Changeset 2540
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- 2011-01-09T05:46:20+01:00 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/DOC/TexFiles/Namelist
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r2282 r2540 2 2 &namagrif ! AGRIF zoom ("key_agrif") 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 nn_cln_update = 3! baroclinic update frequency5 ln_spc_dyn = .true.! use 0 as special value for dynamics6 rn_sponge_tra = 2880. ! coefficient for tracer sponge layer [s]7 rn_sponge_dyn = 2880. ! coefficient for dynamics sponge layer [s]4 nn_cln_update = 3 ! baroclinic update frequency 5 ln_spc_dyn = .true. ! use 0 as special value for dynamics 6 rn_sponge_tra = 2880. ! coefficient for tracer sponge layer [m2/s] 7 rn_sponge_dyn = 2880. ! coefficient for dynamics sponge layer [m2/s] 8 8 / -
r2483 r2540 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 &nam asm_inc ! Assimilation increments ("key_asminc")2 &nam_asminc ! assimilation increments ('key_asminc') 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_bkgwri = .false. ! write out background state (T) or not (F)5 ln_trjwri = .false. ! write out state trajectory (T) or not (F)6 ln_trainc = .true. ! apply tracer increments (T) or not (F)7 ln_dyninc = .true. ! apply velocity increments (T) or not (F)8 ln_sshinc = .true. ! applying SSH increments (T) or not (F)9 ln_asmdin = .false. ! DI: Direct Initialization (T) or not (F)10 ln_asmiau = .true. ! IAU: Incremental Analysis Updating (T) or not (F)11 nitbkg = 0 ! timestep of background in [0,nitend-nit000-1]12 nitdin = 0 ! timestep of background for DI in [0,nitend-nit000-1]13 nitiaustr = 1 ! timestep of start of IAU interval in [0,nitend-nit000-1]14 nitiaufin = 15 ! timestep of end of IAU interval in [0,nitend-nit000-1]15 niaufn = 0 ! type of IAU weighting function16 nittrjfrq = 0 ! frequency of trajectory output for 4D-VAR17 ln_salfix = .false. ! ensure that the sa > salfixmin (T) or not (F)18 salfixmin = -9999 !Minimum salinity after applying the increments4 ln_bkgwri = .false. ! Logical switch for writing out background state 5 ln_trjwri = .false. ! Logical switch for writing out state trajectory 6 ln_trainc = .false. ! Logical switch for applying tracer increments 7 ln_dyninc = .false. ! Logical switch for applying velocity increments 8 ln_sshinc = .false. ! Logical switch for applying SSH increments 9 ln_asmdin = .false. ! Logical switch for Direct Initialization (DI) 10 ln_asmiau = .false. ! Logical switch for Incremental Analysis Updating (IAU) 11 nitbkg = 0 ! Timestep of background in [0,nitend-nit000-1] 12 nitdin = 0 ! Timestep of background for DI in [0,nitend-nit000-1] 13 nitiaustr = 1 ! Timestep of start of IAU interval in [0,nitend-nit000-1] 14 nitiaufin = 15 ! Timestep of end of IAU interval in [0,nitend-nit000-1] 15 niaufn = 0 ! Type of IAU weighting function 16 nittrjfrq = 0 ! Frequency of trajectory output for 4D-VAR 17 ln_salfix = .false. ! Logical switch for ensuring that the sa > salfixmin 18 salfixmin = -9999 ! Minimum salinity after applying the increments 19 19 / -
r2282 r2540 6 6 rn_ahtbbl = 1000. ! lateral mixing coefficient in the bbl [m2/s] 7 7 rn_gambbl = 10. ! advective bbl coefficient [s] 8 8 / -
r2349 r2540 2 2 &nambdy ! unstructured open boundaries ("key_bdy") 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 cn_mask = '' ! name of mask file (if ln_bdy_mask=.TRUE.) 5 cn_dta_frs_T = '' ! name of data file (T-points) 6 cn_dta_frs_U = '' ! name of data file (U-points) 7 cn_dta_frs_V = '' ! name of data file (V-points) 8 cn_dta_fla_T = '' ! name of data file for Flather condition (T-points) 9 cn_dta_fla_U = '' ! name of data file for Flather condition (U-points) 10 cn_dta_fla_V = '' ! name of data file for Flather condition (V-points) 11 ln_clim = .false. ! contain 1 (T) or 12 (F) time dumps and be cyclic 12 ln_vol = .true. ! total volume correction (see volbdy parameter) 13 ln_mask = .false. ! boundary mask from filbdy_mask (T) or boundaries on edges of domain (F) 14 ln_tides = .true. ! Apply tidal harmonic forcing with Flather condition 15 ln_dyn_fla = .true. ! Apply Flather condition to velocities 16 ln_tra_frs = .false. ! Apply FRS condition to temperature and salinity 17 ln_dyn_frs = .false. ! Apply FRS condition to velocities 18 nn_rimwidth = 9 ! width of the relaxation zone 19 nn_dtactl = 1 ! bdy data read in '' (=1) or set to the initial state (=0) 20 nn_volctl = 0 ! set to zero the net flux across open boundaries (=0) including E-P-R (=1) 4 cn_mask = '' ! name of mask file (ln_mask=T) 5 cn_dta_frs_T= '' ! name of data file (T-points) 6 cn_dta_frs_U= '' ! name of data file (U-points) 7 cn_dta_frs_V= '' ! name of data file (V-points) 8 cn_dta_fla_T= '' ! name of data file for Flather condition (T-points) 9 cn_dta_fla_U= '' ! name of data file for Flather condition (U-points) 10 cn_dta_fla_V= '' ! name of data file for Flather condition (V-points) 11 12 ln_clim = .false. ! contain 1 (T) or 12 (F) time dumps and be cyclic 13 ln_vol = .false. ! total volume correction (see volbdy parameter) 14 ln_mask = .false. ! boundary mask from filbdy_mask (T), boundaries are on edges of domain (F) 15 ln_tides = .false. ! Apply tidal harmonic forcing with Flather condition 16 ln_dyn_fla = .false. ! Apply Flather condition to velocities 17 ln_tra_frs = .false. ! Apply FRS condition to temperature and salinity 18 ln_dyn_frs = .false. ! Apply FRS condition to velocities 19 nn_rimwidth = 9 ! width of the relaxation zone 20 nn_dtactl = 1 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 21 ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 22 nn_volctl = 0 ! = 0, the total water flux across open boundaries is zero 23 ! = 1, the total volume of the system is conserved 21 24 / 22 -
