Changeset 253
- Timestamp:
- 2005-08-30T15:26:11+02:00 (19 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/NEMO
- Files:
- 7 added
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r247 r253 20 20 USE limistate 21 21 USE limrst 22 USE ini1d ! initialization of the 1D configuration 22 23 23 24 IMPLICIT NONE … … 119 120 REWIND ( numnam_ice ) 120 121 READ ( numnam_ice , namicerun ) 122 123 IF( lk_cfg_1d ) ln_limdyn = .FALSE. ! No ice transport in 1D configuration 124 121 125 IF(lwp) THEN 122 126 WRITE(numout,*) -
r250 r253 22 22 USE closea 23 23 USE solisl 24 USE ini1d ! initialization of the 1D configuration 24 25 25 26 IMPLICIT NONE … … 592 593 ! ================ 593 594 594 ! Suppress isolated ocean grid points 595 596 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 597 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' suppress isolated ocean grid points' 598 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' -----------------------------------' 599 600 icompt = 0 601 602 DO jl = 1, 2 603 604 IF( nperio == 1 .OR. nperio == 4 .OR. nperio == 6 ) THEN 605 mbathy( 1 ,:) = mbathy(jpim1,:) 606 mbathy(jpi,:) = mbathy( 2 ,:) 607 ENDIF 608 DO jj = 2, jpjm1 609 DO ji = 2, jpim1 610 ibtest = MAX( mbathy(ji-1,jj), mbathy(ji+1,jj), & 611 mbathy(ji,jj-1),mbathy(ji,jj+1) ) 612 IF( ibtest < mbathy(ji,jj) ) THEN 613 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' the number of ocean level at ', & 614 'grid-point (i,j) = ',ji,jj,' is changed from ', & 615 mbathy(ji,jj),' to ', ibtest 616 mbathy(ji,jj) = ibtest 617 icompt = icompt + 1 618 ENDIF 595 IF( .NOT. lk_cfg_1d ) THEN 596 597 ! Suppress isolated ocean grid points 598 599 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 600 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' suppress isolated ocean grid points' 601 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' -----------------------------------' 602 603 icompt = 0 604 605 DO jl = 1, 2 606 607 IF( nperio == 1 .OR. nperio == 4 .OR. nperio == 6 ) THEN 608 mbathy( 1 ,:) = mbathy(jpim1,:) 609 mbathy(jpi,:) = mbathy( 2 ,:) 610 ENDIF 611 DO jj = 2, jpjm1 612 DO ji = 2, jpim1 613 ibtest = MAX( mbathy(ji-1,jj), mbathy(ji+1,jj), & 614 mbathy(ji,jj-1),mbathy(ji,jj+1) ) 615 IF( ibtest < mbathy(ji,jj) ) THEN 616 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' the number of ocean level at ', & 617 'grid-point (i,j) = ',ji,jj,' is changed from ', & 618 mbathy(ji,jj),' to ', ibtest 619 mbathy(ji,jj) = ibtest 620 icompt = icompt + 1 621 ENDIF 622 END DO 619 623 END DO 624 620 625 END DO 621 622 END DO 623 IF( icompt == 0 ) THEN 624 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' no isolated ocean grid points' 625 ELSE 626 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ',icompt,' ocean grid points suppressed' 627 ENDIF 628 IF( lk_mpp ) THEN 629 zbathy(:,:) = FLOAT( mbathy(:,:) ) 630 CALL lbc_lnk( zbathy, 'T', 1. ) 631 mbathy(:,:) = INT( zbathy(:,:) ) 632 ENDIF 633 634 ! 3.2 East-west cyclic boundary conditions 635 636 IF( nperio == 0 ) THEN 637 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' mbathy set to 0 along east and west', & 638 ' boundary: nperio = ', nperio 626 IF( icompt == 0 ) THEN 627 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' no isolated ocean grid points' 628 ELSE 629 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ',icompt,' ocean grid points suppressed' 630 ENDIF 639 631 IF( lk_mpp ) THEN 640 IF( nbondi == -1 .OR. nbondi == 2 ) THEN641 IF( jperio /= 1 ) mbathy(1,:) = 0642 ENDIF643 IF( nbondi == 1 .OR. nbondi == 2 ) THEN644 IF( jperio /= 1 ) mbathy(nlci,:) = 0645 ENDIF646 ELSE647 mbathy( 1 ,:) = 0648 mbathy(jpi,:) = 0649 ENDIF650 ELSEIF( nperio == 1 .OR. nperio == 4 .OR. nperio == 6 ) THEN651 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' east-west cyclic boundary conditions', &652 ' on mbathy: nperio = ', nperio653 mbathy( 1 ,:) = mbathy(jpim1,:)654 mbathy(jpi,:) = mbathy( 2 ,:)655 ELSEIF( nperio == 2 ) THEN656 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' equatorial boundary conditions', &657 ' on mbathy: nperio = ', nperio658 ELSE659 