Changeset 8586
- Timestamp:
- 2017-10-04T09:19:23+02:00 (7 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/2017/dev_r7881_ENHANCE09_RK3
- Files:
- 48 added
- 38 deleted
- 148 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r7646 r8586 11 11 bn_tem = 'amm12_bdyT_tra', 24 , 'votemper', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 12 12 bn_sal = 'amm12_bdyT_tra', 24 , 'vosaline', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 13 ! for lim214 ! bn_frld = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'ileadfra', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''15 ! bn_hicif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'iicethic', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''16 ! bn_hsnif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'isnowthi', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''17 13 ! for lim3 18 14 ! bn_a_i = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'ileadfra', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' -
r6997 r8586 17 17 ! =1 opa-sas OASIS coupling: multi executable configuration, OPA component 18 18 ! =2 opa-sas OASIS coupling: multi executable configuration, SAS component 19 nn_limflx = -1 ! LIM3 Multi-category heat flux formulation (use -1 if LIM3 is not used)20 ! =-1 Use per-category fluxes, bypass redistributor, forced mode only, not yet implemented coupled21 ! = 0 Average per-category fluxes (forced and coupled mode)22 ! = 1 Average and redistribute per-category fluxes, forced mode only, not yet implemented coupled23 ! = 2 Redistribute a single flux over categories (coupled mode only)24 19 ! Sea-ice : 25 nn_ice = 2! =0 no ice boundary condition ,20 nn_ice = 3 ! =0 no ice boundary condition , 26 21 ! =1 use observed ice-cover , 27 ! =2 ice-model used("key_lim3", "key_lim2", "key_cice")22 ! =2-3 ice-model used ("key_lim3", "key_lim2", "key_cice") 28 23 nn_ice_embd = 1 ! =0 levitating ice (no mass exchange, concentration/dilution effect) 29 24 ! =1 levitating ice with mass and salt exchange but no presure effect -
r7646 r8586 1266 1266 ice-ocean fluxes, that are combined with the air-sea fluxes using the ice fraction of 1267 1267 each model cell to provide the surface ocean fluxes. Note that the activation of a 1268 sea-ice model is is done by defining a CPP key (\key{lim 2}, \key{lim3} or \key{cice}).1268 sea-ice model is is done by defining a CPP key (\key{lim3} or \key{cice}). 1269 1269 The activation automatically overwrites the read value of nn{\_}ice to its appropriate 1270 1270 value ($i.e.$ $2$ for LIM-2, $3$ for LIM-3 or $4$ for CICE). -
r7646 r8586 42 42 %NCDF_HOME /opt/local 43 43 %HDF5_HOME /opt/local 44 %XIOS_HOME /Users/ sflod/XIOS44 %XIOS_HOME /Users/$( whoami )/xios-2.0 45 45 %OASIS_HOME /not/defined 46 46 … … 52 52 %OASIS_LIB -L%OASIS_HOME/lib -lpsmile.MPI1 -lmct -lmpeu -lscrip 53 53 54 %CPP cpp-mp-4. 954 %CPP cpp-mp-4.8 55 55 %FC mpif90 56 56 #%FCFLAGS -fdefault-real-8 -O3 -funroll-all-loops -fcray-pointer -ffree-line-length-none -fbounds-check -
r8568 r8586 270 270 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 271 271 / 272 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------273 &namsbc_wave ! External fields from wave model274 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------275 / -
r8215 r8586 1 bld::tool::fppkeys key_c1d 1 bld::tool::fppkeys key_c1d key_zdfgls -
r8215 r8586 1 bld::tool::fppkeys key_top key_mpp_mpi key_nosignedzero1 bld::tool::fppkeys key_top key_mpp_mpi -
r8568 r8586 22 22 &namdom ! space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) 23 23 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 ln_linssh = . true. ! =T linear free surface ==>> model level are fixed in time24 ln_linssh = .false. ! =T linear free surface ==>> model level are fixed in time 25 25 nn_closea = 0 ! remove (=0) or keep (=1) closed seas and lakes (ORCA) 26 26 ! … … 42 42 nn_ice = 0 ! =0 no ice boundary condition , 43 43 ! =1 use observed ice-cover , 44 ! =2 ice-model used ("key_lim3" or "key_lim2)44 ! =2 or 3 automatically for LIM3 or CICE ("key_lim3" or "key_cice") 45 45 ln_rnf = .false. ! runoffs (T => fill namsbc_rnf) 46 46 ln_ssr = .false. ! Sea Surface Restoring on T and/or S (T => fill namsbc_ssr) … … 84 84 &namagrif ! AGRIF zoom ("key_agrif") 85 85 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 nn_cln_update = 1 ! baroclinic update frequency 86 87 / 87 88 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 103 104 rn_ahtbbl = 1000. ! lateral mixing coefficient in the bbl [m2/s] 104 105 rn_gambbl = 10. ! advective bbl coefficient [s] 105 /106 106 / 107 107 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 179 179 &namdyn_hpg ! Hydrostatic pressure gradient option 180 180 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 181 ln_hpg_sco = .true. ! s-coordinate (standard jacobian formulation) 181 182 / 182 183 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r8568 r8586 104 104 / 105 105 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 &namagrif ! AGRIF zoom ("key_agrif") 107 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 108 nn_cln_update = 3 ! baroclinic update frequency 109 / 110 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 111 &nambbc ! bottom temperature boundary condition (default: NO) 107 112 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r7823 r8586 1 1 !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 !! LIM3 configuration namelist: Overwrites SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref 3 !! 1 - Generic parameters (namicerun) 4 !! 2 - Diagnostics (namicediag) 5 !! 3 - Ice initialization (namiceini) 6 !! 4 - Ice discretization (namiceitd) 7 !! 5 - Ice dynamics and transport (namicedyn) 8 !! 6 - Ice diffusion (namicehdf) 9 !! 7 - Ice thermodynamics (namicethd) 10 !! 8 - Ice salinity (namicesal) 11 !! 9 - Ice mechanical redistribution (namiceitdme) 12 !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 !! ESIM configuration namelist: Overwrites SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref 3 !! 1 - Generic parameters (nampar) 4 !! 2 - Ice thickness discretization (namitd) 5 !! 3 - Ice dynamics (namdyn) 6 !! 4 - Ice ridging/rafting (namdyn_rdgrft) 7 !! 5 - Ice rheology (namdyn_rhg) 8 !! 6 - Ice advection (namdyn_adv) 9 !! 7 - Ice surface forcing (namforcing) 10 !! 8 - Ice thermodynamics (namthd) 11 !! 9 - Ice heat diffusion (namthd_zdf) 12 !! 10 - Ice lateral melting (namthd_da) 13 !! 11 - Ice growth in open water (namthd_do) 14 !! 12 - Ice salinity (namthd_sal) 15 !! 13 - Ice melt ponds (nammp) 16 !! 14 - Ice initialization (namini) 17 !! 15 - Ice/snow albedos (namalb) 18 !! 16 - Ice diagnostics (namdia) 19 !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 20 ! 13 21 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 &nam icerun! Generic parameters22 &nampar ! Generic parameters 15 23 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 24 / 17 25 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 &nami cediag ! Diagnostics26 &namitd ! Ice discretization 19 27 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 28 / 21 29 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 &nam iceini ! Ice initialization30 &namdyn ! Ice dynamics 23 31 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 32 / 25 33 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 &nam iceitd ! Ice discretization34 &namdyn_rdgrft ! Ice ridging/rafting 27 35 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 36 / 29 37 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 &nam icedyn ! Ice dynamics and transport38 &namdyn_rhg ! Ice rheology 31 39 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 40 / 33 41 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34 &nam icehdf ! Ice horizontal diffusion42 &namdyn_adv ! Ice advection 35 43 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 44 / 37 45 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 &nam icethd ! Ice thermodynamics46 &namforcing ! Ice surface forcing 39 47 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 48 / 41 49 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42 &nam icesal ! Ice salinity50 &namthd ! Ice thermodynamics 43 51 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 52 / 45 53 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46 &nam iceitdme ! Ice mechanical redistribution (ridging and rafting)54 &namthd_zdf ! Ice heat diffusion 47 55 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48 56 / 57 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58 &namthd_da ! Ice lateral melting 59 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 60 / 61 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 62 &namthd_do ! Ice growth in open water 63 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64 / 65 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 66 &namthd_sal ! Ice salinity 67 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68 / 69 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70 &nammp ! Melt ponds 71 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 72 / 73 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74 &namini ! Ice initialization 75 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76 / 77 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78 &namalb ! albedo parameters 79 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80 / 81 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 82 &namdia ! Diagnostics 83 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 84 / -
r8568 r8586 16 16 ! ! (=F) user defined configuration ==>>> see usrdef(_...) modules 17 17 cn_domcfg = "ORCA_R2_zps_domcfg" ! domain configuration filename 18 / 19 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 &namzgr ! vertical coordinate 21 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 ln_zps = .true. ! z-coordinate - partial steps 18 23 / 19 24 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r8568 r8586 18 18 ! ! (=F) user defined configuration ==>>> see usrdef(_...) modules 19 19 cn_domcfg = "ORCA_R2_zps_domcfg" ! domain configuration filename 20 / 21 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 &namzgr ! vertical coordinate 23 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 ln_zps = .true. ! z-coordinate - partial steps 20 25 / 21 26 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r7635 r8586 21 21 --> 22 22 23 <file_definition type=" multiple_file" name="@expname@_@freq@_@startdate@_@enddate@" sync_freq="10d" min_digits="4">23 <file_definition type="one_file" name="@expname@_@freq@_@startdate@_@enddate@" sync_freq="10d" min_digits="4"> 24 24 25 <file_group id=" 1ts" output_freq="1ts" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1 time step files -->25 <file_group id="2ts" output_freq="2ts" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1 time step files --> 26 26 27 27 <file_group id="1h" output_freq="1h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 1h files --> … … 39 39 <file_group id="3d" output_freq="3d" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 3d files --> 40 40 41 <file_group id=" 5d" output_freq="5d" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 5d files -->41 <file_group id="1ts" output_freq="1ts" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 5d files --> 42 42 43 43 <file id="file1" name_suffix="_grid_T" description="ocean T grid variables" > … … 110 110 111 111 <file id="file6" name_suffix="_icemod" description="ice variables" enabled=".true." > 112 <field field_ref="snowthic_cea" name="snthic" />113 <field field_ref="icethic_cea" name="sithic" />114 112 <field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivolu" /> 115 <field field_ref="snowvol" name="snvolu" />116 <field field_ref="iceconc" name="siconc" />117 118 <field field_ref="vfxbog" name="vfxbog" />119 <field field_ref="vfxdyn" name="vfxdyn" />120 <field field_ref="vfxopw" name="vfxopw" />121 <field field_ref="vfxsni" name="vfxsni" />122 <field field_ref="vfxsum" name="vfxsum" />123 <field field_ref="vfxbom" name="vfxbom" />124 <field field_ref="vfxres" name="vfxres" />125 <field field_ref="vfxice" name="vfxice" />126 <field field_ref="vfxsnw" name="vfxsnw" />127 <field field_ref="vfxsub" name="vfxsub" />128 <field field_ref="vfxspr" name="vfxspr" />129 130 <field field_ref="icetrp" name="sivtrp" />131 <field field_ref="snwtrp" name="snvtrp" />132 <field field_ref="saltrp" name="saltrp" />133 <field field_ref="deitrp" name="deitrp" />134 <field field_ref="destrp" name="destrp" />135 136 <field field_ref="sfxbri" name="sfxbri" />137 <field field_ref="sfxdyn" name="sfxdyn" />138 <field field_ref="sfxres" name="sfxres" />139 <field field_ref="sfxbog" name="sfxbog" />140 <field field_ref="sfxbom" name="sfxbom" />141 <field field_ref="sfxsum" name="sfxsum" />142 <field field_ref="sfxsni" name="sfxsni" />143 <field field_ref="sfxopw" name="sfxopw" />144 <field field_ref="sfx" name="sfx" />145 146 <field field_ref="hfxsum" name="hfxsum" />147 <field field_ref="hfxbom" name="hfxbom" />148 <field field_ref="hfxbog" name="hfxbog" />149 <field field_ref="hfxdif" name="hfxdif" />150 <field field_ref="hfxopw" name="hfxopw" />151 <field field_ref="hfxout" name="hfxout" />152 <field field_ref="hfxin" name="hfxin" />153 <field field_ref="hfxsnw" name="hfxsnw" />154 <field field_ref="hfxerr" name="hfxerr" />155 <field field_ref="hfxerr_rem" name="hfxerr_rem" />156 157 <!-- ice-ocean heat flux from mass exchange -->158 <field field_ref="hfxdyn" name="hfxdyn" />159 <field field_ref="hfxres" name="hfxres" />160 <field field_ref="hfxthd" name="hfxthd" />161 <!-- ice-atm. heat flux from mass exchange -->162 <field field_ref="hfxsub" name="hfxsub" />163 <field field_ref="hfxspr" name="hfxspr" />164 165 <!-- diags -->166 <field field_ref="hfxdhc" name="hfxdhc" />167 <field field_ref="hfxtur" name="hfxtur" />168 169 <field field_ref="isst" name="sst" />170 <field field_ref="isss" name="sss" />171 <field field_ref="micesalt" name="sisali" />172 <field field_ref="micet" name="sitemp" />173 <field field_ref="icest" name="sistem" />174 <field field_ref="icehc" name="siheco" />175 <field field_ref="isnowhc" name="snheco" />176 <field field_ref="miceage" name="siages" />177 178 <field field_ref="uice_ipa" name="sivelu" />179 <field field_ref="vice_ipa" name="sivelv" />180 <field field_ref="icevel" name="sivelo" />181 <field field_ref="idive" name="sidive" />182 <field field_ref="ishear" name="sishea" />183 <field field_ref="icestr" name="sistre" />184 185 <field field_ref="ibrinv" name="sibrin" />186 <field field_ref="icecolf" name="sicolf" />187 188 <field field_ref="iceage_cat" name="siagecat" />189 <field field_ref="iceconc_cat" name="siconcat" />190 <field field_ref="icethic_cat" name="sithicat" />191 <field field_ref="snowthic_cat" name="snthicat" />192 <field field_ref="salinity_cat" name="salincat" />193 <field field_ref="brinevol_cat" name="sibricat" />194 <field field_ref="icetemp_cat" name="sitemcat" />195 <field field_ref="snwtemp_cat" name="sntemcat" />196 113 197 114 </file> 198 199 <file id="file7" name_suffix="_scalar" description="scalar variables" enabled=".true." >200 <field field_ref="voltot" name="scvoltot" />201 <field field_ref="sshtot" name="scsshtot" />202 <field field_ref="sshsteric" name="scsshste" />203 <field field_ref="sshthster" name="scsshtst" />204 <field field_ref="masstot" name="scmastot" />205 <field field_ref="temptot" name="sctemtot" />206 <field field_ref="saltot" name="scsaltot" />207 208 <field field_ref="bgtemper" name="bgtemper" />209 <field field_ref="bgsaline" name="bgsaline" />210 <field field_ref="bgheatco" name="bgheatco" />211 <field field_ref="bgsaltco" name="bgsaltco" />212 <field field_ref="bgvolssh" name="bgvolssh" />213 <field field_ref="bgvole3t" name="bgvole3t" />214 <field field_ref="bgfrcvol" name="bgfrcvol" />215 <field field_ref="bgfrctem" name="bgfrctem" />216 <field field_ref="bgfrcsal" name="bgfrcsal" />217 218 <field field_ref="ibgvoltot" name="ibgvoltot" />219 <field field_ref="sbgvoltot" name="sbgvoltot" />220 <field field_ref="ibgarea" name="ibgarea" />221 <field field_ref="ibgsaline" name="ibgsaline" />222 <field field_ref="ibgtemper" name="ibgtemper" />223 <field field_ref="ibgheatco" name="ibgheatco" />224 <field field_ref="sbgheatco" name="sbgheatco" />225 <field field_ref="ibgsaltco" name="ibgsaltco" />226 227 <field field_ref="ibgvfx" name="ibgvfx" />228 <field field_ref="ibgvfxbog" name="ibgvfxbog" />229 <field field_ref="ibgvfxopw" name="ibgvfxopw" />230 <field field_ref="ibgvfxsni" name="ibgvfxsni" />231 <field field_ref="ibgvfxdyn" name="ibgvfxdyn" />232 <field field_ref="ibgvfxbom" name="ibgvfxbom" />233 <field field_ref="ibgvfxsum" name="ibgvfxsum" />234 <field field_ref="ibgvfxres" name="ibgvfxres" />235 <field field_ref="ibgvfxspr" name="ibgvfxspr" />236 <field field_ref="ibgvfxsnw" name="ibgvfxsnw" />237 <field field_ref="ibgvfxsub" name="ibgvfxsub" />238 239 <field field_ref="ibgsfx" name="ibgsfx" />240 <field field_ref="ibgsfxbri" name="ibgsfxbri" />241 <field field_ref="ibgsfxdyn" name="ibgsfxdyn" />242 <field field_ref="ibgsfxres" name="ibgsfxres" />243 <field field_ref="ibgsfxbog" name="ibgsfxbog" />244 <field field_ref="ibgsfxopw" name="ibgsfxopw" />245 <field field_ref="ibgsfxsni" name="ibgsfxsni" />246 <field field_ref="ibgsfxbom" name="ibgsfxbom" />247 <field field_ref="ibgsfxsum" name="ibgsfxsum" />248 249 <field field_ref="ibghfxdhc" name="ibghfxdhc" />250 <field field_ref="ibghfxspr" name="ibghfxspr" />251 252 <field field_ref="ibghfxres" name="ibghfxres" />253 <field field_ref="ibghfxsub" name="ibghfxsub" />254 <field field_ref="ibghfxdyn" name="ibghfxdyn" />255 <field field_ref="ibghfxthd" name="ibghfxthd" />256 <field field_ref="ibghfxsum" name="ibghfxsum" />257 <field field_ref="ibghfxbom" name="ibghfxbom" />258 <field field_ref="ibghfxbog" name="ibghfxbog" />259 <field field_ref="ibghfxdif" name="ibghfxdif" />260 <field field_ref="ibghfxopw" name="ibghfxopw" />261 <field field_ref="ibghfxout" name="ibghfxout" />262 <field field_ref="ibghfxin" name="ibghfxin" />263 <field field_ref="ibghfxsnw" name="ibghfxsnw" />264 265 <field field_ref="ibgfrcvol" name="ibgfrcvol" />266 <field field_ref="ibgfrcsfx" name="ibgfrcsfx" />267 <field field_ref="ibgvolgrm" name="ibgvolgrm" />268 269 </file>270 115 271 116 <!-- -
r7404 r8586 1 1 !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 !! LIM3 configuration namelist: Overwrites SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref 3 !! 1 - Generic parameters (namicerun) 4 !! 2 - Diagnostics (namicediag) 5 !! 3 - Ice initialization (namiceini) 6 !! 4 - Ice discretization (namiceitd) 7 !! 5 - Ice dynamics and transport (namicedyn) 8 !! 6 - Ice diffusion (namicehdf) 9 !! 7 - Ice thermodynamics (namicethd) 10 !! 8 - Ice salinity (namicesal) 11 !! 9 - Ice mechanical redistribution (namiceitdme) 12 !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 !! ESIM configuration namelist: Overwrites SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref 3 !! 1 - Generic parameters (namice_run) 4 !! 2 - Ice thickness discretization (namice_itd) 5 !! 3 - Ice dynamics (namice_dyn) 6 !! 4 - Ice ridging/rafting (namice_rdgrft) 7 !! 5 - Ice rheology (namice_rhg) 8 !! 6 - Ice advection (namice_adv) 9 !! 7 - Ice thermodynamics (namice_thd) 10 !! 8 - Ice salinity (namice_sal) 11 !! 9 - Ice melt ponds (namice_mp) 12 !! 10 - Ice initialization (namice_ini) 13 !! 11 - Ice/snow albedos (namice_alb) 14 !! 12 - Ice diagnostics (namice_dia) 15 !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 16 ! 13 17 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 &namice run ! Generic parameters18 &namice_run ! Generic parameters 15 19 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 20 / 17 21 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 &namice diag ! Diagnostics22 &namice_itd ! Ice discretization 19 23 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 24 / 21 25 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 &namice ini ! Ice initialization26 &namice_dyn ! Ice dynamics 23 27 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 28 / 25 29 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26 &namice itd ! Ice discretization30 &namice_rdgrft ! Ice ridging/rafting 27 31 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28 32 / 29 33 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 &namice dyn ! Ice dynamics and transport34 &namice_rhg ! Ice rheology 31 35 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 36 / 33 37 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34 &namice hdf ! Ice horizontal diffusion38 &namice_adv ! Ice advection 35 39 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 40 / 37 41 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 &namice thd ! Ice thermodynamics42 &namice_thd ! Ice thermodynamics 39 43 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40 44 / 41 45 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42 &namice sal ! Ice salinity46 &namice_sal ! Ice salinity 43 47 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 48 / 45 49 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46 &namice itdme ! Ice mechanical redistribution (ridging and rafting)50 &namicemp ! Melt ponds 47 51 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48 52 / 53 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54 &namice_ini ! Ice initialization 55 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 56 / 57 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58 &namice_alb ! albedo parameters 59 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 60 / 61 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 62 &namice_dia ! Diagnostics 63 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64 / -
r7767 r8586 12 12 <field_group id="SBC" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > <!-- time step automaticaly defined based on nn_fsbc --> 13 13 14 <!-- LIM2(only) fields --> 15 <field id="qsr_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward solar heat flux (cell average)" standard_name="surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air" unit="W/m2" /> 16 <field id="qns_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 17 <field id="qla_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward Latent heat flux (cell average)" standard_name="surface_downward_latent_heat_flux" unit="W/m2" /> 18 <field id="qsr_io_cea" long_name="Ice-Oce downward solar heat flux (cell average)" standard_name="net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface" unit="W/m2" /> 19 <field id="qns_io_cea" long_name="Ice-Oce downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 20 <field id="iceprod_cea" long_name="Ice production (cell average)" unit="m/s" /> 21 <field id="iiceconc" long_name="Ice concentration" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="1" /> 22 <field id="ice_pres" long_name="Ice presence" unit="" /> 23 <field id="ist_cea" long_name="Ice surface temperature (cell average)" standard_name="surface_temperature" unit="degC" /> 24 <field id="ist_ipa" long_name="Ice surface temperature (ice presence average)" standard_name="surface_temperature" unit="degC" /> 25 <field id="u_imasstr" long_name="Sea-ice mass transport along i-axis" standard_name="sea_ice_x_transport" unit="kg/s" /> 26 <field id="v_imasstr" long_name="Sea-ice mass transport along j-axis" standard_name="sea_ice_y_transport" unit="kg/s" /> 14 <!