Changeset 7492
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- branches/UKMO/v3_6_extra_CMIP6_diagnostics
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================================================================ … … 270 42 % ================================================================ 271 43 272 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Introduction}44 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Introduction} 273 45 274 46 % ================================================================ … … 276 48 % ================================================================ 277 49 278 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_Model_Basics}50 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_Model_Basics} 279 51 280 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_STP} % Time discretisation (time stepping strategy)52 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_STP} % Time discretisation (time stepping strategy) 281 53 282 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_DOM} % Space discretisation54 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_DOM} % Space discretisation 283 55 284 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_TRA} % Tracer advection/diffusion equation56 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_TRA} % Tracer advection/diffusion equation 285 57 286 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_DYN} % Dynamics : momentum equation58 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_DYN} % Dynamics : momentum equation 287 59 288 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_SBC} % Surface Boundary Conditions60 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_SBC} % Surface Boundary Conditions 289 61 290 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_LBC} % Lateral Boundary Conditions62 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_LBC} % Lateral Boundary Conditions 291 63 292 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_LDF} % Lateral diffusion64 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_LDF} % Lateral diffusion 293 65 294 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_ZDF} % Vertical diffusion66 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_ZDF} % Vertical diffusion 295 67 296 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_DIA} % Outputs and Diagnostics68 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_DIA} % Outputs and Diagnostics 297 69 298 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_OBS}% Observation operator70 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_OBS} % Observation operator 299 71 300 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_ASM}% Assimilation increments72 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_ASM} % Assimilation increments 301 73 302 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_STO}% Stochastic param.74 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_STO} % Stochastic param. 303 75 304 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_MISC} % Miscellaneous topics76 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_MISC} % Miscellaneous topics 305 77 306 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_CFG} % Predefined configurations78 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_CFG} % Predefined configurations 307 79 308 80 % ================================================================ … … 312 84 \appendix 313 85 314 %\ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_Conservation}315 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_A} % generalised vertical coordinate316 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_B} % diffusive operator317 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_C} % Discrete invariants of the eqs.318 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_ISO} % Isoneutral diffusion using triads319 \ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_D} % Coding rules320 %\ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_E} % Notes on some on going staff (no included in the DOC)321 %\ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_Fox-Kemper} % Notes on Fox-Kemper (no included in the DOC)322 %\ include{./TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_EVP} % Notes on EVP (no included in the DOC)86 %\subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Chap_Conservation} 87 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_A} % generalised vertical coordinate 88 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_B} % diffusive operator 89 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_C} % Discrete invariants of the eqs. 90 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_ISO} % Isoneutral diffusion using triads 91 \subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_D} % Coding rules 92 %\subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_E} % Notes on some on going staff (no included in the DOC) 93 %\subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_Fox-Kemper} % Notes on Fox-Kemper (no included in the DOC) 94 %\subfile{TexFiles/Chapters/Annex_EVP} % Notes on EVP (no included in the DOC) 323 95 324 96 % ================================================================ … … 334 106 335 107 %%\bibliographystyle{plainat} 336 \bibliographystyle{ ./TexFiles/ametsoc} % AMS biblio style (JPO)337 \bibliography{ ./TexFiles/Biblio/Biblio}108 \bibliographystyle{TexFiles/Styles/ametsoc} % AMS biblio style (JPO) 109 \bibliography{TexFiles/Bibliography/Biblio} 338 110 339 111 % ================================================================ -
r7491 r7492 7 7 \usepackage{framed} 8 8 \usepackage{makeidx} 9 9 \graphicspath{{Figures/}} 10 10 11 11 %%%%%%% … … 31 31 32 32 \title{ 33 \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/NEMO_logo_Black.pdf} \\33 \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{NEMO_logo_Black} \\ 34 34 \vspace{1.0cm} 35 35 \rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\ -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 2 4 % ================================================================ … … 24 26 25 27 % ================================================================ 26 \vspace{0.5cm}28 % \vspace{0.5cm} 27 29 28 Le moteur oc\'{e}anique de NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) est un29 mod\`{e}le aux \'{e}quations primitives de la circulation oc\'{e}anique r\'{e}gionale et globale.30 Il se veut un outil flexible pour \'{e}tudier sur un vaste spectre spatiotemporel l'oc\'{e}an et ses31 interactions avec les autres composantes du syst\`{e}me climatique terrestre.32 Les variables pronostiques sont le champ tridimensionnel de vitesse, une hauteur de la mer33 lin\'{e}aire, la Temp\'{e}rature Conservative et la Salinit\'{e} Absolue.34 La distribution des variables se fait sur une grille C d'Arakawa tridimensionnelle utilisant une35 coordonn\'{e}e verticale $z$ \`{a} niveaux entiers ou partiels, ou une coordonn\'{e}e s, ou encore36 une combinaison des deux. Diff\'{e}rents choix sont propos\'{e}s pour d\'{e}crire la physique37 oc\'{e}anique, incluant notamment des physiques verticales TKE et GLS. A travers l'infrastructure38 NEMO, l'oc\'{e}an est interfac\'{e} avec des mod\`{e}les de glace de mer (LIM ou CICE),39 de biog\'{e}ochimie marine et de traceurs passifs, et, via le coupleur OASIS, \`{a} plusieurs40 mod\`{e}les de circulation g\'{e}n\'{e}rale atmosph\'{e}rique.41 Il supporte \'{e}galement l'embo\^{i}tement interactif de maillages via le logiciel AGRIF.30 %Le moteur oc\'{e}anique de NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) est un 31 %mod\`{e}le aux \'{e}quations primitives de la circulation oc\'{e}anique r\'{e}gionale et globale. 