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Changeset 11694 for NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/TOP/subfiles – NEMO

2019-10-14T14:54:50+02:00 (5 years ago)

Fix to compilte TOP manual

1 edited


  • NEMO/trunk/doc/latex/TOP/subfiles/model_description.tex

    r11591 r11694  
    1414\chapter{Model Description} 
    16 \minitoc 
    82 In NEMO v4.0, the passive tracer diffusion has necessarily the same form as the active tracer diffusion, meaning that the numerical scheme must be the same. However the passive tracer mixing coefficient can be chosen as a multiple of the active ones by changing the value of \textit{rn\_ldf\_multi} in namelist \textit{namtrc\_ldf}. The choice of numerical scheme is then set  in the \ngn{namtra\_ldf} namelist for the dynamic described in section 5.2 of \citep{nemo_manual}. 
     82In NEMO v4.0, the passive tracer diffusion has necessarily the same form as the active tracer diffusion, meaning that the numerical scheme must be the same. However the passive tracer mixing coefficient can be chosen as a multiple of the active ones by changing the value of \textit{rn\_ldf\_multi} in namelist \textit{namtrc\_ldf}. The choice of numerical scheme is then set  in the \nam{namtra_ldf}{namtra\_ldf} namelist for the dynamic described in section 5.2 of \citep{nemo_manual}. 
    9696The use of newtonian damping  to climatological fields or observations is also coded, sharing the same routine dans active tracers. Boolean variables are defined in the namelist\_top\_ref to select the tracers on which restoring is applied 
    97 Options are defined through the  \ngn{namtrc\_dmp} namelist variables. The restoring term is added when the namelist parameter \np{ln\_trcdmp} is set to true. The restoring coefficient is a three-dimensional array read in a file, which name is specified by the namelist variable \np{cn\_resto\_tr}. This netcdf file can be generated using the DMP\_TOOLS tool. 
     97Options are defined through the \nam{namtrc_dmp}{namtrc\_dmp} namelist variables. The restoring term is added when the namelist parameter \np{ln\_trcdmp} is set to true. The restoring coefficient is a three-dimensional array read in a file, which name is specified by the namelist variable \np{cn\_resto\_tr}. This netcdf file can be generated using the DMP\_TOOLS tool. 
    9999 \subsection{ Tracer positivity} 
    105105Sometimes, numerical scheme can generates negative values of passive tracers concentration that must be positive. For exemple,  isopycnal diffusion can created extrema. The trcrad routine artificially corrects negative concentrations with a very crude solution that either sets negative concentration to zero without adjusting the tracer budget, or by removing negative concentration and keeping mass conservation. 
    106 The treatment of negative concentrations is an option and can be selected in the namelist \ngn{namtrc\_rad} by setting the parameter \np{ln\_trcrad}  to true. 
     106The treatment of negative concentrations is an option and can be selected in the namelist \nam{namtrc_rad}{namtrc\_rad} by setting the parameter \np{ln\_trcrad}  to true. 
    108108\section{The SMS modules} 
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