Changeset 8583
- Timestamp:
- 2017-10-03T11:33:06+02:00 (7 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/NEMOGCM
- Files:
- 3 edited
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r7761 r8583 2 2 !!====================================================================== 3 3 !! *** MODULE daymod *** 4 !! Ocean : calendar4 !! Ocean : management of the model calendar 5 5 !!===================================================================== 6 6 !! History : OPA ! 1994-09 (M. Pontaud M. Imbard) Original code 7 7 !! ! 1997-03 (O. Marti) 8 !! ! 1997-05 (G. Madec) 8 !! ! 1997-05 (G. Madec) 9 9 !! ! 1997-08 (M. Imbard) 10 10 !! NEMO 1.0 ! 2003-09 (G. Madec) F90 + nyear, nmonth, nday 11 11 !! ! 2004-01 (A.M. Treguier) new calculation based on adatrj 12 12 !! ! 2006-08 (G. Madec) surface module major update 13 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 !! ! 2015-11 (D. Lea) Allow non-zero initial time of day 14 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 15 15 16 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 17 !! day : calendar 17 !! 18 !! ------------------------------- 19 !! ----------- WARNING ----------- 20 !! 21 !! we suppose that the time step is deviding the number of second of in a day 22 !! ---> MOD( rday, rdt ) == 0 23 !! 24 !! ----------- WARNING ----------- 25 !! ------------------------------- 26 !! 27 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain 29 USE phycst ! physical constants 30 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 31 USE iom ! 32 USE ioipsl, ONLY : ymds2ju ! for calendar 33 USE prtctl ! Print control 34 USE restart ! 35 USE timing ! Timing 18 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 !! ----------- WARNING ----------- 20 !! ------------------------------- 21 !! sbcmod assume that the time step is dividing the number of second of 22 !! in a day, i.e. ===> MOD( rday, rdt ) == 0 23 !! except when user defined forcing is used (see sbcmod.F90) 24 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain 26 USE phycst ! physical constants 27 USE ioipsl , ONLY : ymds2ju ! for calendar 28 USE trc_oce , ONLY : l_offline ! offline flag 29 ! 30 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 31 USE prtctl ! Print control 32 USE iom ! 33 USE timing ! Timing 34 USE restart ! restart 36 35 37 36 IMPLICIT NONE … … 40 39 PUBLIC day ! called by step.F90 41 40 PUBLIC day_init ! called by istate.F90 42 43 INTEGER :: nsecd, nsecd05, ndt, ndt05 44 45 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 !! NEMO/OPA 3.3 , NEMO Consortium (2010) 41 PUBLIC day_mth ! Needed by TAM 42 43 INTEGER, PUBLIC :: nsecd, nsecd05, ndt, ndt05 !: (PUBLIC for TAM) 44 45 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 !! NEMO/OPA 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2016) 47 47 !! $Id$ 48 48 !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) … … 53 53 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 54 !! *** ROUTINE day_init *** 55 !! 56 !! ** Purpose : Initialization of the calendar values to their values 1 time step before nit000 55 !! 