Changeset 8447 for branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/NEMO
- Timestamp:
- 2017-08-18T18:16:42+02:00 (7 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r8400 r8447 76 76 USE oce, ONLY: & 77 77 & tsb, tsn, tsa, & 78 & rhop, 78 & rhop, & 79 79 & gtsu, gtsv 80 80 USE dynhpg, ONLY: & … … 134 134 & fb_p_ofl, & !: parition of bias in P for ofl bias term 135 135 & fctamp, & !: amplification factor for T if inertial 136 & rn_maxlat_bias, & !: Max lat for latitudinal ramp 137 & rn_minlat_bias !: Min lat for latitudinal ramp 136 & rn_maxlat_bias, & !: Max lat for latitudinal ramp 137 & rn_minlat_bias, & !: Min lat for latitudinal ramp 138 & zwgt, & !: weight for IPC 139 & ztscale !: decay rate for IPC 138 140 139 141 LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: lalloc … … 148 150 & sbias_rlx_out, & !: Output salinity bias field 149 151 & tbias_p_out, & !: Output temperature bias field for P correction 150 & sbias_p_out !: Output salinity bias field for P correction 152 & sbias_p_out, & !: Output salinity bias field for P correction 153 & tbias_i_out, & !: Output temperature bias field for incremental P correction 154 & sbias_i_out, & !: Output salinity bias field for incremental P correction 155 & tbias_asm_stscale, & !: Short time scale temperature bias field 156 & sbias_asm_stscale, & !: Short time scale salinity bias field 157 & tbias_asm_stscale_out, & !: Short time scale temperature bias output field 158 & sbias_asm_stscale_out !: Short time scale salinity bias output field 151 159 152 160 INTEGER, PRIVATE :: nn_lat_ramp ! choice of latitude dependent ramp … … 154 162 ! 1:inertial ramp, 2:linear ramp, else:no ramp 155 163 LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: ln_bsyncro ! syncronous or assincrous bias correction 156 LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: ln_itdecay ! evolve bias correction at every time step. 157 158 REAL(wp), PRIVATE, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fbcoef 164 LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: ln_itdecay ! evolve bias correction at every time step. 165 LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: ln_incpc ! incremental pressure correction plus pressure correction 166 LOGICAL, PRIVATE :: ln_incpc_only ! incremental pressure correction only 167 168 REAL(wp), PRIVATE, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fbcoef 169 REAL(wp), PRIVATE, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: fbcoef_stscale 159 170 160 171 INTEGER, PRIVATE :: & … … 200 211 !! * Local declarations 201 212 202 CHARACTER(len=100) :: cn_dir ! dir for location ofline bias213 CHARACTER(len=100) :: cn_dir ! dir for location ofline bias 203 214 INTEGER :: ierror 204 INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read205 REAL(wp) :: eft_rlx, & ! efolding time (bias memory) in days206 & eft_asm, & ! " "215 INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read 216 REAL(wp) :: eft_rlx, & ! efolding time (bias memory) in days 217 & eft_asm, & ! " " 207 218 & log2, & 208 & lenscl_bias !lengthscale of the pressure bias decay between minlat and maxlat. 219 & lenscl_bias, & ! lengthscale pressure bias decay between minlat and maxlat. 220 & minlat_bias, & ! used in ipc 221 & maxlat_bias ! used in ipc 209 222 210 223 NAMELIST/nambias/ ln_bias, ln_bias_asm, ln_bias_rlx, ln_bias_ofl, & … … 215 228 & cn_bias_tot, cn_bias_asm, cn_dir, sn_tbias_ofl, sn_sbias_ofl, & 216 229 & ln_bsyncro, fctamp, rn_maxlat_bias, rn_minlat_bias, & 217 & nn_bias_itwrt, ln_itdecay 230 & nn_bias_itwrt, ln_itdecay, ln_incpc,ln_incpc_only, ztscale, zwgt 218 231 219 232 … … 274 287 WRITE(numout,*) ' time step for writing bias fld nn_bias_itwrt = ',nn_bias_itwrt 275 288 WRITE(numout,*) ' evolve pcbias at each timestep ln_itdecay = ',ln_itdecay 289 WRITE(numout,*) ' incremental press. correction ln_incpc = ',ln_incpc 290 WRITE(numout,*) ' incremental press. correction only ln_incpc_only = ',ln_incpc_only 291 