Changeset 11176
- Timestamp:
- 2019-06-24T21:55:11+02:00 (6 years ago)
- Location:
- NEMO/trunk/doc
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r11171 r11176 6 6 7 7 %% Authors (thanks will apply to the second author) 8 \def \ 1stauthor{Gurvan Madec~}9 \def \ 2ndauthor{NEMO System Team}8 \def \firstauthor{Gurvan Madec~} 9 \def \secondauthor{NEMO System Team} 10 10 11 11 %% IPSL publication number -
r11172 r11176 1 \documentclass[../main/NEMO_manual]{subfiles}2 3 \begin{document}4 5 1 % ================================================================ 6 % ChapterForeword2 % Foreword 7 3 % ================================================================ 8 4 \chapter*{Foreword} … … 25 21 via the \href{}{OASIS} coupler, with several atmospheric general circulation models. 26 22 It also support two-way grid embedding via the \href{}{AGRIF} software. 27 28 \biblio29 30 \pindex31 32 \end{document} -
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r11174 r11176 1 1 2 %% ============================================================================== 2 %% Reference Manual3 %% Template structure for reference manual 3 4 %% ============================================================================== 4 5 5 6 %% NEMO release version 6 \def \version{4.0rc~}7 \def \version{4.0rc~} 7 8 8 9 %% Preamble … … 12 13 \documentclass[draft]{scrreport} 13 14 14 %% Load manual definitions15 \input{ definitions}15 %% Load the configuration of the manual 16 \input{../main/definitions} 16 17 17 %% Load all *.tex files from './latex/global' directory 18 \input{../../global/packages} 19 \input{../../global/highlighting} 20 \input{../../global/new_cmds} 21 \input{../../global/styles} 22 \input{../../global/todonotes} 18 %% Load global *.tex files 19 \input{../../global/preamble} 23 20 24 %% Include references and index for single subfile compilation 25 \newcommand{\biblio}{\bibliography{../main/bibliography}} 26 \newcommand{\pindex}{\printindex} 21 \dominitoc 27 22 28 \makeindex 23 %% Launch the creation of the indexes 24 \input{../../global/indexes} 25 29 26 30 27 %% End of common preamble between main and sub-files 28 %% Override custom cmds for full manual compilation 29 \newcommand{\onlyinsubfile}[1]{#1} 30 \newcommand{\notinsubfile}[1]{} 31 31 32 \begin{document} 32 \pagenumbering{gobble}33 33 34 %% Override custom cmds for full manual compilation 34 \renewcommand{\onlyinsubfile}[1]{} 35 \renewcommand{\notinsubfile}[1]{#1} 36 35 37 \renewcommand{\biblio}{} 36 38 \renewcommand{\pindex}{} … … 40 42 %% ============================================================================== 41 43 42 %% Title and information pages 43 \input{../../global/frontpages} 44 \pagenumbering{gobble} 44 45 45 %% Engine citation 46 \input{../../global/citation} 46 %% Title page 47 \input{../../global/frontpage} 48 49 \maketitle 50 \emptythanks 51 52 %% Information page (2nd page) 53 \input{../../global/info_page} 47 54 48 55 %% Foreword 49 \newpage50 56 %\frontmatter %% Chapter numbering off and Roman numerals for page numbers 51 57 \pagenumbering{roman} 52 \ subfile{../subfiles/foreword}58 \input{foreword} 53 59 54 %% ToC i.e. Table of Contents 55 \newpage 56 \dominitoc 60 %% Table of Contents 57 61 \tableofcontents 62 %\listoffigures 63 \listoftables 58 64 59 65 \clearpage … … 67 73 \pagenumbering{arabic} 68 74 69 \graphicspath{{../../figures/\engine/}}70 75 \input{chapters} 71 76 … … 93 98 \clearpage 94 99 \phantomsection 95 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index} 96 \printindex 100 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Indexes} 101 \printindex[keys] 102 \printindex[modules] 103 \printindex[blocks] 104 \printindex[parameters] 105 \printindex[subroutines] 97 106 98 107 \end{document} 108 -
