Changeset 13841
- Timestamp:
- 2020-11-20T14:38:47+01:00 (4 years ago)
- Location:
- NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r13787_doc_latex_recovery/doc/latex/global
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 9 edited
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r13825 r13841 1 1 2 %% ============================================================================== 3 %% Template structure for reference manual 4 %% ============================================================================== 2 %% ================================================================================================= 3 %% Template structure for reference manuals 4 %% ================================================================================================= 5 5 6 6 %% NEMO release version 7 \def \version{ 4.0rc~}7 \def \version{trunk} 8 8 9 9 %% Preamble 10 %% ============================================================================== 10 %% ================================================================================================= 11 11 12 12 %% Document layout 13 \documentclass[ ]{scrreprt}13 \documentclass[fontsize = 10pt, twoside, abstract]{scrreprt} 14 14 15 %% Load the configuration of the manual 16 \input{../main/definitions} 17 18 %% Load global *.tex files 19 \input{../../global/preamble} 20 21 \dominitoc 22 23 %% Launch the creation of the indexes 24 \input{../../global/indexes} 25 15 %% Load manual configuration 16 \input{../../global/prologue} 26 17 27 18 %% End of common preamble between main and sub-files 28 19 %% Override custom cmds for full manual compilation 29 20 \newcommand{\subinc}[1]{#1} 30 \newcommand{\ notinsubfile}[1]{}21 \newcommand{\subexc}[1]{} 31 22 32 23 \begin{document} 33 24 34 25 \renewcommand{\subinc}[1]{} 35 \renewcommand{\notinsubfile}[1]{#1} 36 37 \renewcommand{\biblio}{} 38 \renewcommand{\pindex}{} 26 \renewcommand{\subexc}[1]{#1} 39 27 40 28 41 29 %% Frontmatter 42 %% ============================================================================== 30 %% ================================================================================================= 43 31 44 \pagenumbering{gobble} 32 \pagenumbering{gobble} %% Disable page numbering temporarily 45 33 46 34 %% Title page 47 35 \input{../../global/frontpage} 48 36 49 \maketitle 50 \ emptythanks37 %% Footer for introductory parts (no header by cleaning default) 38 \ofoot[]{\engine\ Reference Manual} \ifoot[]{\pagemark} 51 39 52 40 %% Information page (2nd page) 53 41 \input{../../global/info_page} 54 42 55 %% Foreword 56 %\frontmatter %% Chapter numbering off and Roman numerals for page numbers 43 \listoffigures 44 \listoflistings 45 \listoftables 46 47 \clearpage 48 57 49 \pagenumbering{roman} 58 \input{foreword} 50 \ofoot[]{\engine\ Reference Manual} \ifoot[]{\pagemark} 51 52 \input{introduction} 59 53 60 54 %% Table of Contents 61 55 \tableofcontents 62 \listoffigures63 \listoftables64 \listoflistings65 56 66 57 \clearpage 67 %\end{document}68 58 69 59 70 60 %% Mainmatter 71 %% ============================================================================== 61 %% ================================================================================================= 72 62 73 % \mainmatter %% Chapter numbering on, page numbering is reset with Arabic numerals63 %% Headings for document body 74 64 \pagenumbering{arabic} 65 \lohead{Chap.\ \thechapter\ \leftmark} \rehead{Sect.\ \thesection\ \rightmark} 66 \ifoot[]{Page\ \pagemark\ of \pageref*{LastPage}} 75 67 76 68 \include{chapters} … … 78 70 79 71 %% Appendix 80 %% ============================================================================== 72 %% ================================================================================================= 81 73 82 %% Chapter numbering is reset with letters now 83 \appendix 74 \appendix %% Chapter numbering with letters by now 75 \lohead{Apdx\ \thechapter\ \leftmark} 76 \include{appendices} 84 77 85 \include{appendices} 78 %% Append coding rules for every manual 79 \input{../../global/coding_rules} 86 80 87 81 88 82 %% Backmatter 89 %% ============================================================================== 83 %% ================================================================================================= 90 84 91 %\backmatter %% Chapter numbering off 92 93 %% Bibliography 94 \phantomsection 95 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} 96 \bibliography{../main/bibliography} 97 98 %% Index 99 \clearpage 100 \phantomsection 101 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Indexes} 102 \printindex[keys] 103 \printindex[modules] 104 \printindex[blocks] 105 \printindex[parameters] 106 \printindex[subroutines] 85 %% Bibliography and indexes 86 \input{../../global/epilogue} 107 87 108 88 \end{document} 109 -
