Changeset 11598
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r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{A brief guide to the DOMAINcfg tool} 5 6 \label{apdx:DOMCFG} 6 7 8 % {\em 4.0} & {\em Andrew Coward} & {\em Created at v4.0 from materials removed from chap\_DOM that are still relevant to the \forcode{DOMAINcfg} tool and which illustrate and explain the choices to be made by the user when setting up new domains } \\ 9 10 \thispagestyle{plain} 11 7 12 \chaptertoc 8 \vfill 9 \begin{figure}[b] 10 %% ================================================================================================= 11 \subsubsection*{Changes record} 12 \begin{tabular}{m{0.08\linewidth}||m{0.32\linewidth}|m{0.6\linewidth}} 13 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 14 \hline 15 {\em 4.0} & {\em Andrew Coward} & {\em Created at v4.0 from materials removed from chap\_DOM that are still relevant to the \forcode{DOMAINcfg} tool and which illustrate and explain the choices to be made by the user when setting up new domains } \\ 16 \end{tabular} 17 \end{figure} 13 14 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 15 16 {\footnotesize 17 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 18 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 19 \hline 20 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 22 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 23 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 24 \end{tabularx} 25 } 26 27 \clearpage 18 28 19 29 This appendix briefly describes some of the options available in the … … 34 44 \section{Choice of horizontal grid} 35 45 \label{sec:DOMCFG_hor} 36 37 46 38 47 \begin{listing} … … 298 307 \np{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy} (found in \nam{dom}{dom} namelist (\texttt{DOMAINCFG} variant) ): 299 308 \begin{description} 300 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: 301 a flat-bottom domain is defined. 309 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: a flat-bottom domain is defined. 302 310 The total depth $z_w (jpk)$ is given by the coordinate transformation. 303 311 The domain can either be a closed basin or a periodic channel depending on the parameter \np{jperio}{jperio}. 304 \item [{\np[=-1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: 305 a domain with a bump of topography one third of the domain width at the central latitude. 312 \item [{\np[=-1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: a domain with a bump of topography one third of the domain width at the central latitude. 306 313 This is meant for the "EEL-R5" configuration, a periodic or open boundary channel with a seamount. 307 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: 308 read a bathymetry and ice shelf draft (if needed). 314 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_bathy}{nn\_bathy}}]: read a bathymetry and ice shelf draft (if needed). 309 315 The \ifile{bathy\_meter} file (Netcdf format) provides the ocean depth (positive, in meters) at 310 316 each grid point of the model grid. … … 326 332 After reading the bathymetry, the algorithm for vertical grid definition differs between the different options: 327 333 \begin{description} 328 \item [\forcode{ln_zco = .true.}] 329 set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and set $z(i,j,k,t) = z_0(k)$ where $z_0(k)$ is the closest match to the depth at $(i,j)$. 330 \item [\forcode{ln_zps = .true.}] 331 set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and calculate the thickness of the deepest level at 334 \item [\forcode{ln_zco = .true.}] set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and set $z(i,j,k,t) = z_0(k)$ where $z_0(k)$ is the closest match to the depth at $(i,j)$. 335 \item [\forcode{ln_zps = .true.}] set a reference coordinate transformation $z_0(k)$, and calculate the thickness of the deepest level at 332 336 each $(i,j)$ point using the bathymetry, to obtain the final three-dimensional depth and scale factor arrays. 333 \item [\forcode{ln_sco = .true.}] 334 smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 337 \item [\forcode{ln_sco = .true.}] smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 335 338 set the three-dimensional transformation. 336 \item [\forcode{s-z and s-zps}] 337 smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 339 \item [\forcode{s-z and s-zps}] smooth the bathymetry to fulfill the hydrostatic consistency criteria and 338 340 set the three-dimensional transformation $z(i,j,k)$, 339 341 and possibly introduce masking of extra land points to better fit the original bathymetry file. -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Note on some algorithms} 5 6 \label{apdx:ALGOS} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 This appendix some on going consideration on algorithms used or planned to be used in \NEMO. … … 356 374 This expression of the iso-neutral diffusion has been chosen in order to satisfy the following six properties: 357 375 \begin{description} 358 \item [$\bullet$ horizontal diffusion] 359 The discretization of the diffusion operator recovers the traditional five-point Laplacian in 360 the limit of flat iso-neutral direction: 376 \item [Horizontal diffusion] The discretization of the diffusion operator recovers the traditional five-point Laplacian in the limit of flat iso-neutral direction: 361 377 \[ 362 378 % \label{eq:ALGOS_Gf_property1a} … … 366 382 { _i^k \mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} }=0 367 383 \] 368 369 \item [$\bullet$ implicit treatment in the vertical] 370 In the diagonal term associated with the vertical divergence of the iso-neutral fluxes 384 \item [Implicit treatment in the vertical] In the diagonal term associated with the vertical divergence of the iso-neutral fluxes 371 385 \ie\ the term associated with a second order vertical derivative) 372 386 appears only tracer values associated with a single water column. … … 380 394 \] 381 395 can be quite large. 382 383 \item [$\bullet$ pure iso-neutral operator] 384 The iso-neutral flux of locally referenced potential density is zero, \ie 396 \item [Pure iso-neutral operator] The iso-neutral flux of locally referenced potential density is zero, \ie 385 397 \begin{align*} 386 398 % \label{eq:ALGOS_Gf_property2} … … 396 408 This result is trivially obtained using the \autoref{eq:ALGOS_Gf_triads} applied to $T$ and $S$ and 397 409 the definition of the triads' slopes \autoref{eq:ALGOS_Gf_slopes}. 398 399 \item [$\bullet$ conservation of tracer] 400 The iso-neutral diffusion term conserve the total tracer content, \ie 410 \item [Conservation of tracer] The iso-neutral diffusion term conserve the total tracer content, \ie 401 411 \[ 402 412 % \label{eq:ALGOS_Gf_property1} … … 404 414 \] 405 415 This property is trivially satisfied since the iso-neutral diffusive operator is written in flux form. 406 407 \item [$\bullet$ decrease of tracer variance] 408 The iso-neutral diffusion term does not increase the total tracer variance, \ie 416 \item [Decrease of tracer variance] The iso-neutral diffusion term does not increase the total tracer variance, \ie 409 417 \[ 410 418 % \label{eq:ALGOS_Gf_property1} … … 417 425 It therfore ensures that, when the diffusivity coefficient is large enough, 418 426 the field on which it is applied become free of grid-point noise. 419 420 \item [$\bullet$ self-adjoint operator] 421 The iso-neutral diffusion operator is self-adjoint, \ie 427 \item [Self-adjoint operator] The iso-neutral diffusion operator is self-adjoint, \ie 422 428 \[ 423 429 % \label{eq:ALGOS_Gf_property1} … … 583 589 \ie\ it does not include a diffusive component but is a "pure" advection term. 584 590 585 $\ $\newpage %force an empty line586 591 %% ================================================================================================= 587 592 \subsection{Discrete invariants of the iso-neutral diffrusion} -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Diffusive Operators} 5 6 \label{apdx:DIFFOPERS} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 %% ================================================================================================= -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Discrete Invariants of the Equations} 5 6 \label{apdx:INVARIANTS} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 %%% Appendix put in gmcomment as it has not been updated for \zstar and s coordinate -
r11597 r11598 6 6 \label{apdx:SCOORD} 7 7 8 % {\em 4.0} & {\em Mike Bell} & {\em review} \\ 9 % {\em 3.x} & {\em Gurvan Madec} & {\em original} \\ 10 11 \thispagestyle{plain} 12 8 13 \chaptertoc 9 14 10 \vfill 11 \begin{figure}[b] 12 %% ================================================================================================= 13 \subsubsection*{Changes record} 14 \begin{tabular}{l||l|m{0.65\linewidth}} 15 Release & Author & Modifications \\ 16 {\em 4.0} & {\em Mike Bell} & {\em review} \\ 17 {\em 3.x} & {\em Gurvan Madec} & {\em original} \\ 18 \end{tabular} 19 \end{figure} 20 21 %% ================================================================================================= 15 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 16 17 {\footnotesize 18 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 19 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 20 \hline 21 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 22 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 23 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 24 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 25 \end{tabularx} 26 } 27 28 \clearpage 29 22 30 \section{Chain rule for $s-$coordinates} 23 31 \label{sec:SCOORD_chain} -