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' e r r o r'660 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' parameter , nperio = ', nperio661 ! STOP 'dom_mba'662 ENDIF663 664 ! Set to zero mbathy over islands if necessary (lk_isl=F)665 IF( .NOT. lk_isl ) THEN ! No island666 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)667 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' mbathy set to 0 over islands'668 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ----------------------------'669 670 mbathy(:,:) = MAX( 0, mbathy(:,:) )671 672 ! Boundary condition on mbathy673 IF( .NOT.lk_mpp ) THEN674 !!bug ??? y reflechir!675 ! ... mono- or macro-tasking: T-point, >0, 2D array, no slab676 632 zbathy(:,:) = FLOAT( mbathy(:,:) ) 677 633 CALL lbc_lnk( zbathy, 'T', 1. ) 678 634 mbathy(:,:) = INT( zbathy(:,:) ) 635 ENDIF 636 637 ! 3.2 East-west cyclic boundary conditions 638 639 IF( nperio == 0 ) THEN 640 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' mbathy set to 0 along east and west', & 641 ' boundary: nperio = ', nperio 642 IF( lk_mpp ) THEN 643 IF( nbondi == -1 .OR. nbondi == 2 ) THEN 644 IF( jperio /= 1 ) mbathy(1,:) = 0 645 ENDIF 646 IF( nbondi == 1 .OR. nbondi == 2 ) THEN 647 IF( jperio /= 1 ) mbathy(nlci,:) = 0 648 ENDIF 649 ELSE 650 mbathy( 1 ,:) = 0 651 mbathy(jpi,:) = 0 652 ENDIF 653 ELSEIF( nperio == 1 .OR. nperio == 4 .OR. nperio == 6 ) THEN 654 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' east-west cyclic boundary conditions', & 655 ' on mbathy: nperio = ', nperio 656 mbathy( 1 ,:) = mbathy(jpim1,:) 657 mbathy(jpi,:) = mbathy( 2 ,:) 658 ELSEIF( nperio == 2 ) THEN 659 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' equatorial boundary conditions', & 660 ' on mbathy: nperio = ', nperio 661 ELSE 662 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' e r r o r' 663 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' parameter , nperio = ', nperio 664 ! STOP 'dom_mba' 665 ENDIF 666 667 ! Set to zero mbathy over islands if necessary (lk_isl=F) 668 IF( .NOT. lk_isl ) THEN ! No island 669 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 670 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' mbathy set to 0 over islands' 671 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' ----------------------------' 672 673 mbathy(:,:) = MAX( 0, mbathy(:,:) ) 674 675 ! Boundary condition on mbathy 676 IF( .NOT.lk_mpp ) THEN 677 !!bug ??? y reflechir! 678 ! ... mono- or macro-tasking: T-point, >0, 2D array, no slab 679 zbathy(:,:) = FLOAT( mbathy(:,:) ) 680 CALL lbc_lnk( zbathy, 'T', 1. ) 681 mbathy(:,:) = INT( zbathy(:,:) ) 682 ENDIF 683 679 684 ENDIF 680 685 -
r247 r253 196 196 END DO 197 197 198 ! =========== 199 ! Zoom domain 200 ! =========== 201 202 IF( lzoom ) CALL zgr_bat_zoom 203 198 204 ! 2.4 Control print 199 205 -
r247 r253 418 418 ENDIF 419 419 420 ! =========== 421 ! Zoom domain 422 ! =========== 423 424 IF( lzoom ) CALL zgr_bat_zoom 425 420 426 ! ================ 421 427 ! Bathymetry check -
r247 r253 60 60 evmean ! 61 61 # endif 62 63 # if defined key_cfg_1d 64 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, DIMENSION(jpi,jpj,jpk) :: & 65 e_dis, & ! dissipation turbulent lengh scale 66 e_mix, & ! mixing turbulent lengh scale 67 e_pdl, & ! prandl number 68 e_ric ! local Richardson number 69 #endif 62 70 63 71 !! * Substitutions … … 153 161 !! 8.1 ! 99-01 (E. Stretta) new option for the mixing length 154 162 !! 8.5 ! 02-08 (G. Madec) ri_c and Free form, F90 163 !! 9.0 ! 04-10 (C. Ethe ) 1D configuration 155 164 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 165 !! * Modules used … … 287 296 288 297 END SELECT 298 299 # if defined key_cfg_1d 300 ! save mixing and dissipation turbulent length scales 301 e_dis(:,:,:) = zmxld(:,:,:) 302 e_mix(:,:,:) = zmxlm(:,:,:) 303 # endif 289 304 290 305 … … 382 397 ! local Richardson number 383 398 zri = MAX( rn2(ji,jj,jk), 0. ) / ( zsh2 + 1.e-20 ) 399 # if defined key_cfg_1d 400 ! save masked local Richardson number in zmxlm array 401 e_ric(ji,jj,jk) = zri * tmask(ji,jj,jk) 402 # endif 384 403 ! Prandtl number 385 404 zpdl = 1.0 … … 409 428 410 429 END SELECT 430 431 # if defined key_cfg_1d 432 ! save masked Prandlt number 433 e_pdl(:,:,2:jpkm1) = zmxld(:,:,2:jpkm1) 434 e_pdl(:,:, 1) = e_pdl(:,:, 2) 435 e_pdl(:,:, jpk) = e_pdl(:,:, jpkm1) 436 # endif 411 437 412 438 ! 4. Matrix inversion from level 2 (tke prescribed at level 1) -
