New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (35 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1584 utrd_zdf and vtrd_zdf are velocities minus momentum trends assigned gm high TRD
#1723 diags KE with time_splitting assigned gm high TRD
#2627 sea-ice bug when using conduction flux instead of solar/non-solar new systeam high SI3
#1984 Error in the online momentum trend diagnostic assigned gm normal Unscheduled TRD
#2643 DOMAINcfg: bugs re-introduced assigned systeam normal tools
#2668 SI3 + nn_hls>1 crashes with "-init=arrays,snan,huge" compil options new clem normal SI3
#2682 Failing SETTE tests with debug flags and `nn_hls = 1` new hadcv normal 2021 WP MULTIPLE
#2754 closed seas: mass conservation issue new normal DOM
#1180 Bottom grid points with unrealistically cold temperature in ORCA2_LIM reopened gm low Unscheduled OCE
#1796 CICE interface modification for initial CICE output assigned systeam low OCE
#1902 Agrif with timing control assigned jchanut low Unscheduled AGRIF
#1933 passive tracers trends assigned cetlod low TOP
#2135 Memory Bug requries compilation flag to zero all arrays to overcome in AMM15 assigned deazer low LDF
#2298 Bug fixes to OBS and ASM found when reviewing the documentation assigned ayoung low OBS
#2423 ln_mskland=T mask the under ice shelf seas in model ouput new systeam low IOM
#2457 Bug domcfg with isf new mathiot low tools
#2493 Out-of-bounds error in ORCA2-based mono-processor configuration new systeam low ICB
#2503 DOMcfg: careful review/cleaning needed after r13204 new systeam low Unscheduled tools
#2524 sao_read not compiling new systeam low SAO
#2583 add the possibility to run SETTE tests outside NEMO cfgs directory new gsamson low tools
#2603 False positives from search patterns in makenemo can lead to corruption of work_cfgs.txt new systeam low env
#2619 u/tau misisng from outputs with key_qco new systeam low DYN
#2632 new expression to compute air and surface potential temperatures in bulk formulae new gsamson low SBC
#2674 Allow cdgw if ln_NCAR assigned systeam low SBC
#2676 assimilation and ice thickness assigned systeam low ASM
#2736 vertical scale facors not recalculated when ssh/=0 assigned systeam low DOM
#2739 diurnal cycle in TOP new systeam low MULTIPLE
#2741 bug: SAO does not compile assigned systeam low SAO
#2742 Bug: OBStools does not compile assigned systeam low OBS
#2743 Bug: OBS does not seem to take into account the eos used in NEMO assigned systeam low TOP
#2745 zdfric not compatible with p_sh2 calculation assigned systeam low ZDF
#2752 Undefined variable in timing.F90 assigned systeam low MULTIPLE
#2755 Wrong use of fs_2/fs_jpim1 indexes new systeam low env
#2756 wrong stress in sbcflx.F90 new systeam low SBC
#2757 Adding an lbc_lnk changes results in NEMO4.0.4 at ORCA025 new systeam low SI3
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.