Changeset 8075
- Timestamp:
- 2017-05-25T18:58:42+02:00 (8 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/NERC/dev_r5518_NOC_MEDUSA_Stable/NEMOGCM/NEMO/TOP_SRC/CFC
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r6164 r8075 5 5 !!====================================================================== 6 6 !! History : 2.0 ! 2007-12 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) revised architecture 7 !! ! 2017-04 (A. Yool) add SF6 7 8 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 !! NEMO/TOP 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) … … 20 21 USE par_medusa , ONLY : jp_medusa_trd !: number of biological diag in MEDUSA 21 22 22 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra !: number of tracers in MEDUSA23 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra_2d !: number of tracers in MEDUSA24 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra_3d !: number of tracers in MEDUSA25 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra_trd !: number of tracers in MEDUSA23 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra !: number of tracers in ideal tracer 24 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra_2d !: number of tracers in ideal tracer 25 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra_3d !: number of tracers in ideal tracer 26 USE par_idtra , ONLY : jp_idtra_trd !: number of tracers in ideal tracer 26 27 27 28 IMPLICIT NONE … … 41 42 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 43 LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: lk_cfc = .TRUE. !: CFC flag 43 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc = 1!: number of passive tracers44 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc_2d = 2!: additional 2d output arrays ('key_trc_diaadd')44 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc = 3 !: number of passive tracers 45 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc_2d = 6 !: additional 2d output arrays ('key_trc_diaadd') 45 46 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc_3d = 0 !: additional 3d output arrays ('key_trc_diaadd') 46 47 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc_trd = 0 !: number of sms trends for CFC … … 48 49 ! assign an index in trc arrays for each CFC prognostic variables 49 50 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpc11 = jp_lc + 1 !: CFC-11 50 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpc12 = jp_lc + 2 !: CFC-12 51 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpc12 = jp_lc + 2 !: CFC-12 (priority tracer for CMIP6) 52 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jpsf6 = jp_lc + 3 !: SF6 51 53 #else 52 54 !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 61 63 62 64 ! Starting/ending CFC do-loop indices (N.B. no CFC : jp_cfc0 > jp_cfc1 the do-loop are never done) 63 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0 = jp_lc + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers64 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc1 = jp_lc + jp_cfc !: Last index of CFC tracers65 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0_2d = jp_lc_2d + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers65 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0 = jp_lc + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers 66 