Changeset 3603
- Timestamp:
- 2012-11-19T15:20:25+01:00 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/2012/dev_UKMO_2012/NEMOGCM
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 7 edited
- 9 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2715 r3603 11 11 !! 'key_lim2' LIM 2.0 sea-ice model 12 12 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 !! lim_dmp_2 13 !! lim_dmp_2 : ice model damping 14 14 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 USE ice_2 15 USE ice_2 ! ice variables 16 16 USE sbc_oce, ONLY : nn_fsbc ! for fldread 17 USE dom_oce 18 USE fldread 19 USE in_out_manager 20 USE lib_mpp 17 USE dom_oce ! for mi0; mi1 etc ... 18 USE fldread ! read input fields 19 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 20 USE lib_mpp ! MPP library 21 21 22 22 IMPLICIT NONE … … 25 25 PUBLIC lim_dmp_2 ! called by sbc_ice_lim2 26 26 27 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: resto_ice ! restoring coeff. on ICE [s-1] 28 29 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jp_hicif = 1 , jp_frld = 2 30 TYPE(FLD), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: sf_icedmp ! structure of ice damping input 27 INTEGER , PARAMETER :: jp_hicif = 1 , jp_frld = 2 28 REAL(wp) , ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: resto_ice ! restoring coeff. on ICE [s-1] 29 TYPE(FLD), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: sf_icedmp ! structure of ice damping input 31 30 32 31 !! * Substitution … … 43 42 !! *** ROUTINE lim_dmp_2 *** 44 43 !! 45 !! ** purpose : ice model damping : restoring ice thickness and fraction leads44 !! ** purpose : restore ice thickness and lead fraction 46 45 !! 47 !! ** method : the key_tradmp must be used to compute resto(:,:,1) coef. 46 !! ** method : restore ice thickness and lead fraction using a restoring 47 !! coefficient defined by the user in lim_dmp_init 48 !! 49 !! ** Action : - update hicif and frld 50 !! 48 51 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 52 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step … … 53 56 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 57 ! 55 IF (kt == nit000)THEN58 IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN 56 59 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 57 60 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'lim_dmp_2 : Ice thickness and ice concentration restoring' … … 71 74 & hicif(:,:) - rdt_ice * resto_ice(:,:,1) * ( hicif(:,:) - sf_icedmp(jp_hicif)%fnow(:,:,1) ) ) 72 75 !CDIR COLLAPSE 73 hicif(:,:) = MAX( 0._wp, MIN( 1._wp, & ! 0<= frld<=1 values which blow the run up76 frld (:,:) = MAX( 0._wp, MIN( 1._wp, & ! 0<= frld<=1 values which blow the run up 74 77 & frld (:,:) - rdt_ice * resto_ice(:,:,1) * ( frld (:,:) - sf_icedmp(jp_frld )%fnow(:,:,1) ) ) ) 75 78 ! … … 83 86 !! *** ROUTINE lim_dmp_init *** 84 87 !! 85 !! ** Purpose : Initialization for the ice thickness and concentration 86 !! restoring 87 !! restoring will be used. It is used to mimic ice open 88 !! boundaries. 88 !! ** Purpose : set the coefficient for the ice thickness and lead fraction restoring 89 89 !! 90 !! ** Method : ????? 90 !! ** Method : restoring is used to mimic ice open boundaries. 91 !! the restoring coef. (a 2D array) has to be defined by the user. 92 !! here is given as an example a restoring along north and south boundaries 91 93 !! 92 94 !! ** Action : define resto_ice(:,:,1) -
r3294 r3603 174 174 ELSE 175 175 DO jk = 1, initad 176 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0ow (:,:), sxopw(:,:), & !--- ice open water area176 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0ow (:,:), sxopw(:,:), & !--- ice open water area 177 177 & sxxopw(:,:), syopw(:,:), syyopw(:,:), sxyopw(:,:) ) 178 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0ow (:,:), sxopw(:,:), &178 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0ow (:,:), sxopw(:,:), & 179 179 & sxxopw(:,:), syopw(:,:), syyopw(:,:), sxyopw(:,:) ) 180 180 DO jl = 1, jpl 181 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0ice(:,:,jl), sxice(:,:,jl), & !--- ice volume ---181 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0ice(:,:,jl), sxice(:,:,jl), & !--- ice volume --- 182 182 & sxxice(:,:,jl), syice(:,:,jl), syyice(:,:,jl), sxyice(:,:,jl) ) 183 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0ice(:,:,jl), sxice(:,:,jl), &183 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0ice(:,:,jl), sxice(:,:,jl), & 184 184 & sxxice(:,:,jl), syice(:,:,jl), syyice(:,:,jl), sxyice(:,:,jl) ) 185 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0sn (:,:,jl), sxsn (:,:,jl), & !--- snow volume ---185 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0sn (:,:,jl), sxsn (:,:,jl), & !--- snow volume --- 186 186 & sxxsn (:,:,jl), sysn (:,:,jl), syysn (:,:,jl), sxysn (:,:,jl) ) 187 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0sn (:,:,jl), sxsn (:,:,jl), &187 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0sn (:,:,jl), sxsn (:,:,jl), & 188 188 & sxxsn (:,:,jl), sysn (:,:,jl), syysn (:,:,jl), sxysn (:,:,jl) ) 189 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0sm (:,:,jl), sxsal(:,:,jl), & !--- ice salinity ---189 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0sm (:,:,jl), sxsal(:,:,jl), & !--- ice salinity --- 190 190 & sxxsal(:,:,jl), sysal(:,:,jl), syysal(:,:,jl), sxysal(:,:,jl) ) 191 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0sm (:,:,jl), sxsal(:,:,jl), &191 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0sm (:,:,jl), sxsal(:,:,jl), & 192 192 & sxxsal(:,:,jl), sysal(:,:,jl), syysal(:,:,jl), sxysal(:,:,jl) ) 193 193 194 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0oi (:,:,jl), sxage(:,:,jl), & !--- ice age ---194 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0oi (:,:,jl), sxage(:,:,jl), & !--- ice age --- 195 195 & sxxage(:,:,jl), syage(:,:,jl), syyage(:,:,jl), sxyage(:,:,jl) ) 196 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0oi (:,:,jl), sxage(:,:,jl), &196 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0oi (:,:,jl), sxage(:,:,jl), & 197 197 & sxxage(:,:,jl), syage(:,:,jl), syyage(:,:,jl), sxyage(:,:,jl) ) 198 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0a (:,:,jl), sxa (:,:,jl), & !--- ice concentrations ---198 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0a (:,:,jl), sxa (:,:,jl), & !--- ice concentrations --- 199 199 & sxxa (:,:,jl), sya (:,:,jl), syya (:,:,jl), sxya (:,:,jl) ) 200 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0a (:,:,jl), sxa (:,:,jl), &200 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0a (:,:,jl), sxa (:,:,jl), & 201 201 & sxxa (:,:,jl), sya (:,:,jl), syya (:,:,jl), sxya (:,:,jl) ) 202 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0c0 (:,:,jl), sxc0 (:,:,jl), & !--- snow heat contents ---202 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0c0 (:,:,jl), sxc0 (:,:,jl), & !--- snow heat contents --- 203 203 & sxxc0 (:,:,jl), syc0 (:,:,jl), syyc0 (:,:,jl), sxyc0 (:,:,jl) ) 204 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0c0 (:,:,jl), sxc0 (:,:,jl), &204 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0c0 (:,:,jl), sxc0 (:,:,jl), & 205 205 & sxxc0 (:,:,jl), syc0 (:,:,jl), syyc0 (:,:,jl), sxyc0 (:,:,jl) ) 206 206 DO layer = 1, nlay_i !--- ice heat contents --- 207 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, r zero, zsm, zs0e(:,:,layer,jl), sxe (:,:,layer,jl), &207 CALL lim_adv_y( zusnit, v_ice, rone , zsm, zs0e(:,:,layer,jl), sxe (:,:,layer,jl), & 208 208 & sxxe(:,:,layer,jl), sye (:,:,layer,jl), & 209 209 & syye(:,:,layer,jl), sxye(:,:,layer,jl) ) 210 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, r one, zsm, zs0e(:,:,layer,jl), sxe (:,:,layer,jl), &210 CALL lim_adv_x( zusnit, u_ice, rzero, zsm, zs0e(:,:,layer,jl), sxe (:,:,layer,jl), & 211 211 & sxxe(:,:,layer,jl), sye (:,:,layer,jl), & 212 212 & syye(:,:,layer,jl), sxye(:,:,layer,jl) ) -
