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Changeset 2483 for branches/nemo_v3_3_beta/DOC – NEMO

2010-12-18T13:36:55+01:00 (14 years ago)

Documentation fixes for OBS and ASM

4 edited


  • branches/nemo_v3_3_beta/DOC/TexFiles/Biblio/Biblio.bib

    r2376 r2483  
    13711371  url = {} 
     1375  title = {A User's Guide for SCRIP: A Spherical Coordinate Remapping and Interpolation Package. Version 1.4}, 
     1376  institution = {Los Alamos National Laboratory}, 
     1377  year = {1998}, 
     1378  author = {P. W. Jones}, 
     1379  url = {} 
  • branches/nemo_v3_3_beta/DOC/TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_ASM.tex

    r2474 r2483  
    1313$\ $\newline    % force a new line 
    15 The ASM code adds the functionality to apply increments to model variables,  
     15The ASM code adds the functionality to apply increments to the model variables:  
    1616temperature, salinity, sea surface height, velocity and sea ice concentration.  
    1717These are read into the model from a NetCDF file which may be produced by data 
    4040IAU is used when \np{ln\_asmiau} is set to true. 
    42 With IAU, the model state trajectory in the assimilation window  
     42With IAU, the model state trajectory ${\bf x}$ in the assimilation window  
    4343($t_{0} \leq t_{i} \leq t_{N}$) 
    44 is corrected by adding the analysis increments for  
    45 for temperature, salinity, horizontal velocity and SSH 
     44is corrected by adding the analysis increments for temperature, salinity, horizontal velocity and SSH 
    4645as additional tendency terms to the prognostic equations: 
    4746\begin{eqnarray}     \label{eq:wa_traj_iau} 
    4948\; + \; F_{i} \delta \tilde{\bf x}^{a}  
    51 where $F_{i}$ is a weighting function defined such that $\sum_{i=1}^{N} F_{i}=1$.  
     50where $F_{i}$ is a weighting function for applying the increments $\delta 
     51\tilde{\bf x}^{a}$ defined such that $\sum_{i=1}^{N} F_{i}=1$. 
     52${\bf x}^b$ denotes the model initial state and ${\bf x}^a$ is the model state 
     53after the increments are applied.  
    5254To control the adjustment time of the model to the increment, 
    5355the increment can be applied over an arbitrary sub-window, 
    6870The second function employs peaked hat-like weights in order to give maximum  
    6971weight in the centre of the sub-window, with the weighting reduced  
    70 linearly to a small value at the window end-points. 
     72linearly to a small value at the window end-points: 
    7173\begin{eqnarray}     \label{eq:F2_i} 
  • branches/nemo_v3_3_beta/DOC/TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_OBS.tex

    r2474 r2483  
    1515The observation and model comparison code (OBS) reads in observation files 
    16 (profile temperature and salinity, sea surface temperature, sea level anomaly 
    17 and sea ice concentration) and calculates  an interpolated model equivalent 
     16(profile temperature and salinity, sea surface temperature, sea level anomaly, 
     17sea ice concentration, and velocity) and calculates  an interpolated model equivalent 
    1818value at the observation location and nearest model timestep. The OBS code is 
    1919called from \np{opa.F90} in order to initialise the model and to calculate the 
    2626For {\em in situ} profiles, a 1D vertical interpolator is needed in addition to 
    2727provide model fields at the observation depths. Currently this only works in 
    28 z-level model configurations but is currently being developed to work with a 
     28z-level model configurations, but is being developed to work with a 
    2929generalised vertical coordinate system. 
    30 Temperature data from moored buoys (TAO, TRITON, PIRATA) which in the 
     30Temperature data from moored buoys (TAO, TRITON, PIRATA) in the 
    3131ENACT/ENSEMBLES data-base are available as daily averaged quantities. For this 
    32 type of observations the 
     32type of observation the 
    3333observation operator will compare such observations to the model temperature 
    34 fields over one day. The relevant observation type may be specified in the namelist 
     34fields averaged over one day. The relevant observation type may be specified in the namelist 
    3535using \np{endailyavtypes}. Otherwise the model value from the nearest 
    3636timestep to the observation time is used. 
    38 The resulting data is saved in a ``feedback'' file (or files) which can be used 
     38The resulting data are saved in a ``feedback'' file (or files) which can be used 
    3939for model validation and verification and also to provide information for data 
    4040assimilation. This code is controlled by the namelist \textit{nam\_obs}. To 
    643643  iterative scheme that involves first mapping a quadrilateral cell 
    644644  into a cell with coordinates (0,0), (1,0), (0,1) and (1,1). This 
    645   method is based on the SCRIP interpolation package \citep{Jones_MWR99,Jones_Bk01}. 
     645  method is based on the SCRIP interpolation package \citep{Jones_1998}. 
    702702P and B, etc.. The method used is 
    703703similar to the method used in 
    704 the Scripp interpolation package \citep{Jones_Bk01}. 
     704the SCRIP interpolation package \citep{Jones_1998}. 
    706706In order to speed up the grid search, there is the possibility to construct  
  • branches/nemo_v3_3_beta/DOC/TexFiles/Namelist/namasm

    r2349 r2483  
    44   ln_bkgwri   = .false.   ! write out background state (T) or not (F) 
    55   ln_trjwri   = .false.   ! write out state trajectory (T) or not (F) 
    6    ln_trainc   = .false.   ! apply tracer increments (T) or not (F) 
    7    ln_dyninc   = .false.   ! apply velocity increments (T) or not (F) 
    8    ln_sshinc   = .false.   ! applying SSH increments  (T) or not (F) 
     6   ln_trainc   = .true.   ! apply tracer increments (T) or not (F) 
     7   ln_dyninc   = .true.   ! apply velocity increments (T) or not (F) 
     8   ln_sshinc   = .true.   ! applying SSH increments  (T) or not (F) 
    99   ln_asmdin   = .false.   ! DI: Direct Initialization (T) or not (F) 
    10    ln_asmiau   = .false.   ! IAU: Incremental Analysis Updating (T) or not (F) 
     10   ln_asmiau   = .true.   ! IAU: Incremental Analysis Updating (T) or not (F) 
    1111   nitbkg      =  0        ! timestep of background in [0,nitend-nit000-1] 
    1212   nitdin      =  0        ! timestep of background for DI in [0,nitend-nit000-1] 
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