r12377 r13841 1 1 2 \ title{\heading}3 \author{\firstauthor \and \secondauthor\thanks{\protect\input{thanks}}}4 \date{\today}2 \begin{titlepage} 3 % \newgeometry{hmargin = 1.5cm, vmargin = 3cm} 4 \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} 5 5 6 \pretitle{7 6 \begin{center} 8 \begin{figure}[H] 9 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.35\textwidth} 10 \href{}{\includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{logos/NEMO_grey}} 7 \begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth} 8 \includegraphics[height=1.5cm]{logos/NEMO_grey} 9 \end{minipage}\begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth} 10 \begin{center} 11 \Large\slshape 12 \textbf{N}ucleus for \textbf{E}uropean \textbf{M}odelling of the \textbf{O}cean \\ 13 \medskip 14 \hyperref[resources]{\textcolor{black}{ 15 \faWordpress \hspace{0.75cm} \faCodeFork \hspace{0.75cm} 16 \faGithub \hspace{0.75cm} \faCloudDownload \hspace{0.75cm} \faEnvelope 17 } 18 } 19 \end{center} 20 \end{minipage} 21 \end{center} 22 23 \spacetop 24 \textcolor{white}{\fontsize{0.8cm}{0.8cm}\selectfont\textbf{\heading}} 25 \ifdef{\subheading}{ 26 \medskip 27 \par 28 \textcolor{white}{\Huge \subheading} 29 }{} 30 \spacedown 31 32 \begin{center} 33 \LARGE Version \version\ -\ \today \\ 34 \medskip 35 \href{\zid}{ \includegraphics{badges/zenodo.\zid} } 36 \end{center} 37 38 \vfill 39 40 \begin{minipage}{\authorswidth} 41 \raggedleft 42 \input{authors} 43 \end{minipage}\hspace{15pt}\begin{minipage}{0.02\linewidth} 44 \rule{1pt}{\rulelenght} 45 \end{minipage}\hspace{ 5pt}\begin{minipage}{\abstractwidth} 46 \begin{abstract} 47 \input{abstract} 48 \end{abstract} 11 49 \end{minipage} 12 \hfill 13 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.65\textwidth} 14 \centering 15 \large{\em{{N}ucleus for {E}uropean {M}odelling of the {O}cean}} 16 \end{minipage} 17 \end{figure} 18 \vfill 19 \Huge 20 } 21 \posttitle{\par\end{center}\vskip 0.5em} 22 \preauthor{\begin{center}\Large\lineskip0.5em\begin{tabular}[t]{c}} 23 \postauthor{\end{tabular}\par\end{center}} 24 \predate{ 50 25 51 \vfill 52 26 53 \begin{center} 27 \large Version \version --- 28 } 29 \postdate{ 30 \par~\\ 31 \href{\zid}{\includegraphics{{badges/zenodo.\zid}.pdf}} 54 \Large 55 \href{ }{ \includegraphics[height=1cm]{logos/CMCC} } \hspace{0.25cm} 56 \href{ }{ \includegraphics[height=1cm]{logos/CNRS} } \hspace{0.25cm} 57 \href{}{ \includegraphics[height=1cm]{logos/MOI} } \hspace{0.25cm} 58 \href{ }{ \includegraphics[height=1cm]{logos/UKMO} } \hspace{0.25cm} 59 \href{ }{ \includegraphics[height=1cm]{logos/NERC} } \\ 60 \medskip 61 \slshape 62 {C}ommunity \hspace{1.5em} {O}cean \hspace{1.5em} {M}odel \\ 32 63 \end{center} 33 \vfill34 \begin{center}35 \href{}{ \includegraphics[height=0.055\textheight]{logos/CMCC}}36 \hspace{0.5em}37 \href{}{ \includegraphics[height=0.055\textheight]{logos/CNRS}}38 \hspace{0.9em}39 \href{}{\includegraphics[height=0.055\textheight]{logos/MOI} }40 \hspace{0.45em}41 \href{}{ \includegraphics[height=0.055\textheight]{logos/UKMO}}42 \hspace{0.5em}43 \href{}{ \includegraphics[height=0.055\textheight]{logos/NERC}} \\44 \large{{\em{C}ommunity \hspace{1.5em} {O}cean \hspace{1.5em} {M}odel}}45 \end{center}46 }47 64 48 \ thanksmarkseries{fnsymbol}65 \end{titlepage} 49 66 67 \restoregeometry -