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc1 = jp_lc + jp_cfc !: Last index of CFC tracers 67 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0_2d = jp_lc_2d + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers 66 68 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc1_2d = jp_lc_2d + jp_cfc_2d !: Last index of CFC tracers 67 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0_3d = jp_lc_3d + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers69 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0_3d = jp_lc_3d + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers 68 70 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc1_3d = jp_lc_3d + jp_cfc_3d !: Last index of CFC tracers 69 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0_trd = jp_lc_trd + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers70 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc1_trd = jp_lc_trd + jp_cfc_trd 71 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc0_trd = jp_lc_trd + 1 !: First index of CFC tracers 72 INTEGER, PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: jp_cfc1_trd = jp_lc_trd + jp_cfc_trd !: Last index of CFC tracers 71 73 72 74 !!====================================================================== -
r5735 r8075 5 5 !!====================================================================== 6 6 !! History : 2.0 ! 2007-12 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) 7 !! ! 2017-04 (A. Yool) Add SF6 7 8 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9 #if defined key_cfc … … 22 23 PUBLIC trc_ini_cfc ! called by trcini.F90 module 23 24 24 CHARACTER (len=34) :: clname = 'cfc1112 .atm' ! ???25 CHARACTER (len=34) :: clname = 'cfc1112sf6.atm' ! ??? 25 26 26 27 INTEGER :: inum ! unit number … … 44 45 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 45 46 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jn, jl, jm, js, io, ierr 46 INTEGER :: iskip = 6! number of 1st descriptor lines47 INTEGER :: iskip = 7 ! number of 1st descriptor lines 47 48 REAL(wp) :: zyy, zyd 48 49 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 53 54 54 55 55 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'read of formatted file cfc1112 atm'56 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'read of formatted file cfc1112sf6.atm' 56 57 57 58 CALL ctl_opn( inum, clname, 'OLD', 'FORMATTED', 'SEQUENTIAL', -1, numout, .FALSE. ) … … 105 106 jn = 31 106 107 DO 107 READ(inum,*, IOSTAT=io) zyy, p_cfc(jn,1,1), p_cfc(jn,1,2), p_cfc(jn,2,1), p_cfc(jn,2,2) 108 READ(inum,*, IOSTAT=io) zyy, p_cfc(jn,1,1), p_cfc(jn,1,2), & 109 & p_cfc(jn,1,3), p_cfc(jn,2,1) & 110 & p_cfc(jn,2,2), p_cfc(jn,2,3) 108 111 IF( io < 0 ) exit 109 112 jn = jn + 1 110 113 END DO 111 114 112 p_cfc(32,1:2,1) = 5.e-4 ! modify the values of the first years 113 p_cfc(33,1:2,1) = 8.e-4 114 p_cfc(34,1:2,1) = 1.e-6 115 p_cfc(35,1:2,1) = 2.e-3 116 p_cfc(36,1:2,1) = 4.e-3 117 p_cfc(37,1:2,1) = 6.e-3 118 p_cfc(38,1:2,1) = 8.e-3 119 p_cfc(39,1:2,1) = 1.e-2 115 ! AXY (25/04/17): do not adjust 116 ! p_cfc(32,1:2,1) = 5.e-4 ! modify the values of the first years 117 ! p_cfc(33,1:2,1) = 8.e-4 118 ! p_cfc(34,1:2,1) = 1.e-6 119 ! p_cfc(35,1:2,1) = 2.e-3 120 ! p_cfc(36,1:2,1) = 4.e-3 121 ! p_cfc(37,1:2,1) = 6.e-3 122 ! p_cfc(38,1:2,1) = 8.e-3 123 ! p_cfc(39,1:2,1) = 1.e-2 