Changeset 9376
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- 2018-03-06T17:12:34+01:00 (7 years ago)
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- branches/2017/dev_merge_2017/DOC
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r9360 r9376 1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 2 3 sed -i -e 's#\\documentclass#%\\documentclass#' -e '/{document}/ s/^/%/' TexFiles/Chapters/*.tex 4 sed -i '30,${s#\\subfile{#\\include{#g}' NEMO_book.tex 5 latex -shell-escape NEMO_book && makeindex NEMO_book && bibtex NEMO_book 6 mkdir -p html 7 latex2html -local_icons -no_footnode -split 4 -link 2 -dir html $* 8 sed -i -e 's#%\\documentclass#\\documentclass#' -e '/{document}/ s/^%//' TexFiles/Chapters/*.tex 9 sed -i '30,${s#\\include{#\\subfile{#g}' NEMO_book.tex 3 sed -i -e 's#\\documentclass#%\\documentclass#' -e '/{document}/ s/^/%/' texfiles/chapters/*.tex 4 sed -i '30,${s#\\subfile{#\\include{#g}' NEMO_manual.tex 5 6 makeindex NEMO_manual 7 bibtex NEMO_manual 8 latex -shell-escape NEMO_manual 9 10 mkdir -p html_LaTeX2HTML 11 latex2html -local_icons -no_footnode -split 4 -link 2 -dir html_LaTeX2HTML $* NEMO_manual 12 13 sed -i -e 's#%\\documentclass#\\documentclass#' -e '/{document}/ s/^%//' texfiles/chapters/*.tex 14 sed -i '30,${s#\\include{#\\subfile{#g}' NEMO_manual.tex 10 15 11 16 exit 0 -
r9373 r9376 1 %description: Book template 1 %% ============================================================================== 2 %% NEMO_book.tex: build the NEMO Reference Manual 3 %% ============================================================================== 2 4 3 % template of document for LaTeX4 % (C) Xavier Perseguers 2002 - xavier.perseguers@epfl.ch5 5 6 % ================================================================ 7 % PREAMBLE 8 % ================================================================ 6 %% Run to generate the PDF version (with pdflatex) 7 8 9 %% Preamble 10 %% ============================================================================== 9 11 10 12 \include{texfiles/preamble} 11 13 12 % ================================================================ 13 % TOP MATTER 14 % ================================================================ 14 \begin{document} 15 16 17 %% 'minted' env. & shortcuts for syntax highlighting 18 19 \setminted[fortran]{fontsize=\tiny, breaklines} 20 \newminted{fortran}{} % \begin{fortrancode} 21 \newmintinline{fortran}{} % \fortraninline 22 \newmintedfile{fortran}{} % \fortranfile 23 \newminted{xml}{fontsize=\tiny, breaklines} 24 \newminted{sh}{} 25 \newminted{c}{} 26 27 28 %% Frontmatter 29 %% ============================================================================== 15 30 16 31 \include{texfiles/top_matter} 17 32 18 % ================================================================19 % DOCUMENT20 % ================================================================21 33 22 \begin{document} 34 %% Frontpage 23 35 24 \maketitle % generate the title 25 36 \maketitle 26 37 \frontmatter 27 38 28 \tableofcontents % generate a table of contents 29 %\listoffigures % generate a list of figures 30 %\listoftables % generate a list of tables 39 40 %% ToC i.e. Table of Contents 41 42 \dominitoc 43 \tableofcontents 44 45 46 %% Mainmatter 47 %% ============================================================================== 31 48 32 49 \mainmatter 33 50 34 % ================================================================ 35 % Abstract - Foreword 36 % ================================================================ 51 52 %% Abstract - Foreword 37 53 38 54 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/abstract_foreword} 39 55 40 % ================================================================ 41 % INTRODUCTION 42 % ================================================================ 56 57 % Introduction 43 58 44 59 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/introduction} 45 60 46 % ================================================================ 47 % CHAPTERS 48 % ================================================================ 61 62 % Chapters 49 63 50 64 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/chap_model_basics} … … 78 92 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/chap_CONFIG} % Predefined configurations 79 93 80 % ================================================================ 81 % APPENDIX 82 % ================================================================ 94 95 % Appendix 83 96 84 97 \appendix 85 98 86 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/chap_conservation} 87 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_A} % generalised vertical coordinate 88 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_B} % diffusive operator 89 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_C} % Discrete invariants of the eqs. 90 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_iso} % Isoneutral diffusion using triads 91 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_D} % Coding rules 92 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_E} % Notes on some on going staff (no included in the DOC) 93 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_Fox-Kemper} % Notes on Fox-Kemper (no included in the DOC) 94 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_EVP} % Notes on EVP (no included in the DOC) 99 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_A} % Generalised vertical coordinate 95 100 96 % ================================================================ 97 % INDEX 98 % ================================================================ 101 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_B} % Diffusive operator 99 102 100 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index} 103 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_C} % Discrete invariants of the eqs. 104 105 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_iso} % Isoneutral diffusion using triads 106 107 \subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_D} % Coding rules 108 109 %% Not included 110 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/chap_conservation} % 111 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_E} % Notes on some on going staff 112 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_Fox-Kemper} % Notes on Fox-Kemper 113 %\subfile{texfiles/chapters/annex_EVP} % Notes on EVP 114 115 116 %% Backmatter 117 %% ============================================================================== 118 119 \backmatter 120 121 122 %% Index 123 124 %\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index} 101 125 \printindex 102 126 103 % ================================================================104 % BIBLIOGRAPHY105 % ================================================================106 127 107 %% \bibliographystyle{plainat}108 \bibliographystyle{texfiles/styles/ametsoc} % AMS biblio style (JPO) 128 %% Bibliography 129 109 130 \bibliography{texfiles/bibliography/NEMO_manual} 110 131 111 % ================================================================ 132 112 133 \end{document} -
r9373 r9376 1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 2 3 rm -f $( ls -1 NEMO_manual.* | egrep -v " (tex)" ) *mpgraph*4 find TexFiles -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*\.(aux|log)" -exec rm -f {} \;3 rm -f $( ls -1 NEMO_manual.* | egrep -v "tex" ) 4 find texfiles -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*\.(aux|log)" -exec rm -f {} \; 5 5 6 6 exit 0 -
r9373 r9376 3 3 4 4 % ================================================================ 5 % Abstract (English / French)5 % Abstract 6 6 % ================================================================ 7 7 8 \chapter*{Abstract / R\'{e}sum\'{e}}8 \chapter*{Abstract} 9 9 10 10 \vspace{-40pt} … … 24 24 biogeochemical models (TOP) and, via the OASIS coupler, with several atmospheric general circulation models. 25 25 It also support two-way grid embedding via the AGRIF software. 26 27 % ================================================================28 % \vspace{0.5cm}29 30 %Le moteur oc\'{e}anique de NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) est un31 %mod\`{e}le aux \'{e}quations primitives de la circulation oc\'{e}anique r\'{e}gionale et globale.32 %Il se veut un outil flexible pour \'{e}tudier sur un vaste spectre spatiotemporel l'oc\'{e}an et ses33 %interactions avec les autres composantes du syst\`{e}me climatique terrestre.34 %Les variables pronostiques sont le champ tridimensionnel de vitesse, une hauteur de la mer35 %lin\'{e}aire, la Temp\'{e}rature Conservative et la Salinit\'{e} Absolue.36 %La distribution des variables se fait sur une grille C d'Arakawa tridimensionnelle utilisant une37 %coordonn\'{e}e verticale $z$ \`{a} niveaux entiers ou partiels, ou une coordonn\'{e}e s, ou encore38 %une combinaison des deux. Diff\'{e}rents choix sont propos\'{e}s pour d\'{e}crire la physique39 %oc\'{e}anique, incluant notamment des physiques verticales TKE et GLS. A travers l'infrastructure40 %NEMO, l'oc\'{e}an est interfac\'{e} avec des mod\`{e}les de glace de mer (LIM ou CICE),41 %de biog\'{e}ochimie marine et de traceurs passifs, et, via le coupleur OASIS, \`{a} plusieurs42 %mod\`{e}les de circulation g\'{e}n\'{e}rale atmosph\'{e}rique.43 %Il supporte \'{e}galement l'embo\^{i}tement interactif de maillages via le logiciel AGRIF.44 26 } 45 27 … … 58 40 for problems, errors, or incorrect usage of NEMO. 59 41 60 42 \vspace{1cm} 61 43 NEMO reference in papers and other publications is as follows: 62 44 \vspace{0.5cm} 63 45 64 46 Madec, G., and the NEMO team, 2008: NEMO ocean engine. … … 67 49 68 50 69 70 Additional information can be found on \href{}{} website.71 51 \vspace{0.5cm} 52 Additional information can be found on \href{}{}. 53 \vspace{0.5cm} 72 54 73 55 \end{document} -
