Tools (#2) - [SIREN] Segmentation fault and cpp.fcm (#6) - Message List
[SIREN] Segmentation fault and cpp.fcm
Dear All, I have two questions:
- When I compile SIREN, it will ask which cpp.fcm should I select, does anyone face the same problem? For myself I just use cpp.fcm -> ../../CONFIG/AMM12/cpp_AMM12.fcm which is
bld::tool::fppkeys key_bdy key_tide key_dynspg_ts key_ldfslp key_zdfgls key_vvl key_diainstant key_mpp_mpi key_iomput key_nosignedzero
- After I compile with the cpp.fcm above, I got 5 *.exe, but when I run
I got the segmentation fault
./create_coord.exe coord.nam
&namlog cn_logfile="coord.log" cn_verbosity="debug" in_maxerror=5 / &namcfg cn_varcfg="./cfg/variable.cfg" / &namcrs cn_coord0="./INPUT_SIREN/input/" in_perio0=4 / &namvar / &namnst in_imin0=1070 in_imax0=1192 in_jmin0=607 in_jmax0=818 in_rhoi=3 in_rhoj=3 / &namout cn_fileout="./" /
I have no idea what cause the segmentation fault. Much appreciated if anyone can give me some suggestions.
Best regards,
2016-06-16 12:17 CEST
(9 years ago)