New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Custom Query – NEMO

Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1579 Assumption initial conditions are on z-levels when ln_sco = .true. assigned jamesharle low OCE
#1640 Wiki page for Trusting assigned clevy low Documentation env
#2105 Phasing FCM version in vendors with a tag release from metomi Github repository assigned nicolasmartin low env
#2140 DMP_TOOL modification new jenniewaters low Unscheduled tools
#2303 What is still missing in SETTE ? new systeam low CI
#2325 add EAP rheology to SI3 new systeam low SI3
#2500 Memory usage of DOMAINcfg new systeam low Unscheduled tools
#2539 Better management of T/S file used for tradmp. new systeam low TRA
#2540 add a fwb scheme without any bouyancy flux ? new systeam low SBC
#2542 Specify slip conditions from 2d file new systeam low DOM
#2543 More flexibility in the restart name numbering ? new systeam low IOM
#2606 improve initalization with data ( dtatsd.F90) new systeam low 2021 WP TOP
#2647 Derived data type component name shadowing FORTRAN keyword #mixedprecision assigned systeam low ICB
#2666 Unstable cases treatment in zdfiwm (formerly zdftmx) new gsamson low ZDF
#2667 improve fld_read time management new gsamson low SBC
#2678 Proposed development of zdfiwm.F90 routine new systeam low ZDF
#2683 File OCE/OBS/obs_fbm.F90 custom precision #mixedprecision assigned systeam low OBS
#2691 Weighted interpolation for the initiale conditions and the bdy new systeam low MULTIPLE
#2740 For better management of ln_rnf_icb assigned systeam low SBC
#2748 Physical significance of TKE penetration not scaled by the model time step ? assigned systeam low ZDF
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.