Changeset 12977
- Timestamp:
- 2020-05-27T09:35:03+02:00 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- NEMO/branches/2020/dev_12905_xios_restart/src
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r12950 r12977 58 58 CONTAINS 59 59 60 SUBROUTINE dom_init( Kbb, Kmm, Kaa , cdstr)60 SUBROUTINE dom_init( Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ) 61 61 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 62 !! *** ROUTINE dom_init *** … … 74 74 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 75 INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: Kbb, Kmm, Kaa ! ocean time level indices 76 CHARACTER (len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdstr ! model: NEMO or SAS. Determines core restart variables77 76 ! 78 77 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, ik ! dummy loop indices … … 122 121 CALL dom_glo ! global domain versus local domain 123 122 CALL dom_nam ! read namelist ( namrun, namdom ) 124 !125 !reset namelist for SAS126 IF(cdstr == 'SAS') THEN127 IF(lrxios) THEN128 IF(lwp) write(numout,*) 'Disable reading restart file using XIOS for SAS'129 lrxios = .FALSE.130 ENDIF131 ENDIF132 123 ! 133 124 CALL dom_hgr ! Horizontal mesh -
r12961 r12977 618 618 #if defined key_iomput 619 619 TYPE(xios_context) :: nemo_hdl 620 IF(lwp) write(numout, *) 'SWAP TO: ', TRIM(cdname),' AGRIF: ', TRIM(Agrif_CFixed())621 620 IF( TRIM(Agrif_CFixed()) == '0' ) THEN 622 621 CALL xios_get_handle(TRIM(cdname),nemo_hdl) -
r12641 r12977 428 428 IF( lk_c1d ) CALL c1d_init ! 1D column configuration 429 429 CALL wad_init ! Wetting and drying options 430 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa , "OPA") ! Domain430 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa ) ! Domain 431 431 IF( ln_crs ) CALL crs_init( Nnn ) ! coarsened grid: domain initialization 432 432 IF( sn_cfctl%l_prtctl ) & -
r12969 r12977 351 351 IF( kstp == nit000 ) THEN ! 1st time step only 352 352 CALL iom_close( numror ) ! close input ocean restart file 353 IF( lroxios ) 353 IF( lroxios ) CALL iom_context_finalize( crxios_context ) 354 354 IF(lwm) CALL FLUSH ( numond ) ! flush output namelist oce 355 355 IF(lwm .AND. numoni /= -1 ) CALL FLUSH ( numoni ) ! flush output namelist ice (if exist) -
r12843 r12977 323 323 CALL eos_init ! Equation of state 324 324 IF( lk_c1d ) CALL c1d_init ! 1D column configuration 325 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa , "OPA") ! Domain325 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa ) ! Domain 326 326 IF( sn_cfctl%l_prtctl ) & 327 327 & CALL prt_ctl_init ! Print control -
r12641 r12977 246 246 CALL phy_cst ! Physical constants 247 247 CALL eos_init ! Equation of state 248 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa , 'SAO') ! Domain248 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa ) ! Domain 249 249 250 250 -
r12641 r12977 370 370 CALL phy_cst ! Physical constants 371 371 CALL eos_init ! Equation of seawater 372 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa , 'SAS') ! Domain372 CALL dom_init( Nbb, Nnn, Naa ) ! Domain 373 373 IF( sn_cfctl%l_prtctl ) & 374 374 & CALL prt_ctl_init ! Print control 375 375 IF( ln_rstart ) CALL rst_read_open 376 376 CALL day_init ! model calendar (using both namelist and restart infos) 377 IF( ln_rstart ) CALL rst_read_open378 377 379 378 ! ! external forcing -
r12969 r12977 95 95 ! need to keep the same interface 96 96 IF( kstp == nit000 ) CALL iom_init( cxios_context ) ! iom_put initialization (must be done after nemo_init for AGRIF+XIOS+OASIS) 97 IF( kstp /= nit000 ) CALL day( kstp ) ! Calendar (day was already called at nit000 in day_init)98 97 CALL iom_setkt( kstp - nit000 + 1, cxios_context ) ! tell iom we are at time step kstp 99 98 IF((kstp == nitrst) .AND. lwxios) THEN … … 107 106 #endif 108 107 ENDIF 108 IF( kstp /= nit000 ) CALL day( kstp ) ! Calendar (day was already called at nit000 in day_init) 109 109 110 #if defined key_si3 110 111 IF(((kstp + nn_fsbc - 1) == nitrst) .AND. lwxios) THEN … … 153 154 ! File manipulation at the end of the first time step 154 155 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 155 IF( kstp == nit000 ) CALL iom_close( numror ) ! close input ocean restart file 156 IF( kstp == nit000 ) THEN 157 CALL iom_close( numror ) ! close input ocean restart file 158 IF( lroxios ) CALL iom_context_finalize( crxios_context ) 159 ENDIF 156 160 157 161 !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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