r9373 r9376 11 11 \section{Choice of \protect\ngn{namtra\_ldf} namelist parameters} 12 12 %-----------------------------------------nam_traldf------------------------------------------------------ 13 \ namdisplay{namtra_ldf}13 \fortranfile{namelists/namtra_ldf} 14 14 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 15 -
r9373 r9376 131 131 132 132 %------------------------------------------namasm----------------------------------------------------- 133 \namdisplay{namasm}133 %\fortranfile{namelists/namasm} 134 134 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135 135 … … 137 137 \mbox{\textit{ncdump~-h}} is shown below 138 138 139 \begin{alltt} 140 \tiny 141 \begin{verbatim} 139 \begin{ccode} 142 140 netcdf assim_background_increments { 143 141 dimensions: … … 172 170 :DOMAIN_type = "BOX" ; 173 171 } 174 \end{ verbatim}175 \end{alltt} 172 \end{ccode} 173 176 174 \end{document} -
r9373 r9376 26 26 27 27 %------------------------------------------namcfg---------------------------------------------------- 28 \ namdisplay{namcfg}28 \fortranfile{namelists/namcfg} 29 29 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 30 -
r9373 r9376 82 82 in a very easy way. All details of iomput functionalities are listed in the following subsections. 83 83 Examples of the XML files that control the outputs can be found in: 84 \begin{alltt} 85 \begin{verbatim} 86 NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/iodef.xml 87 NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/field_def.xml 88 and 89 NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/domain_def.xml. 90 \end{verbatim} 91 \end{alltt} 84 \path{NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA2_LIM/EXP00/iodef.xml}, \path{NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/field_def.xml} and 85 \path{NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/domain_def.xml}. 92 86 93 87 The second functionality targets output performance when running in parallel (\key{mpp\_mpi}). … … 201 195 See the installation guide on the \href{}{XIOS} wiki for help and guidance. 202 196 NEMO will need to link to the compiled XIOS library. 203 The \href{http ://}{XIOS with NEMO}197 The \href{}{XIOS with NEMO} 204 198 guide provides an example illustration of how this can be achieved. 205 199 … … 223 217 For example: 224 218 \vspace{-20pt} 225 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 226 \begin{verbatim} 219 \begin{xmlcode} 227 220 <field_definition> 228 221 <!-- T grid --> … … 233 226 ... 234 227 </field_definition> 235 \end{verbatim} 236 }}\end{alltt} 228 \end{xmlcode} 237 229 Note your definition must be added to the field\_group whose reference grid is consistent 238 230 with the size of the array passed to iomput. … … 241 233 or defined in the domain\_def.xml file. $e.g.$: 242 234 \vspace{-20pt} 243 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 244 \begin{verbatim} 235 \begin{xmlcode} 245 236 <grid id="grid_T_3D" domain_ref="grid_T" axis_ref="deptht"/> 246 \end{verbatim} 247 }}\end{alltt} 237 \end{xmlcode} 248 238 Note, if your array is computed within the surface module each nn\_fsbc time\_step, 249 239 add the field definition within the field\_group defined with the id ''SBC'': $<$field\_group id=''SBC''...$>$ … … 252 242 \item[4.] add your field in one of the output files defined in iodef.xml (again see subsequent sections for syntax and rules) \\ 253 243 \vspace{-20pt} 254 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 255 \begin{verbatim} 244 \begin{xmlcode} 256 245 <file id="file1" .../> 257 246 ... … … 259 248 ... 260 249 </file> 261 \end{verbatim} 262 }}\end{alltt} 250 \end{xmlcode} 263 251 264 252 \end{description} … … 394 382 395 383 \noindent In NEMO, by default, the field and domain definition is done in 2 separate files: 396 {\scriptsize \tt 397 \begin{verbatim} 398 NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/field_def.xml 399 and 400 NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/domain_def.xml 401 \end{verbatim} 402 } 384 \path{NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/field_def.xml} and \path{NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/domain_def.xml} 385 403 386 \noindent that are included in the main iodef.xml file through the following commands: \\ 404 387 {\scriptsize \verb? <field_definition src="./field_def.xml" /> ? \\ … … 415 398 example 1: Direct inheritance. 416 399 \vspace{-20pt} 417 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 418 \begin{verbatim} 400 \begin{xmlcode} 419 401 <field_definition operation="average" > 420 402 <field id="sst" /> <!-- averaged sst --> 421 403 <field id="sss" operation="instant"/> <!-- instantaneous sss --> 422 404 </field_definition> 423 \end{verbatim} 424 }}\end{alltt} 425 405 \end{xmlcode} 426 406 The field ''sst'' which is part (or a child) of the field\_definition will inherit the value ''average'' 427 407 of the attribute ''operation'' from its parent. Note that a child can overwrite … … 431 411 example 2: Inheritance by reference. 432 412 \vspace{-20pt} 433 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 434 \begin{verbatim} 413 \begin{xmlcode} 435 414 <field_definition> 436 415 <field id="sst" long_name="sea surface temperature" /> … … 444 423 </file> 445 424 </file_definition> 446 \end{verbatim} 447 }}\end{alltt} 425 \end{xmlcode} 448 426 Inherit (and overwrite, if needed) the attributes of a tag you are refering to. 449 427 … … 455 433 Note that for the field ''toce'', we overwrite the grid definition inherited from the group by ''grid\_T\_3D''. 456 434 \vspace{-20pt} 457 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 458 \begin{verbatim} 435 \begin{xmlcode} 459 436 <field_group id="grid_T" grid_ref="grid_T_2D"> 460 437 <field id="toce" long_name="temperature" unit="degC" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> … … 463 440 <field id="ssh" long_name="sea surface height" unit="m" /> 464 441 ... 465 \end{verbatim} 466 }}\end{alltt} 442 \end{xmlcode} 467 443 468 444 Secondly, the group can be used to replace a list of elements. … … 470 446 For example, a short list of the usual variables related to the U grid: 471 447 \vspace{-20pt} 472 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 473 \begin{verbatim} 448 \begin{xmlcode} 474 449 <field_group id="groupU" > 475 450 <field field_ref="uoce" /> … … 477 452 <field field_ref="utau" /> 478 453 </field_group> 479 \end{verbatim} 480 }}\end{alltt} 454 \end{xmlcode} 481 455 that can be directly included in a file through the following syntax: 482 456 \vspace{-20pt} 483 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 484 \begin{verbatim} 457 \begin{xmlcode} 485 458 <file id="myfile_U" output_freq="1d" /> 486 459 <field_group group_ref="groupU"/> 487 460 <field field_ref="uocetr_eff" /> <!-- add another field --> 488 461 </file> 489 \end{verbatim} 490 }}\end{alltt} 462 \end{xmlcode} 491 463 492 464 \subsection{Detailed functionalities } … … 501 473 of a 5 by 5 box with the bottom left corner at point (10,10). 502 474 \vspace{-20pt} 503 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 504 \begin{verbatim} 475 \begin{xmlcode} 505 476 <domain_group id="grid_T"> 506 477 <domain id="myzoom" zoom_ibegin="10" zoom_jbegin="10" zoom_ni="5" zoom_nj="5" /> 507 \end{verbatim} 508 }}\end{alltt} 478 \end{xmlcode} 509 479 The use of this subdomain is done through the redefinition of the attribute domain\_ref of the tag family field. For example: 510 480 \vspace{-20pt} 511 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 512 \begin{verbatim} 481 \begin{xmlcode} 513 482 <file id="myfile_vzoom" output_freq="1d" > 514 483 <field field_ref="toce" domain_ref="myzoom"/> 515 484 </file> 516 \end{verbatim} 517 }}\end{alltt} 485 \end{xmlcode} 518 486 Moorings are seen as an extrem case corresponding to a 1 by 1 subdomain. 519 487 The Equatorial section, the TAO, RAMA and PIRATA moorings are alredy registered in the code … … 523 491 by ''T'' (for example: ''8s137eT'', ''1.5s80.5eT'' ...) 