32 %Il se veut un outil flexible pour \'{e}tudier sur un vaste spectre spatiotemporel l'oc\'{e}an et ses 33 %interactions avec les autres composantes du syst\`{e}me climatique terrestre. 34 %Les variables pronostiques sont le champ tridimensionnel de vitesse, une hauteur de la mer 35 %lin\'{e}aire, la Temp\'{e}rature Conservative et la Salinit\'{e} Absolue. 36 %La distribution des variables se fait sur une grille C d'Arakawa tridimensionnelle utilisant une 37 %coordonn\'{e}e verticale $z$ \`{a} niveaux entiers ou partiels, ou une coordonn\'{e}e s, ou encore 38 %une combinaison des deux. Diff\'{e}rents choix sont propos\'{e}s pour d\'{e}crire la physique 39 %oc\'{e}anique, incluant notamment des physiques verticales TKE et GLS. A travers l'infrastructure 40 %NEMO, l'oc\'{e}an est interfac\'{e} avec des mod\`{e}les de glace de mer (LIM ou CICE), 41 %de biog\'{e}ochimie marine et de traceurs passifs, et, via le coupleur OASIS, \`{a} plusieurs 42 %mod\`{e}les de circulation g\'{e}n\'{e}rale atmosph\'{e}rique. 43 %Il supporte \'{e}galement l'embo\^{i}tement interactif de maillages via le logiciel AGRIF. 42 44 } 43 45 … … 69 71 \vspace{0.5cm} 70 72 73 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 2 4 % ================================================================ … … 532 534 expression of the 3D divergence in the $s-$coordinates established above. 533 535 536 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter Ñ Appendix B : Diffusive Operators … … 364 366 \eqref{Apdx_B_Lap_U} is used in both $z$- and $s$-coordinate systems, that is 365 367 a Laplacian diffusion is applied on momentum along the coordinate directions. 368 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter Ñ Appendix C : Discrete Invariants of the Equations … … 1531 1533 %%%% end of appendix in gm comment 1532 1534 %} 1535 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Appendix D Ñ Coding Rules … … 202 204 203 205 To be done.... 206 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Appendix E : Note on some algorithms … … 299 301 \begin{figure}[!ht] \label{Fig_ISO_triad} 300 302 \begin{center} 301 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ISO_triad.pdf}303 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{Fig_ISO_triad} 302 304 \caption{ \label{Fig_ISO_triad} 303 305 Triads used in the Griffies's like iso-neutral diffision scheme for … … 806 808 tracer is preserved by the discretisation of the skew fluxes. 807 809 810 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Iso-neutral diffusion : … … 201 203 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 202 204 \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} 203 \includegraphics[width=1.05\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_GRIFF_triad_fluxes}205 \includegraphics[width=1.05\textwidth]{Fig_GRIFF_triad_fluxes} 204 206 \caption{ \label{fig:triad:ISO_triad} 205 207 (a) Arrangement of triads $S_i$ and tracer gradients to … … 269 271 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 270 272 \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} 271 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_GRIFF_qcells}273 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{Fig_GRIFF_qcells} 272 274 \caption{ \label{fig:triad:qcells} 273 275 Triad notation for quarter cells. $T$-cells are inside … … 676 678 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 677 679 \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} 678 \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_GRIFF_bdry_triads}680 \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{Fig_GRIFF_bdry_triads} 679 681 \caption{ \label{fig:triad:bdry_triads} 680 682 (a) Uppermost model layer $k=1$ with $i,1$ and $i+1,1$ tracer … … 849 851 different $i_p,k_p$, denoted by different colours, (e.g. the green 850 852 triad $i_p=1/2,k_p=-1/2$) are tapered to the appropriate basal triad.}} 851 {\includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_GRIFF_MLB_triads}}853 {\includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{Fig_GRIFF_MLB_triads}} 852 854 \end{figure} 853 855 % >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> … … 1193 1195 \end{split} 1194 1196 \end{equation} 1197 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter Assimilation increments (ASM) … … 172 174 \end{verbatim} 173 175 \end{alltt} 176 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter � Configurations … … 88 90 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 89 91 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 90 \includegraphics[width=0.98\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ORCA_NH_mesh.pdf}92 \includegraphics[width=0.98\textwidth]{Fig_ORCA_NH_mesh} 91 93 \caption{ \label{Fig_MISC_ORCA_msh} 92 ORCA mesh conception. The departure from an isotropic Mercator grid start poleward of 20\deg 94 ORCA mesh conception. The departure from an isotropic Mercator grid start poleward of 20\degN. 93 95 The two "north pole" are the foci of a series of embedded ellipses (blue curves) 94 96 which are determined analytically and form the i-lines of the ORCA mesh (pseudo latitudes). … … 115 117 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 116 118 \begin{figure}[!tbp] \begin{center} 117 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ORCA_NH_msh05_e1_e2.pdf}118 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ORCA_aniso.pdf}119 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_ORCA_NH_msh05_e1_e2} 120 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{Fig_ORCA_aniso} 119 121 \caption { \label{Fig_MISC_ORCA_e1e2} 120 122 \textit{Top}: Horizontal scale factors ($e_1$, $e_2$) and 121 123 \textit{Bottom}: ratio of anisotropy ($e_1 / e_2$) 122 for ORCA 0.5\deg ~mesh. South of 20\deg 123 so that the anisotropy ratio is 1. Poleward of 20\deg 124 for ORCA 0.5\deg ~mesh. South of 20\degN a Mercator grid is used ($e_1 = e_2$) 125 so that the anisotropy ratio is 1. Poleward of 20\degN, the two "north pole" 124 126 introduce a weak anisotropy over the ocean areas ($< 1.2$) except in vicinity of Victoria Island 125 127 (Canadian Arctic Archipelago). } … … 129 131 130 132 The method is applied to Mercator grid ($i.e.$ same zonal and meridional grid spacing) poleward 131 of $20\deg$N, so that the Equator is a mesh line, which provides a better numerical solution133 of 20\degN, so that the Equator is a mesh line, which provides a better numerical solution 132 134 for equatorial dynamics. The choice of the series of embedded ellipses (position of the foci and 133 135 variation of the ellipses) is a compromise between maintaining the ratio of mesh anisotropy … … 178 180 The ORCA\_R2 configuration has the following specificity : starting from a 2\deg~ORCA mesh, 179 181 local mesh refinements were applied to the Mediterranean, Red, Black and Caspian Seas, 180 so that the resolution is $1\deg \time 1\deg$there. A local transformation were also applied182 so that the resolution is 1\deg \time 1\deg there. A local transformation were also applied 181 183 with in the Tropics in order to refine the meridional resolution up to 0.5\deg at the Equator. 182 184 … … 227 229 228 230 The domain geometry is a closed rectangular basin on the $\beta$-plane centred 229 at $\sim 30\deg$N and rotated by 45\deg, 3180~km long, 2120~km wide231 at $\sim$ 30\degN and rotated by 45\deg, 3180~km long, 2120~km wide 230 232 and 4~km deep (Fig.