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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changeset 9288 for branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package_FOAMv14/NEMOGCM – NEMO

2018-01-30T14:59:05+01:00 (7 years ago)

Changes to read weight of sprecip from namsbc_core, branch to replace dev_r5518_GO6_package_05sprecip misleading name

3 edited


  • branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package_FOAMv14/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcblk_core.F90

    r6823 r9288  
    9191   REAL(wp) ::   rn_zqt      ! z(q,t) : height of humidity and temperature measurements 
    9292   REAL(wp) ::   rn_zu       ! z(u)   : height of wind measurements 
     93   REAL(wp), PUBLIC :: rn_sfac ! multiplication factor for snow precipitation over sea-ice 
    9495   !! * Substitutions 
    151152         &                  sn_wndi, sn_wndj, sn_humi  , sn_qsr ,           & 
    152153         &                  sn_qlw , sn_tair, sn_prec  , sn_snow,           & 
    153          &                  sn_tdif, rn_zqt,  rn_zu 
     154         &                  sn_tdif, rn_zqt,  rn_zu, rn_sfac 
    154155      !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    155156      ! 
    158159         !                                      ! ====================== ! 
    159160         ! 
     161         rn_sfac = 1._wp       ! Default to one if missing from namelist  
    160162         REWIND( numnam_ref )              ! Namelist namsbc_core in reference namelist : CORE bulk parameters 
    161163         READ  ( numnam_ref, namsbc_core, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901) 
  • branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package_FOAMv14/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/SBC/sbcice_cice.F90

    r8400 r9288  
    474474! Ensure fsnow is positive (as in CICE routine prepare_forcing) 
    475475      IF( iom_use('snowpre') )   CALL iom_put('snowpre',MAX( (1.0-fr_i(:,:))*sprecip(:,:) ,0.0)) !!Joakim edit   
    476       ztmp(:,:)=MAX(fr_i(:,:)*sprecip(:,:),0.0)   
     476      IF( kt == nit000 .AND. lwp )  THEN 
     477         WRITE(numout,*) 'sprecip weight, rn_sfac=', rn_sfac 
     478      ENDIF 
     479      ztmp(:,:)=MAX(fr_i(:,:)*rn_sfac*sprecip(:,:),0.0)   
    477480      CALL nemo2cice(ztmp,fsnow,'T', 1. )  
  • branches/UKMO/dev_r5518_GO6_package_FOAMv14/NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/step.F90

    r8400 r9288  
    167167      ! 
    168168      IF( lk_ldfslp ) THEN                            ! slope of lateral mixing 
    169                          CALL eos( tsb, rhd, gdept_0(:,:,:) )               ! before in situ density 
     169         CALL eos( tsb, rhd, gdept_0(:,:,:) )               ! before in situ density 
    170170         IF( ln_zps .AND. .NOT. ln_isfcav)                               & 
    171171            &            CALL zps_hde    ( kstp, jpts, tsb, gtsu, gtsv,  &  ! Partial steps: before horizontal gradient 
    202202          ! Note that the computation of vertical velocity above, hence "after" sea level 
    203203          ! is necessary to compute momentum advection for the rhs of barotropic loop: 
    204                             CALL eos    ( tsn, rhd, rhop, fsdept_n(:,:,:) ) ! now in situ density for hpg computation 
     204            CALL eos    ( tsn, rhd, rhop, fsdept_n(:,:,:) ) ! now in situ density for hpg computation 
    205205            IF( ln_zps .AND. .NOT. ln_isfcav)                               & 
    206206               &            CALL zps_hde    ( kstp, jpts, tsn, gtsu, gtsv,  &    ! Partial steps: before horizontal gradient 
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