r3294 r3603 1 ORCA2_LIM_ AGRIF_nemo_v3.3.tar1 ORCA2_LIM_nemo_v3.4.tar -
r2732 r3603 1 ORCA2_LIM_nemo_v3. 3.tar1 ORCA2_LIM_nemo_v3.4.tar -
r3294 r3603 209 209 210 210 <group id="ptrc_T" axis_ref="deptht" grid_ref="grid_T"> 211 <field id="DIC" description="Dissolved inorganic Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 212 <field id="Alkalini" description="Total Alkalinity Concentration" unit="eq/L" /> 213 <field id="O2" description="Oxygen Concentration" unit="molO2/L" /> 214 <field id="CaCO3" description="Calcite Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 215 <field id="PO4" description="Phosphate Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 216 <field id="POC" description="Small organic carbon Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 217 <field id="Si" description="Silicate Concentration" unit="molSi/L" /> 218 <field id="PHY" description="Nanophytoplankton Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 219 <field id="ZOO" description="Microzooplankton Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 220 <field id="DOC" description="Dissolved organic Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 221 <field id="PHY2" description="Diatoms Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 222 <field id="ZOO2" description="Mesozooplankton Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 223 <field id="BSi" description="Diatoms Silicate Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 224 <field id="Fer" description="Dissolved Iron Concentration" unit="molFe/L" /> 225 <field id="BFe" description="Big iron particles Concentration" unit="molFe/L" /> 226 <field id="GOC" description="Big organic carbon Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 227 <field id="SFe" description="Small iron particles Concentration" unit="molFe/L" /> 228 <field id="DFe" description="Diatoms iron Concentration" unit="molFe/L" /> 229 <field id="DSi" description="Sinking biogenic Silicate Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 230 <field id="NFe" description="Nano iron Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 231 <field id="NCHL" description="Nano chlorophyl Concentration" unit="gChl/L" /> 232 <field id="DCHL" description="Diatoms chlorophyl Concentration" unit="gChl/L" /> 233 <field id="NO3" description="Nitrates Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 234 <field id="NH4" description="Ammonium Concentration" unit="molC/L" /> 235 <field id="DET" description="Detritus" unit="mmole-N/m3" /> 236 <field id="ZOO" description="Zooplankton Concentration" unit="mmole-N/m3" /> 237 <field id="PHY" description="Phytoplankton Concentration" unit="mmole-N/m3" /> 238 <field id="NO3" description="Nitrate Concentration" unit="mmole-N/m3" /> 239 <field id="NH4" description="Ammonium Concentration" unit="mmole-N/m3" /> 240 <field id="DOM" description="Dissolved Organic Matter" unit="mmole-N/m3" /> 241 211 <field id="DIC" description="Dissolved inorganic Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 212 <field id="Alkalini" description="Total Alkalinity Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 213 <field id="O2" description="Oxygen Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 214 <field id="CaCO3" description="Calcite Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 215 <field id="PO4" description="Phosphate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 216 <field id="POC" description="Small organic carbon Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 217 <field id="Si" description="Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 218 <field id="PHY" description="Nanophytoplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 219 <field id="ZOO" description="Microzooplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 220 <field id="DOC" description="Dissolved organic Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 221 <field id="PHY2" description="Diatoms Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 222 <field id="ZOO2" description="Mesozooplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 223 <field id="DSi" description="Diatoms Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 224 <field id="Fer" description="Dissolved Iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 225 <field id="BFe" description="Big iron particles Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 226 <field id="GOC" description="Big organic carbon Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 227 <field id="SFe" description="Small iron particles Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 228 <field id="DFe" description="Diatoms iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 229 <field id="GSi" description="Sinking biogenic Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 230 <field id="NFe" description="Nano iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 231 <field id="NCHL" description="Nano chlorophyl Concentration" unit="mg/m3" /> 232 <field id="DCHL" description="Diatoms chlorophyl Concentration" unit="mg/m3" /> 233 <field id="NO3" description="Nitrates Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 234 <field id="NH4" description="Ammonium Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 242 235 </group> 243 236 … … 245 238 246 239 <group id="diad_T" axis_ref="none" grid_ref="grid_T"> 247 <field id="PH" description="PH" unit="-" 248 <field id="CO3" description="Bicarbonates" unit="mol/ L"axis_ref="deptht" />249 <field id="CO3sat" description="CO3 saturation" unit="mol/ L"axis_ref="deptht" />250 <field id="PAR" description="Photosynthetically Available Radiation" unit="W/m2" 240 <field id="PH" description="PH" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 241 <field id="CO3" description="Bicarbonates" unit="mol/m3" axis_ref="deptht" /> 242 <field id="CO3sat" description="CO3 saturation" unit="mol/m3" axis_ref="deptht" /> 243 <field id="PAR" description="Photosynthetically Available Radiation" unit="W/m2" axis_ref="deptht" /> 251 244 <field id="PPPHY" description="Primary production of nanophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 252 245 <field id="PPPHY2" description="Primary production of diatoms" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 253 246 <field id="PPNEWN" description="New Primary production of nanophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 254 247 <field id="PPNEWD" description="New Primary production of diatoms" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 255 <field id="PBSi" description="Primary production of Si diatoms" unit="molSi/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 256 <field id="PFeN" description="Primary production of nano iron" unit="molFe/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 257 <field id="PFeD" description="Primary production of diatoms iron" unit="molFe/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 248 <field id="PBSi" description="Primary production of Si diatoms" unit="molSi/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 249 <field id="PFeN" description="Primary production of nano iron" unit="molFe/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 250 <field id="PFeD" description="Primary production of diatoms iron" unit="molFe/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 251 <field id="xfracal" description="Calcifying fraction" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 258 252 <field id="PCAL" description="Calcite production" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 259 253 <field id="DCAL" description="Calcite dissolution" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 260 <field id="GRAZ" description="Grazing by zooplankton" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 261 <field id="Nfix" description="Nitrogen fixation at surface" unit="molN/m2/s" /> 262 <field id="EPC100" description="Export of carbon particles at 100 m" unit="molC/m2/s" /> 263 <field id="EPFE100" description="Export of biogenic iron at 100 m" unit="molFe/m2/s" /> 264 <field id="EPSI100" description="Export of Silicate at 100 m" unit="molSi/m2/s" /> 265 <field id="EPCAL100" description="Export of Calcite at 100 m" unit="molC/m2/s" /> 266 <field id="Cflx" description="DIC flux" unit="molC/m2/s" /> 267 <field id="Oflx" description="Oxygen flux" unit="molC/m2/s" /> 268 <field id="Kg" description="Gas transfer" unit="molC/m2/s/uatm" /> 269 <field id="Dpco2" description="Delta CO2" unit="uatm" /> 270 <field id="Dpo2" description="Delta O2" unit="uatm" /> 271 <field id="Heup" description="Euphotic layer depth" unit="m" /> 272 <field id="Irondep" description="Iron deposition" unit="molFe/m2/s" /> 273 <field id="FNO3PHY" description="FNO3PHY" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 274 <field id="FNH4PHY" description="FNH4PHY" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 275 <field id="FNH4NO3" description="FNH4NO3" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 276 <field id="TNO3PHY" description="TNO3PHY" unit="-" /> 277 <field id="TNH4PHY" description="TNH4PHY" unit="-" /> 278 <field id="TPHYDOM" description="TPHYDOM" unit="-" /> 279 <field id="TPHYNH4" description="TPHYNH4" unit="-" /> 280 <field id="TPHYZOO" description="TPHYZOO" unit="-" /> 281 <field id="TPHYDET" description="TPHYDET" unit="-" /> 282 <field id="TDETZOO" description="TDETZOO" unit="-" /> 283 <field id="TDETSED" description="TDETSED" unit="-" /> 284 <field id="TZOODET" description="TZOODET" unit="-" /> 285 <field id="TZOOBOD" description="TZOOBOD" unit="-" /> 286 <field id="TZOONH4" description="TZOONH4" unit="-" /> 287 <field id="TZOODOM" description="TZOODOM" unit="-" /> 288 <field id="TNH4NO3" description="TNH4NO3" unit="-" /> 289 <field id="TDOMNH4" description="TDOMNH4" unit="-" /> 290 <field id="TDETNH4" description="TDETNH4" unit="-" /> 291 <field id="TPHYTOT" description="TPHYTOT" unit="-" /> 292 <field id="TZOOTOT" description="TZOOTOT" unit="-" /> 293 <field id="TDETDOM" description="TDETDOM" unit="-" /> 294 <field id="SEDPOC" description="SEDPOC" unit="-" /> 254 <field id="GRAZ1" description="Grazing by microzooplankton" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 255 <field id="GRAZ2" description="Grazing by mesozooplankton" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 256 <field id="REMIN" description="Oxic remineralization of OM" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 257 <field id="DENIT" description="Anoxic remineralization of OM" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 258 <field id="Nfix" description="Nitrogen fixation" unit="molN/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 259 <field id="Mumax" description="Maximum growth rate" unit="s-1" axis_ref="deptht" /> 260 <field id="MuN" description="Realized growth rate for nanophyto" unit="s-1" axis_ref="deptht" /> 261 <field id="MuD" description="Realized growth rate for diatomes" unit="s-1" axis_ref="deptht" /> 262 <field id="LNnut" description="Nutrient limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 263 <field id="LDnut" description="Nutrient limitation term in Diatoms" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 264 <field id="LNFe" description="Iron limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 265 <field id="LDFe" description="Iron limitation term in Diatoms" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 266 <field id="LNlight" description="Light limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 267 <field id="LDlight" description="Light limitation term in Diatoms" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 268 <field id="Fe2" description="Iron II concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 269 <field id="Fe3" description="Iron III concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 270 <field id="FeL1" description="Complexed Iron concentration with L1" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 271 <field id="FeL2" description="Complexed Iron concentration with L2" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 272 <field id="FeP" description="Precipitated Iron III" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 273 <field id="TL1" description="Total L1 concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 274 <field id="TL2" description="Total L2 concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 275 <field id="pdust" description="dust concentration" unit="g/L" /> 276 <field id="Totlig" description="Total ligand concentation" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 277 <field id="Biron" description="Bioavailable iron" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 278 <field id="Sdenit" description="Nitrate reduction in the sediments" unit="molN/m2/s" /> 279 <field id="Ironice" description="Iron input/uptake due to sea ice" unit="molFe/m2/s" /> 280 <field id="HYDR" description="Iron input from hydrothemal vents" unit="molFe/m2/s" /> 281 <field id="EPC100" description="Export of carbon particles at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 282 <field id="EPFE100" description="Export of biogenic iron at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 283 <field id="EPSI100" description="Export of Silicate at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 284 <field id="EPCAL100" description="Export of Calcite at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 285 <field id="Cflx" description="DIC flux" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 286 <field id="Oflx" description="Oxygen flux" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 287 <field id="Kg" description="Gas transfer" unit="mol/m2/s/uatm" /> 288 <field id="Dpco2" description="Delta CO2" unit="uatm" /> 289 <field id="Dpo2" description="Delta O2" unit="uatm" /> 290 <field id="Heup" description="Euphotic layer depth" unit="m" /> 291 <field id="Irondep" description="Iron deposition from dust" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 292 <field id="Ironsed" description="Iron deposition from sediment" unit="mol/m2/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 295 293 </group> 296 294 … … 549 547 </context> 550 548 549 550 <context id="1_nemo"> 551 552 <!