New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (2720 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 2720)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#16 correction of aggregation of small into large particles somebody Bug closed high
#66 missing continuation sign & in the computation of dqla_ice(:,:) in flx_core.h90 ctlod Bug closed high
#160 nemo trunk : CPP syntax error (ifort compiler) in various modules nemo Bug closed high
#209 Bug in domvvl : wrong e3u e3v and e3f scale factors + change name of mut to ee_t nemo Bug closed high
#212 daymod.F90 : bug in rsec_day computation ? nemo Bug closed high
#247 Pb with the use of indices ji+1,jj+1in limsbc_2.F90 subroutine ctlod Bug closed high
#264 missing allocation of fld structures in sbcblk_core.F90 rblod Bug closed high
#277 bug in fldread when reading the last record of previous year(month) file with non-climatological file nemo Bug closed high
#290 Problem with the reading of "&namicethd" in the namelist_ice file nemo Bug closed high
#326 Problem with the update of the runoff in sbcrnf.F90 nemo Bug closed high
#373 vertical velocity and key_vvl again nemo Bug closed high
#375 NEMO3.1 : fldread and Interpolation on the Fly nemo Bug closed high
#376 suppression of blank spaces when using supergrep command in gyre.driver nemo Bug closed high
#381 bugs in "subroutine zgr_sco" nemo Bug closed high
#382 bugs in "subroutine dom_vvl" nemo Bug closed high
#424 missing lbc_lnk in sbcmod nemo Bug closed high
#445 Performance of NEMO 3.1 nemo Bug closed high
#447 IOF and cutting along latitude nemo Bug closed high
#584 bug in definition of iodef.xml for GYRE's configuration nemo Bug closed high
#651 Bug in diadimg.F90 nemo Bug closed high
#652 obcrst.F90: not working in mpp nemo Bug closed high
#667 lbc_lnk on emp smasson Bug closed high
#688 OBC + AGRIF in nemo_v3_2_1: requires fixes nemo Bug closed high
#722 devukmo2010 creation somebody Task closed high
#748 dynspg_ts and vvl nemo Bug closed high
#753 compilation with AGRIF nemo Bug closed high
#761 Critical Error on IDRIS/IBM SP6 ( fortran compiler xlf version ? ) somebody Bug closed high
#762 BUG in wind stress over ice when NEC computer + CORE bulk formulae nemo Bug closed high
#783 domzgr follow-on nemo Bug closed high
#788 dupplicate code in obc_ini nemo Bug closed high
#810 model stops a few time steps before the end nemo Bug closed high
#847 update of TS with agrif nemo Bug closed high
#849 dynamic allocation in limrhg_2 nemo Bug closed high
#948 Uncorrect REBUILD for restart file with only ocean subdomains nemo Bug closed high
#955 avmu & avmv computation problem for the NEMO1D case rbourdal Bug closed high
#1111 error in the conv of AGRIF nemo Bug closed high
#1145 "explosive" isopycnal diffusion gm Bug closed high
#1191 bug in Offline nemo Bug closed high
#1213 XIOS issues nemo Bug closed high
#1254 problem with O3 optimisation level using ifort: NEMO crashes nemo Bug closed high
#1255 Out-of-bounds errors in tangent-linear and adjoint versions of SOR solver pabouttier Bug closed high
#1262 Failure/warning reported by tangent-linear and adjoint subroutine test 'tra_sbc_adj' nemo Bug closed high
#1288 nn_ice_lim declared string but compared as integer cbricaud Bug closed high
#1401 Missing call in lbc_lnk in bdydyn2d.F90 mocavero Bug closed high
#1437 off_src nemogcm routine: SUBROUTINE nemo_northcomms not phased with OPA_SRC/nemogcm routine cbricaud Bug closed high
#1476 correction for C1D configuration nemo Bug closed high 2015 release-3.6
#1482 No explicit lateral tracer diffusion in NEMOTAM nemo Bug closed high
#1483 Erroneous adjoint code in subroutine 'tra_ldf_iso_adj' of module 'traldf_iso_tam' nemo Bug closed high
#1494 SI3 documentation vancop Task closed high Documentation
#1497 Only part of the array e_i (and others) stored in restart file nemo Bug closed high
#1515 Temporary branch for CO6 Collaboration and Rose Suite development. Allows some retro options in CO5 deazer Task closed high Unscheduled
#1525 out of bounds in divcurl!! flavoni Bug closed high 2015 release-3.6
