, 6206 title = {In High Performance computing on Vector System 2007, 6207 Stuttgart, Germany}, 6208 publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, 3707 author = {Masson, S. and Foujols, M. -A. and Klein, P. and Madec, G. 3708 and Hua, L. and Levy, M. and Sasaki, H. and Takahashi, K. 3709 and Svensson, F.}, 3710 title = {OPA9 — French Experiments on the Earth Simulator and 3711 Teraflop Workbench Tunings}, 6209 3712 year = 2008, 3713 pages = {25–34}, 3714 doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-74384-2_3}, 3715 url = {}, 3716 isbn = 9783540743835, 3717 booktitle = {High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2007}, 6210 3718 editor = {Resch M, Roller S, Lammers P, Furui T, Galle M, Bez W}, 6211 author = {S. Masson and M.-A. Foujols and P. Klein and G. Madec and 6212 L. Hua and M. Levy and H. Sasaki and K. Takahashi and F. 6213 Svensson}, 6214 doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-74384-2} 3719 publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg} 6215 3720 } 6216 3721 … … 6220 3725 S. and Delecluse, P. and Navarra, A. and et al.}, 6221 3726 title = {Impact of barrier layer on winter-spring variability of 6222 the southeastern Arabian Sea},3727 the South-Eastern Arabian Sea}, 6223 3728 year = 2005, 6224 3729 volume = 32, 6225 3730 number = 7, 6226 3731 month = {Apr}, 6227 pages = { n/a–n/a},3732 pages = {L07703}, 6228 3733 issn = {0094-8276}, 6229 3734 doi = {10.1029/2004gl021980}, … … 6233 3738 } 6234 3739 6235 ###Article{ masson_luo_ea_05,6236 author = {S. Masson and J.-J. Luo and G. Madec and J. Vialard and F.6237 Durand and S. Gualdi and E. Guilyardi and S. Behera and P.6238 Delecluse and A. Navarra and T. Yamagata},6239 title = {Impact of barrier layer on winter-spring variability of6240 the South-Eastern Arabian Sea},6241 journal = grl,6242 year = 2005,6243 volume = 32,6244 pages = {L07703},6245 doi = {10.1029/2004GL021980}6246 }6247 6248 3740 @Article{ mathiot_jenkins_ea_17, 6249 3741 author = {Mathiot, Pierre and Jenkins, Adrian and Harris, 6250 3742 Christopher and Madec, Gurvan}, 6251 3743 title = {Explicit representation and parametrised impacts of under 6252 ice shelf seas in the 6253 <i>z</i><sup>∗</sup> coordinate 3744 ice shelf seas in the ${z}^{\ast}$ coordinate 6254 3745 ocean model NEMO 3.6}, 6255 3746 year = 2017, … … 6265 3756 } 6266 3757 6267 ###Article{ mathiot_jenkins_ea_17,6268 author = {Mathiot, P. and Jenkins, A. and Harris, C. and Madec, G.},6269 title = {Explicit representation and parametrised impacts of under6270 ice shelf seas in the ${z}^{\ast}$ coordinate ocean model6271 NEMO 3.6},6272 journal = {Geoscientific Model Development},6273 volume = {10},6274 year = {2017},6275 number = {7},6276 pages = {2849--2874},6277 url = {},6278 doi = {10.5194/gmd-10-2849-2017}6279 }6280 6281 3758 @Article{ mcdougall_87, 6282 3759 author = {McDougall, Trevor J.