-- SIMIP LIM fields --> 15 <field id="icethick" long_name="Sea-ice thickness per area" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" unit="m" /> 16 <field id="icethic" long_name="Sea-ice thickness" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" unit="m" /> 17 <field id="uice_mv" long_name="X-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_x_velocity" unit="m/s" /> 18 <field id="vice_mv" long_name="Y-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_y_velocity" unit="m/s" /> 19 <field id="icevel_mv" long_name="Sea-ice speed" standard_name="sea_ice_speed" unit="m/s" /> 20 <field id="icepres" long_name="Fraction of time steps with sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_time_fraction" unit="" /> 21 <field id="iceconc" long_name="Sea-ice area fraction" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="" /> 22 <field id="iceconc_pct" long_name="Sea-ice area fraction in percent" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction_in_percent" unit="%" > iceconc * 100. </field > 23 <field id="icemass" long_name="Sea-ice mass per area" standard_name="sea_ice_amount" unit="kg/m2" /> 24 <field id="icevolu" long_name="Sea-ice volume per area" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" unit="m" /> 25 <field id="snomass" long_name="Snow mass per area" standard_name="liquid_water_content_of_surface_snow" unit="kg/m2" /> 26 <field id="snothic" long_name="Snow thickness" standard_name="surface_snow_thickness" unit="m" /> 27 28 <field id="iceconc_cat_mv" long_name="Sea-ice area fractions in thickness categories" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction_over_categories" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 29 <field id="iceconc_cat_pct_mv" long_name="Sea-ice area fractions in thickness categories" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction_over_categories" unit="%" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" > iceconc_cat_mv * 100. </field > 30 <field id="icethic_cat_mv" long_name="Sea-ice thickness in thickness categories" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness_over_categories" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 31 <field id="snowthic_cat_mv" long_name="Snow thickness in thickness categories" standard_name="snow_thickness_over_categories" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 32 33 <field id="icestK" long_name="Surface temperature of sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_surface_temperature" unit="K" /> 34 <field id="icesntK" long_name="Temperature at snow-ice interface" standard_name="sea_ice_snow_interface_temperature" unit="K" /> 35 <field id="icebotK" long_name="Temperature at ice-ocean interface" standard_name="sea_ice_bottom_temperature" unit="K" /> 36 37 <field id="iceage" long_name="Age of sea ice" standard_name="age_of_sea_ice" unit="s" /> 38 <field id="icealb" long_name="Sea-ice or snow albedo" standard_name="sea_ice_albedo" unit="" /> 39 <field id="icesmass" long_name="Mass of salt in sea ice per area" standard_name="sea_ice_salt_mass" unit="kg/m2" /> 40 <field id="icesal" long_name="Sea ice salinity" standard_name="sea_ice_salinity" unit="g/kg" /> 41 <field id="icefb" long_name="Sea-ice freeboard" standard_name="sea_ice_freeboard" unit="m" /> 42 43 <field id="icehcneg" long_name="Sea-ice heat content per unit area" standard_name="integral_of_sea_ice_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content" unit="J/m2" > (-1.0)*icehc </field> 44 <field id="isnhcneg" long_name="Snow-heat content per unit area" standard_name="thermal_energy_content_of_surface_snow" unit="J/m2" > </field> 45 46 <field id="wfxsum" long_name="Freshwater flux from sea-ice surface" standard_name="freshwater_flux_from_ice_surface" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 47 48 <field id="afxthd" long_name="sea-ice area fraction change from thermodynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction_due_to_dynamics" unit="s-1" /> 49 <field id="afxdyn" long_name="sea-ice area fraction change from dynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction_due_to_dynamics" unit="s-1" /> 50 51 <field id="dmithd" long_name="sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_thermodynamics" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 52 <field id="dmidyn" long_name="sea-ice mass change from dynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_dynamics" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 53 <field id="dmiopw" long_name="sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (aka frazil)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_freezing_in_open_water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 54 <field id="dmibog" long_name="sea-ice mass change through basal growth" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_congelation_ice_accumulation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 55 <field id="dmisni" long_name="sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_snow_conversion" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 56 <field id="dmtsub" long_name="snow and sea ice mass change through sublimation" standard_name="tendency_of_snow_and_ice_amount_due_to_sublimation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 57 <field id="dmssub" long_name="sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation" standard_name="water_evaporation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 58 <field id="dmisub" long_name="snow mass change through evaporation or sublimation" standard_name="surface_snow_sublimation_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 59 <field id="dmisum" long_name="sea-ice mass change through surface melting" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_surface_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 60 <field id="dmibom" long_name="sea-ice mass change through bottom melting" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 61 62 <field id="dmsspr" long_name="snow mass change through snow fall" standard_name="snowfall_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 63 <field id="dmsmel" long_name="snow mass change through melt" standard_name="surface_snow_melt_flux" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 64 <field id="dmsdyn" long_name="snow mass change through advection by sea-ice dynamics" standard_name="tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_sea_ice_dynamics" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 65 <field id="dmsssi" long_name="snow mass change through snow-to-ice conversion" standard_name="tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_snow_to_ice_conversion" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 66 67 <field id="hfxsenso" long_name="Net sensible heat flux under sea ice" standard_name="ice_ocean_heat_flux" unit="W/m2" /> 68 <field id="hfxconsu" long_name="Net conductive heat flux in ice at the surface" standard_name="conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_surface" unit="W/m2" /> 69 <field id="hfxconbo" long_name="Net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom" standard_name="conductive_heat_flux_at_sea_ice_bottom" unit="W/m2" /> 70 71 <field id="sfx_mv" long_name="Salt flux from sea ice" standard_name="salt_flux_from_ice" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 72 <field id="wfxtot" long_name="Freshwater flux from sea ice" standard_name="freshwater_flux_from_ice" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 73 74 <field id="utau_ice" long_name="X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice" standard_name="surface_downward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> 75 <field id="vtau_ice" long_name="Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice" standard_name="surface_downward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> 76 77 <field id="utau_oi" long_name="X-component of ocean stress on sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_base_upward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> 78 <field id="vtau_oi" long_name="Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice" standard_name="sea_ice_base_upward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> 79 80 <field id="icestr" long_name="Compressive sea ice strength" standard_name="compressive_strength_of_sea_ice" unit="N/m" /> 81 82 <field id="dssh_dx" long_name="Sea-surface tilt term in force balance (x-component)" standard_name="sea_surface_tilt_force_on_sea_ice_x" unit="N/m2" /> 83 <field id="dssh_dy" long_name="Sea-surface tilt term in force balance (y-component)" standard_name="sea_surface_tilt_force_on_sea_ice_y" unit="N/m2" /> 84 85 <field id="corstrx" long_name="Coriolis force term in force balance (x-component)" standard_name="coriolis_force_on_sea_ice_x" unit="N/m2" /> 86 <field id="corstry" long_name="Coriolis force term in force balance (y-component)" standard_name="coriolis_force_on_sea_ice_y" unit="N/m2" /> 87 88 <field id="intstrx" long_name="Internal stress term in force balance (x-component)" standard_name="internal_stress_in_sea_ice_x" unit="N/m2" /> 89 <field id="intstry" long_name="Internal stress term in force balance (y-component)" standard_name="internal_stress_in_sea_ice_y" unit="N/m2" /> 90 91 <field id="xmtrpice" long_name="X-component of ice mass transport" standard_name="ice_x_transport" unit="kg/s" /> 92 <field id="ymtrpice" long_name="Y-component of ice mass transport" standard_name="ice_y_transport" unit="kg/s" /> 93 94 <field id="xmtrpsnw" long_name="X-component of snw mass transport" standard_name="snw_x_transport" unit="kg/s" /> 95 <field id="ymtrpsnw" long_name="Y-component of snw mass transport" standard_name="snw_y_transport" unit="kg/s" /> 96 97 <field id="xatrp" long_name="X-component of ice area transport" standard_name="area_x_transport" unit="m2/s" /> 98 <field id="yatrp" long_name="Y-component of ice area transport" standard_name="area_y_transport" unit="m2/s" /> 99 100 <field id="xmtrptot" long_name="X-component of sea-ice mass transport" standard_name="sea_ice_x_transport" unit="kg/s" > xmtrpice + xmtrpsnw </field> 101 <field id="ymtrptot" long_name="Y-component of sea-ice mass transport" standard_name="sea_ice_y_transport" unit="kg/s" > ymtrpice + ymtrpsnw </field> 102 103 <field id="normstr" long_name="Average normal stress in sea ice" standard_name="average_normal_stress" unit="N/m" /> 104 <field id="sheastr" long_name="Maximum shear stress in sea ice" standard_name="maximum_shear_stress" unit="N/m" /> 105 106 <field id="idive" long_name="Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field" standard_name="divergence_of_sea_ice_velocity" unit="s-1" /> 107 <field id="ishear" long_name="Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field" standard_name="maximum_shear_of_sea_ice_velocity" unit="s-1" /> 108 109 27 110 28 111 <!-- LIM3 fields --> 112 29 113 <field id="ice_cover" long_name="Ice fraction" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="1" /> 30 31 <field id="snowthic_cea" long_name="Snow thickness (cell average)" standard_name="surface_snow_thickness" unit="m" /> 32 <field id="icethic_cea" long_name="Ice thickness (cell average)" standard_name="sea_ice_thickness" unit="m" /> 33 34 <field id="uice_ipa" long_name="Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" standard_name="sea_ice_x_velocity" unit="m/s" /> 35 <field id="vice_ipa" long_name="Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" standard_name="sea_ice_y_velocity" unit="m/s" /> 36 <field id="utau_ice" long_name="Wind stress along i-axis over the ice at i-point" standard_name="surface_downward_x_stress" unit="N/m2" /> 37 <field id="vtau_ice" long_name="Wind stress along j-axis over the ice at i-point" standard_name="surface_downward_y_stress" unit="N/m2" /> 38 39 <field id="iceconc" long_name="ice concentration" standard_name="sea_ice_area_fraction" unit="%" /> 114 <field id="icepres" long_name="Ice presence" unit="" /> 115 116 <field id="uice_ipa" long_name="X-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_x_velocity" unit="m/s" /> 117 <field id="vice_ipa" long_name="Y-component of sea ice velocity" standard_name="sea_ice_y_velocity" unit="m/s" /> 118 <field id="icevel" long_name="Sea-ice speed" standard_name="sea_ice_speed" unit="m/s" /> 40 119 <field id="isst" long_name="sea surface temperature" standard_name="sea_surface_temperature" unit="degC" /> 41 120 <field id="isss" long_name="sea surface salinity" standard_name="sea_surface_salinity" unit="1e-3" /> … … 48 127 <field id="qtr_ice" long_name="solar heat flux transmitted through ice: sum over categories" unit="W/m2" /> 49 128 <field id="qemp_ice" long_name="Downward Heat Flux from E-P over ice" unit="W/m2" /> 50 <field id="micesalt" long_name="Mean ice salinity" unit="1e-3" />51 <field id="miceage" long_name="Mean ice age" unit="years" />52 <field id="alb_ice" long_name="Mean albedo over sea ice" unit="" />53 129 <field id="albedo" long_name="Mean albedo over sea ice and ocean" unit="" /> 54 130 131 <field id="iceamp" long_name="melt pond fraction" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpond_fraction" unit="%" /> 132 <field id="icevmp" long_name="melt pond volume" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpond_volume" unit="m" /> 133 134 <field id="iceconc_cat" long_name="Sea-ice area fractions in thickness categories" unit="" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 135 <field id="icethic_cat" long_name="Sea-ice thickness in thickness categories" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 136 <field id="snowthic_cat" long_name="Snow thickness in thickness categories" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 55 137 <field id="iceage_cat" long_name="Ice age for categories" unit="days" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 56 <field id="iceconc_cat" long_name="Ice concentration for categories" unit="%" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" />57 <field id="icethic_cat" long_name="Ice thickness for categories" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" />58 <field id="snowthic_cat" long_name="Snow thicknessi for categories" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" />59 138 <field id="salinity_cat" long_name="Sea-Ice Bulk salinity for categories" unit="g/kg" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 60 139 <field id="brinevol_cat" long_name="Brine volume for categories" unit="%" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 61 140 <field id="icetemp_cat" long_name="Ice temperature for categories" unit="degC" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 62 141 <field id="snwtemp_cat" long_name="Snow temperature for categories" unit="degC" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 142 <field id="iceamp_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond fraction for categories" unit="%" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 143 <field id="icevmp_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond volume for categories" unit="m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D_ncatice" /> 63 144 64 145 <field id="micet" long_name="Mean ice temperature" unit="degC" /> 65 <field id="icehc" long_name="ice total heat content" unit="10^9J" /> 66 <field id="isnowhc" long_name="snow total heat content" unit="10^9J" /> 146 <field id="miceage" long_name="Age of sea ice" unit="s" /> 147 <field id="micesalt" long_name="Sea ice salinity" unit="g/kg" /> 148 <field id="icehc" long_name="ice total heat content" unit="J/m2" /> 149 <field id="isnowhc" long_name="snow total heat content" unit="J/m2" /> 67 150 <field id="icest" long_name="ice surface temperature" unit="degC" /> 68 151 <field id="ibrinv" long_name="brine volume" unit="%" /> 69 152 <field id="icecolf" long_name="frazil ice collection thickness" unit="m" /> 70 <field id="icestr" long_name="ice strength" unit="N/m" />71 <field id="icevel" long_name="ice velocity" unit="m/s" />72 <field id="idive" long_name="divergence" unit="1e-8s-1" />73 <field id="ishear" long_name="shear" unit="1e-8s-1" />74 <field id="icevolu" long_name="ice volume" unit="m" />75 153 <field id="snowvol" long_name="snow volume" unit="m" /> 76 154 <field id="tau_icebfr" long_name="ice friction on ocean bottom for landfast ice" unit="N/2" /> 77 155 78 <field id="icetrp" long_name="ice volume transport" unit="m/day" />79 <field id="snwtrp" long_name="snw volume transport" unit="m/day" />80 <field id="saltrp" long_name="salt content transport" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" />156 <field id="icetrp" long_name="ice mass transport" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 157 <field id="snwtrp" long_name="snw mass transport" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 158 <field id="saltrp" long_name="salt transport" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 81 159 <field id="deitrp" long_name="advected ice enthalpy" unit="W/m2" /> 82 160 <field id="destrp" long_name="advected snw enthalpy" unit="W/m2" /> 83 161 84 <field id="sfxbri" long_name="brine salt flux" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 85 <field id="sfxdyn" long_name="salt flux from ridging rafting" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 86 <field id="sfxres" long_name="salt flux from lipupdate (resultant)" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 87 <field id="sfxbog" long_name="salt flux from bot growth" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 88 <field id="sfxbom" long_name="salt flux from bot melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 89 <field id="sfxsum" long_name="salt flux from surf melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 90 <field id="sfxlam" long_name="salt flux from lateral melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 91 <field id="sfxsni" long_name="salt flux from snow-ice formation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 92 <field id="sfxopw" long_name="salt flux from open water ice formation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 93 <field id="sfxsub" long_name="salt flux from sublimation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 94 <field id="sfx" long_name="salt flux total" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/day" /> 95 96 <field id="vfxbog" long_name="daily bottom thermo ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 97 <field id="vfxdyn" long_name="daily dynamic ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 98 <field id="vfxopw" long_name="daily lateral thermo ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 99 <field id="vfxsni" long_name="daily snowice ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 100 <field id="vfxsum" long_name="surface melt" unit="m/day" /> 101 <field id="vfxlam" long_name="lateral melt" unit="m/day" /> 102 <field id="vfxbom" long_name="bottom melt" unit="m/day" /> 103 <field id="vfxres" long_name="daily resultant ice prod./melting from limupdate" unit="m/day" /> 104 <field id="vfxice" long_name="ice melt/growth" unit="m/day" /> 105 <field id="vfxsnw" long_name="snw melt/growth" unit="m/day" /> 106 <field id="vfxsub" long_name="snw sublimation" unit="m/day" /> 107 <field id="vfxsub_err" long_name="excess of snw sublimation sent to ocean" unit="m/day" /> 108 <field id="vfxspr" long_name="snw precipitation on ice" unit="m/day" /> 109 <field id="vfxthin" long_name="daily thermo ice prod. for thin ice(20cm) + open water" unit="m/day" /> 110 111 <field id="afxtot" long_name="area tendency (total)" unit="day-1" /> 112 <field id="afxdyn" long_name="area tendency (dynamics)" unit="day-1" /> 113 <field id="afxthd" long_name="area tendency (thermo)" unit="day-1" /> 162 <field id="sfxbri" long_name="salt flux from brines" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 163 <field id="sfxdyn" long_name="salt flux from ridging rafting" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 164 <field id="sfxres" long_name="salt flux from lipupdate (resultant)" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 165 <field id="sfxbog" long_name="salt flux from bot growth" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 166 <field id="sfxbom" long_name="salt flux from bot melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 167 <field id="sfxsum" long_name="salt flux from surf melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 168 <field id="sfxlam" long_name="salt flux from lateral melt" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 169 <field id="sfxsni" long_name="salt flux from snow-ice formation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 170 <field id="sfxopw" long_name="salt flux from open water ice formation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 171 <field id="sfxsub" long_name="salt flux from sublimation" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 172 <field id="sfx" long_name="Salt flux from sea ice" unit="1e-3*kg/m2/s" /> 173 174 <field id="vfxbog" long_name="bottom thermo ice prod." unit="kg/m2/s" /> 175 <field id="vfxdyn" long_name="dynamic ice prod." unit="kg/m2/s" /> 176 <field id="vfxopw" long_name="lateral thermo ice prod." unit="kg/m2/s" /> 177 <field id="vfxsni" long_name="snowice ice prod." unit="kg/m2/s" /> 178 <field id="vfxsum" long_name="surface melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 179 <field id="vfxlam" long_name="lateral melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 180 <field id="vfxbom" long_name="bottom melt" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 181 <field id="vfxres" long_name="resultant ice prod./melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 182 <field id="vfxice" long_name="ice melt/growth" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 183 <field id="vfxsnw" long_name="snw melt/growth" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 184 <field id="vfxsub" long_name="snw sublimation" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 185 <field id="vfxsub_err" long_name="excess of snw sublimation sent to ocean" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 186 <field id="vfxspr" long_name="snw precipitation on ice" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 187 <field id="vfxthin" long_name="thermo ice prod. for thin ice(20cm) + open water" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 188 189 <field id="afxtot" long_name="area tendency (total)" unit="s-1" /> 114 190 115 191 <field id="hfxsum" long_name="heat fluxes causing surface ice melt" unit="W/m2" /> … … 135 211 <field id="hfxtur" long_name="turbulent heat flux at the ice base" unit="W/m2" /> 136 212 137 <!-- sbcssm variables -->213 <!-- sbcssm variables --> 138 214 <field id="sst_m" unit="degC" /> 139 215 <field id="sss_m" unit="psu" /> … … 144 220 <field id="frq_m" unit="-" /> 145 221 222 <!-- specific for rheology --> 223 <field id="isig1" long_name="1st principal stress component for EVP rhg" unit="unitless" /> 224 <field id="isig2" long_name="2nd principal stress component for EVP rhg" unit="unitless" /> 225 <field id="isig3" long_name="convergence measure for EVP rheology (must be =1)" unit="unitless" /> 226 146 227 </field_group> 147 228 … … 149 230 <field_group id="SBC_scalar" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" > 150 231 <!-- available with ln_limdiaout --> 151 <field id="ibgfrcvoltop" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing at interface ice/snow-atm (volume equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" />152 <field id="ibgfrcvolbot" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing at interface ice/snow-ocean (volume equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" />153 <field id="ibgfrctemtop" long_name="global mean heat on top of ice/snw/ocean-atm " unit="1e20J" />154 <field id="ibgfrctembot" long_name="global mean heat below ice (on top of ocean) " unit="1e20J" />155 <field id="ibgfrcsal" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing (salt equivalent ocean volume)" unit="pss*km3" />156 <field id="ibgfrchfxtop" long_name="global mean heat flux on top of ice/snw/ocean-atm " unit="W/m2" />157 <field id="ibgfrchfxbot" long_name="global mean heat flux below ice (on top of ocean) " unit="W/m2" />232 <field id="ibgfrcvoltop" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing at interface ice/snow-atm (volume equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" /> 233 <field id="ibgfrcvolbot" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing at interface ice/snow-ocean (volume equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" /> 234 <field id="ibgfrctemtop" long_name="global mean heat on top of ice/snw/ocean-atm " unit="1e20J" /> 235 <field id="ibgfrctembot" long_name="global mean heat below ice (on top of ocean) " unit="1e20J" /> 236 <field id="ibgfrcsal" long_name="global mean ice/snow forcing (salt equivalent ocean volume)" unit="pss*km3" /> 237 <field id="ibgfrchfxtop" long_name="global mean heat flux on top of ice/snw/ocean-atm " unit="W/m2" /> 238 <field id="ibgfrchfxbot" long_name="global mean heat flux below ice (on top of ocean) " unit="W/m2" /> 158 239 159 <field id="ibgvolume" long_name="drift in ice/snow volume (equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" /> 160 <field id="ibgsaltco" long_name="drift in ice salt content (equivalent ocean volume)" unit="pss*km3" /> 161 <field id="ibgheatco" long_name="drift in ice/snow heat content" unit="1e20J" /> 162 <field id="ibgheatfx" long_name="drift in ice/snow heat flux" unit="W/m2" /> 163 164 <field id="ibgvol_tot" long_name="global mean ice volume" unit="km3" /> 165 <field id="sbgvol_tot" long_name="global mean snow volume" unit="km3" /> 166 <field id="ibgarea_tot" long_name="global mean ice area" unit="km2" /> 167 <field id="ibgsalt_tot" long_name="global mean ice salt content" unit="1e-3*km3" /> 168 <field id="ibgheat_tot" long_name="global mean ice heat content" unit="1e20J" /> 169 <field id="sbgheat_tot" long_name="global mean snow heat content" unit="1e20J" /> 240 <field id="ibgvolume" long_name="drift in ice/snow volume (equivalent ocean volume)" unit="km3" /> 241 <field id="ibgsaltco" long_name="drift in ice salt content (equivalent ocean volume)" unit="pss*km3" /> 242 <field id="ibgheatco" long_name="drift in ice/snow heat content" unit="1e20J" /> 243 <field id="ibgheatfx" long_name="drift in ice/snow heat flux" unit="W/m2" /> 244 245 <field id="ibgvol_tot" long_name="global mean ice volume" unit="km3" /> 246 <field id="sbgvol_tot" long_name="global mean snow volume" unit="km3" /> 247 <field id="ibgarea_tot" long_name="global mean ice area" unit="km2" /> 248 <field id="ibgsalt_tot" long_name="global mean ice salt content" unit="1e-3*km3" /> 249 <field id="ibgheat_tot" long_name="global mean ice heat content" unit="1e20J" /> 250 <field id="sbgheat_tot" long_name="global mean snow heat content" unit="1e20J" /> 251 252 <field id="NH_iceextt" long_name="Sea ice extent North" standard_name="sea_ice_extent_n" unit="1e6_km2" /> 253 <field id="SH_iceextt" long_name="Sea ice extent South" standard_name="sea_ice_extent_s" unit="1e6_km2" /> 254 <field id="NH_icevolu" long_name="Sea ice volume North" standard_name="sea_ice_volume_n" unit="1e3_km3" /> 255 <field id="SH_icevolu" long_name="Sea ice volume South" standard_name="sea_ice_volume_s" unit="1e3_km3" /> 256 <field id="NH_icearea" long_name="Sea ice area North" standard_name="sea_ice_area_n" unit="1e6_km2" /> 257 <field id="SH_icearea" long_name="Sea ice area South" standard_name="sea_ice_area_s" unit="1e6_km2" /> 258 259 <field id="strait_mifl" long_name="Sea ice mass flux through straits" standard_name="sea_ice_mass_transport_across_line" unit="kg/s" grid_ref="grid_4strait" /> 260 <field id="strait_arfl" long_name="Sea ice area flux through straits" standard_name="sea_ice_area_transport_across_line" unit="m2/s" grid_ref="grid_4strait" /> 261 <field id="strait_msfl" long_name="Sea ice snow flux through straits" standard_name="snow_mass_transport_across_line" unit="kg/s" grid_ref="grid_4strait" /> 262 170 263 </field_group> 171 264 … … 176 269 177 270 <field_group id="myvarICE" > 178 <field field_ref="icethic _cea"name="sithic" long_name="sea_ice_thickness" />271 <field field_ref="icethick" name="sithic" long_name="sea_ice_thickness" /> 179 272 <field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivolu" /> 180 273 <field field_ref="iceconc" name="siconc" /> 181 274 </field_group> 182 275 276 <field_group id="ICE_globalbudget"> 277 278 <field field_ref="ibgvol_tot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgvol_tot" /> 279 <field field_ref="sbgvol_tot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="sbgvol_tot" /> 280 <field field_ref="ibgarea_tot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgarea_tot" /> 281 <field field_ref="ibgsalt_tot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgsalt_tot" /> 282 <field field_ref="ibgheat_tot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgheat_tot" /> 283 <field field_ref="sbgheat_tot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="sbgheat_tot" /> 284 285 <field field_ref="ibgvolume" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgvolume" /> 286 <field field_ref="ibgsaltco" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgsaltco" /> 287 <field field_ref="ibgheatco" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgheatco" /> 288 <field field_ref="ibgheatfx" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgheatfx" /> 289 290 <field field_ref="ibgfrcvoltop" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgfrcvoltop" /> 291 <field field_ref="ibgfrcvolbot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgfrcvolbot" /> 292 <field field_ref="ibgfrctemtop" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgfrctemtop" /> 293 <field field_ref="ibgfrctembot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgfrctembot" /> 294 <field field_ref="ibgfrcsal" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgfrcsal" /> 295 <field field_ref="ibgfrchfxtop" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgfrchfxtop" /> 296 <field field_ref="ibgfrchfxbot" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="ibgfrchfxbot" /> 297 298 </field_group> 299 300 301 <!