-- $id$ --> 553 554 <!-- 555 ============================================================================================================ 556 = definition of all existing variables = 557 = DO NOT CHANGE = 558 ============================================================================================================ 559 --> 560 561 <field_definition level="1" prec="4" operation="ave(X)" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- time step automaticaly defined --> 562 563 <!-- T grid --> 564 565 <group id="grid_T" axis_ref="none" grid_ref="grid_T"> 566 <field id="toce" description="temperature" unit="degC" axis_ref="deptht" /> 567 <field id="soce" description="salinity" unit="psu" axis_ref="deptht" /> 568 <field id="sst" description="sea surface temperature" unit="degC" /> 569 <field id="sst2" description="square of sea surface temperature" unit="degC2" /> 570 <field id="sstgrad" description="module of sst gradient" unit="degC/m" /> 571 <field id="sstgrad2" description="square of module of sst gradient" unit="degC2/m2" /> 572 <field id="sss" description="sea surface salinity" unit="psu" /> 573 <field id="sss2" description="square of sea surface salinity" unit="psu2" /> 574 <field id="ssh" description="sea surface height" unit="m" /> 575 <field id="ssh2" description="square of sea surface height" unit="m2" /> 576 <field id="mldkz5" description="mixing layer depth (Turbocline)" unit="m" /> 577 <field id="mldr10_1" description="Mixed Layer Depth 0.01 ref.10m" unit="m" /> 578 <field id="rhop" description="potential density (sigma0)" unit="kg/m3" axis_ref="deptht" /> 579 <!-- next variables available with key_diahth --> 580 <field id="mlddzt" description="Thermocline Depth (max dT/dz)" unit="m" /> 581 <field id="mldr10_3" description="Mixed Layer Depth dr=0.03 (ref.10m)" unit="m" /> 582 <field id="mldr0_1" description="Mixed Layer Depth dr=0.01 (" unit="m" /> 583 <field id="mldr0_3" description="Mixed Layer Depth dr=0.03 (" unit="m" /> 584 <field id="mld_dt02" description="Mixed Layer Depth |dt|=0.2 (ref.10m)" unit="m" /> 585 <field id="topthdep" description="Top of the thermocline dt=-0.2 (ref.10m)" unit="m" /> 586 <field id="pycndep" description="Pycnocline depth dr~dt=-0.2 (ref.10m)" unit="m" /> 587 <field id="BLT" description="Barrier Layer Thickness" unit="m" /> 588 <field id="tinv" description="Max of vertical invertion of temperature" unit="degC" /> 589 <field id="depti" description="Depth of max. vert. inv. of temperature" unit="m" /> 590 <field id="20d" description="Depth of 20C isotherm" unit="m" /> 591 <field id="28d" description="Depth of 28C isotherm" unit="m" /> 592 <field id="hc300" description="Heat content 300 m" unit="W" /> 593 <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> 594 <field id="botpres" description="Pressure at sea floor" unit="dbar" /> 595 <field id="cellthc" description="Cell thickness" unit="m" axis_ref="deptht" /> 596 </group> 597 598 <!-- SBC --> 599 600 <group id="SBC" axis_ref="none" grid_ref="grid_T" > <!-- time step automaticaly defined based on nn_fsbc --> 601 602 <field id="empmr" description="Net Upward Water Flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 603 <field id="empsmr" description="concentration/dilution water flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 604 <field id="snowpre" description="Snow precipitation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 605 <field id="runoffs" description="River Runoffs" unit="Kg/m2/s" /> 606 607 <field id="qt" description="Net Downward Heat Flux" unit="W/m2" /> 608 <field id="qns" description="non solar Downward Heat Flux" unit="W/m2" /> 609 <field id="qsr" description="Shortwave Radiation" unit="W/m2" /> 610 <field id="qsr3d" description="Shortwave Radiation 3D distribution" axis_ref="deptht" unit="W/m2" /> 611 <field id="qrp" description="Surface Heat Flux: Damping" unit="W/m2" /> 612 <field id="erp" description="Surface Water Flux: Damping" unit="Kg/m2/s" /> 613 <field id="taum" description="wind stress module" unit="N/m2" /> 614 <field id="wspd" description="Wind speed module at 10 m" unit="m/s" /> 615 616 <!-- * variable relative to atmospheric pressure forcing : available with ln_apr_dyn --> 617 <field id="ssh_ib" description="Inverse barometer sea surface height" unit="m" /> 618 619 <!-- *_oce variables available with ln_blk_clio or ln_blk_core --> 620 <field id="qns_oce" description="Non solar Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" unit="W/m2" /> 621 <field id="qlw_oce" description="Longwave Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" unit="W/m2" /> 622 <field id="qsb_oce" description="Sensible Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" unit="W/m2" /> 623 <field id="qla_oce" description="Latent Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" unit="W/m2" /> 624 <field id="taum_oce" description="wind stress module over open ocean" unit="N/m2" /> 625 626 <field id="ice_cover" description="Ice fraction" unit="1" /> 627 628 <field id="ioceflxb" description="Oceanic flux at the ice base" unit="W/m2" /> 629 <field id="qsr_ai_cea" description="Air-Ice downward solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 630 <field id="qns_ai_cea" description="Air-Ice downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 631 <field id="qla_ai_cea" description="Air-Ice downward Latent heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 632 633 <field id="qsr_io_cea" description="Ice-Oce downward solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 634 <field id="qns_io_cea" description="Ice-Oce downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 635 636 <field id="snowthic_cea" description="Snow thickness (cell average)" unit="m" /> 637 <field id="icethic_cea" description="Ice thickness (cell average)" unit="m" /> 638 <field id="iceprod_cea" description="Ice production (cell average)" unit="m/s" /> 639 640 <field id="ice_pres" description="Ice presence" unit="-" /> 641 <field id="ist_cea" description="Ice surface temperature (cell average)" unit="degC" /> 642 <field id="ist_ipa" description="Ice surface temperature (ice presence average)" unit="degC" /> 643 <field id="uice_ipa" description="Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" unit="m/s" /> 644 <field id="vice_ipa" description="Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" unit="m/s" /> 645 646 <field id="utau_ice" description="Wind stress along i-axis over the ice at i-point" unit="N/m2" /> 647 <field id="vtau_ice" description="Wind stress along j-axis over the ice at i-point" unit="N/m2" /> 648 649 <field id="u_imasstr" description="Sea-ice mass transport along i-axis" unit="kg/s" /> 650 <field id="v_imasstr" description="Sea-ice mass transport along j-axis" unit="kg/s" /> 651 652 <!