}, … … 6292 3769 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 6293 3770 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 6294 }6295 6296 ###Article{ mcdougall_87,6297 author = {T. J. McDougall},6298 title = {Neutral Surfaces},6299 journal = jpo,6300 year = 1987,6301 volume = 17,6302 number = 11,6303 pages = {1950--1964}6304 3771 } 6305 3772 … … 6320 3787 } 6321 3788 6322 ###Article{ mcdougall_taylor_84,6323 author = {T. J. McDougall and J. R. Taylor},6324 title = {Flux measurements across a finger interface at low values6325 of the stability ratio},6326 journal = jmr,6327 year = 1984,6328 volume = 42,6329 pages = {1--14}6330 }6331 6332 3789 @Article{ mellor_blumberg_04, 6333 3790 author = {Mellor, George and Blumberg, Alan}, … … 6345 3802 } 6346 3803 6347 ###Article{ mellor_blumberg_04,6348 author = {G. Mellor and A. Blumberg},6349 title = {Wave Breaking and Ocean Surface Layer Thermal Response},6350 journal = jpo,6351 volume = 34,6352 number = 3,6353 pages = {693--698},6354 year = 2004,6355 doi = {10.1175/2517.1}6356 }6357 6358 3804 @Article{ mellor_yamada_82, 6359 3805 author = {Mellor, George L. and Yamada, Tetsuji}, … … 6363 3809 volume = 20, 6364 3810 number = 4, 6365 pages = 851,3811 pages = {851--875} 6366 3812 issn = {8755-1209}, 6367 3813 doi = {10.1029/rg020i004p00851}, … … 6369 3815 journal = {Reviews of Geophysics}, 6370 3816 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 6371 }6372 6373 ###Article{ mellor_yamada_82,6374 author = {G. L. Mellor and T. Yamada},6375 title = {Development of a turbulence closure model for geophysical6376 fluid problems},6377 journal = rgsp,6378 year = 1982,6379 volume = 20,6380 pages = {851--875}6381 3817 } 6382 3818 … … 6400 3836 } 6401 3837 6402 ###Article{ menkes_vialard_ea_06,6403 author = {C. Menkes and J. Vialard and S C. Kennan and J.-P.6404 Boulanger and G. Madec},6405 title = {A modelling study of the three-dimensional heat budget of6406 Tropical Instability Waves in the Equatorial Pacific},6407 journal = jpo,6408 year = 2006,6409 volume = 36,6410 number = 5,6411 pages = {847--865}6412 }6413 6414 3838 @Article{ merryfield_holloway_ea_99, 6415 3839 author = {Merryfield, William J. and Holloway, Greg and Gargett, Ann … … 6428 3852 } 6429 3853 6430 ###Article{ merryfield_holloway_ea_99, 6431 author = {W. J. Merryfield and G. Holloway and A. E. Gargett}, 6432 title = {A Global Ocean Model with Double-Diffusive Mixing}, 6433 journal = jpo, 6434 year = 1999, 6435 volume = 29, 6436 number = 6, 6437 pages = {1124--1142} 6438 } 6439 6440 @Article{ mesinger_arakawa_76, 3854 @Book{ mesinger_arakawa_76, 6441 3855 author = {Mesinger, Fedor and Arakawa, A}, 6442 3856 year = {1976}, 6443 month = {0 7},3857 month = {08}, 6444 3858 title = {Numerical Methods Used In Atmospheric Models}, 6445 volume = { -1},6446 journal = {GARP Public Ser.},3859 volume = {17}, 3860 journal = {GARP Publication Series}, 6447 3861 url = {} 6448 }6449 6450 ###Book{ mesinger_arakawa_76,6451 title = {Numerical methods used in Atmospheric models},6452 publisher = {GARP Publication Series No 17},6453 year = 1976,6454 author = {F. Mesinger and A. Arakawa}6455 }6456 6457 @Article{ montégut_vialard_ea_07,6458 author = {Montégut, Clémentde Boyer and Vialard, Jérôme and6459 Shenoi, S. S. C. and Shankar, D. and Durand, Fabien and6460 Ethé, Christian and Madec, Gurvan},6461 title = {Simulated Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the6462 Mixed Layer Heat Budget in the Northern Indian Ocean*},6463 year = 2007,6464 volume = 20,6465 number = 13,6466 month = {Jul},6467 pages = {3249–3268},6468 issn = {1520-0442},6469 doi = {10.1175/jcli4148.1},6470 url = {},6471 journal = {Journal of Climate},6472 publisher = {American Meteorological Society}6473 3862 } 6474 3863 … … 6480 3869 volume = 93, 6481 3870 number = {C9}, 6482 