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r5344 r5429 76 76 / 77 77 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78 &namicehdf ! Ice horizontal diffusion 79 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80 nn_convfrq = 5 ! convergence check frequency of the Crant-Nicholson scheme (perf. optimization) 81 / 82 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78 83 &namicethd ! Ice thermodynamics 79 84 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
r5123 r5429 207 207 208 208 !-- Lateral boundary conditions 209 CALL lbc_lnk ( psm , 'T', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( ps0 , 'T', 1. )210 CALL lbc_lnk( psx , 'T', -1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( psy , 'T', -1. )! caution gradient ==> the sign changes211 CALL lbc_lnk( psxx, 'T', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( psyy, 'T', 1. )212 CALL lbc_lnk(psxy, 'T', 1. )209 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( psm , 'T', 1., ps0 , 'T', 1. & 210 & , psx , 'T', -1., psy , 'T', -1. & ! caution gradient ==> the sign changes 211 & , psxx, 'T', 1., psyy, 'T', 1. & 212 & , psxy, 'T', 1. ) 213 213 214 214 IF(ln_ctl) THEN … … 393 393 394 394 !-- Lateral boundary conditions 395 CALL lbc_lnk ( psm , 'T', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( ps0 , 'T', 1. )396 CALL lbc_lnk( psx , 'T', -1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( psy , 'T', -1. )! caution gradient ==> the sign changes397 CALL lbc_lnk( psxx, 'T', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( psyy, 'T', 1. )398 CALL lbc_lnk(psxy, 'T', 1. )395 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( psm , 'T', 1., ps0 , 'T', 1. & 396 & , psx , 'T', -1., psy , 'T', -1. & ! caution gradient ==> the sign changes 397 & , psxx, 'T', 1., psyy, 'T', 1. & 398 & , psxy, 'T', 1. ) 399 399 400 400 IF(ln_ctl) THEN -
r5123 r5429 13 13 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 14 !! lim_hdf : diffusion trend on sea-ice variable 15 !! lim_hdf_init : initialisation of diffusion trend on sea-ice variable 15 16 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 17 USE dom_oce ! ocean domain … … 26 27 PRIVATE 27 28 28 PUBLIC lim_hdf ! called by lim_trp 29 PUBLIC lim_hdf ! called by lim_trp 30 PUBLIC lim_hdf_init ! called by sbc_lim_init 29 31 30 32 LOGICAL :: linit = .TRUE. ! initialization flag (set to flase after the 1st call) 33 INTEGER :: nn_convfrq !: convergence check frequency of the Crant-Nicholson scheme 31 34 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: efact ! metric coefficient 32 35 … … 121 124 CALL lbc_lnk( zrlx, 'T', 1. ) ! lateral boundary condition 122 125 ! 123 zconv = 0._wp ! convergence test 124 DO jj = 2, jpjm1 125 DO ji = fs_2, fs_jpim1 126 zconv = MAX( zconv, ABS( zrlx(ji,jj) - ptab(ji,jj) ) ) 127 END DO 128 END DO 129 IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_max( zconv ) ! max over the global domain 126 IF ( MOD( iter, nn_convfrq ) == 0 ) THEN ! convergence test every nn_convfrq iterations (perf. optimization) 127 zconv = 0._wp 128 DO jj = 2, jpjm1 129 DO ji = fs_2, fs_jpim1 130 zconv = MAX( zconv, ABS( zrlx(ji,jj) - ptab(ji,jj) ) ) 131 END DO 132 END DO 133 IF( lk_mpp ) CALL mpp_max( zconv ) ! max over the global domain 134 ENDIF 130 135 ! 131 136 ptab(:,:) = zrlx(:,:) … … 162 167 END SUBROUTINE lim_hdf 163 168 169 170 SUBROUTINE lim_hdf_init 171 !!------------------------------------------------------------------- 172 !! *** ROUTINE lim_hdf_init *** 173 !! 174 !! ** Purpose : Initialisation of horizontal diffusion of sea-ice 175 !! 176 !! ** Method : Read the namicehdf namelist 177 !! 178 !! ** input : Namelist namicehdf 179 !!------------------------------------------------------------------- 180 INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read 181 NAMELIST/namicehdf/ nn_convfrq 182 !!------------------------------------------------------------------- 183 ! 184 IF(lwp) THEN 185 WRITE(numout,*) 186 WRITE(numout,*) 'lim_hdf : Ice horizontal diffusion' 187 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~' 188 ENDIF 189 ! 