r2282 r2540 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 &nambdy_tide !tidal forcing at unstructured boundaries2 &nambdy_tide ! tidal forcing at unstructured boundaries 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 filtide= 'bdytide_' ! file name root of tidal forcing files5 tide_cpt= 'M2','S1' ! names of tidal components used6 tide_speed= 28.984106, 15.000001 ! phase speeds of tidal components (deg/hour)7 ln_tide_date= .false. ! adjust tidal harmonics for start date of run4 filtide = 'bdytide_' ! file name root of tidal forcing files 5 tide_cpt = 'M2','S1' ! names of tidal components used 6 tide_speed = 28.984106, 15.000001 ! phase speeds of tidal components (deg/hour) 7 ln_tide_date= .false. ! adjust tidal harmonics for start date of run 8 8 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &nambfr ! bottom friction 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 nn_bfr = 1 ! type of bottom friction : = 0 : no slip, = 2 : nonlinear friction5 ! = 3 : free slip, = 1 :linear friction4 nn_bfr = 1 ! type of bottom friction : = 0 : free slip, = 1 : linear friction 5 ! = 2 : nonlinear friction 6 6 rn_bfri1 = 4.e-4 ! bottom drag coefficient (linear case) 7 7 rn_bfri2 = 1.e-3 ! bottom drag coefficient (non linear case) 8 rn_bfeb2 = 2.5e-3 ! bottom turbulent kinetic energy background (m ^2/s^2)9 ln_bfr2d = .false.! horizontal variation of the bottom friction coef (read a 2D mask file )10 rn_bfrien = 50. ! local multiplying factor of bfr (ln_bfr2d = .true.)8 rn_bfeb2 = 2.5e-3 ! bottom turbulent kinetic energy background (m2/s2) 9 ln_bfr2d = .false. ! horizontal variation of the bottom friction coef (read a 2D mask file ) 10 rn_bfrien = 50. ! local multiplying factor of bfr (ln_bfr2d=T) 11 11 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namctl ! Control prints & Benchmark 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_ctl = .false. ! trends control print (expensive!) 4 5 nn_print = 0 ! level of print (0 no extra print) 6 nn_ictls = 0 ! start i indice of control sum (use to compare mono versus 7 nn_ictle = 0 ! end i indice of control sum multi processor runs 8 nn_jctls = 0 ! start j indice of control over a subdomain) 9 nn_jctle = 0 ! end j indice of control 10 nn_isplt = 1 ! number of processors in i-direction 11 nn_jsplt = 1 ! number of processors in j-direction 5 12 nn_bench = 0 ! Bench mode (1/0): CAUTION use zero except for bench 6 13 ! (no physical validity of the results) 7 nn_bit_cmp = 0 ! bit comparison mode (1/0): CAUTION use zero except for test8 ! of comparison between single and multiple processor runs9 ln_ctl = .false. ! trends control print (expensive!)10 nn_ictls = 0 ! start i indice of control sum (use to compare mono versus11 nn_ictle = 0 ! end i indice of control sum multi processor runs12 nn_jctls = 0 ! start j indice of control over a subdomain)13 nn_jctle = 0 ! end j indice of control14 nn_isplt = 1 ! number of processors in i-direction15 nn_jsplt = 1 ! number of processors in j-direction16 14 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namdom ! space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 nn_bathy = 1 ! compute (=0) or read(=1) the bathymetry file 5 nn_closea = 0 ! closed seas and lakes are removed (=0) or kept (=1) from the ORCA domain 6 nn_msh = 0 ! create (=1) a mesh file (coordinates, scale factors, masks) or not (=0) 7 rn_e3zps_min= 20. ! the thickness of the partial step is set larger than the minimum 8 rn_e3zps_rat= 0.1 ! of e3zps_min and e3zps_rat * e3t (N.B. 0<e3zps_rat<1) 4 nn_bathy = 1 ! compute (=0) or read (=1) the bathymetry file 5 nn_closea = 0 ! remove (=0) or keep (=1) closed seas and lakes (ORCA) 6 nn_msh = 0 ! create (=1) a mesh file or not (=0) 7 rn_hmin = -3. ! min depth of the ocean (>0) or min number of ocean level (<0) 8 rn_e3zps_min= 20. ! partial step thickness is set larger than the minimum of 9 rn_e3zps_rat= 0.1 ! rn_e3zps_min and rn_e3zps_rat*e3t, with 0<rn_e3zps_rat<1 9 10 ! 10 rn_rdt = 5760. ! time step for the dynamics (and tracer if n acc=0) ==> 576011 nn_baro = 64 ! number of barotropic time step (for the split explicit algorithm)("key_dynspg_ts")11 rn_rdt = 5760. ! time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nn_acc=0) 12 nn_baro = 64 ! number of barotropic time step ("key_dynspg_ts") 12 13 rn_atfp = 0.1 ! asselin time filter parameter 13 14 nn_acc = 0 ! acceleration of convergence : =1 used, rdt < rdttra(k) 14 15 ! =0, not used, rdt = rdttra 15 rn_rdtmin = 28800. ! minimum time step on tracers (used if n acc=1)16 rn_rdtmax = 28800. ! maximum time step on tracers (used if n acc=1)17 rn_rdth = 800. ! depth variation of tracer time step (used if n acc=1)16 rn_rdtmin = 28800. ! minimum time step on tracers (used if nn_acc=1) 17 rn_rdtmax = 28800. ! maximum time step on tracers (used if nn_acc=1) 18 rn_rdth = 800. ! depth variation of tracer time step (used if nn_acc=1) 18 19 / -
r2282 r2540 5 5 ln_dynadv_cen2= .false. ! flux form - 2nd order centered scheme 6 6 ln_dynadv_ubs = .false. ! flux form - 3rd order UBS scheme 7 / 7 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namdyn_ldf ! lateral diffusion on momentum 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 ! ! Type of the operator : 5 5 ln_dynldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator 6 6 ln_dynldf_bilap = .false. ! bilaplacian operator 7 7 ! ! Direction of action : 8 8 ln_dynldf_level = .false. ! iso-level 9 9 ln_dynldf_hor = .true. ! horizontal (geopotential) (require "key_ldfslp" in s-coord.) 10 10 ln_dynldf_iso = .false. ! iso-neutral (require "key_ldfslp") 11 12 rn_ahm_0 = 40.e3 ! horizontaleddy viscosity [m2/s]11 ! ! Coefficient 12 rn_ahm_0_lap = 40000. ! horizontal laplacian eddy viscosity [m2/s] 13 13 rn_ahmb_0 = 0. ! background eddy viscosity for ldf_iso [m2/s] 14 14 rn_ahm_0_blp = 0. ! horizontal bilaplacian eddy viscosity [m4/s] -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namdyn_vor ! option of physics/algorithm (not control by CPP keys) 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_dynvor_ene = .false. ! enstrophy conserving scheme 5 ln_dynvor_ens = .false. ! energy conserving scheme 6 ln_dynvor_mix = .false. ! mixed scheme 7 ln_dynvor_een = .true. ! energy & enstrophy scheme 4 ln_dynvor_ene = .false. ! enstrophy conserving scheme 5 ln_dynvor_ens = .false. ! energy conserving scheme 6 ln_dynvor_mix = .false. ! mixed scheme 7 ln_dynvor_een = .true. ! energy & enstrophy scheme 8 8 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &nameos ! ocean physical parameters 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 nn_eos = 0! type of equation of state and Brunt-Vaisala frequency4 nn_eos = 0 ! type of equation of state and