Skilled (#3) - [tides] Boundary Tide: real and imaginary components (#58) - Message List
[tides] Boundary Tide: real and imaginary components
I am trying to generate the tidal boundary harmonics (real and imaginary) for a regional model. While checking the BDY/bdytides.F90
The tide phase, phi_tide(ib)=ATAN2(-td%ssh0(ib,itide,2), td%ssh0(ib,itide,1))
Does it means that NEMO expecting the imaginary part with a negative sign in the input data, as
Im = - amp . sin(phase)
Now, I input the Imaginary part in the forcing file without the negative sign. Do I need to multiply with -1 ?
Thanks in advance Bijoy
2018-08-03 09:00 CEST
(7 years ago)