~\ref{Fig_MISC_strait_hand}). 231 233 The domain is bounded by vertical walls and by a flat bottom. The configuration is … … 234 236 The applied forcings vary seasonally in a sinusoidal manner between winter 235 237 and summer extrema \citep{Levy_al_OM10}. 236 The wind stress is zonal and its curl changes sign at 22\deg N and 36\degN.238 The wind stress is zonal and its curl changes sign at 22\degN and 36\degN. 237 239 It forces a subpolar gyre in the north, a subtropical gyre in the wider part of the domain 238 240 and a small recirculation gyre in the southern corner. … … 261 263 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 262 264 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 263 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_GYRE.pdf}265 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_GYRE} 264 266 \caption{ \label{Fig_GYRE} 265 267 Snapshot of relative vorticity at the surface of the model domain … … 311 313 temperature data. 312 314 315 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 2 4 % ================================================================ … … 333 335 not been implemented. 334 336 337 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter I/O & Diagnostics … … 1478 1480 - the turbocline depth (based on a turbulent mixing coefficient criterion) (\mdl{diahth}) 1479 1481 1480 - the depth of the 20\deg 1482 - the depth of the 20\degC isotherm (\mdl{diahth}) 1481 1483 1482 1484 - the depth of the thermocline (maximum of the vertical temperature gradient) (\mdl{diahth}) … … 1486 1488 \np{ln\_diaptr} to true (see the \textit{\ngn{namptr} } namelist below). 1487 1489 When \np{ln\_subbas}~=~true, transports and stream function are computed 1488 for the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Indo-Pacific Oceans (defined north of 30\deg 1490 for the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Indo-Pacific Oceans (defined north of 30\degS) 1489 1491 as well as for the World Ocean. The sub-basin decomposition requires an input file 1490 1492 (\ifile{subbasins}) which contains three 2D mask arrays, the Indo-Pacific mask … … 1496 1498 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1497 1499 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 1498 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_mask_subasins.pdf}1500 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_mask_subasins} 1499 1501 \caption{ \label{Fig_mask_subasins} 1500 1502 Decomposition of the World Ocean (here ORCA2) into sub-basin used in to compute … … 1682 1684 1683 1685 1686 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter 2 ——— Space and Time Domain (DOM) … … 40 42 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 41 43 \begin{figure}[!tb] \begin{center} 42 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_cell.pdf}44 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_cell} 43 45 \caption{ \label{Fig_cell} 44 46 Arrangement of variables. $t$ indicates scalar points where temperature, … … 210 212 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 211 213 \begin{figure}[!tb] \begin{center} 212 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_index_hor.pdf}214 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_index_hor} 213 215 \caption{ \label{Fig_index_hor} 214 216 Horizontal integer indexing used in the \textsc{Fortran} code. The dashed area indicates … … 260 262 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 261 263 \begin{figure}[!pt] \begin{center} 262 \includegraphics[width=.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_index_vert.pdf}264 \includegraphics[width=.90\textwidth]{Fig_index_vert} 263 265 \caption{ \label{Fig_index_vert} 264 266 Vertical integer indexing used in the \textsc{Fortran } code. Note that … … 358 360 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 359 361 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 360 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_zgr_e3.pdf}362 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_zgr_e3} 361 363 \caption{ \label{Fig_zgr_e3} 362 364 Comparison of (a) traditional definitions of grid-point position and grid-size in the vertical, … … 467 469 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 468 470 \begin{figure}[!tb] \begin{center} 469 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_z_zps_s_sps.pdf}471 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_z_zps_s_sps} 470 472 \caption{ \label{Fig_z_zps_s_sps} 471 473 The ocean bottom as seen by the model: … … 578 580 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 579 581 \begin{figure}[!tb] \begin{center} 580 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_zgr.pdf}582 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_zgr} 581 583 \caption{ \label{Fig_zgr} 582 584 Default vertical mesh for ORCA2: 30 ocean levels (L30). Vertical level functions for … … 802 804 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 803 805 \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} 804 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_sco_function.pdf}806 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_sco_function} 805 807 \caption{ \label{Fig_sco_function} 806 808 Examples of the stretching function applied to a seamount; from left to right: … … 842 844 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 843 845 \begin{figure}[!ht] 844 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/FIG_DOM_compare_coordinates_surface.pdf}846 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{FIG_DOM_compare_coordinates_surface} 845 847 \caption{A comparison of the \citet{Song_Haidvogel_JCP94} $S$-coordinate (solid lines), a 50 level $Z$-coordinate (contoured surfaces) and the \citet{Siddorn_Furner_OM12} $S$-coordinate (dashed lines) in the surface 100m for a idealised bathymetry that goes from 50m to 5500m depth. For clarity every third coordinate surface is shown.} 846 848 \label{fig_compare_coordinates_surface} … … 939 941 (typical of the tropical ocean), see \rou{istate\_t\_s} subroutine called from \mdl{istate} module. 940 942 \end{description} 943 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter ——— Ocean Dynamics (DYN) … … 293 295 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 294 296 \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} 295 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_DYN_een_triad.pdf}297 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{Fig_DYN_een_triad} 296 298 \caption{ \label{Fig_DYN_een_triad} 297 299 Triads used in the energy and enstrophy conserving scheme (een) for … … 660 662 $\bullet$ The main hypothesis to compute the ice shelf load is that the ice shelf is in isostatic equilibrium. 661 663 The top pressure is computed integrating a reference density profile (prescribed as density of a water at 34.4 662 PSU and -1.9$ \degresC$) from the sea surface to the ice shelf base, which corresponds to the load of the water664 PSU and -1.9$^{\circ}C$) from the sea surface to the ice shelf base, which corresponds to the load of the water 663 665 column in which the ice shelf is floatting. This top pressure is constant over time. A detailed description of 664 666 this method is described in \citet{Losch2008}.