r11597 r11598 12 12 13 13 \begin{document} 14 14 15 \chapter{Iso-Neutral Diffusion and Eddy Advection using Triads} 15 16 \label{apdx:TRIADS} 16 17 18 \thispagestyle{plain} 19 17 20 \chaptertoc 18 21 22 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 23 24 {\footnotesize 25 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 26 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 27 \hline 28 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 29 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 30 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 31 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 32 \end{tabularx} 33 } 34 35 \clearpage 36 19 37 %% ================================================================================================= 20 38 \section[Choice of \forcode{namtra\_ldf} namelist parameters]{Choice of \protect\nam{tra_ldf}{tra\_ldf} namelist parameters} 21 22 39 23 40 Two scheme are available to perform the iso-neutral diffusion. … … 36 53 The options specific to the Griffies scheme include: 37 54 \begin{description} 38 \item [{\np{ln_triad_iso}{ln\_triad\_iso}}] 39 See \autoref{sec:TRIADS_taper}. 55 \item [{\np{ln_triad_iso}{ln\_triad\_iso}}] See \autoref{sec:TRIADS_taper}. 40 56 If this is set false (the default), 41 57 then `iso-neutral' mixing is accomplished within the surface mixed-layer along slopes linearly decreasing with … … 47 63 giving an almost pure horizontal diffusive tracer flux within the mixed layer. 48 64 This is similar to the tapering suggested by \citet{gerdes.koberle.ea_CD91}. See \autoref{subsec:TRIADS_Gerdes-taper} 49 \item [{\np{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad}}] 50 See \autoref{sec:TRIADS_iso_bdry}. 65 \item [{\np{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad}}] See \autoref{sec:TRIADS_iso_bdry}. 51 66 If this is set false (the default) then the lateral diffusive fluxes 52 67 associated with triads partly masked by topography are neglected. 53 68 If it is set true, however, then these lateral diffusive fluxes are applied, 54 69 giving smoother bottom tracer fields at the cost of introducing diapycnal mixing. 55 \item [{\np{rn_sw_triad}{rn\_sw\_triad}}] 56 blah blah to be added.... 70 \item [{\np{rn_sw_triad}{rn\_sw\_triad}}] blah blah to be added.... 57 71 \end{description} 58 72 The options shared with the Standard scheme include: 59 73 \begin{description} 60 \item [{\np{ln_traldf_msc}{ln\_traldf\_msc}}] 61 \item [{\np{rn_slpmax}{rn\_slpmax}}] blah blah to be added74 \item [{\np{ln_traldf_msc}{ln\_traldf\_msc}}] blah blah to be added 75 \item [{\np{rn_slpmax}{rn\_slpmax}}] blah blah to be added 62 76 \end{description} 63 77 … … 196 210 % Instead of multiplying the mean slope calculated at the $u$-point by 197 211 % the mean vertical gradient at the $u$-point, 198 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>199 212 \begin{figure}[tb] 200 213 \centering … … 207 220 \label{fig:TRIADS_ISO_triad} 208 221 \end{figure} 209 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>210 222 They get the skew flux from the products of the vertical gradients at each $w$-point surrounding the $u$-point with 211 223 the corresponding `triad' slope calculated from the lateral density gradient across the $u$-point divided by … … 258 270 while the metrics are calculated at the $u$- and $w$-points on the arms. 259 271 260 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>261 272 \begin{figure}[tb] 262 273 \centering … … 269 280 \label{fig:TRIADS_qcells} 270 281 \end{figure} 271 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>272 282 273 283 Each triad $\{_i^{k}\:_{i_p}^{k_p}\}$ is associated (\autoref{fig:TRIADS_qcells}) with the quarter cell that is … … 549 559 where $b_T= e_{1T}\,e_{2T}\,e_{3T}$ is the volume of $T$-cells. 550 560 The diffusion scheme satisfies the following six properties: 561 551 562 \begin{description} 552 \item [$\bullet$ horizontal diffusion] 553 The discretization of the diffusion operator recovers the traditional five-point Laplacian 563 \item [Horizontal diffusion] The discretization of the diffusion operator recovers the traditional five-point Laplacian 554 564 \autoref{eq:TRIADS_lat-normal} in the limit of flat iso-neutral direction: 555 565 \[ … … 560 570 \text{when} \quad { _i^k \mathbb{R}_{i_p}^{k_p} }=0 561 571 \] 562 563 \item [$\bullet$ implicit treatment in the vertical] 564 Only tracer values associated with a single water column appear in the expression \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i33} for 572 \item [Implicit treatment in the vertical] Only tracer values associated with a single water column appear in the expression \autoref{eq:TRIADS_i33} for 565 573 the $_{33}$ fluxes, vertical fluxes driven by vertical gradients. 566 574 This is of paramount importance since it means that a time-implicit algorithm can be used to … … 576 584 \] 577 585 (where $b_w= e_{1w}\,e_{2w}\,e_{3w}$ is the volume of $w$-cells) can be quite large. 578 579 \item [$\bullet$ pure iso-neutral operator] 580 The iso-neutral flux of locally referenced potential density is zero. 586 \item [Pure iso-neutral operator] The iso-neutral flux of locally referenced potential density is zero. 581 587 See \autoref{eq:TRIADS_latflux-rho} and \autoref{eq:TRIADS_vertflux-triad2}. 582 583 \item [$\bullet$ conservation of tracer] 584 The iso-neutral diffusion conserves tracer content, \ie 588 \item [Conservation of tracer] The iso-neutral diffusion conserves tracer content, \ie 585 589 \[ 586 590 % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_property1} … … 588 592 \] 589 593 This property is trivially satisfied since the iso-neutral diffusive operator is written in flux form. 590 591 \item [$\bullet$ no increase of tracer variance] 592 The iso-neutral diffusion does not increase the tracer variance, \ie 594 \item [No increase of tracer variance] The iso-neutral diffusion does not increase the tracer variance, \ie 593 595 \[ 594 596 % \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_property2} … … 601 603 It therefore ensures that, when the diffusivity coefficient is large enough, 602 604 the field on which it is applied becomes free of grid-point noise. 603 604 \item [$\bullet$ self-adjoint operator] 605 The iso-neutral diffusion operator is self-adjoint, \ie 605 \item [Self-adjoint operator] The iso-neutral diffusion operator is self-adjoint, \ie 606 606 \begin{equation} 607 607 \label{eq:TRIADS_iso_property3} … … 655 655 (\np[=.true.]{ln_trabbl}{ln\_trabbl}, with \np[=1]{nn_bbl_ldf}{nn\_bbl\_ldf}), or for simple idealized problems. 656 656 For setups with topography without bbl mixing, \np[=.true.]{ln_botmix_triad}{ln\_botmix\_triad} may be necessary. 657 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>658 657 \begin{figure}[h] 659 658 \centering … … 679 678 \label{fig:TRIADS_bdry_triads} 680 679 \end{figure} 681 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>682 680 683 681 %% ================================================================================================= … … 808 806 \end{enumerate} 809 807 810 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>811 808 \begin{figure}[h] 812 809 \centering … … 831 828 \label{fig:TRIADS_MLB_triad} 832 829 \end{figure} 833 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>834 830 835 831 %% ================================================================================================= -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Apply Assimilation Increments (ASM)} 5 6 \label{chap:ASM} 6 7 8 % {\em 4.0} & {\em D. J. Lea} & {\em \NEMO\ 4.0 updates} \\ 9 % {\em 3.4} & {\em D. J. Lea, M. Martin, K. Mogensen, A. Weaver} & {\em Initial version} \\ 10 11 \thispagestyle{plain} 12 7 13 \chaptertoc 8 14 9 \vfill 10 \begin{figure}[b] 11 %% ================================================================================================= 12 \subsubsection*{Changes record} 13 \begin{tabular}{l||l|m{0.65\linewidth}} 14 Release & Author & Modifications \\ 15 {\em 4.0} & {\em D. J. Lea} & {\em \NEMO\ 4.0 updates} \\ 16 {\em 3.4} & {\em D. J. Lea, M. Martin, K. Mogensen, A. Weaver} & {\em Initial version} \\ 17 \end{tabular} 18 \end{figure} 15 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 16 17 {\footnotesize 18 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 19 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 20 \hline 21 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 22 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 23 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 24 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 25 \end{tabularx} 26 } 27 28 \clearpage 19 29 20 30 The ASM code adds the functionality to apply increments to the model variables: temperature, salinity, … … 25 35 There is a brief description of all the namelist options provided. 26 36 To build the ASM code \key{asminc} must be set. 27 28 %===============================================================29 37 30 38 %% ================================================================================================= -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Output and Diagnostics (IOM, DIA, TRD, FLO)} 5 6 \label{chap:DIA} 6 7 8 % {\em 4.0} & {\em Mirek Andrejczuk, Massimiliano Drudi} & {\em } \\ 9 % {\em } & {\em Dorotea Iovino, Nicolas Martin} & {\em } \\ 10 % {\em 3.6} & {\em Gurvan Madec, Sebastien Masson } & {\em } \\ 11 % {\em 3.4} & {\em Gurvan Madec, Rachid Benshila, Andrew Coward } & {\em } \\ 12 % {\em } & {\em Christian Ethe, Sebastien Masson } & {\em } \\ 13 14 \thispagestyle{plain} 15 7 16 \chaptertoc 8 17 9 \vfill 10 \begin{figure}[b] 11 %% ================================================================================================= 12 \subsubsection*{Changes record} 13 \begin{tabular}{l||l|m{0.65\linewidth}} 14 Release & Author & Modifications \\ 15 {\em 4.0} & {\em Mirek Andrejczuk, Massimiliano Drudi} & {\em } \\ 16 {\em } & {\em Dorotea Iovino, Nicolas Martin} & {\em } \\ 17 {\em 3.6} & {\em Gurvan Madec, Sebastien Masson } & {\em } \\ 18 {\em 3.4} & {\em Gurvan Madec, Rachid Benshila, Andrew Coward } & {\em } \\ 19 {\em } & {\em Christian Ethe, Sebastien Masson } & {\em } \\ 20 \end{tabular} 21 \end{figure} 18 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 19 20 {\footnotesize 21 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 22 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 23 \hline 24 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 25 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 26 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 27 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 28 \end{tabularx} 29 } 30 31 \clearpage 22 32 23 33 %% ================================================================================================= … … 134 144 135 145 If an additional variable must be written to a restart file, the following steps are needed: 136 \begin{ description}137 \item [step 1:] add variable name to a list of restart variables (in subroutine \rou{iom\_set\_rst\_vars,} \mdl{iom}) and146 \begin{enumerate} 147 \item Add variable name to a list of restart variables (in subroutine \rou{iom\_set\_rst\_vars,} \mdl{iom}) and 138 148 define correct grid for the variable (\forcode{grid_N_3D} - 3D variable, \forcode{grid_N} - 2D variable, \forcode{grid_vector} - 139 149 1D variable, \forcode{grid_scalar} - scalar), 140 \item [step 2:] add variable to the list of fields written by restart. This can be done either in subroutine150 \item Add variable to the list of fields written by restart. This can be done either in subroutine 141 151 \rou{iom\_set\_rstw\_core} (\mdl{iom}) or by calling \rou{iom\_set\_rstw\_active} (\mdl{iom}) with the name of a variable 142 152 as an argument. This convention follows approach for writing restart using iom, where variables are 143 153 written either by \rou{rst\_write} or by calling \rou{iom\_rstput} from individual routines. 144 \end{ description}154 \end{enumerate} 145 155 146 156 An older versions of XIOS do not support reading functionality. It's recommended to use at least XIOS2@1451. … … 266 276 267 277 \begin{enumerate} 268 \item [1.] 269 in \NEMO\ code, add a \forcode{CALL iom_put( 'identifier', array )} where you want to output a 2D or 3D array. 270 \item [2.] 271 If necessary, add \forcode{USE iom ! I/O manager library} to the list of used modules in 278 \item in \NEMO\ code, add a \forcode{CALL iom_put( 'identifier', array )} where you want to output a 2D or 3D array. 279 \item If necessary, add \forcode{USE iom ! I/O manager library} to the list of used modules in 272 280 the upper part of your module. 273 \item [3.] 