524 492 \vspace{-20pt} 525 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 526 \begin{verbatim} 493 \begin{xmlcode} 527 494 <file id="myfile_vzoom" output_freq="1d" > 528 495 <field field_ref="toce" domain_ref="0n180wT"/> 529 496 </file> 530 \end{verbatim} 531 }}\end{alltt} 497 \end{xmlcode} 532 498 Note that if the domain decomposition used in XIOS cuts the subdomain in several parts and if you use the ''multiple\_file'' type for your output files, you will endup with several files you will need to rebuild using unprovided tools (like ncpdq and ncrcat, \href{}{see nco manual}). We are therefore advising to use the ''one\_file'' type in this case. 533 499 … … 535 501 Vertical zooms are defined through the attributs zoom\_begin and zoom\_end of the tag family axis. It must therefore be done in the axis part of the XML file. For example, in NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA2\_LIM/iodef\_demo.xml, we provide the following example: 536 502 \vspace{-20pt} 537 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 538 \begin{verbatim} 503 \begin{xmlcode} 539 504 <axis_group id="deptht" long_name="Vertical T levels" unit="m" positive="down" > 540 505 <axis id="deptht" /> 541 506 <axis id="deptht_myzoom" zoom_begin="1" zoom_end="10" /> 542 \end{verbatim} 543 }}\end{alltt} 507 \end{xmlcode} 544 508 The use of this vertical zoom is done through the redefinition of the attribute axis\_ref of the tag family field. For example: 545 509 \vspace{-20pt} 546 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 547 \begin{verbatim} 510 \begin{xmlcode} 548 511 <file id="myfile_hzoom" output_freq="1d" > 549 512 <field field_ref="toce" axis_ref="deptht_myzoom"/> 550 513 </file> 551 \end{verbatim} 552 }}\end{alltt} 514 \end{xmlcode} 553 515 554 516 \subsubsection{Control of the output file names} … … 556 518 The output file names are defined by the attributs ''name'' and ''name\_suffix'' of the tag family file. for example: 557 519 \vspace{-20pt} 558 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 559 \begin{verbatim} 520 \begin{xmlcode} 560 521 <file_group id="1d" output_freq="1d" name="myfile_1d" > 561 522 <file id="myfileA" name_suffix="_AAA" > <!-- will create file "myfile_1d_AAA" --> … … 566 527 </file> 567 528 </file_group> 568 \end{verbatim} 569 }}\end{alltt} 529 \end{xmlcode} 570 530 However it is often very convienent to define the file name with the name of the experiment, the output file frequency and the date of the beginning and the end of the simulation (which are informations stored either in the namelist or in the XML file). To do so, we added the following rule: if the id of the tag file is ''fileN''(where N = 1 to 999 on 1 to 3 digits) or one of the predefined sections or moorings (see next subsection), the following part of the name and the name\_suffix (that can be inherited) will be automatically replaced by:\\ 571 531 \\ … … 653 613 654 614 \vspace{-20pt} 655 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 656 \begin{verbatim} 615 \begin{xmlcode} 657 616 <field field\_ref="sst" name="tosK" unit="degK" > sst + 273.15 </field> 658 617 <field field\_ref="taum" name="taum2" unit="N2/m4" long\_name="square of wind stress module" > taum * taum </field> 659 618 <field field\_ref="qt" name="stupid\_check" > qt - qsr - qns </field> 660 \end{verbatim} 661 }}\end{alltt} 619 \end{xmlcode} 662 620 663 621 (2) Simple computation: define a new variable and use it in the file definition. … … 665 623 in field\_definition: 666 624 \vspace{-20pt} 667 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 668 \begin{verbatim} 625 \begin{xmlcode} 669 626 <field id="sst2" long\_name="square of sea surface temperature" unit="degC2" > sst * sst </field > 670 \end{verbatim} 671 }}\end{alltt} 627 \end{xmlcode} 672 628 in file\_definition: 673 629 \vspace{-20pt} 674 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 675 \begin{verbatim} 630 \begin{xmlcode} 676 631 <field field\_ref="sst2" > sst2 </field> 677 \end{verbatim} 678 }}\end{alltt} 632 \end{xmlcode} 679 633 Note that in this case, the following syntaxe $<$field field\_ref="sst2" /$>$ is not working as sst2 won't be evaluated. 680 634 … … 682 636 683 637 \vspace{-20pt} 684 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 685 \begin{verbatim} 638 \begin{xmlcode} 686 639 <!-- force to keep real 8 --> 687 640 <field field\_ref="sst" name="tos\_r8" prec="8" /> 688 641 <!-- integer 2 with add\_offset and scale\_factor attributes --> 689 642 <field field\_ref="sss" name="sos\_i2" prec="2" add\_offset="20." scale\_factor="1.e-3" /> 690 \end{verbatim} 691 }}\end{alltt} 643 \end{xmlcode} 692 644 Note that, then the code is crashing, writting real4 variables forces a numerical convection from real8 to real4 which will create an internal error in NetCDF and will avoid the creation of the output files. Forcing double precision outputs with prec="8" (for example in the field\_definition) will avoid this problem. 693 645 … … 695 647 696 648 \vspace{-20pt} 697 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 698 \begin{verbatim} 649 \begin{xmlcode} 699 650 <file\_group id="1d" output\_freq="1d" output\_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 1d files --> 700 651 <file id="file1" name\_suffix="\_grid\_T" description="ocean T grid variables" > … … 707 658 </file> 708 659 </file\_group> 709 \end{verbatim} 710 }}\end{alltt} 660 \end{xmlcode} 711 661 712 662 (5) use of the ``@'' function: example 1, weighted temporal average … … 714 664 - define a new variable in field\_definition 715 665 \vspace{-20pt} 716 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 717 \begin{verbatim} 666 \begin{xmlcode} 718 667 <field id="toce\_e3t" long\_name="temperature * e3t" unit="degC*m" grid\_ref="grid\_T\_3D" > toce * e3t </field > 719 \end{verbatim} 720 }}\end{alltt} 668 \end{xmlcode} 721 669 - use it when defining your file. 722 670 \vspace{-20pt} 723 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 724 \begin{verbatim} 671 \begin{xmlcode} 725 672 <file\_group id="5d" output\_freq="5d" output\_level="10" enabled=".TRUE." > <!-- 5d files --> 726 673 <file id="file1" name\_suffix="\_grid\_T" description="ocean T grid variables" > … … 728 675 </file> 729 676 </file\_group> 730 \end{verbatim} 731 }}\end{alltt} 677 \end{xmlcode} 732 678 The freq\_op="5d" attribute is used to define the operation frequency of the ``@'' function: here 5 day. The temporal operation done by the ``@'' is the one defined in the field definition: here we use the default, average. So, in the above case, @toce\_e3t will do the 5-day mean of toce*e3t. Operation="instant" refers to the temporal operation to be performed on the field''@toce\_e3t / @e3t'': here the temporal average is alreday done by the ``@'' function so we just use instant to do the ratio of the 2 mean values. field\_ref="toce" means that attributes not explicitely defined, are inherited from toce field. Note that in this case, freq\_op must be equal to the file output\_freq. 733 679 … … 736 682 - define a new variable in field\_definition 737 683 \vspace{-20pt} 738 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 739 \begin{verbatim} 684 \begin{xmlcode} 740 685 <field id="ssh2" long\_name="square of sea surface temperature" unit="degC2" > ssh * ssh </field > 741 \end{verbatim} 742 }}\end{alltt} 686 \end{xmlcode} 743 687 - use it when defining your file. 744 688 \vspace{-20pt} 745 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 746 \begin{verbatim} 689 \begin{xmlcode} 747 690 <file\_group id="1m" output\_freq="1m" output\_level="10" enabled=".TRUE." > <!-- 1m files --> 748 691 <file id="file1" name\_suffix="\_grid\_T" description="ocean T grid variables" > … … 750 693 </file> 751 694 </file\_group> 752 \end{verbatim} 753 }}\end{alltt} 695 \end{xmlcode} 754 696 The freq\_op="1m" attribute is used to define the operation frequency of the ``@'' function: here 1 month. The temporal operation done by the ``@'' is the one defined in the field definition: here we use the default, average. So, in the above case, @ssh2 will do the monthly mean of ssh*ssh. Operation="instant" refers to the temporal operation to be performed on the field ''sqrt( @ssh2 - @ssh * @ssh )'': here the temporal average is alreday done by the ``@'' function so we just use instant. field\_ref="ssh" means that attributes not explicitely defined, are inherited from ssh field. Note that in this case, freq\_op must be equal to the file output\_freq. 755 697 … … 758 700 - define 2 new variables in field\_definition 759 701 \vspace{-20pt} 760 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 761 \begin{verbatim} 702 \begin{xmlcode} 762 703 <field id="sstmax" field\_ref="sst" long\_name="max of sea surface temperature" operation="maximum" /> 763 704 <field id="sstmin" field\_ref="sst" long\_name="min of sea surface temperature" operation="minimum" /> 764 \end{verbatim} 765 }}\end{alltt} 705 \end{xmlcode} 766 706 - use these 2 new variables when defining your file. 767 707 \vspace{-20pt} 768 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 769 \begin{verbatim} 708 \begin{xmlcode} 770 709 <file\_group id="1m" output\_freq="1m" output\_level="10" enabled=".TRUE." > <!