Brunt-Vaisala frequency 5 5 ! = 0, UNESCO (formulation of Jackett and McDougall (1994) and of McDougall (1987) ) 6 6 ! = 1, linear: rho(T) = rau0 * ( 1.028 - ralpha * T ) 7 7 ! = 2, linear: rho(T,S) = rau0 * ( rbeta * S - ralpha * T ) 8 rn_alpha = 2.e-4 ! thermal expension coefficient (neos= 1 or 2)9 rn_beta = 0.001 ! saline expension coefficient (neos= 2)8 rn_alpha = 2.0e-4 ! thermal expension coefficient (nn_eos= 1 or 2) 9 rn_beta = 7.7e-4 ! saline expension coefficient (nn_eos= 2) 10 10 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namflo ! float parameters ("key_float") 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_rstflo= .false. ! float restart (T) or not (F)5 nn_writefl= 75 ! frequency of writing in float output file6 nn_stockfl= 5475 ! frequency of creation of the float restart file7 ln_argo= .false. ! Argo type floats (stay at the surface each 10 days)8 ln_flork4= .false. ! trajectories computed with a 4th order Runge-Kutta (T)4 ln_rstflo = .false. ! float restart (T) or not (F) 5 nn_writefl = 75 ! frequency of writing in float output file 6 nn_stockfl = 5475 ! frequency of creation of the float restart file 7 ln_argo = .false. ! Argo type floats (stay at the surface each 10 days) 8 ln_flork4 = .false. ! trajectories computed with a 4th order Runge-Kutta (T) 9 9 ! or computed with Blanke' scheme (F) 10 10 / -
r2349 r2540 2 2 &namhsb ! Heat and salt budgets 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_diahsb = .false. 4 ln_diahsb = .false. ! check the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) 5 5 / -
r1225 r2540 2 2 &namlbc ! lateral momentum boundary condition 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 shlat = 2. ! shlat = 0 : free slip 5 ! 0 < shlat < 2 : partial slip 6 ! shlat = 2 : no slip 7 ! 2 < shlat : strong slip 4 rn_shlat = 2. ! shlat = 0 ! 0 < shlat < 2 ! shlat = 2 ! 2 < shlat 5 ! free slip ! partial slip ! no slip ! strong slip 8 6 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &nammpp ! Massively Parallel Processing ("key_mpp_mpi) 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 cn_mpi_send = ' S' ! mpi send/recieve type ='S', 'B', or 'I' for standard send,4 cn_mpi_send = 'I' ! mpi send/recieve type ='S', 'B', or 'I' for standard send, 5 5 ! buffer blocking send or immediate non-blocking sends, resp. 6 6 nn_buffer = 0 ! size in bytes of exported buffer ('B' case), 0 no exportation -
r2364 r2540 1 !!======================================================================2 !! namnc4 netcdf4 chunking and compression settings3 !!======================================================================4 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 &namnc4 ! netcdf4 chunking and compression settings ("key_netcdf4") 6 ! (benign if "key_netcdf4" is not used) 2 &namnc4 ! netcdf4 chunking and compression settings ("key_netcdf4") 7 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 nn_nchunks_i 9 nn_nchunks_j 10 nn_nchunks_k 11 12 13 ln_nc4zip = .TRUE.! (T) use netcdf4 chunking and compression14 4 nn_nchunks_i= 4 ! number of chunks in i-dimension 5 nn_nchunks_j= 4 ! number of chunks in j-dimension 6 nn_nchunks_k= 31 ! number of chunks in k-dimension 7 ! setting nn_nchunks_k = jpk will give a chunk size of 1 in the vertical which 8 ! is optimal for postprocessing which works exclusively with horizontal slabs 9 ln_nc4zip = .true. ! (T) use netcdf4 chunking and compression 10 ! (F) ignore chunking information and produce netcdf3-compatible files 15 11 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namobc ! open boundaries parameters ("key_obc") 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_obc_clim= .false. ! climatological obc data files (T) or not (F)5 ln_vol_cst= .true. ! impose the total volume conservation (T) or not (F)6 ln_obc_fla= .false. ! Flather open boundary condition7 nn_obcdta= 1 ! = 0 the obc data are equal to the initial state4 ln_obc_clim = .false. ! climatological obc data files (T) or not (F) 5 ln_vol_cst = .true. ! impose the total volume conservation (T) or not (F) 6 ln_obc_fla = .false. ! Flather open boundary condition 7 nn_obcdta = 1 ! = 0 the obc data are equal to the initial state 8 8 ! = 1 the obc data are read in 'obc.dta' files 9 cn_obcdta= 'annual' ! set to annual if obc datafile hold 1 year of data9 cn_obcdta = 'annual' ! set to annual if obc datafile hold 1 year of data 10 10 ! set to monthly if obc datafile hold 1 month of data 11 rn_dpein= 1. ! damping time scale for inflow at east open boundary12 rn_dpwin= 1. ! - - - west - -13 rn_dpnin= 1. ! - - - north - -14 rn_dpsin= 1. ! - - - south - -15 rn_dpeob= 3000. ! time relaxation (days) for the east open boundary16 rn_dpwob= 15. ! - - - west - -17 rn_dpnob= 3000. ! - - - north - -18 rn_dpsob= 15. ! - - - south - -19 rn_volemp = 1.! = 0 the total volume change with the surface flux (E-P-R)11 rn_dpein = 1. ! damping time scale for inflow at east open boundary 12 rn_dpwin = 1. ! - - - west - - 13 rn_dpnin = 1. ! - - - north - - 14 rn_dpsin = 1. ! - - - south - - 15 rn_dpeob = 3000. ! time relaxation (days) for the east open boundary 16 rn_dpwob = 15. ! - - - west - - 17 rn_dpnob = 3000. ! - - - north - - 18 rn_dpsob = 15. ! - - - south - - 19 rn_volemp = 1. ! = 0 the total volume change with the surface flux (E-P-R) 20 20 ! = 1 the total volume remains constant 21 21 / -
