Tools (#2) - [SIREN] GRID GET GHOST: should have been an impossible case (#4) - Message List
[SIREN] GRID GET GHOST: should have been an impossible case
Dear SIREN users,
I am trying to generate open boundary conditions to my regional domain from a coarse resolution bigger domain.
I successfully create the fine coordinate and bathymetry files.
I would like to generate the boundary file by using T,S,UV and 2D netcdf files.
However SIREN stops by giving below error (a lot of these);
ERROR : GRID GET GHOST: should have been an impossible case
and at the end I get this last lines;
ERROR : IOM DOM READ VAR: there is no variable with name or standard name lo : ngitude_U in processor/file ERROR : IOM DOM READ VAR: there is no variable with name or standard name la : titude_U in processor/file ERROR : GRID GET COARSE INDEX: some fine grid coordinate value are not associ : ated. ERROR : CREATE BOUNDARY: error computing coarse grid indices
I would be very appreciate any help on this.
Best Regards, Murat
2016-04-22 12:37 CEST
(9 years ago)
Message #8
Hi murat,
to really help you, I eed more information about the files and namelists you use.
However regarding your messsage, you should have a look on this:
- First about the GRID GHOST ERROR. SIREN checks ghost cell, that's mean look if there are _FillValue on boundaries. This is similar to look at the NEMO periodicity of the file used. So you should check if there is an attribute _fillValue in the netcdf file, and check if the file follow NEMO periodicity "rules".
- then for others ERROR, maybe SIREN can't read the cn_varcfg file, or there is no variable glamu, gphiu in your file
jpaul2016-04-22 14:39 CEST (9 years ago)