-- 1m files --> 771 710 <file id="file1" name\_suffix="\_grid\_T" description="ocean T grid variables" > … … 773 712 </file> 774 713 </file\_group> 775 \end{verbatim} 776 }}\end{alltt} 714 \end{xmlcode} 777 715 The freq\_op="1d" attribute is used to define the operation frequency of the ``@'' function: here 1 day. The temporal operation done by the ``@'' is the one defined in the field definition: here maximum for sstmax and minimum for sstmin. So, in the above case, @sstmax will do the daily max and @sstmin the daily min. Operation="average" refers to the temporal operation to be performed on the field ``@sstmax - @sstmin'': here monthly mean (of daily max - daily min of the sst). field\_ref="sst" means that attributes not explicitely defined, are inherited from sst field. 778 716 … … 1114 1052 1115 1053 %------------------------------------------namnc4---------------------------------------------------- 1116 \ namdisplay{namnc4}1054 \fortranfile{namelists/namnc4} 1117 1055 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1118 1056 … … 1142 1080 1143 1081 \vspace{-20pt} 1144 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 1145 \begin{verbatim} 1082 \begin{fortrancode} 1146 1083 ichunksz(1) = MIN( idomain_size,MAX( (idomain_size-1)/nn_nchunks_i + 1 ,16 ) ) 1147 1084 ichunksz(2) = MIN( jdomain_size,MAX( (jdomain_size-1)/nn_nchunks_j + 1 ,16 ) ) 1148 1085 ichunksz(3) = MIN( kdomain_size,MAX( (kdomain_size-1)/nn_nchunks_k + 1 , 1 ) ) 1149 1086 ichunksz(4) = 1 1150 \end{verbatim} 1151 }}\end{alltt} 1087 \end{fortrancode} 1152 1088 1153 1089 \noindent As an example, setting: 1154 1090 \vspace{-20pt} 1155 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 1156 \begin{verbatim} 1091 \begin{fortrancode} 1157 1092 nn_nchunks_i=4, nn_nchunks_j=4 and nn_nchunks_k=31 1158 \end{verbatim} 1159 }}\end{alltt} \vspace{-10pt} 1093 \end{fortrancode} 1160 1094 1161 1095 \noindent for a standard ORCA2\_LIM configuration gives chunksizes of {\small\tt 46x38x1} … … 1222 1156 1223 1157 %------------------------------------------namtrd---------------------------------------------------- 1224 \ namdisplay{namtrd}1158 \fortranfile{namelists/namtrd} 1225 1159 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1226 1160 … … 1261 1195 \label{FLO} 1262 1196 %--------------------------------------------namflo------------------------------------------------------- 1263 \ namdisplay{namflo}1197 \fortranfile{namelists/namflo} 1264 1198 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1265 1199 … … 1341 1275 1342 1276 \vspace{-30pt} 1343 \begin{alltt} {{\scriptsize 1344 \begin{verbatim} 1345 1277 \begin{xmlcode} 1346 1278 <group id="1d\_grid\_T" name="auto" description="ocean T grid variables" > } 1347 1279 <file id="floats" description="floats variables"> }\\ … … 1355 1287 </file>} 1356 1288 </group>} 1357 1358 \end{verbatim} 1359 }}\end{alltt} 1289 \end{xmlcode} 1360 1290 1361 1291 … … 1375 1305 1376 1306 %------------------------------------------namdia_harm---------------------------------------------------- 1377 \namdisplay{namdia_harm}1307 %\fortranfile{namelists/namdia_harm} 1378 1308 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1379 1309 … … 1417 1347 1418 1348 %------------------------------------------namdct---------------------------------------------------- 1419 \ namdisplay{namdct}1349 \fortranfile{namelists/namdct} 1420 1350 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1421 1351 … … 1746 1676 1747 1677 %------------------------------------------namptr----------------------------------------- 1748 \ namdisplay{namptr}1678 \fortranfile{namelists/namptr} 1749 1679 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1750 1680 … … 1789 1719 1790 1720 %------------------------------------------nam_dia25h------------------------------------- 1791 \ namdisplay{nam_dia25h}1721 \fortranfile{namelists/nam_dia25h} 1792 1722 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1793 1723 … … 1804 1734 1805 1735 %------------------------------------------nam_diatmb----------------------------------------------------- 1806 \ namdisplay{nam_diatmb}1736 \fortranfile{namelists/nam_diatmb} 1807 1737 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1808 1738 -
r9373 r9376 34 34 35 35 Both the cool skin and warm layer models are controlled through the namelist \ngn{namdiu}: 36 \ namdisplay{namdiu}36 \fortranfile{namelists/namdiu} 37 37 This namelist contains only two variables: 38 38 \begin{description} -
r9373 r9376 310 310 311 311 These fields can be read in an domain input file which name is setted in \np{cn\_domcfg} parameter specified in \ngn{namcfg}. 312 \ namdisplay{namcfg}312 \fortranfile{namelists/namcfg} 313 313 or they can be defined in an analytical way in MY\_SRC directory of the configuration. 314 314 For Reference Configurations of NEMO input domain files are supplied by NEMO System Team. For analytical definition of input fields two routines are supplied: \mdl{userdef\_hgr} and \mdl{userdef\_zgr}. They are an example of GYRE configuration parameters, and they are available in NEMO/OPA\_SRC/USR directory, they provide the horizontal and vertical mesh. … … 431 431 \label{DOM_zgr} 432 432 %-----------------------------------------nam_zgr & namdom------------------------------------------- 433 \namdisplay{namzgr}434 \ namdisplay{namdom}433 %\fortranfile{namelists/namzgr} 434 \fortranfile{namelists/namdom} 435 435 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 436 436 … … 692 692 \label{DOM_zps} 693 693 %--------------------------------------------namdom------------------------------------------------------- 694 \ namdisplay{namdom}694 \fortranfile{namelists/namdom} 695 695 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 696 696 … … 725 725 \label{DOM_sco} 726 726 %------------------------------------------nam_zgr_sco--------------------------------------------------- 727 \namdisplay{namzgr_sco}727 %\fortranfile{namelists/namzgr_sco} 728 728 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 729 729 Options are defined in \ngn{namzgr\_sco}. … … 916 916 \label{DTA_tsd} 917 917 %-----------------------------------------namtsd------------------------------------------- 918 \ namdisplay{namtsd}918 \fortranfile{namelists/namtsd} 919 919 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 920 920 -
r9373 r9376 162 162 \label{DYN_adv_cor_vect} 163 163 %-----------------------------------------nam_dynadv---------------------------------------------------- 164 \ namdisplay{namdyn_adv}164 \fortranfile{namelists/namdyn_adv} 165 165 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166 166 … … 182 182 \label{DYN_vor} 183 183 %------------------------------------------nam_dynvor---------------------------------------------------- 184 \ namdisplay{namdyn_vor}184 \fortranfile{namelists/namdyn_vor} 185 185 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 186 186 … … 391 391 \label{DYN_adv_cor_flux} 392 392 %------------------------------------------nam_dynadv---------------------------------------------------- 393 \ namdisplay{namdyn_adv}393 \fortranfile{namelists/namdyn_adv} 394 394 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 395 395 … … 536 536 \label{DYN_hpg} 537 537 %------------------------------------------nam_dynhpg--------------------------------------------------- 538 \ namdisplay{namdyn_hpg}538 \fortranfile{namelists/namdyn_hpg} 539 539 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 540 540 … … 736 736 \label{DYN_spg} 737 737 %-----------------------------------------nam_dynspg---------------------------------------------------- 738 \ namdisplay{namdyn_spg}738 \fortranfile{namelists/namdyn_spg} 739 739 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 740 740 … … 796 796 \label{DYN_spg_ts} 797 797 %------------------------------------------namsplit----------------------------------------------------------- 798 \namdisplay{namsplit} 798 %\fortranfile{namelists/namsplit} 799 799 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800 800 … … 1005 1005 \label{DYN_ldf} 1006 1006 %------------------------------------------nam_dynldf---------------------------------------------------- 1007 \ namdisplay{namdyn_ldf}1007 \fortranfile{namelists/namdyn_ldf} 1008 1008 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1009 1009 … … 1149 1149 \label{DYN_zdf} 1150 1150 %----------------------------------------------namzdf------------------------------------------------------ 1151 \ namdisplay{namzdf}1151 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf} 1152 1152 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1153 1153 … … 1227 1227 1228 1228 %----------------------------------------------namdom---------------------------------------------------- 1229 \ namdisplay{namdom}1229 \fortranfile{namelists/namdom} 1230 1230 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1231 1231 -