-- available key_coupled --> 653 <field id="snow_ao_cea" description="Snow over ice-free ocean (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 654 <field id="snow_ai_cea" description="Snow over sea-ice (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 655 <field id="subl_ai_cea" description="Sublimation over sea-ice (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 656 <field id="icealb_cea" description="Ice albedo (cell average)" unit="1" /> 657 <field id="calving" description="Calving" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 658 <!-- available if key_coupled + conservative method --> 659 <field id="rain" description="Liquid precipitation" unit="Kg/m2/s" /> 660 <field id="evap_ao_cea" description="Evaporation over ice-free ocean (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 661 <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> 662 <field id="isnwmlt_cea" description="Snow over Ice melting (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 663 <field id="fsal_virt_cea" description="Virtual salt flux due to ice formation (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 664 <field id="fsal_real_cea" description="Real salt flux due to ice formation (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 665 <field id="hflx_rain_cea" description="heat flux due to rainfall" unit="W/m2" /> 666 <field id="hflx_evap_cea" description="heat flux due to evaporation" unit="W/m2" /> 667 <field id="hflx_snow_cea" description="heat flux due to snow falling over ice-free ocean" unit="W/m2" /> 668 <field id="hflx_ice_cea" description="heat flux due to ice thermodynamics" unit="W/m2" /> 669 <field id="hflx_rnf_cea" description="heat flux due to runoffs" unit="W/m2" /> 670 <field id="hflx_cal_cea" description="heat flux due to calving" unit="W/m2" /> 671 <field id="bicemel_cea" description="Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 672 <field id="licepro_cea" description="Lateral Sea Ice Growth Rate (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 673 <field id="snowmel_cea" description="Snow Melt Rate (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 674 <field id="sntoice_cea" description="Snow-Ice Formation Rate (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 675 <field id="ticemel_cea" description="Rate of Melt at Upper Surface of Sea Ice (cell average)" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 676 677 </group> 678 679 <!-- U grid --> 680 681 <group id="grid_U" axis_ref="depthu" grid_ref="grid_U"> 682 <field id="utau" description="Wind Stress along i-axis" unit="N/m2" axis_ref="none" /> 683 <field id="uoce" description="ocean current along i-axis" unit="m/s" /> 684 <field id="uocetr_eff" description="Effective ocean transport along i-axis" unit="m3/s" /> 685 <!-- uoce_eiv: available with key_traldf_eiv and key_diaeiv --> 686 <field id="uoce_eiv" description="EIV ocean current along i-axis" unit="m/s" /> 687 <!-- uoce_eiv: available with key_trabbl --> 688 <field id="uoce_bbl" description="BBL ocean current along i-axis" unit="m/s" axis_ref="none" /> 689 <field id="ahu_bbl" description="BBL diffusive flux along i-axis" unit="m3/s" axis_ref="none" /> 690 <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> 691 <field id="u_masstr" description="ocean eulerian mass transport along i-axis" unit="kg/s" /> 692 <field id="u_heattr" description="ocean eulerian heat transport along i-axis" unit="W" axis_ref="none" /> 693 <field id="ueiv_heattr" description="ocean bolus heat transport along i-axis" unit="W" axis_ref="none" /> 694 <field id="udiff_heattr" description="ocean diffusion heat transport along i-axis" unit="W" axis_ref="none" /> 695 </group> 696 697 <!-- V grid --> 698 699 <group id="grid_V" axis_ref="depthv" grid_ref="grid_V"> 700 <field id="vtau" description="Wind Stress along j-axis" unit="N/m2" axis_ref="none" /> 701 <field id="voce" description="ocean current along j-axis" unit="m/s" /> 702 <field id="vocetr_eff" description="Effective ocean transport along j-axis" unit="m3/s" /> 703 <!-- voce_eiv: available with key_traldf_eiv and key_diaeiv --> 704 <field id="voce_eiv" description="EIV ocean current along j-axis" unit="m/s" /> 705 <!-- voce_eiv: available with key_trabbl --> 706 <field id="voce_bbl" description="BBL ocean current along j-axis" unit="m/s" axis_ref="none" /> 707 <field id="ahv_bbl" description="BBL diffusive flux along j-axis" unit="m3/s" axis_ref="none" /> 708 <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> 709 <field id="v_masstr" description="ocean eulerian mass transport along j-axis" unit="kg/s" /> 710 <field id="v_heattr" description="ocean eulerian heat transport along j-axis" unit="W" axis_ref="none" /> 711 <field id="veiv_heattr" description="ocean bolus heat transport along j-axis" unit="W" axis_ref="none" /> 712 <field id="vdiff_heattr" description="ocean diffusion heat transport along j-axis" unit="W" axis_ref="none" /> 713 </group> 714 715 <!-- W grid --> 716 717 <group id="grid_W" axis_ref="depthw" grid_ref="grid_W"> 718 <field id="woce" description="ocean vertical velocity" unit="m/s" /> 719 <field id="wocetr_eff" description="effective ocean vertical transport" unit="m3/s" /> 720 <!-- woce_eiv: available with key_traldf_eiv and key_diaeiv --> 721 <field id="woce_eiv" description="EIV ocean vertical velocity" unit="m/s" /> 722 <!-- woce_eiv: available with key_trabbl_adv --> 723 <field id="avt" description="vertical eddy diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> 724 <field id="avm" description="vertical eddy viscosity" unit="m2/s" /> 725 <!-- avs: available with key_zdfddm --> 726 <field id="avs" description="salt vertical eddy diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> 727 <!-- avt_evd and avm_evd: available with ln_zdfevd --> 728 <field id="avt_evd" description="enhanced vertical diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> 729 <field id="avm_evd" description="enhanced vertical viscosity" unit="m2/s" /> 730 <!-- aht2d and aht2d_eiv: available with key_traldf_eiv and key_traldf_c2d --> 731 <field id="aht2d" description="lateral eddy diffusivity" unit="m2/s" axis_ref="none" /> 732 <field id="aht2d_eiv" description="EIV lateral eddy diffusivity" unit="m2/s" axis_ref="none" /> 733 <!-- avt_tide: available with key_zdftmx --> 734 <field id="av_tide" description="tidal vertical diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> 735 <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> 736 <field id="w_masstr" description="vertical mass trasport" unit="kg/s" /> 737 <field id="w_masstr2" description="square of vertical mass trasport" unit="kg2/s2" /> 738 </group> 739 740 <!-- scalar --> 741 742 <!