190 REWIND( numnam_ice_ref ) ! Namelist namicehdf in reference namelist : Ice horizontal diffusion 191 READ ( numnam_ice_ref, namicehdf, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) 192 901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namicehdf in reference namelist', lwp ) 193 194 REWIND( numnam_ice_cfg ) ! Namelist namicehdf in configuration namelist : Ice horizontal diffusion 195 READ ( numnam_ice_cfg, namicehdf, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 ) 196 902 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namicehdf in configuration namelist', lwp ) 197 IF(lwm) WRITE ( numoni, namicehdf ) 198 ! 199 IF(lwp) THEN ! control print 200 WRITE(numout,*) 201 WRITE(numout,*)' Namelist of ice parameters for ice horizontal diffusion computation ' 202 WRITE(numout,*)' convergence check frequency of the Crant-Nicholson scheme nn_convfrq = ', nn_convfrq 203 ENDIF 204 ! 205 END SUBROUTINE lim_hdf_init 164 206 #else 165 207 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 166 208 !! Default option Dummy module NO LIM sea-ice model 167 209 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 168 CONTAINS169 SUBROUTINE lim_hdf ! Empty routine170 END SUBROUTINE lim_hdf171 210 #endif 172 211 -
r5123 r5429 377 377 END DO 378 378 END DO 379 CALL lbc_lnk( v_ice1 , 'U', -1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( u_ice2 , 'V', -1. ) ! lateral boundary cond. 380 379 380 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( v_ice1, 'U', -1., u_ice2, 'V', -1. ) ! lateral boundary cond. 381 381 382 DO jj = k_j1+1, k_jpj-1 382 383 DO ji = fs_2, fs_jpim1 … … 412 413 END DO 413 414 END DO 414 CALL lbc_lnk( zs1 , 'T', 1. ) ; CALL lbc_lnk( zs2, 'T', 1. ) 415 CALL lbc_lnk (zs12, 'F', 1. )416 415 416 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( zs1 , 'T', 1., zs2, 'T', 1., zs12, 'F', 1. ) 417 417 418 ! Ice internal stresses (Appendix C of Hunke and Dukowicz, 2002) 418 419 DO jj = k_j1+1, k_jpj-1 … … 570 571 END DO 571 572 572 CALL lbc_lnk ( u_ice(:,:), 'U', -1. )573 CALL lbc_lnk( v_ice(:,:), 'V', -1. ) 573 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( u_ice(:,:), 'U', -1., v_ice(:,:), 'V', -1. ) 574 574 575 #if defined key_agrif && defined key_lim2 575 576 CALL agrif_rhg_lim2( nn_nevp , nn_nevp, 'U' ) … … 595 596 END DO 596 597 597 CALL lbc_lnk( u_ice2(:,:), 'V', -1. ) 598 CALL lbc_lnk( v_ice1(:,:), 'U', -1. ) 598 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( u_ice2(:,:), 'V', -1., v_ice1(:,:), 'U', -1. ) 599 599 600 600 ! Recompute delta, shear and div, inputs for mechanical redistribution … … 643 643 644 644 ! Lateral boundary condition 645 CALL lbc_lnk( divu_i (:,:), 'T', 1. ) 646 CALL lbc_lnk( delta_i(:,:), 'T', 1. ) 647 ! CALL lbc_lnk( shear_i(:,:), 'F', 1. ) 648 CALL lbc_lnk( shear_i(:,:), 'T', 1. ) 645 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( divu_i (:,:), 'T', 1., delta_i(:,:), 'T', 1., shear_i(:,:), 'T', 1. ) 649 646 650 647 ! * Store the stress tensor for the next time step -
r5217 r5429 557 557 END DO 558 558 END DO 559 CALL lbc_lnk ( zwx, 'U', 1._wp ) ; CALL lbc_lnk(zwy, 'V', 1._wp )559 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( zwx, 'U', 1._wp, zwy, 'V', 1._wp ) 560 560 ! 561 561 zhup2_e (:,:) = hu_0(:,:) + zwx(:,:) ! Ocean depth at U- and V-points … … 635 635 END DO 636 636 END DO 637 CALL lbc_lnk ( zsshu_a, 'U', 1._wp ) ; CALL lbc_lnk(zsshv_a, 'V', 1._wp )637 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( zsshu_a, 'U', 1._wp, zsshv_a, 'V', 1._wp ) 638 638 ENDIF 639 639 ! … … 803 803 ! ! ----------------------- 804 804 ! 805 CALL lbc_lnk( ua_e , 'U', -1._wp ) ! local domain boundaries 806 CALL lbc_lnk( va_e , 'V', -1._wp ) 805 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( ua_e, 'U', -1._wp, va_e , 'V', -1._wp ) 807 806 808 807 #if defined key_bdy … … 859 858 END DO 860 859 END DO 861 CALL lbc_lnk ( zsshu_a, 'U', 1._wp ) ; CALL lbc_lnk(zsshv_a, 'V', 1._wp ) ! Boundary conditions860 CALL lbc_lnk_multi( zsshu_a, 'U', 1._wp, zsshv_a, 'V', 1._wp ) ! Boundary conditions 862 861 ENDIF 863 862 ! -