r9373 r9376 20 20 \label{LBC_coast} 21 21 %--------------------------------------------nam_lbc------------------------------------------------------- 22 \ namdisplay{namlbc}22 \fortranfile{namelists/namlbc} 23 23 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 24 … … 354 354 355 355 %-----------------------------------------nambdy-------------------------------------------- 356 \ namdisplay{nambdy}356 \fortranfile{namelists/nambdy} 357 357 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 358 358 %-----------------------------------------nambdy_index-------------------------------------------- 359 \namdisplay{nambdy_index} 359 %\fortranfile{namelists/nambdy_index} 360 360 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 361 361 %-----------------------------------------nambdy_dta-------------------------------------------- 362 \ namdisplay{nambdy_dta}362 \fortranfile{namelists/nambdy_dta} 363 363 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 364 364 %-----------------------------------------nambdy_dta-------------------------------------------- 365 \namdisplay{nambdy_dta2}365 %\fortranfile{namelists/nambdy_dta2} 366 366 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 367 367 … … 635 635 636 636 %-----------------------------------------nambdy_tide-------------------------------------------- 637 \ namdisplay{nambdy_tide}637 \fortranfile{namelists/nambdy_tide} 638 638 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 639 639 -
r9373 r9376 28 28 29 29 %-----------------------------------nam_traldf - nam_dynldf-------------------------------------------- 30 \ namdisplay{namtra_ldf}31 \ namdisplay{namdyn_ldf}30 \fortranfile{namelists/namtra_ldf} 31 \fortranfile{namelists/namdyn_ldf} 32 32 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 33 -
r9373 r9376 65 65 66 66 \item Download some EN4 data from 67 \href{}{}. Choose observations which are67 \href{}{}. Choose observations which are 68 68 valid for the period of your test run because the observation operator compares 69 69 the model and observations for a matching date and time. 70 70 71 71 \item Compile the OBSTOOLS code using: 72 \begin{ verbatim}72 \begin{shcode} 73 73 ./maketools -n OBSTOOLS -m [ARCH]. 74 \end{ verbatim}74 \end{shcode} 75 75 76 76 \item Convert the EN4 data into feedback format: 77 \begin{ verbatim}77 \begin{shcode} 78 78 enact2fb.exe 79 \end{ verbatim}79 \end{shcode} 80 80 81 81 \item Include the following in the NEMO namelist to run the observation … … 84 84 85 85 %------------------------------------------namobs_example----------------------------------------------------- 86 \namdisplay{namobs_example}86 %\fortranfile{namelists/namobs_example} 87 87 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 88 … … 114 114 115 115 %------------------------------------------namobs-------------------------------------------------------- 116 \ namdisplay{namobs}116 \fortranfile{namelists/namobs} 117 117 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118 118 … … 126 126 \subsection{Profile feedback} 127 127 128 \begin{alltt} 129 \tiny 130 \begin{verbatim} 128 \begin{ccode} 131 129 netcdf profiles_01 { 132 130 dimensions: … … 280 278 :Convention = "NEMO unified observation operator output" ; 281 279 } 282 \end{verbatim} 283 \end{alltt} 280 \end{ccode} 284 281 285 282 \subsection{Sea level anomaly feedback} 286 283 287 \begin{alltt} 288 \tiny 289 \begin{verbatim} 284 \begin{ccode} 290 285 netcdf sla_01 { 291 286 dimensions: … … 407 402 :Convention = "NEMO unified observation operator output" ; 408 403 } 409 \end{verbatim} 410 \end{alltt} 404 \end{ccode} 411 405 412 406 The mean dynamic … … 416 410 surface height. Below is an example header for this file (on the ORCA025 grid). 417 411 418 \begin{alltt} 419 \tiny 420 \begin{verbatim} 412 \begin{ccode} 421 413 dimensions: 422 414 x = 1442 ; … … 433 425 sossheig:units = "metres" ; 434 426 sossheig:grid = "orca025T" ; 435 \end{verbatim} 436 \end{alltt} 427 \end{ccode} 437 428 438 429 \subsection{Sea surface temperature feedback} 439 430 440 \begin{alltt} 441 \tiny 442 \begin{verbatim} 431 \begin{ccode} 443 432 netcdf sst_01 { 444 433 dimensions: … … 553 542 :Convention = "NEMO unified observation operator output" ; 554 543 } 555 \end{verbatim} 556 \end{alltt} 544 \end{ccode} 557 545 558 546 \section{Theoretical details} … … 935 923 read the second time counter from a single file the namelist would be. 936 924 937 \begin{alltt} 938 \tiny 939 \begin{verbatim} 925 \begin{fortrancode} 940 926 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 941 927 ! namooo Offline obs_oper namelist … … 947 933 nn_ooo_idx = 2 948 934 / 949 \end{verbatim} 950 \end{alltt} 935 \end{fortrancode} 951 936 952 937 \subsubsection{Multiple fields per run} … … 956 941 12 hourly fields are to be interpolated in a setup where 288 steps equals 24 hours. 957 942 958 \begin{alltt} 959 \tiny 960 \begin{verbatim} 943 \begin{fortrancode} 961 944 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 962 945 ! namooo Offline obs_oper namelist … … 970 953 nn_ooo_freq = 144 971 954 / 972 \end{verbatim} 973 \end{alltt} 955 \end{fortrancode} 974 956 975 957 The above namelist will result in feedback files whose first 12 hours contain … … 1079 1061 fields plus an analysis field would be 7 counterparts per observation. 1080 1062 1081 \begin{alltt} 1082 \tiny 1083 \begin{verbatim} 1063 \begin{fortrancode} 1084 1064 cl4_match_len = 7 1085 \end{verbatim} 1086 \end{alltt} 1065 \end{fortrancode} 1087 1066 1088 1067 Then to correctly allocate a class 4 file the forecast axis must be defined. This 1089 1068 is controlled via \textbf{cl4\_fcst\_len}, which in out above example would be 3. 1090 1069 1091 \begin{alltt} 1092 \tiny 1093 \begin{verbatim} 1070 \begin{fortrancode} 1094 1071 cl4_fcst_len = 3 1095 \end{verbatim} 1096 \end{alltt} 1072 \end{fortrancode} 1097 1073 1098 1074 Then for each model field it is necessary to designate what class 4 variable and … … 1101 1077 when interpreting the data afterwards. 1102 1078 1103 \begin{alltt} 1104 \tiny 1105 \begin{verbatim} 1079 \begin{fortrancode} 1106 1080 cl4_vars = "forecast" "forecast" "forecast" "persistence" "persistence" 1107 1081 "persistence" "best_estimate" 1108 1082 cl4_fcst_idx = 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1109 1083 cl4_leadtime = 12 36 60 1110 \end{verbatim} 1111 \end{alltt} 1084 \end{fortrancode} 1112 1085 1113 1086 In terms of files and indices of fields inside each file the class 4 approach … … 1115 1088 with a single field per file our example inputs will be specified. 1116 1089 1117 \begin{alltt} 1118 \tiny 1119 \begin{verbatim} 1090 \begin{fortrancode} 1120 1091 ooo_files = "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 1121 1092 nn_ooo_idx = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1122 \end{verbatim} 1123 \end{alltt} 1093 \end{fortrancode} 1124 1094 1125 1095 When we combine all of the naming conventions, global attributes and i/o instructions 1126 1096 the class 4 namelist becomes. 1127 1097 1128 \begin{alltt} 1129 \tiny 1130 \begin{verbatim} 1098 \begin{fortrancode} 1131 1099 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1132 1100 ! namooo Offline obs_oper namelist … … 1176 1144 cl4_inst = "UK Met Office" 1177 1145 / 1178 \end{verbatim} 1179 \end{alltt} 1146 \end{fortrancode} 1180 1147 1181 1148 \subsubsection{Climatology interpolation} … … 1200 1167 operations, 1 per forecast. 1201 1168 1202 \begin{alltt} 1203 \tiny 1204 \begin{verbatim} 1169 \begin{fortrancode} 1205 1170 ooo_files = "" "" "" "" 1206 1171 ... 1207 1172 cl4_fcst_idx = 1 2 1208 \end{verbatim} 1209 \end{alltt} 1173 \end{fortrancode} 1210 1174 1211 1175 The above notation reveals the internal split between match up iterators and file … … 1239 1203 MPI run of NEMO offline obs\_oper into a single class 4 file. The program is called in the following way: 1240 1204 1241 \begin{alltt} 1205 1242 1206 \footnotesize 1243 \begin{ verbatim}1207 \begin{shcode} 1244 1208 c4comb.exe outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 1245 \end{verbatim} 1246 \end{alltt} 1209 \end{shcode} 1247 1210 1248 1211 \subsubsection{corio2fb} … … 1251 1214 standard feedback format. The program is called in the following way: 1252 1215 1253 \begin{alltt}1254 1216 \footnotesize 1255 \begin{ verbatim}1217 \begin{shcode} 1256 1218 corio2fb.exe outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 1257 \end{verbatim} 1258 \end{alltt} 1219 \end{shcode} 1259 1220 1260 1221 \subsubsection{enact2fb} … … 1263 1224 feedback format. The program is called in the following way: 1264 1225 1265 \begin{alltt}1266 1226 \footnotesize 1267 \begin{ verbatim}1227 \begin{shcode} 1268 1228 enact2fb.exe outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 1269 \end{verbatim} 1270 \end{alltt} 1229 \end{shcode} 1271 1230 1272 1231 \subsubsection{fbcomb} … … 1275 1234 MPI run of NEMO into a single feedback file. The program is called in the following way: 1276 1235 1277 \begin{alltt}1278 1236 \footnotesize 1279 \begin{ verbatim}1237 \begin{shcode} 1280 1238 fbcomb.exe outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 1281 \end{verbatim} 1282 \end{alltt} 1239 \end{shcode} 1283 1240 1284 1241 \subsubsection{fbmatchup} … … 1287 1244 in the following way: 1288 1245 1289 \begin{alltt}1290 1246 \footnotesize 1291 \begin{ verbatim}1247 \begin{shcode} 1292 1248 fbmatchup.exe outputfile inputfile1 varname1 inputfile2 varname2 ... 