120 124 121 125 IF(lwp) THEN ! Control print 122 126 WRITE(numout,*) 123 WRITE(numout,*) ' Year p11HN p11HS p12HN p12HS '127 WRITE(numout,*) ' Year p11HN p11HS p12HN p12HS pSF6N pSF6S ' 124 128 DO jn = 30, jpyear 125 WRITE(numout, '( 1I4, 4F9.2)') jn, p_cfc(jn,1,1), p_cfc(jn,2,1), p_cfc(jn,1,2), p_cfc(jn,2,2) 129 WRITE(numout, '( 1I4, 6F9.2)') jn, p_cfc(jn,1,1), p_cfc(jn,2,1), & 130 & p_cfc(jn,1,2), p_cfc(jn,2,2) & 131 & p_cfc(jn,1,3), p_cfc(jn,2,3) 126 132 END DO 127 133 ENDIF 128 129 134 130 135 ! Interpolation factor of atmospheric partial pressure -
r6719 r8075 7 7 !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2004-03 (C. Ethe) free form + modularity 8 8 !! 2.0 ! 2007-12 (C. Ethe, G. Madec) reorganisation 9 !! ! 2016-06 (J. Palmieri) update for UKESM1 10 !! ! 2017-04 (A. Yool) update to add SF6, fix coefficients 9 11 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 12 #if defined key_cfc … … 43 45 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: patm ! atmospheric function 44 46 45 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(4, 2) :: soa ! coefficient for solubility of CFC [mol/l/atm]46 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(3, 2) :: sob ! " "47 REAL(wp), DIMENSION( 4,2) :: sca ! coefficients for schmidt number in degre Celcius47 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(4,3) :: soa ! coefficient for solubility of CFC [mol/l/atm] 48 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(3,3) :: sob ! " " 49 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(5,3) :: sca ! coefficients for schmidt number in degre Celcius 48 50 49 51 ! ! coefficients for conversion … … 85 87 INTEGER :: im1, im2, ierr 86 88 REAL(wp) :: ztap, zdtap 87 REAL(wp) :: zt1, zt2, zt3, z v289 REAL(wp) :: zt1, zt2, zt3, zt4, zv2 88 90 REAL(wp) :: zsol ! solubility 89 91 REAL(wp) :: zsch ! schmidt number … … 106 108 ! Temporal interpolation 107 109 ! ---------------------- 108 !! JPALM -- 15-06-2016 -- define 2 kind of CFC run. 109 !! we want to make cycle experiments, 110 !! to periodically compare the ocean dynamic within 111 !! 1- the SPIN-UP and 2- Hincast/Projections 110 !! JPALM -- 15-06-2016 -- define 2 kinds of CFC run: 111 !! 1- the SPIN-UP and 2- Hindcast/Projections 112 112 !! -- main difference is the way to define the year of 113 113 !! simulation, that determine the atm pCFC. 114 114 !! 1-- Spin-up: our atm forcing is of 30y we cycle on. 115 115 !! So we do 90y CFC cycles to be in good 116 !! correspond ance with the atmosphere116 !! correspondence with the atmosphere 117 117 !! 2-- Hindcast/proj, instead of nyear-1900 we keep 118 118 !! the 2 last digit, and enable 3 cycle from 1800 to 2100. 119 119 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 120 !! 1 -- SPIN-UP121 120 IF (simu_type==1) THEN 121 !! 1 -- SPIN-UP 122 122 iyear_tmp = nyear - nyear_res !! JPALM -- in our spin-up, nyear_res is 1000 123 123 iyear_beg = MOD( iyear_tmp , 90 ) … … 133 133 iyear_beg = iyear_beg + 30 134 134 ENDIF 135 !!136 !! 2 -- Hindcast/proj137 135 ELSEIF (simu_type==2) THEN 136 !! 2 -- Hindcast/proj 138 137 iyear_beg = MOD(nyear, 100) 139 138 IF (iyear_beg < 9) iyear_beg = iyear_beg + 100 … … 191 190 zt2 = zt1 * zt1 192 191 zt3 = zt1 * zt2 193 zsch = sca(1,jl) + sca(2,jl) * zt1 + sca(3,jl) * zt2 + sca(4,jl) * zt3 192 zt4 = zt1 * zt3 193 zsch = sca(1,jl) + sca(2,jl) * zt1 + sca(3,jl) * zt2 + sca(4,jl) * zt3 + sca(5,jl) * zt4 194 194 195 195 ! speed transfert : formulae of wanninkhof 1992 196 196 zv2 = wndm(ji,jj) * wndm(ji,jj) 197 197 zsch = zsch / 660. 