56 !! ** Purpose : Initialization of the calendar values to their values 1 time step before nit000 57 57 !! because day will be called at the beginning of step 58 58 !! … … 67 67 !! - nmonth_len, nyear_len, nmonth_half, nmonth_end through day_mth 68 68 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 INTEGER :: inbday, idweek 70 REAL(wp) :: zjul 69 INTEGER :: inbday, idweek ! local integers 70 REAL(wp) :: zjul ! local scalar 71 71 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 72 ! … … 76 76 & 'You must do a restart at higher frequency (or remove this stop and recompile the code in I8)' ) 77 77 ENDIF 78 ! all calendar staff is based on the fact that MOD( rday, rdt ) == 0 79 IF( MOD( rday , rdt ) /= 0. ) CALL ctl_stop( 'the time step must devide the number of second of in a day' ) 80 IF( MOD( rday , 2. ) /= 0. ) CALL ctl_stop( 'the number of second of in a day must be an even number' ) 81 IF( MOD( rdt , 2. ) /= 0. ) CALL ctl_stop( 'the time step (in second) must be an even number' ) 82 nsecd = NINT(rday ) 83 nsecd05 = NINT(0.5 * rday ) 84 ndt = NINT( rdt ) 85 ndt05 = NINT(0.5 * rdt ) 86 87 ! ==> clem: here we read the ocean restart for the date (only if it exists) 88 ! It is not clean and another solution should be found 89 CALL day_rst( nit000, 'READ' ) 90 ! ==> 91 92 ! set the calendar from ndastp (read in restart file and namelist) 93 78 nsecd = NINT( rday ) 79 nsecd05 = NINT( 0.5 * rday ) 80 ndt = NINT( rdt ) 81 ndt05 = NINT( 0.5 * rdt ) 82 83 IF( .NOT. l_offline ) CALL day_rst( nit000, 'READ' ) 84 85 ! set the calandar from ndastp (read in restart file and namelist) 94 86 nyear = ndastp / 10000 95 87 nmonth = ( ndastp - (nyear * 10000) ) / 100 96 nday = ndastp - (nyear * 10000) - ( nmonth * 100 ) 97 98 CALL ymds2ju( nyear, nmonth, nday, 0.0, fjulday ) ! we assume that we start run at 00:00 88 nday = ndastp - (nyear * 10000) - ( nmonth * 100 ) 89 90 nhour = nn_time0 / 100 91 nminute = ( nn_time0 - nhour * 100 ) 92 93 CALL ymds2ju( nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour*3600._wp+nminute*60._wp, fjulday ) 99 94 IF( ABS(fjulday - REAL(NINT(fjulday),wp)) < 0.1 / rday ) fjulday = REAL(NINT(fjulday),wp) ! avoid truncation error 100 fjulday = fjulday + 1.! move back to the day at nit000 (and not at nit000 - 1)95 IF( nn_time0*3600 - ndt05 .lt. 0 ) fjulday = fjulday + 1. ! move back to the day at nit000 (and not at nit000 - 1) 101 96 102 97 nsec1jan000 = 0 103 98 CALL day_mth 104 99 105 100 IF ( nday == 0 ) THEN ! for ex if ndastp = ndate0 - 1 106 nmonth = nmonth - 1 101 nmonth = nmonth - 1 107 102 nday = nmonth_len(nmonth) 108 103 ENDIF … … 113 108 IF( nleapy == 1 ) CALL day_mth 114 109 ENDIF 115 110 116 111 ! day since january 1st 117 112 nday_year = nday + SUM( nmonth_len(1:nmonth - 1) ) 118 113 119 !compute number of days between last monday and today 114 !compute number of days between last monday and today 120 115 CALL ymds2ju( 1900, 01, 01, 0.0, zjul ) ! compute julian day value of 01.01.1900 (our reference that was a Monday) 121 inbday = NINT(fjulday - zjul) ! compute nb day between 01.01.1900 and current day 122 idweek = MOD(inbday, 7) ! compute nb day between last monday and current day 116 inbday = FLOOR(fjulday - zjul) ! compute nb day between 01.01.1900 and start of current day 117 idweek = MOD(inbday, 7) ! compute nb day between last monday and current day 118 IF (idweek .lt. 0) idweek=idweek+7 ! Avoid negative values for dates before 01.01.1900 123 119 124 120 ! number of seconds since the beginning of current year/month/week/day at the middle of the time-step 125 nsec_year = nday_year * nsecd - ndt05 ! 1 time step before the middle of the first time step 126 nsec_month = nday * nsecd - ndt05 ! because day will be called at the beginning of step 127 nsec_week = idweek * nsecd - ndt05 128 nsec_day = nsecd - ndt05 121 IF (nhour*3600+nminute*60-ndt05 .gt. 0) THEN 122 ! 