Changeset 11656
- Timestamp:
- 2019-10-04T21:03:26+02:00 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- NEMO/branches/2019/ENHANCE-03_closea
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r10824 r11656 250 250 <field id="runoffs" long_name="River Runoffs" standard_name="water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 251 251 <field id="precip" long_name="Total precipitation" standard_name="precipitation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 252 <field id="wclosea" long_name="closed sea empmr correction" standard_name="closea_empmr" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 252 253 253 254 <field id="qt" long_name="Net Downward Heat Flux" standard_name="surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water" unit="W/m2" /> … … 256 257 <field id="qsr3d" long_name="Shortwave Radiation 3D distribution" standard_name="downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water" unit="W/m2" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 257 258 <field id="qrp" long_name="Surface Heat Flux: Damping" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation" unit="W/m2" /> 259 <field id="qclosea" long_name="closed sea heat content flux" standard_name="closea_heat_content_downward_flux" unit="W/m2" /> 258 260 <field id="erp" long_name="Surface Water Flux: Damping" standard_name="water_flux_out_of_sea_water_due_to_newtonian_relaxation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 259 261 <field id="taum" long_name="wind stress module" standard_name="magnitude_of_surface_downward_stress" unit="N/m2" /> -
r11207 r11656 96 96 &namclo ! parameters of the closed sea (cs) behavior (default: OFF) 97 97 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 ln_maskcs = .false. ! (=T) cs are masked ; 99 ! ! (=F) cs masks are read and net evap/precip over closed sea spread out depending on masks 100 ! ! see ln_mask_csundef and ln_clo_rnf for specific option related to this case 98 ln_maskcs = .false. ! (=T) cs are masked ; So, in this case ln_mask_csundef and ln_clo_rnf have no effect. 99 ! ! (=F => set ln_mask_csundef and ln_clo_rnf) 100 ! ! cs masks are read and net evap/precip over closed sea spread out depending on masks. 101 ! ! See ln_mask_csundef and ln_clo_rnf for specific option related to this case 101 102 ! 102 ln_mask_csundef = . false.! (=T) undefined closed seas are masked ;103 ln_mask_csundef = .true. ! (=T) undefined closed seas are masked ; 103 104 ! ! (=F) undefined closed seas are kept and no specific treatment is done for these closed seas 104 105 ! 105 ln_clo_rnf = . false.! (=T) river mouth specified in masks (rnf and emp case) are added to the runoff mask.106 ln_clo_rnf = .true. ! (=T) river mouth specified in masks (rnf and emp case) are added to the runoff mask. 106 107 ! ! allow the treatment of closed sea outflow grid-points to be the same as river mouth grid-points 107 108 / -
r11629 r11656 19 19 !! clo_msk : set to zero a field over closed sea (see domzgr) 20 20 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 USE oce ! dynamics and tracers 22 USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain 23 USE phycst ! physical constants 24 USE sbc_oce ! ocean surface boundary conditions 25 USE iom ! I/O routines 21 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 26 22 ! 27 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 28 USE lib_fortran, ONLY: glob_sum 29 USE lbclnk ! lateral boundary condition - MPP exchanges 30 USE lib_mpp ! MPP library 31 USE timing ! Timing 23 USE diurnal_bulk, ONLY: ln_diurnal_only ! used for sanity check 24 USE iom , ONLY: iom_open, iom_get, iom_close, jpdom_data ! I/O routines 25 USE lib_fortran , ONLY: glob_sum ! fortran library 26 USE lib_mpp , ONLY: mpp_max, ctl_nam, ctl_stop ! MPP library 32 27 33 28 IMPLICIT NONE 34 PRIVATE read_csmask 35 PRIVATE alloc_csmask29 30 PRIVATE 36 31 37 32 PUBLIC dom_clo ! called by domain module … … 50 45 INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncse !: number of closed seas empmr mappings (inferred from closea_mask_emp field) 51 46 52 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_opnsea, mask_csundef !: mask defining the open sea and the undefined closed sea47 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_opnsea, mask_csundef !: mask defining the open sea and the undefined closed sea 53 48 54 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csglo , mask_csgrpglo !: mask of integers defining closed seas55 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csrnf , mask_csgrprnf !: mask of integers defining closed seas rnf mappings56 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csemp , mask_csgrpemp !: mask of integers defining closed seas empmr mappings49 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csglo , mask_csgrpglo !: mask of integers defining closed seas 50 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csrnf , mask_csgrprnf !: mask of integers defining closed seas rnf mappings 51 INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csemp , mask_csgrpemp !: mask of integers defining closed seas empmr mappings 57 52 58 53 !! * Substitutions … … 97 92 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'dom_clo : read in masks to define closed seas ' 98 93 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'~~~~~~~' 94 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 99 95 !! 100 96 !! check option compatibility … … 116 112 IF ( ln_maskcs ) THEN 117 113 ! closed sea are masked 114 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ln_maskcs = T : all closed seas are masked' 115 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 118 116 ! no special treatment of closed sea 119 117 ! no redistribution of emp unbalance over closed sea into river mouth/open ocean … … 121 119 ELSE 122 120 ! redistribution of emp unbalance over closed sea into river mouth/open ocean 121 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ln_maskcs = F : net emp is corrected over defined closed seas' 122 ! 123 123 l_sbc_clo = .true. 124 124 ! … … 126 126 IF ( ln_clo_rnf) l_clo_rnf = .true. 127 127 ! 128 ! closed sea not defined (ie not in the domcfg namelist used to build the file) are masked129 128 IF ( ln_mask_csundef) THEN 129 ! closed sea not defined (ie not in the domcfg namelist used to build the file) are masked 130 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ln_mask_csundef = T : all undefined closed seas are masked' 131 ! 130 132 CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csundef ) 131 133 CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csundef', mask_csundef ) 132 134 ! revert the mask for masking of undefined closed seas in domzgr 133 135 ! (0 over the undefined closed sea and 1 elsewhere) 134 mask_csundef = 1 - mask_csundef136 mask_csundef(:,:) = 1 - mask_csundef(:,:) 135 137 END IF 138 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 136 139 ! 137 140 ! allocate source mask for each cases -
r11207 r11656 30 30 USE trc_oce ! shared ocean & passive tracers variab 31 31 USE phycst ! physical constants 32 USE closea ! closed seas33 32 USE domhgr ! domain: set the horizontal mesh 34 33 USE domzgr ! domain: set the vertical mesh … … 38 37 USE c1d ! 1D configuration 39 38 USE dyncor_c1d ! 1D configuration: Coriolis term (cor_c1d routine) 40 USE wet_dry, ONLY : ll_wd 39 USE wet_dry, ONLY : ll_wd 40 USE closea , ONLY : dom_clo ! closed seas 41 41 ! 42 42 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager -
r11629 r11656 22 22 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 23 ! 24 USE oce ! dynamics and tracers 25 USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain 26 USE closea ! closed sea 27 USE phycst ! physical constants 28 USE sbc_oce ! ocean surface boundary conditions 29 USE iom ! I/O routines 30 ! 31 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 32 USE lib_fortran, ONLY: glob_sum 33 USE lib_mpp ! MPP library 24 USE closea ! closed sea 25 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 26 ! 27 USE dom_oce, ONLY: e1e2t ! ocean space and time domain 28 USE phycst , ONLY: rcp ! physical constants 29 USE sbc_oce, ONLY: emp, qns, rnf, sst_m ! ocean surface boundary conditions 30 USE iom , ONLY: iom_put ! I/O routines 31 USE lib_fortran, ONLY: glob_sum ! fortran library 32 USE lib_mpp , ONLY: mpp_min, ctl_stop ! MPP library 34 33 ! 35 34 IMPLICIT NONE … … 270 269 INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: imsk_src, imsk_trg ! tmp array source and target closed sea masks 271 270 272 REAL(wp) :: zc oef, zcoef1, ztmp ! tmp273 REAL(wp) :: zcsfwf ! tmp net fwfover one closed sea274 REAL(wp) :: zsurftrg ! tmptarget surface area271 REAL(wp) :: zcsfw, zcsh ! total fresh water and associated heat over one closed sea 272 REAL(wp) :: zcsfwf ! mean fresh water flux over one closed sea 273 REAL(wp) :: zsurftrg, zsurfsrc ! total target surface area 275 274 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 276 275 ! 277 276 DO jcs = 1, kncs ! loop over closed seas 278 277 ! 279 !! 0. get mask of the closed sea 280 imsk_src(:,:) = 0 281 WHERE ( kmsk_src(:,:) == jcs ) imsk_src(:,:) = 1 282 ! 283 !! 1. Work out net freshwater fluxes over the closed sea from EMP - RNF. 278 !! 0. get mask and surface of the closed sea 279 ! mask src 280 WHERE ( kmsk_src(:,:) == jcs ) 281 imsk_src(:,:) = 1 282 ELSEWHERE 283 imsk_src(:,:) = 0 284 END WHERE 285 ! area src 286 zsurfsrc = psurfsrc(jcs) 287 ! 288 !! 1. Work out net freshwater over the closed sea from EMP - RNF. 289 !! Work out net heat associated with the correction (needed for conservation) 284 290 !! (PM: should we consider used delayed glob sum ?) 285 zcsfw f= glob_sum( 'closea', e1e2t(:,:) * ( emp(:,:)-rnf(:,:) ) * imsk_src(:,:) )291 zcsfw = glob_sum( 'closea', e1e2t(:,:) * ( emp(:,:)-rnf(:,:) ) * imsk_src(:,:) ) 286 292 ! 287 293 !! 2. Deal with runoff special case (net evaporation spread globally) 288 294 !! and compute trg mask 289 IF (cdcstype == 'rnf' .AND. zcsfw f > 0) THEN295 IF (cdcstype == 'rnf' .AND. zcsfw > 0._wp) THEN 290 296 zsurftrg = psurf_opnsea(1) ! change the target area surface 291 297 imsk_trg = kcsgrp(jcs) * kmsk_opnsea ! trg mask is now the open sea mask … … 295 301 END IF 296 302 ! 297 !! 3. Add residuals to target points 298 zcoef = zcsfwf / zsurftrg 299 zcoef1 = rcp * zcoef 303 !! 3. Subtract residuals from source points 304 zcsfwf = zcsfw / zsurfsrc 305 pwcs(:,:) = pwcs(:,:) - zcsfwf * imsk_src(:,:) 306 pqcs(:,:) = pqcs(:,:) + rcp * zcsfwf * sst_m(:,:) * imsk_src(:,:) 307 ! 308 !! 4. Add residuals to target points 309 !! Do not use pqcs(:,:) = pqcs(:,:) - rcp * zcsfw * sst_m(:,:) / zsurftrg 310 !! as there is no reason for heat conservation with this formulation 311 zcsh = glob_sum( 'closea', e1e2t(:,:) * rcp * zcsfwf * sst_m(:,:) * imsk_src(:,:) ) 300 312 WHERE( imsk_trg(:,:) == kcsgrp(jcs) ) 301 pwcs(:,:) = pwcs(:,:) + zc oef302 pqcs(:,:) = pqcs(:,:) - zc oef1 * sst_m(:,:)313 pwcs(:,:) = pwcs(:,:) + zcsfw / zsurftrg 314 pqcs(:,:) = pqcs(:,:) - zcsh / zsurftrg 303 315 ENDWHERE 304 !305 !! 4. Subtract residuals from source points306 zcoef = zcsfwf / psurfsrc(jcs)307 zcoef1 = rcp * zcoef308 WHERE( kmsk_src(:,:) == jcs )309 pwcs(:,:) = pwcs(:,:) - zcoef310 pqcs(:,:) = pqcs(:,:) + zcoef1 * sst_m(:,:)311 ENDWHERE312 ! WARNING (PM): the correction is done as it was done in the previous version313 ! this do no conserve heat as there is no reason that314 ! sum(zcoef1*sst_m) over the source (closed sea) (4) = sum(zcoef1*sst_m) over the target (river mouth) (3)315 316 ! 316 317 END DO ! jcs -
r10523 r11656 21 21 USE sbcisf ! PM we could remove it I think 22 22 USE eosbn2 ! Equation Of State 23 USE closea 23 USE closea, ONLY: l_clo_rnf, clo_rnf ! closed seas 24 24 ! 25 25 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
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