r247 r253 33 33 USE ldftra ! lateral diffusivity setting (ldftra_init routine) 34 34 USE zdfini 35 !!!USE zdf_oce ! ocean vertical physics (zdf_init routine)36 35 37 36 USE phycst ! physical constant (par_cst routine) … … 47 46 48 47 USE step ! OPA time-stepping (stp routine) 48 USE ini1d ! re-initialization of u-v mask for the 1D configuration 49 USE dyncor1d ! Coriolis factor at T-point 50 USE step1d ! Time stepping loop for the 1D configuration 49 51 50 52 IMPLICIT NONE … … 93 95 !! 9.0 ! 02-08 (G. Madec) F90: Free form and modules 94 96 !! " ! 04-08 (C. Talandier) New trends organization 97 !! " ! 05-06 (C. Ethe) Add the 1D configuration possibility 95 98 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 99 !! * Local declarations … … 166 169 CALL dom_init ! Domain 167 170 168 IF( lk_obc ) CALL obc_init ! Open boundaries 171 IF( lk_cfg_1d ) CALL fcorio_1d ! redefine Coriolis at T-point 172 173 IF( lk_obc ) CALL obc_init ! Open boundaries 169 174 170 175 CALL solver_init ! Elliptic solver … … 178 183 CALL bn2( tb, sb, rn2 ) ! before Brunt-Vaisala frequency 179 184 180 IF( lk_zps ) CALL zps_hde( nit000, tb, sb, rhd, & ! Partial steps: before Horizontal DErivative 181 gtu, gsu, gru, & ! of t, s, rd at the bottom ocean level 182 gtv, gsv, grv ) 185 IF( lk_zps .AND. .NOT. lk_cfg_1d ) & 186 & CALL zps_hde( nit000, tb, sb, rhd, & ! Partial steps: before Horizontal DErivative 187 gtu, gsu, gru, & ! of t, s, rd at the bottom ocean level 188 gtv, gsv, grv ) 183 189 184 190 !!add … … 236 242 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,cform_aaa) ! Flag AAAAAAA 237 243 238 istp = nit000 239 DO WHILE ( istp <= nitend .AND. nstop == 0 ) 240 CALL stp( istp ) 241 istp = istp + 1 242 END DO 244 IF( lk_cfg_1d ) THEN 245 CALL init_1d 246 istp = nit000 247 DO WHILE ( istp <= nitend .AND. nstop == 0 ) 248 CALL stp_1d( istp ) 249 istp = istp + 1 250 END DO 251 ELSE 252 istp = nit000 253 DO WHILE ( istp <= nitend .AND. nstop == 0 ) 254 CALL stp( istp ) 255 istp = istp + 1 256 END DO 257 ENDIF 243 258 ! ! ========= ! 244 259 ! ! Job end ! -
r247 r253 45 45 jpnisl = 400 !: maximum number of points per island 46 46 47 #elif defined key_cfg_1d 48 ! global domain size !!! * global domain * 49 jpiglo = 3 , & !: 1st dimension of global domain --> i 50 jpjglo = 3 , & !: 2nd " " --> j 51 jpk = jpkdta, & !: number of vertical levels 52 ! starting position of the zoom 53 ! jpizoom = 61 , & !: left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 54 ! jpjzoom = 133 , & !: in data domain indices (160W,75N) 55 ! jpizoom = 61 , & !: left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 56 ! jpjzoom = 110 , & !: in data domain indices (160W,50N) 57 ! jpizoom = 61 , & !: left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 58 ! jpjzoom = 97 , & !: in data domain indices (160W,30N) 59 ! jpizoom = 61 , & !: left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 60 ! jpjzoom = 86 , & !: in data domain indices (160W,10N) 61 ! jpizoom = 61 , & !: left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 62 ! jpjzoom = 49 , & !: in data domain indices (160W,30S) 63 ! jpizoom = 61 , & !: left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 64 ! jpjzoom = 27 , & !: in data domain indices (160W,60S) 65 jpizoom = 61 , & !: left bottom (i,j) indices of the zoom 66 jpjzoom = 7 , & !: in data domain indices (160W,75S) 67 ! Domain characteristics 68 jperio = 0 , & !: lateral cond. type (between 0 and 6) 69 jpisl = 18 , & !: number of islands 70 jpnisl = 800 !: maximum number of points per island 47 71 #else 48 72 ! global domain size !!! * global domain * … … 57 81 jpisl = 18 , & !: number of islands 58 82 jpnisl = 800 !: maximum number of points per island 59 60 83 #endif 61 84
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