r2298 r2540 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 ! namobs observation usage switch 2 &namobs ! observation usage switch ('key_diaobs') 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! 5 ! ln_t3d Logical switch for T profile observations 6 ! ln_s3d Logical switch for S profile observations 7 ! ln_ena Logical switch for ENACT insitu data set 8 ! ln_cor Logical switch for Coriolis insitu data set 9 ! ln_profb Logical switch for feedback insitu data set 10 ! ln_sla Logical switch for SLA observations 11 ! ln_sladt Logical switch for AVISO SLA data 12 ! ln_slafb Logical switch for feedback SLA data 13 ! ln_ssh Logical switch for SSH observations 14 ! ln_sst Logical switch for SST observations 15 ! ln_reysst Logical switch for Reynolds observations 16 ! ln_ghrsst Logical switch for GHRSST observations 17 ! ln_sstfb Logical switch for feedback SST data 18 ! ln_sss Logical switch for SSS observations 19 ! ln_seaice Logical switch for Sea Ice observations 20 ! ln_vel3d Logical switch for velocity observations 21 ! ln_velavcur Logical switch for velocity daily av. cur. 22 ! ln_velhrcur Logical switch for velocity high freq. cur. 23 ! ln_velavadcp Logical switch for velocity daily av. ADCP 24 ! ln_velhradcp Logical switch for velocity high freq. ADCP 25 ! ln_velfb Logical switch for feedback velocity data 26 ! ln_grid_global Global distribtion of observations 27 ! ln_grid_search_lookup Logical switch for obs grid search w/lookup table 28 ! grid_search_file Grid search lookup file header 29 ! enactfiles ENACT input observation file names 30 ! coriofiles Coriolis input observation file name 31 ! profbfiles Profile feedback input observation file name 32 ! ln_profb_enatim Enact feedback input time setting switch 33 ! slafilesact Active SLA input observation file name 34 ! slafilespas Passive SLA input observation file name 35 ! slafbfiles Feedback SLA input observation file name 36 ! sstfiles GHRSST input observation file name 37 ! sstfbfiles Feedback SST input observation file name 38 ! seaicefiles Sea Ice input observation file name 39 ! velavcurfiles Vel. cur. daily av. input file name 40 ! velhvcurfiles Vel. cur. high freq. input file name 41 ! velavadcpfiles Vel. ADCP daily av. input file name 42 ! velhvadcpfiles Vel. ADCP high freq. input file name 43 ! velfbfiles Vel. feedback input observation file name 44 ! dobsini Initial date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 45 ! dobsend Final date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 46 ! n1dint Type of vertical interpolation method 47 ! n2dint Type of horizontal interpolation method 48 ! ln_nea Rejection of observations near land switch 49 ! nmsshc MSSH correction scheme 50 ! mdtcorr MDT correction 51 ! mdtcutoff MDT cutoff for computed correction 52 ! ln_altbias Logical switch for alt bias 53 ! ln_ignmis Logical switch for ignoring missing files 54 ! endailyavtypes ENACT daily average types 55 &namobs 56 ln_t3d = .true. 57 ln_s3d = .true. 58 ln_ena = .false. 59 ln_profb = .true. 60 ln_sla = .true. 61 ln_sladt = .false. 62 ln_slafb = .true. 63 ln_sst = .true. 64 ln_sstfb = .true. 4 ln_t3d = .false. ! Logical switch for T profile observations 5 ln_s3d = .false. ! Logical switch for S profile observations 6 ln_ena = .false. ! Logical switch for ENACT insitu data set 7 ! ! ln_cor Logical switch for Coriolis insitu data set 8 ln_profb = .false. ! Logical switch for feedback insitu data set 9 ln_sla = .false. ! Logical switch for SLA observations 10 11 ln_sladt = .false. ! Logical switch for AVISO SLA data 12 13 ln_slafb = .false. ! Logical switch for feedback SLA data 14 ! ln_ssh Logical switch for SSH observations 15 16 ln_sst = .false. ! Logical switch for SST observations 17 ! ln_reysst Logical switch for Reynolds observations 18 ! ln_ghrsst Logical switch for GHRSST observations 19 20 ln_sstfb = .false. ! Logical switch for feedback SST data 21 ! ln_sss Logical switch for SSS observations 22 ! ln_seaice Logical switch for Sea Ice observations 23 ! ln_vel3d Logical switch for velocity observations 24 ! ln_velavcur Logical switch for velocity daily av. cur. 25 ! ln_velhrcur Logical switch for velocity high freq. cur. 26 ! ln_velavadcp Logical switch for velocity daily av. ADCP 27 ! ln_velhradcp Logical switch for velocity high freq. ADCP 28 ! ln_velfb Logical switch for feedback velocity data 29 ! ln_grid_global Global distribtion of observations 30 ! ln_grid_search_lookup Logical switch for obs grid search w/lookup table 31 ! grid_search_file Grid search lookup file header 32 ! enactfiles ENACT input observation file names 33 ! coriofiles Coriolis input observation file name 34 ! ! profbfiles: Profile feedback input observation file name 65 35 profbfiles = '' 36 ! ln_profb_enatim Enact feedback input time setting switch 37 ! slafilesact Active SLA input observation file name 38 ! slafilespas Passive SLA input observation file name 39 ! ! slafbfiles: Feedback SLA input observation file name 66 40 slafbfiles = '' 41 ! sstfiles GHRSST input observation file name 42 ! ! sstfbfiles: Feedback SST input observation file name 67 43 sstfbfiles = '' '' '' '' '' 68 ln_altbias = .false. 44 ! seaicefiles Sea Ice input observation file name 45 ! velavcurfiles Vel. cur. daily av. input file name 46 ! velhvcurfiles Vel. cur. high freq. input file name 47 ! velavadcpfiles Vel. ADCP daily av. input file name 48 ! velhvadcpfiles Vel. ADCP high freq. input file name 49 ! velfbfiles Vel. feedback input observation file name 50 ! dobsini Initial date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 51 ! dobsend Final date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 52 ! n1dint Type of vertical interpolation method 53 ! n2dint Type of horizontal interpolation method 54 ! ln_nea Rejection of observations near land switch 55 nmsshc = 0 ! MSSH correction scheme 56 ! mdtcorr MDT correction 57 ! mdtcutoff MDT cutoff for computed correction 58 ln_altbias = .false. ! Logical switch for alt bias 59 ln_ignmis = .true. ! Logical switch for ignoring missing files 60 ! endailyavtypes ENACT daily average types 69 61 ln_grid_global = .true. 70 ln_grid_search_lookup = .true. 71 ln_ignmis = .true. 62 ln_grid_search_lookup = .false. 72 63 / -
r2414 r2540 2 2 &namptr ! Poleward Transport Diagnostic 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_diaptr = .false. 4 ln_diaptr = .false. ! Poleward heat and salt transport (T) or not (F) 5 5 ln_diaznl = .true. ! Add zonal means and meridional stream functions 6 6 ln_subbas = .true. ! Atlantic/Pacific/Indian basins computation (T) or not -