WRITE(numout,*) ' incremental press. correction zwgt = ',zwgt 292 WRITE(numout,*) ' incremental press. correction ztscale = ',ztscale 276 293 WRITE(numout,*) ' Parameters for parition of bias term ' 277 294 WRITE(numout,*) ' fb_t_rlx = ',fb_t_rlx … … 296 313 & CALL ctl_stop (' lk_dtatem, lk_dtasal and lk_tradmp need to be true with ln_bias_rlx' ) 297 314 315 IF ( (.NOT. ln_itdecay) .AND. ln_incpc) & 316 & CALL ctl_stop (' if you set ln_incpc to .true. then you need to set ln_itdecay to .true. as well' ) 317 318 IF ( (.NOT. ln_incpc) .AND. ln_incpc_only) & 319 & CALL ctl_stop (' if you set ln_incpc_only to .true. then you need to set ln_incpc to .true. as well' ) 320 321 WRITE(numout,*) ' time step is = ',rdt,'you choose to write pcbias at nn_bias_itwrt = ',nn_bias_itwrt,'and end of iau is rday/rdt=',rday/rdt 298 322 ENDIF 299 323 IF( .NOT. ln_bias ) RETURN … … 305 329 & tbias_p(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 306 330 & sbias_p(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 331 & tbias_i(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 332 & sbias_i(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 307 333 & rhd_pc(jpi,jpj,jpk) , & 308 334 & gru_pc(jpi,jpj) , & 309 335 & grv_pc(jpi,jpj) ) 310 336 311 ALLOCATE( fbcoef(jpi,jpj) 337 ALLOCATE( fbcoef(jpi,jpj), fbcoef_stscale(jpi,jpj) ) 312 338 313 339 IF( ln_bias_asm ) ALLOCATE( tbias_asm(jpi,jpj,jpk), & … … 322 348 tbias_rlx_out(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 323 349 sbias_rlx_out(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) 350 351 IF( ln_incpc ) ALLOCATE( tbias_asm_stscale(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 352 & sbias_asm_stscale(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 353 tbias_asm_stscale_out(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 354 sbias_asm_stscale_out(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 355 tbias_i_out(jpi,jpj,jpk), & 356 sbias_i_out(jpi,jpj,jpk) ) 357 324 358 lalloc = .TRUE. 325 359 … … 360 394 tbias_p(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 361 395 sbias_p(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 396 tbias_i(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 397 sbias_i(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 362 398 gru_pc(:,:) = 0.0_wp 363 399 grv_pc(:,:) = 0.0_wp 400 364 401 IF ( ln_bias_rlx ) THEN 365 402 tbias_rlx(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 366 403 sbias_rlx(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 367 404 ENDIF 405 368 406 IF ( ln_bias_asm ) THEN !now rlx and asm bias in same file 369 tbias_asm(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 370 sbias_asm(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 371 ENDIF 407 tbias_asm(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 408 sbias_asm(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 409 tbias_asm_out(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 410 sbias_asm_out(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 411 ENDIF 412 413 IF ( ln_incpc ) THEN !incr pressure correction 414 tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 415 sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 416 tbias_asm_stscale_out(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 417 sbias_asm_stscale_out(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 418 ENDIF 419 420 372 421 numbias_tot = 0 373 422 ! Get bias from file and prevent fail if the file does not exist … … 404 453 ENDIF 405 454 ENDIF 455 456 IF ( ln_incpc .and. .not.ln_bsyncro ) THEN 457 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Reading short time scale bias correction fields for bias asm from file ',cn_bias_tot 458 IF( iom_varid( numbias_tot, 'tbias_asm_stscale' ) > 0 ) THEN 459 ! Get the T and S bias data 460 CALL iom_get( numbias_tot, jpdom_autoglo, 'tbias_asm_stscale', tbias_asm_stscale ) 461 CALL iom_get( numbias_tot, jpdom_autoglo, 'sbias_asm_stscale', sbias_asm_stscale ) 462 