Tools (#2) - [SIREN] create_bathy segmentation fault (#1) - Message List
Hello, I try to create a nested grid in a parent model grid using SIREN. create_coordinates.exe works as expected, and generates which I subsequently use in create_bathymetry.nam is just the file that I created by interpolating the gebco bathymetry, and when I use it in the coarse model, it runs fine:
ncdump -h
netcdf bathy_coarse { dimensions: x = 576 ; y = 282 ; variables: double nav_lon(y, x) ; double nav_lat(y, x) ; double Bathymetry(y, x) ; double longitude(x) ; double latitude(y) ; }
But create_bathymetry.exe throws a segmentation fault. This is the line where the segmentation fault happens: 00002B77002818D0 Unknown Unknown Unknown create_bathy.exe 000000000050D92A iom_mpp_mp_iom_mp 588 iom_mpp.f90 create_bathy.exe 000000000050A88E iom_mpp_mp_iom_mp 411 iom_mpp.f90 create_bathy.exe 000000000048182B grid_mp_grid__get 1225 grid.f90 create_bathy.exe 000000000047CDE5 grid_mp_grid__get 543 grid.f90 create_bathy.exe 000000000040C2CC MAIN 413 create_bathy.f90
So in gridget_info_mpp -> grid_get_pivot -> iom_mpp_read_var(td_mpp, 'latitude') -> iom_mppread_var_value -> the assignment to td_var%d_value(...)
Here is my namelist:
&namlog cn_logfile="bathy_out.log" cn_verbosity='info' in_maxerror=100 / &namcfg cn_varcfg="./cfg/variable.cfg" / &namcrs cn_coord0='' in_perio0= / &namfin cn_coord1='' / &namvar cn_varfile=' ' cn_varinfo= / &namnst in_rhoi=5 in_rhoj=5 / &namout cn_fileout="" /
In case it helps, I stored the coarse bathymetry online ( ).
Message #1
I tracked the flow of the code and found the error...
The subroutine iom__read_var_name directs to different subroutines that do the actual reading, depending on the type of file to read.
Only 2 cases are implemented in iom.f90, cdf and dimg. But I had a netcdf4 file, and td_file%c_type was equal to cdf4, not cdf. Therefor, iom__read_var_name did nothing and the returning variable tl_var had sizes 0 0 0 0 , leading to the seg fault when putting these values into td_var.
I added a new case in iom__read_var_name, cdf4, which does exactly the same as when the file type is cdf. Of course the netcdf library must be netcdf4.
It works now.
luc2016-04-13 11:16 CEST (9 years ago)-
Message #2
you're right, SIREN is not yet netcdf4 compliant. However if it's work, it's fine.
Maybe to avoid other issue like this one, you should force td_file%c_type='cdf' in iom_cdf.f90 (iom_cdf__get_info) for netcdf4 case, Instead of adding CASE('cdf4') every time you need it.
jpaul2016-04-13 17:59 CEST (9 years ago)