r11170 r11176 1 1 2 \title{\heading} 2 \author{\ 1stauthor \and \2ndauthor\thanks{\protect\input{thanks}}}3 \author{\firstauthor \and \secondauthor\thanks{\protect\input{thanks}}} 3 4 \date{\today} 4 5 \graphicspath{{../../figures/}}6 5 7 6 \pretitle{ … … 46 45 \end{center} 47 46 } 47 48 48 \thanksmarkseries{fnsymbol} 49 \maketitle50 \emptythanks51 49 52 \thispagestyle{plain}53 54 % ================================================================55 % Disclaimer56 % ================================================================57 \subsubsection*{Disclaimer}58 59 Like all components of the modelling framework,60 the \engine~core engine is developed under the \href{}{CECILL license},61 which is a French adaptation of the GNU GPL (General Public License).62 Anyone may use it freely for research purposes, and is encouraged to63 communicate back to the NEMO team its own developments and improvements.64 65 The model and the present document have been made available as a service to the community.66 We cannot certify that the code and its manual are free of errors.67 Bugs are inevitable and some have undoubtedly survived the testing phase.68 Users are encouraged to bring them to our attention.69 70 The authors assume no responsibility for problems, errors, or incorrect usage of NEMO.71 72 % ================================================================73 % External resources74 % ================================================================75 \subsubsection*{Other resources}76 77 Additional information can be found on:78 \begin{itemize}79 \item the \href{}{website} of the project detailing several80 associated applications and an exhaustive users bibliography81 \item the \href{}{development platform} of the model with82 the code repository and some main resources (wiki, ticket system, forums, \ldots)83 \item the \href{}{online archive}84 delivering the publications issued by the consortium85 \item two mailing lists:86 the \href{}{newsletter} for87 top-down communications from the project88 (announcements, calls, job opportunities, \ldots)89 and the \href{}{forge updates}90 (commits, tickets and forums)91 \end{itemize}92 93 % ================================================================94 % Citation95 % ================================================================96 \subsubsection*{Citation}97 98 Reference for papers and other publications is as follows:99 \vspace{0.5cm}100 101 \begin{figure}[b]102 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.72\textwidth}103 \small\ttfamily{Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center \\104 ISSN 1288-1619 \\105 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL)106 }107 \end{minipage}108 \hfill109 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.25\textwidth}110 \href{}{\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{logos/IPSL_upright}}111 \end{minipage}112 \end{figure} -
r11174 r11176 1 %% Minted package: syntax highlighting configuration1 %% Syntax highlighting configuration 2 2 %% ============================================================================== 3 4 \usepackage[outputdir=../build]{minted} 3 5 4 6 %% Global highlighting style -
r11175 r11176 1 delim_0 "\\dotfill" 2 delim_1 "\\dotfill" 3 delim_2 "\\dotfill" 1 headings_flag 1 2 heading_prefix "{\\medskip\\hfill\\large\\textsf{\\textbf{" 3 heading_suffix "}}\\hfill}\\medskip\\nopagebreak\n" 4 5 delim_0 "\\dotfill~" 6 delim_1 "\\dotfill~" 7 delim_2 "\\dotfill~" 8 -