274 in the field\_def.xml file, add the definition of your variable using the same identifier you used in the f90 code 281 \item in the field\_def.xml file, add the definition of your variable using the same identifier you used in the f90 code 275 282 (see subsequent sections for a details of the XML syntax and rules). 276 283 For example: 277 278 284 \begin{xmllines} 279 285 <field_definition> … … 284 290 </field_definition> 285 291 \end{xmllines} 286 287 292 Note your definition must be added to the field\_group whose reference grid is consistent with the size of 288 293 the array passed to iomput. … … 291 296 (iom\_set\_domain\_attr and iom\_set\_axis\_attr in \mdl{iom}) or defined in the domain\_def.xml file. 292 297 \eg: 293 294 298 \begin{xmllines} 295 299 <grid id="grid_T_3D" domain_ref="grid_T" axis_ref="deptht"/> 296 300 \end{xmllines} 297 298 301 Note, if your array is computed within the surface module each \np{nn_fsbc}{nn\_fsbc} time\_step, 299 302 add the field definition within the field\_group defined with the id "SBC": 300 303 \xmlcode{<field_group id="SBC" ...>} which has been defined with the correct frequency of operations 301 304 (iom\_set\_field\_attr in \mdl{iom}) 302 \item [4.] 303 add your field in one of the output files defined in iodef.xml 305 \item add your field in one of the output files defined in iodef.xml 304 306 (again see subsequent sections for syntax and rules) 305 306 307 \begin{xmllines} 307 308 <file id="file1" .../> … … 311 312 </file> 312 313 \end{xmllines} 313 314 314 \end{enumerate} 315 315 … … 1342 1342 \NEMO\ executables linked with NetCDF4 libraries can be made to produce NetCDF3 files by 1343 1343 setting the \np{ln_nc4zip}{ln\_nc4zip} logical to false in the \nam{nc4}{nc4} namelist: 1344 1345 1344 1346 1345 \begin{listing} … … 1442 1441 \label{sec:DIA_trd} 1443 1442 1444 1445 1443 \begin{listing} 1446 1444 \nlst{namtrd} … … 1458 1456 1459 1457 \begin{description} 1460 \item [{\np{ln_glo_trd}{ln\_glo\_trd}}]: 1461 at each \np{nn_trd}{nn\_trd} time-step a check of the basin averaged properties of 1458 \item [{\np{ln_glo_trd}{ln\_glo\_trd}}]: at each \np{nn_trd}{nn\_trd} time-step a check of the basin averaged properties of 1462 1459 the momentum and tracer equations is performed. 1463 1460 This also includes a check of $T^2$, $S^2$, $\tfrac{1}{2} (u^2+v2)$, 1464 1461 and potential energy time evolution equations properties; 1465 \item [{\np{ln_dyn_trd}{ln\_dyn\_trd}}]: 1466 each 3D trend of the evolution of the two momentum components is output; 1467 \item [{\np{ln_dyn_mxl}{ln\_dyn\_mxl}}]: 1468 each 3D trend of the evolution of the two momentum components averaged over the mixed layer is output; 1469 \item [{\np{ln_vor_trd}{ln\_vor\_trd}}]: 1470 a vertical summation of the moment tendencies is performed, 1462 \item [{\np{ln_dyn_trd}{ln\_dyn\_trd}}]: each 3D trend of the evolution of the two momentum components is output; 1463 \item [{\np{ln_dyn_mxl}{ln\_dyn\_mxl}}]: each 3D trend of the evolution of the two momentum components averaged over the mixed layer is output; 1464 \item [{\np{ln_vor_trd}{ln\_vor\_trd}}]: a vertical summation of the moment tendencies is performed, 1471 1465 then the curl is computed to obtain the barotropic vorticity tendencies which are output; 1472 \item [{\np{ln_KE_trd}{ln\_KE\_trd}}] : 1473 each 3D trend of the Kinetic Energy equation is output; 1474 \item [{\np{ln_tra_trd}{ln\_tra\_trd}}]: 1475 each 3D trend of the evolution of temperature and salinity is output; 1476 \item [{\np{ln_tra_mxl}{ln\_tra\_mxl}}]: 1477 each 2D trend of the evolution of temperature and salinity averaged over the mixed layer is output; 1466 \item [{\np{ln_KE_trd}{ln\_KE\_trd}}] : each 3D trend of the Kinetic Energy equation is output; 1467 \item [{\np{ln_tra_trd}{ln\_tra\_trd}}]: each 3D trend of the evolution of temperature and salinity is output; 1468 \item [{\np{ln_tra_mxl}{ln\_tra\_mxl}}]: each 2D trend of the evolution of temperature and salinity averaged over the mixed layer is output; 1478 1469 \end{description} 1479 1470 … … 1638 1629 \section[Transports across sections (\texttt{\textbf{key\_diadct}})]{Transports across sections (\protect\key{diadct})} 1639 1630 \label{sec:DIA_diag_dct} 1640 1641 1631 1642 1632 \begin{listing} … … 1993 1983 \end{figure} 1994 1984 1995 % -----------------------------------------------------------1996 % CMIP specific diagnostics1997 % -----------------------------------------------------------1998 1985 %% ================================================================================================= 1999 1986 \subsection[CMIP specific diagnostics (\textit{diaar5.F90}, \textit{diaptr.F90})]{CMIP specific diagnostics (\protect\mdl{diaar5})} … … 2015 2002 the Indo-Pacific mask been deduced from the sum of the Indian and Pacific mask (\autoref{fig:DIA_mask_subasins}). 2016 2003 2017 2018 2004 \begin{listing} 2019 2005 \nlst{namptr} … … 2022 2008 \end{listing} 2023 2009 2024 % -----------------------------------------------------------2025 % 25 hour mean and hourly Surface, Mid and Bed2026 % -----------------------------------------------------------2027 2010 %% ================================================================================================= 2028 2011 \subsection{25 hour mean output for tidal models} 2029 2030 2012 2031 2013 \begin{listing} … … 2040 2022 This diagnostic is actived with the logical $ln\_dia25h$. 2041 2023 2042 % -----------------------------------------------------------2043 % Top Middle and Bed hourly output2044 % -----------------------------------------------------------2045 2024 %% ================================================================================================= 2046 2025 \subsection{Top middle and bed hourly output} 2047 2048 2026 2049 2027 \begin{listing} … … 2059 2037 This diagnostic is actived with the logical $ln\_diatmb$. 2060 2038 2061 % -----------------------------------------------------------2062 % Courant numbers2063 % -----------------------------------------------------------2064 2039 %% ================================================================================================= 2065 2040 \subsection{Courant numbers} -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Diurnal SST Models (DIU)} 5 6 \label{chap:DIU} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 8 11 9 $\ $\newline % force a new line 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 10 26 11 27 Code to produce an estimate of the diurnal warming and cooling of the sea surface skin … … 37 53 This namelist contains only two variables: 38 54 \begin{description} 39 \item [{\np{ln_diurnal}{ln\_diurnal}}] 40 A logical switch for turning on/off both the cool skin and warm layer. 41 \item [{\np{ln_diurnal_only}{ln\_diurnal\_only}}] 42 A logical switch which if \forcode{.true.} will run the diurnal model without the other dynamical parts of \NEMO. 55 \item [{\np{ln_diurnal}{ln\_diurnal}}] A logical switch for turning on/off both the cool skin and warm layer. 56 \item [{\np{ln_diurnal_only}{ln\_diurnal\_only}}] A logical switch which if \forcode{.true.} will run the diurnal model without the other dynamical parts of \NEMO. 43 57 \np{ln_diurnal_only}{ln\_diurnal\_only} must be \forcode{.false.} if \np{ln_diurnal}{ln\_diurnal} is \forcode{.false.}. 44 58 \end{description} -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Space Domain (DOM)} 5 6 \label{chap:DOM} 6 7 \chaptertoc8 7 9 8 % Missing things: … … 15 14 % - domclo: closed sea and lakes.... management of closea sea area : specific to global configuration, both forced and coupled 16 15 17 \vfill 18 19 \begin{table}[b] 20 \footnotesize 21 \caption*{Changes record} 16 % {\em 4.0} & {\em Simon M\"{u}ller \& Andrew Coward} & 17 % {\em 18 % Compatibility changes Major simplification has moved many of the options to external domain configuration tools. 19 % (see \autoref{apdx:DOMCFG}) 20 % } \\ 21 % {\em 3.x} & {\em Rachid Benshila, Gurvan Madec \& S\'{e}bastien Masson} & 22 % {\em First version} \\ 23 24 \thispagestyle{plain} 25 26 \chaptertoc 27 28 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 29 30 {\footnotesize 22 31 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 23 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 24 \hline 25 {\em 4.0} & {\em Simon M\"{u}ller \& Andrew Coward} & 26 {\em 27 Compatibility changes Major simplification has moved many of the options to external domain configuration tools. 28 (see \autoref{apdx:DOMCFG}) 29 } \\ 30 {\em 3.x} & {\em Rachid Benshila, Gurvan Madec \& S\'{e}bastien Masson} & 31 {\em First version} \\ 32 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 33 \hline 34 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 35 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 36 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 37 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 32 38 \end{tabularx} 33 \end{table} 39 } 40 41 \clearpage 34 42 35 43 Having defined the continuous equations in \autoref{chap:MB} and chosen a time discretisation \autoref{chap:TD}, … … 259 267 Furthermore, the direction of the vertical indexing has been reversed and the surface level set at $k = 1$. 260 268 261 % -----------------------------------262 % Horizontal Indexing263 % -----------------------------------264 269 %% ================================================================================================= 265 270 \subsubsection{Horizontal indexing} … … 272 277 A $t$-point and its nearest north-east $f$-point have the same $i$-and $j$-indices. 273 278 274 % -----------------------------------275 % Vertical indexing276 % -----------------------------------277 279 %% ================================================================================================= 278 280 \subsubsection{Vertical indexing} … … 342 344 and the vertical grid (\autoref{subsec:DOM_zgr}). 343 345 344 % -----------------------------------345 % Domain Size346 % -----------------------------------347 346 %% ================================================================================================= 348 347 \subsection{Domain size} … … 639 638 640 639 \begin{description} 641 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_tsd_init}{ln\_tsd\_init}}] 642 Use T and S input files that can be given on the model grid itself or on their native input data grids. 640 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_tsd_init}{ln\_tsd\_init}}] Use T and S input files that can be given on the model grid itself or on their native input data grids. 643 641 In the latter case, the data will be interpolated on-the-fly both in the horizontal and the vertical to the model grid 644 642 (see \autoref{subsec:SBC_iof}). 645 643 The information relating to the input files are specified in the \np{sn_tem}{sn\_tem} and \np{sn_sal}{sn\_sal} structures. 646 644 The computation is done in the \mdl{dtatsd} module. 647 \item [{\np[=.false.]{ln_tsd_init}{ln\_tsd\_init}}] 648 Initial values for T and S are set via a user supplied \rou{usr\_def\_istate} routine contained in \mdl{userdef\_istate}. 645 \item [{\np[=.false.]{ln_tsd_init}{ln\_tsd\_init}}] Initial values for T and S are set via a user supplied \rou{usr\_def\_istate} routine contained in \mdl{userdef\_istate}. 