-- variables available with key_diaar5 --> 743 <group id="scalar" axis_ref="none" grid_ref="scalarpoint" zoom_ref="1point" > 744 <field id="voltot" description="global mean volume" unit="m3" /> 745 <field id="sshtot" description="global mean ssh" unit="m" /> 746 <field id="sshsteric" description="global mean ssh steric" unit="m" /> 747 <field id="sshthster" description="global mean ssh thermosteric" unit="m" /> 748 <field id="masstot" description="global mean mass" unit="kg" /> 749 <field id="temptot" description="global mean temperature" unit="degC" /> 750 <field id="saltot" description="global mean salinity" unit="psu" /> 751 <field id="fram_trans" description="Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait" unit="kg/s" /> 752 </group> 753 754 <!-- ptrc on T grid --> 755 756 <group id="ptrc_T" axis_ref="deptht" grid_ref="grid_T"> 757 <field id="DIC" description="Dissolved inorganic Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 758 <field id="Alkalini" description="Total Alkalinity Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 759 <field id="O2" description="Oxygen Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 760 <field id="CaCO3" description="Calcite Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 761 <field id="PO4" description="Phosphate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 762 <field id="POC" description="Small organic carbon Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 763 <field id="Si" description="Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 764 <field id="PHY" description="Nanophytoplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 765 <field id="ZOO" description="Microzooplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 766 <field id="DOC" description="Dissolved organic Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 767 <field id="PHY2" description="Diatoms Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 768 <field id="ZOO2" description="Mesozooplankton Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 769 <field id="DSi" description="Diatoms Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 770 <field id="Fer" description="Dissolved Iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 771 <field id="BFe" description="Big iron particles Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 772 <field id="GOC" description="Big organic carbon Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 773 <field id="SFe" description="Small iron particles Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 774 <field id="DFe" description="Diatoms iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 775 <field id="GSi" description="Sinking biogenic Silicate Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 776 <field id="NFe" description="Nano iron Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 777 <field id="NCHL" description="Nano chlorophyl Concentration" unit="mg/m3" /> 778 <field id="DCHL" description="Diatoms chlorophyl Concentration" unit="mg/m3" /> 779 <field id="NO3" description="Nitrates Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 780 <field id="NH4" description="Ammonium Concentration" unit="mmol/m3" /> 781 </group> 782 783 <!-- diad on T grid : variables available with key_diatrc --> 784 785 <group id="diad_T" axis_ref="none" grid_ref="grid_T"> 786 <field id="PH" description="PH" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 787 <field id="CO3" description="Bicarbonates" unit="mol/m3" axis_ref="deptht" /> 788 <field id="CO3sat" description="CO3 saturation" unit="mol/m3" axis_ref="deptht" /> 789 <field id="PAR" description="Photosynthetically Available Radiation" unit="W/m2" axis_ref="deptht" /> 790 <field id="PPPHY" description="Primary production of nanophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 791 <field id="PPPHY2" description="Primary production of diatoms" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 792 <field id="PPNEWN" description="New Primary production of nanophyto" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 793 <field id="PPNEWD" description="New Primary production of diatoms" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 794 <field id="PBSi" description="Primary production of Si diatoms" unit="molSi/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 795 <field id="PFeN" description="Primary production of nano iron" unit="molFe/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 796 <field id="PFeD" description="Primary production of diatoms iron" unit="molFe/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 797 <field id="xfracal" description="Calcifying fraction" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 798 <field id="PCAL" description="Calcite production" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 799 <field id="DCAL" description="Calcite dissolution" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 800 <field id="GRAZ1" description="Grazing by microzooplankton" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 801 <field id="GRAZ2" description="Grazing by mesozooplankton" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 802 <field id="REMIN" description="Oxic remineralization of OM" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 803 <field id="DENIT" description="Anoxic remineralization of OM" unit="molC/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 804 <field id="Nfix" description="Nitrogen fixation" unit="molN/m3/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 805 <field id="Mumax" description="Maximum growth rate" unit="s-1" axis_ref="deptht" /> 806 <field id="MuN" description="Realized growth rate for nanophyto" unit="s-1" axis_ref="deptht" /> 807 <field id="MuD" description="Realized growth rate for diatomes" unit="s-1" axis_ref="deptht" /> 808 <field id="LNnut" description="Nutrient limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 809 <field id="LDnut" description="Nutrient limitation term in Diatoms" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 810 <field id="LNFe" description="Iron limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 811 <field id="LDFe" description="Iron limitation term in Diatoms" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 812 <field id="LNlight" description="Light limitation term in Nanophyto" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 813 <field id="LDlight" description="Light limitation term in Diatoms" unit="-" axis_ref="deptht" /> 814 <field id="Fe2" description="Iron II concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 815 <field id="Fe3" description="Iron III concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 816 <field id="FeL1" description="Complexed Iron concentration with L1" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 817 <field id="FeL2" description="Complexed Iron concentration with L2" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 818 <field id="FeP" description="Precipitated Iron III" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 819 <field id="TL1" description="Total L1 concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 820 <field id="TL2" description="Total L2 concentration" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 821 <field id="pdust" description="dust concentration" unit="g/L" /> 822 <field