1293 \end{verbatim} 1294 \end{alltt} 1295 1249 \end{shcode} 1296 1250 1297 1251 \subsubsection{fbprint} … … 1301 1255 following way: 1302 1256 1303 \begin{alltt}1304 1257 \footnotesize 1305 \begin{ verbatim}1258 \begin{shcode} 1306 1259 fbprint.exe [options] inputfile 1307 1260 … … 1323 1276 -D print depths 1324 1277 -z use zipped files 1325 \end{verbatim} 1326 \end{alltt} 1278 \end{shcode} 1327 1279 1328 1280 \subsubsection{fbsel} … … 1331 1283 following way: 1332 1284 1333 \begin{alltt}1334 1285 \footnotesize 1335 \begin{ verbatim}1286 \begin{shcode} 1336 1287 fbsel.exe <input filename> <output filename> 1337 \end{verbatim} 1338 \end{alltt} 1288 \end{shcode} 1339 1289 1340 1290 \subsubsection{fbstat} … … 1343 1293 files. The program is called in the following way: 1344 1294 1345 \begin{alltt}1346 1295 \footnotesize 1347 \begin{ verbatim}1296 \begin{shcode} 1348 1297 fbstat.exe [-nmlev] <filenames> 1349 \end{verbatim} 1350 \end{alltt} 1298 \end{shcode} 1351 1299 1352 1300 \subsubsection{fbthin} … … 1355 1303 modified to thin to a different resolution. The program is called in the following way: 1356 1304 1357 \begin{alltt}1358 1305 \footnotesize 1359 \begin{ verbatim}1306 \begin{shcode} 1360 1307 fbthin.exe inputfile outputfile 1361 \end{verbatim} 1362 \end{alltt} 1308 \end{shcode} 1363 1309 1364 1310 \subsubsection{sla2fb} … … 1367 1313 called in the following way: 1368 1314 1369 \begin{alltt}1370 1315 \footnotesize 1371 \begin{ verbatim}1316 \begin{shcode} 1372 1317 sla2fb.exe [-s type] outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 1373 1318 1374 1319 Option: 1375 1320 -s Select altimeter data_source 1376 \end{verbatim} 1377 \end{alltt} 1321 \end{shcode} 1378 1322 1379 1323 \subsubsection{vel2fb} … … 1382 1326 is called in the following way: 1383 1327 1384 \begin{alltt}1385 1328 \footnotesize 1386 \begin{ verbatim}1329 \begin{shcode} 1387 1330 vel2fb.exe outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 ... 1388 \end{verbatim} 1389 \end{alltt} 1331 \end{shcode} 1390 1332 1391 1333 \subsection{building the obstools} … … 1398 1340 observations and feedback files. It is possible to zoom in, plot individual profiles and 1399 1341 calculate some basic statistics. To plot some data run IDL and then: 1400 \begin{alltt}1401 1342 \footnotesize 1402 \begin{ verbatim}1343 \begin{minted}{idl} 1403 1344 IDL> dataplot, "filename" 1404 \end{verbatim} 1405 \end{alltt} 1345 \end{minted} 1406 1346 1407 1347 To read multiple files into dataplot, for example multiple feedback files from different 1408 1348 processors or from different days, the easiest method is to use the spawn command to generate 1409 1349 a list of files which can then be passed to dataplot. 1410 \begin{alltt}1411 1350 \footnotesize 1412 \begin{ verbatim}1351 \begin{minted}{idl} 1413 1352 IDL> spawn, 'ls profb*.nc', files 1414 1353 IDL> dataplot, files 1415 \end{verbatim} 1416 \end{alltt} 1354 \end{minted} 1417 1355 1418 1356 Fig~\ref{fig:obsdataplotmain} shows the main window which is launched when dataplot starts. -
r9373 r9376 11 11 $\ $\newline % force a new ligne 12 12 %---------------------------------------namsbc-------------------------------------------------- 13 \ namdisplay{namsbc}13 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc} 14 14 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 15 $\ $\newline % force a new ligne … … 196 196 197 197 The structure associated with an input variable contains the following information: 198 \begin{alltt} {{\tiny 199 \begin{verbatim} 198 \begin{fortrancode} 200 199 ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 201 200 ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! 202 \end{verbatim} 203 }}\end{alltt} 201 \end{fortrancode} 204 202 where 205 203 \begin{description} … … 427 425 428 426 %---------------------------------------namsbc_ana-------------------------------------------------- 429 \ namdisplay{namsbc_sas}427 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_sas} 430 428 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 431 429 … … 488 486 489 487 %---------------------------------------namsbc_ana-------------------------------------------------- 490 \namdisplay{namsbc_ana}488 %\fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_ana} 491 489 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 492 490 … … 512 510 \label{SBC_flx} 513 511 %------------------------------------------namsbc_flx---------------------------------------------------- 514 \ namdisplay{namsbc_flx}512 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_flx} 515 513 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 516 514 … … 552 550 \label{SBC_blk_core} 553 551 %------------------------------------------namsbc_core---------------------------------------------------- 554 \namdisplay{namsbc_core} 552 %\fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_core} 555 553 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 556 554 … … 617 615 \label{SBC_blk_clio} 618 616 %------------------------------------------namsbc_clio---------------------------------------------------- 619 \namdisplay{namsbc_clio} 617 %\fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_clio} 620 618 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 621 619 … … 658 656 \label{SBC_blk_mfs} 659 657 %------------------------------------------namsbc_mfs---------------------------------------------------- 660 \namdisplay{namsbc_mfs} 658 %\fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_mfs} 661 659 %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 662 660 … … 697 695 \label{SBC_cpl} 698 696 %------------------------------------------namsbc_cpl---------------------------------------------------- 699 \ namdisplay{namsbc_cpl}697 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_cpl} 700 698 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 701 699 … … 736 734 \label{SBC_apr} 737 735 %------------------------------------------namsbc_apr---------------------------------------------------- 738 \ namdisplay{namsbc_apr}736 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_apr} 739 737 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 740 738 … … 772 770 773 771 %------------------------------------------nam_tide--------------------------------------- 774 \ namdisplay{nam_tide}772 \fortranfile{namelists/nam_tide} 775 773 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 776 774 … … 827 825 \label{SBC_rnf} 828 826 %------------------------------------------namsbc_rnf---------------------------------------------------- 829 \ namdisplay{namsbc_rnf}827 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_rnf} 830 828 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 831 829 … … 943 941 \label{SBC_isf} 944 942 %------------------------------------------namsbc_isf---------------------------------------------------- 945 \ namdisplay{namsbc_isf}943 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_isf} 946 944 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 947 945 Namelist variable in \ngn{namsbc}, \np{nn\_isf}, controls the ice shelf representation used. … … 1024 1022 \label{SBC_iscpl} 1025 1023 %------------------------------------------namsbc_iscpl---------------------------------------------------- 1026 \ namdisplay{namsbc_iscpl}1024 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_iscpl} 1027 1025 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1028 1026 Ice sheet/ocean coupling is done through file exchange at the restart step. NEMO, at each restart step, … … 1062 1060 \label{ICB_icebergs} 1063 1061 %------------------------------------------namberg---------------------------------------------------- 1064 \ namdisplay{namberg}1062 \fortranfile{namelists/namberg} 1065 1063 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1066 1064 … … 1134 1132 \label{SBC_dcy} 1135 1133 %------------------------------------------namsbc_rnf---------------------------------------------------- 1136 %\ namdisplay{namsbc}1134 %\fortranfile{namelists/namsbc} 1137 1135 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1138 1136 … … 1211 1209 \label{SBC_ssr} 1212 1210 %------------------------------------------namsbc_ssr---------------------------------------------------- 1213 \ namdisplay{namsbc_ssr}1211 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_ssr} 1214 1212 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1215 1213 … … 1331 1329 \label{SBC_wave} 1332 1330 %------------------------------------------namwave---------------------------------------------------- 1333 \ namdisplay{namsbc_wave}1331 \fortranfile{namelists/namsbc_wave} 1334 1332 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1335 1333 -