649 646 The default version sets horizontally uniform T and profiles as used in the GYRE configuration 650 647 (see \autoref{sec:CFGS_gyre}). -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Ocean Dynamics (DYN)} 5 6 \label{chap:DYN} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 Using the representation described in \autoref{chap:DOM}, … … 149 167 (see \autoref{subsec:DOM_Num_Index_vertical}). 150 168 151 152 169 %% ================================================================================================= 153 170 \section{Coriolis and advection: vector invariant form} … … 301 318 \label{fig:DYN_een_triad} 302 319 \end{figure} 303 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>304 320 305 321 A key point in \autoref{eq:DYN_een_e3f} is how the averaging in the \textbf{i}- and \textbf{j}- directions is made. … … 387 403 a similar split-explicit time stepping should be used on vertical advection of tracer to ensure a better stability, 388 404 an option which is only available with a TVD scheme (see \np{ln_traadv_tvd_zts}{ln\_traadv\_tvd\_zts} in \autoref{subsec:TRA_adv_tvd}). 389 390 405 391 406 %% ================================================================================================= … … 834 849 (see their figure 12, lower left). 835 850 836 %> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >837 851 \begin{figure}[!t] 838 852 \centering … … 859 873 \label{fig:DYN_spg_ts} 860 874 \end{figure} 861 %> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >862 875 863 876 In the default case (\np[=.true.]{ln_bt_fw}{ln\_bt\_fw}), … … 909 922 it is still significant as shown by \citet{levier.treguier.ea_rpt07} in the case of an analytical barotropic Kelvin wave. 910 923 911 %>>>>>===============912 924 \gmcomment{ %%% copy from griffies Book 913 925 … … 1028 1040 1029 1041 } %%end gm comment (copy of griffies book) 1030 1031 %>>>>>===============1032 1042 1033 1043 %% ================================================================================================= … … 1251 1261 the snow-ice mass is taken into account when computing the surface pressure gradient. 1252 1262 1253 1254 1263 \gmcomment{ missing : the lateral boundary condition !!! another external forcing 1255 1264 } … … 1307 1316 The final sub-section covers some additional considerations that are relevant to both schemes. 1308 1317 1309 1310 1318 % Iterative limiters 1311 1319 %% ================================================================================================= … … 1336 1344 to be its depth times its velocity. This depth is considered to be zero at ``dry'' $u$-points consistent with its 1337 1345 treatment in the calculation of the flux of mass across the cell face. 1338 1339 1346 1340 1347 \cite{warner.defne.ea_CG13} state that in their scheme the velocity masks at the cell faces for the baroclinic … … 1462 1469 directional limiter does. 1463 1470 1464 1465 1471 % Surface pressure gradients 1466 1472 %% ================================================================================================= … … 1481 1487 column. The three possible combinations are illustrated in \autoref{fig:DYN_WAD_dynhpg}. 1482 1488 1483 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1484 1489 \begin{figure}[!ht] 1485 1490 \centering … … 1491 1496 \label{fig:DYN_WAD_dynhpg} 1492 1497 \end{figure} 1493 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1494 1498 1495 1499 The first logical, $\mathrm{ll\_tmp1}$, is set to true if and only if the water depth at … … 1554 1558 See the WAD tests MY\_DOC documention for details of the WAD test cases. 1555 1559 1556 1557 1558 1560 %% ================================================================================================= 1559 1561 \section[Time evolution term (\textit{dynnxt.F90})]{Time evolution term (\protect\mdl{dynnxt})} 1560 1562 \label{sec:DYN_nxt} 1561 1562 1563 1563 1564 Options are defined through the \nam{dom}{dom} namelist variables. -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Lateral Boundary Condition (LBC)} 5 6 \label{chap:LBC} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 %gm% add here introduction to this chapter … … 164 182 \begin{description} 165 183 166 \item [For closed boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=0})], 167 solid walls are imposed at all model boundaries: 184 \item [For closed boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=0})], solid walls are imposed at all model boundaries: 168 185 first and last rows and columns are set to zero. 169 186 170 \item [For cyclic east-west boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=1})], 171 first and last rows are set to zero (closed) whilst the first column is set to 187 \item [For cyclic east-west boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=1})], first and last rows are set to zero (closed) whilst the first column is set to 172 188 the value of the last-but-one column and the last column to the value of the second one 173 189 (\autoref{fig:LBC_jperio}-a). 174 190 Whatever flows out of the eastern (western) end of the basin enters the western (eastern) end. 175 191 176 \item [For cyclic north-south boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=2})], 177 first and last columns are set to zero (closed) whilst the first row is set to 192 \item [For cyclic north-south boundary (\jp{jperio}\forcode{=2})], first and last columns are set to zero (closed) whilst the first row is set to 178 193 the value of the last-but-one row and the last row to the value of the second one 179 194 (\autoref{fig:LBC_jperio}-a). … … 215 230 \section[Exchange with neighbouring processors (\textit{lbclnk.F90}, \textit{lib\_mpp.F90})]{Exchange with neighbouring processors (\protect\mdl{lbclnk}, \protect\mdl{lib\_mpp})} 216 231 \label{sec:LBC_mpp} 217 218 232 219 233 \begin{listing} … … 325 339 \section{Unstructured open boundary conditions (BDY)} 326 340 \label{sec:LBC_bdy} 327 328 341 329 342 \begin{listing} … … 645 658 \label{subsec:LBC_bdy_tides} 646 659 647 648 660 \begin{listing} 649 661 \nlst{nambdy_tide} -
r11597 r11598 6 6 \label{chap:LDF} 7 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 8 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 9 26 10 27 The lateral physics terms in the momentum and tracer equations have been described in \autoref{eq:MB_zdf} and … … 22 39 is described in \autoref{apdx:TRIADS} 23 40 24 25 26 41 %% ================================================================================================= 27 42 \section[Lateral mixing operators]{Lateral mixing operators} … … 144 159 145 160 \begin{description} 146 147 \item [$z$-coordinate with full step: ] 148 in \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} the densities appearing in the $i$ and $j$ derivatives are taken at the same depth, 161 \item [$z$-coordinate with full step:] in \autoref{eq:LDF_slp_iso} the densities appearing in the $i$ and $j$ derivatives are taken at the same depth, 149 162 thus the $in situ$ density can be used. 150 163 This is not the case for the vertical derivatives: $\delta_{k+1/2}[\rho]$ is replaced by $-\rho N^2/g$, 151 164 where $N^2$ is the local Brunt-Vais\"{a}l\"{a} frequency evaluated following \citet{mcdougall_JPO87} 152 165 (see \autoref{subsec:TRA_bn2}). 153 154 \item [$z$-coordinate with partial step: ] 155 this case is identical to the full step case except that at partial step level, 166 \item [$z$-coordinate with partial step:] this case is identical to the full step case except that at partial step level, 156 167 the \emph{horizontal} density gradient is evaluated as described in \autoref{sec:TRA_zpshde}. 157 158 \item [$s$- or hybrid $s$-$z$- coordinate: ] 159 in the current release of \NEMO, iso-neutral mixing is only employed for $s$-coordinates if 168 \item [$s$- or hybrid $s$-$z$- coordinate:] in the current release of \NEMO, iso-neutral mixing is only employed for $s$-coordinates if 160 169 the Griffies scheme is used (\np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_triad}{ln\_traldf\_triad}; 161 170 see \autoref{apdx:TRIADS}). … … 207 216 208 217 Note that such a formulation could be also used in the $z$-coordinate and $z$-coordinate with partial steps cases. 209 210 218 \end{description} 211 219 … … 464 472 \label{sec:LDF_eiv} 465 473 466 467 474 \begin{listing} 468 475 \nlst{namtra_eiv} … … 470 477 \label{lst:namtra_eiv} 471 478 \end{listing} 472 473 479 474 480 %%gm from Triad appendix : to be incorporated.... … … 529 535 \label{sec:LDF_mle} 530 536 531 532 537 \begin{listing} 533 538 \nlst{namtra_mle} … … 536 541 \end{listing} 537 542 538 539 543 If \np[=.true.]{ln_mle}{ln\_mle} in \nam{tra_mle}{tra\_mle} namelist, a parameterization of the mixing due to unresolved mixed layer instabilities is activated (\citet{foxkemper.ferrari_JPO08}). Additional transport is computed in \rou{ldf\_mle\_trp} and added to the eulerian transport in \rou{tra\_adv} as done for eddy induced advection. 540 544 -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Observation and Model Comparison (OBS)} 5 6 \label{chap:OBS} 6 7 8 %\subsubsection*{Changes record} 9 %\begin{tabular}{l||l|m{0.65\linewidth}} 10 % Release & Author & Modifications \\ 11 % {\em 4.0} & {\em D. J. Lea} & {\em \NEMO\ 4.0 updates} \\ 12 % {\em 3.6} & {\em M. Martin, A. Ryan} & {\em Add averaging operator, standalone obs oper} \\ 13 % {\em 3.4} & {\em D. J. Lea, M. Martin, ...} & {\em Initial version} \\ 14 % {\em --\texttt{"}--} & {\em ... K. Mogensen, A. Vidard, A. Weaver} & {\em ---\texttt{"}---} \\ 15 %\end{tabular} 16 17 \thispagestyle{plain} 18 7 19 \chaptertoc 8 20 9 \vfill 10 \begin{figure}[b] 11 %% ================================================================================================= 12 \subsubsection*{Changes record} 13 \begin{tabular}{l||l|m{0.65\linewidth}} 14 Release & Author & Modifications \\ 15 {\em 4.0} & {\em D. J. Lea} & {\em \NEMO\ 4.0 updates} \\ 16 {\em 3.6} & {\em M. Martin, A. Ryan} & {\em Add averaging operator, standalone obs oper} \\ 17 {\em 3.4} & {\em D. J. Lea, M. Martin, ...} & {\em Initial version} \\ 18 {\em --\texttt{"}--} & {\em ... K. Mogensen, A. Vidard, A. Weaver} & {\em ---\texttt{"}---} \\ 19 \end{tabular} 20 \end{figure} 21 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 22 23 {\footnotesize 24 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 25 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 26 \hline 27 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 28 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 29 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 30 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 31 \end{tabularx} 32 } 33 34 \clearpage 21 35 22 36 The observation and model comparison code, the observation operator (OBS), reads in observation files … … 111 125 Here we show a more complete example namelist \nam{obs}{obs} and also show the NetCDF headers of 112 126 the observation files that may be used with the observation operator. 113 114 127 115 128 \begin{listing} … … 608 621 609 622 \begin{enumerate} 610 611 \item [1.] {\bfseries Great-Circle distance-weighted interpolation.} 623 \item {\bfseries Great-Circle distance-weighted interpolation.} 612 624 The weights are computed as a function of the great-circle distance $s(P, \cdot)$ between $P$ and 613 625 the model grid points $A$, $B$ etc. … … 654 666 \end{alignat*} 655 667 656 \item [2.]{\bfseries Great-Circle distance-weighted interpolation with small angle approximation.}668 \item {\bfseries Great-Circle distance-weighted interpolation with small angle approximation.} 657 669 Similar to the previous interpolation but with the distance $s$ computed as 658 670 \begin{alignat*}{2} … … 664 676 where $M$ corresponds to $A$, $B$, $C$ or $D$. 665 677 666 \item [3.]{\bfseries Bilinear interpolation for a regular spaced grid.}678 \item {\bfseries Bilinear interpolation for a regular spaced grid.} 667 679 The interpolation is split into two 1D interpolations in the longitude and latitude directions, respectively. 668 680 669 \item [4.]{\bfseries Bilinear remapping interpolation for a general grid.}681 \item {\bfseries Bilinear remapping interpolation for a general grid.} 670 682 An iterative scheme that involves first mapping a quadrilateral cell into 671 683 a cell with coordinates (0,0), (1,0), (0,1) and (1,1). … … 705 717 \label{fig:OBS_avgrec} 706 718 \end{figure} 707 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>708 719 709 720 \begin{figure} -