pages = 10749,3871 pages = {10,749--10,768} 6483 3872 issn = {0148-0227}, 6484 3873 doi = {10.1029/jc093ic09p10749}, … … 6486 3875 journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, 6487 3876 publisher = {American Geophysical Union (AGU)} 6488 }6489 6490 ###Article{ morel_88,6491 author = {A. Morel},6492 title = {Optical modeling of the upper ocean in relation to its6493 biogenous matter content (Case I waters)},6494 journal = jgr,6495 year = 1988,6496 volume = 93,6497 pages = {10,749--10,768}6498 3877 } 6499 3878 … … 6515 3894 } 6516 3895 6517 ###Article{ morel_berthon_89,6518 author = {A. Morel and J.-F. Berthon},6519 title = {Surface pigments, algal biomass profiles, and potential6520 production of the euphotic layer: Relationships6521 reinvestigated in view of remote-sensing applications},6522 journal = {Limnol. Oceanogr.},6523 year = 1989,6524 volume = {34(8)},6525 pages = {1545--1562}6526 }6527 6528 3896 @Article{ morel_maritorena_01, 6529 3897 author = {Morel, André and Maritorena, Stéphane}, … … 6541 3909 } 6542 3910 6543 ###Article{ morel_maritorena_01,6544 author = {A. Morel and S. Maritorena},6545 title = {Bio-optical properties of oceanic waters: a reappraisal},6546 journal = jgr,6547 year = 2001,6548 volume = 106,6549 number = {C4},6550 pages = {7163--7180}6551 }6552 6553 3911 @Article{ moum_caldwell_ea_02, 6554 3912 author = {Moum, J. N. and Caldwell, D. R. and Nash, J. D. and … … 6566 3924 journal = {Journal of Physical Oceanography}, 6567 3925 publisher = {American Meteorological Society} 6568 }6569 6570 ###Article{ moum_caldwell_ea_02,6571 author = {J.N. Moum and D.R. Caldwell and J.D. Nash and G.D.6572 Gunderson},6573 title = {Observations of boundary mixing over the continental6574 slope},6575 journal = jpo,6576 year = 2002,6577 volume = 32,6578 number = 7,6579 pages = {2113--2130}6580 3926 } 6581 3927 … … 6593 3939 journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, 6594 3940 publisher = {Elsevier BV} 6595 }6596 6597 ###Article{ murray_96,6598 author = {R. J. Murray},6599 title = {Explicit Generation of Orthogonal Grids for Ocean Models},6600 journal = jcp,6601 year = 1996,6602 volume = 126,6603 number = 2,6604 pages = {251--273}6605 3941 } 6606 3942 … … 6622 3958 } 6623 3959 6624 ###Article{ oddo_adani_ea_09,6625 author = {P. Oddo and M. Adani and N. Pinardi and C. Fratianni and6626 M. Tonani and D. Pettenuzzo},6627 title = {A nested Atlantic-Mediterranean Sea general circulation6628 model for operational forecasting},6629 journal = os,6630 year = 2009,6631 volume = 5,6632 pages = {1--13}6633 }6634 6635 3960 @Article{ oey_06, 6636 3961 author = {Oey, Lie-Yauw}, … … 6648 3973 } 6649 3974 6650 ###Article{ oey_06,6651 author = {Lie-Yauw Oey},6652 title = {An OGCM with movable land-sea boundaries},6653 journal = {Ocean Modelling},6654 volume = {13},6655 number = {2},6656 pages = {176 - 195},6657 year = {2006},6658 issn = {1463-5003},6659 doi = {},6660 url = {}6661 }6662 6663 3975 @PhDThesis{ olivier_01, 6664 3976 url = {}, 6665 title = {Etude de l'activite biologique et de la circulation6666 oceanique dans un jet geostrophique : le front6667 almeria-oran},6668 author = {OLIVIER, FRANCK},6669 year = {2001},6670 pages = {187 p.},6671 note = {2001PA066186}6672 }6673 6674 ###PhDThesis{ olivier_01,6675 author = {F. 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