--============================--> 302 <!-- SIMIP sea ice field groups --> 303 <!-- Notz et al 2016 --> 304 <!--============================--> 305 306 <!-- SIMIP monthly scalar variables --> 307 <field_group id="SImon_scalars"> 308 <!-- Integrated quantities --> 309 <field field_ref="NH_iceextt" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="siextentn" /> 310 <field field_ref="SH_iceextt" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="siextents" /> 311 <field field_ref="NH_icevolu" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="sivoln" /> 312 <field field_ref="SH_icevolu" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="sivols" /> 313 <field field_ref="NH_icearea" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="siarean" /> 314 <field field_ref="SH_icearea" grid_ref="grid_1point" name="siareas" /> 315 </field_group> 316 317 <!-- SIMIP daily fields --> <field_group id="SIday_fields"> 318 <field field_ref="icepres" name="sitimefrac" /> 319 <field field_ref="iceconc_pct" name="siconc" /> 320 <field field_ref="icethic" name="sithick" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 321 <field field_ref="snothic" name="sisnthick" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 322 <field field_ref="icestK" name="sitemptop" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 323 <field field_ref="uice_mv" name="siu" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 324 <field field_ref="vice_mv" name="siv" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 325 <field field_ref="icevel_mv" name="sispeed" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 326 </field_group> 327 328 <!-- SIMIP monthly fields --> 329 <field_group id="SImon_fields"> 330 <!-- Sea-ice state variables --> 331 <field field_ref="icepres" name="sitimefrac" /> 332 <field field_ref="iceconc_pct" name="siconc" /> 333 <field field_ref="icemass" name="simass" /> 334 <field field_ref="icethic" name="sithick" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 335 <field field_ref="icevolu" name="sivol" /> 336 <field field_ref="snomass" name="sisnmass" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 337 <field field_ref="snothic" name="sisnthick" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 338 339 <!-- category-dependent fields --> 340 <field field_ref="iceconc_cat_pct_mv" name="siitdconc" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 341 <field field_ref="icethic_cat_mv" name="siitdthick" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 342 <field field_ref="snowthic_cat_mv" name="siitdsnthick" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average"/> 343 344 <!-- additional state variables--> 345 <field field_ref="icestK" name="sitemptop" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 346 <field field_ref="icesntK" name="sitempsnic" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 347 <field field_ref="icebotK" name="sitempbot" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 348 <field field_ref="iceage" name="siage" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 349 <field field_ref="icesmass" name="sisaltmass" /> 350 <field field_ref="icesal" name="sisali" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 351 <field field_ref="icefb" name="sifb" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 352 <field field_ref="icehcneg" name="sihc" /> 353 <field field_ref="isnhcneg" name="sisnhc" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 354 355 <!-- freshwater fluxes --> 356 <field field_ref="wfxtot" name="siflfwbot" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 357 <field field_ref="wfxsum" name="siflfwdrain" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 358 359 <!-- area balance --> 360 <field field_ref="afxthd" name="sidconcth" /> 361 <field field_ref="afxdyn" name="sidconcdyn" /> 362 363 <!-- mass balance --> 364 <field field_ref="dmithd" name="sidmassth" /> 365 <field field_ref="dmidyn" name="sidmassdyn" /> 366 <field field_ref="dmiopw" name="sidmassgrowthwat" /> 367 <field field_ref="dmibog" name="sidmassgrowthbot" /> 368 <field field_ref="dmisni" name="sidmasssi" /> 369 <field field_ref="dmisub" name="sidmassevapsubl" /> 370 <field field_ref="dmisum" name="sidmassmelttop" /> 371 <field field_ref="dmibom" name="sidmassmeltbot" /> 372 <field field_ref="dmsspr" name="sndmasssnf" /> 373 <field field_ref="dmsmel" name="sndmassmelt" /> 374 <field field_ref="dmssub" name="sndmasssubl" /> 375 <field field_ref="dmsdyn" name="sndmassdyn" /> 376 <field field_ref="dmsssi" name="sndmasssi" /> 377 378 <!-- heat balance --> 379 <field field_ref="hfxsenso" name="siflsensupbot" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 380 <field field_ref="hfxconsu" name="siflcondtop" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 381 <field field_ref="hfxconbo" name="siflcondbot" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 382 383 <!-- salt balance --> 384 <field field_ref="sfx_mv" name="siflsaltbot" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 385 386 <!-- sea-ice dynamics --> 387 <field field_ref="uice_mv" name="siu" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 388 <field field_ref="vice_mv" name="siv" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 389 <field field_ref="icevel_mv" name="sispeed" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 390 391 <field field_ref="utau_ice" name="sistrxdtop" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 392 <field field_ref="vtau_ice" name="sistrydtop" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 393 394 <field field_ref="utau_oi" name="sistrxubot" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 395 <field field_ref="vtau_oi" name="sistryubot" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 396 397 <field field_ref="icestr" name="sicompstren" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 398 399 <field field_ref="dssh_dx" name="siforcetiltx" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 400 <field field_ref="dssh_dy" name="siforcetilty" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 401 402 <field field_ref="corstrx" name="siforcecoriolx" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 403 <field field_ref="corstry" name="siforcecorioly" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 404 405 <field field_ref="intstrx" name="siforceintstrx" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 406 <field field_ref="intstry" name="siforceintstry" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="average" /> 407 408 <field field_ref="xmtrptot" name="sidmasstranx" /> 409 <field field_ref="ymtrptot" name="sidmasstrany" /> 410 411 <field field_ref="normstr" name="sistresave" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="instant" /> 412 <field field_ref="sheastr" name="sistremax" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="instant" /> 413 414 <field field_ref="idive" name="sidivvel" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="instant" /> 415 <field field_ref="ishear" name="sishevel" default_value="1.0e20" detect_missing_value="true" operation="instant" /> 416 417 <!-- sea ice fluxes across straits: 2D arrays to be post-processed --> 418 <field field_ref="xmtrpice" name="simassacrossline_x" /> 419 <field field_ref="ymtrpice" name="simassacrossline_y" /> 420 <field field_ref="xmtrpsnw" name="snmassacrossline_x" /> 421 <field field_ref="ymtrpsnw" name="snmassacrossline_y" /> 422 <field field_ref="xatrp" name="siareaacrossline_x" /> 423 <field field_ref="yatrp" name="siareaacrossline_y" /> 424 425 </field_group> 426 183 427 </field_definition> -
r8215 r8586 207 207 208 208 <!-- * variable related to ice shelf forcing * --> 209 <field id="fwfisf" long_name="Ice shelf melting" unit="Kg/m2/s" />209 <field id="fwfisf" long_name="Ice shelf melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 210 210 <field id="fwfisf3d" long_name="Ice shelf melting" unit="kg/m2/s" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" /> 211 211 <field id="qlatisf" long_name="Ice shelf latent heat flux" unit="W/m2" /> … … 215 215 <field id="isfgammat" long_name="transfert coefficient for isf (temperature) " unit="m/s" /> 216 216 <field id="isfgammas" long_name="transfert coefficient for isf (salinity) " unit="m/s" /> 217 217 <field id="stbl" long_name="salinity in the Losh tbl " unit="PSU" /> 218 218 <field id="ttbl" long_name="temperature in the Losh tbl " unit="C" /> 219 219 <field id="utbl" long_name="zonal current in the Losh tbl at T point " unit="m/s" /> … … 238 238 <field id="calving_cea" long_name="Calving" standard_name="water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 239 239 <field id="iceberg_cea" long_name="Iceberg" standard_name="water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 240 <field id="iceshelf_cea" long_name="Iceshelf" standard_name="water_flux_into_sea_water_from_iceshelf" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 240 <field id="iceshelf_cea" long_name="Iceshelf" standard_name="water_flux_into_sea_water_from_iceshelf" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 241 241 242 242 243 <!-- available if key_oasis3 + conservative method --> … … 253 254 <field id="hflx_ice_cea" long_name="heat flux due to ice thermodynamics" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics" unit="W/m2" /> 254 255 <field id="hflx_rnf_cea" long_name="heat flux due to runoffs" standard_name="temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water" unit="W/m2" /> 255 <field id="hflx_cal_cea" long_name="heat flux due to calving" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics" unit="W/m2" /> 256 <field id="hflx_cal_cea" long_name="heat flux due to calving" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_calving" unit="W/m2" /> 257 <field id="hflx_icb_cea" long_name="heat flux due to iceberg" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_icebergs" unit="W/m2" /> 258 <field id="hflx_isf_cea" long_name="heat flux due to iceshelf" standard_name="heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceshelf" unit="W/m2" /> 256 259 <field id="bicemel_cea" long_name="Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base (cell average)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> 257 260 <field id="licepro_cea" long_name="Lateral Sea Ice Growth Rate (cell average)" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_growth_of_ice_floes" unit="kg/m2/s" /> … … 307 310 <field id="uoce_eiv" long_name="EIV ocean current along i-axis" standard_name="bolus_sea_water_x_velocity" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> 308 311 309 <!-- variables available when ln_trabbl = T-->312 <!-- uoce_eiv: available with key_trabbl --> 310 313 <field id="uoce_bbl" long_name="BBL ocean current along i-axis" unit="m/s" /> 311 314 <field id="ahu_bbl" long_name="BBL diffusive flux along i-axis" unit="m3/s" /> … … 355 358 <field id="voce_eiv" long_name="EIV ocean current along j-axis" standard_name="bolus_sea_water_y_velocity" unit="m/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> 356 359 357 <!-- v ariables available when ln_trabbl = T-->360 <!-- voce_eiv: available with key_trabbl --> 358 361 <field id="voce_bbl" long_name="BBL ocean current along j-axis" unit="m/s" /> 359 362 <field id="ahv_bbl" long_name="BBL diffusive flux along j-axis" unit="m3/s" /> … … 390 393 <field id="avm" long_name="vertical eddy viscosity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> 391 394 392 <!-- avs: if ln_zdfddm=F avs=avt-->395 <!-- avs: available with key_zdfddm --> 393 396 <field id="avs" long_name="salt vertical eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> 394 397 <field id="logavs" long_name="logarithm of salt vertical eddy diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity" unit="m2/s" /> … … 398 401 <field id="avm_evd" long_name="convective enhancement of vertical viscosity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_convection" unit="m2/s" /> 399 402 400 <!-- variables available with ln_zdfiwm =T --> 403 <!-- avt_tide: available with key_zdftmx --> 404 <field id="av_tide" long_name="tidal vertical diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_tides" unit="m2/s" /> 405 406 <!-- variables available with key_zdftmx_new --> 401 407 <field id="av_ratio" long_name="S over T diffusivity ratio" standard_name="salinity_over_temperature_diffusivity_ratio" unit="1" /> 402 408 <field id="av_wave" long_name="wave-induced vertical diffusivity" standard_name="ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_internal_waves" unit="m2/s" /> 403 <field id="bflx_ iwm" long_name="wave-induced buoyancy flux" standard_name="buoyancy_flux_due_to_internal_waves" unit="W/kg" />404 <field id="pcmap_ iwm" long_name="power consumed by wave-driven mixing" standard_name="vertically_integrated_power_consumption_by_wave_driven_mixing" unit="W/m2" grid_ref="grid_W_2D" />405 <field id="emix_ iwm" long_name="power density available for mixing" standard_name="power_available_for_mixing_from_breaking_internal_waves" unit="W/kg" />409 <field id="bflx_tmx" long_name="wave-induced buoyancy flux" standard_name="buoyancy_flux_due_to_internal_waves" unit="W/kg" /> 410 <field id="pcmap_tmx" long_name="power consumed by wave-driven mixing" standard_name="vertically_integrated_power_consumption_by_wave_driven_mixing" unit="W/m2" grid_ref="grid_W_2D" /> 411 <field id="emix_tmx" long_name="power density available for mixing" standard_name="power_available_for_mixing_from_breaking_internal_waves" unit="W/kg" /> 406 412 407 413 <!-- variables available with diaar5 --> -
r7813 r8586 1 1 !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 !! LIM3 namelist: 3 !! 1 - Generic parameters (namicerun) 4 !! 2 - Diagnostics (namicediag) 5 !! 3 - Ice initialization (namiceini) 6 !! 4 - Ice discretization (namiceitd) 7 !! 5 - Ice dynamics and transport (namicedyn) 8 !! 6 - Ice diffusion (namicehdf) 9 !! 7 - Ice thermodynamics (namicethd) 10 !! 8 - Ice salinity (namicesal) 11 !! 9 - Ice mechanical redistribution (namiceitdme) 2 !! ESIM namelist: 3 !! 1 - Generic parameters (nampar) 4 !! 2 - Ice thickness discretization (namitd) 5 !! 3 - Ice dynamics (namdyn) 6 !! 4 - Ice ridging/rafting (namdyn_rdgrft) 7 !! 5 - Ice rheology (namdyn_rhg) 8 !! 6 - Ice advection (namdyn_adv) 9 !! 7 - Ice surface forcing (namforcing) 10 !! 8 - Ice thermodynamics (namthd) 11 !! 9 - Ice heat diffusion (namthd_zdf) 12 !! 10 - Ice lateral melting (namthd_da) 13 !! 11 - Ice growth in open water (namthd_do) 14 !! 12 - Ice salinity (namthd_sal) 15 !! 13 - Ice melt ponds (nammp) 16 !! 14 - Ice initialization (namini) 17 !! 15 - Ice/snow albedos (namalb) 18 !! 16 - Ice diagnostics (namdia) 12 19 !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 13 20 ! 14 21 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 &namicerun ! Generic parameters 16 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 jpl = 5 ! number of ice categories 18 nlay_i = 2 ! number of ice layers 19 nlay_s = 1 ! number of snow layers (only 1 is working) 20 rn_amax_n = 0.997 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration NH 21 rn_amax_s = 0.997 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration SH 22 cn_icerst_in = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (input) 23 cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (output) 24 cn_icerst_indir = "." ! directory to read input ice restarts 25 cn_icerst_outdir = "." ! directory to write output ice restarts 26 ln_limthd = .true. ! ice thermo (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 27 ln_limdyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 28 nn_limdyn = 2 ! (ln_limdyn=T) switch for ice dynamics 29 ! 2: total 30 ! 1: advection only (no diffusion, no ridging/rafting) 31 ! 0: advection only (as 1 but with prescribed velocity, bypass rheology) 32 rn_uice = 0.00001 ! (nn_limdyn=0) ice u-velocity 33 rn_vice = -0.00001 ! (nn_limdyn=0) ice v-velocity 34 / 35 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36 &namicediag ! Diagnostics 37 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 ln_limdiachk = .false. ! check online the heat, mass & salt budgets (T) or not (F) 39 ln_limdiahsb = .false. ! output the heat, mass & salt budgets (T) or not (F) 40 ln_limctl = .false. ! ice points output for debug (T or F) 41 iiceprt = 10 ! i-index for debug 42 jiceprt = 10 ! j-index for debug 43 / 44 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45 &namiceini ! Ice initialization 46 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47 ! -- limistate -- ! 48 ln_limini = .true. ! activate ice initialization (T) or not (F) 49 ln_limini_file = .false. ! netcdf file provided for initialization (T) or not (F) 50 rn_thres_sst = 2.0 ! maximum water temperature with initial ice (degC) 51 rn_hts_ini_n = 0.3 ! initial real snow thickness (m), North 52 rn_hts_ini_s = 0.3 ! " " South 53 rn_hti_ini_n = 3.0 ! initial real ice thickness (m), North 54 rn_hti_ini_s = 1.0 ! " " South 55 rn_ati_ini_n = 0.9 ! initial ice concentration (-), North 56 rn_ati_ini_s = 0.9 ! " " South 57 rn_smi_ini_n = 6.3 ! initial ice salinity (g/kg), North 58 rn_smi_ini_s = 6.3 ! " " South 59 rn_tmi_ini_n = 270. ! initial ice/snw temperature (K), North 60 rn_tmi_ini_s = 270. ! " " South 61 / 62 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63 &namiceitd ! Ice discretization 64 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65 nn_catbnd = 2 ! computation of ice category boundaries based on 66 ! 1: tanh function 67 ! 2: h^(-alpha), function of rn_himean 68 rn_himean = 2.0 ! expected domain-average ice thickness (m), nn_catbnd = 2 only 69 / 70 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71 &namicedyn ! Ice dynamics and transport 72 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 73 ! -- limtrp & limadv -- ! 74 nn_limadv = 0 ! choose the advection scheme (-1=Prather ; 0=Ultimate-Macho) 75 nn_limadv_ord = 5 ! choose the order of the advection scheme (if nn_limadv=0) 76 ! -- limitd_me -- ! 77 nn_icestr = 0 ! ice strength parameteriztaion 78 ! 0: Hibler_79 P = pstar*<h>*exp(-c_rhg*A) 79 ! 1: Rothrock_75 P = Cf*coeff*integral(wr.h^2) 80 rn_pe_rdg = 17.0 ! (nn_icestr=1) ridging work divided by pot. energy change in ridging 81 rn_pstar = 2.0e+04 ! (nn_icestr=0) ice strength thickness parameter (N/m2) 82 rn_crhg = 20.0 ! (nn_icestr=0) ice strength conc. parameter (-) 83 ln_icestr_bvf = .false. ! ice strength function brine volume (T) or not (F) 84 ! 85 ! -- limdyn & limrhg -- ! 86 rn_cio = 5.0e-03 ! ice-ocean drag coefficient (-) 87 rn_creepl = 1.0e-12 ! creep limit (s-1) 88 rn_ecc = 2.0 ! eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve 89 nn_nevp = 120 ! number of EVP subcycles 90 rn_relast = 0.333 ! ratio of elastic timescale to ice time step: Telast = dt_ice * rn_relast 91 ! advised value: 1/3 (rn_nevp=120) or 1/9 (rn_nevp=300) 92 ln_landfast = .false. ! landfast ice parameterization (T or F) 93 rn_gamma = 0.15 ! (ln_landfast=T) fraction of ocean depth that ice must reach to initiate landfast 94 ! recommended range: [0.1 ; 0.25] 95 rn_icebfr = 10. ! (ln_landfast=T) maximum bottom stress per unit area of contact (N/m2) 96 ! a very large value ensures ice velocity=0 even with a small contact area 97 ! recommended range: ?? (should be greater than atm-ice stress => >0.1 N/m2) 98 rn_lfrelax = 1.e-5 ! (ln_landfast=T) relaxation time scale to reach static friction (s-1) 99 / 100 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101 &namicehdf ! Ice horizontal diffusion 102 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 103 ! -- limhdf -- ! 104 nn_ahi0 = -1 ! horizontal diffusivity computation 105 ! -1: no diffusion (bypass limhdf) 106 ! 0: use rn_ahi0_ref 107 ! 1: use rn_ahi0_ref x mean grid cell length / ( 2deg mean grid cell length ) 108 ! 2: use rn_ahi0_ref x grid cell length / ( 2deg mean grid cell length ) 109 rn_ahi0_ref = 350.0 ! horizontal sea ice diffusivity (m2/s) 110 ! if nn_ahi0 > 0, rn_ahi0_ref is the reference value at a nominal 2 deg resolution 111 / 112 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 113 &namicethd ! Ice thermodynamics 114 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 115 ! -- limthd_dif -- ! 116 rn_kappa_i = 1.0 ! radiation attenuation coefficient in sea ice (m-1) 117 nn_conv_dif = 50 ! maximal number of iterations for heat diffusion computation 118 rn_terr_dif = 1.0e-04 ! maximum temperature after heat diffusion (degC) 119 nn_ice_thcon = 1 ! sea ice thermal conductivity 120 ! 0: k = k0 + beta.S/T (Untersteiner, 1964) 121 ! 1: k = k0 + beta1.S/T - beta2.T (Pringle et al., 2007) 122 ln_it_qnsice = .true. ! iterate the surface non-solar flux with surface temperature (T) or not (F) 123 nn_monocat = 0 ! virtual ITD mono-category parameterizations (1, jpl = 1 only) or not (0) 124 ! 2: simple piling instead of ridging --- temporary option 125 ! 3: activate G(he) only --- temporary option 126 ! 4: activate extra lateral melting only --- temporary option 127 rn_cdsn = 0.31 ! thermal conductivity of the snow (0.31 W/m/K, Maykut and Untersteiner, 1971) 128 ! Obs: 0.1-0.5 (Lecomte et al, JAMES 2013) 129 ! -- limthd_dh -- ! 130 ln_limdH = .true. ! activate ice thickness change from growing/melting (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 131 rn_betas = 0.66 ! exponent in lead-ice repratition of snow precipitation 132 ! betas = 1 -> equipartition, betas < 1 -> more on leads 133 ! -- limthd_da -- ! 134 ln_limdA = .true. ! activate lateral melting param. (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 135 rn_beta = 1.0 ! (ln_latmelt=T) coef. beta for lateral melting param. Recommended range=[0.8-1.2] 136 ! => decrease = more melt and melt peaks toward higher concentration (A~0.5 for beta=1 ; A~0.8 for beta=0.2) 137 ! 0.3 = best fit for western Fram Strait and Antarctica 138 ! 1.4 = best fit for eastern Fram Strait 139 rn_dmin = 8. ! (ln_latmelt=T) minimum floe diameter for lateral melting param. Recommended range=[6-10] 140 ! => 6 vs 8m = +40% melting at the peak (A~0.5) 141 ! 10 vs 8m = -20% melting 142 ! -- limthd_lac -- ! 143 ln_limdO = .true. ! activate ice growth in open-water (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 144 rn_hnewice = 0.1 ! thickness for new ice formation in open water (m) 145 ln_frazil = .false. ! Frazil ice parameterization (ice collection as a function of wind) 146 rn_maxfrazb = 1.0 ! (ln_frazil=T) maximum fraction of frazil ice collecting at the ice base 147 rn_vfrazb = 0.417 ! (ln_frazil=T) thresold drift speed for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom (m/s) 148 rn_Cfrazb = 5.0 ! (ln_frazil=T) squeezing coefficient for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 149 ! -- limitd_th -- ! 150 rn_himin = 0.1 ! minimum ice thickness (m) used in remapping, must be smaller than rn_hnewice 151 / 152 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 153 &namicesal ! Ice salinity 154 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 155 ! -- limthd_sal -- ! 156 ln_limdS = .true. ! activate gravity drainage and flushing (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 157 nn_icesal = 2 ! ice salinity option 158 ! 1: constant ice salinity (S=rn_icesal) 159 ! 2: varying salinity parameterization S(z,t) 160 ! 3: prescribed salinity profile S(z), Schwarzacher, 1959 161 rn_icesal = 4. ! (nn_icesal=1) ice salinity (g/kg) 162 rn_sal_gd = 5. ! restoring ice salinity, gravity drainage (g/kg) 163 rn_time_gd = 1.73e+6 ! restoring time scale, gravity drainage (s) 164 rn_sal_fl = 2. ! restoring ice salinity, flushing (g/kg) 165 rn_time_fl = 8.64e+5 ! restoring time scale, flushing (s) 166 rn_simax = 20. ! maximum tolerated ice salinity (g/kg) 167 rn_simin = 0.1 ! minimum tolerated ice salinity (g/kg) 168 / 169 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 170 &namiceitdme ! Ice mechanical redistribution (ridging and rafting) 171 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 172 ! -- limitd_me -- ! 