ELSE 463 CALL ctl_stop( 'Short time scale bias assim variables not found in ',cn_bias_tot ) 464 ENDIF 465 ENDIF 466 467 406 468 407 469 ! Close the file … … 484 546 fbcoef(:,:) = 0.0_wp 485 547 fctamp = 0.0_wp 486 ENDIF 548 fbcoef_stscale(:,:) = 0.0_wp 549 ENDIF 550 551 552 IF ( ln_incpc) THEN 553 minlat_bias = 3.0_wp 554 maxlat_bias = 8.0_wp 555 WHERE ( abs( gphit(:,:) ) <= minlat_bias ) 556 fbcoef_stscale(:,:)=0._wp 557 ELSEWHERE ( abs( gphit(:,:) ) >= maxlat_bias ) 558 fbcoef_stscale(:,:)=1._wp 559 ELSEWHERE 560 fbcoef_stscale(:,:)=1._wp - ((maxlat_bias - abs( gphit(:,:)))/(maxlat_bias-minlat_bias)) 561 ENDWHERE 562 ENDIF 487 563 488 564 … … 517 593 REAL(wp) :: fb_t_asm_max, fb_t_rlx_max, fb_t_ofl_max 518 594 REAL(wp) :: ztfrac, ztsday 595 REAL(wp) :: zfrac, zfrac1 ! temporal weights for inst pcbias (names could be changed) 596 REAL(wp) :: zdecay ! used in inst pcorr 519 597 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zcof1, zcof2 520 598 … … 528 606 tbias_p(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 529 607 sbias_p(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 608 tbias_i(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 609 sbias_i(:,:,:) = 0.0_wp 610 530 611 IF ( ln_bias_asm ) THEN 531 612 … … 535 616 & fbcoef(:,:) * fb_t_asm_max ) 536 617 zcof2(:,:) = ( 1.0_wp - fbcoef(:,:) ) * fb_p_asm 537 618 538 619 IF ( ln_itdecay ) THEN !decay the pressure correction at each time step 539 620 540 ztsday = rday / real(rdt) 621 ztsday = rday / REAL(rdt,wp) 622 623 zdecay = (1-ztscale)**(1/REAL(ztsday,wp)) ! used in ipc 624 zfrac1 = zdecay**REAL(kt,wp) ! used in ipc 625 IF ( zfrac1 <= 0.0 ) zfrac1 = 0.0_wp 541 626 542 627 IF( ln_asmiau .and. ln_trainc ) THEN ! nudge in increments and decay historical contribution 543 544 628 545 629 IF ( kt <= nitiaufin ) THEN ! During IAU calculate the fraction of increments to apply at each time step 546 630 547 ztfrac = real(kt) / real(nitiaufin) ! nudging factor during the IAU 548 631 ztfrac = REAL(kt,wp) / REAL(nitiaufin,wp) ! nudging factor during the IAU 549 632 550 633 IF (lwp) THEN … … 552 635 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' 553 636 WRITE(numout,* ) "proportion of increment applied in pcbias ",ztfrac 554 WRITE(numout,* ) "proportion of historical pcbias applied ",t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday)637 WRITE(numout,* ) "proportion of historical pcbias applied ",t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) 555 638 ENDIF 556 557 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 639 640 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 558 641 tbias(:,:,jk) = tbias(:,:,jk) + & 559 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &642 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 560 643 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * t_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) ) * zcof1(:,:) 561 644 sbias(:,:,jk) = sbias(:,:,jk) + & 562 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &645 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 563 646 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * s_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) ) * zcof1(:,:) 647 564 648 tbias_p(:,:,jk) = tbias_p(:,:,jk) + & 565 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &649 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 566 650 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * t_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) ) * zcof2(:,:) 567 651 sbias_p(:,:,jk) = sbias_p(:,:,jk) + & 568 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &652 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 569 653 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * s_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) ) * zcof2(:,:) 570 654 ENDDO 571 655 656 IF (ln_incpc) THEN 657 658 IF (lwp) THEN 659 WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_bias : bias weights' 660 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' 