r11597 r11598 6 6 \label{chap:SBC} 7 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 8 10 \chaptertoc 9 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 10 26 11 27 \begin{listing} … … 212 228 where 213 229 \begin{description} 214 \item [File name]: 215 the stem name of the NetCDF file to be opened. 230 \item [File name]: the stem name of the NetCDF file to be opened. 216 231 This stem will be completed automatically by the model, with the addition of a '.nc' at its end and 217 232 by date information and possibly a prefix (when using AGRIF). 218 233 \autoref{tab:SBC_fldread} provides the resulting file name in all possible cases according to 219 234 whether it is a climatological file or not, and to the open/close frequency (see below for definition). 220 221 235 \begin{table}[htbp] 222 236 \centering … … 245 259 \label{tab:SBC_fldread} 246 260 \end{table} 247 248 \item [Record frequency]: 249 the frequency of the records contained in the input file. 261 \item [Record frequency]: the frequency of the records contained in the input file. 250 262 Its unit is in hours if it is positive (for example 24 for daily forcing) or in months if negative 251 263 (for example -1 for monthly forcing or -12 for annual forcing). 252 264 Note that this frequency must REALLY be an integer and not a real. 253 265 On some computers, setting it to '24.' can be interpreted as 240! 254 255 \item [Variable name]: 256 the name of the variable to be read in the input NetCDF file. 257 258 \item [Time interpolation]: 259 a logical to activate, or not, the time interpolation. 266 \item [Variable name]: the name of the variable to be read in the input NetCDF file. 267 \item [Time interpolation]: a logical to activate, or not, the time interpolation. 260 268 If set to 'false', the forcing will have a steplike shape remaining constant during each forcing period. 261 269 For example, when using a daily forcing without time interpolation, the forcing remaining constant from … … 265 273 For example, when using a daily forcing with time interpolation, 266 274 linear interpolation will be performed between mid-day of two consecutive days. 267 268 \item [Climatological forcing]: 269 a logical to specify if a input file contains climatological forcing which can be cycle in time, 275 \item [Climatological forcing]: a logical to specify if a input file contains climatological forcing which can be cycle in time, 270 276 or an interannual forcing which will requires additional files if 271 277 the period covered by the simulation exceeds the one of the file. 272 278 See the above file naming strategy which impacts the expected name of the file to be opened. 273 274 \item [Open/close frequency]: 275 the frequency at which forcing files must be opened/closed. 279 \item [Open/close frequency]: the frequency at which forcing files must be opened/closed. 276 280 Four cases are coded: 277 281 'daily', 'weekLLL' (with 'LLL' the first 3 letters of the first day of the week), 'monthly' and 'yearly' which … … 280 284 For example, the first record of a yearly file containing daily data is Jan 1st even if 281 285 the experiment is not starting at the beginning of the year. 282 283 \item [Others]: 284 'weights filename', 'pairing rotation' and 'land/sea mask' are associated with 286 \item [Others]: 'weights filename', 'pairing rotation' and 'land/sea mask' are associated with 285 287 on-the-fly interpolation which is described in \autoref{subsec:SBC_iof}. 286 287 288 \end{description} 288 289 … … 449 450 \label{subsec:SBC_SAS} 450 451 451 452 452 \begin{listing} 453 453 \nlst{namsbc_sas} … … 477 477 478 478 \begin{itemize} 479 \item \mdl{nemogcm}: 480 This routine initialises the rest of the model and repeatedly calls the stp time stepping routine (\mdl{step}). 479 \item \mdl{nemogcm}: This routine initialises the rest of the model and repeatedly calls the stp time stepping routine (\mdl{step}). 481 480 Since the ocean state is not calculated all associated initialisations have been removed. 482 \item \mdl{step}: 483 The main time stepping routine now only needs to call the sbc routine (and a few utility functions). 484 \item \mdl{sbcmod}: 485 This has been cut down and now only calculates surface forcing and the ice model required. 481 \item \mdl{step}: The main time stepping routine now only needs to call the sbc routine (and a few utility functions). 482 \item \mdl{sbcmod}: This has been cut down and now only calculates surface forcing and the ice model required. 486 483 New surface modules that can function when only the surface level of the ocean state is defined can also be added 487 484 (\eg\ icebergs). 488 \item \mdl{daymod}: 489 No ocean restarts are read or written (though the ice model restarts are retained), 485 \item \mdl{daymod}: No ocean restarts are read or written (though the ice model restarts are retained), 490 486 so calls to restart functions have been removed. 491 487 This also means that the calendar cannot be controlled by time in a restart file, 492 488 so the user must check that nn\_date0 in the model namelist is correct for his or her purposes. 493 \item \mdl{stpctl}: 494 Since there is no free surface solver, references to it have been removed from \rou{stp\_ctl} module. 495 \item \mdl{diawri}: 496 All 3D data have been removed from the output. 489 \item \mdl{stpctl}: Since there is no free surface solver, references to it have been removed from \rou{stp\_ctl} module. 490 \item \mdl{diawri}: All 3D data have been removed from the output. 497 491 The surface temperature, salinity and velocity components (which have been read in) are written along with 498 492 relevant forcing and ice data. … … 502 496 503 497 \begin{itemize} 504 \item \mdl{sbcsas}: 505 This module initialises the input files needed for reading temperature, salinity and 498 \item \mdl{sbcsas}: This module initialises the input files needed for reading temperature, salinity and 506 499 velocity arrays at the surface. 507 500 These filenames are supplied in namelist namsbc\_sas. … … 621 614 their neutral transfer coefficients relationships with neutral wind. 622 615 \begin{itemize} 623 \item NCAR (\np[=.true.]{ln_NCAR}{ln\_NCAR}): 624 The NCAR bulk formulae have been developed by \citet{large.yeager_rpt04}. 616 \item NCAR (\np[=.true.]{ln_NCAR}{ln\_NCAR}): The NCAR bulk formulae have been developed by \citet{large.yeager_rpt04}. 625 617 They have been designed to handle the NCAR forcing, a mixture of NCEP reanalysis and satellite data. 626 618 They use an inertial dissipative method to compute the turbulent transfer coefficients … … 630 622 Note that substituting ERA40 to NCEP reanalysis fields does not require changes in the bulk formulea themself. 631 623 This is the so-called DRAKKAR Forcing Set (DFS) \citep{brodeau.barnier.ea_OM10}. 632 \item COARE 3.0 (\np[=.true.]{ln_COARE_3p0}{ln\_COARE\_3p0}): 633 See \citet{fairall.bradley.ea_JC03} for more details 634 \item COARE 3.5 (\np[=.true.]{ln_COARE_3p5}{ln\_COARE\_3p5}): 635 See \citet{edson.jampana.ea_JPO13} for more details 636 \item ECMWF (\np[=.true.]{ln_ECMWF}{ln\_ECMWF}): 637 Based on \href{}{IFS (Cy31)} implementation and documentation. 624 \item COARE 3.0 (\np[=.true.]{ln_COARE_3p0}{ln\_COARE\_3p0}): See \citet{fairall.bradley.ea_JC03} for more details 625 \item COARE 3.5 (\np[=.true.]{ln_COARE_3p5}{ln\_COARE\_3p5}): See \citet{edson.jampana.ea_JPO13} for more details 626 \item ECMWF (\np[=.true.]{ln_ECMWF}{ln\_ECMWF}): Based on \href{}{IFS (Cy31)} implementation and documentation. 638 627 Surface roughness lengths needed for the Obukhov length are computed following \citet{beljaars_QJRMS95}. 639 628 \end{itemize} … … 741 730 \label{sec:SBC_tide} 742 731 743 744 732 \begin{listing} 745 733 \nlst{nam_tide} … … 924 912 925 913 \begin{description} 926 927 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: 928 The ice shelf cavity is represented (\np[=.true.]{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} needed). 914 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is represented (\np[=.true.]{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} needed). 929 915 The fwf and heat flux are depending of the local water properties. 930 916 … … 932 918 933 919 \begin{description} 934 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_isfblk}{nn\_isfblk}}]: 935 The melt rate is based on a balance between the upward ocean heat flux and 920 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_isfblk}{nn\_isfblk}}]: The melt rate is based on a balance between the upward ocean heat flux and 936 921 the latent heat flux at the ice shelf base. A complete description is available in \citet{hunter_rpt06}. 937 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_isfblk}{nn\_isfblk}}]: 938 The melt rate and the heat flux are based on a 3 equations formulation 922 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_isfblk}{nn\_isfblk}}]: The melt rate and the heat flux are based on a 3 equations formulation 939 923 (a heat flux budget at the ice base, a salt flux budget at the ice base and a linearised freezing point temperature equation). 940 924 A complete description is available in \citet{jenkins_JGR91}. … … 952 936 There are 3 different ways to compute the exchange coeficient: 953 937 \begin{description} 954 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: 955 The salt and heat exchange coefficients are constant and defined by \np{rn_gammas0}{rn\_gammas0} and \np{rn_gammat0}{rn\_gammat0}. 938 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: The salt and heat exchange coefficients are constant and defined by \np{rn_gammas0}{rn\_gammas0} and \np{rn_gammat0}{rn\_gammat0}. 956 939 \begin{gather*} 957 940 % \label{eq:SBC_isf_gamma_iso} … … 960 943 \end{gather*} 961 944 This is the recommended formulation for ISOMIP. 