Milestone 2020 WP
Closed tickets
- #2023
- PUB-01_cbricaud_CRS
- #2129
- AGRIF-05_rblod_CMEMS
- #2193
- CMCC-03_Clementi_Add Wave Diag
- #2317
- Wrong asselin correction due to runoffs for vertical scale factors - non linear free surface case
- #2350
- PHYPRO-03_jchanut_IWdrag
- #2396
- Bug in fabm running in coupled mode
- #2419
- ASINTER-06_gsamson_ABL_improvement
- #2441
- Wave coupling only: not receiving coupling fields
- #2443
- TOP-01_rlod_Antarctic_ice_Sheet_Fe_Source
- #2445
- Minimum roughness when equal to significant wave height
- #2446
- ln_vorlat bug: fmask calculation
- #2447
- Wave variables not allocated
- #2469
- ENHANCE-10_acc_fix_traqsr WP item to improve performance of tra_qsr
- #2486
- Fixing irregularities revealed by namelist integrity checks
- #2496
- 2020WP/HPC-07_mocavero_mpi3
- #2504
- Minor typo in sbc_blk_init that can lead to incorrect reporting of bulk formulation choice
- #2506
- modify pressure gradient implementation as defined in equation A.19 of NEMO book v4.0.1 (10/2019)
- #2557
- Wrong behaviour of tab_2d_3d (and possible the others).
- #2567
- #2572
- Issues with trunk when testing beyond SETTE (ORCA2_ICE_PISCES)
Note: See
TracRoadmap for help on using
the roadmap.