Changeset 12140
- Timestamp:
- 2019-12-10T12:38:10+01:00 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_obs_oper_update/NEMOGCM
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r11546 r12140 1234 1234 ln_sstnight = .false. ! Logical switch for calculating night-time average for SST obs 1235 1235 ln_output_clim = .false. ! Logical switch for writing climatological values to fdbk files 1236 ln_time_mean_sla_bkg = .false. ! Logical switch for applying time mean of SLA background to remove tidal signal 1236 1237 ln_default_fp_indegs = .true. ! Logical: T=> averaging footprint is in degrees, F=> in metres 1237 1238 ln_sla_fp_indegs = .true. ! Logical: T=> averaging footprint is in degrees, F=> in metres -
r11546 r12140 55 55 LOGICAL :: ln_sic_fp_indegs !: T=> sea-ice obs footprint size specified in degrees, F=> in metres 56 56 LOGICAL :: ln_output_clim !: Logical switch for interpolating and writing T/S climatology 57 LOGICAL :: ln_time_mean_sla_bkg !: Logical switch for applying time mean of SLA background to remove tidal signal 57 58 58 59 REAL(wp) :: rn_default_avglamscl !: Default E/W diameter of observation footprint … … 66 67 REAL(wp) :: rn_sic_avglamscl !: E/W diameter of sea-ice observation footprint 67 68 REAL(wp) :: rn_sic_avgphiscl !: N/S diameter of sea-ice observation footprint 69 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: & 70 & MeanPeriodHours = 24. + (5./6.) !: Meaning period for surface data. 71 68 72 69 73 INTEGER :: nn_1dint !: Vertical interpolation method … … 262 266 & ln_ignmis, ln_s_at_t, ln_bound_reject, & 263 267 & ln_sstnight, ln_output_clim, & 264 & ln_ default_fp_indegs,&268 & ln_time_mean_sla_bkg, ln_default_fp_indegs, & 265 269 & ln_sla_fp_indegs, ln_sst_fp_indegs, & 266 270 & ln_sss_fp_indegs, ln_sic_fp_indegs, & … … 427 431 WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for night-time SST obs ln_sstnight = ', ln_sstnight 428 432 WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for writing climat. at obs points ln_output_clim = ', ln_output_clim 433 WRITE(numout,*) ' Logical switch for time-mean of SLA ln_time_mean_sla_bkg = ', ln_time_mean_sla_bkg 429 434 ENDIF 430 435 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 912 917 & clsurffiles(jtype,1:ifilessurf(jtype)), & 913 918 & nvarssurf(jtype), nextrsurf(jtype), nitend-nit000+2, & 914 & rn_dobsini, rn_dobsend, ln_ignmis, .FALSE., &915 & llnightav(jtype), ltype_clim, clvars )919 & rn_dobsini, rn_dobsend, MeanPeriodHours, ln_ignmis, .FALSE., & 920 & llnightav(jtype), ltype_clim, ln_time_mean_sla_bkg, clvars ) 916 921 917 922 CALL obs_pre_surf( surfdata(jtype), surfdataqc(jtype), ln_nea, ln_bound_reject ) … … 1031 1036 !! * Local declarations 1032 1037 INTEGER :: idaystp ! Number of timesteps per day 1038 INTEGER :: imeanstp ! Number of timesteps for sla averaging 1033 1039 INTEGER :: jtype ! Data loop variable 1034 1040 INTEGER :: jvar ! Variable number … … 1624 1630 ENDIF 1625 1631 1626 CALL obs_surf_opt( surfdataqc(jtype), kstp, jpi, jpj, & 1627 & nit000, idaystp, zsurfvar, & 1628 & zsurfclim, zsurfmask, & 1629 & n2dintsurf(jtype), llnightav(jtype), & 1630 & ravglamscl(jtype), ravgphiscl(jtype), & 1631 & lfpindegs(jtype) ) 1632 IF ( TRIM(cobstypessurf(jtype)) == 'sla' .AND. & 1633 & ln_time_mean_sla_bkg ) THEN 1634 !Number of time-steps in meaning period 1635 imeanstp = NINT( ( MeanPeriodHours * 60. * 60. ) / rdt ) 1636 CALL