r11174 r11176 2 2 %% ============================================================================== 3 3 4 %% Include references and index for compilation of single subfile 5 \newcommand{\mtoc}{\minitoc} 6 \newcommand{\biblio}{\bibliography{../main/bibliography}} 7 \newcommand{\pindex}{\printindex} 8 4 9 %% NEMO and Fortran in small capitals 5 \newcommand{\NEMO}{\textsc{nemo} }6 \newcommand{\fortran}{\textsc{Fortran} }7 \newcommand{\fninety}{\textsc{Fortran 90} }10 \newcommand{\NEMO}{\textsc{nemo}~} 11 \newcommand{\fortran}{\textsc{Fortran}~} 12 \newcommand{\fninety}{\textsc{Fortran 90}~} 8 13 9 14 %% Common aliases … … 13 18 \newcommand{\ztilde}{\ensuremath{\tilde z}} 14 19 \newcommand{\stilde}{\ensuremath{\tilde s}} 15 \newcommand{\ie}{\ensuremath{i.e.} }16 \newcommand{\eg}{\ensuremath{e.g.} }20 \newcommand{\ie}{\ensuremath{i.e.}~} 21 \newcommand{\eg}{\ensuremath{e.g.}~} 17 22 18 23 %% Inline maths … … 22 27 %% Text env. for Gurvan 23 28 \newcommand{\gmcomment}[1]{} 24 25 %% Index entries (italic font for files, preformat for code)26 \newcommand{\hf}[1]{\textit{#1.h90} \index{h90 files!#1}}27 \newcommand{\ifile}[1]{\textit{} \index{Input NetCDF files!}}28 \newcommand{\jp}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Model parameters!#1}}29 \newcommand{\key}[1]{\texttt{\textbf{key\_#1}} \index{CPP keys!key\_#1}}30 \newcommand{\mdl}[1]{\textit{#1.F90} \index{Modules!#1}}31 \newcommand{\ngn}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Namelist Group Names!#1}}32 \newcommand{\np}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Namelist parameters!#1}}33 \newcommand{\rou}[1]{\texttt{#1} \index{Routines!#1}}34 29 35 30 %% Maths -
r11174 r11176 7 7 \usepackage{times} %% font 8 8 \usepackage{hyperref} %% hyper 9 %\usepackage{idxlayout} %% index10 9 \usepackage{enumitem} %% list 11 \usepackage[outputdir=../build]{minted} %% listing12 10 \usepackage{amsmath} %% maths 13 11 %\usepackage{fancyhdr} %% page … … 18 16 19 17 %% Extensions in bundle package 20 \usepackage{amssymb, graphicx, makeidx,tabularx, textcomp}18 \usepackage{amssymb, graphicx, tabularx, textcomp} 21 19 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %% input encoding 22 20 23 21 %% Configuration 24 \ captionsetup{margin=10pt, font={small}, labelsep=colon, labelfont={bf}}25 %\ idxlayout{font=footnotesize, columns=3}26 %\renewcommand{\bibfont}{\footnotesize}22 \graphicspath{ {../../figures/} {../../figures/\engine/} } 23 %\captionsetup{margin=10pt, font={small}, labelsep=colon, labelfont={bf}} 24 \renewcommand{\bibfont}{\small} 27 25 %\renewcommand{\bibsep}{3pt} 26 -
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r11120 r11176 4 4 ##--------------- 5 5 6 ## latekmk options 7 opts='-shell-escape -pdf -quiet' 6 ## Env. variable for using relative paths with latexmk 8 7 export openout_any='a' 9 8 … … 45 44 build $model 46 45 printf "\t¤ End of building run\n" 47 printf "\t The export should be available at root\n"48 printf "\t If not check LaTeX log in ./latex/$model/build/${model}_manual.log\n"49 46 echo 50 47 done 51 48 52 49 exit 0 50 -
r11120 r11176 15 15 build() { 16 16 printf "\t¤ Generation of the PDF format\n" 17 latexmk $opts -outdir=../build -cd ./latex/$1/main/$1_manual 1> /dev/null 17 latexmk -r ./latex/$1/main/latexmkrc \ 18 -cd ./latex/$1/main/$1_manual \ 19 -outdir=../build \ 20 1> /dev/null 18 21 [ -f ./latex/$1/build/$1_manual.pdf ] && mv ./latex/$1/build/$1_manual.pdf . 19 # cd - > /dev/null20 22 echo 21 23 } 24
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