962 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: 963 The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity dependent and defined as 945 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity dependent and defined as 964 946 \begin{gather*} 965 947 \gamma^{T} = rn\_gammat0 \times u_{*} \\ … … 968 950 where $u_{*}$ is the friction velocity in the top boundary layer (ie first \np{rn_hisf_tbl}{rn\_hisf\_tbl} meters). 969 951 See \citet{jenkins.nicholls.ea_JPO10} for all the details on this formulation. It is the recommended formulation for realistic application. 970 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: 971 The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity and stability dependent and defined as: 952 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_gammablk}{nn\_gammablk}}]: The salt and heat exchange coefficients are velocity and stability dependent and defined as: 972 953 \[ 973 954 \gamma^{T,S} = \frac{u_{*}}{\Gamma_{Turb} + \Gamma^{T,S}_{Mole}} … … 979 960 This formulation has not been extensively tested in \NEMO\ (not recommended). 980 961 \end{description} 981 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: 982 The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 962 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 983 963 The fwf and heat flux are computed using the \citet{beckmann.goosse_OM03} parameterisation of isf melting. 984 964 The fluxes are distributed along the ice shelf edge between the depth of the average grounding line (GL) … … 986 966 (\np{sn_depmin_isf}{sn\_depmin\_isf}) as in (\np[=3]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}). 987 967 The effective melting length (\np{sn_Leff_isf}{sn\_Leff\_isf}) is read from a file. 988 \item [{\np[=3]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: 989 The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 968 \item [{\np[=3]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is not represented. 990 969 The fwf (\np{sn_rnfisf}{sn\_rnfisf}) is prescribed and distributed along the ice shelf edge between 991 970 the depth of the average grounding line (GL) (\np{sn_depmax_isf}{sn\_depmax\_isf}) and 992 971 the base of the ice shelf along the calving front (\np{sn_depmin_isf}{sn\_depmin\_isf}). 993 972 The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$. 994 \item [{\np[=4]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: 995 The ice shelf cavity is opened (\np[=.true.]{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} needed). 973 \item [{\np[=4]{nn_isf}{nn\_isf}}]: The ice shelf cavity is opened (\np[=.true.]{ln_isfcav}{ln\_isfcav} needed). 996 974 However, the fwf is not computed but specified from file \np{sn_fwfisf}{sn\_fwfisf}). 997 975 The heat flux ($Q_h$) is computed as $Q_h = fwf \times L_f$. … … 1037 1015 At each restart step: 1038 1016 1039 \begin{ description}1040 \item [Step 1]:the ice sheet model send a new bathymetry and ice shelf draft netcdf file.1041 \item [Step 2]:a new file is built using the DOMAINcfg tools.1042 \item [Step 3]:\NEMO\ run for a specific period and output the average melt rate over the period.1043 \item [Step 4]:the ice sheet model run using the melt rate outputed in step 4.1044 \item [Step 5]:go back to 1.1045 \end{ description}1017 \begin{enumerate} 1018 \item the ice sheet model send a new bathymetry and ice shelf draft netcdf file. 1019 \item a new file is built using the DOMAINcfg tools. 1020 \item \NEMO\ run for a specific period and output the average melt rate over the period. 1021 \item the ice sheet model run using the melt rate outputed in step 4. 1022 \item go back to 1. 1023 \end{enumerate} 1046 1024 1047 1025 If \np[=.true.]{ln_iscpl}{ln\_iscpl}, the isf draft is assume to be different at each restart step with … … 1050 1028 1051 1029 \begin{description} 1052 \item [Thin a cell down]: 1053 T/S/ssh are unchanged and U/V in the top cell are corrected to keep the barotropic transport (bt) constant 1030 \item [Thin a cell down]: T/S/ssh are unchanged and U/V in the top cell are corrected to keep the barotropic transport (bt) constant 1054 1031 ($bt_b=bt_n$). 1055 \item [Enlarge a cell]: 1056 See case "Thin a cell down" 1057 \item [Dry a cell]: 1058 mask, T/S, U/V and ssh are set to 0. 1032 \item [Enlarge a cell]: See case "Thin a cell down" 1033 \item [Dry a cell]: mask, T/S, U/V and ssh are set to 0. 1059 1034 Furthermore, U/V into the water column are modified to satisfy ($bt_b=bt_n$). 1060 \item [Wet a cell]: 1061 mask is set to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, $ssh_n = ssh_b$ and U/V set to 0. 1035 \item [Wet a cell]: mask is set to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, $ssh_n = ssh_b$ and U/V set to 0. 1062 1036 If no neighbours, T/S is extrapolated from old top cell value. 1063 1037 If no neighbours along i,j and k (both previous test failed), T/S/U/V/ssh and mask are set to 0. 1064 \item [Dry a column]: 1065 mask, T/S, U/V are set to 0 everywhere in the column and ssh set to 0. 1066 \item [Wet a column]: 1067 set mask to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, ssh is extrapolated from neighbours and U/V set to 0. 1038 \item [Dry a column]: mask, T/S, U/V are set to 0 everywhere in the column and ssh set to 0. 1039 \item [Wet a column]: set mask to 1, T/S is extrapolated from neighbours, ssh is extrapolated from neighbours and U/V set to 0. 1068 1040 If no neighbour, T/S/U/V and mask set to 0. 1069 1041 \end{description} … … 1109 1081 Two initialisation schemes are possible. 1110 1082 \begin{description} 1111 \item [{\np{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs}~$>$~0}] 1112 In this scheme, the value of \np{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs} represents the class of iceberg to generate 1083 \item [{\np{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs}~$>$~0}] In this scheme, the value of \np{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs} represents the class of iceberg to generate 1113 1084 (so between 1 and 10), and \np{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs} provides a lon/lat box in the domain at each grid point of 1114 1085 which an iceberg is generated at the beginning of the run. … … 1116 1087 \np{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs} is defined by four numbers in \np{nn_test_box}{nn\_test\_box} representing the corners of 1117 1088 the geographical box: lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax 1118 \item [{\np[=-1]{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs}}] 1119 In this scheme, the model reads a calving file supplied in the \np{sn_icb}{sn\_icb} parameter. 1089 \item [{\np[=-1]{nn_test_icebergs}{nn\_test\_icebergs}}] In this scheme, the model reads a calving file supplied in the \np{sn_icb}{sn\_icb} parameter. 1120 1090 This should be a file with a field on the configuration grid (typically ORCA) 1121 1091 representing ice accumulation rate at each model point. … … 1184 1154 \end{description} 1185 1155 1186 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1187 % Neutral drag coefficient from wave model (ln_cdgw)1188 1189 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1190 1156 %% ================================================================================================= 1191 1157 \subsection[Neutral drag coefficient from wave model (\forcode{ln_cdgw})]{Neutral drag coefficient from wave model (\protect\np{ln_cdgw}{ln\_cdgw})} … … 1198 1164 air-sea interface following \citet{large.yeager_rpt04}. 1199 1165 1200 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1201 % 3D Stokes Drift (ln_sdw, nn_sdrift)1202 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1203 1166 %% ================================================================================================= 1204 1167 \subsection[3D Stokes Drift (\forcode{ln_sdw} \& \forcode{nn_sdrift})]{3D Stokes Drift (\protect\np{ln_sdw}{ln\_sdw} \& \np{nn_sdrift}{nn\_sdrift})} … … 1294 1257 \] 1295 1258 1296 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1297 % Stokes-Coriolis term (ln_stcor)1298 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1299 1259 %% ================================================================================================= 1300 1260 \subsection[Stokes-Coriolis term (\forcode{ln_stcor})]{Stokes-Coriolis term (\protect\np{ln_stcor}{ln\_stcor})} … … 1308 1268 \np[=.true.]{ln_stcor}{ln\_stcor} has to be set. 1309 1269 1310 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1311 % Waves modified stress (ln_tauwoc, ln_tauw)1312 % ----------------------------------------------------------------1313 1270 %% ================================================================================================= 1314 1271 \subsection[Wave modified stress (\forcode{ln_tauwoc} \& \forcode{ln_tauw})]{Wave modified sress (\protect\np{ln_tauwoc}{ln\_tauwoc} \& \np{ln_tauw}{ln\_tauw})} … … 1357 1314 \label{subsec:SBC_dcy} 1358 1315 % 1359 1360 1316 1361 1317 \begin{figure}[!t] … … 1475 1431 the value of the \np{nn_ice}{nn\_ice} namelist parameter found in \nam{sbc}{sbc} namelist. 1476 1432 \begin{description} 1477 \item [nn\_ice = 0] 1478 there will never be sea-ice in the computational domain. 1433 \item [nn\_ice = 0] there will never be sea-ice in the computational domain. 1479 1434 This is a typical namelist value used for tropical ocean domain. 1480 1435 The surface fluxes are simply specified for an ice-free ocean. 1481 1436 No specific things is done for sea-ice. 1482 \item [nn\_ice = 1] 1483 sea-ice can exist in the computational domain, but no sea-ice model is used. 1437 \item [nn\_ice = 1] sea-ice can exist in the computational domain, but no sea-ice model is used. 1484 1438 An observed ice covered area is read in a file. 1485 1439 Below this area, the SST is restored to the freezing point and … … 1492 1446 is usually referred as the \textit{ice-if} model. 1493 1447 It can be found in the \mdl{sbcice\_if} module. 1494 \item [nn\_ice = 2 or more] 1495 A full sea ice model is used. 1448 \item [nn\_ice = 2 or more] A full sea ice model is used. 1496 1449 This model computes the ice-ocean fluxes, 1497 1450 that are combined with the air-sea fluxes using the ice fraction of each model cell to … … 1545 1498 1546 1499 \begin{description} 1547 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] 1548 no control at all. 1500 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] no control at all. 1549 1501 The mean sea level is free to drift, and will certainly do so. 1550 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] 1551 global mean \textit{emp} set to zero at each model time step. 1502 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] global mean \textit{emp} set to zero at each model time step. 1552 1503 %GS: comment below still relevant ? 1553 1504 %Note that with a sea-ice model, this technique only controls the mean sea level with linear free surface and no mass flux between ocean and ice (as it is implemented in the current ice-ocean coupling). 