r9373 r9376 124 124 125 125 %---------------------------------------namsbc-------------------------------------------------- 126 \ namdisplay{namsto}126 \fortranfile{namelists/namsto} 127 127 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128 128 -
r9373 r9376 67 67 \label{TRA_adv} 68 68 %------------------------------------------namtra_adv----------------------------------------------------- 69 \ namdisplay{namtra_adv}69 \fortranfile{namelists/namtra_adv} 70 70 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 71 … … 432 432 \label{TRA_ldf} 433 433 %-----------------------------------------nam_traldf------------------------------------------------------ 434 \ namdisplay{namtra_ldf}434 \fortranfile{namelists/namtra_ldf} 435 435 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 436 436 … … 652 652 \label{TRA_zdf} 653 653 %--------------------------------------------namzdf--------------------------------------------------------- 654 \ namdisplay{namzdf}654 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf} 655 655 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 656 656 … … 777 777 \label{TRA_qsr} 778 778 %--------------------------------------------namqsr-------------------------------------------------------- 779 \ namdisplay{namtra_qsr}779 \fortranfile{namelists/namtra_qsr} 780 780 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 781 781 … … 888 888 \label{TRA_bbc} 889 889 %--------------------------------------------nambbc-------------------------------------------------------- 890 \ namdisplay{nambbc}890 \fortranfile{namelists/nambbc} 891 891 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 892 892 %>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> … … 927 927 \label{TRA_bbl} 928 928 %--------------------------------------------nambbl--------------------------------------------------------- 929 \ namdisplay{nambbl}929 \fortranfile{namelists/nambbl} 930 930 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 931 931 … … 1087 1087 \label{TRA_dmp} 1088 1088 %--------------------------------------------namtra_dmp------------------------------------------------- 1089 \ namdisplay{namtra_dmp}1089 \fortranfile{namelists/namtra_dmp} 1090 1090 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1091 1091 … … 1140 1140 1141 1141 %--------------------------------------------nam_dmp_create------------------------------------------------- 1142 \namtools{namelist_dmp}1142 %\namtools{namelist_dmp} 1143 1143 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1144 1144 … … 1172 1172 \label{TRA_nxt} 1173 1173 %--------------------------------------------namdom----------------------------------------------------- 1174 \ namdisplay{namdom}1174 \fortranfile{namelists/namdom} 1175 1175 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1176 1176 … … 1211 1211 \label{TRA_eosbn2} 1212 1212 %--------------------------------------------nameos----------------------------------------------------- 1213 \ namdisplay{nameos}1213 \fortranfile{namelists/nameos} 1214 1214 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1215 1215 -
r9373 r9376 52 52 \label{ZDF_cst} 53 53 %--------------------------------------------namzdf--------------------------------------------------------- 54 \ namdisplay{namzdf}54 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf} 55 55 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 56 … … 78 78 79 79 %--------------------------------------------namric--------------------------------------------------------- 80 \ namdisplay{namzdf_ric}80 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf_ric} 81 81 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82 82 … … 136 136 137 137 %--------------------------------------------namzdf_tke-------------------------------------------------- 138 \ namdisplay{namzdf_tke}138 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf_tke} 139 139 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 140 140 … … 512 512 513 513 %--------------------------------------------namzdf_gls--------------------------------------------------------- 514 \ namdisplay{namzdf_gls}514 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf_gls} 515 515 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 516 516 … … 619 619 620 620 %--------------------------------------------namzdf_osm--------------------------------------------------------- 621 \ namdisplay{namzdf_osm}621 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf_osm} 622 622 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 623 623 … … 631 631 632 632 %--------------------------------------------namzdf-------------------------------------------------------- 633 \ namdisplay{namzdf}633 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf} 634 634 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 635 635 … … 651 651 652 652 %--------------------------------------------namzdf-------------------------------------------------------- 653 \ namdisplay{namzdf}653 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf} 654 654 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 655 655 … … 718 718 719 719 %--------------------------------------------namzdf-------------------------------------------------------- 720 \ namdisplay{namzdf}720 \fortranfile{namelists/namzdf} 721 721 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 722 722 … … 777 777 778 778 %-------------------------------------------namzdf_ddm------------------------------------------------- 779 \namdisplay{namzdf_ddm}779 %\fortranfile{namelists/namzdf_ddm} 780 780 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 781 781 … … 859 859 860 860 %--------------------------------------------nambfr-------------------------------------------------------- 861 \namdisplay{nambfr}861 %\fortranfile{namelists/nambfr} 862 862 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 863 863 … … 1196 1196 1197 1197 %--------------------------------------------namzdf_tmx-------------------------------------------------- 1198 \namdisplay{namzdf_tmx}1198 %\fortranfile{namelists/namzdf_tmx} 1199 1199 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1200 1200 … … 1318 1318 1319 1319 %--------------------------------------------namzdf_tmx_new------------------------------------------ 1320 \namdisplay{namzdf_tmx_new}1320 %\fortranfile{namelists/namzdf_tmx_new} 1321 1321 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1322 1322 -
r9373 r9376 105 105 files: 106 106 \vspace{-10pt} 107 \begin{alltt}108 \tiny109 107 \begin{verbatim} 110 108 111 109 112 110 \end{verbatim} 113 \end{alltt}114 111 \noindent These files define a horizontal domain of 362x332. Assuming the first row with 115 112 open ocean wet points in the non-isf bathymetry for this set is row 42 (Fortran indexing) … … 122 119 \noindent Add the new attribute to any input files requiring a j-row offset, i.e: 123 120 \vspace{-10pt} 124 \begin{alltt} 125 \tiny 126 \begin{verbatim} 121 \begin{shcode} 127 122 ncatted -a open_ocean_jstart,global,a,d,41 128 123 ncatted -a open_ocean_jstart,global,a,d,41 129 \end{verbatim} 130 \end{alltt} 124 \end{shcode} 131 125 132 126 \noindent Add the logical switch to \ngn{namcfg} in the configuration namelist and set true: 133 127 %--------------------------------------------namcfg-------------------------------------------------------- 134 \ namdisplay{namcfg}128 \fortranfile{namelists/namcfg} 135 129 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 130 … … 140 134 and 3D, netcdf, input field by adding the: 141 135 \vspace{-10pt} 142 \begin{alltt} 143 \tiny 144 \begin{verbatim} 136 \begin{fortrancode} 145 137 lrowattr=ln_use_jattr 146 \end{verbatim} 147 \end{alltt} 138 \end{fortrancode} 148 139 optional argument to the appropriate \np{iom\_get} call and the \np{open\_ocean\_jstart} attribute to the corresponding input files. It remains the users responsibility to set \np{jpjdta} and \np{jpjglo} values in the \np{namelist\_cfg} file according to their needs. 149 140 … … 244 235 \label{MISC_opt} 245 236 %--------------------------------------------namctl------------------------------------------------------- 246 \ namdisplay{namctl}237 \fortranfile{namelists/namctl} 247 238 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248 239 -