r2282 r2540 5 5 cn_exp = "ORCA2" ! experience name 6 6 nn_it000 = 1 ! first time step 7 nn_itend = 315 ! last time step (std 5475)8 nn_date0 = 010101 ! initial calendar date yymmdd (used if n rstdt=1)7 nn_itend = 5475 ! last time step (std 5475) 8 nn_date0 = 010101 ! initial calendar date yymmdd (used if nn_rstctl=1) 9 9 nn_leapy = 0 ! Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) 10 ln_rstart = .false. ! start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) 11 nn_rstctl = 0 ! restart control = 0 nn_it000 is not compared to the restart file value 12 ! = 1 use nn_date0 in namelist (not the value in the restart file) 13 ! = 2 calendar parameters read in the restart file 14 cn_ocerst_in = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (input) 15 cn_ocerst_out = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (output) 10 16 nn_istate = 0 ! output the initial state (1) or not (0) 11 17 nn_stock = 5475 ! frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) 12 nn_write = 5475 ! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to n it000)18 nn_write = 5475 ! frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000) 13 19 ln_dimgnnn = .false. ! DIMG file format: 1 file for all processors (F) or by processor (T) 14 20 ln_mskland = .false. ! mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) 15 21 ln_clobber = .false. ! clobber (overwrite) an existing file 16 nn_chunksz = 0 ! chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (working only with iom_nf90 routines) 17 ln_rstart = .false. ! start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) 18 nn_rstctl = 0 ! restart control = 0 nit000 is not compared to the restart file value 19 ! = 1 use ndate0 in namelist (not the value in the restart file) 20 ! = 2 calendar parameters read in the restart file 21 cn_ocerst_in = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (input) 22 cn_ocerst_out = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (output) 22 nn_chunksz = 0 ! chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (works only with iom_nf90 routines) 23 23 / -
r2376 r2540 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 nn_fsbc = 5 ! frequency of surface boundary condition computation 5 ! (= the frequency of sea-ice model call)5 ! (also = the frequency of sea-ice model call) 6 6 ln_ana = .false. ! analytical formulation (T => fill namsbc_ana ) 7 7 ln_flx = .false. ! flux formulation (T => fill namsbc_flx ) 8 ln_blk_clio = . true.! CLIO bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_clio)9 ln_blk_core = . false.! CORE bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_core)8 ln_blk_clio = .false. ! CLIO bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_clio) 9 ln_blk_core = .true. ! CORE bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_core) 10 10 ln_cpl = .false. ! Coupled formulation (T => fill namsbc_cpl ) 11 ln_apr_blk = .false. ! Patm used in bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_apr )12 11 ln_apr_dyn = .false. ! Patm gradient added in ocean & ice Eqs. (T => fill namsbc_apr ) 13 12 nn_ice = 2 ! =0 no ice boundary condition , 14 13 ! =1 use observed ice-cover , 15 14 ! =2 ice-model used ("key_lim3" or "key_lim2) 16 ln_dm2dc = .false. ! daily mean to diurnal cycle short wave (qsr)15 ln_dm2dc = .false. ! daily mean to diurnal cycle on short wave 17 16 ln_rnf = .true. ! runoffs (T => fill namsbc_rnf) 18 17 ln_ssr = .true. ! Sea Surface Restoring on T and/or S (T => fill namsbc_ssr) 19 18 nn_fwb = 3 ! FreshWater Budget: =0 unchecked 20 ! =1set to zero at each time step21 ! =2 set to zero in annual mean22 ! =3 as in case 1 butspread out over erp area19 ! =1 global mean of e-p-r set to zero at each time step 20 ! =2 annual global mean of e-p-r set to zero 21 ! =3 global emp set to zero and spread out over erp area 23 22 / -
r1225 r2540 5 5 rn_utau0 = 0.5 ! uniform value for the i-stress 6 6 rn_vtau0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the j-stress 7 rn_q 0= 0.e0 ! uniform value for the total heat flux7 rn_qns0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the total heat flux 8 8 rn_qsr0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the solar radiation 9 9 rn_emp0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the freswater budget (E-P) -
r2349 r2540 4 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_apr = 'patm' , 24 , 'patm', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , ''7 ! 6 sn_apr = 'patm' , -1 ,'somslpre', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 7 8 8 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the bulk files 9 9 ln_ref_apr = .false. ! ref. pressure: global mean Patm (T) or a constant (F) -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namsbc_clio ! namsbc_clio CLIO bulk formulea 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation !5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F)! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing !6 sn_utau = 'taux_1m' , -1. , 'sozotaux' , .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''7 sn_vtau = 'tauy_1m' , -1. , 'sometauy' , .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''8 sn_wndm = 'flx' , -1. , 'socliowi' , .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''9 sn_tair = 'flx' , -1. , 'socliot2' , .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''10 sn_humi = 'flx' , -1. , 'socliohu' , .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''11 sn_ccov = 'flx' , -1. , 'socliocl' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''12 sn_prec = 'flx' , -1. , 'socliopl' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''13 ! 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_utau = 'taux_1m' , -1 , 'sozotaux', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 7 sn_vtau = 'tauy_1m' , -1 , 'sometauy', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 8 sn_wndm = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliowi', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 9 sn_tair = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliot2', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 10 sn_humi = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliohu', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 11 sn_ccov = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliocl', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 12 sn_prec = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliopl', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 13 14 14 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the bulk files are 15 15 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namsbc_core ! namsbc_core CORE bulk formulea 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_wndi = 'u10_core' , -1. , 'u10' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'' , 'U1' 7 sn_wndj = 'v10_core' , -1. , 'v10' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'' , 'V1' 8 sn_qsr = 'qsw_core' , -1. , 'swdn' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'', '' 9 sn_qlw = 'qlw_core' , -1. , 'lwdn' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'', '' 10 sn_tair = 't2_core' , -1. , 't2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'', '' 11 sn_humi = 'q2_core' , -1. , 'q2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'', '' 12 sn_prec = 'precip_core', -1. , 'precip' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'', '' 13 sn_snow = 'snow_core' , -1. , 'snow' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'', '' 14 ! 