1554 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] 1555 freshwater budget is adjusted from the previous year annual mean budget which 1505 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_fwb}{nn\_fwb}}] freshwater budget is adjusted from the previous year annual mean budget which 1556 1506 is read in the \textit{EMPave\_old.dat} file. 1557 1507 As the model uses the Boussinesq approximation, the annual mean fresh water budget is simply evaluated from -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Stochastic Parametrization of EOS (STO)} 5 6 \label{chap:STO} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 8 24 9 25 % \vfill … … 18 34 % \end{figure} 19 35 20 Authors: \\ 21 C. Levy release 4.0.1 update \\ 22 P.-A. Bouttier release 3.6 inital version 36 \clearpage 23 37 24 38 As a result of the nonlinearity of the seawater equation of state, unresolved scales represent a major source of uncertainties in the computation of the large-scale horizontal density gradient from the large-scale temperature and salinity fields. Following \cite{brankart_OM13}, the impact of these uncertainties can be simulated by random processes representing unresolved T/S fluctuations. The Stochastic Parametrization of EOS (STO) module implements this parametrization. … … 178 192 179 193 \begin{description} 180 \item [{\np{nn_sto_eos}{nn\_sto\_eos}:}] number of independent random walks 181 \item [{\np{rn_eos_stdxy}{rn\_eos\_stdxy}:}] random walk horizontal standard deviation (in grid points) 182 \item [{\np{rn_eos_stdz}{rn\_eos\_stdz}:}] random walk vertical standard deviation (in grid points) 183 \item [{\np{rn_eos_tcor}{rn\_eos\_tcor}:}] random walk time correlation (in timesteps) 184 \item [{\np{nn_eos_ord}{nn\_eos\_ord}:}] order of autoregressive processes 185 \item [{\np{nn_eos_flt}{nn\_eos\_flt}:}] passes of Laplacian filter 186 \item [{\np{rn_eos_lim}{rn\_eos\_lim}:}] limitation factor (default = 3.0) 194 \item [{\np{nn_sto_eos}{nn\_sto\_eos}:}] number of independent random walks 195 \item [{\np{rn_eos_stdxy}{rn\_eos\_stdxy}:}] random walk horizontal standard deviation 196 (in grid points) 197 \item [{\np{rn_eos_stdz}{rn\_eos\_stdz}:}] random walk vertical standard deviation 198 (in grid points) 199 \item [{\np{rn_eos_tcor}{rn\_eos\_tcor}:}] random walk time correlation (in timesteps) 200 \item [{\np{nn_eos_ord}{nn\_eos\_ord}:}] order of autoregressive processes 201 \item [{\np{nn_eos_flt}{nn\_eos\_flt}:}] passes of Laplacian filter 202 \item [{\np{rn_eos_lim}{rn\_eos\_lim}:}] limitation factor (default = 3.0) 187 203 \end{description} 188 204 -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Ocean Tracers (TRA)} 5 6 \label{chap:TRA} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 % missing/update … … 111 129 112 130 \begin{description} 113 \item [linear free surface:] 114 (\np[=.true.]{ln_linssh}{ln\_linssh}) 131 \item [linear free surface:] (\np[=.true.]{ln_linssh}{ln\_linssh}) 115 132 the first level thickness is constant in time: 116 133 the vertical boundary condition is applied at the fixed surface $z = 0$ rather than on … … 119 136 $\tau_w|_{k = 1/2} = T_{k = 1}$, \ie\ the product of surface velocity (at $z = 0$) by 120 137 the first level tracer value. 121 \item [non-linear free surface:] 122 (\np[=.false.]{ln_linssh}{ln\_linssh}) 138 \item [non-linear free surface:] (\np[=.false.]{ln_linssh}{ln\_linssh}) 123 139 convergence/divergence in the first ocean level moves the free surface up/down. 124 140 There is no tracer advection through it so that the advective fluxes through the surface are also zero. … … 435 451 436 452 \begin{description} 437 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_OFF}{ln\_traldf\_OFF}}] 438 no operator selected, the lateral diffusive tendency will not be applied to the tracer equation. 453 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_OFF}{ln\_traldf\_OFF}}] no operator selected, the lateral diffusive tendency will not be applied to the tracer equation. 439 454 This option can be used when the selected advection scheme is diffusive enough (MUSCL scheme for example). 440 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_lap}{ln\_traldf\_lap}}] 441 a laplacian operator is selected. 455 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_lap}{ln\_traldf\_lap}}] a laplacian operator is selected. 442 456 This harmonic operator takes the following expression: $\mathcal{L}(T) = \nabla \cdot A_{ht} \; \nabla T $, 443 457 where the gradient operates along the selected direction (see \autoref{subsec:TRA_ldf_dir}), 444 458 and $A_{ht}$ is the eddy diffusivity coefficient expressed in $m^2/s$ (see \autoref{chap:LDF}). 445 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_blp}{ln\_traldf\_blp}}]: 446 a bilaplacian operator is selected. 459 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_traldf_blp}{ln\_traldf\_blp}}] a bilaplacian operator is selected. 447 460 This biharmonic operator takes the following expression: 448 461 $\mathcal{B} = - \mathcal{L}(\mathcal{L}(T)) = - \nabla \cdot b \nabla (\nabla \cdot b \nabla T)$ … … 597 610 \section[Tracer vertical diffusion (\textit{trazdf.F90})]{Tracer vertical diffusion (\protect\mdl{trazdf})} 598 611 \label{sec:TRA_zdf} 599 600 612 601 613 Options are defined through the \nam{zdf}{zdf} namelist variables. … … 774 786 775 787 \begin{description} 776 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_chldta}{nn\_chldta}}] 777 a constant 0.05 g.Chl/L value everywhere ; 778 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_chldta}{nn\_chldta}}] 779 an observed time varying chlorophyll deduced from satellite surface ocean color measurement spread uniformly in 780 the vertical direction; 781 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_chldta}{nn\_chldta}}] 782 same as previous case except that a vertical profile of chlorophyl is used. 788 \item [{\np[=0]{nn_chldta}{nn\_chldta}}] a constant 0.05 g.Chl/L value everywhere ; 789 \item [{\np[=1]{nn_chldta}{nn\_chldta}}] an observed time varying chlorophyll deduced from satellite surface ocean color measurement spread uniformly in the vertical direction; 790 \item [{\np[=2]{nn_chldta}{nn\_chldta}}] same as previous case except that a vertical profile of chlorophyl is used. 783 791 Following \cite{morel.berthon_LO89}, the profile is computed from the local surface chlorophyll value; 784 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_qsr_bio}{ln\_qsr\_bio}}] 785 simulated time varying chlorophyll by TOP biogeochemical model. 792 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_qsr_bio}{ln\_qsr\_bio}}] simulated time varying chlorophyll by TOP biogeochemical model. 786 793 In this case, the RGB formulation is used to calculate both the phytoplankton light limitation in 787 794 PISCES and the oceanic heating rate. … … 1134 1141 1135 1142 \begin{description} 1136 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_teos10}{ln\_teos10}}] 1137 the polyTEOS10-bsq equation of seawater \citep{roquet.madec.ea_OM15} is used. 1143 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_teos10}{ln\_teos10}}] the polyTEOS10-bsq equation of seawater \citep{roquet.madec.ea_OM15} is used. 1138 1144 The accuracy of this approximation is comparable to the TEOS-10 rational function approximation, 1139 1145 but it is optimized for a boussinesq fluid and the polynomial expressions have simpler and … … 1153 1159 either computing the air-sea and ice-sea fluxes (forced mode) or 1154 1160 sending the SST field to the atmosphere (coupled mode). 1155 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_eos80}{ln\_eos80}}] 1156 the polyEOS80-bsq equation of seawater is used. 1161 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_eos80}{ln\_eos80}}] the polyEOS80-bsq equation of seawater is used. 1157 1162 It takes the same polynomial form as the polyTEOS10, but the coefficients have been optimized to 1158 1163 accurately fit EOS80 (Roquet, personal comm.). … … 1165 1170 Nevertheless, a severe assumption is made in order to have a heat content ($C_p T_p$) which 1166 1171 is conserved by the model: $C_p$ is set to a constant value, the TEOS10 value. 1167 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_seos}{ln\_seos}}] 1168 a simplified EOS (S-EOS) inspired by \citet{vallis_bk06} is chosen, 1172 \item [{\np[=.true.]{ln_seos}{ln\_seos}}] a simplified EOS (S-EOS) inspired by \citet{vallis_bk06} is chosen, 1169 1173 the coefficients of which has been optimized to fit the behavior of TEOS10 1170 1174 (Roquet, personal comm.) (see also \citet{roquet.madec.ea_JPO15}). -
r11597 r11598 5 5 6 6 \begin{document} 7 7 8 \chapter{Vertical Ocean Physics (ZDF)} 8 9 \label{chap:ZDF} 9 10 11 \thispagestyle{plain} 12 10 13 \chaptertoc 14 15 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 16 17 {\footnotesize 18 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 19 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 20 \hline 21 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 22 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 23 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 24 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 25 \end{tabularx} 26 } 27 28 \clearpage 11 29 12 30 %gm% Add here a small introduction to ZDF and naming of the different physics (similar to what have been written for TRA and DYN. … … 39 57 %and thus of the formulation used (see \autoref{chap:TD}). 40 58 41 42 59 \begin{listing} 43 60 \nlst{namzdf} … … 69 86 \subsection[Richardson number dependent (\forcode{ln_zdfric})]{Richardson number dependent (\protect\np{ln_zdfric}{ln\_zdfric})} 70 87 \label{subsec:ZDF_ric} 71 72 88 73 89 \begin{listing} … … 405 421 \label{subsec:ZDF_gls} 406 422 407 408 423 \begin{listing} 409 424 \nlst{namzdf_gls} … … 859 874 \label{lst:namdrg_bot} 860 875 \end{listing} 861 862 876 863 877 Options to define the top and bottom friction are defined through the \nam{drg}{drg} namelist variables. -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Configurations} 5 6 \label{chap:CFGS} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 %% ================================================================================================= … … 18 36 though by no means are all options exercised in the reference configurations. 19 37 Configuration is defined manually through the \nam{cfg}{cfg} namelist variables. 20 21 38 22 39 \begin{listing} … … 48 65 and second, the two components of the velocity are moved on a $T$-point. 49 66 Therefore, defining \key{c1d} changes some things in the code behaviour: 50 \begin{description} 51 \item [(1)] 52 a simplified \rou{stp} routine is used (\rou{stp\_c1d}, see \mdl{step\_c1d} module) in which 67 \begin{enumerate} 68 \item a simplified \rou{stp} routine is used (\rou{stp\_c1d}, see \mdl{step\_c1d} module) in which 53 69 both lateral tendancy terms and lateral physics are not called; 54 \item [(2)] 55 the vertical velocity is zero 70 \item the vertical velocity is zero 56 71 (so far, no attempt at introducing a Ekman pumping velocity has been made); 57 \item [(3)] 58 a simplified treatment of the Coriolis term is performed as $U$- and $V$-points are the same 72 \item a simplified treatment of the Coriolis term is performed as $U$- and $V$-points are the same 59 73 (see \mdl{dyncor\_c1d}). 60 \end{ description}74 \end{enumerate} 61 75 All the relevant \textit{\_c1d} modules can be found in the src/OCE/C1D directory of 62 76 the \NEMO\ distribution. -