r12377 r13841 2 2 %% ============================================================================== 3 3 4 \usepackage[outputdir=../build ]{minted}4 \usepackage[outputdir=../build, chapter, newfloat]{minted} 5 5 6 6 %% Global highlighting style 7 7 \definecolor{bg}{HTML}{f8f8f8} 8 8 \usemintedstyle{emacs} 9 \setminted{bgcolor=bg, fontsize=\scriptsize, breaklines , frame=leftline}9 \setminted{bgcolor=bg, fontsize=\scriptsize, breaklines} 10 10 \setminted[xml]{style=borland} %% Specific per language 11 11 … … 22 22 23 23 %% File 24 \newmintedfile[forfile]{fortran}{} % \forfile{../namelists/nam...}24 \newmintedfile[forfile]{fortran}{} 25 25 26 26 %% Inline 27 \newmintinline[forcode]{fortran}{ fontsize=auto, frame=lines} % \forcode{...}28 \newmintinline[xmlcode]{xml}{ fontsize=auto, frame=lines} % \xmlcode{...}29 \newmintinline[snippet]{console}{ fontsize=auto, frame=lines} % \snippet{...}27 \newmintinline[forcode]{fortran}{bgcolor=, fontsize=auto} % \forcode{...} 28 \newmintinline[xmlcode]{xml}{ bgcolor=, fontsize=auto} % \xmlcode{...} 29 \newmintinline[snippet]{console}{bgcolor=, fontsize=auto} % \snippet{...} 30 30 31 31 %% Namelists inclusion 32 32 \newcommand{\nlst}[1]{\forfile{../../../namelists/#1}} 33 -
r12377 r13841 1 1 headings_flag 1 2 heading_prefix "{\\medskip\\hfill\\large\\textsf{\\textbf{" 3 heading_suffix "}}\\hfill}\\medskip\\nopagebreak\n" 4 2 heading_prefix "\\medskip\\hfill\\textnormal{" 3 heading_suffix "}\\hfill\\smallskip\n" 5 4 delim_0 "\\dotfill~" 6 delim_1 "\\dotfill~"7 delim_2 "\\dotfill~"8 -
r12377 r13841 2 2 \thispagestyle{plain} 3 3 4 % ================================================================5 % Disclaimer6 % ================================================================4 %% ================================================================ 5 %% Disclaimer 6 %% ================================================================ 7 7 \subsubsection*{Disclaimer} 8 8 9 9 Like all components of the modelling framework, 10 the \engine ~core engine is developed under the \href{}{CECILL license},11 which is a French adaptation of the GNU GPL ( General Public License).10 the \engine\ core engine is developed under the \href{}{CECILL license}, 11 which is a French adaptation of the GNU GPL (\textbf{G}eneral \textbf{P}ublic \textbf{L}icense). 12 12 Anyone may use it freely for research purposes, and is encouraged to 13 communicate back to the NEMOteam its own developments and improvements.13 communicate back to the development team its own developments and improvements. 14 14 15 15 The model and the present document have been made available as a service to the community. … … 18 18 Users are encouraged to bring them to our attention. 19 19 20 The authors assume no responsibility for problems, errors, or incorrect usage of NEMO.20 The authors assume no responsibility for problems, errors, or incorrect usage of \NEMO. 21 21 22 % ================================================================23 % External resources24 % ================================================================22 %% ================================================================ 23 %% External resources 24 %% ================================================================ 25 25 \subsubsection*{Other resources} 26 \label{resources} 26 27 27 28 Additional information can be found on: 28 29 \begin{itemize} 29 \item the \href{}{website} of the project detailing several30 \item \faWordpress\ the \href{}{website} of the project detailing several 30 31 associated applications and an exhaustive users bibliography 31 \item the \href{}{development platform} of the model with 32 the code repository and some main resources (wiki, ticket system, forums, \ldots) 33 \item the \href{}{online archive} 34 delivering the publications issued by the consortium 35 \item two mailing lists: 32 \item \faCodeFork\ the \href{}{development platform} of 33 the model with the code repository for the shared reference and some main resources 34 (wiki, ticket system, forums, \ldots) \\ 35 \faGithub\ the \href{} 36 {repository of the demonstration cases} for research or training 37 \item \faCloudDownload\ the \href{}{online archive} 38 delivering the publications issued by the consortium (manuals, reports, datasets, \ldots) 39 \item \faEnvelope\ two mailing lists: 36 40 the \href{}{newsletter} for 37 41 top-down communications from the project … … 41 45 \end{itemize} 42 46 43 % ================================================================44 % Citation45 % ================================================================47 %% ================================================================ 48 %% Citation 49 %% ================================================================ 46 50 \subsubsection*{Citation} 47 51 48 52 Reference for papers and other publications is as follows: 49 53 50 \ vspace{0.5cm}54 \medskip 51 55 52 %% \sloppy: workaround for breaking DOI URL 53 \sloppy 54 ``{\bfseries \heading}'', 55 \firstauthor and \secondauthor, 56 {\em Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center}, \textbf{\ipslnum} --- ISSN 1288-1619, 57 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), 58 \href{\zid}{doi:10.5281/zenodo.