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_wndi = 'u_10.15JUNE2009_orca2' , 6 , 'U_10_MOD', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , 'Uwnd' 7 sn_wndj = 'v_10.15JUNE2009_orca2' , 6 , 'V_10_MOD', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , 'Vwnd' 8 sn_qsr = 'ncar_rad.15JUNE2009_orca2' , 24 , 'SWDN_MOD', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 9 sn_qlw = 'ncar_rad.15JUNE2009_orca2' , 24 , 'LWDN_MOD', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 10 sn_tair = 't_10.15JUNE2009_orca2' , 6 , 'T_10_MOD', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 11 sn_humi = 'q_10.15JUNE2009_orca2' , 6 , 'Q_10_MOD', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 12 sn_prec = 'ncar_precip.15JUNE2009_orca2', -1 , 'PRC_MOD1', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 13 sn_snow = 'ncar_precip.15JUNE2009_orca2', -1 , 'SNOW' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 14 sn_tdif = 'taudif_core' , 24 , 'taudif' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 15 15 16 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the bulk files 16 ln_2m = .true. ! air temperature and humidity referenced at 2m (T) instead 10m (F) 17 ln_2m = .false. ! air temperature and humidity referenced at 2m (T) instead 10m (F) 18 ln_taudif = .false. ! HF tau contribution: use "mean of stress module - module of the mean stress" data 17 19 rn_pfac = 1. ! multiplicative factor for precipitation (total & snow) 18 20 / -
r2282 r2540 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 &namsbc_cpl ! coupled ocean/atmosphere model 2 &namsbc_cpl ! coupled ocean/atmosphere model ("key_coupled") 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! send 5 cn_snd_temperature= 'weighted oce and ice' ! 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 6 cn_snd_albedo = 'weighted ice' ! 'none' 'weighted ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 7 cn_snd_thickness = 'none' ! 'none' 'weighted ice and snow' 8 cn_snd_crt_nature = 'none' ! 'none' 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 9 cn_snd_crt_refere = 'spherical' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' 10 cn_snd_crt_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' 11 cn_snd_crt_grid = 'T' ! 'T' 12 ! receive 13 cn_rcv_w10m = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' 14 cn_rcv_tau_nature = 'oce only' ! 'oce only' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 15 cn_rcv_tau_refere = 'cartesian' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' 16 cn_rcv_tau_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' 17 cn_rcv_tau_grid = 'U,V' ! 'T' 'U,V' 'U,V,F' 'U,V,I' 'T,F' 'T,I' 'T,U,V' 18 cn_rcv_dqnsdt = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' 19 cn_rcv_qsr = 'oce and ice' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 20 cn_rcv_qns = 'oce and ice' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 21 cn_rcv_emp = 'conservative' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 22 cn_rcv_rnf = 'coupled' ! 'coupled' 'climato' 'mixed' 23 cn_rcv_cal = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' 4 ! ! send 5 cn_snd_temperature= 'weighted oce and ice' ! 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 6 cn_snd_albedo = 'weighted ice' ! 'none' 'weighted ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 7 cn_snd_thickness = 'none' ! 'none' 'weighted ice and snow' 8 cn_snd_crt_nature = 'none' ! 'none' 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 9 cn_snd_crt_refere = 'spherical' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' 10 cn_snd_crt_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' 11 cn_snd_crt_grid = 'T' ! 'T' 12 ! ! receive 13 cn_rcv_w10m = 'none' ! 'none' 'coupled' 14 cn_rcv_taumod = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' 15 cn_rcv_tau_nature = 'oce only' ! 'oce only' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 16 cn_rcv_tau_refere = 'cartesian' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' 17 cn_rcv_tau_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' 18 cn_rcv_tau_grid = 'U,V' ! 'T' 'U,V' 'U,V,F' 'U,V,I' 'T,F' 'T,I' 'T,U,V' 19 cn_rcv_dqnsdt = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' 20 cn_rcv_qsr = 'oce and ice' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 21 cn_rcv_qns = 'oce and ice' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 22 cn_rcv_emp = 'conservative' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' 23 cn_rcv_rnf = 'coupled' ! 'coupled' 'climato' 'mixed' 24 cn_rcv_cal = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' 24 25 / -
