Forks (#5) - [usp-cfg] NEMO-FAMB-ERSEM compile (#73) - Message List
[usp-cfg] NEMO-FAMB-ERSEM compile
Hi everybody;
I'm beginner in this. I'm trying to compile NEMO-FAMB-ERSEM in a UBUNTU 16.04 with gfortran, g++, gcc version 5.5. I used the typical global configuration of PML with their folder of repository:
./makenemo -m GCC_PMPC -n AMM7
But I get the following error:
... Use of uninitialized value in uc at /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/EXTERNAL/fcm/bin/../lib/Fcm/ line 234. icbthm.F90:19:7: USE in_out_manager ! NEMO IO routines, numout in particular 1 Fatal Error: Can't open module file ‘par_oce.mod’ for reading at (1): No such file or directory compilation terminated. mpicc -P -C -nostdinc -Dkey_nosignedzero -Dkey_dynspg_ts -Dkey_ldfslp -Dkey_zdfgls -Dkey_mpp_mpi -Dkey_netcdf4 -Dkey_nosignedzero -Dkey_traldf_c2d -Dkey_dynldf_c2d -Dkey_bdy -Dkey_tide -Dkey_iomput -Dkey_vvl -I/home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/AMM7/BLD/inc icbthm.F90 failed (1) at /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/EXTERNAL/fcm/bin/../lib/Fcm/ line 740. ...
Then, I tried to compile the tools one by one, but there are two tools that I could not compile.
First, OBSTOOLS because I have problem with par_oce.f90:
... /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/OBSTOOLS/src/par_oce.F90:173:28: INTEGER, PUBLIC :: jpk ! = jpkdta !: third dimension 1 Error: Symbol ‘jpk’ at (1) already has basic type of INTEGER fcm_internal compile failed (256) /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/OBSTOOLS/BLD/Makefile:721: recipe for target 'par_oce.o' failed make: *** [par_oce.o] Error 1 make -f /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/OBSTOOLS/BLD/Makefile -j 1 all failed (2) at /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/EXTERNAL/fcm/bin/../lib/Fcm/ line 597. ...
And with COMPILE:
... ->Parse configuration: start Config file (bld): /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/COMPILE/bld_tools.cfg Config file (bld): /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/COMPILE/arch_tools.fcm ERROR: /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/COMPILE/bld_tools.cfg: no source file to build. ERROR: /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/COMPILE/bld_tools.cfg: LINE 14: /home/asouza/nemo-ersem/NEMO-ERSEM-shelf-master/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/COMPILE/src: source does not exist or is not readable. ...
And I need this last one to install BLD, MISCELLANEOUS and WEIGHT.
What I must to do? Thank, Regards
2019-04-12 17:35 CEST
(6 years ago)