r4990 r5429 22 22 USE lib_mpp ! distributed memory computing library 23 23 24 25 INTERFACE lbc_lnk_multi 26 MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_lnk_2d_9 27 END INTERFACE 28 24 29 INTERFACE lbc_lnk 25 30 MODULE PROCEDURE mpp_lnk_3d_gather, mpp_lnk_3d, mpp_lnk_2d … … 39 44 40 45 PUBLIC lbc_lnk ! ocean lateral boundary conditions 46 PUBLIC lbc_lnk_multi ! modified ocean lateral boundary conditions 41 47 PUBLIC lbc_lnk_e 42 48 PUBLIC lbc_bdy_lnk ! ocean lateral BDY boundary conditions -
r5412 r5429 71 71 PUBLIC mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_sum, mpp_minloc, mpp_maxloc 72 72 PUBLIC mpp_lnk_3d, mpp_lnk_3d_gather, mpp_lnk_2d, mpp_lnk_2d_e 73 PUBLIC mpp_lnk_2d_9 73 74 PUBLIC mppscatter, mppgather 74 75 PUBLIC mpp_ini_ice, mpp_ini_znl … … 78 79 PUBLIC mpp_lbc_north_icb, mpp_lnk_2d_icb 79 80 81 TYPE arrayptr 82 REAL , DIMENSION (:,:), POINTER :: pt2d 83 END TYPE arrayptr 84 80 85 !! * Interfaces 81 86 !! define generic interface for these routine as they are called sometimes … … 512 517 END SUBROUTINE mpp_lnk_3d 513 518 519 SUBROUTINE mpp_lnk_2d_multiple( pt2d_array , type_array , psgn_array , num_fields , cd_mpp, pval ) 520 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 521 !! *** routine mpp_lnk_2d_multiple *** 522 !! 523 !! ** Purpose : Message passing management for multiple 2d arrays 524 !! 525 !! ** Method : Use mppsend and mpprecv function for passing mask 526 !! between processors following neighboring subdomains. 527 !! domain parameters 528 !! nlci : first dimension of the local subdomain 529 !! nlcj : second dimension of the local subdomain 530 !! nbondi : mark for "east-west local boundary" 531 !! nbondj : mark for "north-south local boundary" 532 !! noea : number for local neighboring processors 533 !! nowe : number for local neighboring processors 534 !! noso : number for local neighboring processors 535 !! nono : number for local neighboring processors 536 !! 537 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 538 539 INTEGER :: num_fields 540 TYPE( arrayptr ), DIMENSION(:) :: pt2d_array 541 CHARACTER(len=1), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in ) :: type_array ! define the nature of ptab array grid-points 542 ! ! = T , U , V , F , W and I points 543 REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in ) :: psgn_array ! =-1 the sign change across the north fold boundary 544 ! ! = 1. , the sign is kept 545 CHARACTER(len=3), OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: cd_mpp ! fill the overlap area only 546 REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL , INTENT(in ) :: pval ! background value (used at closed boundaries) 547 !! 548 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jl ! dummy loop indices 549 INTEGER :: ii !!MULTI SEND DUMMY LOOP INDICES 550 INTEGER :: imigr, iihom, ijhom ! temporary integers 551 INTEGER :: ml_req1, ml_req2, ml_err ! for key_mpi_isend 552 553 REAL(wp) :: zland 554 INTEGER, DIMENSION(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: ml_stat ! for key_mpi_isend 555 ! 556 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zt2ns, zt2sn ! 2d for north-south & south-north 557 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zt2ew, zt2we ! 2d for east-west & west-east 558 559 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 560 561 ALLOCATE( zt2ns(jpi,jprecj,2*num_fields), zt2sn(jpi,jprecj,2*num_fields), & 562 & zt2ew(jpj,jpreci,2*num_fields), zt2we(jpj,jpreci,2*num_fields) ) 563 564 ! 565 IF( PRESENT( pval ) ) THEN ; zland = pval ! set land value 566 ELSE ; zland = 0.e0 ! zero by default 567 ENDIF 568 569 ! 1. standard boundary treatment 570 ! ------------------------------ 571 ! 572 !First Array 573 DO ii = 1 , num_fields 574 IF( PRESENT( cd_mpp ) ) THEN ! only fill added line/raw with existing values 575 ! 