1 timestep before current middle of first time step is still the same day 123 nsec_year = (nday_year-1) * nsecd + nhour*3600+nminute*60 - ndt05 124 nsec_month = (nday-1) * nsecd + nhour*3600+nminute*60 - ndt05 125 ELSE 126 ! 1 time step before the middle of the first time step is the previous day 127 nsec_year = nday_year * nsecd + nhour*3600+nminute*60 - ndt05 128 nsec_month = nday * nsecd + nhour*3600+nminute*60 - ndt05 129 ENDIF 130 nsec_week = idweek * nsecd + nhour*3600+nminute*60 - ndt05 131 nsec_day = nhour*3600+nminute*60 - ndt05 132 IF( nsec_day .lt. 0 ) nsec_day = nsec_day + nsecd 133 IF( nsec_week .lt. 0 ) nsec_week = nsec_week + nsecd*7 129 134 130 135 ! control print 131 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,'(a,i6,a,i2,a,i2,a,i8,a,i8)')' =======>> 1/2 time step before the start of the run DATE Y/M/D = ', & 132 & nyear, '/', nmonth, '/', nday, ' nsec_day:', nsec_day, ' nsec_week:', nsec_week 136 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,'(a,i6,a,i2,a,i2,a,i8,a,i8,a,i8,a,i8)') & 137 & ' =======>> 1/2 time step before the start of the run DATE Y/M/D = ', & 138 & nyear, '/', nmonth, '/', nday, ' nsec_day:', nsec_day, ' nsec_week:', nsec_week, ' & 139 & nsec_month:', nsec_month , ' nsec_year:' , nsec_year 133 140 134 141 ! Up to now, calendar parameters are related to the end of previous run (nit000-1) … … 142 149 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 143 150 !! *** ROUTINE day_init *** 144 !! 151 !! 145 152 !! ** Purpose : calendar values related to the months 146 153 !! … … 154 161 155 162 ! length of the month of the current year (from nleapy, read in namelist) 156 IF ( nleapy < 2 ) THEN 163 IF ( nleapy < 2 ) THEN 157 164 nmonth_len(:) = (/ 31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31 /) 158 165 nyear_len(:) = 365 … … 177 184 ! time since Jan 1st 0 1 2 ... 11 12 13 178 185 ! ---------*--|--*--|--*--| ... |--*--|--*--|--*--|-------------------------------------- 179 ! <---> <---> <---> ... <---> <---> <---> 186 ! <---> <---> <---> ... <---> <---> <---> 180 187 ! month number 0 1 2 ... 11 12 13 181 188 ! … … 190 197 nmonth_end(jm) = nmonth_end(jm-1) + nsecd * nmonth_len(jm) 191 198 END DO 192 ! 193 END SUBROUTINE 199 ! 200 END SUBROUTINE 194 201 195 202 … … 197 204 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 198 205 !! *** ROUTINE day *** 199 !! 206 !! 200 207 !! ** Purpose : Compute the date with a day iteration IF necessary. 201 208 !! … … 209 216 !! - adatrj : date in days since the beginning of the run 210 217 !! - nsec_year : current time of the year (in second since 00h, jan 1st) 211 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 218 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 212 219 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt ! ocean time-step indices 213 220 ! … … 220 227 zprec = 0.1 / rday 221 228 ! ! New time-step 222 nsec_year = nsec_year + ndt 223 nsec_month = nsec_month + ndt 229 nsec_year = nsec_year + ndt 230 nsec_month = nsec_month + ndt 224 231 nsec_week = nsec_week + ndt 225 nsec_day = nsec_day + ndt 232 nsec_day = nsec_day + ndt 226 233 adatrj = adatrj + rdt / rday 227 234 fjulday = fjulday + rdt / rday 228 235 IF( ABS(fjulday - REAL(NINT(fjulday),wp)) < zprec ) fjulday = REAL(NINT(fjulday),wp) ! avoid truncation error 