661 WRITE(numout,* ) "IPC - proportion of increment applied in pcbias ",ztfrac 662 WRITE(numout,* ) "IPC - proportion of historical pcbias applied ",zfrac1 663 ENDIF 664 665 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 666 667 tbias_i(:,:,jk) = ( t_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk)* zwgt * ztfrac * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) ) & 668 & + ( tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) ) 669 sbias_i(:,:,jk) = ( s_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk)* zwgt * ztfrac * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) ) & 670 & + ( sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) ) 671 672 ENDDO 673 674 ENDIF 675 572 676 IF ( .not.ln_bsyncro ) THEN 677 573 678 IF ( kt == nn_bias_itwrt ) THEN 679 574 680 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 575 tbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &681 tbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 576 682 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * t_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) 577 sbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &683 sbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 578 684 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * s_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) 579 685 END DO 686 687 IF ( ln_incpc) THEN 688 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 689 tbias_asm_stscale_out(:,:,jk) = ( t_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) * zwgt * ztfrac ) + ( tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 ) 690 sbias_asm_stscale_out(:,:,jk) = ( s_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) * zwgt * ztfrac ) + ( sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 ) 691 ENDDO 692 ENDIF 693 580 694 ENDIF 695 581 696 ENDIF 582 697 … … 584 699 IF ( kt == nitiaufin ) THEN 585 700 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 586 tbias_asm(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &701 tbias_asm(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 587 702 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * t_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) 588 sbias_asm(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + &703 sbias_asm(:,:,jk) = t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) + & 589 704 & ztfrac * t_asm_upd * s_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) 590 705 END DO 706 707 IF (ln_incpc) THEN 708 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 709 tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) = ( t_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) * zwgt * ztfrac ) + ( tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 ) 710 sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) = ( s_bkginc(:,:,jk) * tmask(:,:,jk) * zwgt * ztfrac ) + ( sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 ) 711 ENDDO 712 ENDIF 713 591 714 ENDIF 592 715 593 716 ELSE ! decay pressure correction from combined historical component and increments after IAU 594 717 595 ztfrac=t_asm_mem**( real(kt-nitiaufin)/real(nitiaufin)) ! decay from end of IAU596 718 ztfrac=t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt-nitiaufin,wp)/REAL(nitiaufin,wp)) ! decay from end of IAU 719 597 720 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 598 721 tbias(:,:,jk) = tbias(:,:,jk) + & … … 606 729 ENDDO 607 730 608 IF (lwp) THEN 609 WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_bias : bias weights' 610 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' 611 WRITE(numout,* ) "proportion of increments + historical pcbias applied ",ztfrac 612 ENDIF 613 614 IF ( ln_trainc .and. .not.ln_bsyncro ) THEN 615 IF ( kt == nn_bias_itwrt ) THEN 616 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 617 tbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = ztfrac * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) 618 sbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = ztfrac * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) 619 END DO 620 ENDIF 621 ENDIF 622 623 ENDIF 624 731 IF (ln_incpc) THEN 732 733 zfrac = zdecay**REAL(kt-nitiaufin,wp) 734 IF ( zfrac <= 0.0 ) zfrac = 0.0_wp 735 736 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 737 tbias_i(:,:,jk) = tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) 738 sbias_i(:,:,jk) = sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) 739 ENDDO 740 741 IF (lwp) THEN 742 WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_bias : bias weights' 743 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' 744 WRITE(numout,* ) "IPC - proportion of increments + historical pcbias applied ",zfrac 745 ENDIF 746 747 ENDIF 748 749 IF (lwp) THEN 750 WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_bias : bias weights' 751 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' 752 WRITE(numout,* ) "proportion of increments + historical pcbias applied ",ztfrac 753 ENDIF 754 755 IF ( ln_trainc .and. .not.ln_bsyncro ) THEN 756 IF ( kt == nn_bias_itwrt ) THEN 757 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 758 tbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = ztfrac * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) 759 sbias_asm_out(:,:,jk) = ztfrac * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) 760 END DO 761 762 IF ( ln_incpc ) THEN 763 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'after end of IAU - IPC - saving s/tbias_asm_stscale' 764 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 765 tbias_asm_stscale_out(:,:,jk) = tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac 766 sbias_asm_stscale_out(:,:,jk) = sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac 767 ENDDO 768 ENDIF 769 ENDIF 770 ENDIF 771 ENDIF 625 772 626 773 ELSE ! no assimilation increments, simply decay pressure correction (e.g for forecasts) 774 ! this occurs at obsoper step as well ( ln_asmiau is false ) 627 775 628 776 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 629 777 tbias(:,:,jk) = tbias(:,:,jk) + & 630 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof1(:,:)778 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof1(:,:) 631 779 sbias(:,:,jk) = sbias(:,:,jk) + & 632 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof1(:,:)780 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof1(:,:) 633 781 tbias_p(:,:,jk) = tbias_p(:,:,jk) + & 634 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof2(:,:)782 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * tbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof2(:,:) 635 783 sbias_p(:,:,jk) = sbias_p(:,:,jk) + & 636 & ( t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof2(:,:)784 & ( t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) * sbias_asm(:,:,jk) ) * zcof2(:,:) 637 785 ENDDO 638 786 … … 640 788 WRITE(numout,*) 'tra_bias : bias weights' 641 789 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~' 642 WRITE(numout,* ) "proportion of historical pcbias applied ",t_asm_mem**( real(kt)/ztsday)790 WRITE(numout,* ) "proportion of historical pcbias applied ",t_asm_mem**(REAL(kt,wp)/ztsday) 643 791 ENDIF 644 792 793 IF (ln_incpc) THEN 794 IF (lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'obsoper or forecast mode - IPC - computing tbias_i and sbias_i' 795 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 796 tbias_i(:,:,jk) = tbias_i(:,:,jk) + ( tbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) ) 797 sbias_i(:,:,jk) = sbias_i(:,:,jk) + ( sbias_asm_stscale(:,:,jk) * zfrac1 * (1.0 - fbcoef_stscale(:,:)) ) 798 ENDDO 799 tbias_i(:,:,:) =tbias_i(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) 800 sbias_i(:,:,:) =sbias_i(:,:,:)*tmask(:,:,:) 801 ENDIF 645 802 ENDIF 646 803 … … 731 888 732 889 IF ( kt == nn_bias_itwrt ) THEN 733 tbias_p_out(:,:,:) = tbias_p(:,:,:) 734 sbias_p_out(:,:,:) = sbias_p(:,:,:) 890 tbias_p_out(:,:,:) = tbias_p(:,:,:) 