173 rn_cs = 0.5 ! fraction of shearing energy contributing to ridging 174 nn_partfun = 1 ! type of ridging participation function 175 ! 0: linear (Thorndike et al, 1975) 176 ! 1: exponential (Lipscomb, 2007) 177 rn_gstar = 0.15 ! (nn_partfun = 0) fractional area of thin ice being ridged 178 rn_astar = 0.03 ! (nn_partfun = 1) exponential measure of ridging ice fraction [set to 0.05 if hstar=100] 179 ln_ridging = .true. ! ridging activated (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 180 rn_hstar = 25.0 ! (ln_ridging = T) determines the maximum thickness of ridged ice (m) (Hibler, 1980) 181 rn_por_rdg = 0.3 ! (ln_ridging = T) porosity of newly ridged ice (Lepparanta et al., 1995) 182 rn_fsnowrdg = 0.5 ! (ln_ridging = T) snow volume fraction that survives in ridging 183 ln_rafting = .true. ! rafting activated (T) or not (F) => DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS U KNOW WHAT U DO 184 rn_hraft = 0.75 ! (ln_rafting = T) threshold thickness for rafting (m) 185 rn_craft = 5.0 ! (ln_rafting = T) squeezing coefficient used in the rafting function 186 rn_fsnowrft = 0.5 ! (ln_rafting = T) snow volume fraction that survives in rafting 187 / 22 &nampar ! Generic parameters 23 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 jpl = 5 ! number of ice categories 25 nlay_i = 2 ! number of ice layers 26 nlay_s = 1 ! number of snow layers (only 1 is working) 27 nn_monocat = 0 ! virtual ITD mono-category parameterizations (1-4 => jpl = 1 only) or not (0) 28 ! 2: simple piling instead of ridging --- temporary option 29 ! 3: activate G(he) only --- temporary option 30 ! 4: activate extra lateral melting only --- temporary option 31 ln_icedyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or not (F) 32 ln_icethd = .true. ! ice thermo (T) or not (F) 33 rn_amax_n = 0.997 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration NH 34 rn_amax_s = 0.997 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration SH 35 cn_icerst_in = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (input) 36 cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (output) 37 cn_icerst_indir = "." ! directory to read input ice restarts 38 cn_icerst_outdir = "." ! directory to write output ice restarts 39 / 40 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41 &namitd ! Ice discretization 42 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43 rn_himean = 2.0 ! expected domain-average ice thickness (m) 44 rn_himin = 0.1 ! minimum ice thickness (m) used in remapping 45 / 46 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47 &namdyn ! Ice dynamics 48 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49 ln_dynFULL = .true. ! dyn.: full ice dynamics (rheology + advection + ridging/rafting + correction) 50 ln_dynRHGADV = .false. ! dyn.: no ridge/raft & no corrections (rheology + advection) 51 ln_dynADV = .false. ! dyn.: only advection w prescribed vel.(rn_uvice + advection) 52 rn_uice = 0.00001 ! prescribed ice u-velocity 53 rn_vice = 0. ! prescribed ice v-velocity 54 rn_ishlat = 2. ! free slip (0) ; partial slip (0-2) ; no slip (2) ; strong slip (>2) 55 ln_landfast = .false. ! landfast ice parameterization (T or F) 56 rn_gamma = 0.15 ! fraction of ocean depth that ice must reach to initiate landfast 57 ! recommended range: [0.1 ; 0.25] 58 rn_icebfr = 10. ! maximum bottom stress per unit area of contact [N/m2] 59 ! a very large value ensures ice velocity=0 even with a small contact area 60 ! recommended range: ?? (should be greater than atm-ice stress => >0.1 N/m2) 61 rn_lfrelax = 1.e-5 ! relaxation time scale to reach static friction [s-1] 62 / 63 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64 &namdyn_rdgrft ! Ice ridging/rafting 65 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 66 ! -- ice_rdgrft_strength -- ! 67 ln_str_H79 = .true. ! ice strength param.: Hibler_79 => P = pstar*<h>*exp(-c_rhg*A) 68 rn_pstar = 2.0e+04 ! ice strength thickness parameter [N/m2] 69 rn_crhg = 20.0 ! ice strength conc. parameter (-) 70 ! -- ice_rdgrft -- ! 71 rn_csrdg = 0.5 ! fraction of shearing energy contributing to ridging 72 ! -- ice_rdgrft_prep -- ! 73 ln_partf_lin = .false. ! Linear ridging participation function (Thorndike et al, 1975) 74 rn_gstar = 0.15 ! fractional area of thin ice being ridged 75 ln_partf_exp = .true. ! Exponential ridging participation function (Lipscomb, 2007) 76 rn_astar = 0.03 ! exponential measure of ridging ice fraction [set to 0.05 if hstar=100] 77 ln_ridging = .true. ! ridging activated (T) or not (F) 78 rn_hstar = 25.0 ! determines the maximum thickness of ridged ice [m] (Hibler, 1980) 79 rn_porordg = 0.3 ! porosity of newly ridged ice (Lepparanta et al., 1995) 80 rn_fsnwrdg = 0.5 ! snow volume fraction that survives in ridging 81 rn_fpndrdg = 1.0 ! pond fraction that survives in ridging (small a priori) 82 ln_rafting = .true. ! rafting activated (T) or not (F) 83 rn_hraft = 0.75 ! threshold thickness for rafting [m] 84 rn_craft = 5.0 ! squeezing coefficient used in the rafting function 85 rn_fsnwrft = 0.5 ! snow volume fraction that survives in rafting 86 rn_fpndrft = 1.0 ! pond fraction that survives in rafting (0.5 a priori) 87 / 88 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 89 &namdyn_rhg ! Ice rheology 90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 91 ln_rhg_EVP = .true. ! EVP rheology 92 rn_creepl = 1.0e-12 ! creep limit [1/s] 93 rn_ecc = 2.0 ! eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve 94 nn_nevp = 120 ! number of EVP subcycles 95 rn_relast = 0.333 ! ratio of elastic timescale to ice time step: Telast = dt_ice * rn_relast 96 ! advised value: 1/3 (rn_nevp=120) or 1/9 (rn_nevp=300) 97 / 98 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99 &namdyn_adv ! Ice advection 100 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 101 ln_adv_Pra = .false. ! Advection scheme (Prather) 102 ln_adv_UMx = .true. ! Advection scheme (Ultimate-Macho) 103 nn_UMx = 5 ! order of the scheme for UMx (1-5 ; 20=centered 2nd order) 104 / 105 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 106 &namforcing ! Ice surface forcing 107 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 108 rn_cio = 5.0e-03 ! ice-ocean drag coefficient (-) 109 rn_blow_s = 0.66 ! mesure of snow blowing into the leads 110 ! = 1 => no snow blowing, < 1 => some snow blowing 111 nn_iceflx = -1 ! Redistribute heat flux over ice categories 112 ! =-1 Do nothing (needs N(cat) fluxes) 113 ! ==> forced mode only 114 ! = 0 Average N(cat) fluxes then apply the average over the N(cat) ice 115 ! ==> forced and coupled modes 116 ! = 1 Average N(cat) fluxes then redistribute over the N(cat) ice using T-ice and albedo sensitivity 117 ! ==> forced mode only 118 ! = 2 Redistribute a single flux over categories 119 ! ==> coupled mode only 120 / 121 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 122 &namthd ! Ice thermodynamics 123 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 124 ln_icedH = .true. ! activate ice thickness change from growing/melting (T) or not (F) 125 ln_icedA = .true. ! activate lateral melting param. (T) or not (F) 126 ln_icedO = .true. ! activate ice growth in open-water (T) or not (F) 127 ln_icedS = .true. ! activate gravity drainage and flushing (T) or not (F) 128 / 129 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 130 &namthd_zdf ! Ice heat diffusion 131 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 132 ln_zdf_Beer = .true. ! Heat diffusion follows a Beer law 133 ln_cndi_U64 = .false. ! sea ice thermal conductivity: k = k0 + beta.S/T (Untersteiner, 1964) 134 ln_cndi_P07 = .true. ! sea ice thermal conductivity: k = k0 + beta1.S/T - beta2.T (Pringle et al., 2007) 135 rn_cnd_s = 0.31 ! thermal conductivity of the snow (0.31 W/m/K, Maykut and Untersteiner, 1971) 136 ! Obs: 0.1-0.5 (Lecomte et al, JAMES 2013) 137 rn_kappa_i = 1.0 ! radiation attenuation coefficient in sea ice [1/m] 138 ln_dqns_i = .true. ! change the surface non-solar flux with surface temperature (T) or not (F) 139 / 140 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 141 &namthd_da ! Ice lateral melting 142 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 143 rn_beta = 1.0 ! coef. beta for lateral melting param. Recommended range=[0.8-1.2] 144 ! => decrease = more melt and melt peaks toward higher concentration (A~0.5 for beta=1 ; A~0.8 for beta=0.2) 145 ! 0.3 = best fit for western Fram Strait and Antarctica 146 ! 1.4 = best fit for eastern Fram Strait 147 rn_dmin = 8. ! minimum floe diameter for lateral melting param. Recommended range=[6-10] 148 ! => 6 vs 8m = +40% melting at the peak (A~0.5) 149 ! 10 vs 8m = -20% melting 150 / 151 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 152 &namthd_do ! Ice growth in open water 153 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 154 rn_hinew = 0.1 ! thickness for new ice formation in open water (m), must be larger than rn_hnewice 155 ln_frazil = .false. ! Frazil ice parameterization (ice collection as a function of wind) 156 rn_maxfraz = 1.0 ! maximum fraction of frazil ice collecting at the ice base 157 rn_vfraz = 0.417 ! thresold drift speed for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom (m/s) 158 rn_Cfraz = 5.0 ! squeezing coefficient for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 159 / 160 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161 &namthd_sal ! Ice salinity 162 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 163 nn_icesal = 2 ! ice salinity option 164 ! 1: constant ice salinity (S=rn_icesal) 165 ! 2: varying salinity parameterization S(z,t) 166 ! 3: prescribed salinity profile S(z), Schwarzacher, 1959 167 rn_icesal = 4. ! (nn_icesal=1) ice salinity (g/kg) 168 rn_sal_gd = 5. ! restoring ice salinity, gravity drainage (g/kg) 169 rn_time_gd = 1.73e+6 ! restoring time scale, gravity drainage (s) 170 rn_sal_fl = 2. ! restoring ice salinity, flushing (g/kg) 171 rn_time_fl = 8.64e+5 ! restoring time scale, flushing (s) 172 rn_simax = 20. ! maximum tolerated ice salinity (g/kg) 173 rn_simin = 0.1 ! minimum tolerated ice salinity (g/kg) 174 / 175 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 176 &nammp ! Melt ponds 177 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 178 ln_pnd = .false. ! active melt ponds 179 ln_pnd_rad = .false. ! active melt ponds radiative coupling 180 ln_pnd_fw = .false. ! active melt ponds freshwater coupling 181 nn_pnd_scheme = 0 ! type of melt pond scheme : =0 prescribed ( Tsu=0 ), =1 empirical, =2 topographic 182 rn_apnd = 0.2 ! prescribed pond fraction, at Tsu=0 : (0<rn_apnd<1, nn_pnd_scheme = 0) 183 rn_hpnd = 0.05 ! prescribed pond depth, at Tsu=0 : (0<rn_apnd<1, nn_pnd_scheme = 0) 184 / 185 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 186 &namini ! Ice initialization 187 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 188 ln_iceini = .true. ! activate ice initialization (T) or not (F) 189 ln_iceini_file = .false. ! netcdf file provided for initialization (T) or not (F) 190 rn_thres_sst = 2.0 ! max delta temp. above Tfreeze with initial ice = (sst - tfreeze) 191 rn_hts_ini_n = 0.3 ! initial real snow thickness (m), North 192 rn_hts_ini_s = 0.3 ! " " South 193 rn_hti_ini_n = 3.0 ! initial real ice thickness (m), North 194 rn_hti_ini_s = 1.0 ! " " South 195 rn_ati_ini_n = 0.9 ! initial ice concentration (-), North 196 rn_ati_ini_s = 0.9 ! " " South 197 rn_smi_ini_n = 6.3 ! initial ice salinity (g/kg), North 198 rn_smi_ini_s = 6.3 ! " " South 199 rn_tmi_ini_n = 270. ! initial ice/snw temperature (K), North 200 rn_tmi_ini_s = 270. ! " " South 201 202 sn_hti = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'hti' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , '', '' 203 sn_hts = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'hts' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , '', '' 204 sn_ati = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'ati' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , '', '' 205 sn_tsu = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'tsu' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , '', '' 206 sn_tmi = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'tmi' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , '', '' 207 sn_smi = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'smi' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , '', '' 208 cn_dir='./' 209 / 210 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 211 &namalb ! albedo parameters 212 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 213 nn_ice_alb = 1 ! parameterization of ice/snow albedo 214 ! ! =0 : Shine & Henderson-Sellers (JGR 1985), giving clear-sky albedo 215 ! ! =1 : "home made" based on Brandt et al. (JClim 2005) and 216 ! ! Grenfell & Perovich (JGR 2004), giving cloud-sky albedo 217 ! ! =2 : as 1 with melt ponds 218 ! ! 219 ! ! recommanded values depending on the param chosen: 220 ! ! nn_ice_alb ! =0 ! = 1 or 2 ! obs range (cloud-sky) ! 221 rn_alb_sdry = 0.85 ! dry snow albedo : 0.80 ! 0.85 ! 0.85 -- 0.87 222 rn_alb_smlt = 0.75 ! melting snow albedo : 0.65 ! 0.75 ! 0.72 -- 0.82 223 rn_alb_idry = 0.60 ! dry ice albedo : 0.72 ! 0.60 ! 0.54 -- 0.65 224 rn_alb_imlt = 0.50 ! bare puddled ice albedo : 0.53 ! 0.50 ! 0.49 -- 0.58 225 rn_alb_dpnd = 0.27 ! ponded ice albedo : 0.25 ! 0.27 ! 0.10 -- 0.30 226 / 227 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 228 &namdia ! Diagnostics 229 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 230 ln_icediachk = .false. ! check online the heat, mass & salt budgets (T) or not (F) 231 ln_icediahsb = .false. ! output the heat, mass & salt budgets (T) or not (F) 232 ln_icectl = .false. ! ice points output for debug (T or F) 233 iiceprt = 10 ! i-index for debug 234 jiceprt = 10 ! j-index for debug 235 / -
r8568 r8586 4 4 !! NEMO/OPA : 1 - run manager (namrun) 5 5 !! namelists 2 - Domain (namcfg, namdom, namtsd, namcrs, namc1d, namc1d_uvd) 6 !! 3 - Surface boundary (namsbc, namsbc_flx, namsbc_blk, namsbc_sas) 7 !! namsbc_cpl, namtra_qsr, namsbc_rnf, 8 !! namsbc_apr, namsbc_ssr, namsbc_alb, namsbc_wave) 6 !! 3 - Surface boundary (namsbc, namsbc_flx, namsbc_blk, namsbc_cpl, 7 !! namsbc_sas, namtra_qsr, namsbc_rnf, 8 !! namberg, namsbc_isf, namsbc_iscpl, 9 !! namsbc_apr, namsbc_ssr, namsbc_wave) 9 10 !! 4 - lateral boundary (namlbc, namagrif, nambdy, nambdy_tide) 10 11 !! 5 - bottom boundary (namdrg, namdrg_top, namdrg_bot, nambbc, nambbl) … … 170 171 !! namsbc_apr Atmospheric Pressure (ln_apr_dyn =T) 171 172 !! namsbc_ssr sea surface restoring term (for T and/or S) (ln_ssr =T) 172 !! namsbc_alb albedo parameters173 173 !! namsbc_wave external fields from wave model (ln_wave =T) 174 174 !! namberg iceberg floats (ln_icebergs=T) … … 188 188 ln_mixcpl = .false. ! forced-coupled mixed formulation ( requires key_oasis3 ) 189 189 nn_components = 0 ! configuration of the opa-sas OASIS coupling 190 ! =0 no opa-sas OASIS coupling: default single executable configuration 191 ! =1 opa-sas OASIS coupling: multi executable configuration, OPA component 192 ! =2 opa-sas OASIS coupling: multi executable configuration, SAS component 193 nn_limflx = -1 ! LIM3 Multi-category heat flux formulation (use -1 if LIM3 is not used) 194 ! =-1 Use per-category fluxes, bypass redistributor, forced mode only, not yet implemented coupled 195 ! = 0 Average per-category fluxes (forced and coupled mode) 196 ! = 1 Average and redistribute per-category fluxes, forced mode only, not yet implemented coupled 197 ! = 2 Redistribute a single flux over categories (coupled mode only) 190 ! =0 no opa-sas OASIS coupling: default single executable config. 191 ! =1 opa-sas OASIS coupling: multi executable config., OPA component 192 ! =2 opa-sas OASIS coupling: multi executable config., SAS component 198 193 ! Sea-ice : 199 nn_ice = 3! =0 no ice boundary condition ,194 nn_ice = 0 ! =0 no ice boundary condition , 200 195 ! =1 use observed ice-cover , 201 ! =2 to 4 : ice-model used (LIM2, LIM3 or CICE) ("key_lim3", "key_lim2", or "key_cice") 202 nn_ice_embd = 1 ! =0 levitating ice (no mass exchange, concentration/dilution effect) 203 ! =1 levitating ice with mass and salt exchange but no presure effect 204 ! =2 embedded sea-ice (full salt and mass exchanges and pressure) 196 ! =2 or 3 automatically for LIM3 or CICE ("key_lim3" or "key_cice") 197 ln_ice_embd = .false. ! =T embedded sea-ice (pressure + mass and salt exchanges) 198 ! =F levitating ice (no pressure, mass and salt exchanges) 205 199 ! Misc. options of sbc : 206 200 ln_traqsr = .true. ! Light penetration in the ocean (T => fill namtra_qsr) … … 261 255 rn_pfac = 1. ! multiplicative factor for precipitation (total & snow) 262 256 rn_efac = 1. ! multiplicative factor for evaporation (0. or 1.) 263 rn_vfac = 0. ! multiplicative factor for ocean /ice velocity264 ! ! in the calculation of the wind stress (0.=absolute windsor 1.=relative winds)265 ln_Cd_L12 = .false. ! air-ice and ocean-ice function of ice concentration(Lupkes et al. JGR 2012)257 rn_vfac = 0. ! multiplicative factor for ocean & ice velocity used to 258 ! ! calculate the wind stress (0.=absolute or 1.=relative winds) 259 ln_Cd_L12 = .false. ! air-ice and ocean-ice drags = F(ice concentration) (Lupkes et al. JGR 2012) 266 260 / 267 261 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 310 304 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 311 305 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! 312 l_sasread = .TRUE. ! Read fields in a file if .TRUE. , or initialize to 0. in sbcssm.F90 if .FALSE. 313 sn_usp = 'sas_grid_U', 120 , 'vozocrtx', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 314 sn_vsp = 'sas_grid_V', 120 , 'vomecrty', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 306 sn_usp = 'sas_grid_U', 120 , 'uos' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 307 sn_vsp = 'sas_grid_V', 120 , 'vos' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 315 308 sn_tem = 'sas_grid_T', 120 , 'sosstsst', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 316 309 sn_sal = 'sas_grid_T', 120 , 'sosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' … … 319 312 sn_frq = 'sas_grid_T', 120 , 'frq_m' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 320 313 314 l_sasread = .true. ! =T Read the above fields in a file, =F initialize to 0. in sbcssm.F90 if .FALSE. 321 315 ln_3d_uve = .true. ! specify whether we are supplying a 3D u,v and e3 field 322 316 ln_read_frq = .false. ! specify whether we must read frq or not … … 338 332 rn_si0 = 0.35 ! RGB & 2 bands: shortess depth of extinction 339 333 rn_si1 = 23.0 ! 2 bands: longest depth of extinction 340 ln_qsr_ice = .true. ! light penetration for ice-model LIM3341 334 / 342 335 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 434 427 / 435 428 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 436 &namsbc_alb ! albedo parameters 437 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 438 nn_ice_alb = 1 ! parameterization of ice/snow albedo 439 ! ! 0: Shine & Henderson-Sellers (JGR 1985), giving clear-sky albedo 440 ! ! 1: "home made" based on Brandt et al. (JClim 2005) and Grenfell & Perovich (JGR 2004), 441 ! ! giving cloud-sky albedo 442 rn_alb_sdry = 0.85 ! dry snow albedo : 0.80 (nn_ice_alb = 0); 0.85 (nn_ice_alb = 1); obs 0.85-0.87 (cloud-sky) 443 rn_alb_smlt = 0.75 ! melting snow albedo : 0.65 ( '' ) ; 0.75 ( '' ) ; obs 0.72-0.82 ( '' ) 444 rn_alb_idry = 0.60 ! dry ice albedo : 0.72 ( '' ) ; 0.60 ( '' ) ; obs 0.54-0.65 ( '' ) 445 rn_alb_imlt = 0.50 ! bare puddled ice albedo : 0.53 ( '' ) ; 0.50 ( '' ) ; obs 0.49-0.58 ( '' ) 446 / 447 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 448 &namsbc_wave ! External fields from wave model (ln_wave =T) 429 &namsbc_wave ! External fields from wave model (ln_wave=T) 449 430 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 450 431 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! … … 579 560 bn_tem = 'amm12_bdyT_tra', 24 , 'votemper', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 580 561 bn_sal = 'amm12_bdyT_tra', 24 , 'vosaline', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 581 ! for lim2582 ! bn_frld = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'ileadfra', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''583 ! bn_hicif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'iicethic', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''584 ! bn_hsnif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'isnowthi', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''585 562 ! for lim3 586 563 ! bn_a_i = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'ileadfra', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 587 ! bn_h t_i= 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'iicethic', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''588 ! bn_h t_s= 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'isnowthi', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , ''564 ! bn_h_i = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'iicethic', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 565 ! bn_h_s = 'amm12_bdyT_ice', 24 , 'isnowthi', .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 589 566 590 567 cn_dir = 'bdydta/' ! root directory for the location of the bulk files … … 600 577 601 578 !!====================================================================== 602 !! *** top/Bottom boundary condition *** !!579 !! *** Top/Bottom boundary condition *** !! 603 580 !!====================================================================== 604 581 !! namdrg top/bottom drag coefficient (default: NO selection) … … 782 759 !! *** Dynamics namelists *** !! 783 760 !!====================================================================== 761 !! nam_vvl vertical coordinate options 784 762 !! namdyn_adv formulation of the momentum advection 785 763 !! namdyn_vor advection scheme … … 790 768 ! 791 769 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 792 &nam_vvl ! vertical coordinate options (default: z star)793 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 794 ln_vvl_zstar = .true. ! z star vertical coordinate795 ln_vvl_ztilde = .false. ! z tilde vertical coordinate: only high frequency variations770 &nam_vvl ! vertical coordinate options (default: z-star) 771 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 772 ln_vvl_zstar = .true. ! z-star vertical coordinate 773 ln_vvl_ztilde = .false. ! z-tilde vertical coordinate: only high frequency variations 796 774 ln_vvl_layer = .false. ! full layer vertical coordinate 797 775 ln_vvl_ztilde_as_zstar = .false. ! ztilde vertical coordinate emulating zstar 798 776 ln_vvl_zstar_at_eqtor = .false. ! ztilde near the equator 799 rn_ahe3 = 0.0e0! thickness diffusion coefficient800 rn_rst_e3t = 30. e0! ztilde to zstar restoration timescale [days]801 rn_lf_cutoff = 5.0e0! cutoff frequency for low-pass filter [days]802 rn_zdef_max = 0.9e0! maximum fractional e3t deformation777 rn_ahe3 = 0.0e0 ! thickness diffusion coefficient 778 rn_rst_e3t = 30.0e0 ! ztilde to zstar restoration timescale [days] 779 rn_lf_cutoff = 5.0e0 ! cutoff frequency for low-pass filter [days] 780 rn_zdef_max = 0.9e0 ! maximum fractional e3t deformation 803 781 ln_vvl_dbg = .true. ! debug prints (T/F) 804 782 / … … 942 920 nn_pdl = 1 ! Prandtl number function of richarson number (=1, avt=pdl(Ri)*avm) or not (=0, avt=avm) 943 921 nn_mxl = 2 ! mixing length: = 0 bounded by the distance to surface and bottom 944 945 946 922 ! ! = 1 bounded by the local vertical scale factor 923 ! ! = 2 first vertical derivative of mixing length bounded by 1 924 ! ! = 3 as =2 with distinct disspipative an mixing length scale 947 925 ln_mxl0 = .true. ! surface mixing length scale = F(wind stress) (T) or not (F) 948 926 rn_mxl0 = 0.04 ! surface buoyancy lenght scale minimum value … … 997 975 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 998 976 cn_mpi_send = 'I' ! mpi send/recieve type ='S', 'B', or 'I' for standard send, 999 977 ! ! buffer blocking send or immediate non-blocking sends, resp. 1000 978 nn_buffer = 0 ! size in bytes of exported buffer ('B' case), 0 no exportation 1001 979 ln_nnogather= .false. ! activate code to avoid mpi_allgather use at the northfold -
r7715 r8586 68 68 IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_start('usr_def_hgr') 69 69 ! 70 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 71 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'usr_def_hgr : ISOMIP configuration' 72 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' 70 IF(lwp) THEN 71 WRITE(numout,*) 72 WRITE(numout,*) 'usr_def_hgr : ISOMIP configuration' 73 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~' 74 WRITE(numout,*) 75 WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>> geographical mesh on the sphere with regular grid-spacing' 76 WRITE(numout,*) ' given by rn_e1deg and rn_e2deg' 77 ENDIF 73 78 ! 74 ! !== grid point position ==! (in kilometers) 75 76 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 77 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' geographical mesh on the sphere with regular grid-spacing' 78 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' given by rn_e1deg and rn_e2deg' 79 79 ! !== grid point position ==! (in degrees) 80 80 DO jj = 1, jpj 81 81 DO ji = 1, jpi … … 94 94 pphiv(ji,jj) = rn_phi0 + rn_e2deg * zvj 95 95 pphif(ji,jj) = rn_phi0 + rn_e2deg * zfj 96 97 ! !== Horizontal scale factors ==! (in meters) 96 98 ! e1 97 99 pe1t(ji,jj) = ra * rad * COS( rad * pphit(ji,jj) ) * rn_e1deg … … 106 108 END DO 107 109 END DO 110 ! ! NO reduction of grid size in some straits 111 ke1e2u_v = 0 ! ==>> u_ & v_surfaces will be computed in dom_ghr routine 112 pe1e2u(:,:) = 0._wp ! CAUTION: set to zero to avoid error with some compilers that 113 pe1e2v(:,:) = 0._wp ! require an initialization of INTENT(out) arguments 108 114 ! 109 kff = 0 ! Coriolis parameter calculated on the sphere 115 ! 116 ! !== Coriolis parameter ==! 117 kff = 0 ! Coriolis parameter calculated on the sphere 118 ! 119 ! 120 pff_f(:,:) = 0._wp ! CAUTION: set to zero to avoid error with some compilers that 121 pff_t(:,:) = 0._wp ! require an initialization of INTENT(out) arguments 110 122 ! 111 123 IF( nn_timing == 1 ) CALL timing_stop('usr_def_hgr') -
