Interoperability (#4) - [IO] Access to NEMO outputs (#19) - Message List
Hello community
Does anyone know where we could download the ORCA12 output? If possible with a region extraction/zoom tool (I only need the southern America region and not the whole domain). Last year I had heard about, which does exactly what I want, but the website has been down for months now.
I am investigating the exchange over the Patagonian shelf, and I would like to use the ORCA 1/12 data, as they have a representation of the Magellan strait. I have been a NEMO user for years and really would enjoy using it again for this work
Thank you
Message #17
It looks like the run you are after has moved to here:
timgraham2017-08-02 09:43 CEST (7 years ago)-
Message #30
You could also envisage to have a look here: Hope this helps
clevy2017-09-04 12:13 CEST (7 years ago)