id="Totlig" description="Total ligand concentation" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 823 <field id="Biron" description="Bioavailable iron" unit="nmol/L" axis_ref="deptht" /> 824 <field id="Sdenit" description="Nitrate reduction in the sediments" unit="molN/m2/s" /> 825 <field id="Ironice" description="Iron input/uptake due to sea ice" unit="molFe/m2/s" /> 826 <field id="HYDR" description="Iron input from hydrothemal vents" unit="molFe/m2/s" /> 827 <field id="EPC100" description="Export of carbon particles at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 828 <field id="EPFE100" description="Export of biogenic iron at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 829 <field id="EPSI100" description="Export of Silicate at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 830 <field id="EPCAL100" description="Export of Calcite at 100 m" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 831 <field id="Cflx" description="DIC flux" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 832 <field id="Oflx" description="Oxygen flux" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 833 <field id="Kg" description="Gas transfer" unit="mol/m2/s/uatm" /> 834 <field id="Dpco2" description="Delta CO2" unit="uatm" /> 835 <field id="Dpo2" description="Delta O2" unit="uatm" /> 836 <field id="Heup" description="Euphotic layer depth" unit="m" /> 837 <field id="Irondep" description="Iron deposition from dust" unit="mol/m2/s" /> 838 <field id="Ironsed" description="Iron deposition from sediment" unit="mol/m2/s" axis_ref="deptht" /> 839 </group> 840 841 </field_definition> 842 843 <!-- 844 ============================================================================================================ 845 = output files definition = 846 = Define your own files = 847 = put the variables you want... = 848 ============================================================================================================ 849 --> 850 851 <file_definition > 852 853 <group id="1h" output_freq="3600" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 1h files --> 854 </group> 855 856 <group id="2h" output_freq="7200" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 2h files --> 857 </group> 858 859 <group id="3h" output_freq="10800" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 3h files --> 860 </group> 861 862 <group id="4h" output_freq="14400" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 4h files --> 863 </group> 864 865 <group id="6h" output_freq="21600" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 6h files --> 866 </group> 867 868 <group id="1d" output_freq="86400" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 1d files --> 869 </group> 870 871 <group id="3d" output_freq="259200" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 3d files --> 872 </group> 873 874 <group id="5d" output_freq="432000" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 5d files --> 875 </group> 876 877 <group id="1m" output_freq="-1" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real monthly files --> 878 </group> 879 880 <group id="2m" output_freq="-2" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real 2m files --> 881 </group> 882 883 <group id="3m" output_freq="-3" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real 3m files --> 884 </group> 885 886 <group id="4m" output_freq="-4" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real 4m files --> 887 </group> 888 889 <group id="6m" output_freq="-6" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real 6m files --> 890 </group> 891 892 <group id="1y" output_freq="-12" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real yearly files --> 893 </group> 894 895 <group id="2y" output_freq="-24" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real 2y files --> 896 </group> 897 898 <group id="5y" output_freq="-60" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real 5y files --> 899 </group> 900 901 <group id="10y" output_freq="-120" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real 10y files --> 902 </group> 903 904 </file_definition> 905 906 <!-- 907 ============================================================================================================ 908 = grid definition = 909 = DO NOT CHANGE = 910 ============================================================================================================ 911 --> 912 913 <axis_definition> 914 <axis id="deptht" description="Vertical T levels" unit="m" positive=".false." /> 915 <axis id="depthu" description="Vertical U levels" unit="m" positive=".false." /> 916 <axis id="depthv" description="Vertical V levels" unit="m" positive=".false." /> 917 <axis id="depthw" description="Vertical W levels" unit="m" positive=".false." /> 918 <axis id="none" description="axe non defini" unit="none" size="1" /> 919 </axis_definition> 920 921 <grid_definition> 922 <grid id="grid_T" description="grid T" > 923 <!-- Eq section --> 924 <zoom id="EqT" ibegin="1" jbegin="0000" ni="0000" nj="1" /> 925 <!-- TAO --> 926 <!-- 137e --> 927 <zoom id="2n137eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 928 <zoom id="5n137eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 929 <zoom id="8n137eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 930 <!-- 147e --> 931 <zoom id="0n147eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 932 <zoom id="2n147eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 933 <zoom id="5n147eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 934 <!-- 156e --> 935 <zoom id="5s156eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 936 <zoom id="2s156eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 937 <zoom id="0n156eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 938 <zoom id="2n156eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 939 <zoom id="5n156eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 940 <zoom id="8n156eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 941 <!-- 165e --> 942 <zoom id="8s165eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 943 <zoom id="5s165eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 944 <zoom id="2s165eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 945 <zoom id="0n165eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 946 <zoom id="2n165eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 947 <zoom id="5n165eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 948 <zoom id="8n165eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 949 <!-- 180w --> 950 <zoom id="8s180wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 951 <zoom id="5s180wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 952 <zoom id="2s180wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 953 <zoom id="0n180wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 954 <zoom id="2n180wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 955 <zoom id="5n180wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 956 <zoom id="8n180wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 957 <!