r7610 r8586 351 351 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 352 352 353 #if defined key_lim2 354 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Boundary conditions for sea ice: ' 355 SELECT CASE( cn_ice_lim(ib_bdy) ) 356 CASE('none') 357 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' no open boundary condition' 358 dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%ll_frld = .false. 359 dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%ll_hicif = .false. 360 dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%ll_hsnif = .false. 361 CASE('frs') 362 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' Flow Relaxation Scheme' 363 dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%ll_frld = .true. 364 dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%ll_hicif = .true. 365 dta_bdy(ib_bdy)%ll_hsnif = .true. 366 CASE DEFAULT ; CALL ctl_stop( 'unrecognised value for cn_ice_lim' ) 367 END SELECT 368 IF( cn_ice_lim(ib_bdy) /= 'none' ) THEN 369 SELECT CASE( nn_ice_lim_dta(ib_bdy) ) ! 370 CASE( 0 ) ; IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' initial state used for bdy data' 371 CASE( 1 ) ; IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' boundary data taken from file' 372 CASE DEFAULT ; CALL ctl_stop( 'nn_ice_lim_dta must be 0 or 1' ) 373 END SELECT 374 ENDIF 375 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 376 #elif defined key_lim3 353 #if defined key_lim3 377 354 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'Boundary conditions for sea ice: ' 378 355 SELECT CASE( cn_ice_lim(ib_bdy) ) -
r5656 r8586 36 36 #define LONG_FNAME 1000 // Max length for a file name 37 37 #define LONG_C 200 38 #define LONG_M 150038 #define LONG_M 2000 39 39 40 40 #define NB_CAT_VARIABLES 5 -
r7813 r8586 1 1 MODULE ice 2 2 !!====================================================================== 3 !! *** MODULE ice ***4 !! LIM-3 Sea Ice physics: diagnostics variables of icedefined in memory5 !!===================================================================== 3 !! *** MODULE ice *** 4 !! sea-ice: ice variables defined in memory 5 !!====================================================================== 6 6 !! History : 3.0 ! 2008-03 (M. Vancoppenolle) original code LIM-3 7 7 !! 4.0 ! 2011-02 (G. Madec) dynamical allocation … … 9 9 #if defined key_lim3 10 10 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 !! 'key_lim3' LIM-3sea-ice model11 !! 'key_lim3' ESIM sea-ice model 12 12 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 13 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager … … 17 17 PRIVATE 18 18 19 PUBLIC ice_alloc ! Called in sbc_lim_init19 PUBLIC ice_alloc ! called by icestp.F90 20 20 21 21 !!====================================================================== … … 63 63 !! meaningful and/or used in ice thermodynamics | 64 64 !! | 65 !! Routines in limvar.F90 perform conversions |66 !! - lim_var_glo2eqv : from global to equivalent variables |67 !! - lim_var_eqv2glo : from equivalent to global variables |65 !! Routines in icevar.F90 perform conversions | 66 !! - ice_var_glo2eqv : from global to equivalent variables | 67 !! - ice_var_eqv2glo : from equivalent to global variables | 68 68 !! | 69 69 !! For various purposes, the sea ice state variables have sometimes | 70 70 !! to be aggregated over all ice thickness categories. This operation | 71 71 !! is done in : | 72 !! - lim_var_agg |72 !! - ice_var_agg | 73 73 !! | 74 74 !! in icestp.F90, the routines that compute the changes in the ice | 75 75 !! state variables are called | 76 !! - lim_dyn : ice dynamics | 77 !! - lim_trp : ice transport | 78 !! - lim_itd_me : mechanical redistribution (ridging and rafting) | 79 !! - lim_thd : ice halo-thermodynamics | 80 !! - lim_itd_th : thermodynamic changes in ice thickness distribution | 81 !! and creation of new ice | 76 !! - ice_rhg : ice dynamics | 77 !! - ice_adv : ice advection | 78 !! - ice_rdgrft : ice ridging and rafting | 79 !! - ice_thd : ice halo-thermodynamics and creation of new ice | 80 !! - ice_itd : thermodynamic changes in ice thickness distribution | 82 81 !! | 83 82 !! See the associated routines for more information | … … 107 106 !! v_i | - | Ice volume per unit area | m | 108 107 !! v_s | - | Snow volume per unit area | m | 109 !! s mv_i| - | Sea ice salt content | ppt.m |110 !! oa_i ! - ! Sea ice areal age content | day|108 !! sv_i | - | Sea ice salt content | ppt.m | 109 !! oa_i ! - ! Sea ice areal age content | s | 111 110 !! e_i ! - ! Ice enthalpy | J/m2 | 112 !! - ! q_i_1d ! Ice enthalpy per unit vol. | J/m3 |111 !! - ! e_i_1d ! Ice enthalpy per unit vol. | J/m3 | 113 112 !! e_s ! - ! Snow enthalpy | J/m2 | 114 !! - ! q_s_1d ! Snow enthalpy per unit vol. | J/m3 |113 !! - ! e_s_1d ! Snow enthalpy per unit vol. | J/m3 | 115 114 !! | 116 115 !!-------------|-------------|---------------------------------|-------| … … 119 118 !!-------------|-------------|---------------------------------|-------| 120 119 !! | 121 !! h t_i | ht_i_1d| Ice thickness | m |122 !! h t_s ! ht_s_1d| Snow depth | m |123 !! s m_i ! sm_i_1d| Sea ice bulk salinity ! ppt |124 !! s _i ! s_i_1d| Sea ice salinity profile ! ppt |125 !! o_i ! - | Sea ice Age ! days|120 !! h_i | h_i_1d | Ice thickness | m | 121 !! h_s ! h_s_1d | Snow depth | m | 122 !! s_i ! s_i_1d | Sea ice bulk salinity ! ppt | 123 !! sz_i ! sz_i_1d | Sea ice salinity profile ! ppt | 124 !! o_i ! - | Sea ice Age ! s | 126 125 !! t_i ! t_i_1d | Sea ice temperature ! K | 127 126 !! t_s ! t_s_1d | Snow temperature ! K | … … 144 143 !! vt_i | - | Total ice vol. per unit area | m | 145 144 !! vt_s | - | Total snow vol. per unit ar. | m | 146 !! sm t_i| - | Mean sea ice salinity | ppt |145 !! sm_i | - | Mean sea ice salinity | ppt | 147 146 !! tm_i | - | Mean sea ice temperature | K | 148 147 !! et_i ! - ! Total ice enthalpy | J/m2 | … … 151 150 !!===================================================================== 152 151 153 LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: con_i = .false. ! switch for conservation test 154 155 !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 153 !! * Share Module variables 157 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----158 ! !!** ice-generic parameters namelist (nam icerun) **154 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 155 ! !!** ice-generic parameters namelist (nampar) ** 159 156 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: jpl !: number of ice categories 160 157 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nlay_i !: number of ice layers 161 158 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nlay_s !: number of snow layers 159 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_monocat !: virtual ITD mono-category parameterizations (1-4) or not (0) 160 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_icedyn !: flag for ice dynamics (T) or not (F) 161 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_icethd !: flag for ice thermo (T) or not (F) 162 162 REAL(wp) , PUBLIC :: rn_amax_n !: maximum ice concentration Northern hemisphere 163 163 REAL(wp) , PUBLIC :: rn_amax_s !: maximum ice concentration Southern hemisphere … … 166 166 CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: cn_icerst_indir !: ice restart input directory 167 167 CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: cn_icerst_outdir!: ice restart output directory 168 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limthd !: flag for ice thermo (T) or not (F) 169 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limdyn !: flag for ice dynamics (T) or not (F) 170 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_limdyn !: flag for ice dynamics 171 REAL(wp) , PUBLIC :: rn_uice !: prescribed u-vel (case nn_limdyn=0) 172 REAL(wp) , PUBLIC :: rn_vice !: prescribed v-vel (case nn_limdyn=0) 168 169 ! !!** ice-itd namelist (namitd) ** 170 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_himin !: minimum ice thickness 173 171 174 ! !!** ice-diagnostics namelist (namicediag) ** 175 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limdiachk !: flag for ice diag (T) or not (F) 176 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limdiahsb !: flag for ice diag (T) or not (F) 177 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limctl !: flag for sea-ice points output (T) or not (F) 178 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: iiceprt !: debug i-point 179 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: jiceprt !: debug j-point 180 181 ! !!** ice-init namelist (namiceini) ** 182 ! -- limistate -- ! 183 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limini ! initialization or not 184 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limini_file ! Ice initialization state from 2D netcdf file 185 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_thres_sst ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice 186 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hts_ini_n ! initial snow thickness in the north 187 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hts_ini_s ! initial snow thickness in the south 188 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hti_ini_n ! initial ice thickness in the north 189 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hti_ini_s ! initial ice thickness in the south 190 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_ati_ini_n ! initial leads area in the north 191 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_ati_ini_s ! initial leads area in the south 192 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_smi_ini_n ! initial salinity 193 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_smi_ini_s ! initial salinity 194 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_tmi_ini_n ! initial temperature 195 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_tmi_ini_s ! initial temperature 196 197 ! !!** ice-thickness distribution namelist (namiceitd) ** 198 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_catbnd !: categories distribution following: tanh function (1), or h^(-alpha) function (2) 199 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_himean !: mean thickness of the domain (used to compute the distribution, nn_itdshp = 2 only) 200 201 ! !!** ice-dynamics namelist (namicedyn) ** 202 ! -- limtrp & limadv -- ! 203 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_limadv !: choose the advection scheme (-1=Prather ; 0=Ultimate-Macho) 204 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_limadv_ord !: choose the order of the advection scheme (if Ultimate-Macho) 205 ! -- limitd_me -- ! 206 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_icestr !: ice strength parameterization (0=Hibler79 1=Rothrock75) 207 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_pe_rdg !: ridging work divided by pot. energy change in ridging, nn_icestr = 1 208 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_pstar !: determines ice strength, Hibler JPO79 209 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_crhg !: determines changes in ice strength 210 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_icestr_bvf !: use brine volume to diminish ice strength 211 ! -- limdyn & limrhg -- ! 212 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_cio !: drag coefficient for oceanic stress 172 ! !!** ice-dynamics namelist (namdyn) ** 173 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_ishlat !: lateral boundary condition for sea-ice 174 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_landfast !: landfast ice parameterization (T or F) 175 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_gamma !: fraction of ocean depth that ice must reach to initiate landfast ice 176 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_icebfr !: maximum bottom stress per unit area of contact (landfast ice) 177 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_lfrelax !: relaxation time scale (s-1) to reach static friction (landfast ice) 178 ! 179 ! !!** ice-rheology namelist (namrhg) ** 213 180 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_creepl !: creep limit : has to be under 1.0e-9 214 181 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_ecc !: eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve 215 182 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_nevp !: number of iterations for subcycling 216 183 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_relast !: ratio => telast/rdt_ice (1/3 or 1/9 depending on nb of subcycling nevp) 217 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_landfast !: landfast ice parameterization (T or F) 218 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_gamma !: fraction of ocean depth that ice must reach to initiate landfast ice 219 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_icebfr !: maximum bottom stress per unit area of contact (landfast ice) 220 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_lfrelax !: relaxation time scale (s-1) to reach static friction (landfast ice) 221 222 ! !!** ice-diffusion namelist (namicehdf) ** 223 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_ahi0 !: sea-ice hor. eddy diffusivity coeff. (3 ways of calculation) 224 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_ahi0_ref !: sea-ice hor. eddy diffusivity coeff. (m2/s) 225 226 ! !!** ice-thermodynamics namelist (namicethd) ** 227 ! -- limthd_dif -- ! 228 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_kappa_i !: coef. for the extinction of radiation Grenfell et al. (2006) [1/m] 229 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: nn_conv_dif !: maximal number of iterations for heat diffusion 230 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_terr_dif !: maximal tolerated error (C) for heat diffusion 231 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_ice_thcon !: thermal conductivity: =0 Untersteiner (1964) ; =1 Pringle et al (2007) 232 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_it_qnsice !: iterate surface flux with changing surface temperature or not (F) 233 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_monocat !: virtual ITD mono-category parameterizations (1) or not (0) 234 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_cdsn !: thermal conductivity of the snow [W/m/K] 235 ! -- limthd_dh -- ! 236 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limdH !: activate ice thickness change from growing/melting (T) or not (F) 237 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_betas !: coef. for partitioning of snowfall between leads and sea ice 238 ! -- limthd_da -- ! 239 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limdA !: activate lateral melting param. (T) or not (F) 240 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_beta !: coef. beta for lateral melting param. 241 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_dmin !: minimum floe diameter for lateral melting param. 242 ! -- limthd_lac -- ! 243 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limdO !: activate ice growth in open-water (T) or not (F) 244 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hnewice !: thickness for new ice formation (m) 245 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_frazil !: use of frazil ice collection as function of wind (T) or not (F) 246 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_maxfrazb !: maximum portion of frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 247 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_vfrazb !: threshold drift speed for collection of bottom frazil ice 248 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_Cfrazb !: squeezing coefficient for collection of bottom frazil ice 249 ! -- limitd_th -- ! 250 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_himin !: minimum ice thickness 251 252 ! !!** ice-salinity namelist (namicesal) ** 253 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_limdS !: activate gravity drainage and flushing (T) or not (F) 184 ! 185 ! !!** ice-surface forcing namelist (namforcing) ** 186 ! -- icethd_dh -- ! 187 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_blow_s !: coef. for partitioning of snowfall between leads and sea ice 188 ! -- icethd -- ! 189 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_cio !: drag coefficient for oceanic stress 190 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_iceflx !: Redistribute heat flux over ice categories 191 ! ! =-1 Do nothing (needs N(cat) fluxes) 192 ! ! = 0 Average N(cat) fluxes then apply the average over the N(cat) ice 193 ! ! = 1 Average N(cat) fluxes then redistribute over the N(cat) ice 194 ! ! using T-ice and albedo sensitivity 195 ! ! = 2 Redistribute a single flux over categories 196 197 ! !!** ice-salinity namelist (namthd_sal) ** 254 198 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_icesal !: salinity configuration used in the model 255 199 ! ! 1 - constant salinity in both space and time … … 257 201 ! ! 3 - salinity profile, constant in time 258 202 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_icesal !: bulk salinity (ppt) in case of constant salinity 259 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_sal_gd !: restoring salinity for gravity drainage [PSU]260 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_time_gd !: restoring time constant for gravity drainage (= 20 days) [s]261 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_sal_fl !: restoring salinity for flushing [PSU]262 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_time_fl !: restoring time constant for gravity drainage (= 10 days) [s]263 203 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_simax !: maximum ice salinity [PSU] 264 204 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_simin !: minimum ice salinity [PSU] 265 205 266 ! !!** ice-mechanical redistribution namelist (namiceitdme) 267 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_cs !: fraction of shearing energy contributing to ridging 268 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_partfun !: participation function: =0 Thorndike et al. (1975), =1 Lipscomb et al. (2007) 269 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_gstar !: fractional area of young ice contributing to ridging 270 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_astar !: equivalent of G* for an exponential participation function 271 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_ridging !: ridging of ice or not 272 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hstar !: thickness that determines the maximal thickness of ridged ice 273 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_por_rdg !: initial porosity of ridges (0.3 regular value) 274 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_fsnowrdg !: fractional snow loss to the ocean during ridging 275 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_rafting !: rafting of ice or not 276 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hraft !: threshold thickness (m) for rafting / ridging 277 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_craft !: coefficient for smoothness of the hyperbolic tangent in rafting 278 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_fsnowrft !: fractional snow loss to the ocean during ridging 206 ! MV MP 2016 207 ! !!** melt pond namelist (nammp) 208 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_pnd !: activate ponds or not 209 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_pnd_rad !: ponds radiatively active or not 210 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_pnd_fw !: ponds active wrt meltwater or not 211 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nn_pnd_scheme !: type of melt pond scheme: =0 prescribed, =1 empirical, =2 topographic 212 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_apnd !: prescribed pond fraction (0<rn_apnd<1), only if nn_pnd_scheme = 0 213 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_hpnd !: prescribed pond depth (0<rn_hpnd<1), only if nn_pnd_scheme = 0 214 ! END MV MP 2016 215 ! !!** ice-diagnostics namelist (namdia) ** 216 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_icediachk !: flag for ice diag (T) or not (F) 217 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_icediahsb !: flag for ice diag (T) or not (F) 218 LOGICAL , PUBLIC :: ln_icectl !: flag for sea-ice points output (T) or not (F) 219 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: iiceprt !: debug i-point 220 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: jiceprt !: debug j-point 279 221 280 222 ! !!** some other parameters 281 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nstart !: iteration number of the begining of the run 282 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nlast !: iteration number of the end of the run 283 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: nitrun !: number of iteration 284 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: numit !: iteration number 223 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: kt_ice !: iteration number 285 224 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rdt_ice !: ice time step 286 225 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: r1_rdtice !: = 1. / rdt_ice … … 288 227 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: r1_nlay_s !: 1 / nlay_s 289 228 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rswitch !: switch for the presence of ice (1) or not (0) 290 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: epsi06 = 1.e-06_wp !: small number 291 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: epsi10 = 1.e-10_wp !: small number 292 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: epsi20 = 1.e-20_wp !: small number 229 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rdiag_v, rdiag_s, rdiag_t, rdiag_fv, rdiag_fs, rdiag_ft !: conservation diagnostics 230 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: epsi06 = 1.e-06_wp !: small number 231 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: epsi10 = 1.e-10_wp !: small number 232 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, PARAMETER :: epsi20 = 1.e-20_wp !: small number 233 293 234 294 235 ! !!** define arrays 295 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: u_oce, v_oce !: surface ocean velocity used in ice dynamics 296 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ahiu , ahiv !: hor. diffusivity coeff. at U- and V-points [m2/s] 297 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hicol !: ice collection thickness accreted in leads 236 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: u_oce,v_oce !: surface ocean velocity used in ice dynamics 237 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: ht_i_new !: ice collection thickness accreted in leads 298 238 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: strength !: ice strength 299 239 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: stress1_i, stress2_i, stress12_i !: 1st, 2nd & diagonal stress tensor element … … 303 243 ! 