229 236 IF( ABS(adatrj - REAL(NINT(adatrj ),wp)) < zprec ) adatrj = REAL(NINT(adatrj ),wp) ! avoid truncation error 230 237 231 238 IF( nsec_day > nsecd ) THEN ! New day 232 239 ! … … 261 268 262 269 IF( nsec_week > 7*nsecd ) nsec_week = ndt05 ! New week 263 270 264 271 IF(ln_ctl) THEN 265 272 WRITE(charout,FMT="('kt =', I4,' d/m/y =',I2,I2,I4)") kt, nday, nmonth, nyear … … 267 274 ENDIF 268 275 269 ! since we no longer call rst_opn, need to define nitrst here, used by ice restart routine 270 IF( kt == nit000 ) THEN 271 nitrst = nitend 272 lrst_oce = .FALSE. ! init restart ocean (done in rst_opn when not SAS) 273 ENDIF 274 275 IF( MOD( kt - 1, nstock ) == 0 ) THEN 276 ! we use kt - 1 and not kt - nit000 to keep the same periodicity from the beginning of the experiment 277 nitrst = kt + nstock - 1 ! define the next value of nitrst for restart writing 278 IF( nitrst > nitend ) nitrst = nitend ! make sure we write a restart at the end of the run 279 ENDIF 280 276 IF( .NOT. l_offline ) CALL rst_opn( kt ) ! Open the restart file if needed and control lrst_oce 277 IF( lrst_oce ) CALL day_rst( kt, 'WRITE' ) ! write day restart information 278 ! 281 279 IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('day') 282 280 ! … … 312 310 CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: cdrw ! "READ"/"WRITE" flag 313 311 ! 314 REAL(wp) :: zkt, zndastp 312 REAL(wp) :: zkt, zndastp, zdayfrac, ksecs, ktime 313 INTEGER :: ihour, iminute 315 314 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 316 315 … … 337 336 ! define ndastp and adatrj 338 337 IF ( nrstdt == 2 ) THEN 339 ! read the parameters correspond ting to nit000 - 1 (last time step of previous run)338 ! read the parameters corresponding to nit000 - 1 (last time step of previous run) 340 339 CALL iom_get( numror, 'ndastp', zndastp ) 341 340 ndastp = NINT( zndastp ) 342 341 CALL iom_get( numror, 'adatrj', adatrj ) 342 CALL iom_get( numror, 'ntime', ktime ) 343 nn_time0=INT(ktime) 344 ! calculate start time in hours and minutes 345 zdayfrac=adatrj-INT(adatrj) 346 ksecs = NINT(zdayfrac*86400) ! Nearest second to catch rounding errors in adatrj 347 ihour = INT(ksecs/3600) 348 iminute = ksecs/60-ihour*60 349 350 ! Add to nn_time0 351 nhour = nn_time0 / 100 352 nminute = ( nn_time0 - nhour * 100 ) 353 nminute=nminute+iminute 354 355 IF( nminute >= 60 ) THEN 356 nminute=nminute-60 357 nhour=nhour+1 358 ENDIF 359 nhour=nhour+ihour 360 IF( nhour >= 24 ) THEN 361 nhour=nhour-24 362 adatrj=adatrj+1 363 ENDIF 364 nn_time0 = nhour * 100 + nminute 365 adatrj = INT(adatrj) ! adatrj set to integer as nn_time0 updated 343 366 ELSE 344 ! parameters correspondting to nit000 - 1 (as we start the step loop with a call to day) 345 ndastp = ndate0 - 1 ! ndate0 read in the namelist in dom_nam, we assume that we start run at 00:00 367 ! parameters corresponding to nit000 - 1 (as we start the step loop with a call to day) 368 ndastp = ndate0 ! ndate0 read in the namelist in dom_nam 369 nhour = nn_time0 / 100 370 nminute = ( nn_time0 - nhour * 100 ) 371 IF( nhour*3600+nminute*60-ndt05 .lt. 0 ) ndastp=ndastp-1 ! Start hour is specified in the namelist (default 0) 346 372 adatrj = ( REAL( nit000-1, wp ) * rdt ) / rday 347 373 ! note this is wrong if time step has changed during run 348 374 ENDIF 349 375 ELSE 350 ! parameters correspondting to nit000 - 1 (as we start the step loop with a call to day) 351 ndastp = ndate0 - 1 ! ndate0 