576 ! WARNING pt2d is defined only between nld and nle 577 DO jj = nlcj+1, jpj ! added line(s) (inner only) 578 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nldi :nlei , jj) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nldi:nlei, nlej) 579 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(1 :nldi-1, jj) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nldi , nlej) 580 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nlei+1:nlci , jj) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( nlei, nlej) 581 END DO 582 DO ji = nlci+1, jpi ! added column(s) (full) 583 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(ji, nldj :nlej ) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nlei, nldj:nlej) 584 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(ji, 1 :nldj-1) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nlei, nldj ) 585 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(ji, nlej+1:jpj ) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nlei, nlej) 586 END DO 587 ! 588 ELSE ! standard close or cyclic treatment 589 ! 590 ! ! East-West boundaries 591 IF( nbondi == 2 .AND. & ! Cyclic east-west 592 & (nperio == 1 .OR. nperio == 4 .OR. nperio == 6) ) THEN 593 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( 1 , : ) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( jpim1, : ) ! west 594 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( jpi , : ) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( 2 , : ) ! east 595 ELSE ! closed 596 IF( .NOT. type_array(ii) == 'F' ) pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( 1 : jpreci,:) = zland ! south except F-point 597 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(nlci-jpreci+1 : jpi ,:) = zland ! north 598 ENDIF 599 ! ! North-South boundaries (always closed) 600 IF( .NOT. type_array(ii) == 'F' ) pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(:, 1:jprecj ) = zland ! south except F-point 601 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d(:, nlcj-jprecj+1:jpj ) = zland ! north 602 ! 603 ENDIF 604 END DO 605 606 ! 2. East and west directions exchange 607 ! ------------------------------------ 608 ! we play with the neigbours AND the row number because of the periodicity 609 ! 610 DO ii = 1 , num_fields 611 SELECT CASE ( nbondi ) ! Read Dirichlet lateral conditions 612 CASE ( -1, 0, 1 ) ! all exept 2 (i.e. close case) 613 iihom = nlci-nreci 614 DO jl = 1, jpreci 615 zt2ew( : , jl , ii ) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( jpreci+jl , : ) 616 zt2we( : , jl , ii ) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( iihom +jl , : ) 617 END DO 618 END SELECT 619 END DO 620 ! 621 ! ! Migrations 622 imigr = jpreci * jpj 623 ! 624 SELECT CASE ( nbondi ) 625 CASE ( -1 ) 626 CALL mppsend( 2, zt2we(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, noea, ml_req1 ) 627 CALL mpprecv( 1, zt2ew(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, noea ) 628 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) 629 CASE ( 0 ) 630 CALL mppsend( 1, zt2ew(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, nowe, ml_req1 ) 631 CALL mppsend( 2, zt2we(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, noea, ml_req2 ) 632 CALL mpprecv( 1, zt2ew(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, noea ) 633 CALL mpprecv( 2, zt2we(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, nowe ) 634 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) 635 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req2,ml_stat,ml_err) 636 CASE ( 1 ) 637 CALL mppsend( 1, zt2ew(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, nowe, ml_req1 ) 638 CALL mpprecv( 2, zt2we(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, nowe ) 639 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) 640 END SELECT 641 ! 642 ! ! Write Dirichlet lateral conditions 643 iihom = nlci - jpreci 644 ! 645 646 DO ii = 1 , num_fields 647 SELECT CASE ( nbondi ) 648 CASE ( -1 ) 649 DO jl = 1, jpreci 650 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( iihom+jl , : ) = zt2ew(:,jl,num_fields+ii) 651 END DO 652 CASE ( 0 ) 653 DO jl = 1, jpreci 654 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( jl , : ) = zt2we(:,jl,num_fields+ii) 655 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( iihom+jl , : ) = zt2ew(:,jl,num_fields+ii) 656 END DO 657 CASE ( 1 ) 658 DO jl = 1, jpreci 659 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( jl , : )= zt2we(:,jl,num_fields+ii) 660 END DO 661 END SELECT 662 END DO 663 664 ! 