New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (164 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 164)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1584 utrd_zdf and vtrd_zdf are velocities minus momentum trends assigned gm Bug high
#1723 diags KE with time_splitting assigned gm Bug high
#1911 ENHANCE-04(2017WP) — MLF and RK3 time stepping assigned gm Task high Unscheduled
#1959 ENHANCE-09_Jerome_freesurface(2017WP) assigned jchanut Task high Unscheduled
#2057 ROBUST-03_cethe_TOP_doc assigned cetlod Task high Documentation
#2150 TOP-06_emalod_OASIS_interface_between_TOP_and_NEMO assigned emalod Task high Unscheduled
#2153 HPC-03_HPDAonlineDiag new epico Task high Unscheduled
#2156 ASINTER-05_Masson_CurrentFeedback reopened smasson Task high Unscheduled
#2158 ASINTER-03_laurent_bulk_and_wave new laurent Task high Unscheduled
#2175 ENHANCE-05_SimonM-Harmonic_Analysis assigned smueller Task high Unscheduled
#2186 SI3-03_VP_rheology assigned vancop Task high Unscheduled
#2187 SI3-04_lagrangian_drifters assigned vancop Task high Unscheduled
#2189 PUB-05_SI3_documentation assigned vancop Task high Unscheduled
#2191 PUB-03_NDS_CHAPTER assigned vancop Task high Unscheduled
#2194 ENHANCE-12_SimonM-Tides assigned smueller Task high Unscheduled
#2195 HPC-08_XXX_fldread_with_XIOS reopened andmirek Task high Unscheduled
#2436 VALID-12_clevy_Trusting_ContinuousIntegration new clevy Task high Unscheduled
#2605 KNL-01_Sibylle_RK3_stage1 new techene Task high Unscheduled
#2692 Update of AGRIF reference configuration new jchanut Defect high
#1967 Noise on vertical velocities when using UBS momemtum advection scheme assigned gm Defect normal Unscheduled
#1984 Error in the online momentum trend diagnostic assigned gm Bug normal Unscheduled
#2016 ENHANCE-11 Trusting-SETTE cooperation (previously 2018WP) assigned nicolasmartin Task normal Unscheduled
#2036 SEAICE-05_crousset_coupled_interface assigned clem Task normal Unscheduled
#2044 ENHANCE-09_Gurvan-GEOMETRIC assigned gm Task normal Unscheduled
#2046 PUBLI-03_SFlavoni-advectionscheme-analysis assigned flavoni Task normal Unscheduled
#2052 ENHANCE-09(2018WP)_rbourdal_massfluxconvection assigned rbourdal Task normal Unscheduled
#2055 ENHANCE-14_cethe_PISCES_LBC assigned cetlod Task normal Unscheduled
#2162 Tiling for TRA and ZDF routines new mikebell Task normal Unscheduled
#2379 VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE new clevy Task normal Unscheduled
#2390 ticket for KERNEL-03_Storkey_Coward_RK3_stage2 WP2020 action new davestorkey Task normal Unscheduled
#2612 VLD-02_Aimie_Moulin_Med_Wave_Coupling assigned amoulin Task normal Unscheduled
#2634 KNL-02_Jerome_RK3_stage1_tsplit new jchanut Task normal Unscheduled
#2643 DOMAINcfg: bugs re-introduced assigned systeam Bug normal
#2662 HPC-11_mcastril_HPDAonline DiagGPU new mcastril Task normal Unscheduled
#2668 SI3 + nn_hls>1 crashes with "-init=arrays,snan,huge" compil options new clem Bug normal
#2682 Failing SETTE tests with debug flags and `nn_hls = 1` new hadcv Bug normal 2021 WP
#2695 ISF & key_qco compatibility + BUG in hpg_isf new techene Defect normal
#2715 RK3 time-stepping for TOP new techene Task normal
#2737 mass of the ice+ocean system depends on the init of ice assigned systeam Defect normal
#2754 closed seas: mass conservation issue new Bug normal
#1180 Bottom grid points with unrealistically cold temperature in ORCA2_LIM reopened gm Bug low Unscheduled
#1463 CNRS-13(2015WP) - Subduction diagnostics assigned cetlod Task low Unscheduled
#1579 Assumption initial conditions are on z-levels when ln_sco = .true. assigned jamesharle Request low
#1601 Add code for flux adjustment runs assigned ayoung Task low Unscheduled
#1640 Wiki page for Trusting assigned clevy Request low Documentation
#1644 Few bugs in Trusting process assigned clevy Defect low
#1646 pit falls of choosing parameters in the F-S sigma code assigned deazer Defect low
#1796 CICE interface modification for initial CICE output assigned systeam Bug low
#1829 Changes to C06 for climate simulation and reanalysis assigned ayoung Task low Unscheduled
#1894 mass and heat budgets in NEMO assigned clem Task low