304 244 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: t_bo !: Sea-Ice bottom temperature [Kelvin] 305 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: frld !: Leads fraction = 1 - ice fraction306 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: pfrld !: Leads fraction at previous time307 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: phicif !: Old ice thickness308 245 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: qlead !: heat balance of the lead (or of the open ocean) 309 246 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fhtur !: net downward heat flux from the ice to the ocean … … 311 248 312 249 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_snw !: snow-ocean mass exchange [kg.m-2.s-1] 250 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_snw_sni !: snow ice growth component of wfx_snw [kg.m-2.s-1] 251 ! MV MP 2016 252 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_snw_sum !: surface melt component of wfx_snw [kg.m-2.s-1] 253 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_pnd !: melt pond-ocean mass exchange [kg.m-2.s-1] 254 ! END MV MP 2016 313 255 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_spr !: snow precipitation on ice [kg.m-2.s-1] 314 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_sub !: snow/ice sublimation [kg.m-2.s-1] 256 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_sub !: sublimation of snow/ice [kg.m-2.s-1] 257 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_snw_sub !: snow sublimation [kg.m-2.s-1] 258 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_ice_sub !: ice sublimation [kg.m-2.s-1] 259 260 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_snw_dyn !: dynamical component of wfx_snw [kg.m-2.s-1] 315 261 316 262 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: wfx_ice !: ice-ocean mass exchange [kg.m-2.s-1] … … 325 271 326 272 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: afx_tot !: ice concentration tendency (total) [s-1] 327 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: afx_thd !: ice concentration tendency (thermodynamics) [s-1]328 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: afx_dyn !: ice concentration tendency (dynamics) [s-1]329 273 330 274 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sfx_bog !: salt flux due to ice growth/melt [PSU/m2/s] … … 346 290 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_dif !: total heat flux causing Temp change in the ice [W.m-2] 347 291 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_snw !: heat flux for snow melt [W.m-2] 348 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_err !: heat flux error after heat diffusion [W.m-2]349 292 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_err_dif !: heat flux remaining due to change in non-solar flux [W.m-2] 350 293 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_err_rem !: heat flux error after heat remapping [W.m-2] … … 358 301 359 302 ! heat flux associated with ice-ocean mass exchange 360 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_thd !: ice-ocean heat flux from thermo processes ( limthd_dh)[W.m-2]361 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_dyn !: ice-ocean heat flux from mecanical processes (limitd_me)[W.m-2]303 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_thd !: ice-ocean heat flux from thermo processes (icethd_dh) [W.m-2] 304 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_dyn !: ice-ocean heat flux from ridging [W.m-2] 362 305 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hfx_res !: residual heat flux due to correction of ice thickness [W.m-2] 363 306 364 307 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: rn_amax_2d !: maximum ice concentration 2d array 365 308 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: ftr_ice !: transmitted solar radiation under ice 366 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: pahu3D, pahv3D !: ice hor. eddy diffusivity coef. at U- and V-points 367 368 !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 309 310 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 369 311 !! * Ice global state variables 370 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----312 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 371 313 !! Variables defined for each ice category 372 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: h t_i!: Ice thickness (m)314 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: h_i !: Ice thickness (m) 373 315 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: a_i !: Ice fractional areas (concentration) 374 316 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: v_i !: Ice volume per unit area (m) 375 317 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: v_s !: Snow volume per unit area(m) 376 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: h t_s!: Snow thickness (m)318 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: h_s !: Snow thickness (m) 377 319 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: t_su !: Sea-Ice Surface Temperature (K) 378 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sm_i !: Sea-Ice Bulk salinity (ppt) 379 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: smv_i !: Sea-Ice Bulk salinity times volume per area (ppt.m) 380 ! ! this is an extensive variable that has to be transported 381 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: o_i !: Sea-Ice Age (days) 382 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: oa_i !: Sea-Ice Age times ice area (days) 320 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: s_i !: Sea-Ice Bulk salinity (ppt) 321 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sv_i !: Sea-Ice Bulk salinity times volume per area (ppt.m) 322 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: o_i !: Sea-Ice Age (s) 323 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: oa_i !: Sea-Ice Age times ice area (s) 383 324 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: bv_i !: brine volume 384 325 … … 391 332 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tm_i !: mean ice temperature over all categories 392 333 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: bvm_i !: brine volume averaged over all categories 393 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sm t_i!: mean sea ice salinity averaged over all categories [PSU]334 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sm_i !: mean sea ice salinity averaged over all categories [PSU] 394 335 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tm_su !: mean surface temperature over all categories 395 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: h tm_i!: mean ice thickness over all categories396 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: h tm_s!: mean snow thickness over all categories336 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hm_i !: mean ice thickness over all categories 337 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hm_s !: mean snow thickness over all categories 397 338 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: om_i !: mean ice age over all categories 398 339 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tau_icebfr !: ice friction with bathy (landfast param activated) 399 340 400 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: t_s !: Snow temperatures [K] 401 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_s !: Snow ... 402 403 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: t_i !: ice temperatures [K] 404 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_i !: ice thermal contents [J/m2] 405 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: s_i !: ice salinities [PSU] 406 407 !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 408 !! * Moments for advection 409 !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 410 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sxopw, syopw, sxxopw, syyopw, sxyopw !: open water in sea ice 411 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sxice, syice, sxxice, syyice, sxyice !: ice thickness 412 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sxsn , sysn , sxxsn , syysn , sxysn !: snow thickness 413 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sxa , sya , sxxa , syya , sxya !: lead fraction 414 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sxc0 , syc0 , sxxc0 , syyc0 , sxyc0 !: snow thermal content 415 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sxsal, sysal, sxxsal, syysal, sxysal !: ice salinity 416 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: sxage, syage, sxxage, syyage, sxyage !: ice age 417 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: sxe , sye , sxxe , syye , sxye !: ice layers heat content 418 419 !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: t_s !: Snow temperatures [K] 342 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_s !: Snow enthalpy [J/m2] 343 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: t_i !: ice temperatures [K] 344 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_i !: ice enthalpy [J/m2] 345 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: sz_i !: ice salinity [PSU] 346 347 ! MV MP 2016 348 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: a_ip !: melt pond fraction per grid cell area 349 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: v_ip !: melt pond volume per grid cell area [m] 350 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: a_ip_frac !: melt pond volume per ice area 351 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: h_ip !: melt pond thickness [m] 352 353 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: at_ip !: total melt pond fraction 354 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: vt_ip !: total melt pond volume per unit area [m] 355 ! END MV MP 2016 356 357 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 420 358 !! * Old values of global variables 421 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----422 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: v_s_b, v_i_b !: snow and ice volumes423 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: a_i_b, s mv_i_b, oa_i_b!:424 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_s_b !: snow heat content425 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_i_b !: ice temperatures426 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: u_ice_b, v_ice_b !: ice velocity427 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: at_i_b !: ice concentration (total)359 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 360 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: v_s_b, v_i_b, h_s_b, h_i_b !: snow and ice volumes/thickness 361 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: a_i_b, sv_i_b, oa_i_b !: 362 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_s_b !: snow heat content 363 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: e_i_b !: ice temperatures 364 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: u_ice_b, v_ice_b !: ice velocity 365 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: at_i_b !: ice concentration (total) 428 366 429 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----367 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 430 368 !! * Ice thickness distribution variables 431 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----369 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 432 370 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: hi_max !: Boundary of ice thickness categories in thickness space 433 371 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: hi_mean !: Mean ice thickness in catgories 434 372 ! 435 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----373 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 436 374 !! * Ice diagnostics 437 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----375 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 438 376 ! thd refers to changes induced by thermodynamics 439 377 ! trp '' '' '' advection (transport of ice) … … 443 381 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_trp_ei !: transport of ice enthalpy (W/m2) 444 382 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_trp_es !: transport of snw enthalpy (W/m2) 445 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_trp_s mv!: transport of salt content383 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_trp_sv !: transport of salt content 446 384 ! 447 385 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_heat !: snw/ice heat content variation [W/m2] 448 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_s mvi!: ice salt content variation []386 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_sice !: ice salt content variation [] 449 387 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_vice !: ice volume variation [m/s] 450 388 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_vsnw !: snw volume variation [m/s] 451 ! 452 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 453 !! NEMO/LIM3 4.0 , UCL - NEMO Consortium (2010) 389 390 ! 391 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 392 !! * SIMIP extra diagnostics 393 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 394 ! Extra sea ice diagnostics to address the data request 395 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: t_si !: Temperature at Snow-ice interface (K) 396 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tm_si !: mean temperature at the snow-ice interface (K) 397 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_fc_bo !: Bottom conduction flux (W/m2) 398 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: diag_fc_su !: Surface conduction flux (W/m2) 399 400 ! 401 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 402 !! NEMO/ICE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2017) 454 403 !! $Id$ 455 404 !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) … … 463 412 INTEGER :: ice_alloc 464 413 ! 465 INTEGER :: ierr(1 5), ii414 INTEGER :: ierr(18), ii 466 415 !!----------------------------------------------------------------- 467 416 … … 471 420 ! stay within Fortran's max-line length limit. 472 421 ii = 1 473 ALLOCATE( u_oce (jpi,jpj) , v_oce (jpi,jpj) , & 474 & ahiu (jpi,jpj) , ahiv (jpi,jpj) , hicol (jpi,jpj) , & 422 ALLOCATE( u_oce (jpi,jpj) , v_oce (jpi,jpj) , ht_i_new (jpi,jpj) , & 475 423 & strength(jpi,jpj) , stress1_i(jpi,jpj) , stress2_i(jpi,jpj) , stress12_i(jpi,jpj) , & 476 424 & delta_i (jpi,jpj) , divu_i (jpi,jpj) , shear_i (jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 477 425 478 426 ii = ii + 1 479 ALLOCATE( t_bo (jpi,jpj) , frld (jpi,jpj) , pfrld (jpi,jpj) , phicif (jpi,jpj) , & 480 & wfx_snw(jpi,jpj) , wfx_ice(jpi,jpj) , wfx_sub(jpi,jpj) , wfx_lam(jpi,jpj) , & 427 ALLOCATE( t_bo (jpi,jpj) , wfx_snw_sni(jpi,jpj) , & 428 & wfx_snw(jpi,jpj) , wfx_snw_dyn(jpi,jpj) , wfx_snw_sum(jpi,jpj) , wfx_snw_sub(jpi,jpj) , & 429 & wfx_ice(jpi,jpj) , wfx_sub (jpi,jpj) , wfx_ice_sub(jpi,jpj) , wfx_lam (jpi,jpj) , & 430 & wfx_pnd(jpi,jpj) , & 481 431 & wfx_bog(jpi,jpj) , wfx_dyn(jpi,jpj) , wfx_bom(jpi,jpj) , wfx_sum(jpi,jpj) , & 482 432 & wfx_res(jpi,jpj) , wfx_sni(jpi,jpj) , wfx_opw(jpi,jpj) , wfx_spr(jpi,jpj) , & 483 & afx_tot(jpi,jpj) , afx_thd(jpi,jpj), afx_dyn(jpi,jpj) , rn_amax_2d(jpi,jpj),&433 & afx_tot(jpi,jpj) , rn_amax_2d(jpi,jpj), & 484 434 & fhtur (jpi,jpj) , qlead (jpi,jpj) , & 485 435 & sfx_res(jpi,jpj) , sfx_bri(jpi,jpj) , sfx_dyn(jpi,jpj) , sfx_sub(jpi,jpj) , sfx_lam(jpi,jpj) , & 486 436 & sfx_bog(jpi,jpj) , sfx_bom(jpi,jpj) , sfx_sum(jpi,jpj) , sfx_sni(jpi,jpj) , sfx_opw(jpi,jpj) , & 487 & hfx_res(jpi,jpj) , hfx_snw(jpi,jpj) , hfx_sub(jpi,jpj) , hfx_err(jpi,jpj) ,&437 & hfx_res(jpi,jpj) , hfx_snw(jpi,jpj) , hfx_sub(jpi,jpj) , & 488 438 & hfx_in (jpi,jpj) , hfx_out(jpi,jpj) , fhld (jpi,jpj) , & 489 439 & hfx_sum(jpi,jpj) , hfx_bom(jpi,jpj) , hfx_bog(jpi,jpj) , hfx_dif(jpi,jpj) , & … … 493 443 ! * Ice global state variables 494 444 ii = ii + 1 495 ALLOCATE( ftr_ice(jpi,jpj,jpl) , pahu3D(jpi,jpj,jpl+1) , pahv3D(jpi,jpj,jpl+1) ,&496 & h t_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , a_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , v_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , &497 & v_s (jpi,jpj,jpl) , h t_s (jpi,jpj,jpl) , t_su (jpi,jpj,jpl) , &498 & s m_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , smv_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , o_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , &445 ALLOCATE( ftr_ice(jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 446 & h_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , a_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , v_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 447 & v_s (jpi,jpj,jpl) , h_s (jpi,jpj,jpl) , t_su (jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 448 & s_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sv_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , o_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 499 449 & oa_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , bv_i (jpi,jpj,jpl) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 500 450 ii = ii + 1 … … 502 452 & vt_i (jpi,jpj) , vt_s (jpi,jpj) , at_i (jpi,jpj) , ato_i(jpi,jpj) , & 503 453 & et_i (jpi,jpj) , et_s (jpi,jpj) , tm_i (jpi,jpj) , bvm_i(jpi,jpj) , & 504 & sm t_i(jpi,jpj) , tm_su(jpi,jpj) , htm_i(jpi,jpj) , htm_s(jpi,jpj) , &454 & sm_i (jpi,jpj) , tm_su(jpi,jpj) , hm_i(jpi,jpj) , hm_s(jpi,jpj) , & 505 455 & om_i (jpi,jpj) , tau_icebfr(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 506 456 ii = ii + 1 507 457 ALLOCATE( t_s(jpi,jpj,nlay_s,jpl) , e_s(jpi,jpj,nlay_s,jpl) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 508 458 ii = ii + 1 509 ALLOCATE( t_i(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , e_i(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , s_i(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 510 511 ! * Moments for advection 512 ii = ii + 1 513 ALLOCATE( sxopw(jpi,jpj) , syopw(jpi,jpj) , sxxopw(jpi,jpj) , syyopw(jpi,jpj) , sxyopw(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 514 ii = ii + 1 515 ALLOCATE( sxice(jpi,jpj,jpl) , syice(jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxxice(jpi,jpj,jpl) , syyice(jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxyice(jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 516 & sxsn (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sysn (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxxsn (jpi,jpj,jpl) , syysn (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxysn (jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 517 & STAT=ierr(ii) ) 518 ii = ii + 1 519 ALLOCATE( sxa (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sya (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxxa (jpi,jpj,jpl) , syya (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxya (jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 520 & sxc0 (jpi,jpj,jpl) , syc0 (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxxc0 (jpi,jpj,jpl) , syyc0 (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxyc0 (jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 521 & sxsal(jpi,jpj,jpl) , sysal(jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxxsal(jpi,jpj,jpl) , syysal(jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxysal(jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 522 & sxage(jpi,jpj,jpl) , syage(jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxxage(jpi,jpj,jpl) , syyage(jpi,jpj,jpl) , sxyage(jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 523 & STAT=ierr(ii) ) 524 ii = ii + 1 525 ALLOCATE( sxe (jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , sye (jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , sxxe(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , & 526 & syye(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , sxye(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 459 ALLOCATE( t_i(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , e_i(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , sz_i(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 460 461 ii = ii + 1 462 ALLOCATE( a_ip(jpi,jpj,jpl) , v_ip(jpi,jpj,jpl) , a_ip_frac(jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 463 & h_ip(jpi,jpj,jpl) , STAT = ierr(ii) ) 464 ii = ii + 1 465 ALLOCATE( at_ip(jpi,jpj) , vt_ip(jpi,jpj) , STAT = ierr(ii) ) 527 466 528 467 ! * Old values of global variables 529 468 ii = ii + 1 530 ALLOCATE( v_s_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , v_i_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , e_s_b(jpi,jpj,nlay_s,jpl) ,&531 & a_i_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , s mv_i_b(jpi,jpj,jpl) , e_i_b(jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) ,&532 & oa_i_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , STAT=ierr(ii) )469 ALLOCATE( v_s_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , v_i_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , h_s_b(jpi,jpj,jpl) , h_i_b(jpi,jpj,jpl) , & 470 & a_i_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , sv_i_b(jpi,jpj,jpl) , e_i_b (jpi,jpj,nlay_i,jpl) , e_s_b (jpi,jpj,nlay_s,jpl) , & 471 & oa_i_b (jpi,jpj,jpl) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) 533 472 ii = ii + 1 534 473 ALLOCATE( u_ice_b(jpi,jpj) , v_ice_b(jpi,jpj) , at_i_b(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr(ii) ) … … 541 480 ii = ii + 1 542 481 ALLOCATE( diag_trp_vi(jpi,jpj) , diag_trp_vs (jpi,jpj) , diag_trp_ei(jpi,jpj), & 543 & diag_trp_es(jpi,jpj) , diag_trp_smv(jpi,jpj) , diag_heat (jpi,jpj), & 544 & diag_smvi (jpi,jpj) , diag_vice (jpi,jpj) , diag_vsnw (jpi,jpj), STAT=ierr(ii) ) 482 & diag_trp_es(jpi,jpj) , diag_trp_sv (jpi,jpj) , diag_heat (jpi,jpj), & 483 & diag_sice (jpi,jpj) , diag_vice (jpi,jpj) , diag_vsnw (jpi,jpj), STAT=ierr(ii) ) 484 485 ! * SIMIP diagnostics 486 ii = ii + 1 487 ALLOCATE( t_si (jpi,jpj,jpl) , tm_si(jpi,jpj) , & 488 diag_fc_bo(jpi,jpj) , diag_fc_su(jpi,jpj) , & 489 STAT = ierr(ii) ) 545 490 546 491 ice_alloc = MAXVAL( ierr(:) ) … … 551 496 #else 552 497 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 553 !! Default option Empty module NO LIM sea-ice model498 !! Default option Empty module NO ESIM sea-ice model 554 499 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 555 500 #endif -
r8215 r8586 7 7 !! 3.6 ! 2016-05 (C. Rousset) Add LIM3 compatibility 8 8 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 #if defined key_agrif && defined key_lim2 10 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 !! 'key_agrif' AGRIF zoom 12 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 USE par_oce ! ocean parameters 14 15 IMPLICIT NONE 16 PRIVATE 17 18 PUBLIC agrif_ice_alloc ! routine called by nemo_init in nemogcm.F90 19 20 INTEGER , PUBLIC :: u_ice_id, v_ice_id, adv_ice_id 21 REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: lim_nbstep = 0. ! child time position in sea-ice model 22 #if defined key_lim2_vp 23 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: u_ice_nst, v_ice_nst 24 #else 25 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: u_ice_oe, u_ice_sn !: boundaries arrays 26 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: v_ice_oe, v_ice_sn !: - - 27 #endif 28 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: adv_ice_oe, adv_ice_sn !: - - 29 30 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 !! NEMO/NST 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2017) 32 !! $Id$ 33 !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (NEMOGCM/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) 34 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 CONTAINS 36 37 INTEGER FUNCTION agrif_ice_alloc() 38 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 !! *** FUNCTION agrif_ice_alloc *** 40 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 #if defined key_lim2_vp 42 ALLOCATE( u_ice_nst(jpi,jpj), v_ice_nst(jpi,jpj) , & 43 #else 44 ALLOCATE( u_ice_oe(4,jpj,2) , v_ice_oe(4,jpj,2) , & 45 & u_ice_sn(jpi,4,2) , v_ice_sn(jpi,4,2) , & 46 #endif 47 & adv_ice_oe (4,jpj,7,2) , adv_ice_sn (jpi,4,7,2) , & 48 & STAT = agrif_ice_alloc) 49 50 #if ! defined key_lim2_vp 51 u_ice_oe(:,:,:) = 0._wp 52 v_ice_oe(:,:,:) = 0._wp 53 u_ice_sn(:,:,:) = 0._wp 54 v_ice_sn(:,:,:) = 0._wp 55 #endif 56 adv_ice_oe (:,:,:,:) = 0._wp 57 adv_ice_sn (:,:,:,:) = 0._wp 58 ! 59 END FUNCTION agrif_ice_alloc 60 61 #elif defined key_agrif && defined key_lim3 9 #if defined key_agrif && defined key_lim3 62 10 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 11 !! 'key_agrif' AGRIF zoom -