#1549 qsr_oce not initialised in lim_thd nemo Bug closed high
#1584 utrd_zdf and vtrd_zdf are velocities minus momentum trends gm Bug assigned high
#1673 Documentation of NEMO 3.6 gm Task closed high Documentation
#1698 ice-air coupling (LIM3). part3: bug in the non-solar heat flux clem Bug closed high
#1704 NEMO reproducibility fails with land domains exclusion nemo Bug closed high
#1723 diags KE with time_splitting gm Bug assigned high
#1753 Fix ssh incrementation in VVL code (Met Office) mathiot Defect closed high
#1905 Asselin filtering of tracers in tranxt.F90 with VVL and lk_dynspg_ts.AND.ln_bt_fw==.true. incorrectly assumes that e3t will be Asselin filtered agn Bug closed high
#1911 ENHANCE-04(2017WP) — MLF and RK3 time stepping gm Task assigned high Unscheduled
#1953 HPC-06(2017WP) XIOS restart read functionality andmirek Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#1959 ENHANCE-09_Jerome_freesurface(2017WP) jchanut Task assigned high Unscheduled
#1962 HPC-07(2017WP) Write restart file using XIOS andmirek Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#1972 Multiple compilation issues with key_top & key_agrif jchanut Bug closed high
#1977 ORCA2_SAS not restartable clevy Bug closed high 2017 WP
#1980 Wave coupling branch - New Stokes drift profile and wind stress jcastill Task closed high 2017 WP
#1982 Met Office coupling system with "LIM3" clem Defect closed high
#1988 AGRIF code corruption test fails in SETTE systeam Bug closed high 2017 WP
#2009 HPC-02_Epicoco_Single Core Performance francesca Task closed high IMMERSE 2019
#2010 HPC-03_Mocavero_globcomm francesca Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2011 HPC-04(2018WP)_Mocavero_mpi3 mocavero Task closed high 2019 WP
#2012 INGV-01_CLementi_AddWaveDiag emanuelaclementi Enhancement closed high 2018 WP
#2013 VALID-09_Lovato_TestWave_MedSea gmattia Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2014 VALID-08_Drudi_Wave_ORCA2 mdrudi Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2017 AGRIF-03_jchanut-TOOLS jchanut Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2018 AGRIF-04_jchanut_tstepping jchanut Task closed high IMMERSE 2020
#2022 AGRIF-01_cbricaud-EWandNorthBC(2017WP) cbricaud Task closed high 2019 WP
#2023 PUB-01_cbricaud_CRS cbricaud Task closed high 2020 WP
#2024 VALID-01_cbricaud_HR cbricaud Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2025 ROBUST-06_Andrew-reporting acc Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2026 VALID-10_GeorgeN-evalOSMOSIS agn Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2028 VALID-07_odea-AMM deazer Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2029 SI3-01(2018WP)_topographic_meltponds vancop Task closed high 2019 WP
#2030 VALID-06_storkey_global validation of proto-NEMO 4.0 release in ORCA1, ORCA025 and ORCA12 davestorkey Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2031 AGRIF-02_crousset-LIM3 clem Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2032 ROBUST-02_LIM3-doc vancop Task closed high Documentation
#2033 SI3-02_crousset_validation_rheology clem Task closed high 2019 WP
#2034 SI3-03_crousset_validation_landfast clem Task closed high 2019 WP
#2035 SI3-04_crousset_evaluation_UM5vsPRATHER clem Task closed high 2019 WP
#2038 VALID-01(2018WP_cont)_clevy_AGRIF clevy Task closed high 2019 WP
#2043 ENHANCE-06(2017WP)_Gurvan-Bulk_improvements gm Task closed high Unscheduled
#2045 ENHANCE-08(2018WP)_Gurvan-Implicit_Drags gm Task closed high 2019 WP
#2048 VALID-03_SFlavoni_global_configuration flavoni Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2049 VALID-04_SFlavoni_Overflow_Lock flavoni Task closed high Unscheduled
#2057 ROBUST-03_cethe_TOP_doc cetlod Task assigned high Documentation
#2058 ROBUST-04_SFlavoni_usrdef_doc flavoni Task closed high Documentation
#2059 VALID-03_smasson_regional_agrif smasson Task closed high 2019 WP
#2060 VALID-11_cethe_TOP_Offline cetlod Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
#2061 ROBUST-01_rbourdal_C1D rbourdal Task closed high 2018 release-4.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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