#1902 Agrif with timing control assigned jchanut Bug low Unscheduled
#1918 ENHANCE-17(2017WP) — Multi-Column Ocean scheme (MCO) assigned gm Task low Unscheduled
#1933 passive tracers trends assigned cetlod Bug low
#2015 ENHANCE-06 Repository cleaning (previously 2018WP) assigned ayoung Task low Unscheduled
#2051 Implementation of fresh water budget control for AGRIF configurations (here nn_fwb = 3 only) assigned jchanut Defect low Unscheduled
#2054 ENHANCE-07_crousset_LIM3adv_valorisation assigned clem Task low Unscheduled
#2068 Wrong namelist double diffusion mixing parameter name assigned gm Defect low Unscheduled
#2105 Phasing FCM version in vendors with a tag release from metomi Github repository assigned nicolasmartin Request low
#2135 Memory Bug requries compilation flag to zero all arrays to overcome in AMM15 assigned deazer Bug low
#2138 key_nemocice_decomp still needed? assigned smasson Defect low Unscheduled
#2140 DMP_TOOL modification new jenniewaters Request low Unscheduled
#2227 local modification of the Gib strait, Danish strait and other no more in DOMAINcfg ? new systeam Defect low
#2269 OBSTOOLS/sla2fb: old altimetry format assigned djlea Defect low
#2297 Updates to ASM and OBS documentation assigned djlea Task low
#2298 Bug fixes to OBS and ASM found when reviewing the documentation assigned ayoung Bug low
#2303 What is still missing in SETTE ? new systeam Request low
#2319 Create dev branch for PISCES-QUOTA improvments new aumont Task low Unscheduled
#2325 add EAP rheology to SI3 new systeam Request low
#2338 DATAINT-01_sciliberti_IMMERSE_Interfaces new sciliberti Task low Unscheduled
#2344 issues with 3D momentum trends diagnostics and split-explicit time-stepping new davestorkey Defect low Unscheduled
#2348 2D vorticity trend diagnostics need to updated to use XIOS new davestorkey Defect low Unscheduled
#2363 VALID-08_gsamson_ORCA-ABL-BLK new gsamson Task low Unscheduled
#2366 HPC-08_epico_Extra_Halo new epico Task low Unscheduled
#2385 KERNEL-06_techene_better_e3_management new techene Task low Unscheduled
#2417 SETTE: Make sette universal assigned smueller Task low Unscheduled
#2423 ln_mskland=T mask the under ice shelf seas in model ouput new systeam Bug low
#2427 DATAINT-02_smueller_IOM_revision assigned smueller Task low Unscheduled
#2452 integrate ABL in SETTE ORCA2_ICE_PISCES cfg new gsamson Defect low Unscheduled
#2457 Bug domcfg with isf new mathiot Bug low
#2467 ICB namelist confusing new systeam Defect low Unscheduled
#2485 Add an Shallow Water Eq. (SWE) based on NEMO ocean kernel + associated test case new gm Task low Unscheduled
#2487 Inflexible calendar year and approximate conversion in option 2 of the freshwater-budget adjustment mechanism assigned smueller Defect low
#2488 Inflexible calendar year and approximate conversion in option 2 of the freshwater-budget adjustment mechanism assigned smueller Defect low
#2491 output time step in istate assigned rblod Defect low Unscheduled
#2493 Out-of-bounds error in ORCA2-based mono-processor configuration new systeam Bug low
#2500 Memory usage of DOMAINcfg new systeam Request low Unscheduled
#2505 NESTING tools: Bathymetry at bdy of AGRIF-nest is not consistent with parent bathymetry new systeam Defect low
#2508 TOP-05_Ethe_Agrif new cetlod Task low Unscheduled
#2509 AGRIF_DEMO: strange salinity in parent grid close to the coast if ln_linssh=F new systeam Defect low
#2511 New developments of PISCES new aumont Task low Unscheduled
#2524 sao_read not compiling new systeam Bug low
#2536 MY_SRC of ISOMIP+ new systeam Defect low
#2538 Tref and Sref used in simplified eos hard coded new systeam Defect low
#2539 Better management of T/S file used for tradmp. new systeam Request low
#2540 add a fwb scheme without any bouyancy flux ? new systeam Request low
#2541 management of usr_*.F90 new systeam Defect low
#2542 Specify slip conditions from 2d file new systeam Request low
#2543 More flexibility in the restart name numbering ? new systeam Request low
#2546 Double count of runoffs in the variable volume (vvl) case new systeam Defect low
#2550 TOP-02_rlod_SeaIce_Fe_Source new rlod Task low Unscheduled
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