3. North and south directions 665 ! ----------------------------- 666 ! always closed : we play only with the neigbours 667 ! 668 !First Array 669 DO ii = 1 , num_fields 670 IF( nbondj /= 2 ) THEN ! Read Dirichlet lateral conditions 671 ijhom = nlcj-nrecj 672 DO jl = 1, jprecj 673 zt2sn(:,jl , ii) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , ijhom +jl ) 674 zt2ns(:,jl , ii) = pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , jprecj+jl ) 675 END DO 676 ENDIF 677 END DO 678 ! 679 ! ! Migrations 680 imigr = jprecj * jpi 681 ! 682 SELECT CASE ( nbondj ) 683 CASE ( -1 ) 684 CALL mppsend( 4, zt2sn(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, nono, ml_req1 ) 685 CALL mpprecv( 3, zt2ns(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, nono ) 686 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) 687 CASE ( 0 ) 688 CALL mppsend( 3, zt2ns(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, noso, ml_req1 ) 689 CALL mppsend( 4, zt2sn(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, nono, ml_req2 ) 690 CALL mpprecv( 3, zt2ns(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, nono ) 691 CALL mpprecv( 4, zt2sn(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, noso ) 692 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) 693 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req2,ml_stat,ml_err) 694 CASE ( 1 ) 695 CALL mppsend( 3, zt2ns(1,1,1), num_fields*imigr, noso, ml_req1 ) 696 CALL mpprecv( 4, zt2sn(1,1,num_fields+1), num_fields*imigr, noso ) 697 IF(l_isend) CALL mpi_wait(ml_req1,ml_stat,ml_err) 698 END SELECT 699 ! 700 ! ! Write Dirichlet lateral conditions 701 ijhom = nlcj - jprecj 702 ! 703 704 DO ii = 1 , num_fields 705 !First Array 706 SELECT CASE ( nbondj ) 707 CASE ( -1 ) 708 DO jl = 1, jprecj 709 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , ijhom+jl ) = zt2ns( : , jl , num_fields+ii ) 710 END DO 711 CASE ( 0 ) 712 DO jl = 1, jprecj 713 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , jl ) = zt2sn( : , jl , num_fields + ii) 714 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , ijhom + jl ) = zt2ns( : , jl , num_fields + ii ) 715 END DO 716 CASE ( 1 ) 717 DO jl = 1, jprecj 718 pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , jl ) = zt2sn( : , jl , num_fields + ii ) 719 END DO 720 END SELECT 721 END DO 722 723 ! 4. north fold treatment 724 ! ----------------------- 725 ! 726 DO ii = 1 , num_fields 727 !First Array 728 IF( npolj /= 0 .AND. .NOT. PRESENT(cd_mpp) ) THEN 729 ! 730 SELECT CASE ( jpni ) 731 CASE ( 1 ) ; CALL lbc_nfd ( pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , : ), type_array(ii) , psgn_array(ii) ) ! only 1 northern proc, no mpp 732 CASE DEFAULT ; CALL mpp_lbc_north( pt2d_array(ii)%pt2d( : , : ), type_array(ii), psgn_array(ii) ) ! for all northern procs. 733 END SELECT 734 ! 735 ENDIF 736 ! 737 END DO 738 739 DEALLOCATE( zt2ns, zt2sn, zt2ew, zt2we ) 740 ! 741 END SUBROUTINE mpp_lnk_2d_multiple 742 743 744 SUBROUTINE load_array(pt2d,cd_type,psgn,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 745 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 746 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), TARGET , INTENT(inout) :: pt2d ! Second 2D array on which the boundary condition is applied 747 CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cd_type ! define the nature of ptab array grid-points 748 REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: psgn ! =-1 the sign change across the north fold boundary 749 TYPE(arrayptr) , DIMENSION(9) :: pt2d_array 750 CHARACTER(len=1) , DIMENSION(9) :: type_array ! define the nature of ptab array grid-points 751 REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(9) :: psgn_array ! =-1 the sign change across the north fold