read in the namelist in dom_nam, we assume that we start run at 00:00 376 ! parameters corresponding to nit000 - 1 (as we start the step loop with a call to day) 377 ndastp = ndate0 ! ndate0 read in the namelist in dom_nam 378 nhour = nn_time0 / 100 379 nminute = ( nn_time0 - nhour * 100 ) 380 IF( nhour*3600+nminute*60-ndt05 .lt. 0 ) ndastp=ndastp-1 ! Start hour is specified in the namelist (default 0) 352 381 adatrj = ( REAL( nit000-1, wp ) * rdt ) / rday 353 382 ENDIF … … 358 387 WRITE(numout,*) ' date ndastp : ', ndastp 359 388 WRITE(numout,*) ' number of elapsed days since the begining of run : ', adatrj 389 WRITE(numout,*) ' nn_time0 : ',nn_time0 360 390 WRITE(numout,*) 361 391 ENDIF … … 373 403 CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'adatrj' , adatrj ) ! number of elapsed days since 374 404 ! ! the begining of the run [s] 405 CALL iom_rstput( kt, nitrst, numrow, 'ntime' , REAL( nn_time0, wp) ) ! time 375 406 ENDIF 376 407 ! 377 408 END SUBROUTINE day_rst 409 378 410 !!====================================================================== 379 411 END MODULE daymod -
r8528 r8583 25 25 USE usrdef_nam ! user defined configuration 26 26 USE daymod ! calendar 27 USE restart ! open restart file 27 28 USE step ! NEMO time-stepping (stp routine) 28 29 USE cpl_oasis3 ! … … 364 365 IF( ln_ctl ) CALL prt_ctl_init ! Print control 365 366 CALL day_init ! model calendar (using both namelist and restart infos) 367 IF( ln_rstart ) CALL rst_read_open 366 368 367 369 CALL sbc_init ! Forcings : surface module -
r8284 r8583 144 144 145 145 for config in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 146 147 146 do 148 147 … … 800 799 set_namelist namelist_cfg cn_exp \"SAS\" 801 800 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_it000 1 802 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_itend 100803 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_stock 50801 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_itend 240 802 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_stock 120 804 803 set_namelist namelist_cfg ln_ctl .false. 805 804 set_namelist namelist_cfg ln_clobber .true. … … 823 822 cd ${EXE_DIR} 824 823 set_namelist namelist_cfg cn_exp \"SAS\" 825 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_it000 51826 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_itend 100824 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_it000 121 825 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_itend 240 827 826 set_namelist namelist_cfg ln_ctl .false. 828 827 set_namelist namelist_cfg ln_clobber .true. … … 835 834 set_namelist namelist_cfg ln_rstart .true. 836 835 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_rstctl 2 837 set_namelist namelist_ice_cfg cn_icerst_in \"SAS_00000050_restart_ice\" 836 set_namelist namelist_cfg nn_date0 010106 837 set_namelist namelist_cfg cn_ocerst_in \"SAS_00000120_restart\" 838 set_namelist namelist_ice_cfg cn_icerst_in \"SAS_00000120_restart_ice\" 838 839 if [ ${USING_MPMD} == "yes" ] ; then 839 840 set_xio_using_server iodef.xml true … … 844 845 L_NPROC=$(( $i - 1 )) 845 846 L_NPROC=`printf "%04d\n" ${L_NPROC}` 846 ln -sf ../LONG/SAS_00000050_restart_ice_${L_NPROC}.nc . 847 ln -sf ../LONG/SAS_00000120_restart_${L_NPROC}.nc . 848 ln -sf ../LONG/SAS_00000120_restart_ice_${L_NPROC}.nc . 847 849 done 848 850 cd ${SETTE_DIR}
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