\\ … … 827 829 %> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 828 830 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 829 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_DYN_dynspg_ts.pdf}831 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{Fig_DYN_dynspg_ts} 830 832 \caption{ \label{Fig_DYN_dynspg_ts} 831 833 Schematic of the split-explicit time stepping scheme for the external … … 1332 1334 1333 1335 % ================================================================ 1336 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter — Lateral Boundary Condition (LBC) … … 53 55 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 54 56 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 55 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LBC_uv.pdf}57 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_LBC_uv} 56 58 \caption{ \label{Fig_LBC_uv} 57 59 Lateral boundary (thick line) at T-level. The velocity normal to the boundary is set to zero.} … … 76 78 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 77 79 \begin{figure}[!p] \begin{center} 78 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LBC_shlat.pdf}80 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_LBC_shlat} 79 81 \caption{ \label{Fig_LBC_shlat} 80 82 lateral boundary condition (a) free-slip ($rn\_shlat=0$) ; (b) no-slip ($rn\_shlat=2$) … … 195 197 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 196 198 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 197 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LBC_jperio.pdf}199 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_LBC_jperio} 198 200 \caption{ \label{Fig_LBC_jperio} 199 201 setting of (a) east-west cyclic (b) symmetric across the equator boundary conditions.} … … 214 216 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 215 217 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 216 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_North_Fold_T.pdf}218 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_North_Fold_T} 217 219 \caption{ \label{Fig_North_Fold_T} 218 220 North fold boundary with a $T$-point pivot and cyclic east-west boundary condition … … 277 279 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 278 280 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 279 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_mpp.pdf}281 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_mpp} 280 282 \caption{ \label{Fig_mpp} 281 283 Positioning of a sub-domain when massively parallel processing is used. } … … 351 353 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 352 354 \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} 353 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_mppini2.pdf}355 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_mppini2} 354 356 \caption { \label{Fig_mppini2} 355 357 Example of Atlantic domain defined for the CLIPPER projet. Initial grid is … … 582 584 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 583 585 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 584 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LBC_bdy_geom.pdf}586 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_LBC_bdy_geom} 585 587 \caption { \label{Fig_LBC_bdy_geom} 586 588 Example of geometry of unstructured open boundary} … … 623 625 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 624 626 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 625 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LBC_nc_header.pdf}627 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_LBC_nc_header} 626 628 \caption { \label{Fig_LBC_nc_header} 627 629 Example of the header for a file} … … 660 662 661 663 664 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 2 4 % ================================================================ … … 105 107 Other formulations can be introduced by the user for a given configuration. 106 108 For example, in the ORCA2 global ocean model (see Configurations), the laplacian 107 viscosity operator uses \np{rn\_ahm\_0\_lap}~= 4.10$^4$ m$^2$/s poleward of 20 $^{\circ}$109 viscosity operator uses \np{rn\_ahm\_0\_lap}~= 4.10$^4$ m$^2$/s poleward of 20\deg 108 110 north and south and decreases linearly to \np{rn\_aht\_0}~= 2.10$^3$ m$^2$/s 109 111 at the equator \citep{Madec_al_JPO96, Delecluse_Madec_Bk00}. This modification … … 231 233 values are $0$). However, the technique used to compute the isopycnal 232 234 slopes is intended to get rid of such a background diffusion, since it introduces 233 spurious diapycnal diffusion (see {\S\ref{LDF_slp}).235 spurious diapycnal diffusion (see \S\ref{LDF_slp}). 234 236 235 237 (4) when an eddy induced advection term is used (\key{traldf\_eiv}), $A^{eiv}$, … … 444 446 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 445 447 \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} 446 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LDF_ZDF1.pdf}448 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{Fig_LDF_ZDF1} 447 449 \caption { \label{Fig_LDF_ZDF1} 448 450 averaging procedure for isopycnal slope computation.} … … 472 474 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 473 475 \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} 474 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_eiv_slp.pdf}476 \includegraphics[width=0.70\textwidth]{Fig_eiv_slp} 475 477 \caption { \label{Fig_eiv_slp} 476 478 Vertical profile of the slope used for lateral mixing in the mixed layer : … … 514 516 diffusion along model level surfaces, i.e. using the shear computed along 515 517 the model levels and with no additional friction at the ocean bottom (see 516 {\S\ref{LBC_coast}).518 \S\ref{LBC_coast}). 517 519 518 520 … … 555 557 556 558 559 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter � Miscellaneous Topics … … 60 62 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 61 63 \begin{figure}[!tbp] \begin{center} 62 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_Gibraltar.pdf}63 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_Gibraltar2.pdf}64 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{Fig_Gibraltar} 65 \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{Fig_Gibraltar2} 64 66 \caption{ \label{Fig_MISC_strait_hand} 65 Example of the Gibraltar strait defined in a $1 \deg \times 1\deg$ mesh.67 Example of the Gibraltar strait defined in a $1^{\circ} \times 1^{\circ}$ mesh. 66 68 \textit{Top}: using partially open cells. The meridional scale factor at $v$-point 67 69 is reduced on both sides of the strait to account for the real width of the strait … … 194 196 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 195 197 \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} 196 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_LBC_zoom.pdf}198 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_LBC_zoom} 197 199 \caption{ \label{Fig_LBC_zoom} 198 200 Position of a model domain compared to the data input domain when the zoom functionality is used.