r11597 r11598 6 6 \label{chap:CONS} 7 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 8 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 9 26 10 27 The continuous equations of motion have many analytic properties. -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{Miscellaneous Topics} 5 6 \label{chap:MISC} 6 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 %% ================================================================================================= … … 397 415 increment also applies to the time.step file which is otherwise updated every timestep. 398 416 417 \onlyinsubfile{\input{../../global/epilogue}} 418 419 \end{document} -
r11597 r11598 6 6 \label{chap:MB} 7 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 8 10 \chaptertoc 9 11 10 %% ================================================================================================= 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 26 11 27 %% ================================================================================================= 12 28 \section{Primitive equations} 13 29 \label{sec:MB_PE} 14 30 15 %% =================================================================================================16 31 %% ================================================================================================= 17 32 \subsection{Vector invariant formulation} … … 92 107 Their nature and formulation are discussed in \autoref{sec:MB_zdf_ldf} and \autoref{subsec:MB_boundary_condition}. 93 108 94 %% =================================================================================================95 109 %% ================================================================================================= 96 110 \subsection{Boundary conditions} … … 166 180 167 181 %% ================================================================================================= 168 %% =================================================================================================169 182 \section{Horizontal pressure gradient} 170 183 \label{sec:MB_hor_pg} 171 184 172 %% =================================================================================================173 185 %% ================================================================================================= 174 186 \subsection{Pressure formulation} … … 204 216 205 217 %% ================================================================================================= 206 %% =================================================================================================207 218 \subsection{Free surface formulation} 208 219 \label{subsec:MB_free_surface} … … 255 266 256 267 %% ================================================================================================= 257 %% =================================================================================================258 268 \section{Curvilinear \textit{z-}coordinate system} 259 269 \label{sec:MB_zco} 260 270 261 %% =================================================================================================262 271 %% ================================================================================================= 263 272 \subsection{Tensorial formalism} … … 301 310 \end{equation} 302 311 303 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>304 312 \begin{figure}[!tb] 305 313 \centering … … 344 352 where $q$ is a scalar quantity and $\vect A = (a_1,a_2,a_3)$ a vector in the $(i,j,k)$ coordinates system. 345 353 346 %% =================================================================================================347 354 %% ================================================================================================= 348 355 \subsection{Continuous model equations} … … 530 537 531 538 %% ================================================================================================= 532 %% =================================================================================================533 539 \section{Curvilinear generalised vertical coordinate system} 534 540 \label{sec:MB_gco} … … 611 617 %} 612 618 613 %% =================================================================================================614 619 %% ================================================================================================= 615 620 \subsection{\textit{S}-coordinate formulation} … … 701 706 702 707 %% ================================================================================================= 703 %% =================================================================================================704 708 \subsection{Curvilinear \zstar-coordinate system} 705 709 \label{subsec:MB_zco_star} … … 788 792 789 793 %% ================================================================================================= 790 %% =================================================================================================791 794 \subsection{Curvilinear terrain-following \textit{s}--coordinate} 792 795 \label{subsec:MB_sco} 793 796 794 %% =================================================================================================795 797 %% ================================================================================================= 796 798 \subsubsection{Introduction} … … 875 877 876 878 %% ================================================================================================= 877 %% =================================================================================================878 879 \subsection{\texorpdfstring{Curvilinear \ztilde-coordinate}{}} 879 880 \label{subsec:MB_zco_tilde} … … 884 885 Its use is therefore not recommended. 885 886 886 %% =================================================================================================887 887 %% ================================================================================================= 888 888 \section{Subgrid scale physics} … … 909 909 The formulation of these terms and their underlying physics are briefly discussed in the next two subsections. 910 910 911 %% =================================================================================================912 911 %% ================================================================================================= 913 912 \subsection{Vertical subgrid scale physics} … … 943 942 944 943 %% ================================================================================================= 945 %% =================================================================================================946 944 \subsection{Formulation of the lateral diffusive and viscous operators} 947 945 \label{subsec:MB_ldf} … … 998 996 999 997 %% ================================================================================================= 1000 %% =================================================================================================1001 998 \subsubsection{Lateral laplacian tracer diffusive operator} 1002 999 … … 1040 1037 while in $s$-coordinates $\pd[]{k}$ is replaced by $\pd[]{s}$. 1041 1038 1042 %% =================================================================================================1043 1039 %% ================================================================================================= 1044 1040 \subsubsection{Eddy induced velocity} … … 1079 1075 1080 1076 %% ================================================================================================= 1081 %% =================================================================================================1082 1077 \subsubsection{Lateral bilaplacian tracer diffusive operator} 1083 1078 … … 1091 1086 the harmonic eddy diffusion coefficient set to the square root of the biharmonic one. 1092 1087 1093 %% =================================================================================================1094 1088 %% ================================================================================================= 1095 1089 \subsubsection{Lateral Laplacian momentum diffusive operator} … … 1126 1120 1127 1121 %% ================================================================================================= 1128 %% =================================================================================================1129 1122 \subsubsection{Lateral bilaplacian momentum diffusive operator} 1130 1123 -
r11597 r11598 2 2 3 3 \begin{document} 4 4 5 \chapter{ essai \zstar \sstar} 6 7 \thispagestyle{plain} 8 9 \chaptertoc 10 11 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 12 13 {\footnotesize 14 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 15 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 16 \hline 17 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 18 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 21 \end{tabularx} 22 } 23 24 \clearpage 25 5 26 %% ================================================================================================= 6 27 \section{Curvilinear \zstar- or \sstar coordinate system} … … 126 147 is a multiple of \np{rdtbt}{rdtbt} in the \nam{dom}{dom} namelist (Figure III.3). 127 148 128 %> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >129 149 \begin{figure}[!t] 130 150 \centering … … 150 170 \label{fig:MBZ_dyn_dynspg_ts} 151 171 \end{figure} 152 %> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >153 172 154 173 The split-explicit formulation has a damping effect on external gravity waves, -
r11597 r11598 5 5 \chapter{Time Domain} 6 6 \label{chap:TD} 7 8 \thispagestyle{plain} 9 7 10 \chaptertoc 11 12 \paragraph{Changes record} ~\\ 13 14 {\footnotesize 15 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l||X|X} 16 Release & Author(s) & Modifications \\ 17 \hline 18 {\em 4.0} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 19 {\em 3.6} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 20 {\em 3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} \\ 21 {\em <=3.4} & {\em ...} & {\em ...} 22 \end{tabularx} 23 } 24 25 \clearpage 8 26 9 27 % Missing things: … … 13 31 would help ==> to be added} 14 32 %%%% 15 16 33 17 34 Having defined the continuous equations in \autoref{chap:MB}, we need now to choose a time discretization, … … 291 308 \gmcomment{ % add a subsection here 292 309 293 % Time Domain294 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------295 310 %% ================================================================================================= 296 311 \subsection{Time domain} … … 305 320 306 321 } %% end add 307 308 309 322 310 323 %% -
r11212 r11598 2 2 3 3 clean() { 4 ## Not sure if this step is needed, guess latexmk should be able to detect a change5 4 printf "\t¤ Clean previous build" 6 find latex/$1/build -mindepth 1 -prune -not -name $1_manual.pyg -exec rm -rf {} \; 7 8 ## HTML exports 9 #printf ' - possible HTML export' 10 #find latex/$1 -type d -name 'html*' -exec rm -r {} \; 5 find latex/$1/build -mindepth 1 -delete 11 6 12 7 echo … … 15 10 build() { 16 11 printf "\t¤ Generation of the PDF format\n" 17 latexmk -r ./latex/global/latexmkrc \ 18 -cd ./latex/$1/main/$1_manual \ 19 1> /dev/null 12 latexmk -r ./latex/global/ -pdfxe ./latex/$1/main/$1_manual \ 13 # 1> /dev/null 20 14 [ -f ./latex/$1/build/$1_manual.pdf ] && mv ./latex/$1/build/$1_manual.pdf . 21 15 echo 22 16 } 23
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