891 sbias_p_out(:,:,:) = sbias_p(:,:,:) 892 IF (ln_incpc) THEN 893 tbias_i_out(:,:,:) = tbias_i(:,:,:) 894 sbias_i_out(:,:,:) = sbias_i(:,:,:) 895 ENDIF 735 896 ENDIF 736 897 … … 774 935 tsw(:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsa(:,:,:,jp_tem) - tbias_p(:,:,:) 775 936 tsw(:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsa(:,:,:,jp_sal) - sbias_p(:,:,:) 937 IF ( ln_incpc ) THEN 938 tsw(:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsa(:,:,:,jp_tem) - tbias_p(:,:,:) - tbias_i(:,:,:) 939 tsw(:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsa(:,:,:,jp_sal) - sbias_p(:,:,:) - sbias_i(:,:,:) 940 IF ( ln_incpc_only ) THEN 941 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'ln_incpc_only =', ln_incpc_only, 'tsw updated with IPC only and ln_dynhpg_imp = ',ln_dynhpg_imp 942 tsw(:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsa(:,:,:,jp_tem) - tbias_i(:,:,:) 943 tsw(:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsa(:,:,:,jp_sal) - sbias_i(:,:,:) 944 ENDIF 945 ENDIF 776 946 ELSE 777 947 tsw(:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_tem) - tbias_p(:,:,:) 778 948 tsw(:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_sal) - sbias_p(:,:,:) 779 ENDIF 780 781 CALL eos( tsw, rhd_pc, rhop , fsdept_n(:,:,:)) 949 IF ( ln_incpc ) THEN 950 tsw(:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_tem) - tbias_p(:,:,:) - tbias_i(:,:,:) 951 tsw(:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_sal) - sbias_p(:,:,:) - sbias_i(:,:,:) 952 IF ( ln_incpc_only ) THEN 953 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'ln_incpc_only =', ln_incpc_only, 'tsw updated with IPC only and ln_dynhpg_imp = ',ln_dynhpg_imp 954 tsw(:,:,:,jp_tem) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_tem) - tbias_i(:,:,:) 955 tsw(:,:,:,jp_sal) = tsb(:,:,:,jp_sal) - sbias_i(:,:,:) 956 ENDIF 957 ENDIF 958 ENDIF 959 960 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'dyn_bias( kt ) calculating rhd_pc, kt =', kt 961 CALL eos( tsw, rhd_pc, rhop, fsdept_n(:,:,:) ) 782 962 783 ! is this needed?784 963 CALL lbc_lnk( rhd_pc, 'T', 1.0_wp ) 964 785 965 786 966 ! Partial steps: now horizontal gradient of t,s,rd 787 967 ! at the bottom ocean level 968 788 969 IF( ln_zps ) THEN 789 970 CALL zps_hde( kt, jpts, tsw, gtsu, gtsv, & … … 856 1037 CALL iom_rstput( nn_bias_itwrt, nn_bias_itwrt, numbias_tot, 'sbias_p' , sbias_p_out ) 857 1038 ENDIF 1039 1040 IF ( ln_incpc ) THEN 1041 CALL iom_rstput( nn_bias_itwrt, nn_bias_itwrt, numbias_tot, 'tbias_asm_stscale' , tbias_asm_stscale_out ) 1042 CALL iom_rstput( nn_bias_itwrt, nn_bias_itwrt, numbias_tot, 'sbias_asm_stscale' , sbias_asm_stscale_out ) 1043 CALL iom_rstput( nn_bias_itwrt, nn_bias_itwrt, numbias_tot, 'tbias_i' , tbias_i_out ) 1044 CALL iom_rstput( nn_bias_itwrt, nn_bias_itwrt, numbias_tot, 'sbias_i' , sbias_i_out ) 1045 ENDIF 858 1046 859 1047 IF( kt == nitend ) THEN -
r8400 r8447 27 27 & tbias, & !: Temperature bias field for T correction 28 28 & tbias_p, & !: " " " " P correction 29 & tbias_i, & !: " " " " incremental P correction 29 30 & sbias, & !: Salinity bias field for S correction 30 31 & sbias_p, & !: " " " " P correction 32 & sbias_i, & !: " " " " incremental P correction 31 33 & rhd_pc !: Press corrtd density from online to use in dyn_hpg 32 34 -
r8400 r8447 113 113 114 114 ENDIF 115 ! 115 116 116 SELECT CASE ( nhpg ) ! Hydrostatic pressure gradient computation 117 117 CASE ( 0 ) ; CALL hpg_zco ( kt ) ! z-coordinate … … 134 134 ! 135 135 IF ( ln_bias .AND. ln_bias_pc_app ) THEN 136 IF(lwp) THEN 137 WRITE(numout,*) " ! restore original density" 138 ENDIF 136 139 rhd(:,:,:) = z_rhd_st(:,:,:) ! restore original density 137 140 gru(:,:) = z_gru_st(:,:) -
r8427 r8447 457 457 END SELECT 458 458 ! 459 CALL lbc_lnk( prd, 'T', 1.0_wp ) 460 ! 459 461 IF(ln_ctl) CALL prt_ctl( tab3d_1=prd, clinfo1=' eos-pot: ', tab3d_2=prhop, clinfo2=' pot : ', ovlap=1, kdim=jpk ) 460 462 !
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