} … … 632 634 633 635 636 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter 1 Ñ Model Basics … … 114 116 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 115 117 \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} 116 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_I_ocean_bc.pdf}118 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_I_ocean_bc} 117 119 \caption{ \label{Fig_ocean_bc} 118 120 The ocean is bounded by two surfaces, $z=-H(i,j)$ and $z=\eta(i,j,t)$, where $H$ … … 312 314 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 313 315 \begin{figure}[!tb] \begin{center} 314 \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_I_earth_referential.pdf}316 \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{Fig_I_earth_referential} 315 317 \caption{ \label{Fig_referential} 316 318 the geographical coordinate system $(\lambda,\varphi,z)$ and the curvilinear … … 811 813 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 812 814 \begin{figure}[!b] \begin{center} 813 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_z_zstar.pdf}815 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_z_zstar} 814 816 \caption{ \label{Fig_z_zstar} 815 817 (a) $z$-coordinate in linear free-surface case ; … … 1280 1282 \end{equation} 1281 1283 1284 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter 1 ——— Model Basics … … 121 123 %> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 122 124 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 123 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./Figures/Fig_DYN_dynspg_ts.pdf}125 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_DYN_dynspg_ts} 124 126 \caption{ \label{Fig_DYN_dynspg_ts} 125 127 Schematic of the split-explicit time stepping scheme for the barotropic and baroclinic modes, … … 256 258 257 259 260 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter observation operator (OBS) … … 732 734 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 733 735 \begin{figure} \begin{center} 734 \includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ASM_obsdist_local}736 \includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{Fig_ASM_obsdist_local} 735 737 \caption{ \label{fig:obslocal} 736 738 Example of the distribution of observations with the geographical distribution of observational data.} … … 759 761 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 760 762 \begin{figure} \begin{center} 761 \includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ASM_obsdist_global}763 \includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{Fig_ASM_obsdist_global} 762 764 \caption{ \label{fig:obsglobal} 763 765 Example of the distribution of observations with the round-robin distribution of observational data.} … … 1376 1378 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1377 1379 \begin{figure} \begin{center} 1378 %\includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_OBS_dataplot_main}1379 \includegraphics[width=9cm,angle=-90.]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_OBS_dataplot_main}1380 %\includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{Fig_OBS_dataplot_main} 1381 \includegraphics[width=9cm,angle=-90.]{Fig_OBS_dataplot_main} 1380 1382 \caption{ \label{fig:obsdataplotmain} 1381 1383 Main window of dataplot.} … … 1388 1390 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1389 1391 \begin{figure} \begin{center} 1390 %\includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_OBS_dataplot_prof}1391 \includegraphics[width=7cm,angle=-90.]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_OBS_dataplot_prof}1392 %\includegraphics[width=10cm,height=12cm,angle=-90.]{Fig_OBS_dataplot_prof} 1393 \includegraphics[width=7cm,angle=-90.]{Fig_OBS_dataplot_prof} 1392 1394 \caption{ \label{fig:obsdataplotprofile} 1393 1395 Profile plot from dataplot produced by right clicking on a point in the main window.} … … 1398 1400 1399 1401 1402 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter —— Surface Boundary Condition (SBC, ISF, ICB) … … 952 954 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 953 955 \begin{figure}[!h] \begin{center} 954 \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_SBC_isf.pdf}956 \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{Fig_SBC_isf} 955 957 \caption{ \label{Fig_SBC_isf} 956 958 Schematic for all the options available trough \np{nn\_isf}.} … … 1129 1131 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1130 1132 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 1131 \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_SBC_diurnal.pdf}1133 \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{Fig_SBC_diurnal} 1132 1134 \caption{ \label{Fig_SBC_diurnal} 1133 1135 Example of recontruction of the diurnal cycle variation of short wave flux … … 1162 1164 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1163 1165 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 1164 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_SBC_dcy.pdf}1166 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{Fig_SBC_dcy} 1165 1167 \caption{ \label{Fig_SBC_dcy} 1166 1168 Example of recontruction of the diurnal cycle variation of short wave flux … … 1357 1359 1358 1360 1361 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter stochastic parametrization of EOS (STO) … … 157 159 158 160 161 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 2 4 % ================================================================ … … 196 198 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 197 199 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 198 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_TimeStepping_flowchart.pdf}200 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{Fig_TimeStepping_flowchart} 199 201 \caption{ \label{Fig_TimeStep_flowchart} 200 202 Sketch of the leapfrog time stepping sequence in \NEMO from \citet{Leclair_Madec_OM09}. … … 288 290 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 289 291 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 290 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_MLF_forcing.pdf}292 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_MLF_forcing} 291 293 \caption{ \label{Fig_MLF_forcing} 292 294 Illustration of forcing integration methods. … … 424 426 } 425 427 %% 428 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter 1 ——— Ocean Tracers (TRA) … … 89 91 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 90 92 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 91 \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_adv_scheme.pdf}93 \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{Fig_adv_scheme} 92 94 \caption{ \label{Fig_adv_scheme} 93 95 Schematic representation of some ways used to evaluate the tracer value … … 778 780 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 779 781 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 780 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_TRA_Irradiance.pdf}782 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_TRA_Irradiance} 781 783 \caption{ \label{Fig_traqsr_irradiance} 782 784 Penetration profile of the downward solar irradiance calculated by four models. … … 799 801 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 800 802 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 801 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_TRA_geoth.pdf}803 \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{Fig_TRA_geoth} 802 804 \caption{ \label{Fig_geothermal} 803 805 Geothermal Heat flux (in $mW.m^{-2}$) used by \cite{Emile-Geay_Madec_OS09}. … … 909 911 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 910 912 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 911 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_BBL_adv.pdf}913 \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{Fig_BBL_adv} 912 914 \caption{ \label{Fig_bbl} 913 915 Advective/diffusive Bottom Boundary Layer. The BBL parameterisation is … … 1067 1069 The restoration coefficient can be set to zero in equatorial regions by specifying a positive value of \np{nn\_hdmp}. 