r9373 r9376 78 78 \label{DYN_hpg_spg} 79 79 %-----------------------------------------nam_dynspg---------------------------------------------------- 80 \ namdisplay{nam_dynspg}80 \fortranfile{namelists/nam_dynspg} 81 81 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 82 82 Options are defined through the \ngn{nam\_dynspg} namelist variables. … … 115 115 \label{DYN_spg_ts} 116 116 %--------------------------------------------namdom---------------------------------------------------- 117 \ namdisplay{namdom}117 \fortranfile{namelists/namdom} 118 118 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 119 The split-explicit free surface formulation used in OPA follows the one proposed by \citet{Griffies2004}. The general idea is to solve the free surface equation with a small time step, while the three dimensional prognostic variables are solved with a longer time step that is a multiple of \np{rdtbt} -
r9373 r9376 284 284 \section{Start/Restart strategy} 285 285 \label{STP_rst} 286 286 287 %--------------------------------------------namrun------------------------------------------- 287 %\namdisplay{namrun} 288 \lstinputlisting{namelists/namrun} 289 %\inputminted[fontsize=\tiny, breaklines=true, breakanywhere]{fortran}{namelists/namrun} 288 \fortranfile{namelists/namrun} 290 289 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 291 290 … … 338 337 \label{STP_time} 339 338 %--------------------------------------------namrun------------------------------------------- 340 \ namdisplay{namdom}339 \fortranfile{namelists/namdom} 341 340 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 342 341 -
r9373 r9376 10 10 The Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (\NEMO) is a framework of ocean 11 11 related engines, namely OPA\footnote{OPA = Oc\'{e}an PArall\'{e}lis\'{e}} for the 12 ocean dynamics and thermodynamics, LIM\footnote{LIM = Louvain)la-neuve Ice12 ocean dynamics and thermodynamics, LIM\footnote{LIM = Louvain la-neuve Ice 13 13 Model} for the sea-ice dynamics and thermodynamics, TOP\footnote{TOP = Tracer 14 14 in the Ocean Paradigm} for the biogeochemistry (both transport (TRP) and sources 15 minus sinks (LOBSTER, PISCES)\footnote{Both LOBSTER and PISCES are not 16 acronyms just name}. It is intended to be a flexible tool for studying the ocean and 17 its interactions with the other components of the earth climate system (atmosphere, 18 sea-ice, biogeochemical tracers, ...) over a wide range of space and time scales. 15 minus sinks (LOBSTER\footnote{LOBSTER = Lodyc Ocean Biogeochemical SysTem for 16 Ecosystem and Resources}, PISCES\footnote{PISCES = Pelagic Interactions Scheme for 17 Carbon and Ecosystem Studies}). It is intended to be a flexible tool for studying 18 the ocean and its interactions with the other components of the earth climate system 19 (atmosphere, sea-ice, biogeochemical tracers, ...) over a wide range of space and time scales. 19 20 This documentation provides information about the physics represented by the ocean 20 21 component of \NEMO and the rationale for the choice of numerical schemes and … … 91 92 Some CPP keys are implemented in the FORTRAN code to allow code selection at compiling step. This selection of code at compilation time reduces the reliability of the whole platform since it changes the code from one set of CPP keys to the other. It is used only when the addition/suppression of the part of code highly changes the amount of memory at run time. 92 93 Usual coding looks like : 93 \vspace{-10pt} 94 \begin{alltt} 95 \tiny 96 \begin{verbatim} 97 #if defined key_option1 98 This part of the FORTRAN code will be active 99 only if key_option1 is activated at compiling step 100 #endif 101 \end{verbatim} 102 \end{alltt} 103 94 \vspace{-10pt} 95 \begin{fortrancode} 96 #if defined key_option1 97 ! This part of the FORTRAN code will be active 98 ! only if key_option1 is activated at compiling step 99 #endif 100 \end{fortrancode} 104 101 105 102 \noindent \index{Namelist} Namelists -
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r9373 r9376 1 %% ============================================================================== 2 %% macros.sty: 3 %% ============================================================================== 4 5 6 \def\deg{$^{\circ}$} 7 \def\degC{$^{\circ}C$} 8 \def\degK{$^{\circ}K$} 9 \def\degN{$^{\circ}N$} 10 \def\degS{$^{\circ}S$} 11 1 12 \def\half{\textstyle\frac{1}{2}} 2 13 \def\hhalf{\scriptstyle\frac{1}{2}} 14 3 15 \def\quarter{\textstyle\frac{1}{4}} 4 16 \def\qquarter{\scriptstyle\frac{1}{4}} … … 6 18 \def\stwelfth{\sfrac{1}{12}} 7 19 \def\sthirtysixth{\sfrac{1}{36}} 8 % \newcommand{\grad}{\boldsymbol{\nabla}} 9 % \newcommand{\gradh}{\boldsymbol{\nabla}_h} 20 21 \def\bgamma\boldsymbol{\gamma} 22 \def\rdt{\Delta t} 23 24 \newcommand{ \gmcomment}[1]{} 25 \newcommand{ \sfcomment}[1]{} 26 \newcommand{\sgacomment}[1]{} 27 28 \newcommand{\nl}[1]{\texttt{\small{\textcolor{blue}{#1}}}} 29 \newcommand{\NEMO}{\textit{NEMO}\xspace} 30 31 \newcommand{ \ifile}[1]{\textit{}\index{Input NetCDF files!}} 32 \newcommand{ \jp}[1]{\textit{ #1}\index{ Model parameters!#1}} 33 \newcommand{ \hf}[1]{\textit{ #1.h90}\index{ h90 file!#1}} 34 \newcommand{ \key}[1]{\textbf{key\_#1}\index{ CPP keys!key\_#1}} 35 \newcommand{ \mdl}[1]{\textit{ #1.F90}\index{ Modules!#1}} 36 \newcommand{ \ngn}[1]{\textit{ #1}\index{ Namelist Group Name!#1}} 37 \newcommand{ \np}[1]{\textit{ #1}\index{ Namelist variables!#1}} 38 \newcommand{ \pp}[1]{\textit{ #1}\index{ Model parameters!#1}} 39 \newcommand{ \rou}[1]{\textit{ #1}\index{ Routines!#1}} 40 10 41 \newcommand{\grad}{\nabla} 11 42 \newcommand{\gradh}{\nabla_h} 12 \def\bgamma\boldsymbol{\gamma} 13 \def\rdt{\Delta t} 43 14 44 \newcommand{\ew}[3]{{e_{3#1}}_{\,#2}^{\,#3} } 15 \newcommand{\vect}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}}} % for vectors % non-italic bold45 \newcommand{\vect}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}}} 16 46 \newcommand{\Div}{\grad\cdot} 17 % \newcommand{\curl}{\boldsymbol{\nabla} \times} % for curl 18 \newcommand{\curl}{\nabla \times} % for curl 47 \newcommand{\curl}{\nabla \times} 19 48 \newcommand{\pd}[2][]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}} 20 \def\deg{$^{\circ}$} % degrees (NB: \r{} can % % also be used) 21 \def\degC{$^{\circ}C$} 22 \def\degK{$^{\circ}K$} 23 \def\degN{$^{\circ}N$} 24 \def\degS{$^{\circ}S$} 25 \newcommand{\alpbet} {\left(\alpha / \beta \right)} % alpha/beta for slp computation 49 \newcommand{\alpbet} {\left(\alpha / \beta \right)} 50 26 51 \newcommand{\triad}[6][]{\ensuremath{{}_{#2}^{#3}{\mathbb{#4}_{#1}}_{#5}^{\,#6}}} 27 52 \newcommand{\triadd}[5]{\ensuremath{{}_{#1}^{#2}{\mathbb{#3}}_{#4}^{\,#5}}} … … 29 54 \newcommand{\rtriad}[2][]{\ensuremath{\triad[#1]{i}{k}{#2}{i_p}{k_p}}} 30 55 \newcommand{\rtriadt}[1]{\ensuremath{\triadt{i}{k}{#1}{i_p}{k_p}}} 56 31 57 \newcommand{\Alts}{{A}} 32 58 \newcommand{\Alt}{{A^{lT}}} 59 33 60 \newcommand{\rMLt}[1][i]{\tilde{r}_{\mathrm{ML}\,#1}} 34 61 \newcommand{\rML}[1][i]{r_{\mathrm{ML}\,#1}} 62 35 63 \newcommand{\mygstrut}[2]{\rule[#1 em]{0pt}{#2 em}} 36 64 \newcommand{\mystrut}{\rule[-.9 em]{0pt}{1.79 em}} -
r9373 r9376 1 %\usepackage{pstricks} 1 %% ============================================================================== 2 %% top_matter.tex: frontpage with title 3 %% ============================================================================== 4 5 2 6 \title{ 3 %\psset{unit=1.1in,linewidth=4pt} %parameters of the units for pstricks 4 % \rput(0,2){ \includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{logo_ALL.pdf} } \\ 5 % \vspace{0.1cm} 6 \vspace{-6.0cm} 7 \includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{logo_ALL}\\ 8 \vspace{5.1cm} 9 \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{NEMO_logo_Black} \\ 10 \vspace{1.4cm} 11 \rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\ 12 \vspace{0.45cm} 13 {\Huge NEMO ocean engine} 14 \rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\ 15 } 16 %{ -- Draft --} } 17 %\date{\today} 18 \date{ 19 Decembre 2017 \\ 20 {\small -- version 4.0 alpha --} \\ 21 ~ \\ 22 \textit{\small Note du P\^ole de mod\'{e}lisation de l'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace No 27 }\\ 23 \vspace{0.45cm} 24 { ISSN No 1288-1619.} 7 \vspace{-6.0cm}\includegraphics[width=1.1\textwidth]{logo_ALL} \\ 8 \vspace{ 5.1cm}\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{NEMO_logo_Black} \\ 9 \vspace{ 1.4cm}\rule{345pt}{1.5pt} \\ 10 \vspace{0.45cm}{\Huge NEMO ocean engine} \\ 11 \rule{345pt}{1.5pt} 25 12 } 26 13 27 28 14 \author{ 29 \Large Gurvan Madec, and the NEMO team \\ 30 \texttt{\small} \\ 31 % \texttt{\small nemo\} \\ 32 %{\small Laboratoire d'Oc\'{e}anographie et du Climat: Exp\'{e}rimentation et Approches Num\'{e}riques } 15 \Large Gurvan Madec, and the NEMO team \\ 16 \texttt{\small\href{}{}} \\ 33 17 } 34 18 35 \dominitoc 36 \makeindex %type this first : makeindex -s NEMO_book.idx 19 \date{ 20 Decembre 2017 \\ 21 {\small -- version 4.0 alpha --} \\ 22 ~ \\ 23 \textit{\small Note du P\^ole de mod\'{e}lisation de l'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace No 27 } \\ 24 \vspace{0.45cm}{ ISSN No 1288-1619.} 25 } 26 %\date{\today}
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