-- 170w --> 958 <zoom id="8s170wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 959 <zoom id="5s170wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 960 <zoom id="2s170wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 961 <zoom id="0n170wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 962 <zoom id="2n170wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 963 <zoom id="5n170wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 964 <zoom id="8n170wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 965 <!-- 155w --> 966 <zoom id="8s155wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 967 <zoom id="5s155wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 968 <zoom id="2s155wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 969 <zoom id="0n155wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 970 <zoom id="2n155wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 971 <zoom id="5n155wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 972 <zoom id="8n155wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 973 <!-- 140w --> 974 <zoom id="8s140wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 975 <zoom id="5s140wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 976 <zoom id="2s140wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 977 <zoom id="0n140wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 978 <zoom id="2n140wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 979 <zoom id="5n140wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 980 <zoom id="8n140wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 981 <!-- 125w --> 982 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id="4n55eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1015 <!-- 65e --> 1016 <zoom id="15n65eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1017 <!-- 67e --> 1018 <zoom id="16s67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1019 <zoom id="12s67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1020 <zoom id="8s67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1021 <zoom id="4s67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1022 <zoom id="1.5s67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1023 <zoom id="0n67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1024 <zoom id="1.5n67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1025 <zoom id="4n67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1026 <zoom id="8n67eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1027 <!-- 80.5e --> 1028 <zoom id="16s80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1029 <zoom id="12s80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1030 <zoom id="8s80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1031 <zoom id="4s80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1032 <zoom id="1.5s80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1033 <zoom id="0n80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1034 <zoom id="1.5n80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1035 <zoom id="4n80.5eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1036 <!-- 90e --> 1037 <zoom id="1.5s90eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1038 <zoom id="0n90eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1039 <zoom id="1.5n90eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1040 <zoom id="4n90eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1041 <zoom id="8n90eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1042 <zoom id="12n90eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1043 <zoom id="15n90eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1044 <!-- 95e --> 1045 <zoom id="16s95eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1046 <zoom id="12s95eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1047 <zoom id="8s95eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1048 <zoom id="5s95eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1049 <!-- PIRATA --> 1050 <!-- 38w-30w --> 1051 <zoom id="19s34wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1052 <zoom id="14s32wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1053 <zoom id="8s30wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1054 <zoom id="0n35wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1055 <zoom id="4n38wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1056 <zoom id="8n38wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1057 <zoom id="12n38wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1058 <zoom id="15n38wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1059 <zoom id="20n38wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1060 <!-- 23w --> 1061 <zoom id="0n23wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1062 <zoom id="4n23wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1063 <zoom id="12n23wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1064 <zoom id="21n23wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1065 <!-- 10w --> 1066 <zoom id="10s10wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1067 <zoom id="6s10wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1068 <zoom id="0n10wT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1069 <!-- 0e --> 1070 <zoom id="0n0eT" ibegin="0000" jbegin="0000" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1071 </grid> 1072 1073 <grid id="grid_U" description="grid U" > 1074 <!-- Eq section --> 1075 <zoom id="EqU" ibegin="1" jbegin="0000" ni="0000" nj="1" /> 1076 </grid> 1077 1078 <grid id="grid_V" description="grid V" > 1079 </grid> 1080 1081 <grid id="grid_W" description="grid W" > 1082 <!-- Eq section --> 1083 <zoom id="EqW" ibegin="1" jbegin="0000" ni="0000" nj="1" /> 1084 </grid> 1085 1086 <grid id="scalarpoint" description="scalar" > 1087 <zoom id="1point" ibegin="1" jbegin="1" ni="1" nj="1" /> 1088 </grid> 1089 1090 1091 </grid_definition> 1092 1093 </context> 1094 551 1095 </simulation> -
r3336 r3603 41 41 export BATCH_COMMAND_PAR="llsubmit" 42 42 export BATCH_COMMAND_SEQ=$BATCH_COMMAND_PAR 43 # export MPI_INTERACT="no" 43 export INTERACT_FLAG="no" 44 export MPIRUN_FLAG="yes" 44 45 45 46 # Directory to run the tests … … 58 59 # small test to start 59 60 # compile GYRE configuration with gfortran_osx compiler run with 1 proc, by default in cpp_GYRE.fcm file : 60 export TEST_NAME=" TEST02"61 export TEST_NAME="prova_beginner" 61 62 cd ${SETTE_DIR} 62 . ../CONFIG/makenemo -m ${CMP_NAM} -n GYRE_SHORT -r GYRE 63 . ../CONFIG/makenemo -m ${CMP_NAM} -n GYRE_SHORT -r GYRE -j 10 add_key "key_mpp_mpi" 63 64 cd ${SETTE_DIR} 64 65 . param.cfg … … 67 68 . 68 69 JOB_FILE=${EXE_DIR}/ 70 NPROC=4 71 \rm $JOB_FILE 69 72 cd ${EXE_DIR} 70 73 # setting namelist parameters … … 79 82 80 83 cd ${SETTE_DIR} 81 # . ./ input_file_config_name NB_PROCS TEST_NAME MPI_FLAG JOB_FILE 82 . ./ input_GYRE.cfg 1 SHORT no $JOB_FILE 84 . ./ input_GYRE.cfg $NPROC ${TEST_NAME} ${MPIRUN_FLAG} ${JOB_FILE} 83 85 # run job, with 1 processor, test named SHORT (= 60 time steps) 84 #. ./ NB_PROCS JOB_FILE INTERACT_FLAG MPI_FLAG 85 cd ${SETTE_DIR} 86 . ./ 1 $JOB_FILE no no 87 86 cd ${SETTE_DIR} 87 . ./ 4 ${JOB_FILE} ${INTERACT_FLAG} ${MPIRUN_FLAG}
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.