1068 1070 Equatorward of this latitude the restoration coefficient will be zero with a smooth transition to 1069 the full values of a 10 $^{\circ}$latitud band.1071 the full values of a 10\deg latitud band. 1070 1072 This is often used because of the short adjustment time scale in the equatorial region 1071 1073 \citep{Reverdin1991, Fujio1991, Marti_PhD92}. The time scale associated with the damping depends on the depth as a … … 1167 1169 rational function approximation for hydrographic data analysis \citep{TEOS10}. 1168 1170 A key point is that conservative state variables are used: 1169 Absolute Salinity (unit: g/kg, notation: $S_A$) and Conservative Temperature (unit: $\degres C$, notation: $\Theta$).1171 Absolute Salinity (unit: g/kg, notation: $S_A$) and Conservative Temperature (unit: \degC, notation: $\Theta$). 1170 1172 The pressure in decibars is approximated by the depth in meters. 1171 1173 With TEOS10, the specific heat capacity of sea water, $C_p$, is a constant. It is set to 1172 $C_p=3991.86795711963~J\,Kg^{-1}\, \degresK^{-1}$, according to \citet{TEOS10}.1174 $C_p=3991.86795711963~J\,Kg^{-1}\,^{\circ}K^{-1}$, according to \citet{TEOS10}. 1173 1175 1174 1176 Choosing polyTEOS10-bsq implies that the state variables used by the model are … … 1183 1185 to accurately fit EOS80 (Roquet, personal comm.). The state variables used in both the EOS80 1184 1186 and the ocean model are: 1185 the Practical Salinity ((unit: psu, notation: $S_p$)) and Potential Temperature (unit: $ \degresC$, notation: $\theta$).1187 the Practical Salinity ((unit: psu, notation: $S_p$)) and Potential Temperature (unit: $^{\circ}C$, notation: $\theta$). 1186 1188 The pressure in decibars is approximated by the depth in meters. 1187 1189 With thsi EOS, the specific heat capacity of sea water, $C_p$, is a function of temperature, … … 1305 1307 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1306 1308 \begin{figure}[!p] \begin{center} 1307 \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Partial_step_scheme.pdf}1309 \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{Partial_step_scheme} 1308 1310 \caption{ \label{Fig_Partial_step_scheme} 1309 1311 Discretisation of the horizontal difference and average of tracers in the $z$-partial … … 1384 1386 with $\widetilde {Z}_{T_k}$ the depth of the point $\widetilde {T}_{k}$ in case of $z^*$ coordinates 1385 1387 (this term = 0 in z-coordinates) 1388 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 % ================================================================ 2 4 % Chapter Vertical Ocean Physics (ZDF) … … 233 235 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 234 236 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 235 \includegraphics[width=1.00\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_mixing_length.pdf}237 \includegraphics[width=1.00\textwidth]{Fig_mixing_length} 236 238 \caption{ \label{Fig_mixing_length} 237 239 Illustration of the mixing length computation. } … … 407 409 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 408 410 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 409 \includegraphics[width=1.00\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ZDF_TKE_time_scheme.pdf}411 \includegraphics[width=1.00\textwidth]{Fig_ZDF_TKE_time_scheme} 410 412 \caption{ \label{Fig_TKE_time_scheme} 411 413 Illustration of the TKE time integration and its links to the momentum and tracer time integration. } … … 586 588 value near physical boundaries (logarithmic boundary layer law). $C_{\mu}$ and $C_{\mu'}$ 587 589 are calculated from stability function proposed by \citet{Galperin_al_JAS88}, or by \citet{Kantha_Clayson_1994} 588 or one of the two functions suggested by \citet{Canuto_2001} (\np{nn\_stab\_func} = 0, 1, 2 or 3, resp. }).590 or one of the two functions suggested by \citet{Canuto_2001} (\np{nn\_stab\_func} = 0, 1, 2 or 3, resp.). 589 591 The value of $C_{0\mu}$ depends of the choice of the stability function. 590 592 … … 658 660 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 659 661 \begin{figure}[!htb] \begin{center} 660 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_npc.pdf}662 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_npc} 661 663 \caption{ \label{Fig_npc} 662 664 Example of an unstable density profile treated by the non penetrative … … 814 816 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 815 817 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 816 \includegraphics[width=0.99\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_zdfddm.pdf}818 \includegraphics[width=0.99\textwidth]{Fig_zdfddm} 817 819 \caption{ \label{Fig_zdfddm} 818 820 From \citet{Merryfield1999} : (a) Diapycnal diffusivities $A_f^{vT}$ … … 1143 1145 baroclinic and barotropic components which is appropriate when using either the 1144 1146 explicit or filtered surface pressure gradient algorithms (\key{dynspg\_exp} or 1145 {\key{dynspg\_flt}). Extra attention is required, however, when using1147 \key{dynspg\_flt}). Extra attention is required, however, when using 1146 1148 split-explicit time stepping (\key{dynspg\_ts}). In this case the free surface 1147 1149 equation is solved with a small time step \np{rn\_rdt}/\np{nn\_baro}, while the three … … 1258 1260 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1259 1261 \begin{figure}[!t] \begin{center} 1260 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{ ./TexFiles/Figures/Fig_ZDF_M2_K1_tmx.pdf}1262 \includegraphics[width=0.90\textwidth]{Fig_ZDF_M2_K1_tmx} 1261 1263 \caption{ \label{Fig_ZDF_M2_K1_tmx} 1262 1264 (a) M2 and (b) K1 internal wave drag energy from \citet{Carrere_Lyard_GRL03} ($W/m^2$). } … … 1369 1371 1370 1372 1373 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 1 \documentclass[NEMO_book]{subfiles} 2 \begin{document} 1 3 2 4 % ================================================================ … … 290 292 291 293 294 \end{document} -
r7491 r7492 34 34 35 35 # required modules 36 # module load INTEL/intel_xe_2013 NETCDF/netcdf-4.3_parallel NETCDF/parallel-netcdf-1. 3.1HDF5/hdf5-1.8.11_parallel36 # module load INTEL/intel_xe_2013 NETCDF/netcdf-4.3_parallel NETCDF/parallel-netcdf-1.7.0 HDF5/hdf5-1.8.11_parallel 37 37 38 # Environment variables set by user. Others should automatically define when loading modules. 38 # NETCDF and PNETCDF should be set automatically when loading modules. 39 # The following environment variables must be set by the user. 39 40 #export XIOS=/users/home/models/nemo/xios 40 41 #export HDF5=/users/home/opt/hdf5/hdf5-1.8.11_parallel 41 #export NETCDF=/users/home/opt/netcdf/netcdf-4.3_parallel42 42 43 %NCDF_INC -I${NETCDF}/include 44 %NCDF_LIB -L${NETCDF}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf 43 %NCDF_INC -I${NETCDF}/include -I${PNETCDF}/include 44 %NCDF_LIB -L${NETCDF}/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -L${PNETCDF}/lib -lpnetcdf 45 45 %HDF5_INC -I${HDF5}/include 46 46 %HDF5_LIB -L${HDF5}/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -
r7491 r7492 544 544 545 545 <!-- available with ln_diahsb --> 546 <field id="bgtemper" long_name="drift in global mean temperature wrt timestep 1" standard_name="change_over_time_in_sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="deg ree_C" />547 <field id="bgsaline" long_name="drift in global mean salinity wrt timestep 1" standard_name="change_over_time_in_sea_water_practical_salinity" unit="0.001" 546 <field id="bgtemper" long_name="drift in global mean temperature wrt timestep 1" standard_name="change_over_time_in_sea_water_potential_temperature" unit="degC" /> 547 <field id="bgsaline" long_name="drift in global mean salinity wrt timestep 1" standard_name="change_over_time_in_sea_water_practical_salinity" unit="0.001" /> 548 548 <field id="bgheatco" long_name="drift in global mean heat content wrt timestep 1" unit="1.e20J" /> 549 549 <field id="bgheatfx" long_name="drift in global mean heat flux wrt timestep 1" unit="W/m2" /> -