obs_surf_opt( surfdataqc(jtype), kstp, jpi, jpj, & 1637 & nit000, idaystp, zsurfvar, & 1638 & zsurfclim, zsurfmask, & 1639 & n2dintsurf(jtype), llnightav(jtype), & 1640 & ravglamscl(jtype), ravgphiscl(jtype), & 1641 & lfpindegs(jtype), kmeanstp = imeanstp ) 1642 1643 ELSE 1644 CALL obs_surf_opt( surfdataqc(jtype), kstp, jpi, jpj, & 1645 & nit000, idaystp, zsurfvar, & 1646 & zsurfclim, zsurfmask, & 1647 & n2dintsurf(jtype), llnightav(jtype), & 1648 & ravglamscl(jtype), ravgphiscl(jtype), & 1649 & lfpindegs(jtype) ) 1650 ENDIF 1632 1651 1633 1652 END DO -
r11468 r12140 542 542 & kit000, kdaystp, psurf, pclim, psurfmask, & 543 543 & k2dint, ldnightav, plamscl, pphiscl, & 544 & lindegrees )544 & lindegrees, kmeanstp ) 545 545 546 546 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 592 592 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdaystp ! Number of time steps per day 593 593 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k2dint ! Horizontal interpolation type (see header) 594 INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: & 595 kmeanstp ! Number of time steps for the time meaning 596 ! Averaging is triggered if present and greater than one 594 597 REAL(wp), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(kpi,kpj) :: & 595 598 & psurf, & ! Model surface field … … 613 616 INTEGER :: imodi, imodj 614 617 INTEGER :: idayend 618 INTEGER :: imeanend 615 619 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & 616 620 & igrdi, & … … 625 629 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1) :: zext, zobsmask, zclm 626 630 REAL(wp) :: zdaystp 631 REAL(wp) :: zmeanstp 627 632 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: & 628 633 & zweig, & … … 641 646 & zouttmp, & 642 647 & zmeanday ! to compute model sst in region of 24h daylight (pole) 648 649 LOGICAL :: l_timemean 643 650 644 651 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ … … 649 656 isurf = surfdataqc%nsstp(inrc) 650 657 658 l_timemean = .FALSE. 659 IF ( PRESENT( kmeanstp ) ) THEN 660 IF ( kmeanstp > 1 ) l_timemean = .TRUE. 661 ENDIF 662 651 663 ! Work out the maximum footprint size for the 652 664 ! interpolation/averaging in model grid-points - has to be even. 653 665 654 666 CALL obs_max_fpsize( k2dint, plamscl, pphiscl, lindegrees, psurfmask, imaxifp, imaxjfp ) 667 668 669 IF ( l_timemean ) THEN 670 ! Initialize time mean for first timestep 671 imeanend = MOD( kt - kit000 + 1, kmeanstp ) 672 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Obs time mean ', kt, kit000, kmeanstp, imeanend 673 674 ! Added kt == 0 test to catch restart case 675 IF ( ( imeanend == 1 ) .OR. ( kt == 0 ) ) THEN 676 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Reset surfdataqc%vdmean on time-step: ',kt 677 DO jj = 1, jpj 678 DO ji = 1, jpi 679 surfdataqc%vdmean(ji,jj) = 0.0 680 END DO 681 END DO 682 ENDIF 683 684 ! On each time-step, increment the field for computing time mean 685 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'Accumulating surfdataqc%vdmean on time-step: ',kt 686 DO jj = 1, jpj 687 DO ji = 1, jpi 688 surfdataqc%vdmean(ji,jj) = surfdataqc%vdmean(ji,jj) & 689 & + psurf(ji,jj) 690 END DO 691 END DO 692 693 ! Compute the time mean at the end of time period 694 IF ( imeanend == 0 ) THEN 695 zmeanstp = 1.0 / REAL( kmeanstp ) 696 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'Calculating surfdataqc%vdmean time mean on time-step: ',kt,' with weight: ',zmeanstp 697 DO jj = 1, jpj 698 DO ji = 1, jpi 699 surfdataqc%vdmean(ji,jj) = surfdataqc%vdmean(ji,jj) & 700 & * zmeanstp 701 END DO 702 END DO 703 ENDIF 704 ENDIF !l_timemean 655 705 656 706 … … 770 820 CALL obs_int_comm_2d( imaxifp, imaxjfp, isurf, kpi, kpj, & 771 821 & igrdi, igrdj, psurfmask, zmask ) 772 CALL obs_int_comm_2d( imaxifp, imaxjfp, isurf, kpi, kpj, & 773 & igrdi, igrdj, psurf, zsurf ) 822 823 ! At the end of the averaging period get interpolated means 824 IF ( l_timemean ) THEN 825 IF ( imeanend == 0 ) THEN 826 ALLOCATE( zsurfm(imaxifp,imaxjfp,isurf) ) 827 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' Interpolating the time mean values on time step: ',kt 828 CALL obs_int_comm_2d( imaxifp, imaxjfp, isurf, kpi, kpj, & 829 & igrdi, igrdj, surfdataqc%vdmean(:,:), zsurfm ) 830 ENDIF 831 ELSE 832 CALL obs_int_comm_2d( imaxifp, imaxjfp, isurf, kpi, kpj, & 833 & igrdi, igrdj, psurf, zsurf ) 834 ENDIF 774 835 775 836 IF ( k2dint > 4 ) THEN … … 823 884 zphi = surfdataqc%rphi(jobs) 824 885 825 IF ( ldnightav .AND. idayend == 0) THEN826 ! Night-time averaged data886 IF (( ldnightav .AND. idayend == 0 ) .OR. (l_timemean .AND. imeanend == 0)) THEN 887 ! Night-time or N=kmeanstp timestep averaged data 827 888 zsurftmp(:,:,iobs) = zsurfm(:,:,iobs) 828 889 ELSE … … 830 891 ENDIF 831 892 832 IF ( k2dint <= 4 ) THEN 833 834 ! Get weights to interpolate the model value to the observation point 835 CALL obs_int_h2d_init( 1, 1, k2dint, zlam, zphi, & 836 & zglam(:,:,iobs), zgphi(:,:,iobs), & 837 & zmask(:,:,iobs), zweig, zobsmask ) 838 839 ! Interpolate the model value to the observation point 840 CALL obs_int_h2d( 1, 1, zweig, zsurftmp(:,:,iobs), zext ) 841 842 IF ( surfdataqc%lclim ) THEN 843 CALL obs_int_h2d( 1, 1, zweig, zclim(:,:,iobs), zclm ) 893 IF ( ( .NOT. l_timemean ) .OR. & 894 & ( l_timemean .AND. imeanend == 0) ) THEN 895 IF ( k2dint <= 4 ) THEN 896 897 ! Get weights to interpolate the model value to the observation point 898 CALL obs_int_h2d_init( 1, 1, k2dint, zlam, zphi, & 899 & zglam(:,:,iobs), zgphi(:,:,iobs), & 900 & zmask(:,:,iobs), zweig, zobsmask ) 901 902 ! Interpolate the model value to the observation point 903 CALL obs_int_h2d( 1, 1, zweig, zsurftmp(:,:,iobs), zext ) 904 905 IF ( surfdataqc%lclim ) THEN 906 CALL obs_int_h2d( 1, 1, zweig, zclim(:,:,iobs), zclm ) 907 ENDIF 908 909 910 ELSE 911 912 ! Get weights to average the model SLA to the observation footprint 913 CALL obs_avg_h2d_init( 1, 1, imaxifp, imaxjfp, k2dint, zlam, zphi, & 914 & zglam(:,:,iobs), zgphi(:,:,iobs), & 915 & zglamf(:,:,iobs), zgphif(:,:,iobs), & 916 & zmask(:,:,iobs), plamscl, pphiscl, & 917 & lindegrees, zweig, zobsmask ) 918 919 ! Average the model SST to the observation footprint 920 CALL obs_avg_h2d( 1, 1, imaxifp, imaxjfp, & 921 & zweig, zsurftmp(:,:,iobs), zext ) 922 923 IF ( surfdataqc%lclim ) THEN 924 CALL obs_avg_h2d( 1, 1, imaxifp, imaxjfp, & 925 & zweig, zclim(:,:,iobs), zclm ) 926 ENDIF 927 844 928 ENDIF 845 929 846 847 ELSE 848 849 ! Get weights to average the model SLA to the observation footprint 850 CALL obs_avg_h2d_init( 1, 1, imaxifp, imaxjfp, k2dint, zlam, zphi, & 851 & zglam(:,:,iobs), zgphi(:,:,iobs), & 852 & zglamf(:,:,iobs), zgphif(:,:,iobs), & 853 & zmask(:,:,iobs), plamscl, pphiscl, & 854 & lindegrees, zweig, zobsmask ) 855 856 ! Average the model SST to the observation footprint 857 CALL obs_avg_h2d( 1, 1, imaxifp, imaxjfp, & 858 & zweig, zsurftmp(:,:,iobs), zext ) 859 860 IF ( surfdataqc%lclim ) THEN 861 CALL obs_avg_h2d( 1, 1, imaxifp, imaxjfp, & 862 & zweig, zclim(:,:,iobs), zclm ) 930 IF ( TRIM(surfdataqc%cvars(1)) == 'SLA' .AND. surfdataqc%nextra == 2 ) THEN 931 ! ... Remove the MDT from the SSH at the observation point to get the SLA 932 surfdataqc%rext(jobs,1) = zext(1) 933 surfdataqc%rmod(jobs,1) = surfdataqc%rext(jobs,1) - surfdataqc%rext(jobs,2) 934 ELSE 935 surfdataqc%rmod(jobs,1) = zext(1) 863 936 ENDIF 864 937 865 ENDIF 866 867 IF ( TRIM(surfdataqc%cvars(1)) == 'SLA' .AND. surfdataqc%nextra == 2 ) THEN 868 ! ... Remove the MDT from the SSH at the observation point to get the SLA 869 surfdataqc%rext(jobs,1) = zext(1) 870 surfdataqc%rmod(jobs,1) = surfdataqc%rext(jobs,1) - surfdataqc%rext(jobs,2) 871 ELSE 872 surfdataqc%rmod(jobs,1) = zext(1) 873 ENDIF 874 875 IF ( surfdataqc%lclim ) surfdataqc%rclm(jobs,1) = zclm(1) 876 877 IF ( zext(1) == obfillflt ) THEN 878 ! If the observation value is a fill value, set QC flag to bad 879 surfdataqc%nqc(jobs) = 4 938 IF ( surfdataqc%lclim ) surfdataqc%rclm(jobs,1) = zclm(1) 939 940 IF ( zext(1) == obfillflt ) THEN 941 ! If the observation value is a fill value, set QC flag to bad 942 surfdataqc%nqc(jobs) = 4 943 ENDIF 880 944 ENDIF 881 945 … … 901 965 902 966 ! At the end of the day also deallocate night-time mean array 903 IF ( idayend == 0 .AND. ldnightav) THEN967 IF (( idayend == 0 .AND. ldnightav ) .OR. ( imeanend == 0 .AND. l_timemean )) THEN 904 968 DEALLOCATE( & 905 969 & zsurfm & -
r11546 r12140 39 39 40 40 SUBROUTINE obs_rea_surf( surfdata, knumfiles, cdfilenames, & 41 & kvars, kextr, kstp, ddobsini, ddobsend, &42 & ldignmis, ldmod, ldnightav, ldclim, cdvars )41 & kvars, kextr, kstp, ddobsini, ddobsend, MeanPeriodHours, & 42 & ldignmis, ldmod, ldnightav, ldclim, ln_time_mean_sla_bkg, cdvars ) 43 43 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 44 !! … … 72 72 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ldnightav ! Observations represent a night-time average 73 73 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ldclim ! Will include climatology at obs points. 74 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ln_time_mean_sla_bkg ! Will reset times to end of averaging period. 74 75 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: ddobsini ! Obs. ini time in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 75 76 REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: ddobsend ! Obs. end time in YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 77 REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: MeanPeriodHours ! Averaging period in hours 76 78 CHARACTER(len=8), DIMENSION(kvars), INTENT(IN) :: cdvars 77 79 … … 280 282 inpfiles(jj)%iobsj = -1 281 283 ENDIF 284 285 !If SLA observations are representing a time mean then set the time 286 !of the obs to the end of that meaning period relative to the start of the run 287 IF ( ln_time_mean_sla_bkg .AND. ( TRIM( clvarsin(1) ) == 'SLA' ) ) THEN 288 DO ji = 1, inpfiles(jj)%nobs 289 ! Only do this for obs within time window 290 IF ( ( inpfiles(jj)%ptim(ji) > djulini(jj) ) .AND. & 291 & ( inpfiles(jj)%ptim(ji) <= djulend(jj) ) ) THEN 292 inpfiles(jj)%ptim(ji) = & 293 & djulini(jj) + (MeanPeriodHours/24.) 294 ENDIF 295 END DO 296 ENDIF 297 282 298 inowin = 0 283 299 DO ji = 1, inpfiles(jj)%nobs
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