r8215 r8586 28 28 PRIVATE 29 29 30 PUBLIC agrif_interp_lim3 ! called by ???30 PUBLIC agrif_interp_lim3 ! called by agrif_user.F90 31 31 32 32 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 52 52 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 53 ! 54 IF( Agrif_Root() ) RETURN54 IF( Agrif_Root() .OR. nn_ice==0 ) RETURN ! clem2017: do not interpolate if inside Parent domain or if child domain does not have ice 55 55 ! 56 56 SELECT CASE( cd_type ) … … 84 84 !! 85 85 !! i1 i2 j1 j2 are the index of the boundaries parent(when before) and child (when after) 86 !! To solve issues when parent grid is "land" masked but not all the corresponding child grid points, 87 !! put -9999 WHERE the parent grid is masked. The child solution will be found in the 9(?) points around 86 !! To solve issues when parent grid is "land" masked but not all the corresponding child 87 !! grid points, put Agrif_SpecialValue WHERE the parent grid is masked. 88 !! The child solution will be found in the 9(?) points around 88 89 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 90 INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 … … 96 97 IF( before ) THEN ! parent grid 97 98 ptab(:,:) = e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2) * u_ice_b(i1:i2,j1:j2) 98 WHERE( umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(:,:) = -9999.99 WHERE( umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = Agrif_SpecialValue 99 100 ELSE ! child grid 100 101 zrhoy = Agrif_Rhoy() 101 u_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab( :,:) / ( e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2) * zrhoy ) * umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1)102 u_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) / ( e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2) * zrhoy ) * umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 102 103 ENDIF 103 104 ! … … 110 111 !! 111 112 !! i1 i2 j1 j2 are the index of the boundaries parent(when before) and child (when after) 112 !! To solve issues when parent grid is "land" masked but not all the corresponding child grid points, 113 !! put -9999 WHERE the parent grid is masked. The child solution will be found in the 9(?) points around 113 !! To solve issues when parent grid is "land" masked but not all the corresponding child 114 !! grid points, put Agrif_SpecialValue WHERE the parent grid is masked. 115 !! The child solution will be found in the 9(?) points around 114 116 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 117 INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: i1, i2, j1, j2 … … 122 124 IF( before ) THEN ! parent grid 123 125 ptab(:,:) = e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2) * v_ice_b(i1:i2,j1:j2) 124 WHERE( vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(:,:) = -9999.126 WHERE( vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) = Agrif_SpecialValue 125 127 ELSE ! child grid 126 128 zrhox = Agrif_Rhox() 127 v_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab( :,:) / ( e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2) * zrhox ) * vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1)129 v_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) / ( e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2) * zrhox ) * vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 128 130 ENDIF 129 131 ! … … 136 138 !! 137 139 !! i1 i2 j1 j2 are the index of the boundaries parent(when before) and child (when after) 138 !! To solve issues when parent grid is "land" masked but not all the corresponding child grid points, 139 !! put -9999 WHERE the parent grid is masked. The child solution will be found in the 9(?) points around 140 !! To solve issues when parent grid is "land" masked but not all the corresponding child 141 !! grid points, put Agrif_SpecialValue WHERE the parent grid is masked. 142 !! The child solution will be found in the 9(?) points around 140 143 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 144 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(i1:i2,j1:j2,k1:k2), INTENT(inout) :: ptab … … 152 155 ! tracers are not multiplied by grid cell here => before: * e1e2t ; after: * r1_e1e2t / rhox / rhoy 153 156 ! and it is ok since we conserve tracers (same as in the ocean). 154 ALLOCATE( ztab(SIZE(a_i _b,1),SIZE(a_i_b,2),SIZE(ptab,3)) )157 ALLOCATE( ztab(SIZE(a_i,1),SIZE(a_i,2),SIZE(ptab,3)) ) 155 158 156 159 IF( before ) THEN ! parent grid 157 160 jm = 1 158 161 DO jl = 1, jpl 159 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = a_i_b (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 160 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = v_i_b (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 161 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = v_s_b (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 162 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = smv_i_b(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 163 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = oa_i_b (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 162 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm ) = a_i_b (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 163 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+1) = v_i_b (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 164 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+2) = v_s_b (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 165 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+3) = sv_i_b(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 166 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+4) = oa_i_b(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 167 jm = jm + 5 164 168 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 165 169 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = e_s_b(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 … … 171 175 172 176 DO jk = k1, k2 173 WHERE( tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0._wp ) ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk) = -9999.177 WHERE( tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0._wp ) ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk) = Agrif_SpecialValue 174 178 END DO 179 ! 180 ELSE ! child grid 181 ! 182 IF( nbghostcells > 1 ) THEN ! ==> The easiest interpolation is used 183 ! 184 jm = 1 185 DO jl = 1, jpl 186 ! 187 DO jj = j1, j2 188 DO ji = i1, i2 189 a_i (ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 190 v_i (ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+1) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 191 v_s (ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+2) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 192 sv_i(ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+3) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 193 oa_i(ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+4) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 194 END DO 195 END DO 196 jm = jm + 5 197 ! 198 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 199 e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 200 jm = jm + 1 201 END DO 202 ! 203 DO jk = 1, nlay_i 204 e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 205 jm = jm + 1 206 END DO 207 ! 208 END DO 209 ! 210 ELSE ! ==> complex interpolation (only one ghost cell available) 211 !! Use a more complex interpolation since we mix solutions over a couple of grid points 212 !! it is advised to use it for fields modified by high order schemes (e.g. advection UM5...) 213 !! clem: for some reason (I don't know why), the following lines do not work 214 !! with mpp (or in realistic configurations?). It makes the model crash 215 ! I think there is an issue with Agrif_SpecialValue here (not taken into account properly) 216 ! record ztab 217 jm = 1 218 DO jl = 1, jpl 219 ztab(:,:,jm ) = a_i (:,:,jl) 220 ztab(:,:,jm+1) = v_i (:,:,jl) 221 ztab(:,:,jm+2) = v_s (:,:,jl) 222 ztab(:,:,jm+3) = sv_i(:,:,jl) 223 ztab(:,:,jm+4) = oa_i(:,:,jl) 224 jm = jm + 5 225 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 226 ztab(:,:,jm) = e_s(:,:,jk,jl) 227 jm = jm + 1 228 END DO 229 DO jk = 1, nlay_i 230 ztab(:,:,jm) = e_i(:,:,jk,jl) 231 jm = jm + 1 232 END DO 233 ! 234 END DO 235 ! 236 ! borders of the domain 237 western_side = (nb == 1).AND.(ndir == 1) ; eastern_side = (nb == 1).AND.(ndir == 2) 238 southern_side = (nb == 2).AND.(ndir == 1) ; northern_side = (nb == 2).AND.(ndir == 2) 239 ! 240 ! spatial smoothing 241 zrhox = Agrif_Rhox() 242 z1 = ( zrhox - 1. ) * 0.5 243 z3 = ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 1. ) 244 z6 = 2. * ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 1. ) 245 z7 = - ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 3. ) 246 z2 = 1. - z1 247 z4 = 1. - z3 248 z5 = 1. - z6 - z7 249 ! 250 ! Remove corners 251 imin = i1 ; imax = i2 ; jmin = j1 ; jmax = j2 252 IF( (nbondj == -1) .OR. (nbondj == 2) ) jmin = 3 253 IF( (nbondj == +1) .OR. (nbondj == 2) ) jmax = nlcj-2 254 IF( (nbondi == -1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) imin = 3 255 IF( (nbondi == +1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) imax = nlci-2 256 257 ! smoothed fields 258 IF( eastern_side ) THEN 259 ztab(nlci,j1:j2,:) = z1 * ptab(nlci,j1:j2,:) + z2 * ptab(nlci-1,j1:j2,:) 260 DO jj = jmin, jmax 261 rswitch = 0. 262 IF( u_ice(nlci-2,jj) > 0._wp ) rswitch = 1. 263 ztab(nlci-1,jj,:) = ( 1. - umask(nlci-2,jj,1) ) * ztab(nlci,jj,:) & 264 & + umask(nlci-2,jj,1) * & 265 & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(nlci,jj,:) + z3 * ztab(nlci-2,jj,:) ) & 266 & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(nlci-2,jj,:) + z5 * ztab(nlci,jj,:) + z7 * ztab(nlci-3,jj,:) ) ) 267 ztab(nlci-1,jj,:) = ztab(nlci-1,jj,:) * tmask(nlci-1,jj,1) 268 END DO 269 ENDIF 270 ! 271 IF( northern_side ) THEN 272 ztab(i1:i2,nlcj,:) = z1 * ptab(i1:i2,nlcj,:) + z2 * ptab(i1:i2,nlcj-1,:) 273 DO ji = imin, imax 274 rswitch = 0. 275 IF( v_ice(ji,nlcj-2) > 0._wp ) rswitch = 1. 276 ztab(ji,nlcj-1,:) = ( 1. - vmask(ji,nlcj-2,1) ) * ztab(ji,nlcj,:) & 277 & + vmask(ji,nlcj-2,1) * & 278 & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(ji,nlcj,:) + z3 * ztab(ji,nlcj-2,:) ) & 279 & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(ji,nlcj-2,:) + z5 * ztab(ji,nlcj,:) + z7 * ztab(ji,nlcj-3,:) ) ) 280 ztab(ji,nlcj-1,:) = ztab(ji,nlcj-1,:) * tmask(ji,nlcj-1,1) 281 END DO 282 END IF 283 ! 284 IF( western_side) THEN 285 ztab(1,j1:j2,:) = z1 * ptab(1,j1:j2,:) + z2 * ptab(2,j1:j2,:) 286 DO jj = jmin, jmax 287 rswitch = 0. 288 IF( u_ice(2,jj) < 0._wp ) rswitch = 1. 289 ztab(2,jj,:) = ( 1. - umask(2,jj,1) ) * ztab(1,jj,:) & 290 & + umask(2,jj,1) * & 291 & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(1,jj,:) + z3 * ztab(3,jj,:) ) & 292 & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(3,jj,:) + z5 * ztab(1,jj,:) + z7 * ztab(4,jj,:) ) ) 293 ztab(2,jj,:) = ztab(2,jj,:) * tmask(2,jj,1) 294 END DO 295 ENDIF 296 ! 297 IF( southern_side ) THEN 298 ztab(i1:i2,1,:) = z1 * ptab(i1:i2,1,:) + z2 * ptab(i1:i2,2,:) 299 DO ji = imin, imax 300 rswitch = 0. 301 IF( v_ice(ji,2) < 0._wp ) rswitch = 1. 302 ztab(ji,2,:) = ( 1. - vmask(ji,2,1) ) * ztab(ji,1,:) & 303 & + vmask(ji,2,1) * & 304 & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(ji,1,:) + z3 * ztab(ji,3,:) ) & 305 & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(ji,3,:) + z5 * ztab(ji,1,:) + z7 * ztab(ji,4,:) ) ) 306 ztab(ji,2,:) = ztab(ji,2,:) * tmask(ji,2,1) 307 END DO 308 END IF 309 ! 310 ! Treatment of corners 311 IF( (eastern_side) .AND. ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(nlci-1,2,:) = ptab(nlci-1,2,:) ! East south 312 IF( (eastern_side) .AND. ((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(nlci-1,nlcj-1,:) = ptab(nlci-1,nlcj-1,:) ! East north 313 IF( (western_side) .AND. ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(2,2,:) = ptab(2,2,:) ! West south 314 IF( (western_side) .AND. ((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(2,nlcj-1,:) = ptab(2,nlcj-1,:) ! West north 315 316 ! retrieve ice tracers 317 jm = 1 318 DO jl = 1, jpl 319 ! 320 DO jj = j1, j2 321 DO ji = i1, i2 322 a_i (ji,jj,jl) = ztab(ji,jj,jm ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 323 v_i (ji,jj,jl) = ztab(ji,jj,jm+1) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 324 v_s (ji,jj,jl) = ztab(ji,jj,jm+2) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 325 sv_i(ji,jj,jl) = ztab(ji,jj,jm+3) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 326 oa_i (ji,jj,jl) = ztab(ji,jj,jm+4) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 327 END DO 328 END DO 329 jm = jm + 5 330 ! 331 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 332 e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 333 jm = jm + 1 334 END DO 335 ! 336 DO jk = 1, nlay_i 337 e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 338 jm = jm + 1 339 END DO 340 ! 341 END DO 342 343 ENDIF ! nbghostcells=1 175 344 176 ELSE ! child grid177 !! ==> The easiest interpolation is the following commented lines178 jm = 1179 DO jl = 1, jpl180 a_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1181 v_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1182 v_s (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1183 smv_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1184 oa_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1185 DO jk = 1, nlay_s186 e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1187 END DO188 DO jk = 1, nlay_i189 e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1190 END DO191 END DO192 193 !! ==> this is a more complex interpolation since we mix solutions over a couple of grid points194 !! it is advised to use it for fields modified by high order schemes (e.g. advection UM5...)195 !! clem: for some reason (I don't know why), the following lines do not work196 !! with mpp (or in realistic configurations?). It makes the model crash197 ! ! record ztab198 ! jm = 1199 ! DO jl = 1, jpl200 ! ztab(:,:,jm) = a_i (:,:,jl) ; jm = jm + 1201 ! ztab(:,:,jm) = v_i (:,:,jl) ; jm = jm + 1202 ! ztab(:,:,jm) = v_s (:,:,jl) ; jm = jm + 1203 ! ztab(:,:,jm) = smv_i(:,:,jl) ; jm = jm + 1204 ! ztab(:,:,jm) = oa_i (:,:,jl) ; jm = jm + 1205 ! DO jk = 1, nlay_s206 ! ztab(:,:,jm) = e_s(:,:,jk,jl) ; jm = jm + 1207 ! ENDDO208 ! DO jk = 1, nlay_i209 ! ztab(:,:,jm) = e_i(:,:,jk,jl) ; jm = jm + 1210 ! ENDDO211 ! ENDDO212 ! !213 ! ! borders of the domain214 ! western_side = (nb == 1).AND.(ndir == 1) ; eastern_side = (nb == 1).AND.(ndir == 2)215 ! southern_side = (nb == 2).AND.(ndir == 1) ; northern_side = (nb == 2).AND.(ndir == 2)216 ! !217 ! ! spatial smoothing218 ! zrhox = Agrif_Rhox()219 ! z1 = ( zrhox - 1. ) * 0.5220 ! z3 = ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 1. )221 ! z6 = 2. * ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 1. )222 ! z7 = - ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 3. )223 ! z2 = 1. - z1224 ! z4 = 1. - z3225 ! z5 = 1. - z6 - z7226 ! !227 ! ! Remove corners228 ! imin = i1 ; imax = i2 ; jmin = j1 ; jmax = j2229 ! IF( (nbondj == -1) .OR. (nbondj == 2) ) jmin = 3230 ! IF( (nbondj == +1) .OR. (nbondj == 2) ) jmax = nlcj-2231 ! IF( (nbondi == -1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) imin = 3232 ! IF( (nbondi == +1) .OR. (nbondi == 2) ) imax = nlci-2233 !234 ! ! smoothed fields235 ! IF( eastern_side ) THEN236 ! ztab(nlci,j1:j2,:) = z1 * ptab(nlci,j1:j2,:) + z2 * ptab(nlci-1,j1:j2,:)237 ! DO jj = jmin, jmax238 ! rswitch = 0.239 ! IF( u_ice(nlci-2,jj) > 0._wp ) rswitch = 1.240 ! ztab(nlci-1,jj,:) = ( 1. - umask(nlci-2,jj,1) ) * ztab(nlci,jj,:) &241 ! & + umask(nlci-2,jj,1) * &242 ! & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(nlci,jj,:) + z3 * ztab(nlci-2,jj,:) ) &243 ! & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(nlci-2,jj,:) + z5 * ztab(nlci,jj,:) + z7 * ztab(nlci-3,jj,:) ) )244 ! ztab(nlci-1,jj,:) = ztab(nlci-1,jj,:) * tmask(nlci-1,jj,1)245 ! END DO246 ! ENDIF247 ! !248 ! IF( northern_side ) THEN249 ! ztab(i1:i2,nlcj,:) = z1 * ptab(i1:i2,nlcj,:) + z2 * ptab(i1:i2,nlcj-1,:)250 ! DO ji = imin, imax251 ! rswitch = 0.252 ! IF( v_ice(ji,nlcj-2) > 0._wp ) rswitch = 1.253 ! ztab(ji,nlcj-1,:) = ( 1. - vmask(ji,nlcj-2,1) ) * ztab(ji,nlcj,:) &254 ! & + vmask(ji,nlcj-2,1) * &255 ! & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(ji,nlcj,:) + z3 * ztab(ji,nlcj-2,:) ) &256 ! & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(ji,nlcj-2,:) + z5 * ztab(ji,nlcj,:) + z7 * ztab(ji,nlcj-3,:) ) )257 ! ztab(ji,nlcj-1,:) = ztab(ji,nlcj-1,:) * tmask(ji,nlcj-1,1)258 ! END DO259 ! END IF260 ! !261 ! IF( western_side) THEN262 ! ztab(1,j1:j2,:) = z1 * ptab(1,j1:j2,:) + z2 * ptab(2,j1:j2,:)263 ! DO jj = jmin, jmax264 ! rswitch = 0.265 ! IF( u_ice(2,jj) < 0._wp ) rswitch = 1.266 ! ztab(2,jj,:) = ( 1. - umask(2,jj,1) ) * ztab(1,jj,:) &267 ! & + umask(2,jj,1) * &268 ! & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(1,jj,:) + z3 * ztab(3,jj,:) ) &269 ! & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(3,jj,:) + z5 * ztab(1,jj,:) + z7 * ztab(4,jj,:) ) )270 ! ztab(2,jj,:) = ztab(2,jj,:) * tmask(2,jj,1)271 ! END DO272 ! ENDIF273 ! !274 ! IF( southern_side ) THEN275 ! ztab(i1:i2,1,:) = z1 * ptab(i1:i2,1,:) + z2 * ptab(i1:i2,2,:)276 ! DO ji = imin, imax277 ! rswitch = 0.278 ! IF( v_ice(ji,2) < 0._wp ) rswitch = 1.279 ! ztab(ji,2,:) = ( 1. - vmask(ji,2,1) ) * ztab(ji,1,:) &280 ! & + vmask(ji,2,1) * &281 ! & ( ( 1. - rswitch ) * ( z4 * ztab(ji,1,:) + z3 * ztab(ji,3,:) ) &282 ! & + rswitch * ( z6 * ztab(ji,3,:) + z5 * ztab(ji,1,:) + z7 * ztab(ji,4,:) ) )283 ! ztab(ji,2,:) = ztab(ji,2,:) * tmask(ji,2,1)284 ! END DO285 ! END IF286 ! !287 ! ! Treatment of corners288 ! IF( (eastern_side) .AND. ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(nlci-1,2,:) = ptab(nlci-1,2,:) ! East south289 ! IF( (eastern_side) .AND. ((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(nlci-1,nlcj-1,:) = ptab(nlci-1,nlcj-1,:) ! East north290 ! IF( (western_side) .AND. ((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(2,2,:) = ptab(2,2,:) ! West south291 ! IF( (western_side) .AND. ((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) ) ztab(2,nlcj-1,:) = ptab(2,nlcj-1,:) ! West north292 !293 ! ! retrieve ice tracers294 ! jm = 1295 ! DO jl = 1, jpl296 ! a_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) ; jm = jm + 1297 ! v_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) ; jm = jm + 1298 ! v_s (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) ; jm = jm + 1299 ! smv_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) ; jm = jm + 1300 ! oa_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) ; jm = jm + 1301 ! DO jk = 1, nlay_s302 ! e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) ; jm = jm + 1303 ! ENDDO304 ! DO jk = 1, nlay_i305 ! e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ztab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) ; jm = jm + 1306 ! ENDDO307 ! ENDDO308 309 345 ! integrated values 310 346 vt_i (i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( v_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), dim=3 ) -
r8215 r8586 31 31 PRIVATE 32 32 33 PUBLIC agrif_update_lim3 ! called by ????33 PUBLIC agrif_update_lim3 ! called by agrif_user.F90 34 34 35 35 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 54 54 IF( ( MOD( (kt-nit000)/nn_fsbc + 1, Agrif_irhot() * Agrif_Parent(nn_fsbc) / nn_fsbc ) /=0 ) .AND. (kt /= 0) ) RETURN ! do not update if nb of child time steps differ from time refinement 55 55 ! i.e. update only at the parent time step 56 IF( nn_ice == 0 ) RETURN ! clem2017: do not update if child domain does not have ice 57 ! 58 Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid = -9999. 56 59 Agrif_UseSpecialValueInUpdate = .TRUE. 57 Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid = -9999.58 60 # if defined TWO_WAY 59 61 IF( MOD(nbcline,nbclineupdate) == 0) THEN ! update the whole basin at each nbclineupdate (=nn_cln_update) baroclinic parent time steps … … 68 70 ENDIF 69 71 # endif 72 Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid = 0. 70 73 Agrif_UseSpecialValueInUpdate = .FALSE. 71 74 ! … … 83 86 LOGICAL , INTENT(in ) :: before 84 87 !! 85 INTEGER :: j k, jl, jm88 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jl, jm 86 89 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 90 ! it is ok not to multiply by e1*e2 since we conserve tracers here (same as in the ocean). … … 89 92 jm = 1 90 93 DO jl = 1, jpl 91 ptab(:,:,jm) = a_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 92 ptab(:,:,jm) = v_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 93 ptab(:,:,jm) = v_s (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 94 ptab(:,:,jm) = smv_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 95 ptab(:,:,jm) = oa_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 94 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm ) = a_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 95 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+1) = v_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 96 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+2) = v_s (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 97 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+3) = sv_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 98 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm+4) = oa_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) 99 jm = jm + 5 96 100 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 97 ptab( :,:,jm) = e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) ; jm = jm + 1101 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 98 102 END DO 99 103 DO jk = 1, nlay_i 100 ptab( :,:,jm) = e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) ; jm = jm + 1104 ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) = e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) ; jm = jm + 1 101 105 END DO 102 106 END DO 103 107 ! 104 108 DO jk = k1, k2 105 WHERE( tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(:,:,jk) = -9999.109 WHERE( tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk) = Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid 106 110 END DO 107 ! 111 ! 108 112 ELSE 113 ! 109 114 jm = 1 110 115 DO jl = 1, jpl 111 a_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1 112 v_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1 113 v_s (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1 114 smv_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1 115 oa_i (i1:i2,j1:j2,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1 116 ! 117 DO jj = j1, j2 118 DO ji = i1, i2 119 IF( ptab(ji,jj,jm) /= Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid ) THEN 120 a_i (ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm ) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 121 v_i (ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+1) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 122 v_s (ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+2) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 123 sv_i(ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+3) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 124 oa_i(ji,jj,jl) = ptab(ji,jj,jm+4) * tmask(ji,jj,1) 125 ENDIF 126 END DO 127 END DO 128 jm = jm + 5 129 ! 116 130 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 117 e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1 118 ENDDO 131 WHERE( ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) /= Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid ) 132 e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 133 ENDWHERE 134 jm = jm + 1 135 END DO 136 ! 119 137 DO jk = 1, nlay_i 120 e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(:,:,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) ; jm = jm + 1 121 END DO 138 WHERE( ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) /= Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid ) 139 e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,jk,jl) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2,jm) * tmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 140 ENDWHERE 141 jm = jm + 1 142 END DO 143 ! 122 144 END DO 123 145 ! 124 146 ! integrated values 125 vt_i (i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( v_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), dim=3 )126 vt_s (i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( v_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), dim=3 )127 at_i (i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( a_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,:), dim=3 )147 vt_i (i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( v_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,:) , dim=3 ) 148 vt_s (i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( v_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,:) , dim=3 ) 149 at_i (i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( a_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,:) , dim=3 ) 128 150 et_s(i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( SUM( e_s(i1:i2,j1:j2,:,:), dim=4 ), dim=3 ) 129 151 et_i(i1:i2,j1:j2) = SUM( SUM( e_i(i1:i2,j1:j2,:,:), dim=4 ), dim=3 ) … … 149 171 zrhoy = Agrif_Rhoy() 150 172 ptab(:,:) = e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2) * u_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) * zrhoy 151 WHERE( umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(:,:) = -9999.173 WHERE( umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0._wp ) ptab(:,:) = Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid 152 174 ELSE 153 u_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(:,:) / e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2) * umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 175 WHERE( ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) /= Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid ) 176 u_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) / e2u(i1:i2,j1:j2) * umask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 177 ENDWHERE 154 178 ENDIF 155 179 ! … … 172 196 zrhox = Agrif_Rhox() 173 197 ptab(:,:) = e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2) * v_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) * zrhox 174 WHERE( vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0. ) ptab(:,:) = -9999.198 WHERE( vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) == 0._wp ) ptab(:,:) = Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid 175 199 ELSE 176 v_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(:,:) / e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2) * vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 200 WHERE( ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) /= Agrif_SpecialValueFineGrid ) 201 v_ice(i1:i2,j1:j2) = ptab(i1:i2,j1:j2) / e1v(i1:i2,j1:j2) * vmask(i1:i2,j1:j2,1) 202 ENDWHERE 177 203 ENDIF 178 204 ! -