r7491 r7492 1495 1495 IF( iom_use('snow_ai_cea') ) CALL iom_put( 'snow_ai_cea', sprecip(:,:) * zsnw(:,:) ) ! Snow over sea-ice (cell average) 1496 1496 #else 1497 ! runoffs and calving (put in emp_tot)1497 ! runoffs and calving (put in emp_tot) 1498 1498 IF( srcv(jpr_rnf)%laction ) rnf(:,:) = frcv(jpr_rnf)%z3(:,:,1) 1499 1499 IF( iom_use('hflx_rnf_cea') ) & -
r7491 r7492 123 123 # Directory to run the tests 124 124 SETTE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd) 125 MAIN_DIR=$ {SETTE_DIR%/SETTE}125 MAIN_DIR=$(dirname $SETTE_DIR) 126 126 CONFIG_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/CONFIG 127 127 TOOLS_DIR=${MAIN_DIR}/TOOLS -
r7491 r7492 41 41 N = 31 42 42 ldbletanh = .FALSE. 43 p pa2= 0.043 pa2 = 0.0 44 44 ppkth2 = 0.0 45 45 ppacr2 = 0.0 -
r7491 r7492 76 76 NAMELIST /nesting/imin,imax,jmin,jmax,rho,rhot,bathy_update,updated_parent_file 77 77 ! 78 NAMELIST /vertical_grid/ppkth,ppacr,ppdzmin,pphmax,psur,pa0,pa1,N,ldbletanh,p pa2,ppkth2,ppacr278 NAMELIST /vertical_grid/ppkth,ppacr,ppdzmin,pphmax,psur,pa0,pa1,N,ldbletanh,pa2,ppkth2,ppacr2 79 79 ! 80 80 NAMELIST /partial_cells/partial_steps,parent_bathy_meter,parent_batmet_name,e3zps_min,e3zps_rat -
r7491 r7492 169 169 sys.exit(15) 170 170 fo = Dataset(pathout, 'w') 171 for dim in ['x','y','c' ]:171 for dim in ['x','y','c','k']: 172 172 indim = fi.dimensions[dim] 173 173 fo.createDimension(dim, len(indim)) 174 for var in [' calving','calving_hflx','stored_ice','stored_heat']:174 for var in ['kount','calving','calving_hflx','stored_ice','stored_heat']: 175 175 invar = fi.variables[var] 176 176 fo.createVariable(var, invar.datatype, invar.dimensions) 177 177 fo.variables[var][:] = invar[:] 178 fo.variables[var].long_name = invar.long_name 179 fo.variables[var].units = invar.units 180 os.remove(pathout.replace('.nc','')) 178 if "long_name" in invar.ncattrs(): 179 fo.variables[var].long_name = invar.long_name 180 if "units" in invar.ncattrs(): 181 fo.variables[var].units = invar.units 182 os.remove(pathout.replace('.nc','')) 181 183 # 182 184 add_k = 1 -
r7491 r7492 1 This is a first release of SIREN.2 1 3 To create SIREN documentation, go to ./src and run doxygen2 To create SIREN documentation, run doxygen in TOOLS/SIREN directory 4 3 ( version or upper) 5 4 then 6 open . ./doc/index.html5 open ./TOOLS/SIREN/doc/html/index.html in your web browser 7 6 or 8 run ../doc/latex/gmake and open refman.pdf 9 10 11 templates of namelists could be find in templates directory. 12 read documentation for more information. 13 14 1- program to create coordinate file : 15 16 ./create_coord create_coord.nam 17 18 19 Variables are extracted from the input coordinates coarse grid and 20 interpolated to create fine coordinates files. 21 22 2- program to create bathymetry file: 23 24 ./create_bathy create_bathy.nam 25 26 Bathymetry could be extracted from fine grid Bathymetry file, or 27 interpolated from coarse grid Bathymetry file. 28 29 3- program to merge bathymetry file at boundaries : 30 31 ./merge_bathy merge_bathy.nam 32 33 Coarse grid Bathymetry is interpolated on fine grid. 34 Then fine Bathymetry and refined coarse bathymetry are merged at 35 boundaries. 36 37 4- program to create restart file : 38 39 ./create_restart create_restart.nam 40 41 Variables are read from restart file, or standard output. 42 Then theses variables are interpolated on fine grid. 43 Finally table are split over new decomposition. 44 45 5- program to create boundary files (OBC) : 46 47 ./create_boundary create_boundary.nam 48 49 Variables are read from standard output. 50 Then theses variables are interpolated on fine grid boundaries. 7 run ./TOOLS/SIREN/doc/latex/gmake and open ./TOOLS/SIREN/doc/latex/refman.pdf -
r7491 r7492 1529 1529 !> @author J.Paul 1530 1530 !> @date November, 2013 - Initial Version 1531 ! 1531 !> @date June, 2016 1532 !> - Bug fix: take into account that boundaries are compute on T point, 1533 !> but expressed on U,V point 1534 !> 1532 1535 !> @param[inout] td_bdy boundary structure 1533 1536 !> @param[in] td_var variable structure … … 1552 1555 il_max(jp_west )=td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len 1553 1556 1554 il_maxindex(jp_north)=td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len-ip_ghost 1557 ! index expressed on U,V point, move on T point. 1558 il_maxindex(jp_north)=td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len-ip_ghost+1 1555 1559 il_maxindex(jp_south)=td_var%t_dim(2)%i_len-ip_ghost 1556 il_maxindex(jp_east )=td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len-ip_ghost 1560 il_maxindex(jp_east )=td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len-ip_ghost+1 1557 1561 il_maxindex(jp_west )=td_var%t_dim(1)%i_len-ip_ghost 1558 1562 -
r7491 r7492 20 20 <b> 21 21 - @ref index 22 - @ref md_ docsrc_2_quickstart23 - @ref md_ docsrc_3_support_bug24 - @ref md_ docsrc_4_codingRules25 - @ref md_ docsrc_5_changeLog22 - @ref md_src_docsrc_2_quickstart 23 - @ref md_src_docsrc_3_support_bug 24 - @ref md_src_docsrc_4_codingRules 25 - @ref md_src_docsrc_5_changeLog 26 26 - @ref todo 27 27 </b> -
r7491 r7492 35 35 Here after we briefly describe how to use each programs, 36 36 and so how to create your own regional configuration. 37 @note A set of GLORYS files (global reanalysis on *ORCA025* 38 grid), as well as examples of namelists are available in dods repository.<br/> 39 You could create and forced a first release of your own regional configuration, 40 with those files. 37 @note As demonstrator for a first start a set of GLORYS files (global reanalysis on *ORCA025* grid), as well as examples of namelists are available [here]( 38 41 39 <!-- ###################################################################### --> 42 40 # Create coordinates file # {#coord} … … 121 119 example: ORCA05</dd> 122 120 </dl> 123 @sa For more information see @ref md_ docsrc_6_perio121 @sa For more information see @ref md_src_docsrc_6_perio 124 122 </dd> 125 123 </dl> … … 442 440 Finally, this **namout** sub-namelist defines the output files.<br/> 443 441 Here we ask for output on 81 processors, with ** as file "basename".<br/> 444 So SIREN computes the optimal layout for 81 p orcessors442 So SIREN computes the optimal layout for 81 processors 445 443 available,<br/> 446 and split restart on output files named **, where *num* is the p orc number.444 and split restart on output files named **, where *num* is the proc number. 447 445 448 446 @note SIREN could also create the other fields you may need for … … 592 590 <b> 593 591 - @ref index 594 - @ref md_ docsrc_1_install595 - @ref md_ docsrc_2_quickstart596 - @ref md_ docsrc_3_support_bug597 - @ref md_ docsrc_4_codingRules598 - @ref md_ docsrc_5_changeLog592 - @ref md_src_docsrc_1_install 593 - @ref md_src_docsrc_2_quickstart 594 - @ref md_src_docsrc_3_support_bug 595 - @ref md_src_docsrc_4_codingRules 596 - @ref md_src_docsrc_5_changeLog 599 597 - @ref todo 600 598 </b> -
r7491 r7492 20 20 <b> 21 21 - @ref index 22 - @ref md_ docsrc_1_install23 - @ref md_ docsrc_2_quickstart24 - @ref md_ docsrc_3_support_bug25 - @ref md_ docsrc_4_codingRules26 - @ref md_ docsrc_5_changeLog22 - @ref md_src_docsrc_1_install 23 - @ref md_src_docsrc_2_quickstart 24 - @ref md_src_docsrc_3_support_bug 25 - @ref md_src_docsrc_4_codingRules 26 - @ref md_src_docsrc_5_changeLog 27 27 - @ref todo 28 28 </b> -