r2282 r2540 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 &namsbc_cpl_co2 ! coupled ocean/biogeo/atmosphere model ("key_cpl_carbon_cycle")2 &namsbc_cpl_co2 ! coupled ocean/biogeo/atmosphere model ("key_cpl_carbon_cycle") 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 cn_snd_co2 = 'coupled' ! send :'none' 'coupled'5 cn_rcv_co2= 'coupled' ! receive : 'none' 'coupled'4 cn_snd_co2 = 'coupled' ! send : 'none' 'coupled' 5 cn_rcv_co2 = 'coupled' ! receive : 'none' 'coupled' 6 6 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namsbc_flx ! surface boundary condition : flux formulation 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation !5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F)! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing !6 sn_utau = 'utau' , 24. , 'utau' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , ''7 sn_vtau = 'vtau' , 24. , 'vtau' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , ''8 sn_qtot = 'qtot' , 24. , 'qtot' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , ''9 sn_qsr = 'qsr' , 24. , 'qsr' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , ''10 sn_emp = 'emp' , 24. , 'emp' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , ''11 ! 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_utau = 'utau' , 24 , 'utau' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , '' 7 sn_vtau = 'vtau' , 24 , 'vtau' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , '' 8 sn_qtot = 'qtot' , 24 , 'qtot' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , '' 9 sn_qsr = 'qsr' , 24 , 'qsr' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , '' 10 sn_emp = 'emp' , 24 , 'emp' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , '' 11 12 12 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the flux files 13 13 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namsbc_rnf ! runoffs namelist surface boundary condition 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (h) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! starting!5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (0/1) ! record!6 sn_rnf = '', -12. , 'sorunoff' , .true. , 1 , 0 , '', ''7 sn_cnf = '', 0. , 'socoefr' , .false. , 1 , 0 , '', ''8 sn_s_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rosaline' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly', '', ''9 sn_t_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rotemper' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly', '', ''10 sn_dep_rnf = 'runoffs' , 0 , 'rodepth' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly', '', ''11 ! 12 cn_dir = './' ! directory in which the model is executed13 ln_rnf_emp = .false.! runoffs included into precipitation field (T) or into a file (F)14 ln_rnf_mouth = .false.! specific treatment at rivers mouths15 rn_hrnf = 15.e0! depth over which enhanced vertical mixing is used4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_rnf = 'runoff_core_monthly', -1 , 'sorunoff', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 7 sn_cnf = 'runoff_core_monthly', 0 , 'socoefr0', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 8 sn_s_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 9 sn_t_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rotemper', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 10 sn_dep_rnf = 'runoffs' , 0 , 'rodepth' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 11 12 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the runoff files 13 ln_rnf_emp = .false. ! runoffs included into precipitation field (T) or into a file (F) 14 ln_rnf_mouth = .true. ! specific treatment at rivers mouths 15 rn_hrnf = 15.e0 ! depth over which enhanced vertical mixing is used 16 16 rn_avt_rnf = 1.e-3 ! value of the additional vertical mixing coef. [m2/s] 17 17 rn_rfact = 1.e0 ! multiplicative factor for runoff 18 ln_rnf_depth = .false.! read in depth information for runoff19 ln_rnf_tem p = .false.! read in temperature information for runoff20 ln_rnf_sal = .false.! read in salinity information for runoff18 ln_rnf_depth = .false. ! read in depth information for runoff 19 ln_rnf_tem = .false. ! read in temperature information for runoff 20 ln_rnf_sal = .false. ! read in salinity information for runoff 21 21 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namsbc_ssr ! surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation !5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F)! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing !6 sn_sst = 'sst_data' , 24. , 'sst' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , ''7 sn_sss = 'sss_data' , -1. , 'sss' , .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''8 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_sst = 'sst_data' , 24 , 'sst' , .false. , .false., 'yearly' , '' , '' 7 sn_sss = 'sss_data' , -1 , 'sss' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 8 9 9 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the runoff files 10 10 nn_sstr = 0 ! add a retroaction term in the surface heat flux (=1) or not (=0) … … 12 12 ! or to SSS only (=1) or no damping term (=0) 13 13 rn_dqdt = -40. ! magnitude of the retroaction on temperature [W/m2/K] 14 rn_deds = -27.7 ! magnitude of the damping on salinity [mm/day /psu]14 rn_deds = -27.7 ! magnitude of the damping on salinity [mm/day] 15 15 ln_sssr_bnd = .true. ! flag to bound erp term (associated with nn_sssr=2) 16 16 rn_sssr_bnd = 4.e0 ! ABS(Max/Min) value of the damping erp term [mm/day] 17 / 17 / -
r2282 r2540 7 7 ln_traadv_muscl2 = .false. ! MUSCL2 scheme + cen2 at boundaries 8 8 ln_traadv_ubs = .false. ! UBS scheme 9 ln_traadv_qck = .false. ! QUCIKEST scheme 9 10 / -
r2349 r2540 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 &nam tra_bbc! bottom temperature boundary condition2 &nambbc ! bottom temperature boundary condition 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ln_trabbc = .true. ! Apply a geothermal heating at the ocean bottom 5 nn_geoflux = 2 ! constant (=1) or variable (=2) geothermal heat flux 6 ! (=2 input file: ; units mW/m2) 7 rn_geoflx_cst = 86.4e-3_wp ! Constant value of geothermal heat flux (W/m2) 4 ln_trabbc = .true. ! Apply a geothermal heating at the ocean bottom 5 nn_geoflx = 2 ! geothermal heat flux: = 0 no flux 6 ! = 1 constant flux 7 ! = 2 variable flux (read in in mW/m2) 8 rn_geoflx_cst = 86.4e-3 ! Constant value of geothermal heat flux [W/m2] 8 9 / -