198 zak_cfc = ( 0.39 * xconv2 * zv2 / SQRT(zsch) ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 198 ! AXY (25/04/17): OMIP protocol specifies lower Wanninkhof (2014) value 199 ! zak_cfc = ( 0.39 * xconv2 * zv2 / SQRT(zsch) ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 200 zak_cfc = ( 0.251 * xconv2 * zv2 / SQRT(zsch) ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 199 201 200 202 ! Input function : speed *( conc. at equil - concen at surface ) … … 226 228 elseif (jl.EQ.2) then 227 229 WRITE(NUMOUT,*) 'Traceur = CFC12: ' 230 elseif (jl.EQ.3) then 231 WRITE(NUMOUT,*) 'Traceur = SF6: ' 228 232 endif 229 233 WRITE(NUMOUT,*) 'nyear = ', nyear … … 256 260 CALL iom_put( "qtrCFC11" , qtr_cfc (:,:,1) ) 257 261 CALL iom_put( "qintCFC11" , qint_cfc(:,:,1) ) 262 CALL iom_put( "qtrCFC12" , qtr_cfc (:,:,2) ) 263 CALL iom_put( "qintCFC12" , qint_cfc(:,:,2) ) 264 CALL iom_put( "qtrSF6" , qtr_cfc (:,:,3) ) 265 CALL iom_put( "qintSF6" , qint_cfc(:,:,4) ) 258 266 ELSE 259 267 IF( ln_diatrc ) THEN 260 268 trc2d(:,:,jp_cfc0_2d ) = qtr_cfc (:,:,1) 261 269 trc2d(:,:,jp_cfc0_2d + 1) = qint_cfc(:,:,1) 270 trc2d(:,:,jp_cfc0_2d + 2) = qtr_cfc (:,:,2) 271 trc2d(:,:,jp_cfc0_2d + 3) = qint_cfc(:,:,2) 272 trc2d(:,:,jp_cfc0_2d + 4) = qtr_cfc (:,:,3) 273 trc2d(:,:,jp_cfc0_2d + 5) = qint_cfc(:,:,4) 262 274 END IF 263 275 END IF … … 293 305 soa(2,1) = 319.6552 294 306 soa(3,1) = 119.4471 295 soa(4,1) = -1.39165 296 297 sob(1,1) = -0.142382 298 sob(2,1) = 0.091459 299 sob(3,1) = -0.0157274 300 301 ! Schmidt number 302 sca(1,1) = 3501.8 303 sca(2,1) = -210.31 304 sca(3,1) = 6.1851 305 sca(4,1) = -0.07513 307 soa(4,1) = -1.39165 308 309 sob(1,1) = -0.142382 310 sob(2,1) = 0.091459 311 sob(3,1) = -0.0157274 312 313 ! Schmidt number AXY (25/04/17) 314 sca(1,1) = 3579.2 ! = 3501.8 315 sca(2,1) = -222.63 ! = -210.31 316 sca(3,1) = 7.5749 ! = 6.1851 317 sca(4,1) = -0.14595 ! = -0.07513 318 sca(5,1) = 0.0011874 ! = absent 306 319 307 320 ! coefficient for CFC12 … … 312 325 soa(2,2) = 298.9702 313 326 soa(3,2) = 113.8049 314 soa(4,2) = -1.39165 315 316 sob(1,2) = -0.143566 317 sob(2,2) = 0.091015 318 sob(3,2) = -0.0153924 319 320 ! schmidt number 321 sca(1,2) = 3845.4 322 sca(2,2) = -228.95 323 sca(3,2) = 6.1908 324 sca(4,2) = -0.067430 327 soa(4,2) = -1.39165 328 329 sob(1,2) = -0.143566 330 sob(2,2) = 0.091015 331 sob(3,2) = -0.0153924 332 333 ! schmidt number AXY (25/04/17) 334 sca(1,2) = 3828.1 ! = 3845.4 335 sca(2,2) = -249.86 ! = -228.95 336 sca(3,2) = 8.7603 ! = 6.1908 337 sca(4,2) = -0.1716 ! = -0.067430 338 sca(5,2) = 0.001408 ! = absent 339 340 ! coefficients for SF6 AXY (25/04/17) 341 !--------------------- 342 343 ! Solubility 344 soa(1,3) = -80.0343 345 soa(2,3) = 117.232 346 soa(3,3) = 29.5817 347 soa(4,3) = 0.0 348 349 sob(1,3) = 0.0335183 350 sob(2,3) = -0.0373942 351 sob(3,3) = 0.00774862 352 353 ! Schmidt number 354 sca(1,3) = 3177.5 355 sca(2,3) = -200.57 356 sca(3,3) = 6.8865 357 sca(4,3) = -0.13335 358 sca(5,3) = 0.0010877 325 359 326 360 !!---------------------------------------------
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