r7491 r7492 15 15 _GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT_.<br/> 16 16 There exist no equivalent for those Fortran 03 intrinsec functions in Fortran 17 95.<br/> At least none convenient for compilers tested (see @ref md_ docsrc_1_install).17 95.<br/> At least none convenient for compilers tested (see @ref md_src_docsrc_1_install). 18 18 19 19 # Free Form Source {#free} … … 93 93 <b> 94 94 - @ref index 95 - @ref md_ docsrc_1_install96 - @ref md_ docsrc_2_quickstart97 - @ref md_ docsrc_3_support_bug98 - @ref md_ docsrc_5_changeLog95 - @ref md_src_docsrc_1_install 96 - @ref md_src_docsrc_2_quickstart 97 - @ref md_src_docsrc_3_support_bug 98 - @ref md_src_docsrc_5_changeLog 99 99 - @ref todo 100 100 </b> -
r7491 r7492 3 3 @tableofcontents 4 4 5 # Release $Revision$ 6 Initial release (2016-03-17) 5 # Release 2016-11-28 7 6 8 7 ## Changes 9 8 ## New Features 10 9 ## Bug fixes 10 - boundary.f90: take into account that boundaries are compute on T point, but expressed on U,V point 11 - iom_cdf.f90: define type cdf4 as cdf 12 13 release (2016-07-01) 14 15 ## Changes 16 ## New Features 17 ## Bug fixes 18 - correct check of boundary indices 19 20 # Release 21 Initial release (2016-04-11) 11 22 12 23 <HR> 13 24 <b> 14 25 - @ref index 15 - @ref md_ docsrc_1_install16 - @ref md_ docsrc_2_quickstart17 - @ref md_ docsrc_3_support_bug18 - @ref md_ docsrc_4_codingRules26 - @ref md_src_docsrc_1_install 27 - @ref md_src_docsrc_2_quickstart 28 - @ref md_src_docsrc_3_support_bug 29 - @ref md_src_docsrc_4_codingRules 19 30 - @ref todo 20 31 </b> -
r7491 r7492 6 6 <dd>ghost cells (solid walls) are imposed at all model boundaries.</dd> 7 7 @image html perio0_20.png 8 @image latex perio0_20.png 8 @latexonly 9 \begin{center} 10 \includegraphics{perio0_20.png} 11 \end{center} 12 @endlatexonly 9 13 <dt>cyclic east-west boundary (in_perio=1)</dt> 10 14 <dd>first and last rows are closed, whilst the first column is set to the value of the last-but-one column and the last column to the value of the second one.</dd> 11 15 @image html perio1_20.png 12 @image latex perio1_20.png 16 @latexonly 17 \begin{center} 18 \includegraphics{perio1_20.png} 19 \end{center} 20 @endlatexonly 13 21 <dt>symmetric boundary condition across the equator. (in_perio=2)</dt> 14 22 <dd>last row, and first and last columns are closed. </dd> 15 23 @image html perio2_20.png 16 @image latex perio2_20.png 24 @latexonly 25 \begin{center} 26 \includegraphics{perio2_20.png} 27 \end{center} 28 @endlatexonly 17 29 <dt>North fold boundary with a T -point pivot (in_perio=3)</dt> 18 30 <dd>first row, and first and last columns are closed. </dd> 19 31 @image html perio3_20.png 20 @image latex perio3_20.png 32 @latexonly 33 \begin{center} 34 \includegraphics{perio3_20.png} 35 \end{center} 36 @endlatexonly 21 37 <dt>North fold boundary with a T -point pivot and cyclic east-west boundary (in_perio=4)</dt> 22 38 <dd>first row is closed. The first column is set to the value of the last-but-one column and the last column to the value of the second one. </dd> 23 39 @image html perio4_20.png 24 @image latex perio4_20.png 40 @latexonly 41 \begin{center} 42 \includegraphics{perio4_20.png} 43 \end{center} 44 @endlatexonly 25 45 <dt>North fold boundary with a F -point pivot (in_perio=5)</dt> 26 46 <dd>first row, and first and last columns are closed. </dd> 27 47 @image html perio5_20.png 28 @image latex perio5_20.png 48 @latexonly 49 \begin{center} 50 \includegraphics{perio5_20.png} 51 \end{center} 52 @endlatexonly 29 53 <dt>North fold boundary with a F -point pivot and cyclic east-west boundary (in_perio=6)</dt> 30 54 <dd>first row is closed. The first column is set to the value of the last-but-one column and the last column to the value of the second one.</dd> 31 55 @image html perio6_20.png 32 @image latex perio6_20.png 56 @image html perio5_20.png 57 @latexonly 58 \begin{center} 59 \includegraphics{perio6_20.png} 60 \end{center} 61 @endlatexonly 33 62 </dl> 34 63 @sa For more information about NEMO periodicity, see _Model Boundary Condition_ chapter in [NEMO documentation]( -
r7491 r7492 2 2 @mainpage About 3 3 4 SIREN is a software to create regional configuration with [NEMO](<br/> 5 Actually SIREN create input files needed for a basic NEMO configuration.<br/> 4 SIREN is a software to set up regional configuration with [NEMO](<br/> 5 Actually SIREN creates the input files you need to run a NEMO regional configuration.<br/> 6 7 SIREN allows you to create your own regional configuration embedded in a wider one.<br/> 6 8 7 SIREN allows you to create your own regional configuration embedded in a wider one.<br/> 8 In order to help you, a set of GLORYS files (global reanalysis on ORCA025 grid), as well as examples 9 of namelists are available in dods repository. 9 To know how to install SIREN see @ref md_src_docsrc_1_install. 10 10 11 @note This software was created, and is maintain by the Configuration Manager Working Group, composed 12 of NEMO system team members. 13 14 To know how to install SIREN see @ref md_docsrc_1_install. 15 16 You could find a tutorial for a quick start with SIREN in @ref md_docsrc_2_quickstart.<br/> 11 You could find a tutorial for a quick start with SIREN in @ref md_src_docsrc_2_quickstart.<br/> 17 12 For more information about how to use each component of SIREN 18 13 - see create_coord.f90 to create fine grid coordinate file … … 24 19 <HR> 25 20 <b> 26 - @ref md_ docsrc_1_install27 - @ref md_ docsrc_2_quickstart28 - @ref md_ docsrc_3_support_bug29 - @ref md_ docsrc_4_codingRules30 - @ref md_ docsrc_5_changeLog21 - @ref md_src_docsrc_1_install 22 - @ref md_src_docsrc_2_quickstart 23 - @ref md_src_docsrc_3_support_bug 24 - @ref md_src_docsrc_4_codingRules 25 - @ref md_src_docsrc_5_changeLog 31 26 - @ref todo 32 27 </b> -
r7491 r7492 495 495 END SELECT 496 496 ELSE 497 CALL logger_debug("FILE INIT: look for file type "//TRIM(file_init%c_name)) 497 498 file_init%c_type=TRIM(file_get_type(cd_file)) 498 499 ENDIF … … 572 573 CASE('.nc','.cdf') 573 574 CALL logger_debug(" FILE GET TYPE: file "//TRIM(cd_file)//" is cdf") 575 ! Warning : type could be change to cdf4 when opening file. 574 576 file_get_type='cdf' 575 577 CASE('.dimg') -
r7491 r7492 1341 1341 il_dim(:)=td_var%t_dim(:)%i_len 1342 1342 1343 CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: use vari bale "//TRIM(td_var%c_name))1343 CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: use variable "//TRIM(td_var%c_name)) 1344 1344 CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: fill value "//TRIM(fct_str(td_var%d_fill))) 1345 1345 CALL logger_debug("GRID GET PERIO: first value "//TRIM(fct_str(td_var%d_value(1,1,1,1)))) -
r7491 r7492 174 174 CASE('cdf') 175 175 CALL iom_cdf_open(td_file) 176 !CASE('cdf4') 176 177 CASE('dimg') 177 178 CALL iom_rstdimg_open(td_file) … … 240 241 CALL iom_rstdimg_close(td_file) 241 242 CASE DEFAULT 243 CALL logger_debug( "IOM CLOSE: type "//TRIM(td_file%c_type)) 242 244 CALL logger_error( "IOM CLOSE: can't close file "//& 243 245 & TRIM(td_file%c_name)//": type unknown " ) -
r7491 r7492 340 340 td_file%c_type='cdf' 341 341 CASE(nf90_format_netcdf4, nf90_format_netcdf4_classic) 342 td_file%c_type='cdf4' 342 td_file%c_type='cdf' 343 !td_file%c_type='cdf4' 343 344 END SELECT 345 CALL logger_debug("IOM CDF GET INFO: type "//TRIM(td_file%c_type)) 344 346 345 347 ! record header infos
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.