r2282 r2540 11 11 rn_bot = 360. ! bottom time scale of damping [days] 12 12 rn_dep = 800. ! depth of transition between rn_surf and rn_bot [meters] 13 nn_file = 1! create a damping.coeff NetCDF file (=1) or not (=0)13 nn_file = 0 ! create a damping.coeff NetCDF file (=1) or not (=0) 14 14 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namtra_ldf ! lateral diffusion scheme for tracer 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! Type of the operator : 5 ln_traldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator 6 ln_traldf_bilap = .false. ! bilaplacian operator 7 ! Direction of action : 8 ln_traldf_level = .false. ! iso-level 9 ln_traldf_hor = .false. ! horizontal (geopotential) (require "key_ldfslp" when ln_sco=T) 10 ln_traldf_iso = .true. ! iso-neutral (require "key_ldfslp") 11 ! Coefficient 12 rn_aht_0 = 2000. ! horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers [m2/s] 13 rn_ahtb_0 = 0. ! background eddy diffusivity for ldf_iso [m2/s] 14 rn_aeiv_0 = 2000. ! eddy induced velocity coefficient [m2/s] (require "key_traldf_eiv") 4 ! ! Type of the operator : 5 ln_traldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator 6 ln_traldf_bilap = .false. ! bilaplacian operator 7 ! ! Direction of action : 8 ln_traldf_level = .false. ! iso-level 9 ln_traldf_hor = .false. ! horizontal (geopotential) (require "key_ldfslp" when ln_sco=T) 10 ln_traldf_iso = .true. ! iso-neutral (require "key_ldfslp") 11 ln_traldf_grif = .false. ! griffies skew flux formulation (require "key_ldfslp") ! UNDER TEST, DO NOT USE 12 ln_traldf_gdia = .false. ! griffies operator strfn diagnostics (require "key_ldfslp") ! UNDER TEST, DO NOT USE 13 ! ! Coefficient 14 rn_aht_0 = 2000. ! horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers [m2/s] 15 rn_ahtb_0 = 0. ! background eddy diffusivity for ldf_iso [m2/s] 16 rn_aeiv_0 = 2000. ! eddy induced velocity coefficient [m2/s] (require "key_traldf_eiv") 15 17 / -
r2282 r2540 2 2 &namtra_qsr ! penetrative solar radiation 3 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation !5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F)! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing !6 sn_chl = 'chlorophyll', -1. , 'CHLA' , .true. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , ''7 4 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! 5 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! 6 sn_chl ='chlorophyll', -1 , 'CHLA' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' 7 8 8 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the runoff files 9 9 ln_traqsr = .true. ! Light penetration (T) or not (F) … … 11 11 ln_qsr_2bd = .false. ! 2 bands light penetration 12 12 ln_qsr_bio = .false. ! bio-model light penetration 13 nn_chldta = 0! RGB : Chl data (=1) or cst value (=0)13 nn_chldta = 1 ! RGB : Chl data (=1) or cst value (=0) 14 14 rn_abs = 0.58 ! RGB & 2 bands: fraction of light (rn_si1) 15 15 rn_si0 = 0.35 ! RGB & 2 bands: shortess depth of extinction 16 16 rn_si1 = 23.0 ! 2 bands: longest depth of extinction 17 rn_si2 = 62.0 ! 3 bands: longest depth of extinction (for blue waveband & 0.01 mg/m2 Chl)18 17 / -
r2282 r2540 1 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 2 &namtrd ! diagnostics on dynamics and/or tracer trends ("key_trddyn" and/or "key_trdtra") 3 ! ! or mixed-layer trends or barotropic vorticity ( 'key_trdmld' or"key_trdvor")3 ! ! or mixed-layer trends or barotropic vorticity ("key_trdmld" or "key_trdvor") 4 4 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 5 nn_trd = 365 ! time step frequency dynamics and tracers trends -
r2282 r2540 9 9 nn_evdm = 0 ! evd apply on tracer (=0) or on tracer and momentum (=1) 10 10 rn_avevd = 100. ! evd mixing coefficient [m2/s] 11 ln_zdfnpc = .false. ! Non-Penetrative algorithm (T) or not (F)11 ln_zdfnpc = .false. ! Non-Penetrative Convective algorithm (T) or not (F) 12 12 nn_npc = 1 ! frequency of application of npc 13 13 nn_npcp = 365 ! npc control print frequency -
r2349 r2540 10 10 rn_crban = 100. ! Craig and Banner 1994 constant for wb tke flux 11 11 rn_charn = 70000. ! Charnock constant for wb induced roughness length 12 nn_tkebc_surf = 1! surface tke condition (0/1/2=Dir/Neum/Dir Mellor-Blumberg)13 nn_tkebc_bot = 1! bottom tke condition (0/1=Dir/Neum)14 nn_psibc_surf = 1! surface psi condition (0/1/2=Dir/Neum/Dir Mellor-Blumberg)15 nn_psibc_bot = 1! bottom psi condition (0/1=Dir/Neum)16 nn_stab_func = 2! stability function (0=Galp, 1= KC94, 2=CanutoA, 3=CanutoB)17 nn_clos = 1! predefined closure type (0=MY82, 1=k-eps, 2=k-w, 3=Gen)12 nn_tkebc_surf = 1 ! surface tke condition (0/1/2=Dir/Neum/Dir Mellor-Blumberg) 13 nn_tkebc_bot = 1 ! bottom tke condition (0/1=Dir/Neum) 14 nn_psibc_surf = 1 ! surface psi condition (0/1/2=Dir/Neum/Dir Mellor-Blumberg) 15 nn_psibc_bot = 1 ! bottom psi condition (0/1=Dir/Neum) 16 nn_stab_func = 2 ! stability function (0=Galp, 1= KC94, 2=CanutoA, 3=CanutoB) 17 nn_clos = 1 ! predefined closure type (0=MY82, 1=k-eps, 2=k-w, 3=Gen) 18 18 / -
r2282 r2540 1 1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 &namzdf_kpp ! K-Profile Parameterization dependent vertical mixing ("key_zdfkpp", and option nally:2 &namzdf_kpp ! K-Profile Parameterization dependent vertical mixing ("key_zdfkpp", and optionally: 3 3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ "key_kppcustom" or "key_kpplktb") 4 4 ln_kpprimix = .true. ! shear instability mixing -
r2376 r2540 16 16 ln_lc = .true. ! Langmuir cell parameterisation (Axell 2002) 17 17 rn_lc = 0.15 ! coef. associated to Langmuir cells 18 nn_etau = 0! penetration of tke below the mixed layer (ML) due to internal & intertial waves18 nn_etau = 1 ! penetration of tke below the mixed layer (ML) due to internal & intertial waves 19 19 ! = 0 no penetration 20 20 ! = 1 add a tke source below the ML -
r2282 r2540 6 6 rn_tfe = 0.333 ! tidal dissipation efficiency 7 7 rn_me = 0.2 ! mixing efficiency 8 ln_tmx_itf = . FALSE.! ITF specific parameterisation8 ln_tmx_itf = .true. ! ITF specific parameterisation 9 9 rn_tfe_itf = 1. ! ITF tidal dissipation efficiency 10 10 / -
r2282 r2540 4 4 rn_sbot_min = 300. ! minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m) 5 5 rn_sbot_max = 5250. ! maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m) 6 rn_theta = 6.0 ! surface control parameter (0<= theta<=20)7 rn_thetb = 0.75 ! bottom control parameter (0<= thetb<= 1)8 rn_rmax = 0.15 ! maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0<r _max<1)6 rn_theta = 6.0 ! surface control parameter (0<=rn_theta<=20) 7 rn_thetb = 0.75 ! bottom control parameter (0<=rn_thetb<= 1) 8 rn_rmax = 0.15 ! maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0<rn_max<1) 9 9 ln_s_sigma = .false. ! hybrid s-sigma coordinates 10 10 rn_bb = 0.8 ! stretching with s-sigma
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