New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Changeset 9909 for NEMO/trunk/cfgs/ORCA2_OFF_PISCES/EXPREF/file_def_nemo.xml – NEMO

2018-07-10T12:09:06+02:00 (7 years ago)

A coupled of bugfixes for PISCES

1 edited


  • NEMO/trunk/cfgs/ORCA2_OFF_PISCES/EXPREF/file_def_nemo.xml

    r9539 r9909  
    1919      <file_group id="1d" output_freq="1d"  output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 1d files --> 
    2020        <file id="file1" name_suffix="_bioscalar" description="pisces sms variables" > 
    21            <field field_ref="tdenit"   name="tdenit"   unit="TgN/yr" operation="instant" > tdenit * 14. * 86400. * 365. / 1e12 </field> 
    22            <field field_ref="tnfix"    name="tnfix"    unit="TgN/yr" operation="instant" > tnfix * 14. * 86400. * 365. / 1e12 </field> 
    23            <field field_ref="tcflx"    name="tcflx"    unit="PgC/yr" operation="instant" > tcflx * -1. * 12. * 86400. * 365. / 1e15 </field> 
    24            <field field_ref="tcflxcum" name="tcflxcum" unit="PgC"    operation="instant" > tcflxcum * -1. * 12. / 1e15 </field> 
    25            <field field_ref="tcexp"    name="tcexp"    unit="PgC/yr" operation="instant" > tcexp * 12. * 86400. * 365. / 1e15 </field> 
    26            <field field_ref="tintpp"   name="tintpp"   unit="PgC/yr" operation="instant" > tintpp * 12. * 86400. * 365. / 1e15 </field> 
    27            <field field_ref="pno3tot"  name="pno3tot"  unit="umolN"  > pno3tot * 16. / 122. * 1e6 </field> 
    28            <field field_ref="ppo4tot"  name="ppo4tot"  unit="umolP"  > ppo4tot * 1. / 122. * 1e6 </field> 
    29            <field field_ref="psiltot"  name="psiltot"  unit="umolC"  > psiltot * 1e6  </field> 
    30            <field field_ref="palktot"  name="palktot"  unit="umolC"  > palktot * 1e6  </field> 
    31            <field field_ref="pfertot"  name="pfertot"  unit="nmolFe" > pfertot * 1e9  </field> 
     21           <field field_ref="tdenit"   name="tdenit"   grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="TgN/yr" operation="instant" > tdenit * 14. * 86400. * 365. / 1e12 </field> 
     22           <field field_ref="tnfix"    name="tnfix"    grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="TgN/yr" operation="instant" > tnfix * 14. * 86400. * 365. / 1e12 </field> 
     23           <field field_ref="tcflx"    name="tcflx"    grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="PgC/yr" operation="instant" > tcflx * -1. * 12. * 86400. * 365. / 1e15 </field> 
     24           <field field_ref="tcflxcum" name="tcflxcum" grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="PgC"    operation="instant" > tcflxcum * -1. * 12. / 1e15 </field> 
     25           <field field_ref="tcexp"    name="tcexp"    grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="PgC/yr" operation="instant" > tcexp * 12. * 86400. * 365. / 1e15 </field> 
     26           <field field_ref="tintpp"   name="tintpp"   grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="PgC/yr" operation="instant" > tintpp * 12. * 86400. * 365. / 1e15 </field> 
     27           <field field_ref="pno3tot"  name="pno3tot"  grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="umolN"  > pno3tot * 16. / 122. * 1e6 </field> 
     28           <field field_ref="ppo4tot"  name="ppo4tot"  grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="umolP"  > ppo4tot * 1. / 122. * 1e6 </field> 
     29           <field field_ref="psiltot"  name="psiltot"  grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="umolC"  > psiltot * 1e6  </field> 
     30           <field field_ref="palktot"  name="palktot"  grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="umolC"  > palktot * 1e6  </field> 
     31           <field field_ref="pfertot"  name="pfertot"  grid_ref="grid_1point" unit="nmolFe" > pfertot * 1e9  </field> 
    3232        </file> 
    3333      </file_group> 
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