Beginner (#1) - [nemo compilation] Rules for .F90 to .o (#101) - Message List
[nemo compilation] Rules for .F90 to .o
Dear all,
I am trying to compile NEMO on the Dutch supercomputer Cartesius. The problem I run into is that this computer does not have rules on how to translate .F90 files into .o files. The specific error I get during compilation is:
make: *** No rule to make target `nemogcm.o', needed by `nemo.o'. Stop. make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make -f /home/elambert/nemo/r4.0.4/cfgs/MY_SPITZ/BLD/Makefile -j 8 all failed (2) at /nfs/home2/elambert/nemo/r4.0.4/ext/FCM/bin/../lib/Fcm/ line 597.
So I need to include these rules in the makefile, which appears to be generated by Hence it is unclear how and where I can add these rules. It would be fantastic if someone could help me out here.
Thanks in advance, Erwin
2021-03-23 12:42 CET
(4 years ago)