boundary 752 INTEGER , INTENT (inout):: num_fields 753 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 754 num_fields=num_fields+1 755 pt2d_array(num_fields)%pt2d=>pt2d 756 type_array(num_fields)=cd_type 757 psgn_array(num_fields)=psgn 758 END SUBROUTINE load_array 759 760 761 SUBROUTINE mpp_lnk_2d_9( pt2dA, cd_typeA, psgnA, pt2dB, cd_typeB, psgnB, pt2dC, cd_typeC, psgnC & 762 & , pt2dD, cd_typeD, psgnD, pt2dE, cd_typeE, psgnE, pt2dF, cd_typeF, psgnF & 763 & , pt2dG, cd_typeG, psgnG, pt2dH, cd_typeH, psgnH, pt2dI, cd_typeI, psgnI, cd_mpp, pval) 764 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 765 ! Second 2D array on which the boundary condition is applied 766 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), TARGET , INTENT(inout) :: pt2dA 767 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), TARGET, OPTIONAL, INTENT(inout) :: pt2dB , pt2dC , pt2dD , pt2dE 768 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), TARGET, OPTIONAL, INTENT(inout) :: pt2dF , pt2dG , pt2dH , pt2dI 769 ! define the nature of ptab array grid-points 770 CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT(in ) :: cd_typeA 771 CHARACTER(len=1) , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: cd_typeB , cd_typeC , cd_typeD , cd_typeE 772 CHARACTER(len=1) , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: cd_typeF , cd_typeG , cd_typeH , cd_typeI 773 ! =-1 the sign change across the north fold boundary 774 REAL(wp) , INTENT(in ) :: psgnA 775 REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: psgnB , psgnC , psgnD , psgnE 776 REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: psgnF , psgnG , psgnH , psgnI 777 CHARACTER(len=3) , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: cd_mpp ! fill the overlap area only 778 REAL(wp) , OPTIONAL, INTENT(in ) :: pval ! background value (used at closed boundaries) 779 !! 780 TYPE(arrayptr) , DIMENSION(9) :: pt2d_array 781 CHARACTER(len=1) , DIMENSION(9) :: type_array ! define the nature of ptab array grid-points 782 ! ! = T , U , V , F , W and I points 783 REAL(wp) , DIMENSION(9) :: psgn_array ! =-1 the sign change across the north fold boundary 784 INTEGER :: num_fields 785 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 786 787 num_fields = 0 788 789 !! Load the first array 790 CALL load_array(pt2dA,cd_typeA,psgnA,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 791 792 !! Look if more arrays are added 793 IF(PRESENT (psgnB) )CALL load_array(pt2dB,cd_typeB,psgnB,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 794 IF(PRESENT (psgnC) )CALL load_array(pt2dC,cd_typeC,psgnC,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 795 IF(PRESENT (psgnD) )CALL load_array(pt2dD,cd_typeD,psgnD,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 796 IF(PRESENT (psgnE) )CALL load_array(pt2dE,cd_typeE,psgnE,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 797 IF(PRESENT (psgnF) )CALL load_array(pt2dF,cd_typeF,psgnF,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 798 IF(PRESENT (psgnG) )CALL load_array(pt2dG,cd_typeG,psgnG,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 799 IF(PRESENT (psgnH) )CALL load_array(pt2dH,cd_typeH,psgnH,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 800 IF(PRESENT (psgnI) )CALL load_array(pt2dI,cd_typeI,psgnI,pt2d_array, type_array, psgn_array,num_fields) 801 802 CALL mpp_lnk_2d_multiple(pt2d_array,type_array,psgn_array,num_fields,cd_mpp,pval) 803 END SUBROUTINE mpp_lnk_2d_9 804 514 805 515 806 SUBROUTINE mpp_lnk_2d( pt2d, cd_type, psgn, cd_mpp, pval ) -
r5410 r5429 37 37 USE limdyn ! Ice dynamics 38 38 USE limtrp ! Ice transport 39 USE limhdf ! Ice horizontal diffusion 39 40 USE limthd ! Ice thermodynamics 40 41 USE limitd_me ! Mechanics on ice thickness distribution … … 293 294 CALL lim_itd_init ! ice thickness distribution initialization 294 295 ! 296 CALL lim_hdf_init ! set ice horizontal diffusion computation parameters 297 ! 295 298 CALL lim_thd_init ! set ice thermodynics parameters 296 299 !
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.