\zid} 56 \begin{sloppypar} 57 ``{\bfseries \heading}\ifdef{\subheading}{ -- \subheading}{}'', 58 {\em Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center}, \textbf{\ipslnum} --- ISSN 1288-1619, 59 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), 60 \href{\zid}{doi:10.5281/zenodo.\zid} 61 \end{sloppypar} 59 62 60 63 \begin{figure}[b] 61 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.72\textwidth} 62 \small\ttfamily{Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center \\ 63 ISSN 1288-1619 \\ 64 \begin{minipage}[c]{0.7\textwidth} 65 \small 66 \ttfamily{ 67 Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center \\ 68 ISSN 1288-1619 \\ 64 69 Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) 65 70 } … … 70 75 \end{minipage} 71 76 \end{figure} 72 -
r13825 r13841 2 2 %% ============================================================================== 3 3 4 %% Include references and index for compilation of single subfile 5 \newcommand{\mtoc}{\minitoc} 6 \newcommand{\biblio}{\bibliography{../main/bibliography}} 7 \newcommand{\pindex}{\printindex} 8 9 %% NEMO and Fortran in small capitals 10 \newcommand{\NEMO}{\textsc{nemo}~} 4 %% Same slanted font for NEMO and its core engines 5 \newcommand{\NEMO }{\textsl{NEMO}} 6 \newcommand{\OPA }{\textsl{OPA}} 7 \newcommand{\SIcube}{\textsl{SI$^3$}} 11 8 \newcommand{\TOP }{\textsl{TOP}} 12 9 \newcommand{\PISCES}{\textsl{PISCES}} 13 \newcommand{\fortran}{\textsc{Fortran}~} 14 \newcommand{\fninety}{\textsc{Fortran 90}~} 10 \newcommand{\NEMOVAR}{\textsl{NEMOVAR}} 11 12 %% Links for external components 13 \newcommand{\AGRIF}{\href{}{AGRIF}} 14 \newcommand{\CICE }{\href{}{CICE}} 15 \newcommand{\OASIS}{\href{}{OASIS}} 16 \newcommand{\XIOS }{\href{}{XIOS}} 17 18 %% Fortran in small capitals 19 \newcommand{\fortran}{\textsc{Fortran}} 20 \newcommand{\fninety}{\textsc{Fortran 90}} 15 21 16 22 %% Common aliases … … 20 26 \newcommand{\ztilde}{\ensuremath{\tilde z}} 21 27 \newcommand{\stilde}{\ensuremath{\tilde s}} 22 \newcommand{\ie}{\ensuremath{i.e.} ~}23 \newcommand{\eg}{\ensuremath{e.g.} ~}28 \newcommand{\ie}{\ensuremath{i.e.}} 29 \newcommand{\eg}{\ensuremath{e.g.}} 24 30 25 31 %% Inline maths … … 33 39 \newcommand{\lt}{\left} 34 40 \newcommand{\rt}{\right} 35 \newcommand{\vect}[1]{\ensuremath{ \mathbf{#1}}}41 \newcommand{\vect}[1]{\ensuremath{ \mathbf{#1} }} 36 42 \newcommand{\pd}[2][]{\ensuremath{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}} 37 43 38 %% Workaround for issue with \listoffigures 39 \DeclareRobustCommand{\triad}[6][]{\ensuremath{{}_{#2}^{#3}{\mathbb{#4}_{#1}}_{#5}^{\,#6}}} 44 %% Convert chapter/section headings to lowercase 45 \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}} 46 \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{#1}{}} 47 48 %% Retrieve month name 49 \renewcommand{\today}{ 50 \ifcase \month\or January\or February\or March\or 51 April\or May\or June\or 52 July\or August\or September\or 53 October\or November\or December 54 \fi, \number \year 55 } 56 57 %% Link to orcid profile 58 \newcommand{\orcid}[1]{\href{}{\textcolor{orcidcolor}\aiOrcidSquare}} 59 60 %% Workaround for \listoffigures 61 \DeclareRobustCommand{\triad}[6][]{\ensuremath{ {}_{#2}^{#3} { \mathbb{#4}_{#1} }_{#5}^{\,#6} }} 40 62 41 63 %% New command for ToC 42 \newcommand{\chaptertoc}[1][Table of contents]{ 64 \newcommand{\chaptertoc}[1][Table of contents]{% 43 65 \thispagestyle{empty} 44 \etocsettocstyle{\addsec*{#1}}{} 45 \localtableofcontents 66 \etocsettocstyle{\addsec*{#1}}{}% 67 \localtableofcontents% 46 68 \vfill 47 69 } -
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