r8215 r8586 47 47 REAL(wp), PUBLIC, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: fsahm_spt, fsahm_spf !: sponge viscosities 48 48 49 !!gm add PUBLIC in all variable below: should we need to add it50 51 49 ! Barotropic arrays used to store open boundary data during time-splitting loop: 52 50 REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE, DIMENSION(:) :: ubdy_w, vbdy_w, hbdy_w … … 71 69 INTEGER :: umsk_id, vmsk_id 72 70 INTEGER :: kindic_agr 73 74 !!gm end possible public addition75 71 76 72 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r8215 r8586 2 2 !!====================================================================== 3 3 !! *** MODULE agrif_opa_interp *** 4 !! AGRIF: interpolation package 4 !! AGRIF: interpolation package for the ocean dynamics (OPA) 5 5 !!====================================================================== 6 6 !! History : 2.0 ! 2002-06 (XXX) Original cade … … 21 21 USE oce 22 22 USE dom_oce 23 USE zdf_oce ! vertical physics23 USE zdf_oce 24 24 USE agrif_oce 25 25 USE phycst … … 28 28 USE agrif_opa_sponge 29 29 USE lib_mpp 30 USE wrk_nemo31 30 32 31 IMPLICIT NONE … … 75 74 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk ! dummy loop indices 76 75 INTEGER :: j1, j2, i1, i2 77 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zub, zvb76 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zub, zvb 78 77 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 78 ! 80 79 IF( Agrif_Root() ) RETURN 81 !82 CALL wrk_alloc( jpi,jpj, zub, zvb )83 80 ! 84 81 Agrif_SpecialValue = 0._wp … … 103 100 ! --------- 104 101 IF( .NOT.ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Store transport 105 ua_b(2 ,:) = 0._wp102 ua_b(2:1+nbghostcells,:) = 0._wp 106 103 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 107 104 DO jj = 1, jpj 108 ua_b(2 ,jj) = ua_b(2,jj) + e3u_a(2,jj,jk) * ua(2,jj,jk)105 ua_b(2:1+nbghostcells,jj) = ua_b(2:1+nbghostcells,jj) + e3u_a(2:1+nbghostcells,jj,jk) * ua(2:1+nbghostcells,jj,jk) 109 106 END DO 110 107 END DO 111 108 DO jj = 1, jpj 112 ua_b(2,jj) = ua_b(2,jj) * r1_hu_a(2,jj) 113 END DO 114 ENDIF 115 ! 116 DO jk=1,jpkm1 ! Smooth 117 DO jj=j1,j2 118 ua(2,jj,jk) = 0.25_wp*(ua(1,jj,jk)+2._wp*ua(2,jj,jk)+ua(3,jj,jk)) 119 ua(2,jj,jk) = ua(2,jj,jk) * umask(2,jj,jk) 120 END DO 121 END DO 122 ! 123 zub(2,:) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 124 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 125 DO jj = 1, jpj 126 zub(2,jj) = zub(2,jj) + e3u_a(2,jj,jk) * ua(2,jj,jk) 127 END DO 128 END DO 129 DO jj=1,jpj 130 zub(2,jj) = zub(2,jj) * r1_hu_a(2,jj) 131 END DO 132 133 DO jk=1,jpkm1 134 DO jj=1,jpj 135 ua(2,jj,jk) = (ua(2,jj,jk)+ua_b(2,jj)-zub(2,jj))*umask(2,jj,jk) 136 END DO 137 END DO 138 139 ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 140 !----------------------------------------------------- 141 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN 142 zvb(2,:) = 0._wp 109 ua_b(2:1+nbghostcells,jj) = ua_b(2:1+nbghostcells,jj) * r1_hu_a(2:1+nbghostcells,jj) 110 END DO 111 ENDIF 112 ! 113 ! Smoothing if only 1 ghostcell 114 ! ----------------------------- 115 IF( nbghostcells == 1 ) THEN 116 DO jk=1,jpkm1 ! Smooth 117 DO jj=j1,j2 118 ua(2,jj,jk) = 0.25_wp*(ua(1,jj,jk)+2._wp*ua(2,jj,jk)+ua(3,jj,jk)) 119 ua(2,jj,jk) = ua(2,jj,jk) * umask(2,jj,jk) 120 END DO 121 END DO 122 ! 123 zub(2,:) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 143 124 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 144 125 DO jj = 1, jpj 145 zvb(2,jj) = zvb(2,jj) + e3v_a(2,jj,jk) * va(2,jj,jk) 146 END DO 147 END DO 148 DO jj = 1, jpj 149 zvb(2,jj) = zvb(2,jj) * r1_hv_a(2,jj) 150 END DO 126 zub(2,jj) = zub(2,jj) + e3u_a(2,jj,jk) * ua(2,jj,jk) 127 END DO 128 END DO 129 DO jj=1,jpj 130 zub(2,jj) = zub(2,jj) * r1_hu_a(2,jj) 131 END DO 132 151 133 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 152 134 DO jj = 1, jpj 153 va(2,jj,jk) = (va(2,jj,jk)+va_b(2,jj)-zvb(2,jj)) * vmask(2,jj,jk) 154 END DO 155 END DO 135 ua(2,jj,jk) = (ua(2,jj,jk)+ua_b(2,jj)-zub(2,jj))*umask(2,jj,jk) 136 END DO 137 END DO 138 139 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 140 zvb(2,:) = 0._wp 141 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 142 DO jj = 1, jpj 143 zvb(2,jj) = zvb(2,jj) + e3v_a(2,jj,jk) * va(2,jj,jk) 144 END DO 145 END DO 146 DO jj = 1, jpj 147 zvb(2,jj) = zvb(2,jj) * r1_hv_a(2,jj) 148 END DO 149 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 150 DO jj = 1, jpj 151 va(2,jj,jk) = (va(2,jj,jk)+va_b(2,jj)-zvb(2,jj)) * vmask(2,jj,jk) 152 END DO 153 END DO 154 ENDIF 155 ! 156 156 ENDIF 157 157 ! 158 158 ! Mask domain edges: 159 159 !------------------- 160 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 161 DO jj = 1, jpj 162 ua(1,jj,jk) = 0._wp 163 va(1,jj,jk) = 0._wp 164 END DO 165 END DO 166 ! 167 ENDIF 168 160 ! DO jk = 1, jpkm1 161 ! DO jj = 1, jpj 162 ! ua(1,jj,jk) = 0._wp 163 ! va(1,jj,jk) = 0._wp 164 ! END DO 165 ! END DO 166 ! 167 ENDIF 168 169 ! --- East --- ! 169 170 IF( nbondi == 1 .OR. nbondi == 2 ) THEN 170 171 171 ! Smoothing172 ! ---------173 172 IF( .NOT.ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Store transport 174 ua_b(nlci- 2,:) = 0._wp173 ua_b(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,:) = 0._wp 175 174 DO jk=1,jpkm1 176 175 DO jj=1,jpj 177 ua_b(nlci-2,jj) = ua_b(nlci-2,jj) + e3u_a(nlci-2,jj,jk) * ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) 176 ua_b(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj) = ua_b(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj) + e3u_a(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj,jk) & 177 & * ua(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj,jk) 178 178 END DO 179 179 END DO 180 180 DO jj=1,jpj 181 ua_b(nlci-2,jj) = ua_b(nlci-2,jj) * r1_hu_a(nlci-2,jj) 182 END DO 183 ENDIF 184 185 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Smooth 186 DO jj = j1, j2 187 ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) = 0.25_wp * umask(nlci-2,jj,jk) & 188 & * ( ua(nlci-3,jj,jk) + 2._wp*ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) + ua(nlci-1,jj,jk) ) 189 END DO 190 END DO 191 192 zub(nlci-2,:) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 193 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 194 DO jj = 1, jpj 195 zub(nlci-2,jj) = zub(nlci-2,jj) + e3u_a(nlci-2,jj,jk) * ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) 196 END DO 197 END DO 198 DO jj = 1, jpj 199 zub(nlci-2,jj) = zub(nlci-2,jj) * r1_hu_a(nlci-2,jj) 200 END DO 201 202 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 203 DO jj = 1, jpj 204 ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) = ( ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) + ua_b(nlci-2,jj) - zub(nlci-2,jj) ) * umask(nlci-2,jj,jk) 205 END DO 206 END DO 207 ! 208 ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 209 !----------------------------------------------------- 210 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN 211 zvb(nlci-1,:) = 0._wp 181 ua_b(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj) = ua_b(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj) * r1_hu_a(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj) 182 END DO 183 ENDIF 184 ! 185 ! Smoothing if only 1 ghostcell 186 ! ----------------------------- 187 IF( nbghostcells == 1 ) THEN 188 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Smooth 189 DO jj = j1, j2 190 ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) = 0.25_wp * umask(nlci-2,jj,jk) & 191 & * ( ua(nlci-3,jj,jk) + 2._wp*ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) + ua(nlci-1,jj,jk) ) 192 END DO 193 END DO 194 195 zub(nlci-2,:) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 212 196 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 213 197 DO jj = 1, jpj 214 zvb(nlci-1,jj) = zvb(nlci-1,jj) + e3v_a(nlci-1,jj,jk) * va(nlci-1,jj,jk) 215 END DO 216 END DO 217 DO jj=1,jpj 218 zvb(nlci-1,jj) = zvb(nlci-1,jj) * r1_hv_a(nlci-1,jj) 219 END DO 198 zub(nlci-2,jj) = zub(nlci-2,jj) + e3u_a(nlci-2,jj,jk) * ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) 199 END DO 200 END DO 201 DO jj = 1, jpj 202 zub(nlci-2,jj) = zub(nlci-2,jj) * r1_hu_a(nlci-2,jj) 203 END DO 204 220 205 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 221 206 DO jj = 1, jpj 222 va(nlci-1,jj,jk) = ( va(nlci-1,jj,jk) + va_b(nlci-1,jj) - zvb(nlci-1,jj) ) * vmask(nlci-1,jj,jk) 223 END DO 224 END DO 207 ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) = ( ua(nlci-2,jj,jk) + ua_b(nlci-2,jj) - zub(nlci-2,jj) ) * umask(nlci-2,jj,jk) 208 END DO 209 END DO 210 ! 211 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 212 zvb(nlci-1,:) = 0._wp 213 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 214 DO jj = 1, jpj 215 zvb(nlci-1,jj) = zvb(nlci-1,jj) + e3v_a(nlci-1,jj,jk) * va(nlci-1,jj,jk) 216 END DO 217 END DO 218 DO jj=1,jpj 219 zvb(nlci-1,jj) = zvb(nlci-1,jj) * r1_hv_a(nlci-1,jj) 220 END DO 221 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 222 DO jj = 1, jpj 223 va(nlci-1,jj,jk) = ( va(nlci-1,jj,jk) + va_b(nlci-1,jj) - zvb(nlci-1,jj) ) * vmask(nlci-1,jj,jk) 224 END DO 225 END DO 226 ENDIF 227 ! 225 228 ENDIF 226 229 ! 227 230 ! Mask domain edges: 228 231 !------------------- 229 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 230 DO jj = 1, jpj 231 ua(nlci-1,jj,jk) = 0._wp 232 va(nlci ,jj,jk) = 0._wp 233 END DO 234 END DO 235 ! 236 ENDIF 237 232 ! DO jk = 1, jpkm1 233 ! DO jj = 1, jpj 234 ! ua(nlci-1,jj,jk) = 0._wp 235 ! va(nlci ,jj,jk) = 0._wp 236 ! END DO 237 ! END DO 238 ! 239 ENDIF 240 241 ! --- South --- ! 238 242 IF( nbondj == -1 .OR. nbondj == 2 ) THEN 239 243 240 ! Smoothing241 ! ---------242 244 IF( .NOT.ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Store transport 243 va_b(:,2 ) = 0._wp245 va_b(:,2:nbghostcells+1) = 0._wp 244 246 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 245 247 DO ji = 1, jpi 246 va_b(ji,2 ) = va_b(ji,2) + e3v_a(ji,2,jk) * va(ji,2,jk)248 va_b(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) = va_b(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) + e3v_a(ji,2:nbghostcells+1,jk) * va(ji,2:nbghostcells+1,jk) 247 249 END DO 248 250 END DO 249 251 DO ji=1,jpi 250 va_b(ji,2) = va_b(ji,2) * r1_hv_a(ji,2) 251 END DO 252 ENDIF 253 ! 254 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Smooth 255 DO ji = i1, i2 256 va(ji,2,jk) = 0.25_wp * vmask(ji,2,jk) & 257 & * ( va(ji,1,jk) + 2._wp*va(ji,2,jk) + va(ji,3,jk) ) 258 END DO 259 END DO 260 ! 261 zvb(:,2) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 262 DO jk=1,jpkm1 263 DO ji=1,jpi 264 zvb(ji,2) = zvb(ji,2) + e3v_a(ji,2,jk) * va(ji,2,jk) * vmask(ji,2,jk) 265 END DO 266 END DO 267 DO ji = 1, jpi 268 zvb(ji,2) = zvb(ji,2) * r1_hv_a(ji,2) 269 END DO 270 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 252 va_b(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) = va_b(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) * r1_hv_a(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) 253 END DO 254 ENDIF 255 ! 256 ! Smoothing if only 1 ghostcell 257 ! ----------------------------- 258 IF( nbghostcells == 1 ) THEN 259 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Smooth 260 DO ji = i1, i2 261 va(ji,2,jk) = 0.25_wp * vmask(ji,2,jk) & 262 & * ( va(ji,1,jk) + 2._wp*va(ji,2,jk) + va(ji,3,jk) ) 263 END DO 264 END DO 265 ! 266 zvb(:,2) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 267 DO jk=1,jpkm1 268 DO ji=1,jpi 269 zvb(ji,2) = zvb(ji,2) + e3v_a(ji,2,jk) * va(ji,2,jk) * vmask(ji,2,jk) 270 END DO 271 END DO 271 272 DO ji = 1, jpi 272 va(ji,2,jk) = ( va(ji,2,jk) + va_b(ji,2) - zvb(ji,2) ) * vmask(ji,2,jk) 273 END DO 274 END DO 275 276 ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 277 !----------------------------------------------------- 278 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN 279 zub(:,2) = 0._wp 273 zvb(ji,2) = zvb(ji,2) * r1_hv_a(ji,2) 274 END DO 280 275 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 281 276 DO ji = 1, jpi 282 zub(ji,2) = zub(ji,2) + e3u_a(ji,2,jk) * ua(ji,2,jk) * umask(ji,2,jk) 283 END DO 284 END DO 285 DO ji = 1, jpi 286 zub(ji,2) = zub(ji,2) * r1_hu_a(ji,2) 287 END DO 288 277 va(ji,2,jk) = ( va(ji,2,jk) + va_b(ji,2) - zvb(ji,2) ) * vmask(ji,2,jk) 278 END DO 279 END DO 280 281 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 282 zub(:,2) = 0._wp 283 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 284 DO ji = 1, jpi 285 zub(ji,2) = zub(ji,2) + e3u_a(ji,2,jk) * ua(ji,2,jk) * umask(ji,2,jk) 286 END DO 287 END DO 288 DO ji = 1, jpi 289 zub(ji,2) = zub(ji,2) * r1_hu_a(ji,2) 290 END DO 291 292 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 293 DO ji = 1, jpi 294 ua(ji,2,jk) = ( ua(ji,2,jk) + ua_b(ji,2) - zub(ji,2) ) * umask(ji,2,jk) 295 END DO 296 END DO 297 ENDIF 298 ! 299 ENDIF 300 ! 301 ! Mask domain edges: 302 !------------------- 303 ! DO jk = 1, jpkm1 304 ! DO ji = 1, jpi 305 ! ua(ji,1,jk) = 0._wp 306 ! va(ji,1,jk) = 0._wp 307 ! END DO 308 ! END DO 309 ! 310 ENDIF 311 312 ! --- North --- ! 313 IF( nbondj == 1 .OR. nbondj == 2 ) THEN 314 ! 315 IF( .NOT.ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Store transport 316 va_b(:,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) = 0._wp 289 317 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 290 318 DO ji = 1, jpi 291 ua(ji,2,jk) = ( ua(ji,2,jk) + ua_b(ji,2) - zub(ji,2) ) * umask(ji,2,jk) 292 END DO 293 END DO 294 ENDIF 295 319 va_b(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) = va_b(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) + e3v_a(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2,jk) & 320 & * va(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2,jk) 321 END DO 322 END DO 323 DO ji = 1, jpi 324 va_b(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) = va_b(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) * r1_hv_a(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) 325 END DO 326 ENDIF 327 ! 328 ! Smoothing if only 1 ghostcell 329 ! ----------------------------- 330 IF( nbghostcells == 1 ) THEN 331 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Smooth 332 DO ji = i1, i2 333 va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) = 0.25_wp * vmask(ji,nlcj-2,jk) & 334 & * ( va(ji,nlcj-3,jk) + 2._wp * va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) + va(ji,nlcj-1,jk) ) 335 END DO 336 END DO 337 ! 338 zvb(:,nlcj-2) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 339 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 340 DO ji = 1, jpi 341 zvb(ji,nlcj-2) = zvb(ji,nlcj-2) + e3v_a(ji,nlcj-2,jk) * va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) * vmask(ji,nlcj-2,jk) 342 END DO 343 END DO 344 DO ji = 1, jpi 345 zvb(ji,nlcj-2) = zvb(ji,nlcj-2) * r1_hv_a(ji,nlcj-2) 346 END DO 347 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 348 DO ji = 1, jpi 349 va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) = ( va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) + va_b(ji,nlcj-2) - zvb(ji,nlcj-2) ) * vmask(ji,nlcj-2,jk) 350 END DO 351 END DO 352 ! 353 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 354 zub(:,nlcj-1) = 0._wp 355 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 356 DO ji = 1, jpi 357 zub(ji,nlcj-1) = zub(ji,nlcj-1) + e3u_a(ji,nlcj-1,jk) * ua(ji,nlcj-1,jk) * umask(ji,nlcj-1,jk) 358 END DO 359 END DO 360 DO ji = 1, jpi 361 zub(ji,nlcj-1) = zub(ji,nlcj-1) * r1_hu_a(ji,nlcj-1) 362 END DO 363 ! 364 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 365 DO ji = 1, jpi 366 ua(ji,nlcj-1,jk) = ( ua(ji,nlcj-1,jk) + ua_b(ji,nlcj-1) - zub(ji,nlcj-1) ) * umask(ji,nlcj-1,jk) 367 END DO 368 END DO 369 ENDIF 370 ! 371 ENDIF 372 ! 296 373 ! Mask domain edges: 297 374 !------------------- 298 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 299 DO ji = 1, jpi 300 ua(ji,1,jk) = 0._wp 301 va(ji,1,jk) = 0._wp 302 END DO 303 END DO 304 305 ENDIF 306 307 IF( nbondj == 1 .OR. nbondj == 2 ) THEN 308 ! 309 ! Smoothing 310 ! --------- 311 IF( .NOT.ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN ! Store transport 312 va_b(:,nlcj-2) = 0._wp 313 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 314 DO ji = 1, jpi 315 va_b(ji,nlcj-2) = va_b(ji,nlcj-2) + e3v_a(ji,nlcj-2,jk) * va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) 316 END DO 317 END DO 318 DO ji = 1, jpi 319 va_b(ji,nlcj-2) = va_b(ji,nlcj-2) * r1_hv_a(ji,nlcj-2) 320 END DO 321 ENDIF 322 ! 323 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 ! Smooth 324 DO ji = i1, i2 325 va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) = 0.25_wp * vmask(ji,nlcj-2,jk) & 326 & * ( va(ji,nlcj-3,jk) + 2._wp * va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) + va(ji,nlcj-1,jk) ) 327 END DO 328 END DO 329 ! 330 zvb(:,nlcj-2) = 0._wp ! Correct transport 331 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 332 DO ji = 1, jpi 333 zvb(ji,nlcj-2) = zvb(ji,nlcj-2) + e3v_a(ji,nlcj-2,jk) * va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) * vmask(ji,nlcj-2,jk) 334 END DO 335 END DO 336 DO ji = 1, jpi 337 zvb(ji,nlcj-2) = zvb(ji,nlcj-2) * r1_hv_a(ji,nlcj-2) 338 END DO 339 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 340 DO ji = 1, jpi 341 va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) = ( va(ji,nlcj-2,jk) + va_b(ji,nlcj-2) - zvb(ji,nlcj-2) ) * vmask(ji,nlcj-2,jk) 342 END DO 343 END DO 344 ! 345 ! Set tangential velocities to time splitting estimate 346 !----------------------------------------------------- 347 IF( ln_dynspg_ts ) THEN 348 zub(:,nlcj-1) = 0._wp 349 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 350 DO ji = 1, jpi 351 zub(ji,nlcj-1) = zub(ji,nlcj-1) + e3u_a(ji,nlcj-1,jk) * ua(ji,nlcj-1,jk) * umask(ji,nlcj-1,jk) 352 END DO 353 END DO 354 DO ji = 1, jpi 355 zub(ji,nlcj-1) = zub(ji,nlcj-1) * r1_hu_a(ji,nlcj-1) 356 END DO 357 ! 358 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 359 DO ji = 1, jpi 360 ua(ji,nlcj-1,jk) = ( ua(ji,nlcj-1,jk) + ua_b(ji,nlcj-1) - zub(ji,nlcj-1) ) * umask(ji,nlcj-1,jk) 361 END DO 362 END DO 363 ENDIF 364 ! 365 ! Mask domain edges: 366 !------------------- 367 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 368 DO ji = 1, jpi 369 ua(ji,nlcj ,jk) = 0._wp 370 va(ji,nlcj-1,jk) = 0._wp 371 END DO 372 END DO 373 ! 374 ENDIF 375 ! 376 CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi,jpj, zub, zvb ) 375 ! DO jk = 1, jpkm1 376 ! DO ji = 1, jpi 377 ! ua(ji,nlcj ,jk) = 0._wp 378 ! va(ji,nlcj-1,jk) = 0._wp 379 ! END DO 380 ! END DO 381 ! 382 ENDIF 377 383 ! 378 384 END SUBROUTINE Agrif_dyn … … 389 395 ! 390 396 IF( Agrif_Root() ) RETURN 391 ! 397 !! clem ghost 392 398 IF((nbondi == -1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) THEN 393 399 DO jj=1,jpj 394 va_e(2 ,jj) = vbdy_w(jj) * hvr_e(2,jj)400 va_e(2:nbghostcells+1,jj) = vbdy_w(jj) * hvr_e(2:nbghostcells+1,jj) 395 401 ! Specified fluxes: 396 ua_e(2 ,jj) = ubdy_w(jj) * hur_e(2,jj)397 ! Characteristics method :402 ua_e(2:nbghostcells+1,jj) = ubdy_w(jj) * hur_e(2:nbghostcells+1,jj) 403 ! Characteristics method (only if ghostcells=1): 398 404 !alt ua_e(2,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( ubdy_w(jj) * hur_e(2,jj) + ua_e(3,jj) & 399 405 !alt & - sqrt(grav * hur_e(2,jj)) * (sshn_e(3,jj) - hbdy_w(jj)) ) … … 403 409 IF((nbondi == 1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) THEN 404 410 DO jj=1,jpj 405 va_e(nlci- 1,jj) = vbdy_e(jj) * hvr_e(nlci-1,jj)411 va_e(nlci-nbghostcells:nlci-1,jj) = vbdy_e(jj) * hvr_e(nlci-nbghostcells:nlci-1,jj) 406 412 ! Specified fluxes: 407 ua_e(nlci- 2,jj) = ubdy_e(jj) * hur_e(nlci-2,jj)408 ! Characteristics method :413 ua_e(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj) = ubdy_e(jj) * hur_e(nlci-nbghostcells-1:nlci-2,jj) 414 ! Characteristics method (only if ghostcells=1): 409 415 !alt ua_e(nlci-2,jj) = 0.5_wp * ( ubdy_e(jj) * hur_e(nlci-2,jj) + ua_e(nlci-3,jj) & 410 416 !alt & + sqrt(grav * hur_e(nlci-2,jj)) * (sshn_e(nlci-2,jj) - hbdy_e(jj)) ) … … 414 420 IF((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN 415 421 DO ji=1,jpi 416 ua_e(ji,2 ) = ubdy_s(ji) * hur_e(ji,2)422 ua_e(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) = ubdy_s(ji) * hur_e(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) 417 423 ! Specified fluxes: 418 va_e(ji,2 ) = vbdy_s(ji) * hvr_e(ji,2)419 ! Characteristics method :424 va_e(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) = vbdy_s(ji) * hvr_e(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) 425 ! Characteristics method (only if ghostcells=1): 420 426 !alt va_e(ji,2) = 0.5_wp * ( vbdy_s(ji) * hvr_e(ji,2) + va_e(ji,3) & 421 427 !alt & - sqrt(grav * hvr_e(ji,2)) * (sshn_e(ji,3) - hbdy_s(ji)) ) … … 425 431 IF((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN 426 432 DO ji=1,jpi 427 ua_e(ji,nlcj- 1) = ubdy_n(ji) * hur_e(ji,nlcj-1)433 ua_e(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells:nlcj-1) = ubdy_n(ji) * hur_e(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells:nlcj-1) 428 434 ! Specified fluxes: 429 va_e(ji,nlcj- 2) = vbdy_n(ji) * hvr_e(ji,nlcj-2)430 ! Characteristics method :435 va_e(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) = vbdy_n(ji) * hvr_e(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells-1:nlcj-2) 436 ! Characteristics method (only if ghostcells=1): 431 437 !alt va_e(ji,nlcj-2) = 0.5_wp * ( vbdy_n(ji) * hvr_e(ji,nlcj-2) + va_e(ji,nlcj-3) & 432 438 !alt & + sqrt(grav * hvr_e(ji,nlcj-2)) * (sshn_e(ji,nlcj-2) - hbdy_n(ji)) ) … … 472 478 ! 473 479 IF( ll_int_cons ) THEN ! Conservative interpolation 474 ! order smatters here !!!!!!480 ! order matters here !!!!!! 475 481 CALL Agrif_Bc_variable( ub2b_interp_id, calledweight=1._wp, procname=interpub2b ) ! Time integrated 476 482 CALL Agrif_Bc_variable( vb2b_interp_id, calledweight=1._wp, procname=interpvb2b ) … … 500 506 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 501 507 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt 508 ! 509 INTEGER :: ji, jj, indx 502 510 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 503 511 ! 504 512 IF( Agrif_Root() ) RETURN 505 ! 513 !! clem ghost 514 ! --- West --- ! 506 515 IF((nbondi == -1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) THEN 507 ssha(2,:)=ssha(3,:) 508 sshn(2,:)=sshn(3,:) 509 ENDIF 510 ! 516 indx = 1+nbghostcells 517 DO jj = 1, jpj 518 DO ji = 2, indx 519 ssha(ji,jj)=ssha(indx+1,jj) 520 sshn(ji,jj)=sshn(indx+1,jj) 521 ENDDO 522 ENDDO 523 ENDIF 524 ! 525 ! --- East --- ! 511 526 IF((nbondi == 1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) THEN 512 ssha(nlci-1,:)=ssha(nlci-2,:) 513 sshn(nlci-1,:)=sshn(nlci-2,:) 514 ENDIF 515 ! 527 indx = nlci-nbghostcells 528 DO jj = 1, jpj 529 DO ji = indx, nlci-1 530 ssha(ji,jj)=ssha(indx-1,jj) 531 sshn(ji,jj)=sshn(indx-1,jj) 532 ENDDO 533 ENDDO 534 ENDIF 535 ! 536 ! --- South --- ! 516 537 IF((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN 517 ssha(:,2)=ssha(:,3) 518 sshn(:,2)=sshn(:,3) 519 ENDIF 520 ! 538 indx = 1+nbghostcells 539 DO jj = 2, indx 540 DO ji = 1, jpi 541 ssha(ji,jj)=ssha(ji,indx+1) 542 sshn(ji,jj)=sshn(ji,indx+1) 543 ENDDO 544 ENDDO 545 ENDIF 546 ! 547 ! --- North --- ! 521 548 IF((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN 522 ssha(:,nlcj-1)=ssha(:,nlcj-2) 523 sshn(:,nlcj-1)=sshn(:,nlcj-2) 549 indx = nlcj-nbghostcells 550 DO jj = indx, nlcj-1 551 DO ji = 1, jpi 552 ssha(ji,jj)=ssha(ji,indx-1) 553 sshn(ji,jj)=sshn(ji,indx-1) 554 ENDDO 555 ENDDO 524 556 ENDIF 525 557 ! … … 533 565 INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: jn 534 566 !! 535 INTEGER :: ji, jj536 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 537 ! 538 IF( nbondi == -1 .OR. nbondi == 2) THEN567 INTEGER :: ji, jj 568 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 569 !! clem ghost (starting at i,j=1 is important I think otherwise you introduce a grad(ssh)/=0 at point 2) 570 IF((nbondi == -1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) THEN 539 571 DO jj = 1, jpj 540 ssha_e(2 ,jj) = hbdy_w(jj)541 END DO 542 ENDIF 543 ! 544 IF( nbondi == 1 .OR. nbondi == 2) THEN572 ssha_e(2:nbghostcells+1,jj) = hbdy_w(jj) 573 END DO 574 ENDIF 575 ! 576 IF((nbondi == 1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) THEN 545 577 DO jj = 1, jpj 546 ssha_e(nlci- 1,jj) = hbdy_e(jj)547 END DO 548 ENDIF 549 ! 550 IF( nbondj == -1 .OR. nbondj == 2) THEN578 ssha_e(nlci-nbghostcells:nlci-1,jj) = hbdy_e(jj) 579 END DO 580 ENDIF 581 ! 582 IF((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN 551 583 DO ji = 1, jpi 552 ssha_e(ji,2 ) = hbdy_s(ji)584 ssha_e(ji,2:nbghostcells+1) = hbdy_s(ji) 553 585 END DO 554 586 ENDIF … … 556 588 IF((nbondj == 1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) THEN 557 589 DO ji = 1, jpi 558 ssha_e(ji,nlcj- 1) = hbdy_n(ji)590 ssha_e(ji,nlcj-nbghostcells:nlcj-1) = hbdy_n(ji) 559 591 END DO 560 592 ENDIF … … 562 594 END SUBROUTINE Agrif_ssh_ts 563 595 596 # if defined key_zdftke 564 597 565 598 SUBROUTINE Agrif_tke … … 573 606 IF( zalpha > 1. ) zalpha = 1. 574 607 ! 575 Agrif_SpecialValue = 0. _wp608 Agrif_SpecialValue = 0.e0 576 609 Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .TRUE. 577 610 ! 578 CALL Agrif_Bc_variable( avm_id , calledweight=zalpha, procname=interpavm)611 CALL Agrif_Bc_variable(avm_id ,calledweight=zalpha, procname=interpavm) 579 612 ! 580 613 Agrif_UseSpecialValue = .FALSE. 581 614 ! 582 615 END SUBROUTINE Agrif_tke 583 616 617 # endif 584 618 585 619 SUBROUTINE interptsn( ptab, i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2, n1, n2, before, nb, ndir ) … … 592 626 INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: nb , ndir 593 627 ! 594 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jn ! dummy loop indices 595 INTEGER :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax 596 REAL(wp):: zrhox , zalpha1, zalpha2, zalpha3 597 REAL(wp):: zalpha4, zalpha5, zalpha6, zalpha7 598 LOGICAL :: western_side, eastern_side,northern_side,southern_side 628 INTEGER :: ji, jj, jk, jn ! dummy loop indices 629 INTEGER :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax 630 REAL(wp) :: zrhox, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6, z7 631 LOGICAL :: western_side, eastern_side,northern_side,southern_side 599 632 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 600 633 ! … … 603 636 ELSE 604 637 ! 605 western_side = (nb == 1).AND.(ndir == 1) 606 eastern_side = (nb == 1).AND.(ndir == 2) 607 southern_side = (nb == 2).AND.(ndir == 1) 608 northern_side = (nb == 2).AND.(ndir == 2) 609 ! 610 zrhox = Agrif_Rhox() 611 ! 612 zalpha1 = ( zrhox - 1. ) * 0.5 613 zalpha2 = 1. - zalpha1 614 ! 615 zalpha3 = ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 1. ) 616 zalpha4 = 1. - zalpha3 617 ! 618 zalpha6 = 2. * ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 1. ) 619 zalpha7 = - ( zrhox - 1. ) / ( zrhox + 3. ) 620 zalpha5 = 1. - zalpha6 - zalpha7 621 ! 622 imin = i1 623 imax = i2 624 jmin = j1 625 jmax = j2 626 ! 627 ! Remove CORNERS 628 IF((nbondj == -1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) jmin = 3 629 IF((nbondj == +1).OR.(nbondj == 2)) jmax = nlcj-2 630 IF((nbondi == -1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) imin = 3 631 IF((nbondi == +1).OR.(nbondi == 2)) imax = nlci-2 632 ! 633 IF( eastern_side ) THEN 634 DO jn = 1, jpts 635 tsa(nlci,j1:j2,k1:k2,jn) = zalpha1 * ptab(nlci,j1:j2,k1:k2,jn) + zalpha2 * ptab(nlci-1,j1:j2,k1:k2,jn) 636 DO jk = 1, jpkm1 637 DO jj = jmin,jmax 638 IF( umask(nlci-2,jj,jk) == 0._wp ) THEN 639 tsa(nlci-1,jj,jk,jn) = tsa(nlci,jj,jk,jn) * tmask(nlci-1,jj,jk) 640 ELSE 641 tsa(nlci-1,jj,jk,jn)=(zalpha4*tsa(nlci,jj,jk,jn)+zalpha3*tsa(nlci-2,jj,jk,jn))*tmask(nlci-1,jj,jk) 642 IF( un(nlci-2,jj,jk) > 0._wp ) THEN 643 tsa(nlci-1,jj,jk,jn)=( zalpha6*tsa(nlci-2,jj,jk,jn)+zalpha5*tsa(nlci,jj,jk,jn) & 644 &nb