New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2654 VLD-08_CEthe_IPSL_Coupled_Model assigned cetlod Task low Unscheduled
#2694 iom_put without halos assigned systeam Defect low
#2752 Undefined variable in timing.F90 assigned systeam Bug low
#2508 TOP-05_Ethe_Agrif new cetlod Task low Unscheduled
#2536 MY_SRC of ISOMIP+ new systeam Defect low
#2541 management of usr_*.F90 new systeam Defect low
#2596 VLD-01_ClaireLevy_ORCA2_ICE_PISCES new clevy Task high Unscheduled
#2605 KNL-01_Sibylle_RK3_stage1 new techene Task high Unscheduled
#2611 NEC SX Aurora porting new systeam Defect low
#2634 KNL-02_Jerome_RK3_stage1_tsplit new jchanut Task normal Unscheduled
#2650 VLD-07_Bricaud_Samson_ORCA4-12-36 new gsamson Task low Unscheduled
#2682 Failing SETTE tests with debug flags and `nn_hls = 1` new hadcv Bug normal 2021 WP
#2691 Weighted interpolation for the initiale conditions and the bdy new systeam Request low
#2711 KNL-04_ONeill_2D_mode new clne Task low Unscheduled
#2739 diurnal cycle in TOP new systeam Bug low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.