Skilled (#3) - [HPC] NEMO on Xeon Phi (#42) - Message List
I just got a Xeon Phi 7210 (x200) machine and a task to prepare it for running NEMO. Therefore I set it up with CentOS 7.4 and installed NetCDF, HDF, OpenMPI and build tools from the CentOS distribution.
My next task is compiling XIOS and Nemo and than do run a few GYRE benchmarks.
I'd appreciate any hint on following topics:
- Is anyone already running Nemo on a Xeon Phi x200 and can share any experience? E.g. how to get it compiled and run it with different compilers (GNU, Intel, PGI)...?
- Can anyone share any benchmark results - I mean, something I can re-do with my very limited (or non existing) Oceanography knowledge? Of course, I'd also need info on hw and compilers (and compiling flags) that were used for producing such results.
- We'll not use any connection to atmospheric models - can I just skip OASIS and also remove all references to OASIS from arch files?
- I see the docs suggests using *nemo_v3_6_STABLE* branch. According to SVN log I see this branch is still being actively developed. Am I right I should use this one?
Thanks in advance for any feedback provided.
Kind regards,
Damir Dezeljin
Message #75
Hello Damir,
- Is anyone already running Nemo on a Xeon Phi x200 and can share any experience? E.g. how to get it compiled and run it with different compilers (GNU, Intel, PGI)...?
NEMO is tested regularly on various architectures from national HPC center to personal laptop, with at least 2 common Fortran compilers (GCC and ifort).
The proc you refer has certainly run NEMO many times on different computing configurations, anyway I don't remember an issue on a specific proc.
- Can anyone share any benchmark results - I mean, something I can re-do with my very limited (or non existing) Oceanography knowledge? Of course, I'd also need info on hw and compilers (and compiling flags) that were used for producing such results.
You can download "reference" results for GYRE cfg from
- We'll not use any connection to atmospheric models - can I just skip OASIS and also remove all references to OASIS from arch files?
You have nothing to do to skip OASIS, not even modifying files. By default, XIOS is the only mandatory dependency.
- I see the docs suggests using *nemo_v3_6_STABLE* branch. According to SVN log I see this branch is still being actively developed. Am I right I should use this one?
I don't know what is your application but 3.6 version is the last stable release of NEMO dating from mid 2015. Apart bugfixes, the commits done since are related to the particular CMIP6 experiment.
If you prefer, you can use the previous version (3.4) but without our support.
Thanks for using NEMO,
nicolasmartin2018-04-05 21:39 CEST (7 years ago)